Memes and Trends That You Don't Understand

Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
While you can probably throw like 99.9% of all memes into this category, this topic was spawned from a conversation my girlfriend and I had at dinner last night, and I just can't get out of my head for some reason.

Allow me to set the mood. It was later in the evening, around 8:30pm and raining heavily. In a few hours the rain would turn to freezing rain and eventually snow, leaving us stuck inside, which is why I'm starting this topic. Despite the drastic temperature drop we would soon experience, it was a brisk 61 degrees outside (16 for you Commies), warm enough that I slipped on my sandals in the middle of January. Thanks climate change!

We were sipping on our drinks and looking at our phones, because talking and looking at each other during a date is dumb, when my girlfriend puts her phone down and looks at me.

"Yazzy, what is the deal with this Tide pods meme that is everywhere lately?"

"I honestly don't know. It popped up about two weeks ago and is all over my Facebook now. I honestly don't get it."

"Neither do I. It just seems stupid."

"I agree. I mean you could probably say this of all memes and internet phenomenon, but it makes no sense and people are really pushing it. A couple days ago I saw a link to a page where a guy is actually making recipes where you can actually eat the pods and not get sick."

"That's fucking stupid."


We go back to our phones until our dinner arrives. We come home and settle in for the evening. I hop on the Xbox for some gaming with friends and she gets on the computer for the same. While playing I ask one of my friends if he knows anything about the meme, because my brain refuses to let things go. He says he thinks that it is just a rehash of the bleach drinking memes from a while back, but he isn't sure. We both agree, if that is the case, this version isn't funny.

After playing for a few hours, my girlfriend and I crawl into bed. Our pre sleep routine includes each of us scrolling through social media for a few minutes before we fall asleep. We often tag each other in things we find interesting or funny, so she tags me in a series of memes that we both actually enjoy. The Ugandan Knuckles meme for those curious. While I do find the meme incredibly stupid, I think that is the appeal for me.

Regardless, the Tide pods meme is one I just don't get. It honestly feels like as I have gotten older than my knowledge and "getting" of memes and internet trends has drastically gone down. Even my enjoyment of most of them isn't what it once was. Ten years ago when I was a high school senior with no social life I was on top of this stuff. Every meme was hilarious and I could tell you what it meant and how it started. Even five years ago I could pinpoint the origin of most popular memes and properly use them without looking like an idiot or some uncool loser who talked about memes. Now? Now that I'm living on my own with a serious relationship I'm largely clueless to a fair amount of the stuff, and a solid majority I don't find funny or entertaining.

Anyway, I've rambled enough for an unnecessary topic. What are some memes and trends that you just don't get?
No, I don't understand ingesting toxic chemicals either.

Also fidget spinners.

But mainly the toxic chemicals thing.
Ugandan Knuckles is one truly wtf?

It is incredibly stupid, but I can't help but laugh at it.

It was all classic reasons a lot of stuff takes off on the internet though. Started in a niche entertainment form (VRChat on Steam), involved something completely absurd, was easy to copycat, and is mildly racist.
I just hate knuckles tbf. Killed the sonic franchise.
That straight arm challenge belongs on whatever list we're making here.

Doesn't compare to having a deathwish though.
u do not de wey

No, but seriously, it's just a matter of perspective. The Ugandan Knuckles stuff is so hilarious to me just because of the sheer audacity of a bunch of guys gathering and faking a Ugandan accent while messing around a virtual backyard. It's like elementary kids pretend playing something so stupid it's hilarious.

Tide pods? Well it's just stupid "I dare you stuff" people do for attention.

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