Meltdown Madness 5 (Episode 85)

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the Frog


Meltdown's opening video package plays and the music blares throughout the arena as a wild pyrotechnic display goes off over the stage. The camera pans all over the crowd and the stage, which is decorated with a handful of Las Vega themed decorations, including a miniature roulette off to one side. The camera focuses in on WZCW's stalwart flagship announcing team, Sebastian Copeland and Jack Cohen.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you live to beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada, and the crowd is totally electric for the most chaotic week of WZCW television all year!

Cohen: I'll tell you, Seabass, this is just about my favorite week on the WZCW calendar. It's total pandemonium in WZCW - nobody knows who they're going to face this week! Champions won't know if they're going to defend their titles until moments before they go out! It's madness!

Copeland: That's right, folks - we can't even tell you what the main event of tonight's show is. Nobody knows but the top of the WZCW brass, and they're not likely to share with us anytime soon.


The crowd is on their feet for the arrival of Meltdown's general manager! The GM makes his way out with a smile on his face, slapping hands with the occasional fan before entering the ring. He grabs a mic from a member of the production team and begins to address the crowd.

Dave: Hello, Las Vegas!

The crowd pops and Dave grins at the cheap pop.

Dave: I want to welcome you all to Meltdown Madness, as we're kicking off the most chaotic week in WZCW. It's going to be one heck of a ride, and I hope you're all looking forward to it as much as I am.

The crowd cheers and assents that they are indeed.

Dave: But there's something else looming on the WZCW calendar that I've decided to address tonight. You all know that we're on the road to the Lethal Lottery, where one superstar will earn the right to challenge for the world title in the main event of Kingdom Come. I know the Internet has been blowing up over just how the match is going to go down this year, and after consulting with Vance Bateman and Chuck Myles, we've finally settled on just how we're going to conduct the match this year. I can reveal at this time that the Lethal Lottery will be a thirty man over the top battle royale - and furthermore, from this point forward, there will be no qualifies for the match. Entrance will be determined solely by discretion of WZCW management.

The crowd cheers, excited to hear that rumors of the Lethal Lottery being reduced in size have been greatly exaggerated.

Dave: With that, ladies and gentlemen, I'm done taking up your time, so let's get right to action - !


The crowd's cheers turn to total derision as the number one contender to the world title makes his way to the stage, a smug grin on his face. He strides about halfway down the entrance ramp before raising his microphone up to address Dave.

Holmes: David, with all due respect - no one cares.

The crowd lets him hear it and Holmes has to wait for the noise to die down before he can continue.

Holmes: I'm sorry, but it's the truth. The Lethal Lottery is completely irrelevant. I am the number one contender by virtue of my indisputable, dominating victory over Triple X, who will now undoubtedly return to the hole from whence he came. But again, what does it matter? Triple X is now but a distant memory, and the Elite has claimed his place as number one contender.

The crowd issues noises of disgust in Holmes's direction, while Dave eyes him levelly, letting him speak his piece.

Holmes: And that, of course, is why the Lethal Lottery couldn't be more meaningless. Because I will defeat Showtime handily at the Lethal Lottery, claiming the prize I have always been meant to hold, and whomever is the victor of the Lethal Lottery couldn't possibly defeat me. I will begin the longest reign in WZCW history at the Lethal Lottery, and the winner of the match itself will simply fade away into the dust of time as I become WZCW's brightest star.

Dave raises his mic, but Holmes cuts him off.

Holmes: And yes, for those reasons, David, I simply must insist you stop talking immediately about the Lethal Lottery and instead address my impending world title reign - !


The crowd goes wild for the arrival of the champion who saunters onto the stage with the belt around his waist. He has a microphone in hand and wastes no time in cutting off Steven Holmes.

Showtime: might be crazy, you might be an egomaniac, but one thing I never took you for was stupid.

The crowd cheers for the insult and Holmes grins slyly back, a smile not reflected in his eyes.

Showtime: If you really believe no one cares about the Lethal Lottery, then you're dumber than I could have ever believed. The only person in the world right now who should be more terrified of the Lethal Lottery than you is me. Because there's no one on the planet who will ever pose a bigger challenge to the world champion than the winner of that match. Inevitably, the winner of the Lethal Lottery will be the hottest star in the company, because that's what you have to be to survive that match - trust me, I know. And that's the last person you want to stare down. The next most likely person to be champion come Kingdom Come after me, is you. So you should be paying very careful attention to what Dave has to say about that match, because you have a very vested interest in it.

Holmes is fuming as he raises his microphone.

Holmes: If you're quite finished -

Showtime: Actually, I'm not. Because I also have to address the utter stupidity coming out of your mouth when you presume you're going to walk over me at the Lethal Lottery. Because maybe you haven't been paying attention, but I've already beaten you once, and I can damn well beat you again. At All or Nothing, I survived a 60 minute Iron Man match to defeat Constantine in one of the most grueling matches of my career. I say this objectively, Holmes - I am the best wrestler in this company, and I prove it every night. If you're going to take me lightly, if you're not going to bring your A game to the Lethal Lottery, than don't even bother showing up, because it won't be worth my time.

The crowd roars in approval as Holmes once again raises his mic.

Holmes: I have enough talent in my left pinky to defeat you blindfolded, you half breed son of a - !

Dave: Enough!

Both men turn to face Big Dave, who has the attention of everyone in the arena.

Dave: As entertaining and as good for ratings as this is, both of you are eating into the limited amount of time we have on air. And as much as I hate giving out spoilers, I can tell you that neither of you are on the card tonight, so I'm going to have to end this particular pissing contest. Save your best for later, boys - there'll be plenty of time for it in the weeks to come.

Both Holmes and Showtime look like they're about to speak, but Dave cuts them both off.

Dave: Although, while we're all out here, I do have one more piece of news that I can deliver. Again, I hate to spoil this, but I have enough respect for you, Showtime, to tell you what your match is going to be this week. Bring it up on the screen, boys.

WZCW Aftershock
WZCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Triple Threat Match

The crowd goes wild over the announcement as Dave raises the mic once again.

Dave: You're too good of a world champion to be asked to walk into that match blind. But likewise, I'm going to give your opponents a chance to prepare as well. Your first competitor is going to be WZCW's own Submission Queen, Celeste Crimson!

The crowd cheers and Showtime narrows his eyes, nodding slightly.

Dave: And joining you...with apologies to Red Mask, WZCW's greatest superhero, Saboteur!

The crowd cheers once again and Showtime rubs a hand over his jaw, stunned at the news. Holmes's expression is totally neutral, revealing nothing of what he feels about the news.

Copeland: Explosive news as we learn that the main event of Aftershock this week will be a world heavyweight championship contest between Showtime, Celeste Crimson, and Saboteur!

Cohen: Two of the toughest you could ask for! Celeste is a stalwart veteran and we all know that Saboteur is capable of shocking the world in an instant!

Copeland: We'll be right back, folks, with more Meltdown Madness!
The crowd is amped and awaits the first match of the Roulette-based shows as Truman Harrys enters the ring. One of the WZCW referee runs down the ramp ready to call the next contest. She slides into the ring, siding next to Harrys and the two begin talking as they join the crowd in waiting.

