Meltdown Madness 6 (MD 104)

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
All Or Nothing. A Night Of History.

Highlights of the event are shown.

Friendships were tested.

Tastic vs Stormrage is shown culminating on the handshake.

A civil war waged.

We see the action of TLC with Young Justice grabbing the belts.

Old alliances ending. And new ones forming.

Shots of Amber turning on El Califa are shown. Zeus arriving. And mysterious figures that emerged after Fallout lost the Elite X title.

Endurance was tested.

We see highlights of Fallout vs Mortlock and later Constantine with Constantine coming out on top thanks to Michael Winters.

When the smoke cleared and the dust settled....

Highlights of Vega & Theron vs War & Death are shown as well as the opening 4 Way match.

The bell tolled.

We see highlights of the main event. Starting with XXX and Ricky Runn's entrances before the surprise return of Ty Burna and him ultimately winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

Tonight, the road to Lethal Lottery and ultimately, Kingdom Come begins. All that you know may be turned over. Odd alliances may be forced to form. Old rivalries may be renewed. Old alliances may be tested. The wildcard shows begin tonight. What will the tour across the Caribbean bring for WZCW? Meltdown Madness begins now:


Before pyros or anything bring us to the arena, we fade backstage to Mikey Stormrage and new Eurasian Champion, Matt Tastic. Matt is on the phone while Mikey looks on happy with words about to slip out of his mouth. As Matt hangs up, Mikey quickly speaks up.

Mikey: MATT! Guess what I got for tonight. This is awesome.

Matt: Lucha masks?

Mikey: Besides that. I got us a band. You know, to play us to the ring?

Matt: Really? I.... Kinda just did the same thing.

Music group “Los Rabanes” step in as the Panama crowd is quick to pop for the local legends. They all hug and say hi but Mikey interrupts.

Mikey: Then send them packing cause these guys will blow your mind. Hit it, boys!

A bad mariachi song starts to play as the camera pans to the musicians. None other than former WZCW Superstars, El Guerrero, Rafael De La Noche, “King Of Mexico” Hector Colon, Armando Paradyse, Matt's granpa and a headless Mr. Baller. They all swivel from side to side as they sing and play.

“Ay Ay Ay-ay! Canta y no llores! Por eso-”

Matt:Mikey, dude! They aren't even all mexican. We aren't even in Mexico. Estamos aqui! En la Cuidad de Panama!

Matt winks and gives a thumbs up to the camera as the crowd once again pops. But Mikey just stares with a pouty face at Matt.

Mikey:…....Live mas?

Matt:Live mas, Mikey.

The band takes the instruments and begin to play alongside the former WZCW superstars.

“Para bailar la Bamba! Para bailar la Bamba, se necesita una poca de gracia! Yo no soy marinero! Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan, soy capitan.”

Everyone dances along before a beer is heard opening and everyone stops. We see a familiar person in baggy pants and a shirt that reads “Sludge Pit” and the beer too.

Gordito:That's racist, bro.

Everyone gives an awkward stare before the music plays again and everyone dances.



Copeland: Welcome everyone to the most exciting Meltdown of the year! It's Meltdown Madness here on the 104th edition of our flagship program and for the only time this year, we have no idea what's about to happen! Any superstars could face off in any combination, under any stipulation! Championships could change hands! Who knows!

Cohen: Well, Seabass, who can forget some of the classic matches the roulette has produced for us in the past, and I can't wait to see what we might have coming down the pipeline tonight.

Copeland: And is that weren't enough, what an unbelievable night of WZCW action we just had at All or Nothing, capped off by the shocking return of Ty Burna to win the world championship!

Cohen: A real travesty of justice in my opinion, Seabass, for a man to waltz back into this company and be handed an opportunity like that. It certainly wasn't fair to Ricky Runn and I don't think it was fair to anyone on this roster.

The crowd gets on their feet for the arrival of the owner of WZCW, Kenneth Banks! Mr. Banks enjoys a positive reaction from the crowd tonight, no doubt tied to his re-acquisition of Ty Burna for WZCW. He makes his way into the ring and is handed a microphone from ringside.

Banks: Well, well, well, what a night we had at All or Nothing. Every single championship in this company changed hands, including the WZCW World Championship. You know, folks, every since Meltdown 100, I've been in negotiations to bring the one and only Ty Burna back to WZCW. I didn't know when it would happen, but when El Califa's disastrous injury struck, I knew I had to do something to deliver the main event I'd promised. Turns out a world championship opportunity is just the thing to bring Ty Burna back to the business!

Banks doesn't look terribly surprised, but the crowd goes wild for the arrival of the WZCW Champion!

Banks: Well, speak of the devil and he'll appear...

Ty makes his way onto the stage to a thunderous ovation and he slowly makes his way into the ring. He nods at Banks after he enters the ring, and gestures for the mic. Banks hands it to him and retrieves another from ringside. Ty readjusts the new championship belt on his shoulder and even he can't resist a smirk as he reminds himself that he is the champion.

Ty: I didn't come back to be world champion, Banks. I came back because it seems like the people around here are forgetting who I am. I thought I had taught the people in this company a lesson about Chaos, and about what it meant to be a champion. To struggle, to fight, to bleed until you're worthy of it. I looked at the people running around the top of this company, people like Ricky Runn, who have no idea what it really means to be a champion. I didn't come back to win this belt for myself. I came back to take it off of Ricky Runn once and for all.

The crowd pops for that and Banks gives Ty some polite applause for it as well, before he speaks.

Banks: Ty, it's funny you should mention chaos, because as you're well aware, this is no ordinary Meltdown. This is Meltdown Madness! And that means anything can happen. Just a few hours ago, a third party ran a computer simulation of WZCW and gave us a completely random, completely unbiased card for tonight. Now, I hate to spoil the surprise, but Ty, I think it's only fair for you to know a few things tonight. The first - tonight, live on Meltdown, you will defend that WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Ty loses his smirk, but nods calmly at the news.

Banks: And, well, it just wouldn't be a night of madness if there wasn't a little excitement in every match. There's nothing like a little bit of Mayhem to go with the Madness, that's what I say, and our friendly computer simulation decided that your match tonight will be a Falls Count Anywhere match!

Ty's face becomes decidedly grim, but he nods once more. Banks, meanwhile, appears almost reluctant to go on.

Ty: Do you think, Mr. Banks, you might let me know who I'll be facing for the world title?

Banks clears his throat.

Banks: Well, Ty, I have a feeling he might want to tell you himself.

Copeland: NO WAY!

Cohen: OH YEAH!

Copeland: What a storied rivalry these two have had, going all the way back to their debuts in WZCW alongside one another, to their incredible main event of Kingdom Come III, through Ty's challenges for the world title against Showtime in 2012 - and now they're going to face each other for the world title again?!

