**Merged** All Jim Ross Discussion


The United Kingdom Champion
Jim Ross, the best voice in wrestling history.......But why time after time is he made to be humiliated and embarresed on a regular basis? On RAW this week they showed the pictures of JR which weren't amusing at all, it was a total lack of respect to him and on RAW this monday im expecting Cole to beat him and embarress to JR even more. WWE aint getting ride of Cole. Then a couple of weeks back he was fired and he knew nothing about it, to add more to it, his family was in attendence. The amount of ridiculous things he has been made to do go on and on;;-so do you personally think vince just hates Jim Ross? Also, do you think he just enjoys it when JR is embarresed on live tv? I know he has been inducted into the HOF, but does Vince just hate JR and loves to embarreses him?
No, of course he doesn't hate him. Do you forget that he was pulled off of WWE tv because Vince feared for his health? As for being embarrassed, it's called entertainment. It might not be funny or enjoyable, but humiliating him is a good way of drawing heat and building up a story/feud. People need to learn to relax a little. When it's all said and done Vince will hug him when he's inducted into the WWE HOF and thank you probably more than we will ever know.
Only stupid American wrestling fans take wrestling so seriously that you defend JR. and Vicki when their on-screen characters get clowned. They're actors, silly Americans. Do you defend Eddie Murphy when he played the fat professor? No.
Vince McMahon actually both likes and respects JR. Its true, people need to stop being so serious and taking JR getting humiliated and shown pissed off on screen as being how he really feels. If JR didn't like his job, he would quit. Plain and simple.

The fact is that JR is a well loved character, thus an easy way to get anyone heat is to torment, embarrass or abuse good ol' JR. Lest we forget when the Undertaker turned heel by making JR kiss Vince's ass?

The fact that people get legit pissed about it just proves they are doing something right.

I would say that Vince, and the WWE for that matter, doesn't hate Good Ol' JR. He knows that JR is a great business man and will do what the company asks of him. Does that mean JR is going to like every decision the WWE makes? No, but he'll do what's asked of him. And, while he has had his fair share of embarrassment, he has also had some good highlights as well.
Vince and JR are good friends I think your just taking a storyline too seriously Vince and Jr have been friends for a long time and JR has approved of storylines that he has gone through I think you need to remember that its just a storyline
I don't think Vince hates JR. I think Vince feels threatened by anyone smarter than him. That's why Johnny Ace was able to climb the WWE corporate ladder. lol
If JR felt Vince hated him he would have walked... but I do think there was a time where JR was not as happy with Vince, particularly being first taken off screen with his first Bells Palsy. Vince might have had concern for his health, but there was also the element of concern for him looking bad... but JR was moved into a position of great trust, talent relations and he was responsible for bringing in many of the talents we now call legends including Christian, Edge, Jericho, Batista and The Hardys.

I am sure over time Vince and JR have had issues as many friendships have, but there is clearly a massive respect there for each other... JR has always delivered for Vince, and that more than anything makes him the first name on the team sheet, whatever the role.
No, Vince exploits JR to get the best reaction possible. He just utilizes JR better.
He knows how much the fans adore Jim Ross so what better way to get heat then to humiliate JR? What better way to get over than humiliate Cole or Vince?

That being said, many many people believe what Mark Madden believes: that Vince hates JR because JR knows more about wrestling than Vince does. True or not why not put that on TV? Have JR feud with Vince and the board put JR in charge?
It's all a work, it's all part of a script on a TV program. If JR felt the way some posters feel about the way he is treated on TV, he is welcome to quit. If JR really feels like he is being humiliated and he continues to work for Vince then JR is either a moron, a masochist or desperate for money. I don't think JR is any of these things.

If you think Vince hates JR based on what you see on Raw and read on the dirt sheets, than you must believe Vince despises Michael Cole.
JR is the top face in the company. How do you get someone instant heat? Have them mess with JR. Easy heel move. Whoever defends JR gets a huge rub (Cena, SCSA, etc.)

Do you people actually believe JR was surprised by being booked against Cole for Monday? No way. The man has a disease. They'd ask if he's up for it. JR is the only person that can get away with kayfabe and most of you buy every word he says. Talk about the business and he'll give you his honest opinion. Talk about his character and he turns into the character and acts mistreated or surprised.