Cohen: Shouldn't Truman be introducing the match?

Copeland: We're doing it a little bit differently this year - the Titantron will reveal all the information prior to the contest before Truman gets to make introductions.

Cohen: Then why is he out here then if the bloody screen is doing it for him?

Copeland: Good thinking, Jack. I'll get Harrys to come join me on commentary to replace you. How's that sound?

Cohen mumbles under his breath as a mysterious type of music plays in the background of the arena as the crowd grows with anticipation. The Titantron then flashes the WZCW logo until we see it stop:

WZCW's Roulette Says:

Singles Match
Standard Rules

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Cohen: Ugh... this is going to be a long night.

The music continues as it decides its first competitor.


The theme music of the Addiction hits the arena and the crowd is less than pleased with the first reveal, subsequently booing in the process. It takes a few moments until Blaze struts out with an air of arrogance about him. He has a cocky smile as he walks down the ramp and climbs up the steps.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Owensboro, Kentucky, weighing in at 220 pounds; "The Addiction" Brent Blaze!

Copeland: The youngster from Kentucky is prime position by coming out first - the Roulette could pick anybody from roster including WZCW Heavyweight Champion, "Showtime" Cougar.

Cohen: That's what I love about this time of the year. It's unpredictable!

Blaze stands in the centre of the ring, waiting around for his next opponent. He does a couple of stretches as the roulette makes its decision. After a moment, the next theme hits.


The boos only seem to increase as Connor Reese's music blasts through the speakers. Blaze doesn't seem too pleased about being paired with Reese but after a few seconds, he goes back to stretching and preparing for his opponent.

Harrys: And his opponent, from the Dawn of a New Era, weighing in at 234 pounds; "The Next-Generation Superstar" Connor Reese!

Copeland: Reese seems to be taking his time.

As soon as Copeland finished, Reese walks out with a microphone in hand and a finger over his mouth, tapping his top lip as he looks down. He doesn't look too happy neither.

Reese: So let me get this straight - the future of not only this company but the entirety of professional wrestling has to come out here and have a match against another nobody.

Blaze stops stretching and pays attention to Reese, listening intently as he walks down the ramp.

Reese: I don't mind being given an easy win but with all the talent that I have, do I really have to face this rookie? I've been screwed out of the Mayhem division; banned from having any of my paid affiliates to accompany me within a 200 metre radius of this arena despite others allowed to have theirs interfere in matches without consequence; and recently had to compete in a Battle Royale where my opponent tonight was eliminated easily from that match to earn a spot in the Lethal Lottery match only for the bigwigs to turn around and automatically qualify everybody? And people call me the asshole.

Reese has managed to enter the ring at this time and turns his back to Blaze, completely ignoring him.

Reese: I'm tired of being mistreated by this company and I demand that I get given a proper match; the one that I deserve. Not one against some low-class jobber that should be working in Louisiana, not here.

The crowd is booing heavily at Reese now. Blaze looks on with bewilderment at the choice of words Connor used.

Cohen: Why the hate against Louisiana?

Copeland: No idea but he better pray that WZCW never has a live show there again otherwise he'll be torn to shreds!

As Reese throws the microphone towards the direction of the referee (who catches it), Blaze slips behind Reese and rolls him up for a schoolboy pin! The ref fumbles the mic, calls for the bell and goes in for the pin...

... 1... 2... Reese kicks out just in time. The crowd is caught by surprise by Blaze's initiative to win this match quickly. Blaze gets up in the ref's face and tells her to count quicker. As he turns around, a still fresh Reese is up and delivers a shin kick before planting Blaze with a snap reverse STO. Reese gets to his feet and goes over to the referee, complaining himself that the match shouldn't have started like that. She tells him to back off and continue the match, which he reluctantly does. Reese turns to Blaze who is attempting to get up, grabbing his head and helping him to his feet. He then follows up by putting Blaze into a roll-through snapmare with a kick to Blaze's head before stomping on him multiple times. Reese moves back and leans against the turnbuckles, waiting for Blaze to get to his feet himself to not exhaust too much energy. As Blaze does, Reese swoops in and whips Blaze across the ring, catching him with an arm drag. Reese locks in an armbar until Blaze once again stands up, causing Reese to switch into a hammerlock. Blaze tries an elbow but Reese ducks, pushes Blaze forward whilst still holding onto his arm, twists Blaze to face him and yanks him forward into a hip toss backbreaker. Reese locks the arm again and delivers multiple elbow strikes to Blaze.

Cohen: Reese is dominating this match - I guess he is backing up his words.

Copeland: He is too cocky for his own good. If he wanted to show us he is good, why not finish this contest early? What's the point in giving more time for Blaze to find an opportunity to win?

Cohen: To prove a point. You're not a wrestler so you wouldn't know.

The crowd's disdain for Reese has grown so high that they are actually getting behind Blaze, someone who is normally booed himself. The cheers of the crowd spark something inside Blaze, as if he just satisfied an addiction. Blaze quickly uses this new-found adrenaline to get to his feet despite Reese's efforts to keep him grounded with his submission. Blaze is up and delivers a couple of elbow strikes to break the hold. Reese stumbles back a couple of steps, allowing some breathing room for Blaze to hit a roundhouse kick on Reese, causing him to stumble further but still remains on his feet. Blaze runs off the ropes and charges at Reese with a flying superman punch that connects. Reese drops to one knee and Blaze runs again, this time hitting a swinging neckbreaker. He goes for the pin attempt... 1... 2... kick-out. Blaze slams the mat and goes up to the ref, asking her for a proper count before turning around to see Reese trying to get up. Blaze takes a deep breath and focuses, slapping his elbow as he waits for Reese to stand. As he does, Blaze hits the Pain Killer on Reese. Blaze looks around and heads to the ropes, causing a cheer from the audience. He seems a bit confused at the fans as he stares at the ones cheering him on instead of booing him. He goes up and tries for the Overdose but Reese moves out of the way, causing Blaze to crash and burn.

Copeland: Blaze took too much time worrying about the fan's reaction and it cost him missing a high-risk move.

Cohen: That's why you disregard the fans, Seabass. They distract you and you don't get the job done. Blaze should just ignore the fans and get the victory like he did during his first few matches.

It is a struggle for Reese and Blaze to get to their feet first with Connor winning the battle. Reese quickly grabs Blaze and hits the first of two suplexes in Northern Lights: Evolution. Reese floats over and goes to deliver a second but Blaze blocks the attempt as Reese tries to lift him. Frustrated, Reese tries yanking Blaze up but this allows Blaze enough of an opportunity to transition the attempted suplex into Blaze's fujiwara armbar submission finisher; Screamo. Blaze locks in the submission tight and refuses to let go as Reese tries escaping the painful hold. The crowd is out for blood as they egg Reese to tap out as Blaze continues putting the pressure on. Reese cannot seem to escape the hold nor find a way to reverse the submission, leaving him trying to get to the ropes desperately. Reese claws and scratches to the ropes but in the end, it is hopeless for the future of professional wrestling who eventually taps out.

