MEM face?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I just got done watching impact. Is it just me or does MEM seem cooler and just way more organized and talented than Frontline? I thought MEM was supposed to be a heel organization. They debut Taz in MEM and he gets cheered. Was this smart to have Taz join frontline right away? didnt the writers assume anyone crossing over from WWE was going to get a cheerful welcome from TNA fans? I dont see how this works unless Taz and Joe are gonna double cross MEM. WHat you guys think?
MEM will remain heel with Taz slowly getting involved in the beatdowns and actually conducting a few sneak attacks. Expect another former WWE guy (Ken Anderson) to jump in and cause havoc for all concerned while battling Angle, Foley, Jarrett, or Sting for the TNA title.
Its obvious that Joe is going to turn on the MEM. I mean, his rivalry with Angle will never die, it has just been "purchased" When the contract is up, Joe is going to kill him.
Of course the MEM is cooler and much more organized than the Frontline - they've been wrestling / entertaining / working for major promotions nearly 100 years longer than the Frontline !!!! It's called experience and knowing how to tell a story and carry a company.

Plus, does the Frontline really even exist anymore ?? When was the last time we saw Rhyno make an appearance ?? When he miserably failed at training that sailor kid ?? When was the last time Team 3-D was involved with the Frontline ??

There is no Frontline anymore which helps to reiterate your observations on Impact.
MEM is not face, they are cheered because they are entertaining point blank. They get boos when it is called for (cheating, beatdowns, run-ins), but when they cut promos they will get cheered because people are enjoying the show.
Perhaps the reason is because the Frontline angle ended a long time ago. They're not a "group" anymore. I believe now they're the Originals, but that may have just been something to call their 5 man tag team (4 since Eric Young decided to team up with the World group). There was never an actual Frontline that lasted longer than two months, and has been gone for quite a while, so let's move on from that. Right now, it's pretty much just MEM vs TNA, and everyone not involved in that World thing going on, is on the side of TNA. They don't have to be unified, and they haven't been for quite some time.
do i think MEM is Face no there not faces there heels and heres another thought MEM is a newer updated version of nWo just like TNA is the updaterd version of WCW because of Vince Russo and with the whole frontline thing that died out a few months back think back when wcw was almost over The New Blood ( TNA ) Frontline wcw Millionaries Club ( TNA ) Main Event Mafia
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