Showtime slowly makes his way onto the stage, flanked by Constantine and Michael Winters of the Elite. Showtime stares down Ty from the stage, showing almost no emotion as he looks on at his old rival. Ty, on the other hand, has bared his teeth in anger and looks about ready to leap the top rope and go after Showtime now.

Copeland: Your main event for the evening is set, ladies and gentlemen! It's going to be Ty Burna versus Showtime, and it's for the world title! What will happen when WZCW's titans square off? Stay tuned, you won't want to miss this!
Harrys:The following contest is an Ladder Match for a $10,000 cash prize!

Harrys: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 130 pounds, Amber Warren!

Amber approaches to the ring wearing the mask she had handcrafted, the crowd booing and began chanting. "We Miss Dragon!"

Copeland:The crowd is laying into the new pale rider.

Cohen:I said it once, and I'll say it again, the lemmings just hate success.

Harrys: Introducing the challenger, from Paris, France, one half of Cerberus, Flex Mussel!

Flex approached the entrance ramp with an energy drink in hand, a grin worked onto his face seeing the only thing stopping him from his prize was Warren.

Cohen:Ohhhhh man what a fantastic draw tonight, we get to see what Flex and Amber can do in a ladder match without them goofballs Young Justice ruining the match.

Copeland:This draw just comes to show that anything can happen in the roulette rounds!

The two stayed on different ends of the ring. When the briefcase containing the $10,000 is hoisted up and away from the ring the bell rings. Amber and Flex waste no time picking up where their match started. Throwing blows at one another. Flex then went for a clothesline that Amber ducked under to slide out of the ring towards a ladder. Grabbing it she was pushing it in through the ropes, Flex grabbed it from the ring, and tugged on it before using it as a battering ram hitting Amber sending her to the barricade. With Amber stunned, Flex began to set up the ladder facing Amber who recovered quickly from the attack. Leaping, Amber spring boarded from the ropes and landed a splash on Flex with the ladder sandwich between them! Both Flex and Amber rolled onto the ground in pain. Amber grabbing at her legs and with Flex holding at his mask.

Copeland:With them being in a TLC match so recently you would think they would avoid such painful attacks like this!

Cohen:Money is a powerful motivator Cope'

Flex was the first one to rise to his feet, lifting the pale rider up he powerbombed her onto a turnbuckle! Amber bounced on the buckle and gripped her back, Flex attempted to follow it up with a clothesline in the turnbuckle but Amber used the ropes to help with a pele kick! Sending Flex out of the ring. On the outside, Flex used a nearby ladder to gather and balance himself. Amber allowed no time to rest when she sprung from the ropes onto the top of the ladder, the crowd remained in awe before she leaped from ladder and onto Flex again for a splash!

*Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!*

Copeland:Amber is using her new found aggression to assist her athletic ability!

Cohen:That was absolutely brutal, oh my goodness!

Amber stumbled but got up and slid into the ring, using the ladder that remained in the ring and propped it up and started to climb towards the brief case. Amber climbed to the top rung to reach for the briefcase. Flex shook the cobwebs out of his head, sliding inside the ring he climbed up the same side of the ladder as Amber did, setting her up for an Electric chair! Hoisting her off the ladder he looked about the cheering crowd, shouting before leaping off with Amber in tow, sending them both crashing to the ring! Again leaving the crowd shouting loudly.

Cohen:At this point I think they just enjoy falling off of ladders!

Copeland:I might agree with you on that, Jack. That or they just like hurting each other.

The both of them were in intense pain, but Warren was the one who took the brunt of the punishment from that move. Staggering, Flex began to climb the ladder slowly. His back showing welts from the damage he gathered from this match and All or Nothing. Amber was knocked out cold, Flex could win it all the suddenly, the lights went out!

When the lights in the building turned back on, Zeus was standing on the other side of the ladder, glaring straight into Flex's eyes, Flex was in a state of shock and before he could swing at Zeus, the doctor reached up and swung the briefcase at Flex, smacking the man right in the face; sending him to the ground!

Copeland:What is Zeus doing in this match!?

Cohen:This is a ladder match, Copeland. No rules and Zeus would be damned if he let his newest recruit lose!

Zeus climbed down the ladder, looking over at the fallen weightlifter, he moved to Amber to awake her and get her to climb up the ladder. With Zeus's assistance, Amber began to climb the ladder weakly. Reaching, the Pale Rider pulled down the briefcase!

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner of this match-up and $10,000, Amber Warren!

With the match won, Zeus and Amber began to circle around the fallen body of Flex, who was holding his face writhing in pain. Looking over to each other, the two decided they should attack Flex!

Copeland:No Zeus don't do this, you already done enough!

Cohen:Do it Zeus, do it! Bring the pain!

Suddenly Ramparte ran towards the ring with a chair in hand to make the save for his tag partner! Before Ramparte could connect with a hit, both Zeus and Amber slid out of the ring and made haste out of the arena through the ramp. Leaving Ramparte in the ring with a chair, and Flex gathering himself.

Backstage, Becky Serra is with none other than Triple X!

Serra: X, at All or Nothing, you were part of the three way main event -

X abruptly grabs the mic and refuses to let Becky go on.

X: Isn't that just it, Becky? I was a part. Triple X was a part of the show. Triple X was the good soldier. Triple X wasn't good enough for a one on one shot. Triple X couldn't get the job done.

X rips the mic out of Becky's hand and stares headlong into the camera.

X: I've been earning title shots the hard way for too long. Meanwhile, Ty Burna walks back into this company and has everything handed to him. Showtime gets a title shot because some wheel said so. Maybe it's time I start taking what I want, instead of waiting for someone to tell me I've earned it.

X looks on for one more moment before dropping the mic and storming off camera.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a tag team contest! Introducing first, he is the special guest referee for this match, DADDY MAAAACK!!

Daddy Mack comes out on stage finger waggin' and struttin' down the aisle. He salutes fans and shows off his stripped shirt as he enters the ring.

Copeland: Daddy is a time tested veteran of the ring. But as far as I know, he has no experience officiating.

Cohen: It can't be that hard, right? I mean it's not like you need a license or anything. Right?


Harrys: Introducing the participants, first off, from Seattle Washington, Corvus!

Well, he's back and still looking to purge evil in WZCW. But he has a far different outlook on things after being put on the shelf.

Cohen: I wonder who's he gonna come down and clean house with?

Corvus simply walks down the aisle slowly not paying attention to anyone.


Harrys: His tag team partner, from The Mouth Of Madness, this is Diabolos!

Diabolos walks down the ramp towards the ring with a pillow and a sheet in his hand. He drops it off by ringside before getting in the ring.

Cohen: Harrys says he's from the Mouth Of Madness, but as far as we know he should be billed from the pallets backstage. He got kicked out of his house. Now he's sleeping backstage all day long.

His ring gear apparently doubles as pajamas.


Harrys: And their opponents, introducing first, he is the "Good" Doctor Zeus!

Oh, hell no. If there was ever a man that did so much damage with little words, it's that psychopath right there. He's been tainting wrestlers left and right. Thankfully he may be alone tonight.