Blaze's music hits the speakers and he lets go of the submission, happy about his victory over Reese who uses the ropes to get to his feet. The referee raises his hand as the crowd applauds his efforts for tonight.

Harrys: Here is your winner; Brent Blaze!

Cohen: You see? That's how you do it.

Copeland: It was a decisive victory for Blaze but I'd hate to be someone who keeps in social contact with Reese. He is going to be fuming about this loss.

Cohen: I don't blame him but unless a draw happens, there has to be a winner and a loser.

As Reese gets to his feet, he tries going after Blaze but he slips away under the ropes with an cocky smile on his face as he walks backwards up the ramp, mocking Reese of losing tonight. The look on Reese's face cannot be described by words with the amount of anger he has. The ref notices this and exits the ring as well before anything happens to her.


We cut backstage and see Mikey Stormrage looking off into the distance as Rebecca "Becky" Serra stands by with a microphone. She speaks up with a real serious tone.

Becky: Mikey, following what happened at All or Nothing, I have to ask... What do you do next?

The is an awkward silence as we just hear Mikey flare out of his nostrils as he looks off camera in a pissed off manner.

Becky: What about Grand Mystique?

Mikey shoots Becky a darting glare.

Mikey: What about Grand Mystique?

Mikey cracks a self-gratifying smile as he looks at the camera.

Mikey: The fact of the matter is that ever since I went solo, I have been coddled and picked up after ever scraped knee. But now it is time that I get up on my own. Now it is time that I put on a new skin. Don't get me wrong Becky.

Mikey smiles at Becky and shakes his head.

Mikey: I thank you, the WZCW Management, and all of the WZCW Universe for all the support they give me every night I compete, but now it is time for Mikey Stormrage to evolve. So tonight...

Mikey looks back at the camera.

Mikey: Whether it be foe-

Mikey pauses.

Mikey: -Or friend. I am going to bring my all. I am going to uncork the strength that runs through my bones. Listen up Grand Mystique.

Mikey gets real serious as he stares directly into the camera.

Mikey: A storm is coming and you are about to get wrecked.

Mikey flares his nostrils as he walks off camera.

Becky waves her face after the intensity of the moment. The camera fades out.
Copeland: We welcome you back to Meltdown Madness, folks, WZCW's most chaotic show of the year! Any thoughts on what we just heard from Mikey Stormrage, Jack?

Cohen: I think he's losing it, Seabass. The guy can barely hold it together. Did you hear the rumor about his hotel -

Copeland: Alright, Jack, well we've got to move on to the next contest here, so let's see what the roulette has in store for us!

WZCW's Roulette Says:

Mayhem Championship #1 Contender's Match
Mayhem Rules

Copeland: Oh my! It seems we're about to determine a new number one contender to the Mayhem Championship!

Cohen: And who knows - by the time our new number one contender gets to challenge, Vega might not even be the champion! Not that I find that too likely, of course.

Harrys steps into the ring to announce the match.

Harrys: The following contest is a Mayhem rule match, scheduled for one fall! The winner will be the new number one contender to the Mayhem championship!


Harrys: Introducing first, from the Night's Watch, weighing in at 143 pounds, "The Sandman" Sandy Deserts!

Sandy Deserts takes the stage as gold and blue lighting plays out over the crowd. The crowd cheers for their resident favorite sandman as she makes her way to the ring. She takes her pouch of glitter out and customarily blows a little into the ring, before sliding in and raising a fist to the crowd.

Cohen: WZCW's own glitter queen takes the ring, completely ruining the ring for the rest of the night already...

Copeland: Mock her all you want, Jack, but keep in mind that Sandy has a reputation for hardcore wrestling that we haven't really seen lay out here in WZCW yet. This could be a very interesting contest.

Cohen: All well and good, Seabass, though it's my understanding that Ms. Sandwoman couldn't even win a battle royal the pre-show to All or Nothing. That doesn't really bode well for her chances at winning this match or the Mayhem title.


Cohen: Er, well, maybe her chances of winning this match might be alright...

Harrys: And introducing her opponent, from Out of this World, weighing in at 200 pounds, Krypto!

The lights go out in the arena and the crowd pops as they know what is coming. Finally, a spot light shows Krypto running down a set of stairs in the crowd. They cheer him on as he dives onto a section of people. They catch him and send the little dude down towards the ring as the rest of the audience roars.

Copeland: Arguably WZCW's most unique personality is coming off the biggest match of his life, as he just challenged Vega for the Mayhem title at All or Nothing. Now he'll have a chance to get right back there with a win tonight.

Cohen: His biggest match and his biggest loss, Seabass. This freakshow is just not cut out for big time competition.

Copeland: I'm not sure how you can say that when he just had a very competitive contest against one of the more dominant Mayhem champions in recent times, Vega.

Cohen: Absolutely everything was on his side that night, and he still couldn't get the job done. That's all you need to know about him, frankly.

Krypto's crowdsurfing is complete and he makes his way over the barricade and into the ring where he finishes with a slight bow to the crowd. With a grin on his face he turns to face Sandy Deserts - and his grin begins to fade.

The two stare each other down calmly from opposite sides of the ring as the referee briefly checks each of them, though everything is quite legal in this contest. He signals for the bell and we are underway. The two circle briefly to begin but rapidly close, Sandy using her height advantage over Krypto to get some knees into his gut and take control. She backs him up into the ropes and whips him across the ring, but Krypto rebounds and slides right underneath her and through her legs, popping up just as Sandy turns to meet him and taking her down with an armdrag. Sandy gets to her feet quickly but Krypto hits the mat and takes her legs out with a big legsweep, sending Sandy to the mat face first. Sandy struggles to her knees and Krypto leaps over her, catching her side and rolling her over into a pinning combination! He gets one, but only one as Sandy kicks out easily. Krypto gets up to the second rope quickly and waits for Sandy to stand and face him, then comes off the ropes with a quick diving clothesline. Krypto pumps his fists for the crowd quickly and then goes back on the attack, pulling Sandy up to her feet and whipping her into the corner. Sandy gasps in pain as the impact with the turnbuckle shocks her, but has the werewithal to meet Krypto's charge by ducking down and elevating him over the top rope to the ring apron. Krypto keeps his feet and Sandy turns, throws a hard right at Krypto that he blocks and answers with a quick jab of his own that backs Sandy off. Krypto springs up and over to the top rope and tries to set himself up, but he's got no time as Sandy is immediately there, shoving his legs out from under him and leaving Krypto to fall hard, draped across the top ropes and the top turnbuckle. Sandy goes after his back, hitting clubbing blows to his spine before backing off for a second. She measures him and throws a hard knee right into his gut, obviously knocking the air right out of him. Krypto starts to fall out of the corner and Sandy finishes the job, hurling him from the corner to the center of the ring where he collapses, holding his stomach. Sandy appears to consider the cover, but inside rolls outside and starts rooting around for weapons.

Copeland: Krpyto had a nice start there and was chaining together the offense, and I think Sandy has the right strategy here - slowing this match down is probably in her favor, although she's certainly got the agility.

Cohen: She does, but I'll say one thing for Krypto, and that is that he's one of the faster members of the roster. It's a smart move not to get involved in a fast paced contest with him.

