Meltdown; Vengeance v Daniel Stokes

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Vengeance v Daniel Stokes

Replays of Vengeance's inability to escape from the mountain climber

As his arm drops the final time, Harrys can be heard saying Here is your winner, and he advances to the finals of the Championship Tournament, EVEREST!!!EVEREST, EVEREST, EVEREST, EVEREST, EVEREST, EVEREST, EVEREST!!! The screen turns grey as the arm falls slowly

The scene shifts to Vengeance standing in a brightly lit room, soothing music playing in the background. He is sitting on a bench, staring at the ceiling, a large bruise below his right eye. When he speaks the disappointment in his voice is palpable.

Life deals a bitter blow and nothing can be done. Whenever that happens, there are two choices available - accept the options and move on, or take the consequences and destroy the reasons behind them.

This was meant to be a moment of triumph, OUR victory and shot at the moment of deserved glory. Instead a chance at bringing glory to the Master ends in an inglorious rematch against Stokes. Anthony, I give you credit for wanting to step back into the ring with me for a third time. However, Mr Stokes, you have yet to leave the ring of your own volition after facing me in the ring.

And yet... you dare to face me in the moment where everything has seemingly gone wrong, where I a man at my most dangerous, with nothing to lose.

But more importantly Daniel, for the third time in the last month you will be my masterpiece. You will be the one who will go down in history as the man who is the stepping stone for the Glorious Appearing.

Yes...the paths are all in place and the moment will soon be when the Master shall return to be reunited with his servant. The red horse shall arrive and the one who rides it shall take the power that is his conquer and destroy.

And then the rich and the poor, the great and the small. They will all be calling on the rocks to fall on them to save them from the wrath of the Master.

So Anthony, this will not be a display of brutality. You will not be a point to prove on my behalf. Instead, you will be a stepping stone. And not even wrestling for Australia will be able to save you from that.

Manzo and Everest...don't think I have forgotten the fact that you have the thing that I want and I intend to get at some point. I still have not been pinned or submitted in one-on-one combat. Even the self-proclaimed technical expert in submission wrestling has failed to make me submit.

You see... I have no desire to give up on destiny just yet. As I said... there are two choices and I have no desire to accept the consequences of my loss. Instead, I plan on being the Master of my own destiny. And it shall all be revealed soon.

Vengeance walks out of the room, the camera follows him until he exits the room. A shadow falls in front of the camera, but the lights go out before the camera can turn to see the source in the room, and a low laugh can be heard from the darkness, as the camera falls to the floor, and the footsteps of the cameraman running away can be heard.
Daniel – Sounds like you really have it in for this Anthony character Vengeance...

*Daniel Stokes takes a sip of the XXXX beer he was holding in his hand.*

Daniel – It’s a good thing my name isn’t Anthony then is it? Isn’t it you say, destiny will come about – how can you bring about you destiny when you can’t even get the name of you opponent right?!

*Daniel abruptly stands up –off the wooden bench he was on - and glares at the camera, he takes another sip of his XXXX beer then throws it to the side.*

Daniel – Listen to me Vengeance, and listen very well. My name is Daniel Stokes. MY NAME IS DANIEL STOKES. Don’t you ever forget that, because if you slip up again I will make sure –personally make sure – that you will never forget that name. In fact, when it comes time to face again, I am going to make sure that you never forget that name. That name is going to become your whole damn life. That name has already been apart of some of your damn life, and for you to simply get it wrong – almost without a second though is beyond me. Learn the name, before you make claims to a Glorious Appearing.

*The camera almost unnoticeably moves out, and it appears we are backstage in the men’s locker room. There is a WZCW poster on the wall, as well as a poster of ‘AUSTRALIA’ on one of the lockers – that locker is presumably Daniel’s. There is also punching bag hung from the roof of the room, along with weight sets on the floor.*

Daniel - You say a lot of things Vengeance; everyone says a lot of things. They bring out ‘the list’; they repeat mindlessly what they have done before, what they are going to do in the future and seemingly always that ‘this’ will be there match, and their time. I’m not going to do that this time Vengeance. But, just as it is, you did. As it is, others probably will do it as well. You brought out that damn resume’.