Noone hates JR. He just plays us and we all fall for it.
I don't get this perception that Vince hates or has it out for Jim Ross. If that were the case JR would have quit a long time ago. Anyone who really believes this takes it too seriously. Vince knows JR is a Good Announcer and how we the Fans react to him. So no he doesn't hate him at all.
I dont know if he hates him or gets a chuckle out of seeing JR go through that stuff but JR isnt a little kid. If he hates being embarrassed then he can always stand up for himself. The time JR's voice was cut from the WWE intro I knew something wasnt right, but at the end of the day you have to understand its entertainment and if JR getting humiliated puts butts in seats its going to be done until he either retires or speaks up.
Vince hates anybody who knows more about professional wrestling and its history than he does. Jim Ross though obviously has no self respect, but when one is being paid what he is, why would you knock that sort of money back. Ross knows McMahon despises him, he uses him when it suits business. Vince rarely lets personal problems affect business decisions. This has been proven over and over again. If Jim Ross was the wrestling tragic he claims he truly is, there is a spot in TNA for him to take the reigns and have a wrestling person finally make some smart decisions to turn that flagging company around and have cause to be the competition to WWE that they so depserately are failing at trying to be
Of course he hates JR. JR knows more about wrestling than the entire McMahon family combined. When JR was in charge of development he brought in guys like John Cena, Batista, Randy Orton, and Edge, just to name a few. And even with all the success that he brought to the company with signings like these Vince still took him out but he did it cause he was jealous.

Vince has always found ways to humiliate JR, from having him kiss his a**, kicking him in the crotch, to "firing" him on multiple occassions. Its the love and the passion that JR has for the business that has let him cope and handle all the horrible things that Vince and the McMahon family has made him go through. Vince will always be jealous of JR and his knowledge of the business and that's how its going to stay; if you know more than Vince then you will be humiliated over and over again and you will either take it like a man or quit.

for those of you saying vince despises how Jim Ros brought in guys like john cena, batista, randy orton, edge ect. Vince would love Jim Ross for that reason, Jim Ross brought vince great superstars to get vince money. vince would be happy. and i would acctually enjoy seeing Jim Ross going to TNA to say he has had enough of wwe treating him like crap. lots of wrestlers from WWE have talked about how respectful dixie is to the roster, maybe JR will find his place there.
Only stupid American wrestling fans take wrestling so seriously that you defend JR. and Vicki when their on-screen characters get clowned. They're actors, silly Americans. Do you defend Eddie Murphy when he played the fat professor? No.

Silly whatever you are. I'm going to remember your screen name for whenever I need the name of a good place that serves goat. Anywhoooo.....

I think Vince's hate for JR is a fairly obvious work drawing from JR's legit firing back in the mid 90's. I highly doubt a man universally viewed as a man of integrity and strong character would keep coming back if he were really the real life victim of a hostile work place. He seems a little too proud to do that.
Remember when J.R. had some kind of colon or bowel surgery. Vince, of course, made fun of it by acting out the surgery, and having the problem being that J.R. litteraly had his head up his ass. Then I think Vince made out with one of the Divas on top of the fake J. R. body. It may have been funny, but I think it crossed the line making fun of someone's surgery. Of course, back in those days, anything went.
I don't know what the real story is. All I can say is that it does come across as cruel and unusual punishment for things we really don't have enough info about to make educated judgements of the situation. I would find it hard to believe that Jim Ross would enjoy the continuously humiliating treatment, unless he is really that good of a sport which would be beyond profound. I don't know that Mark Madden is all right or wrong, but he makes a case that has to be acknowledged. Vince has been known in the past to be a bit of a bully and to take his personal feelings for people out on them in public, and there are numerous examples of it through time. I'm not going to say that the Jim Ross situation IS that, but it's hard to think otherwise. Who would want to be so made fun of like that? Call it all apart of a fake wrestling story line all you want, the hurtful things said are real, no one is making them up. The humiliating acts after act after act were not imagined, they took place. So even if it is all part of the show, who would want to be the butt of every joke like that? It's possible J.R. doesn't mind it or even finds it funny himself too. But, just looking at what we see, what you see is not a man being treated on camera like a well loved and respected member of the WWE family.
If JR felt Vince hated him he would have walked... but I do think there was a time where JR was not as happy with Vince, particularly being first taken off screen with his first Bells Palsy. Vince might have had concern for his health, but there was also the element of concern for him looking bad... but JR was moved into a position of great trust, talent relations and he was responsible for bringing in many of the talents we now call legends including Christian, Edge, Jericho, Batista and The Hardys.

I am sure over time Vince and JR have had issues as many friendships have, but there is clearly a massive respect there for each other... JR has always delivered for Vince, and that more than anything makes him the first name on the team sheet, whatever the role.