Unless he draws one his buddies. But this isn't rigged. So maybe not.

Zeus appears from the crowd and quickly leaps the barricade to ringside. He simply sits on the apron looking at the crowd without even giving his opponents a single look.

Copeland: So who's his unlucky partner?

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here to introduce Dr. Zeus' tag team partner, they are Panama's only Latin Grammy winning music group, Los Rabanes!

The band appears on stage with their equipment as their music video plays on the screen.


The band plays on as stage is filled with all sorts of party goers clad in beach wear tossing beach balls at the air, towards the fans and so on. The participant of the match is eventually met in the center. She dances along with every as Harrys announces.

Harrys: And from Milan, Italy, this is "The Fabulous" Eve Taylor!

Eve is on stage clad a faux fur coat dancing along with the party. She takes off the coat and dances her way down to the ring as Los Rabanes finish their song.

Copeland: She loves to have fun. And those are some catchy tunes. Even if I literally can't understand half the sort.

Well. That's a hell of an entrance. Something about liking her style. Must be a local thing.


The bell rings with the referee, Daddy Mack signaling for the bell as Corvus and Eve start the match. Diabolos looks on from the apron. Zeus on the other hand looks totally disinterested. Corvus mouths off to his female foe who looks on with a big smile on her face. She charges at Corvus who just shoves her off. She tries again with the same result. She stops before a third time can happen and looks on as Corvus just looks dead set. She charges once again, but this time slides under Corvus and gets behind him. Before he can turn, she leapfrogs over him back in front of him and drops down. She raises her legs and before Corvus can react, she Monkey Flips him over. Corvus quickly gets back up, but the former model leaps on his shoulders. She tries to go for something, but whatever it is, Corvus is ready and blocks it. Eve spins from sitting on his shoulders for a Huricanrana, but once again the big man holds on. He tries throwing her over for an Alley-Oop but she lands on her feet. Corvus gets up and looks on giving an impressed expression but without losing his focus on things. He backs up to his corner just enough for Diabolos to tag himself into the match. Corvus stops and turns his back, but Daddy Mack quickly orders Corvus out of the ring.

Copeland: Looks like the masked oddball wants a piece of the model.

Cohen: I'd take the whole package to be honest.

Copeland: We're on the air, Jack!

Diabolos gets in as Corvus goes to the apron. Diabolos starts slapping his chest in a very exaggerated manner to pump himself up. Eve circles the ring with Diabolos as the two lock up in the center of the ring. The two wage in a power struggle with neither giving an inch. Diabolos sneaks behind Eve with a waste lock and pulls on her. She tries to stand her ground but to no avail. Diabolos holds on. She tries running backward towards the ropes and succeeds forcing Diabolos to break. But he doesn't let go. Daddy Mack admonishes him for it and begins to count for a rope break. 1! 2! 3! 4! He lets go just before the 5 as Daddy starts to argue with Diabolos about potential disqualification but he quickly goes back on the offensive. Another collar and elbow tie-up. Which leads to another waste lock from behind. Eve tries ti get out, but Diabolos just tightens the grip and doesn't budge. Eve just gives up and gives an annoyed look at Daddy while she stands doing nothing.

Copeland: I get the funny feeling that Diabolos likes Eve.

Cohen: You sure it's not her faux fur coat he's after? I mean it looks like bear fur and all.

Corvus looks on visibly frustrated while Zeus just sits on the apron tumbling his head from side to side, not watching what's going on. Daddy tries to break Diabolos' grip as Eve just stands annoyed. Daddy admonishes Diabolos and threatens to use force. But he just violently nods “No” at him several times. Eventually Diabolos just lets go of Eve as if nothing and heads towards his tag team partner. He yells very audibly.

Diabolos: You can come in and attack her any day now!

Corvus looks on perplexed as Eve stands in the distance. Corvus shrugs and tags himself in to the match.

Corvus: Is that why you were hugging her?! Stay there.

Corvus gets in and instructs the bizarre one to stay in the corner. But Diabolos wont move. So Daddy Mack grabs Diabolos and pulls him out of the ring into the apron and hands him the tag rope. Eve looks at the insanity going on and shrugs. She turns to tag in her partner but....

Copeland: Wait, where the hell is Zeus!?!

Cohen: I don't believe it! He vanished?! He was just there, where did he go?!?

Eve realizes her partner is no longer at the corner and looks for him as do the cameras. Eventually spotting him far off by the right side of the stage not looking back. She looks at Daddy Mack who is also left confused. The two talk but it seems Eve is simply all alone now. She slowly turns to see Corvus who seems unconcerned for Eve's situation. She runs toward Corvus but he Clotheslines her down. She gets right back up, but Corvus keeps it going, knocking her down time and time again. He trades up the offense and Scoop Slams her down before dropping a big elbow onto her sternum. He covers.




But the tenacious model kicks out at 2 and a half with little air. Diabolos jumps around on the apron screaming for Corvus to “Tag Me! Tag Me!” Corvus looks on as he raises Eve up but ultimately ignores Diabolos' request. He whips Eve across the ring and catches her coming back with a Sidewalk Slam as the so-called avenger gets booed. He looks angrily at the crowd as Diabolos keeps calling for the tag. But once again gets ignored. Corvus goes to grab Eve by the hair but she manages to punt him away. Corvus is visibly frustrated but still remains focused. He tries again but ends up getting rolled into a Small Package by Taylor.




But it only gets two according to Daddy Mack as the exhaustion begins to set in on the lone Eve Taylor. Daddy checks up on her to make sure she's fine and she says she is.

Copeland: How long is she supposed to keep this up? She's wrestling by herself.

Cohen: She should listen to Daddy Mack and stop.

Corvus gets back up and tries to catch Eve. But she rolls away past Corvus towards his corner of the ring. She gets up and quickly “tags” Diabolos before she gets on the apron right next to him. Diabolos looks at her for a bit and she waves her hand signaling for him to get in and he obliges. Corvus stops and Daddy Mack tries to explain things to Diabolos. Corvus gets involved in the bickering as Eve stands on the apron visibly trying to catch her breath. As the unlikely duo realize what goes on and turn, Eve dives onto them with a Crossbody, but is promptly caught by the two. Daddy swings his arms around saying “NO!” out loud trying to regain control of things. They look at each other while holding her before tossing her overhead with a double Fallaway Slam. Diabolos returns to his corner and Corvus quickly tags him in. Diabolos climbs on Corvus' shoulders as he walks over to the fallen Eve Taylor. From atop of Corvus, Diabolos drops onto her with a big splash and a pin.




Here are your winners, the team of Diabolos and Corvus.

Corvus quickly leaves without getting his hand raised while Diabolos leaps around happy to redeem himself after losing at the PPV. He hugs Daddy but he quickly pushes him off. Daddy goes to check on Eve who seems fine at the moment as Diabolos keeps running around.