Sandy comes up with something from under the ring - the old stalwart, a steel chair! The crowd roars their approval as she slides the chair into the ring. Krypto is just stirring to his knees and Sandy grabs the chair, then aims a shot into his back. Krypto collapses and weakly tries to get up again, but Sandy rolls him over and then aims a jabbing shot with the chair into his gut! Krypto clutches his gut and gasps for air while Sandy tosses the chair aside. She pulls Krypto to his feet and drags him to the ropes, draping him across the middle rope, then pulling him through to a standing position with him tied up in the ropes. She aims a hard knee at his gut then backs off, retrieving the chair. She hits him once hard in the gut again - and then SMASHES THE CHAIR DEAD ON IN THE FACE! The chair is dented and Sandy once again tosses it aside, but the damage is very much done. Sandy backs off and allows Krypto to collapse under his own weight, sliding halfway off the ring apron as he does. Sandy pulls him back into the center of the ring and covers him, getting one, two, but only two as Krypto kicks out at the last moment. Sandy looks a little frustrated and rolls to the outside once more. She searches under the ring, tossing a fresh chair into the ring, but comes out with her ultimate prize - a kendo stick! She slides back into the ring as Krypto is beginning to stir again, and drops to her knees behind him. She pulls him back and locks in a headlock, then lifts her arm up a bit - just enough to wedge the kendo stick in! She's practically choking Krypto with the kendo stick and there's not much anyone can do about it!

Copeland: A full on assault with the hardware is giving Sandy a decisive advantage in this contest. It's a level of viciousness that you don't normally see from a new Mayhem competitor - but then Sandy is a fairly old hand at this.

Cohen: It's textbook fare for a Mayhem match - you've got to be the aggressor and gets to the weapons as soon as possible. A steel chair is going to serve you better in a Mayhem match than any move you've ever learned.

Krypto desperately tries to fight out, rolling to either side, and eventually his weight advantage gets the better of Sandy as he's able to get to his knees and force his way to a vertical base. She's still got the kendo stick across his throat but he's able to force a hand under it, using his other arm to elbow Sandy in the gut. After a few more elbows to the gut, Krypto is able to break free and backs Sandy off! Krypto continues his assault with a few well placed shots to Sandy's midsection. Sandy tries to gather herself and desperately swings the kendo stick, but Krpyto ducks under it! Krypto takes a step toward the staggered Sandman - but she answers with a blinding fast kick to his gut, and then cracks the kendo stick across his back with a brutal shot! The kendo stick splinters and Sandy tosses it aside, instead whipping Krypto into the ropes and then ducking down, looking for a back body drop. She telegraphed it a little too much though, as Krypto counters with a kick to her face that stands her up, clutching her nose. Sandy shakes her head and goes right back after Krpyto, but he gets the better of her, catching her fist and answering with a firm strike of his own. Krypto has the advantage now and he uses a series of strikes and kicks to back Sandy across the ring, using a leaping kick to finally take her down! Sandy rolls and scrambles over to the corner while Krypto grabs the steel chair in the ring. He charges at her full on with the chair in hands, but she ducks aside at the last moment! Krpyto doesn't miss a beat, instead leaping onto the top turnbuckle, then turning around with a slight jump. Sandy is just now turning around to face him - he tosses the chair at her, she catches it before it meets her face, and he NAILS HER WITH A MISSILE DROPKICK INTO THE CHAIR! SHE MIGHT BE OUT COLD FROM THAT SHOT!

Copeland: A devastating shot from Krypto! Unbelievable!

Cohen: You said it yourself, Seabass - Sandy is old hand at this, but Krypto just competed in a Mayhem title match. I don't think much of his showing in it, but his experience is at least fresher than hers.

Sandy is barely moving as Krpyto goes for the cover, getting one, two, but only two! Sandy kicks out just as the ref's hand was about to hit the mat for the third time, willing herself to stay alive in this one. Krypto looks frustrated but he carefully positions the chair onto Sandy's midsection, then returns to the top rope. He calls for his finishing maneuver - the Flying Saucer! The crowd wants to see it and he flies off the top - but Sandy rolls away at the last second, sending the chair flying and Krypto stumbling. Sandy crawls to the corner and tries to use the ropes to get to her feet as Krypto recovers. She pulls herself up on the ropes and Krypto charges her, and a desperate elbow from Sandy stops him in his tracks! She tries to shake the cobwebs out of her head and knees Krypto in the gut, then follows with a snapmare. She throws a hard kick to the side of his head and he crumples, giving her a moment to recover. She continues shaking her head and checks her nose, apparently concerned that it might be broken. Looking angry, she gets into the corner and stretches out her leg, as good a sign as any that she's looking to finish this! Krypto staggers to his feet and turns around, making a step toward Sandy! She throws the reverse roundhouse kick - but he ducks under it and scrambles to the opposite corner, running to the top rope, flying off - but Sandy THROWS THE KICK AGAIN, CONNECTS WITH GOODNIGHT, AND SENDS HIM TO SLEEP IN MIDAIR! KRYPTO IS UNCONSCIOUS AND SANDY COVERS, GETTING ONE, TWO, AND THREE!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and the new number one contender to the WZCW Mayhem Championship, "The Sandman" Sandy Deserts!

Sandy gets to her knees and pumps a fist in the air as the referee comes to her side and tries to lift her to her feet. The referee helps her up and raises her arm as she looks out over the crowd, taking in the moment. Krypto rolls out of the ring quietly, still regaining consciousness. Sandy keeps her fist in the air as he turns around and takes in all the crowd, currently giving her a standing ovation.

Copeland: A very impressive and hard hitting contest between these two, and in the end it's Sandy Deserts getting the victory over a very game Krypto.

Cohen: Did I see it coming, or what? Krypto just can't seal the deal, and it's no surprise that the veteran got the better of him. Whether she can do the same to Vega is another story entirely.

Copeland: Of course, just as you said, partner, who knows if Vega will even be champion by the end of the roulette shows? This is the most chaotic week in WZCW, and it's only getting started! Join us for more action, right after this.


We are backstage where Connor Reese is still in his ring attire and has a really screwed up face, staring off into the distance whilst sitting down on a chair. People pass him by and ask him if he is okay but he doesn't acknowledge them nor does he respond to their questions. This happens a couple of times before Ricky Runn enters the scene and accidentally knocks over a woman who was concerned about Reese, pushing her somewhere off camera where multiple noises can be heard (pipes falling, crashing into bins & something massive falling over and making a big thud). The woman whimpers as Runn looks on in terror.

Runn: Sorry!

As he looks to walk past, he trips over the foot of Reese but maintains his balance quickly. He looks back and sees Reese, ready to defend himself but Reese isn't moving. Runn slowly walks up to him and notices his comatose state, opting to sit next to him on a chair instead. Runn looks at him funny as Reese continues to stare off into the distance. Runn waves his hand in front of Reese's eyes but not even that gets him to respond. Finally, Runn pipes up.

Runn: Bad day, huh?

Ricky waits for a reaction but still nothing.

