**Merged** Christian's injury and general discussion thread

Ben G

Jericho's new Protégé
this is my first thread so yeah.. be nice i guess

i am a massive fan of christian and would love to see him as a world champion some time, but a lot of people doubt this will happen for various different reasons, but you cant argue that he is god damn F***ing entertaining to watch!
so my question is do you think he deserves to be a world champion and if so how would you book him to win it?

the way i would book him to win would be if christian won the next money in the bank match and cashed it in against edge. it would be even better if edge had only just won the title that night, its a fued im dying to see because i've always been a fan of the brother vs brother fueds
I really do not see Christian becoming a world champion any time soon. He has been stuck in some pointless matches on Smack down and superstars lately. But I do like your idea on how he can become champion. He is in my book the Jannetty of him and Edge, it just always seems one half of a tag teams will become great while the other will get stuck somewhere.

Now I know I am not the person to be asking about your first thread, but learn to use proper capitalization next time. This just makes it easier to read, but good job though.
Was he technically a World Champion already with the NWA World Heavyweight title?

Of course the Dubya Dubya E doesn't recognize it, but can't we fans who are aware outside the WWE universe do it?

The only way i believe Christian will win a WWE World Heavyweight or WWE Championship would be against the "potential" 10-time champion Edge. But i think for that to happen, the PPV must be in Canada. If we see a PPV in the next two years hailing from Canada with Edge and Christian on the same brand, and barring any injuries, we may see it...at least a chance for Christian to come out on top.
thanks, i'll remember that for the next one
even though it wasnt with wwe, i think christian had reached the level of 'great'
and as you said, you dont see him becoming champ any time soon, the next money in the bank isnt for a long time, so maybe his time will come
maybe with a heel turn he could get a push as well

oh and EffinSaySo i meant in the wwe, i should have made that more clear... my bad
but yeah even bettere idea, having that match in canada as well
I'm also a big fan of Christian. However, I think the time has passed on him winning the top prize in WWE. Let's face it, the best time to capitilize when have been during his return after being in TNA. There was a lot of speculation about him being the mystery man behind the attacks on Jeff Hardy. For whatever reason, that never happened. He went on to be a very good champion, albeit for the dying ECW brand.

Look at the landscape on Smackdown right now. Kane is battling Undertaker for the title, presumably with Taker winning. Can you really see Christian taking it from him? Could Christian overtake Kane, Kofi Kingston, Big Show, CM Punk, etc. to become a legitimate contender? I just don't see it right now. This isn't a knock on his abilities, more an observation on creative's direction.
Christian has already been a World Champion, in TNA. He won the belt twice. So if youd like to see that, go on Youtube.

Now in WWE its very unlikely, mostly because hes pretty overrated by the IWC and hes not really a WWE Champion caliber wrestler, but then again they gave a belt to Swagger so maybe anyone can win it.

They tease him all the time but he doesnt win because they dont want him to. Its as simple as that. He might win it at some point, but itll be more like a Chris Benoit type thing. Some times I actually think WWE pushes guys like this to chase the belt for so long that when they finally win it its a much bigger deal, but Idk if thats true.
I def see Christian as a World champ some day. The money in the bank sounds like a great idea but the Royal Rumble wont be such a bad one either. I agree with the whole Edge fued, but there needs to be a HUGE change in Christian's Character before he faces Edge. They need to drop the whole "Mr.Nice" guy look. He can stay as a face, but just not as Cheezy, the whole "Peeps" thing is getting old fast!
I loved his character back in TNA, whether good or bad, he captured the audience. So make him determined to be top dog! I mean if "JACK SWAGGER" got it than He'll be sure to get the title in the next two years if repackaged!
Christian certainly deserves a run as World Champion in WWE, he has all the tools required, and is over with the fans, who all REALLLLY want to see the CLB as Champ.

But, I just do not think Vinny Mac sees Christian as world title material sadly. He isnt big enough size wize to catch the physique obsessed McMahon's eye, and with the current focus on pushing young up-and-coming talent to the top in WWE, I cannot see Vince turning his attention to Christian and giving him the title. Sad to say it but I believe the NWA World Title is the biggest belt Christian will hold in his career.