Copeland: Well Diabolos seems proud of beating a girl in a two on one match. Dammit, what the hell is Zeus' deal?

Cohen: I don't know, but thankfully Eve is alright.


Backstage, Johnny Klamor stands besides none other than the World Champion, himself. Ty Burna.

Klamor: Well here we are in Panama City. Tonight, you Ty Burna defend against none other than your longtime rival. Showtime. How are you feeling? This is your first advertised match since Meltdown 100. And the last one before that was your Casket Match against Chris K.O. All the way back in Redemption 2012.

Ty: The weather here is... Not too good for my usual leather and black dress code. But other than that, it is nice around here. But I'm back actively after two years. And I picked a fine time to do it. This beautiful thing was turned into a joke. I could not sit by and let my legacy be tarnished by a clown. So I tasked myself with the job of cleaning the grime off the walls of this once mighty organization. And Showtime and his Elite is a large stain on those foundations. With the holy grail once again in my possession I the King Of Darkness will ride out to battle again. And like the prophecies read and history has dictated to Cougar, he'll fall. Once. Again.

So it shall come to pass.
Backstage, Leon Kensworth stands with the new Elite X Champion, Constantine!

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the new Elite X Champion, Constantine. John, how does it feel to be the Elite X Champion once more?

Constantine: Leon, it feels...right. It feels like destiny. Where else should the Elite X title be, other than with the Elite? We chose this name because of this title, and it should be one of us to hold it.

Leon: John, we've also been informed you won't be competing this round due to some lingering injuries. Some have accused you of dodging challengers.

Constantine: Leon, why would I do a thing like that? This title means something more than it ever has - it means the shot at a world title if I can defend it seven times. Why would I ever avoid a challenge? I'd like to wrestle all seven tonight if I could, because I could beat any seven of the trash that makes up this roster these days easily. Next round, I face Aubrey Sloan, and that will be defense one of seven on my to reclaiming the world title for the Elite - that is, if Showtime hasn't already gotten it off of Ty tonight.

Leon: One more question - are you afraid of any retribution from Fallout for taking his title?

Constantine: First off, this isn't his title, this is my title. And second of all, I'm not afraid of anything, least of all Fallout. We're done here.

Constantine stalks off and Leon is left alone as the screen fades out.


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a three way chairs match!

Copeland: Oh my! The use of all chairs will be legal in this contest. Let's see who the competitors are.

Harrys: Introducing first, the Mighty Mr. M!

The lights go out. The music begins. A lone spotlight is seen shining down on a figure standing on the ramp in a dramatic pose. Upon the word “fire” the music kicks in the full gear and so do the lights, flashing around the arena in many different colours as M walks down the ramp laughing a maniacal laugh which only he could pull off whilst the general follows uninterested in the whole show. M gets into the ring, spins while throwing off his cape into the crowd, and poses again in what may or may not be a painful position but M’s too busy being magical to care. Meanwhile the general walks around to ringside, sits on a chair and begins reading a newspaper.

Copeland: Certainly an interesting display...

Cohen: More like a freakshow.

Harrys: Introducing next, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

As soon as the guitar riff in Bliss kicks in, Blade walks out on to the stage to dark red flashing light. He stops on the stage, looks around at the crowd for a few moments, and does his signature taunt, which is Blade bending his right elbow at a 45 degree angle, palm facing upwards and slowly moving his arm upwards while tensing his muscles. When his arm is up, he moves it downwards quickly, in a diagonal slashing motion. Blade walks down the ramp, steps up onto the apron, gets into the ring and does his signature taunt again on one of the second rope corners.

Copeland: Blade had some interesting words in an interview earlier this week, and it's leading many to question where his head's at lately.

Cohen: I wouldn't mind seeing a little bit more of an edge out of, no pun intended.

He walks out with his trenchcoat and sunglasses still on. Red, yellow, blue, green, and purple lights flash (similar to Triple H's entrance) as his song plays. He has his prop sword in hand and does poses with it on the ramp and does some slashing poses while pyro goes off. He then walks to the ring and rolls his d20 before entering, jumps into the ring, takes off his trenchcoat and sunglasses before striking another pose, and is ready for his match.

Copeland: Theron Daggershield rounds out the field in this very eclectic three way. I don't imagine any other circumstance could bring these three into the same ring.

Cohen: That's the beauty of the roulette, Seabass! Matches you'd just never see anywhere else!

Referee Katie Shepard has the call and see runs down the rules quickly, though she's certain to have her hands full here. The bell rings and all the competitors look at each other for a moment - before each of them break off, root under the ring, and come up with a chair! Theron and Blade slide into the ring but M keeps digging for more, throwing chair after chair in the ring while Blade and Theron try to stay out of the way! M is finally satisfied after half a dozen or so and he slides in - and is met with two ringing headshots from Blade and Theron! M collapses and rolls out of the ring while Blade and Theron go after each other, trading chair shots. The harsh clanging rings throughout the arena as the crowd cheers them on, until Theron drops his chair from the pain of continually being struck. Blade uses his chair to land a gut shot on Theron, then takes control with a headlock. He transitions to a waistlock and reels off a German suplex! He roll through, and he nails another! He bridges for a pin and gets one, two, but only two as Theron kicks out. Blade keeps the assault on as he pulls Theron to his feet and uppercuts him, and Theron staggers away. Blade closes but M slides into the ring and smashes a chair into the back Blade's knee!

Copeland: M is showing no mercy with those chairs right now.

Cohen: He's a rookie in there with a huge veteran in Blade and Theron Daggershield, who's rapidly racking up experience. He's got to make a name for himself somehow.

M takes control of Blade and quickly drops him with a powerslam. He reels off a standing moonsault and goes for a cover, getting one, two, but only two as Theron breaks up the pin. Theron pulls M off of Blade and Blade rolls out of the ring. Theron tries to bring M close but M kicks him in the gut, grabs a chair, and smashes Theron in the back. M takes control with a quick neckbreaker and he goes up to top rope. He strikes a pose at the top, and suddenly Blade is on the ring apron! Blade has a chair and he swings it at M, but M deftly leaps off the top, and Blade hits only the turnbuckle. M jumps into the ring and clotheslines Blade off the apron! Blade hits the ground hard and M gets up to the turnbuckle again. M hits the top rope, and he dives off - BUT THERON IS UP ON HIS FEET AND HE NAILS M WITH A CRITICAL HIT! M'S FACE SMASHES INTO A STRAY CHAIR AND HE IS OUT COLD! THERON COVERS, HE GETS ONE, TWO -- BUT BLADE BREAKS IT UP! BLADE IS IN TO BREAK IT UP!

Copeland: Unbelievable! I've never seen anything quite like that!

Cohen: He might live in a fantasy world, but I'll be damned if this kid can't wrestle.