I wouldn't call Batista a legend, but I get your point. There can be no way Vince can hate JR, as head of talent relations, JR brought in alot of superstars that created ALOT of cash for Vinnie Mac....HHH, Austin, Rock, Hardyz, Edge and Christian....the list goes on and on.
I don't think Vince hates JR. I think Vince feels threatened by anyone smarter than him. That's why Johnny Ace was able to climb the WWE corporate ladder. lol

I couldn't have put it better. It's got to the point that whenever Raw is in OK, I don't watch, because it's going to be the same horseshit done to JR, if JR "approves" it or not, it got boring 10 years ago. And i probably won't watch this monday, I'll read the results on here, and if it's the same ol same ol, well, i think it won't kill me to miss a week. Go watch one of the legends roundtables where JR discusses about some of the things Vince has done to him on air. He says "It wasn't my best day but it didn't kill me"...he also says that was the start of his kids hating the wrestling industry. I'm sure deep down, Vince knows that if there is anybody in the business that knows more than he does, it's JR. Let's keep him humble by pulling his pants down in public whenever I get the chance. The arguement that it's plot device, is a valid one, but not for me, if I see it live wthout warning, I pick up the remote, if I know ahead of time, I just don't watch, like this coming monday. I can find plenty of things to do, rather than watch something I'm not enjoying.

Just my opinion of course, but I think VKM has grown into a very paranoid gumpy old name......"OH NO...Del Rio said my name, it's all gone to hell"....and the most ridiculous thing I've ever read......"OH NO...we can't have those tshirts being sold...it has the word Spike on then...and Impact is on Spike...we can't have that, we'll lose ratings, it's all gone to shit"......

Give me a break, who in the hell in their right mind would think that the word spike on a mid-carders shirt would cause people to go, oh Impact is on spike etc etc".....he must think most of us have the intelligence level of a potted shrub.....

Sorry for writing a book...falling off my soapbox now
It is indeed a little weird.
I tried justifying it for a long time. JR is a logical target for getting attacked and humiliated. After all, this is a wrestling show, where heels do heelish things, and what's more evil than attacking and demeaning beloved good old JR?

But this never ending series of jabs has long since passed the point of being suspicious. It's one thing if the storyline calls for Laurinitis to fire JR, quite another if they didn't tell JR before the show. An on-air prank or real life mobbing? These sort of things have started mounting up.
Pretty much seems like they are trying to get him to quit. They won't fire him (not for real), because they know many fans will be upset, but they can make his working environment as unpleasant as possible.

Either that or they are working the fans, trying to make us think this is real life bickering. I doubt it, though. It's not like there's any money in that storyline.
Again, I couldn't agree more with that sentiment. It's been going on since the mid 90's. Yes JR is a target, and does anybody really believe that Vince says, "JR this is the story line tonight".....and if JR didn't like it, he would go, "no I don't think it makes sense to do that", that Vince would back off and go, "OK"..not on your life...oh look, a unicorn....just would not happen. Yes it's a plot device, yes it meant to for people to have more empathy for JR, yes it's meant for people to hate Michael Cole even more. Don't quote me on this, but i remember when they tried to turn Austin heel, and had him beat down JR and, and Vince was at the top of the ramp yelling to open him up, open him up...didn't make a bit of difference, people still didn't really want to boo Steve.

I've always believed that there is "good heat", and "bad heat"...this thing with JR is bad heat, I won't watch it. Same with Vicki G, soon as I hear that shrill voice screaming, that is my bathroom or make a sandwich break. Same with Karen on Impact...for me anyway, its bad heat, I'd rather do something else than watch that.

Now I'm not going to get into a trolling session about this company sucks, that company sucks, but i would have thought that if there is man that Vince would not want to be elseware, it should be JR. While I don't believe Impact needs "saving", and this will probably never happen, but Impact Wrestling with JR in the mix (if he was let to have his head), i think would be an interesting situation. Frankly, the other person that would work is Heyman.

And I don't believe for a minute, that Vince and other people at WWE don't know what is happening with other promotions. While a company like Impact isn't and may never be competition for WWE (Nobody may ever be), I get the impression while Vince says he doesn't know etc, I think he is paranoid. I can understand filing copyright on characters that you have created, but some of that crap they do. The Dudleys are a case in point. They were "stars" before they came to WWE, granted most of their fame came while in WWE, BUT, they had this persona BEFORE they came to WWE. And Vince filed copyright on the Dudley Boys name? That is just wrong. If you don't have any competition, and you don't keep tabs on other companies, why go the length to doing that?. It's also where the 90 day no compete clause comes from. Luger appearing in WWE, then straight away on Nitro...same deal with Rick Rude, i think Rude was on both shows in a 2 day period..

Again, just my opinion, Vince's promo about how he crushed WCW, and squeezed the life out of them...umm no, WCW imploded

Sorry for the book again guys
What a dumb thread. If being hated means getting paid a lot of money to do a dream job, sign me up. Faces getting "embarrassed" is nothing new. JR is likely okay enough with it or he wouldn't do it, he's a grown ass man who probably doesn't need the money.

They don't have him commentate all the time because he is old and has health problems. You need to "build new stars". Cole is AMAZING as a heel. If anything, they should keep King off, he's so dated and tries to look young and it's sad. JR doesn't try to act younger.

As said, it's all an act, it's not real.

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