Runn: I'm going to take that as a yes. Well, take it from me, having a bad day or a loss in a match isn't the end of the world there, Reese-y Piece-y. Heck, look at me... I can't even have a conversation without hurting anybody. Anyway, my point is that we've had a lot of history together and I thought I'd let you know that...

Runn puts an arm on Reese's shoulder.

Runn: ... I'm here for you.

Reese stops staring at nothing and turns his head to Runn with his angry look. Ricky looks instantly discouraged and gets up.

Runn: I should probably go and help her out. Excuse me, miss? Are you okay... oh hamburgers...

As Runn exits off scene, Reese closes his eyes for a few seconds before continuing to stare at the same spot as he did before.

The crowd boos loudly once the music begins to play. Their jeers suddenly turn to cheers and laughter as the camera turns to the entrance ramp. Chris K.O. walks out onto the ramp, but not with both feet. He has a large protective boot on his right foot which he helps keep off the ground with a crutch. His lower body isn’t the only part of him that is injured as his left arm is being held up in a sling and he is also sporting a neck brace as well. The crowd taunt and make fun of K.O. and he hobbles down the entrance ramp.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, approaching the right, The White Knight, Chris K.O!

K.O. limps slowly up the stairs and on to the ring apron. Harrys offers help by lowering the middle rope, but K.O. yells at him to not interfere. He places the crutch inside the ring and then slowly lowers himself under the top rope and very carefully enters the ring. Harrys asks if he needs anything and K.O. snatches the mic from him. K.O. yells at Harrys drawing lot of boos from the crowd as Harrys turns around and quietly leaves the ring. K.O. looks up at the audience and speaks.

K.O.: I think Truman Harrys missed a few things in his introduction. I may be WZCW’s White Knight, but you ungrateful lemmings don’t deserve a knight, not one as honorable and noble as me.

The crowd boos loudly, but K.O. ignores it and continues.

I am more that just WZCW’s White Knight, I am it’s saviour..... and I am also the man who beat Titus at All or Nothing. The man you believed to be your hero, I defeated him! You all worship the ground that he walks on and shower him with praise any time he throws a crumb your way, but what has he ever done for you people? What has he ever done to help this company? Nothing, because deep down behind the masks that he wears and the awards that he is presented, Titus doesn’t give a damn about any of you.

The crowd continues to boo in disagreement of K.O.’s statements.

Titus is not a hero, he simply plays one in the movie called Titus’ World, where everything is all about him. In the movie called The Real World, I am a hero. When everyone failed to defeat Ty Burna and defeated him. I restored order in WZCW and gave power back to the right people to guide the company. I am WZCW’s savior and at All or Nothing, I was the better man in my match against Titus. And how did your hero respond? He attacked me from behind and trapped me in the ankle lock. Titus behaved the exact opposite of how a hero should act... and yet you people cheered him on as he viciously assaulted me. And still you boo me even after EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE DONE FOR YOU!

The anger on K.O.’s face is quite obvious as the crowd continues to boo him. K.O. calms himself down before speaking again.

That’s fine though, I’m not doing all this for your applause, I’m doing this for your benefit. WZCW is still to this day in need of being saved and as your savior I will be here to save you all from people like Ty Burna, from people like Titus, and maybe most of all, save you all from yourselves. You’ve become misinformed about what a hero should be. In time, you will come to appreciate all that I have done for you. Tonight though, your hero is in pain and tired. When I came to the arena today on crutches I was told by management that I had been drawn to compete tonight. Well I’m out here now to tell you that won’t be happening. The response you’ve all given me tonight has made it perfectly clear that you don’t deserve to be saved tonight, and as such you don’t deserve to see WZCW’s Savior in action.

K.O. goes to leave as the crowd boos.

The crowd starts cheering as K.O. looks toward the Titantron. The crowd slowly gets quieter as K.O. has a smirk on his face.

That proves my point. He has you eating out of your hand, that was a test by your savior to show that he is. This is a man who I destroyed last month, a man who I covered for the 1...2...3. A man who I had heard legends about. A man who is really just a pathetic human being. A man who...

The crowd starts booing once again. Slowly but surely a chant of “You tapped out” breaks out and K.O. is not impressed.

A man who failed to beat me. Did I tap out? No. Did an official make that call? No. Some legend he is.

Once again he throws the microphone down and begins to walk away.

The crowd go crazy with the pop. Titus walks out and is holding a microphone in his hand, but is clearly limping towards the ring. As this is going on K.O. picks up his microphone.

Oh of course here he is the man who...

Titus: You shut your mouth.

The crowd go nuts for this.

You would think you would have learned your lesson by now. You would think after the beating you took at All or Nothing you would learn. You would think by the tap tap tapping on the mat you would learn, but no.

Titus starts walking towards the ring, K.O. looks furious.

Yet you play the victim. I'm no doctor, but I know an actor when I see one. Injuries are a serious matter, yet you're there like the worm you are making a mockery of everything.

Titus stops in the middle of the ramp.

I'm here in the greatest city in the world, Las Vegas, yet I wish the circumstances were better. This is not a message for you Chris, but for the people herein the arena tonight and the millions watching at home.

The crowd pop at this. K.O. thinks for a moment inside the ring, and then agrees to let Titus speak his mind.

I'll cut to the chase. I gathered a slight knock during the match at Unscripted. Three nights in a row I was jumped from behind and attacked. Three nights I was knocked to the ground and assaulted by someone I can only describe as a coward. At All or Nothing I wrestled one of the most brutal matches of my career against that man.

Who won!

Titus hesitates for a good few second before he shrugs his shoulders.

Who won, and then a week later I had a scan on my ankle and my doctor almost hit the roof. My ankle was hanging on by a limb walking into that match, afterwards I could barely stand on it.

The crowd goes silent as Titus points to the titantron and shows the X-ray of his ankle. The bone is very clearly broken.

What that means is this. I won't be wrestling tonight. I won't be wrestling at Lethal Lottery. I will not wrestle for quite sometime. Is this goodbye? Of course not, how could I leave WZCW again. I will be back, that's a guarantee and I will be coming for K.O.

Thank you Titus is chanted by the crowd as Titus starts to walk to the ramp.

No guys, thank you.

Titus goes to leave through the ropes, but is hit from behind by the crutch of K.O. He rips off the casts and slings off his body and stomps on Titus as if he was perfectly fine.

Copeland: Chris K.O. isn't even injured. He's played us all for fools and drew a defenseless Titus into the ring.

The crowd boo heavily as K.O. targets the broken ankle of Titus. He then picks the foot off the crowd and locks in Titus' own Ankle Lock. This is held for quite some time as security and officials run down to the ring. The crowd start throwing trash as they eventually pull K.O. off Titus. K.O. smirks and laughs as he slowly exits the ring. The EMTs quickly roll Titus out of the ring and onto a stretcher.

Copeland: How despicable is this man. He calls himself a hero and a savior, and he just attacked Titus in the most cowardly of ways.

Cohen: I won't question the motives behind our savior. It may look bad now, but I'm sure there is a greater good behind what he has done.

Copeland: It's strange, moments like this I wish Ty Burna was still here. This is just sick and twisted.


K.O. walks to the backstage area laughing. He keeps on walking until he is stopped by Meltdown GM Big Dave.