M rolls out of the ring on instinct alone and Blade pulls Theron to his feet, angrily smashing him into the turnbuckle. Blade locks Theron in tight and reels off a vertical suplex, dropping Theron onto a chair. He covers and gets one, two, but only two. Blade grabs a chair and lays it over Theron, then gets to the top rope, straightens up, and flies off with a Frogsplash! He connects and crushes the chair into Theron, but it clearly took a lot out of him! He can't get the cover until a few moments have passed, he hooks the leg, he gets one, but only one as Theron had too long to recover. Blade pulls Theron to his feet - or at least he tries to, as Theron rolls him up instead! He gets one, two, but only two and Blade pops up to his feet! They close, and Theron hits an atomic drop, followed by a stiff clothesline! Blade drops and Theron grabs a chair, waiting for Blade to get to his feet! Blade does - and Theron smashes him square in the head! Blade looks to be out and Theron hits the top ropes, flies off, and NAILS THE LIMIT BREAK! He covers and gets one, two, and three! M is in the ring but just a second too late to brek the pin.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Theron Daggershield!

Theron celebrates the win as M looks forlornly on at his missed chance. Blade is just about out as Shepard takes a look at him.

Copeland: Theron Daggershield continues to impress with his win in this one, and shows he has a little hardcore streak in him, maybe.

Cohen: That's the kind of thing you'll need to hang in the ever unpredictable world of WZCW, Seabass.


We go backstage for an interview with Leon Kensworth standing by.

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I have with me Eve Taylor. Eve, you just got through what can be called a glorified handicap match. Any thoughts on Zeus? Why he left? Are you angry?

Eve: *sigh* I just want my coat back, really. The last thing I expected was him totally vanishing. It's annoying to just get beaten up like that no matter how hard you try by yourself.

Leon: You did your best in the match. And you got to come out to a live performance.

Eve: I guess.
Standing by backstage is Becky Serra for an interview.

Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we saw the debut of someone named Daddy Mack. And at this moment, he's standing right by-

Daddy struts on by talk at Becky.

Daddy: Oh yeah! Listen here, missy. This Daddy right here isn't making a debut, yeah. He's mounting Space Mountain for his epic comeback, jack. I've wrestled all over the world many times over.

Serra: Really? What made you come back?

Daddy: Well I got bored. Oh yeah! But in any case, Daddy Mack is back, Dig it!

Serra: Well, up next is the World Heavyweight Championship match between Showtime and Ty Burna. Any thoughts on that?

Daddy: Well-

Before Daddy can speak someone stops by and says hello to the legend. It's Matt Tastic's grandfather.

Granpa: Well hello there, Daddy Mack. It's a pleasure to see you.

Daddy: Wow! Always nice to met a fan. Wait, did we work a show in... Ah, I don't remember. But I know the face.

Serra: Um... Excuse me. Thoughts on the match.

Daddy: Oh yeah. It's gonna be all sorts of good, brother. Dig it. Listen, I gotta go.

Serra: But what about-

Daddy: No, I mean I really gotta go. Daddy'll get right back to ya, jack.

Daddy Mac leaves but Granpa takes the mic.

Granpa: Listen, Becky. This is a great match. These two have such long history here. It'll be amazing, no doubt. But at the same time... Well it's a pity. I guess it is the luck of the draw. There's so much talent out there that don't get the same chance Showtime gets. He's already the only 3 time Champion here. Now he can go for 4. But what about other talents that have never gotten the nod? Like Diabolos. Weird as he is, he's pure fun to watch. Or what about Theron Daggershield. Or even my own grandson. Or Triple X. He keeps getting pre-empted. But I know he has the talent to do it. He just need that opportunity. They all need that one opportunity. But the door closed for them tonight. It's a pity for them.

As granpa finishes speaking, none other than Showtime David Cougar walks into the scene. Flanked by Michael Winters and Constantine. He takes the mic away from Becky and scares her off.

Showtime: Why should any of those nobodies get any opportunities? They are complete nobodies. If they were half as talented as you claim they are, they'd be standing right here by me. As true Elites of this sport. But they aren't. And you, you senile old bastard. Why the hell are you getting an interview when I'm the true star of this show? Get out of here. You aren't fit to be in the same building as me and top brass of wrestling.

Showtime shoves Granpa before walking off with The Elite staying behind and looking on.


Harrys: The following contest is a Falls Count Anywhere match, scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Copeland: It's time for our main event folks, and I can't believe we're about to witness this rematch of the main event of Kingdom Come III! Two of WZCW's all time greats are about to square off live on Meltdown!

Cohen: The roulette has spun out some incredible matches in the past, the kind of thing we'd never get to see any other way, and this is perhaps the best treat we've ever gotten from the roulette.


A cloud of smoke fills the stage as the music begins to play. Right before the lyrics hit, the smoke disappears and Showtime is standing on the stage. He walks slowly down the ramp, not looking at anyone in the audience. He staddles through the ropes and then spins around, holding his arms up as pyro shoots up around the ring. He motions around his waist, shouting at the crowd that he will be the new WZCW champion before night's end.

Copeland: Showtime returned to this company to take on Titus, who has since been forced out of action. Now the helmsman of the Elite, Showtime has been left somewhat directionless - but he could now return to the top of the mountain as the WZCW Champion for an unprecedented fourth time.

Cohen: What better way could there be for a man like Showtime to reclaim his spot at the top? The roulette wheel dictates fate, Seabass, and it's Showtime's fate to be champion. Fate knows Showtime has nothing to prove to anyone - he doesn't need to earn a shot! The will of destiny alone put him in this match, and it's going to make him champion one more time.


As the opening organs play the lights go completely out. A few seconds pass and large columns of flame burst out from the corners of the entrance ramp, continuing to emit flames as Ty makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp. At this time static lights begin flicker across the arena. Ty walks down the ramp slowly, staring into the ring the whole time. He climbs up onto the apron and enters the ring. He stands in the corner, staring forward until raising his right arm into the air, the flames dissipating and the lights returning to normal.

Copeland: Ty Burna just made his shocking return to WZCW to win the world title at All or Nothing, and the roulette round has done him no favors as he is immediately thrust into a title match against perhaps his greatest rival!

Cohen: Ty ended the reign of Ricky Runn rather unceremoniously, but is his own reign now about to be ended by this unexpected challenge from Showtime? I think the money is on the challenger, Seabass!

Harrys takes center stage in the ring as referee Jorou Akiyama has taken the title belt from Ty Burna.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, introducing the challenger, he is a former three time WZCW heavyweight champion of the world, weighing in at 222 pounds, from Hollywood, California, "SHOWTIME" DAVID COUGAR!

Most of the crowd is against Showtime, but there is a decidedly vocal element clearly in favor of him.

Harrys: And his opponent, he is the new, reigning, and defending WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, weighing in at 235 pounds, TY BURNA!

The crowd can hardly contain their enthusiasm as they cheer for Ty. Akiyama presents the belt to both competitors and can be heard explaining the rules - falls are by pinfall and submission only and may take place anywhere. He - no doubt in vain - encourages them to keep it clean before handing the title belt off and signalling for the bell.