*Daniel starts to throw fists at the punching bag. He hits it from many directions, striking almost has fast as to appear as a blur on the camera. He continues punching the bag as he speaks again.*

Daniel - What was it you said? You have never been pinned or submitted? Well, I don’t think passing into unconsciousness did you much good either last week mate. Just as me being pinned didn’t do me any good. People need to know, you can live in the past, knowing have done something... or you can look at the present, and do it again.

*Daniel keeps on punching the bag for a few seconds. When he stops, he walks over to the bench and takes a drink out of the water bottle that was sitting there.*

Daniel - You’ve said you have nothing to lose, well guess what? Neither do I. I lost my contender ship match, just like you did Vengeance. I got a second chance, but I still couldn’t do it. Then here it is, we both now have nothing to lose. We both want to win and you damn know well that I want retribution for what you have done to me in the past. Vengeance, you’re going to have to look into these fire burnt eyes and see what I – an Australian – can do with nothing to lose. You’re going to have to look into these eyes of fury and ice as you shiver at the thought, and what I will do to win.

*Daniel drops to the ground and starts doing push ups. He continues to speak again, but he speaks in between push ups, so his sentences are apart.*

Daniel - Winning and losing is everything now... I’ve been beaten... and I’ve been victorious... To climb that ladder again is all that I have and all that I need... The Australian climate can be hot, it can be cold, it can be dry and it can be wet... It can be anything... I will be everything... and I will be your world... when we step into that ring.

*He continues with a few more push ups before standing up. He then takes another drink of water. He then does a few more stretches, as he looses his arms and legs up. After that, he makes his way out of the locker room, with the camera following behind. He seems to be going somewhere, when he is interrupted by interview host Leon Kensworth.*

Leon – Hey Daniel can I get a word with you about your match with Vengeance?

Daniel – Actually I was...

Leon – About to come and see me for an interview? That’s good. Anyway, you have had 2 matches in the past with Vengeance, the first of which you won by disqualification, the second in which Vengeance beat you fairly – in other words, your past with him hasn’t been that great for you. What makes you think you can beat him this time?

Daniel – Well Leon, Vengeance lost my respect the first he dares to play against the rules. He couldn’t beat me, because I would not give in. The second time, Vengeance regained my respect – he beat. No cheating, no deception, he kept me down for the real count. This time, I am going to get self-respect. Because what goes around, always, always comes around – and it’s coming around to Vengeance.

One last time, one last fight. This match is a battle for the ages, this match is a battle for the fans, and this match is a battle for supremacy. One more time the thunder clashes with destiny. This time, it’s my time.

Leon – Very confident I see, where do you get that?

Daniel – I get that for believing that the fans are going to cheer, the smart ones are going to jeer and that the roof will get blasted off when the whole damn arena makes some noise. I get that for putting Australia on the map. I get that for knowing, that one last time, me and Vengeance can put on a match everyone will enjoy. When it is all said and done, I will get that, from my victory.

*Down Under by Men at Work plays throughout the arena, and the crowd can be heard popping from a distance.*

Daniel – As I was trying to say before, I was on my way... to the ring. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a match to win.

Leon – Well thanks for your time.

*Daniel begins to walk off, then turns around suddenly, and exclaims to the camera.*

Daniel – And one last time, don’t ever forget this: I am the Thunder from Down Under. MY NAME IS DANIEL STOKES.
Leon Kensworthy is anxiously pacing the floor looking at the door...waiting. From inside he hears a flush and the door opens.

Leon Hi Diego... Listen, something's, er, come up at the last minute and I really have to, er, talk to the boss. Urgent stuff, but there's a man in the First Aid room and I need you to get the interview for me.

Diego: Senor... you wait outside bathroom to tell me to go interview man? Porque? Are you stalker? The blonde senorita guapa... she cannot also?

Leon: Becky... well to be honest she's not herself at the minute. Women's issues I think and said she's not up to it right now.

Diego: I see. Senor Leon, for being in a business of tough hombres... you are not how they say, brave. I'll go now. A luego

Leon watches Diego walk off relieved.
He didn't even wash his hands. Mexicans!

In the First Aid room, one of the camera men is sitting with an ice pack on his tightly bandaged head. When Diego walks in, the man screams in fear.

Diego: Relax esse, I'm not here to hurt you. Me llamo Diego San Pablo. I'm here to ask you some questions hombre.

