Doctor ...Yes, yes, after some rest for a few weeks, he should at the least be able to stand again. He has suffered some serious limb damage though. It is definitely lucky that we got to him when we did, if we hadnt treated those open wounds, he would have bled to death. It was quite a shocking sight, there was blood everywhere he was almost swimming in a pool of his own blood. The open wounds from his head and side were the worst though. He was lucky to not have any brain damage from the head wound.
Daniel Have the police figured out what weapon caused the damage?
Doctor They say the damage was done from bare human hands, which seems almost unbelievable if you ask me. No one could, or would even dare, to hurt another in the way the patient was injured.
*Daniel just grunts and thinks ruefully to himself I think I might know someone who would. *
Doctor Yes, well. Regardless of how he was injured, we just hope he wont get worse.
Daniel He wont, I want to make sure of that ... but Ill leave the healing to you of course.
*Daniel and the doctor share a small laugh at that, despite the seriousness of the situation. Daniel had always been taught, laughter is the best medicine If you dont laugh, you cry.*
Daniel Now then, why was it you called me in?
Doctor Well, visiting hours are still on, and the patient has specifically asked to see you. He was talking about you having to help him out, and do something for him. It related to him being attacked, I assume.
Daniel Hes awake? I expected him to be out longer than that. When did you say he was attacked?
Doctor He was attacked yesterday, about 25 hours ago. We didnt expect him to wake up, he just sort of snapped up, like he came out of some sort of daze. It gave out nurse a fright to say the least. That happened about 3 hours ago. Now then, I have other patients to tend to. The patients room is down that hallway, and the third door on the right.
*The doctor points to the general direction of the room.*
Daniel Okay, thanks for your time mate.
*Daniel walks off down the hallway, the room the doctor had directed him to go to. He arrives at the room, and opens the door. He sees the victim in his bed, along with a nurse. The nurse is putting some biscuits on the table, as well as refilling the water jug.*
Nurse Ah, hello. This must be Daniel, correct? This is the man you wanted to see, isnt it?
Victim Yes it is, in fact. Im glad he could make it here. Do you mind please, miss, if we could be left alone for a bit?
Nurse Of course sir ... buzz if you need anything.
*She seemed to add the last part, because of the though of leaving alone the man who had just recently been attacked. Daniel noticed this, and tried to calm her.*
Daniel We will be fine and safe here, and I trust there will be someone nearby to assist us if we need it.
*The nurse simply nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.*
Daniel Now we are alone, I guess its time I formerly introduced myself.
Victim Dont worry man, I know who you are. You are the Thunder from Down Under, Daniel Stokes. I am a cameraman, I work for WZCW. You probably dont know me personally, because I dont believe I have ever recorded one of your promos before. My name is Brad.
Daniel Nice to meet you Brad, and we will definitely have to change that youve never recorded one of my promos before. Itd be an honour for me, Im sure.
Brad Id be honoured to film the promos of one of great future stars.
Daniel Flattery at its finest mate. Now, why exactly did you want to see me?
Brad Its about my attacker...
*Brad pulls out the black rose he had concealed under his bed sheets.*
Brad This. I was attacked, and this was left behind. Its like a symbol of my pain, he wants to strike fear into everyone. Well its not going to work. Daniel, I called you here because I want to make it personal again. We both know who attacked me, it was...
Daniel -...Vengeance. Yes, of course it was.
Brad Your next opponent. You two, have had a war of blood. Now Vengeance has mixed my blood into it. I need you to get retribution for me, because I cant do it for myself.
Daniel But I can do it, and I damn well will. Vengeance hasnt done anything, compared to the now HELL, that I am going to put him through.
He is still going on about the unnecessary. I dont need the damn win, when I will have the win after I face him. He is wrong; he is talking about things he has no depth in: I lack nothing. I lose, I came back. I did come back. I have the retribution, because I get to beat him in our match. No fire consumes me, because I am the fire. My eyes burn with some called passion, and raw intent. There is no Judge, there is no Jury, and there is no Executioner. There is me, Vengeance and the referee. The referee is the line between me and him, and I am going to cross that line.
Brad Good man, I can feel it in you. With that in you, you cant lose. You can take back our valour, and bring back what we had. Self-respect.
Daniel Vengeance is screen and smoke, and finally I have realised this. Words, and talking about old times and the days of Noah, are flash. The time is now, not back then. The fight is now, again. This is a big battle in what has been our war. I see the smokescreen that is Vengeance. Now I see that, he cant beat me.
Vengeance can hear the Thunder. Stepping in that ring is all I have left to do. The rose will fall apart.
*Daniel picks up the rose and moves over to the windowsill. He shakes the rose a bit, and the layers begin to fall off it. They lay on the windowsill for a moment, before the breeze blows them away. Daniel mutters Australia is the fight... then you can hear Brad whispering in background... Vengeance is ours. *