The two legends circle for a moment before closing in and locking up. Ty starts to get the better of it and force Showtime to a knee, but Showtime breaks off the hold and kicks Ty in the gut. He puts a side headlock on the champion, then throws him to the ground. He hits the ropes but Ty rolls under, Showtime rebounds off the opposite side, Ty leaps over him, turns, and Showtime catches him once more with a kick to the gut. Showtime hits the ropes, rebounds once more, and Ty this time simply counters with a knee to Showtime's midsection. Ty takes Showtime down with a headlock takeover and keeps the hold on on the mat, Showtime forces himself to one knee, Ty brings him to his feet, Showtime lands some blows to the body, forces Ty into the ropes and off of him, Ty rebounds and takes Showtime down with a shoulder block. Show gets to his feet and Ty lands a huge standing dropkick! Show rolls out of the ring and tries to catch his breath, but Ty follows him, Ty goes after him but Show catches him with a kick! Show whips Ty hard into the ring steps and then lays into him with a series of punches and kicks to Ty on the ground. Ty gets up and tries to create separation but Show follows him with a series of shots to the body.

Copeland: It did not take long at all for this one to get to the outside, and some serious damage could be done out here.

Cohen: These two just know each other so well - there's no need for either of them to really feel out the other. I think Show baited Ty out to the floor so he could start laying on some pain.

Ty is up against the ringside barricade and Showtime elbows him in the head, leaving Ty staggering and using the barrier for support. Show tries to close again but Ty desperately kicks at him, getting Showtime's leg and backing him off. Show wastes no time in getting back on Ty as he grabs him and whips him into the ring apron, then lands a solid punch right into his forehead, closed fists completely legal in this contest. He keeps the blows coming and Ty collapses, and Showtime finishes with a kick to Ty's left arm. Showtime pulls Ty up away from the apron, then takes him down with a snapmare and drops a knee, connecting with the hard shot. Showtime backs off and lets Ty roll himself back into the ring before sliding in and going for a cover, getting one, two, but only two as Ty kicks out. Ty once more rolls to the outside, stands up on the apron, Showtime goes after him and grabs his head, but Ty counters and drops off the apron, slamming Show's head into the ropes! Ty takes Showtime's legs out from under him and pulls him out of the ring, then slams him headfirst into the ringside steps! Show rolls to the side but Ty is unrelenting, as he pulls Show back to his feet only to throw him into the steps once more.

Copeland: Ty showing no mercy in this contest.

Cohen: I don't know what else you could expect from Ty facing Showtime. Ty hasn't got a lot of mercy to begin with, but against an old enemy like this? No chance.

Ty keeps the pressure on as he pulls Show up, hurls him into the ringside barrier, and then clotheslines him over the side! Showtime spills into the crowd as Ty looks on. Ty leaps the barricade and pulls Showtime up, then uppercuts him, sending the challenger reeling through a sea of WZCW fans. Showtime tries to muster some offense with blows to Ty but he has to retreat before Ty's continued onslaught as they go all the way through the crowd! They make their way to the back of the floor seating and Ty continues to use the arena as a weapon as he punishes Showtime by throwing him into a wall separating the section. Ty drags Showtime back nearer the ring, then hurls him back into the ringside area. He leaps the barricade and Showtime charges him with a clothesline! He ducks under and Showtime overruns him, and Ty takes him down with a clothesline of his own! Ty tosses Show back into the ring, but Show rolls all the away through and out of the ring as Ty enters the ring. Show starts to back up the ramp to catch his breath but Ty is in hot pursuit as he charges and catches Showtime with an axe handle to the gut. Show recovers quickly and the two start to furiously exchange blows near the stage, Ty gets the better of Show with a stiff blow and drags him all the way up the stage. Showtime recovers in the clutches of Ty and nails the champion in the gut, then takes over with an elbow to the side of Ty's head. Ty is on his knees and Showtime slams him face first into the grating on the stage! Showtime pulls Ty to his feet and takes him to the side of stage, an easy ten foot drop from there to the ground, and he sets Ty up for a suplex! The crowd gasps - but Ty blocks! T counters and suplexes Showtime onto the stage!

Copeland: Ty is really dominating so far in this match and I don't know how much longer Showtime can last if this keeps up.

Cohen: At the same time, I think that the longer this goes, the more it favors Showtime, who is much more of a classically trained and conditioned athlete. If Showtime can weather the storm he can recover and finish strong.

Ty slides off of the stage and drags Showtime down with him, Show stumbling as Ty leads him back toward the ring. Ty places Show up against the ringside barrier and finds some support - he mounts up and starts laying into Showtime with blows to the head! The crowd counts along as Ty gets in shot after shot before he steps off and allows Showtime to collapse to the floor. Ty gives him no quarter as he pulls Show up once more and leads him toward the ring. Showtime sits himself against the ring but Ty slides into the ring, pulls him onto the apron, then sets up for a suplex! Ty takes a look at his surroundings and decides to slide Showtime over to the corner and pull him up to the top, setting up for a superplex! He goes for it, and nails it! Ty goes for a over and gets one, two, but only two! Showtime still has the werewithal to kick out. Ty takes a moment to breathe before pulling Showtime up - but Showtime counters with a Ratings Crash out of nowhere! Showtime goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two as Ty kicks out. Showtime looks angry as he pulls Ty to his feet and hurls him out of the ring, following only a step behind him. Show grabs Ty but Ty reverses on him, and sends him flying over the barricade into the timekeeper's area. Ty comes over to grab Showtime, but Show pops out from beyond vision and nails Ty square in the head with the timekeeper's bell! The sound of it resounds through the arena, but the match is far from over as Ty is laid out on the ground.

Copeland: It seems like for every piece of offense Showtime has mustered, Ty has had an answer, but Show's desperate use of the bell may have saved him here.

Cohen: ...I won't say it, Seabass, and you can't make me.

Showtime recovers for a moment before getting back on Ty, pulling him up and slamming him into the announcer's table! He keeps a hold of Ty and then throws him over the table into the announcers! Copeland and Cohen scatter as Ty crashes into the mess of chairs behind the table. Showtime pulls the champion up and lays a few shots into his head and then rolls him back into the ring. He picks Ty up, sets him up, and nails the Showstopper! He taunts the crowd and they respond with a vicious series of boos. Showtime only grins as he stomps on Ty's face, leaving the champion clutching his nose in pain. Showtime drops to the mat and locks in a half nelson on Ty, but Ty soon fights to a vertical base. He breaks the hold with a few blows to Showtime, then whips him into the ropes, Showtime rebounds as Ty sets up for a back body drop, but Show slides onto his back and nails Ty in the jaw! He goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two! Show throws Ty into the corner and goes after him, putting his boot on Ty's throat and forcing it in hard. Showtime tries to whip Ty into the opposite corner, but Ty reverses, Showtime hits the corner, Ty charges but Showtime gets his boot up and Ty runs right into it! Ty stumbles out and then Showtime takes his knee out! Ty collapses and Showtime goes after that knee, striking it multiple times as Ty crawls all over the mat. Showtime grabs the knee and locks in a half Boston crab on the injured knee!