Cameraman: My name's Brad. I've been working here for 3 years as a cameraman, and I've seen some pretty freaky things. I've seen that Apo... Apo... the guy Vengeance debuted with whip himself, I've seen Murfish on acid, I've even seen Vengeance disappear. But nothing like this

Diego: What happened?

Cameraman: It all started earlier. I was in with Vengeance, taping his promo. I've never seen the guy like that. Normally he has an aura about him, a dark intensity. It was different this time. He seemed relaxed. Hell, he even called Stokes by the wrong name. It was as if there was another more overpowering presence there cancelling him out.

Diego: Si? But he was alone was he not, gringo

Cameraman: That's just it. The room was bright, no-one else there. Then he left. When he left, thing went Twilight Zone ya know.

Diego: What happened?

Cameraman: The lights did that freaky flickering thing they do with him, but I could see a shadow. I turned round and a masked figure was there. And seriously, that room was empty man. I mean, there was nowhere he could have been.

Diego: And he was real, you were not how you say, trippin'?

Cameraman: Dude, do these bruises look fake to you?!? The guy followed me, I thought I was free, but then the lights went out and there he was. Then my lights went out and I woke up in the corridor. There was no trace of anything but a black rose beside me.

Diego: Muy bien. I think I need to talk to someone else. Gracias por le tiempo senor.

As he steps outside the office, the lights in the corridor flicker and go out. When they come back on, Vengeance stands beside Diego San Pablo

Diego: Ahhh, Senor Vengeance. I was want...

Vengeance: They were all warned, but now... he walks among us. There shall be no escape for those who disregard his name. Daniel Stokes, my mind was on higher things before. Now, I am willing to descend into the deepest reaches of my soul and give you the guided tour. I hope you like the views. (chuckles)

You see Daniel, despite all the pomp and bravado, I own the one thing that matters. The win. I can see it in your eyes, the hunger and the disappointment. But Stokes... you lack the very thing that will get you the thing you want most. You lack the ability to lose. You see, it consumes you, it eats away at you. You want the retribution you seek? Be prepared to let the fire consume you. Because you will see that I will take everything you can give. but be warned, the court is in session. And I am Judge, Jury and Executioner. I have no fear of you, nor anyone else on the roster Daniel. I will stand and look them in the eye and unleash my vindication on them all.

As Vengeance pauses, Leon walks over to them both and begins to speak

Leon Diego, Vengeance. Nice to see you both again. Thanks for doing that Diego. Vengeance, two questions for you. What do you think of the current events in WZCW, with Dynasty, Manzo and Everest. And what do you see in your future?

Diego: Pardon, senor, I believe he was talking to me.

Leon We share Diego, remember all those interviews I've given you? Well I'm finishing this one off.

Diego steps away, grumbling in Spanish and moves down the hall. Vengeance stares at Leon, and addresses him

WZCW is like in the days of Noah. All men doing evil in the sight of the Master. Dishonesty, betrayal, greed... all by-words for this company and it's roster. But times are changing. Daniel Stokes has been selected as the vessel who shall usher in the Kingdom. The Master shall indeed appear soon, but it shall be as a thief in the night. Judgement is coming...that is all you need to know.

In the meantime, it is time. I know you're watching this Daniel, so remember. Remember my name, for I'm coming to mete it out.

The lights go out again, and Vengeance is gone. Attached to the wall is a note

Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.

Leon looks at the note, then a look of understanding and fear comes over his face. He races into the First Aid room, where the cameraman is again unconscious and busted open. On the far wall is written in blood

For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Leon screams
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Doctor – ...Yes, yes, after some rest for a few weeks, he should at the least be able to stand again. He has suffered some serious limb damage though. It is definitely lucky that we got to him when we did, if we hadn’t treated those open wounds, he would have bled to death. It was quite a shocking sight, there was blood everywhere – he was almost swimming in a pool of his own blood. The open wounds from his head and side were the worst though. He was lucky to not have any brain damage from the head wound.

Daniel – Have the police figured out what weapon caused the damage?

Doctor – They say the damage was done from bare human hands, which seems almost unbelievable if you ask me. No one could, or would even dare, to hurt another in the way the patient was injured.

*Daniel just grunts and thinks ruefully to himself “I think I might know someone who would.” *

Doctor – Yes, well. Regardless of how he was injured, we just hope he won’t get worse.

