Meltdown; WZCW Contract signing

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Everest v Manzo.

Even though this is not a match, I would still like RP's in this thread to build the feud up.

The scene opens backstage at the upcoming Meltdown. The camera is pacing through the backstage area, down corridors and around corners, passing by Eric Derf getting a coffee, right on by Big Will, who’s posing for the WZCW Magazine Cover and down the final corridor until it stops in front of a huge door. On the door a metal signs is affixed that says “EVEREST”

After a few seconds WZCW’s very own Becky Serra arrives on the scene and knocks on the door. A quick pause is then followed by a voice welcoming Becky in. Becky enters the room cameraman in tow.

A voice echoes through the room from just beyond a closed door

EVEREST: Hey Becky thanks for coming; I’ll be out in just a second. By the way there’s a little something for you in my bag over on the couch.

BECKY: Really? Well thank you so much, you didn’t have to do that.

EVEREST: Well Becky it is the Christmas season. Since we spend so much time together here at WZCW I figured I should get you a little something

Becky reaches into the bag and pulls out a long black velvet box; it’s got “Jared’s” written on it in white stitching. She opens it up and finds a beautifully $600 Tiffany Watch. Becky is just in shock, totally awe, she’s speechless. After several seconds she stops gawking and finally says something.

BECKY: Ah Everest? You really shouldn’t have. It’s beautiful

EVEREST now emerges from the other room as he finishes drying off his hair not yet looking at Becky.

EVEREST: It’s one of a kind. I hope it fits. I think the saying on the back just fits!

Becky looks at the back of the watch, where she finds the message, “To my one and only, Love, Your True Champion”

BECKY: Oh it’s perfect. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Everest tosses the towel in the basket by the door as he looks up at Becky.

EVEREST: Well don’t worry; it’ll be for sale on starting next Tuesday.

BECKY: What?

By this time Everest has made his way to Becky and sees what she has picked up and realizes the situation.

EVEREST: Ohhhhh boy! Um Becky?

BECKY: Yeah?

EVEREST: Becky, that’s for ah, yeah that’s for Janessa. This is what I got for you.

Everest reaches into his bag once more and pulls out his newest T-shirt. It’s a Blue shirt that has a silhouette of Everest holding a title over his head. He turns it over and you see the back that has the words, “IT’S MY WORLD, MY DESTINY” In black letters.

Becky’s smile just drops off her face. She stumbles around her words for several seconds and her face is just beet red, almost as red as the low cut shirt she is wearing.

BECKY: Oh, well she’s a very lucky lady, and, the, ah, the shirt, it’s very nice. I hope it sells well.

EVEREST: Well thank you, you think she’ll like it then.

BECKY: Yeah, she’ll love it, so later tonight you’re signing the contract for what may very well be your biggest match ever! How does it feel?

EVEREST: Well Becky, like I said it’s the giving season and tonight WZCW’s going to give the fans the best gift they could ever ask for. Tonight I’m getting the best gift I could ever ask for. Tonight I put pen to paper, I put my John Hancock on the one piece of paper that will change the life of WZCW forever. I’m going out there in just a few hours and I’m going to sign on the dotted line to face one of WZCW’s most destructive forces and I’m going to do it for the WORLD TITLE.

Tonight it will be final, EVEREST vs. MANZO, World Title on the line! Quite possibly the biggest Main Event in WZCW history. The Immoveable Mountain vs. the Unbeatable Beast.

All I’ve heard since the final was announced is, “Everest, how can you ever hope to beat that Beast?” “How can you beat that which can’t be beaten?”

Well you know what? Everyone can be beaten, everyone can take a fall. Manzo will find this out soon enough. I’ll be honest though, I might be more prepared for this than many people give me credit for.

BECKY: How so?

EVEREST: Well my dear, think about it! Every time I’ve ever gotten a shot at the World title previously it was never one on one. It may have started that way but it never ended that way. 2 on 1, 3 on 1, Dynasty vs. Everest, I’ve taken on more opponents than you can shake a stick at. At least this time it’s just me and Manzo! Contrary to what the fans may think, or what some of the guys in the back may think, Manzo is an honorable fighter. This match will at least be on the up and up.

BECKY: What about Manzo’s manager? Magnus Maxi….

EVEREST: Ah Magnus Maximillian. Don’t worry Becky I haven’t forgot about that little weasel of a man. All I hear is him talk and talk and talk, mostly about money this and wealth that, but you know what Magnus, I’ve got a little saying for you…

You never see a Hearst with a luggage rack. So keep talking about your grand plans and about this and that but sooner or later that big man who does all your dirty work, yeah he’s going to figure out that you’re just using him and at some point things will change, but for now, all you need to worry about is how you’re going to explain to the world what happened after I beat Manzo for the WZCW World title.

But you know what Becky. I’m going to save the fun stuff for a later time. I’ve got plenty of time to prepare for Manzo and don’t you worry I’ll have plenty more to say about him and his little weak knee manager the closer we get to our match. But for now I’ll take this signing as just another step to showing Manzo and the rest of the WZCW who might still doubt me…



BECKY: Well thank you Everest and have a Happy Holiday.

With that Everest puts the stuff back into his bag and sets it in the locker on the far wall.

EVEREST: Becky I’m sorry to bolt but I’ve got a photo shoot I need to get too.

BECKY: That’s alright; I’ve got everything I need, thanks again.

EVEREST heads to the door but just as he’s about to leave he speaks to Becky one final time.

EVEREST: Oh Beck? That box on the end table there, it’s for you. Merry Christmas!

Becky reaches down for the box, unwraps it and finds a Jared’s box and inside is a Tiffany watch, exactly like the one she held earlier, minus the inscription, on the back of this one it simply says, “Thanks for making me look so good.” She once again is in shock and speechless. Finally as the scene begins to fade you can hear her say one final thing.

BECKY: He went to Jared’s

With that we see Becky slide the watch on as the screen fades to black.
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