Copeland: It looked like Ty may have hurt that knee when Showtime took it out from behind and the challenger seems to have immediately noticed that, as he is turning all his offense toward it.

Cohen: A blatant injury like that is a huge red bullseye for a seasoned veteran like Showtime. With the Commercial Break in his back pocket, an injured knee is like blood in the water to him.

Showtime keeps the hold locked in and Ty can't get out of it, he tries desperately to do something but he can't get anywhere. Akiyama asks him - but Ty won't tap! Showtime looks frustrated and gives the knee one more good wrench before he drops the hold and goes to the outside. He roots under the ring and comes up with a steel chair! He slides back in just as Ty is stumbling to one leg - and NAILS TY RIGHT IN THE HEAD WITH THE CHAIR! The brutal sound of the chairshot rings throughout the arena and the audience groans audibly. Ty is on the mat and as the camera focuses on him it's clear he was busted open by the shot. Showtime tosses the chair aside and pulls Ty to his feet - but Ty counters rapidly with Mo' Murda! Showtime pops up and goes reeling into the ropes as Ty grabs the chair, Showtime rebounds and TY NAILS HIM WITH A BRUTAL CHAIRSHOT! Show collapses and Ty waits for him to get a knee before pulling him and crushing him with a double underhook backbreaker! Show rolls to his side and clutches his back as Ty backs up to the corner, and it's clear he's looking to end this! Show gets to his feet slowly, stumbling, he turns, Ty is charging, leaping, kicking - BUT SHOW DUCKS UNDER THE CONSECRATED BANISHMENT! Ty lands on his feet and Showtime grabs him, counters with the Backstage! Show goes for a cover and gets one, two, thr - BUT ONLY TWO! Ty barely kicks out but Akiyama emphatically says only two as Showtime goes back on the offensive. Showtime is clearly trying to end this as he pulls Ty to the corner, up to the top rope - HE WANTS THE FINAL ACT! HE SETS UP FOR IT - BUT TY COUNTERS, AND THROWS SHOWTIME OFF THE TOP ROPE TO CRASH ONTO THE MAT! Ty quickly leaps off the top with a knee drop and it connects on Showtime.

Copeland: Fast and furious as both wrestlers seem to feel the end is near, but neither of them can see to nail that one big move to end this.

Cohen: It's no wonder - they both know what's coming! They've scouted the other so well in their careers.

Ty pulls Showtime back to the outside, looking to inflict some extra punishment, but Showtime tries to block him with a few blows to the head. They trade blows before Ty gets a kick to the gut in that backs Showtime off. Ty puts a front facelock on Showtime then elevates him, and drops him onto the ringside barrier! Showtime lands square on his gut and falls into the ringside area, clearly in great pain as Ty rolls him back into the ring. Showtime rolls to the side, picks himself up with the ropes - AND TY CAVES HIS SKULL IN WITH A CONSECRATED BANISHMENT! TY COVERS AND GETS ONE, TWO, AND THREE!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty collapses to the mat in exhaustion and Akiyama has to help him stand to have his hand raised with the title belt. Showtime rolls out of the ring and Michael Winters soon appears from the back to be at his side, supporting the leader of the Elite. Winters stares death at Ty but Ty is practically oblivious to it as he doubles over in pain, sitting down in the corner to attempt to recover.

Copeland: Ty Burna, bruised and bloody, still found a way to take out Showtime who gave an incredible effort tonight.

Cohen: A constant back and forth contest and I really thought Showtime had what it took, but the brutal no disqualification atmosphere helped Ty take advantage of the entire arena as a weapon and that was the difference maker.

Copeland: And the ultimate takeaway is that Ty Burna is still the WZCW world champion. That brings an end to the first half of the roulette round, folks, and we'll see you tomorrow night for WZCW Ascension Anarchy!
Ty Burna vs. "Showtime" David Cougar (Falls Count Anywhere) Harthan
M vs. Theron Dagger---------


Wait a freakin' minute. Show's not over yet!
Copeland: Can we get a camera man back to the ring, quickly?! Jack, stay right here!

Cohen: Now what the hell is this?

Ty Burna was just moments ago soaking in the adulation of the fans, holding his WZCW Title high in the air, for all to see. But as the cameras closed on this production of Meltdown Madness, Amber Warren has slid into the ring, attacking Ty Burna! She starts throwing punches at Ty, as the crowd starts to get a little frenzied. Some who were leaving for the exit are beginning to file back, as Ty pushes away his attacker. But Amber Warren is relentless, never letting her up attack!

Copeland: What the hell is Amber doing?!

Amber attempts a spinning wheel kick, which takes down Ty. Ty makes it to his knees, still bloodied from his war with Showtime. Amber charges again, but is caught by TY Burna with a knee, right into the ribs! This shakes Amber, allowing for Ty to lift his foot high in the air, and deliver an axe kick on Amber! Amber makes it to her knees, and wipes her lip, scowling at Ty Burna. She backs away, as Ty keeps his eyes locked on Amber. Amber makes it to her feet... And unleashes a blood curdling scream! She screams at the top of her lungs, which causes the whole arena to shake from the impact of the scream. Ty looks on, still confused as to why Amber would attack him. He wipes the blood from her face, and prepares for the next attack from Amber!


Ty Burna lay on the ground, completely prone, as Fallout stands over him, chair in hand! The crowd boos violently, as Fallout brings the chair down again, this time on the back of Ty Burna!

Copeland: Wha... Fallout.... Fallout?!

Cohen:I..... I got nothing here... What is all of this?

Fallout picks up a near unconscious Ty Burna by the neck, and looks to Amber Warren. Amber screams, at the top of her lungs.

Warren: Off with his head!

Fallout sets up Ty Burna with Half Life... But Ty Burna punches Fallout in the stomach, releasing his grip on Ty's head! Ty backs away, as Amber and Fallout come together, to circle Ty Burna. Ty looks determined, refusing to let the numbers game get the better of him. His eyes turn blood red, as Fallout and Amber surround the world champion. After a moment's hesitation, Ty leaps at Fallout, throwing punches at the war torn soldier! At first, Ty appears as though he's able to fight off the numbers, keeping Amber and Fallout at bay! He knocks Fallout to his knees, and backs up for a running start. His eyes glowing red, Ty runs after Fallout for the Consecrated Banishment!


This time, it's Amber Warren with the chair, hitting Ty in the back with a vicious thud. Ty turns around, still defiant. His eyes bright red, he reaches to choke Amber Warren. He gets his hands around her neck, but not before Fallout jumps him from behind, kicking him in the back of the head! Amber takes her chance, and waffles Ty Burna with a chair shot, right into the head of Ty Burna! Ty is brought to his knees, before falling to his face.