If I was booking, I would let book Christian to defeat Edge for the Title at one of the big PPVs, there is enough history between the two of them to make this a grudge match for the ages. The mountains of great footage from the late 90s when E&C were on top would make for a great storyline, it could be built up so well so all the new fans would realise how close these two were, and all the older fans would take a trip down memory line to the era of the "5 SECOND POSE", the kazoos, the TLC matches and the initial fall out after Edge won KOTR.

It would be a great story for Christian to finally step out of Edge's shadow and have a run on top....but I just do not think Vince will do it. He had the perfect chance when Christian came back from TNA, with his star higher than ever, and he got stuck on ECW....

Nice one Vince...way to completely f*ck up a sure-fire big money feud. Really....well done
While I would love to see Christian eventually holding the championship, I thoroughly believe it will never happen.

Christian has that kind of mid-card like career. He is most likely bound to be stuck there, and there's quite a bunch of reasons why I believe that.

He moved to TNA, certainly he thrived there, but he didn't truly thrive in a main event position in WWE, and most likely never will due to his TNA tenure.

He also never truly seemed to capitalize on his singles career. Edge was always the front runner in the whole thing between the two of them. And it's mostly because Edge is just better than Christian. So to compare the two, is hardly warranted for Edge, Christian is not on Edge's level to put it simple.

Christian is getting a little bit too old, and sure he's only 36. But that's more than enough to warrant him staying down in the mid-card considering he has been in the business for 15 years. He is most likely not gonna stick around for many years more.

Also, Christian has really gone the safe way. Certainly he still gets the joy of wrestling a hardcore match. However Edge is certainly the guy that continued to be a risky wrestler. He has the great gimmick to live with that was very controversial and borderline, alongside with the fact that he still wrestles an occasional hard-core match more than Christian has to brag about I believe.

Christian is most likely stuck in the mid-card. But really, is that such a bad thing? The guy is a surefire Hall of Famer, with or without world titles.
I hope you're not too set on seeing them have a brother vs brother feud because they changed that when Edge went from face to heel earlier this year. Right as Christian came to Smackdown and Edge was going to Raw they had a little in ring discussion where Christian referred to Edge as his "best friend," not his brother. Just another case of WWE changing storylines randomly.

But as for his push. I'd like to see one, but they would have to push him hard. He's slowly getting into a Matt Hardly-like permamidcarder slot lately. He's not quite there IMO, but he's getting too close for my liking. I would think they need to give him a couple spots or two where he comes off really strong, like they did for Kofi against Orton awhile back.
I think Christian could easily be the WHC. His ECW title run was great, he was constantly putting on good matches, his promo work is top notch, and he gets massive pops. Why wouldn't they put the belt on him?
christian has bin in this buisess a long time, hes a veteran so yea he should be wwe champ, and he should win it during a feud wit edge considering their past

End it wit a ladder match between the 2
As much as I have always liked Christian, and still do, I don't see any world championships heading his way any time soon. If the two brands remain separate and distinct, and he stays on Smackdown, there may be a minute chance that he could receive some consideration for the title on that show. If he gets moved to RAW, forget it, there's about 8-10 guys ahead of him in line. And if the titles get unified, he'll get absolutely no consideration whatsoever.

Which is unfortunate. He's above average in the ring and stellar on the mic. He has a good connection with the crowd. Unfortunately he's small by WWE standards, which makes it an uphill battle in the first place. Not impossible, as guys like the Miz are not much bigger than him, if at all, and they are getting pushed, but it does make it more difficult. He's getting a little older. He's still likely carrying TNA baggage in t he minds and eyes of the WWE execs. Plus, he's able to stay over and keep a niche following without carrying any of the major hardware.