Dave: You know, I should probably fire or suspend you right now for what you did out there.

K.O.: But you won't because I am the reason you still have a job here. I am the savior of WZCW and in a few months time I will win the Lethal Lottery and go on to win the only prize a savior like myself deserves, the WZCW Championship.

The crowd boos and Dave nods his head sarcastically and then speaks.

Well that's a way to look at it, if I even allow you to enter the match, but I'm not going to fire or suspend, yet. What I am going to do, since it's clear you are not suffering any injuries, is make you compete tonight. And your match, is next.

The crowd cheers and Dave walks away. K.O. has an upset look on his face as he turns around and walks back to the ring.

Copeland: Coming up next, we will see Chris K.O. in action. Who will he face? And what type of match will it be? Stay turned you do not want to miss this.
We come back from commercial as Chris K.O. stands in the center of the ring, a look of disgust and anger clearly on his face.

Cohen: This is a travesty, Chris wasn't ready for his match right now!

Copeland: He looked just fine after that heinous attack on Titus. Let's see who he's facing tonight.

Truman Harrys enters the ring and brings the mic up to speak

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Standing in the ring, weighing in at 232 lbs, The White Knight Chris K.O.!

The crowd boos loudly as Chris keeps his eyes focused towards the entrance stage when his opponent's music hits:


Alex Bowen makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, the crowd reigning down boos on the Empire member. He stares out at them for a brief moment before looking back towards the ring. Chris stares him down from the inside as Alex slides under the bottom rope, sitting down in the corner and looking up at Chris.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 247 lbs, Alex Bowen!

Copeland: Some very interesting history between these two men, no doubt many remember them both being a part of the Apostles of Chaos.

Cohen: These two were a force of nature with the whole Apostles collective. There's no question that there is no love lost between these two.

The referee signals for the bell as Bowen pulls himself up and Chris puts in his mouthpiece. The two meet in the center of the ring, and begin jawing back and forth. Chris holds out his wrist, indicating the scar from the crucifixion Bowen helped with. As Chris continues yelling at him Bowen suddenly lashes out and connects with a hard right hand. Chris returns the favor and the two start throwing bombs at one another before Bowen is able to block the punch coming his way and apply an arm wringer. He slaps the back of Chris's head before hitting a kick to the midsection. Chris doubles over which allows Bowen to twist Chris around and deliver a neckbreaker. The crowd, unsure of who to cheer or boo for, seems split down the middle, booing Bowen for gaining advantage, cheering the fact that Chris got put down.

Copeland: Chris seems to be looking at this match as a chance for revenge over his crucifixion.

Cohen: I don't think Bowen cares all that much. He's got bigger fish to fry as a member of the Empire.

Bowen reaches down and grabs Chris by his ears, delivering a knee to the midsection before backing up into the ropes and going for a clothesline. Chris ducks under however and hits a knee strike off the rebound. Bowen gets up but Chris meets him with a perfectly executed dropkick. Bowen hits the mat near the ropes and before Chris can follow up, Bowen rolls to the outside to catch his breath. Chris takes his time exiting the ring, grabbing Bowen and lifting him up, but Bowen grabs the tights and pulls Chris forward shoulder first into the steel steps. Chris grabs hold of his left shoulder immediately after the resounding thud, as Bowen is back to his feet. He stands over Chris as the ref begins the ten count. Bowen grabs Chris by the hair and slams him face first into the steps. The ref's count is to two as Bowen looks up at the ref and yells at him. He pulls up on Chris's arm before pressing his foot directly into Chris's face, sandwiching it between boot and steel.

Cohen: This is Bowen in his element. Outside of the ring is where he can do his most damage.

Copeland: I think many of the fans are at least thankful that Chris is getting a taste of his own medicine, though Bowen isn't exactly the person the fans want to be delivering it.

The ref has his count to five when Bowen finally releases the painful hold. He grabs Chris and whips him across into the barricade. Chris leans against it as he arches his back but Bowen hits a big splash, crumpling Chris to the ground. The ref's count has now reached 8 and Bowen slides under the ropes and back out to break it. He walks back over to Chris and begins reigning down punches, leaving the White Knight dazed and down. Bowen grabs Chris's left arm again and whips him into the side of the ring, Chris hitting back first. Bowen hits a knee to the midsection against before rolling his opponent into the ring. Bowen follows and hooks the leg, 1.............2.........kickout by Chris! Bowen immediately gets up and begins delivering boots to the arm and face of Chris. He pulls Chris back up and whips him into the ropes, telegraphing a back body drop. Chris is able to stop and deliver a stiff kick, forcing Bowen straight up before hitting a spinning heel kick. Bowen holds his hand up to his nose, checking for blood but Chris pins him down, 1..........2...Bowen kicks out. Chris gets up and starts dropping mounted punches, keeping Bowen in place as the ref begins a five count. Chris finally stops at the count of four. He stands and grabs hold of Bowen's right leg, trying to spin him over for a single leg Boston Crab. Bowen fights against it, and is able suddenly roll up Chris, 1...........2........Chris kicks out! Both men are to their feet but Chris is first with a running knee strike, sending Bowen backwards into the corner. Chris walks up and starts delivering rights and lefts but Bowen is able to block one, countering with jabs out of the corner as Chris backs away. Bowen quickly hits a discus clothesline and both men are down.

Copeland: Hard physical match up going on here. Ladies and gentlemen, we're hoping to hear an update on Titus' condition, if we receive word during the broadcast we'll get you that news immediately.

Cohen: Why are we talking about that relic? The savior of WZCW is in the ring right now and that's who should be getting our attention!

The ref begins the ten count as both men are down and trying to regain their senses.







Both Bowen and Chris begin to stir, both rolling over onto their stomachs.



Chris is up to his knees first, placing his foot on the ground as Bowen is on all fours still.


Just before the ref calls ten both men are up to their feet. They trade rights in the center of the ring but Bowen delivers a short arm chop, knocking Chris down to the ground. Bowen positions himself behind Chris, bouncing off the ropes and delivering a one handed bulldog. Chris goes face first into the mat and Bowen rolls him over and goes for the lateral press with an elbow in the face, 1...........2.........Chris kicks out! Bowen slams the mat in frustration, unable to put his former teammate away. He stands over Chris and slaps him across the back of the head once more before connecting with a stiff bell clap to the side of Chris's head. Chris drops down once more. Bowen looks to the corner and walks over, climbing up to the top rope. He steadies himself and comes flying off with a leg drop, but Chris moves out of the way at the last second. Bowen hits hard, holding his right leg in pain off the awkward landing. Chris slowly pulls himself up to his feet in the corner, biting down hard on his mouthpiece. He raises his arm up and the crowd begins booing loudly as he pulls down his right sleeve. As Bowen gets to his feet Chris rushes out of the corner but Bowen almost instinctively drops down as Chris goes for The Sword, delivering a drop toe hold and Chris is downed once more.

Copeland: Chris just missed The Sword, that would have ended the match in one hell of a hurry.

Cohen: Bowen is a wily veteran, no doubt taking notes from his leader Constantine. He knew what was coming and had the perfect counter.