Copeland:I.... I don't understand....

Referee Akiyama tries to break this up, calling for the bell over and over. Fallout grabs an unconscious Ty, and sets up for Half Life! Fallout drives Ty's head into the mat, with authority, as Amber laughs in the background, hanging on the ropes and giving a gleeful smile. The monster looks down, and isn't satisfied, just yet. He places Ty in his triangle choke, the Radiation Sickness, as Ty still seems lifeless! Amber walks over, and sets up for her Sin City Express! She connects on the body and neck of Ty, as Fallout refuses to relinquish the hold. Akiyama calls for more help.

Copeland: God damn it, someone stop them!

Cohen: I've never seen Ty Burna like this, in my life!

Fallout releases the hold, as Ty Burna lays lifeless. The crowd boos, as Fallout signals for one more Half Life! Fallout lifts up Ty's limp body... Which can fight wriggle out! Ty is wearing a crimson mask, but still tries to fight off this duo. Defiantly, Ty Burna slaps Fallout in the face, a sign of rebellion! but Fallout knees him in the stomach, and drives Ty Burna's head into the mat one more time, with Half Life! The crowd boos, as Fallout sits up. He breathes heavily, calling for a microphone. Amber walks over to the monster, microphone in hand, and grabs his hand. She looks down at Amber, who has a wicked smile on her face.

Fallout:I.... I offer this, my sacrifice!

The crowd goes silent, as Fallout screams out these words, for all to hear. He looks down to Amber Warren once more, who is beaming. Ty Burna makes it to his stomach, and crawls to a base... His face is now dripping with blood, as he fights to regain consciousness...


Copeland: Oh God... Oh No...

Dr. Zeus and The Beard walk down to the ring, glee written all over their face. Dr. Zeus cackles, as he looks on at the sight before them. The Beard walks down behind Zeus, as the crowd is stunned into silence.

Copeland: Jack, come on! This is too much! They can't...

Cohen: Yes they can, Seabass. Who's going to stop them?...

The Beard and Dr. Zeus enter the ring, grabbing Jun Akiyama as they come down the aisle. The Beard looks down at the bloodied Ty Burna, with a look of pride in his eyes. The Beard hands his briefcase to referee Jun Akiyama, and orders that the bell be rung.

Copeland:No! Not like this! No, God damn it!

Jun Akiyama, helpless and bound by his obligations, goes over to Harrys. He gives instructions, ordering the start of this match. Dr. Zeus, The Beard, Amber Warren, and Fallout all congratulate one another, Beard offering a hand shake to Fallout. The crowd can't control their anger, throwing garbage into the room! Fallout kneels before Dr. Zeus, who places his hand on Fallout's forehead. Harrys gives the dreaded announcement.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen... The Beard is now cashing in his King for a Day Briefcase. This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Cohen:My God... Seabass, I can't believe this...

Copeland: God damn it, The Beard's going to steal the belt! He's going to rip the belt away from Ty Burna!

The Beard paces the ring, waiting for the bell to be rung. Zeus, Fallout, and Amber leave the ring, as Akiyama tries to resucitate Ty Burna, who is crawling to his base. He still seems out of it, absolutely incapable of fighting! But Jun, with a grimace on his face, calls for the bell, and Ty Burna tries to make it to all fours. He makes it to one knee, and is met with a big boot, as soon as he gets to a knee! The Beard makes a cover as Copeland screams.

Copeland: Not this way, not this way!



Ty kicked out, he kicked out at two!

Copeland: Ty's still alive! Ty is still in this! Come on, Ty!

Ty rolls over, as Beard pounds the mat in anger! The crowd comes alive, and the arena starts to rock, as Ty Burna makes it to a knee again! His eyes glow red, almost as red as the blood on his face. Beard backs up, to hit another big boot! But Ty rolls out of the way, and clotheslines The Beard to the mat! The crowd comes unglued, as Ty uses every last ounce of energy to fight off his challenger. Ty hits another clothesline, and The Beard goes down again! Ty Burna backs away, and signals for Consecrated Banishment, officially working on no more than adrenaline! He raises his right arm, and gets a running start! He flies high in the air, to attempt the kick! The Beard ducks though, and grabs the referee with him! As the referee makes his way to his feet, Ty Burna jumps clear across the ring, near the ropes, where Dr. Zeus is waiting on the apron! Dr. Zeus throws a fireball, which lands right in the eyes and face of Ty Burna! Ty Burna holds his face, as The Beard comes up from behind him! The Beard grabs Ty's head for Poetic Justice, and drives Ty Burna into the mat!

Copeland:No, goddamnit! Hey ref, you have to stop this!

The Beard covers Ty Burna, as Akiyama-san counts the fall.




Copeland: Damnit, The Beard's stolen the title! The Beard has cashed in!

Cohen: And we have a new World Heavyweight Champion!

The Beard holds his arms high, as The Pale Riders enter the ring. Ty Burna lays unconscious in the ring, as Harrys regrettably announces the decision.

Harrys: The winner of this match.... And New WZCW World Heavyweight Champion... The Beard!

copeland: It shouldn't have been this way! Ty Burna just had the belt stolen from him!

Cohen: Beard had the briefcase... Dr. Zeus must have had this planned from the beginning...

Dr. Zeus grabs the belt from Akiyama-san, and gives it to The Beard! He cackles in delight, hugging his new charges, Amber Warren and Fallout! The two members kneel before Dr. Zeus... And Dr. Zeus, in turn, kneels before The Beard. The Beard places the title on his shoulders, pride beaming from his eyes. Akiyama checks on Ty Burna, who has yet to move. The Beard storms towards Harrys, and yanks the microphone from his hands.

Beard: Get a good look at your hero!

Beard points down to Ty.

Beard: This will be the last you see of him... And this will be the last you see of me! I've conquered your heroes.... I've left WZCW to absolute waste. And I have ascended my throne, as King of Kings.... All hail the king!

Zeus, Amber, and Fallout nod their heads, as The Beard screams into the microphone....

Beard: Long. Live. The. King!

The lights go out, on a stunned audience. When the lights come back on, all that is left in the ring is Dr. Zeus, Amber Warren, Fallout, and the fallen body of Ty Burna. The Beard, and the WZCW World Heavyweight Title, are gone...

The crowd is stunned, as tears roll down the eyes of certain fans. Zeus holds his arms in the shape of a crucifix, as Amber and Fallout flank his left and right side. Copeland begins to speak, as the copyright information comes up.

Copeland: My God... What... What does this all mean....

Ty Burna vs. "Showtime" David Cougar/ Opening/Segments, M vs. Theron Daggershield vs. Blade - Harthan
Diabolos & Corvus vs. Eve Taylor & Dr. Zeus/ Intro/ Segments - KJ
Flex Mussel vs. Amber Warren - Pancake
Segments/ End Of Show - Haiku
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