So, the chances of seeing the WWE championship or World Heavyweight Championship around Christian's waist anytime soon? Zero.
I def see Christian as a World champ some day. The money in the bank sounds like a great idea but the Royal Rumble wont be such a bad one either. I agree with the whole Edge fued, but there needs to be a HUGE change in Christian's Character before he faces Edge. They need to drop the whole "Mr.Nice" guy look. He can stay as a face, but just not as Cheezy, the whole "Peeps" thing is getting old fast!
I loved his character back in TNA, whether good or bad, he captured the audience. So make him determined to be top dog! I mean if "JACK SWAGGER" got it than He'll be sure to get the title in the next two years if repackaged!

the royal rumble is like a way for the top stars in wwe to for sure main event wm. now as much as i would love for christain to win a world title in wwe, i dont see it happening. 2 reasons behind this:
1) wwe loves big guys and lets face it hes not big compared to sheamus, hhh, taker, kand, cena, edge, orton etc.
2) he left wwe and went to tna. so the wwe will make him a midcarder for a long time. maybe not even hold another title for his wwe career.
I dont see christian winning the title now. A few months ago I'd have said it was possible but since then hes been beat fairly like in that tournament for the intercontinental title where he didnt make the final even. More importantly though Edge beat him fairly one week on Raw this pretty much showed WWEs opinion of him.

Personally I dont think he would be that good a champion. I was watching old 2001 Raw and Smackdowns recently and he really worked in a tag team with Edge but his characters not really got anything just now that could be used to play off other wrestlers. For example if you watched WWE for the 1st time ever next week and were looking at guys you liked Christian probably wouldn't make the top of the list. I like him but i think hes kind of washed up now.

If I was WWE i would make Christian and Matt Hardy a pretty dominant veternan tag team to give the hart dynasty a challenge and it would be cool if he got the tag titles.
I would like to see Christian as World Champ in WWE but I can't see it happening. There are too many of the up and comers that WWE will push for the World Championship before Christian and Christian is geeting on abit anyway. Maybe if you asked me about 2 or 3 months ago then I would of said yes but I would also had said yes for Matt but now they've both been jobbing for the up and comers and won't get up from that, so I don't think Christian will be Champ.
It's being reported that Christian suffered a torn pectoral muscle and is expected to be out six months following surgery.
Well this obviously sucks for Christian he was put in a rather interesting mini feud with Alberto Del Rio. Should be interesting to see how WWE writes him out. All I can say is Smackdown loses one of their best wrestlers and hopefully Christian has a speedy recovery. Thoughts on this injury.
Its obviously bad news, but i would say it is also bad news for Alberto Del Rio. In order to cement Del Rio in the upper-midcard on SD!, creative had him going through proven talent and established names. Rey Mysterio started the trend and i think after the feud with Christian, we would have seen Del Rio in a very strong position on SD! with fellow heels McIntyre and Rhodes tied up in the tag division. With Hardy rumoured to be leaving, Rey still on holiday and now this injury to Christian, i worry for Del Rio as he needs to be going against some credible faces.

As for Christian, i'ld love to say that this has dampened his push for the world title but he was never there or thereabouts. If 6 months is the estimated hiatus, i can easily see him making a return in March by winning a suprise MiTB qualifier and making the numbers up at Mania. It is a shame though because whose to say that in the 6 months leading to Mania he wouldn't have gained some momentum and perhaps been a top player on Smackdown. I wish him a speedy recovery and hopefully he can have a fantastic 2011.
This is up setting news to me since I am a huge Christian fan. I was becoming intrigued with his feud that was developing with Alberto Del Rio. I was anticipating the eventual match that would happen between the two, but with this incident happening it seems as though the feud has now been put on hold or even forgotten about over time. This is not good for Alberto since both Mysterio and Christian are out of action. Who is this guy going to feud with? I guess they can have him feud with The Big Show or something because his options on faces to feud with seems very limited on SmackDown.

I am going to miss Christian for the six months he is out of action. He is one of WWE's stellar performers as he's not only entertaining as hell on the mic but he's also a very solid in ring performer. Usually a Christian match is always worth a watch. So I will miss his presence on SmackDown but I will look forward to his return. It could lead to a big return against Del Rio in the future for injuring him, or they could go somewhere else and have him return in a big fashion. I hope that upon his return he will be utilized properly.
Looks like Masters will be given a rivalry this year afterall... that or they'll start giving Alberto weekly jobbers. I honestly wouldn't mind them using Jobbers for Alberto... maybe even bring in a few luchadores.