Daniel – He won’t, I want to make sure of that ... but I’ll leave the healing to you of course.

*Daniel and the doctor share a small laugh at that, despite the seriousness of the situation. Daniel had always been taught, laughter is the best medicine – “If you don’t laugh, you cry.”*

Daniel – Now then, why was it you called me in?

Doctor – Well, visiting hours are still on, and the patient has specifically asked to see you. He was talking about you having to help him out, and do something for him. It related to him being attacked, I assume.

Daniel – He’s awake? I expected him to be out longer than that. When did you say he was attacked?

Doctor – He was attacked yesterday, about 25 hours ago. We didn’t expect him to wake up, he just sort of snapped up, like he came out of some sort of daze. It gave out nurse a fright to say the least. That happened about 3 hours ago. Now then, I have other patients to tend to. The patient’s room is down that hallway, and the third door on the right.

*The doctor points to the general direction of the room.*

Daniel – Okay, thanks for your time mate.

*Daniel walks off down the hallway, the room the doctor had directed him to go to. He arrives at the room, and opens the door. He sees the victim in his bed, along with a nurse. The nurse is putting some biscuits on the table, as well as refilling the water jug.*

Nurse – Ah, hello. This must be Daniel, correct? This is the man you wanted to see, isn’t it?

Victim – Yes it is, in fact. I’m glad he could make it here. Do you mind please, miss, if we could be left alone for a bit?

Nurse – Of course sir ... buzz if you need anything.

*She seemed to add the last part, because of the though of leaving alone the man who had just recently been attacked. Daniel noticed this, and tried to calm her.*

Daniel – We will be fine and safe here, and I trust there will be someone nearby to assist us if we need it.

*The nurse simply nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.*

Daniel – Now we are alone, I guess it’s time I formerly introduced myself.

Victim – Don’t worry man, I know who you are. You are the Thunder from Down Under, Daniel Stokes. I am a cameraman, I work for WZCW. You probably don’t know me personally, because I don’t believe I have ever recorded one of your promos before. My name is Brad.

Daniel – Nice to meet you Brad, and we will definitely have to change that you’ve never recorded one of my promos before. It’d be an honour for me, I’m sure.

Brad – I’d be honoured to film the promos of one of great future stars.

Daniel – Flattery at its finest mate. Now, why exactly did you want to see me?

Brad – It’s about my attacker...

*Brad pulls out the black rose he had concealed under his bed sheets.*

Brad – This. I was attacked, and this was left behind. It’s like a symbol of my pain, he wants to strike fear into everyone. Well it’s not going to work. Daniel, I called you here because I want to make it personal again. We both know who attacked me, it was...

Daniel -...Vengeance. Yes, of course it was.

Brad – Your next opponent. You two, have had a war of blood. Now Vengeance has mixed my blood into it. I need you to get retribution for me, because I can’t do it for myself.

Daniel – But I can do it, and I damn well will. Vengeance hasn’t done anything, compared to the now HELL, that I am going to put him through.

He is still going on about the unnecessary. I don’t need the damn win, when I will have the win after I face him. He is wrong; he is talking about things he has no depth in: I lack nothing. I lose, I came back. I did come back. I have the retribution, because I get to beat him in our match. No fire consumes me, because I am the fire. My eyes burn with some called passion, and raw intent. There is no Judge, there is no Jury, and there is no Executioner. There is me, Vengeance and the referee. The referee is the line between me and him, and I am going to cross that line.

Brad – Good man, I can feel it in you. With that in you, you can’t lose. You can take back our valour, and bring back what we had. Self-respect.

Daniel – Vengeance is screen and smoke, and finally I have realised this. Words, and talking about old times and the days of Noah, are flash. The time is now, not back then. The fight is now, again. This is a big battle in what has been our war. I see the smokescreen that is Vengeance. Now I see that, he can’t beat me.

Vengeance can hear the Thunder. Stepping in that ring is all I have left to do. The rose will fall apart

*Daniel picks up the rose and moves over to the windowsill. He shakes the rose a bit, and the layers begin to fall off it. They lay on the windowsill for a moment, before the breeze blows them away. Daniel mutters “Australia is the fight...” then you can hear Brad whispering in background... “Vengeance is ours.” *
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