Bowen gets back to his feet and holds his arms out, waiting for Chris to get up. As Chris reaches his feet Bowen tries to hook both of his arms for The Weight of Your Sin. Chris struggles against it and is able to break free, reversing and wrapping his arms around Bowen and delivering a huge German Suplex! He bridges it and goes for the pin, 1............2.........Bowen kicks out! Chris is to his feet first and pulls Bowen up, whipping him across the ring. He goes for a standard clothesline but Bowen ducks and stops, spinning Chris around and hitting a hard bionic elbow. Chris staggers backwards but Bowen grabs him and lifts him up into a vertical suplex, but before he can come down with The End of Days piledriver Chris is able to get his fingers into Bowen's eyes, forcing The Empire member to lose grip on Chris. Chris floats over as Bowen is hunched over, rubbing his eyes. As he stands and turns around, one hand on his right eye he suddenly gets hit by The Sword! Chris delivers the brutal clothesline and Bowen is out. Chris hooks the leg, 1.............2...........3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, The White Knight Chris K.O.!

Copeland: A desperation move by K.O. proves to pay off. Bowen had him right where he wanted him, high in the air for The End of Days.

Cohen: It was a brilliant tactic, and the savior of WZCW saves yet another.

Chris slowly gets to his feet and the referee raises his hand as the crowd's boos drown out the White Knight's music. He pulls his arm from the referee's hand, yelling out at the crowd that he's saving all of them before grabbing his helmet and exiting the ring as Bowen slowly comes to in the ring.

Copeland: This is the unpredictability of the Roulette, but coming up next is our main event of the evening!

Cohen: I can't wait Seabass! We could even have a title on the line!


We go backstage and we see Brent Blaze laughing it up with Dustin Hunter, who listens half-heartily. It appears that Blaze has a champagne bottle in his hand, presumably in celebration of his win earlier tonight.

Blaze: It really was easier than it looke-

Blaze stops and stares over Hunter's shoulder. Hunter turns around and the camera reveals that it is Thrash. Thrash just smiles.

Thrash: Listen Hunter, I get it. We all have our own way that we like to play the game, but the next time you decide to attack me from behind; think again. You will get rocked.

Hunter chuckles and looks at Blaze, and then back at Thrash.

Hunter: I will get rocked? Really? What is that a catch phrase? Listen here Trash. You better hope the roulette doesn't pair us together in a match, because it would be a lot more bloodier story than our last encounter.

Blaze laughs behind Hunter's shoulder.

Blaze: Yeah, so beat it has-been. Can't you see that we are celebrating my win over the "most technically sound" athlete in the business.

Thrash just smiles and nods before looking directly at Hunter.

Thrash: Just stay out of my Hunter.

With that, he backs away and exits off camera.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our main event!

The crowd pops over Harrys’ announcement.

Harrys: Now, let’s take a look at the titantron for the final revelation of tonight’s match-up.

Everyone in the crowd looks up at the titantron. There is a giant drum roll until the match stipulation is revealed!

WZCW’s Roulette Says:
Singles Street Fight Match

The crowd pops for the match stipulation and the camera shot transitions to show us a rusty old car being driven in and off to the side of the entrance ramp.

Copeland: I don’t believe it! We are going to be getting a Vegas Street Fight to end the show! And there is still a possibility that it could be for any singles title.

Cohen: You are right about everything Seabass, except for this being a “Vegas” Street Fight. Trust me, if this was a Vegas Street Fight, we would see a lot of hookers.

The camera proceeds to show us how the entrance ramp is set up with traffic cones and metal crash cans all along its sides.


The crowd is stunned by the arrival of the former WZCW Tag Team Champion, Ricky Runn, for tonight’s main event! He walks out with a pair of studded pants and a black t-shirt with emerald green text outlined in gold that says, “FOR LUCKY”. He pats the letters on his shirt before thrusting his hand into the air and shouting “FOR LUCKY!” The crowd chants in ode to his fallen “lover”.


Harrys: Introducing first, from Chicago Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, Ricky Runn!

Cohen: Well, he better soak this up for as long as he can Seabass. Because I guarantee you that the roulette rounds are the only way this spot monkey could ever get into the Meltdown Main Event.

Copeland: You can bicker and banter all you want partner, but that won’t stop the fact that this crowd loves Ricky Runn!

And the crowd further proves his statement as they cheer him onto the ring.


The crowd conjures up a rival cheer for Mikey Stormrage as he slowly walks out onto the ramp. He is wearing dark-faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt with white text that says, “Game Over”. He stares down at the ring and Runn locks eyes with him. Cheering is abroad as the two men share a moment. Both men respect each other, but they both know that a win here tonight, in the main event of WZCW’s Finest Show, Meltdown, could change everything for either of them.

Copeland: These two men have a whole bundle of history together. It was at this past year’s Kingdom Come that they fought over the WZCW Tag Team Championships alongside their partners. But now they both stand here alone tonight in singles competition on the first show on our road to Kingdom Come V. Things are about to heat up here ladies and gentlemen. Don’t go away!


We get a clip of Vega hugging the Mayhem Title close to his chest with a crimson mask after his match with Krypto at All or Nothing.

We hear a static version of Vega’s voice.

Vega: I am the new King of Mayhem!

We get a clip of Vega hitting Flynn with a crutch.

Vega: I am the most dominant champion in years.

We get a clip of him beating up Brent Blaze and then Connor Reese

Narrator: On the upcoming Ascension Anarchy, Vance Bateman has officially announced that Vega will defend his Mayhem Championship! The only question is....

We get several shots of various superstars.

Narrator: Who will it be against?

We hear a pounding sound and then get the Ascension logo with the time of the show as the video fades out.

We return to the show and we see that Stormrage is now in the ring and in the opposite corner of Runn. They stare at each other as Stormrage’s music continues to play in the background.

Copeland: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen, we are just seconds away from getting this match underway. Two former WZCW Tag Team Champions will face off in high-profile singles combat!

The bell rings and the match begins. The two men approach the center of the ring in their respective street clothes. They immediately lock arms, but Stormrage overpowers Runn and throws him down onto the mat. Runn quickly spins back up to his feet and backs away from the behemoth before him. Stormrage rotates his right shoulder as he approaches Runn for battle. However, he is caught off guard as Runn sprints towards him. Stormrage tries to grab him, but Runn slides down and right in-between the legs of him.

Cohen: That was a tight fit!

Runn now has the advantage as he climbs up to his feet and jumps up and grabs the shoulders of Stormrage, but Stormrage gets wise and stumbles out of the position, which sends Runn landing back on his feet.

Copeland: Looks like Runn was going for a little early Runndown there.

Stormrage stumbles right into the turnbuckle and Runn follows closely behind. Stormrage is able to turn around, but just in time for Runn to connect with a flying clothesline (Miz Style) to the neck of Stormrage. Runn sifts through the middle ropes and now finds himself on the outside apron. He runs to the other end, but then quickly turns back around and runs back towards Stormrage, who is walking towards him along the ropes. Runn leaps up for a dropkick, but Stormrage shows an impressive display of strength as he pushes away the dropkick with one hand and sends Runn falling onto the outside mat. Stormrage then proceeds to step through the ropes and onto the outside apron. He looks down at Runn and waits for his prey. Runn slowly gets back up to his feet while gripping his stomach in pain from the fall. He is turned away from Stormrage and unknowing of what is waiting for him. However, he is quickly enlightened as he turns around and catches an ax handle smash from the outside apron by Stormrage! The crowd pops!