As for Christian, it's sad because the guy is heavily dedicated to the wwe right about now and it would suck if this affects his chances of getting any future title runs at all.
The last thing that the blue brand needed was to lose any of their face superstars considering the amount of heels that are dominating the brand. Christian always put on a hell of a performance every time he stepped through the curtain and with him being able to transition from the "main event" to the midcard, it's probably near worst-case scenario. Hopefully he will be able to make a full recovery and come back better than ever... but the potential storylines that could of happened in the future for Christian are gone now, especially with the Del Rio angle. At least SD has some faces who won't be doing anything storyline-wise following NoC in the form of either Kofi Kingston or the Big Show. Either one of them can get involved with Del Rio, with Big Show being an established name and Kingston rising to the ranks... but for Del Rio to go over Show would be completely ignoring how he demolished the SES and Kingston would need to rise with Del Rio with back and forth momentum booking.

Let's hope Christian gets better and that SD can solve their lack of face problem. Hopefully they'll give JTG a push to the midcard or trade someone from the RAW brand who needs the exposure.
I, for one am quite upset. I am a HUGE Christian fan, about as much as I am a fan of Matt Striker (of course that's another issue..lol.) But anyways, I really feel for the guy because I'm sure this will probably get him clear back at the beginning whenever he comes back. I mean this guy gets as much if not more of a reception than some of their main event guys. Its amazing that all the time he's put in before, and how he's been back for well over a year plus now, and they have him jobbing consistently to Rhodes, and DelRio? I mean, I know he's a team player and all, but sometimes this gets ridiculous and people show be applauded for putting up with others' crap. I mean, Christian is SO overlooked in many aspects, and he's someone who puts 150% into everything. Just watching him on TV, you know he's ALL IN, and you can see that he is BALLS to the wall to do anything to make sure the fans go home happy. He even doesn't care if it seems to put himself in risk, and then its even better when you see him Live, and I was fully ready to see the Peepmaster at the SD taping on 10/5/10, as a member of the Peepulation, I can assure other people that the show will in fact be missing MAJOR Charisma without him. I only hope that Vince, and creative and whatever powers that be realize what a base this guy brings with him wherever he goes.
Well that is a damn shame, Christian is one of my favourite preformers and is a person that the WWE can always count on to go out and give a good preformance be it in the ring or on the mic so he will definitely be missed. As bad as this is for Christian it is equally bad for Alberto, with Rey Rey on holiday Christian out and Hardy about to be fired by the looks of it who is left to put him over Kofi is the only person I can think of but then who is in IC title contention MVP? Chris Masters? JTG? I think not, SD desperately needs to turn one of their mid card heels face possibly Swagger. Anyway back to Christian with 6 months being the healing time this would haave him coming back in February just in time for WM hopefully the WWE make a big deal out of his return and it leads to a big WM match but given how the WWE seem to treat Christian I'm not counting on it.
As a big Christian fan, I can say that I am thoroughly disappointed. However, I am excited about what can happen upon his return. I feel that this injury may have been the spark that Christian needed. Come six months from now, the landscape of Smackdown is going to change. In a transition period, especially after Wrestlemania, what better way to bring Christian back than push him to the top? With him being out for six months, it will allow time for people like Kingston, Del Rio, and Ziggler to establish themselves. While older members of the roster make way for the future. When Christian is ready to return, the WWE can push him well enough that it culminates into a World Title run. Especially after Wrestlemania when the brands really put the belts on new people to see how things work out. So all in all, while I am saddened by this injury, I can only be excited by what will happen in the future.
Wait, when was Christian a top star on Smackdown? I must have missed all of his main event matches for WWE.

The first person who goes "oh, but he was a TNA champion!" gets smacked on the brain stem with the "bad smark" stick.

It's a loss for the show, that's for sure. Christian is a guy who has a lot of audience cred, who can put over people very effectively. World champion? Not in the WWE, not now, not ever. I'd be shocked if I ever saw him in a WC match on a PPV, let alone hold the belt. He's just not the kind of wrestler the WWE looks to for their champions. He's a mid-card guy now (I mean that as a compliment- some people just don't get that there are more roles in professional wrestling then "world heavyweight contender"), and he'll be a mid-card guy when he gets back.

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