Copeland: What a blow!

Stormrage doesn’t allow Runn to wallow in his wounds as he picks him up by the back of his head. He pulls him up to his feet, but then quickly throws him hard towards the corner of the barricades (near the entrance ramp). The momentum and force of the throw causes Runn to trip and he flips back-first into the barricade. The crowd gasps.

Copeland: Good god! What a throw!

Runn grabs his back in pain as he slowly crawls towards the entrance ramp. Stormrage just wipes his nose and stalks from behind.

Cohen: Look at him running like a dog! He is even on all fours!

Runn is indeed crawling on all fours as he climbs up the entrance ramp. Just as Stormrage begins walking up it as well, Runn reaches a set of metal trash cans. He rises to his feet and picks one up. He turns around and throws it at Stormrage, who just beats it down with his left hand! He shakes it though in pain, but Runn still has some more ammo! He picks up another trash can and throws it at Stormrage, but this time Stormrage does a volleyball type of hit and sends the can flying behind him and miraculously landing in the ring.

The crowd has a good chuckle over the landing and it even prompts Runn and Stormrage to pause for moment. The break quickly ends and Runn grabs the final trash can. This time he goes mobile and runs down towards Stormrage. He fakes Stormrage by moving the can towards his face, but then shoots the can down at Stormrage’s feet. This causes him to stumble over it and Runn is there to capitalize. He jumps up and hooks his legs around Stormrage’s head for a RickyRana! Stormrage’s back hits the steel grates on the ramp hard and Runn also falls to the ground. The crowd pops for the move!

Copeland: Runn just outsmarted Stormrage and nailed a huge hurricanrana!

We see Runn plant his palms behind his head and then jump up to his feet right off of his back to a warm reaction from the crowd. Runn then proceeds to grab the trash can near him and walk over to his rival. He lifts the can up in the air with both hands and then smashes it down on Stormrage, who is now face down on the ramp. Stormrage cringes in pain as he reaches for his back. Runn tosses the can aside and then proceeds to grab Stormrage by the back of his head. He pulls him up to a barely standing position, but then slams his head back down on the steel ramp face first. He then proceeds to grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it off of his torso. The crowd, mainly the ladies, go wild as he tosses the shirt into the crowd. He then proceeds to pick up Stormrage by the back of the head once again. This time he carries him over, via a handful of hair, down off of the entrance ramp and over to where the rusty car is. He switches his grip from the hair to Stormrage’s arm as he whips him towards the hood of the car. But wait! Stormrage catches himself and reverses the whip in order to send Runn flying towards the car and crashing up onto its hood.

Cohen: That car is so old and rusty that someone is liable to get teknis!

Stormrage staggers over to Runn, who is lying on his back on the hood. He grabs Runn by the arm and sets him into position so that he can begin beating on his chest with a clubbed fist! Each blow is crisp and the crowd counts along!


The beating finally subsides and Runn slowly rolls off of the hood and in front of the car in pain. Stormrage picks him up to his feet and proceeds to grab one of his arms and pull it through his legs. He grabs the other arm and lifts Runn up for pump-handle drop onto the hood of the car! The crowd pops after Runn’s back goes crashing into the rusted metal and dents the hood!

Cohen: He is done!

Copeland: Runn has to be broken in half!

The crowd is still buzzing, but then go into an even bigger frenzy as Stormrage climbs up onto the hood of the car with Runn.

Copeland: This can’t end well!

Stormrage looks out to the crowd and then brushes back his sweaty hair. He proceeds to grab a handful of Runn’s hair and pull him into a standing position. Then he reaches down and picks up Runn in a carrying position!

Copeland: My god! He is going to hit the Game Over on Runn on top of the car!

Cohen: Do it!

The crowd is absolutely livid as Stormrage climbs to the top of the car very slowly. Finally, he gets to the top and holds Runn in his arms as he peers out towards the front of the car and at the audience. BUT IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE! There is still some life in that Second City Daredevil as he begins kicking his legs in attempt to get out of the hold. Stormrage is very conservative with his movement so that he doesn’t fall off of the top of the car. This conservatism is enough to allow Runn to slip out of the hands of Stormrage and spin his way to behind his opponent. Runn, with his right hand, leaps forward and palms the back of Stormrage’s head. They both fling forward and Runn sends Stormrage crashing face-first onto the hood of the car with a face buster!

Copeland: What a counter! Stormrage is now laying lifeless on the hood of the car! This could be Ricky’s moment!

The crowd is buzzing over the excitement as Runn rolls off of the hood and finds himself on the driver side of the car. He looks as though he has a brilliant idea, and perhaps he does. He uses the side of the car to pull himself up and to his feet. He then proceeds to look through the window of the driver side and is delighted at what he sees. He opens the door and hops inside!

Cohen: What is he doing?!

Cohen is silenced by the sound of an engine’s ignition. Runn has started the car!

Cohen: Who is the idiot that left the keys in that car?!

The crowd cheers Runn on as puts the car into drive. Then, in a move the surprises everyone, he hits the gas pedal and rams the car into the side of the entrance ramp! The impact causes Stormrage to sling off of the car hood and crashing onto the steel ramp. We see Runn in the driver seat and he shakes the cobwebs out of his head after the impact. The crowd is going nuts as he hops out of the car. He then proceeds to slam the door shut. BOOM! The engine of the car ignites on fire!

Copeland: Oh my god!

Runn has fallen back on his feet from the shock of the moment. However, the fire isn’t big enough to cause any alarm as it appears several backstage workers come out with fire extinguishers in hand.

Cohen: That could've been Mikey Stormrage cooking on that car hood!

Runn is heavily distracted by the fire, but he knows that he has a match to finish. He proceeds to get back on the steel ramp and notices that Stormrage is now at the bottom of the ramp and is very slowly crawling to the ring. Runn staggers down after him, but Stormrage is able to slide under the ropes before Runn can get to him. Runn slides in after him and goes to pick up Stormrage by the head, but no! Stormrage sends a stiff European uppercut into the jaw of Runn! Runn crashes down on the ring mat. Stormrage is now barely on his feet as he locates the trash can that fell into the ring earlier. He goes over and picks it up before returning to Runn. However, Runn has now found some ropes nearby and is bringing himself to his feet. Stormrage quickly gets over to him and just as Runn turns around, Stormrage slams the trash can over his head and onto his upper torso! Runn doesn’t know what it is going on as he frantically spins around with the trash-can over his body. Stormrage steps up and finally subdues the daredevil. He extends a broad grasp and grabs the entire trash-can that is over Runn’s upper torso. He squeezes hard and in a bearhug like fashion he presses the metal against Runn's body.

Cohen: He made the can form-fitting!

Copeland: Can Runn even breathe in that thing?

Stormrage doesn’t care as he reaches down and picks up his rival once more in the same fashion he had him on top of the car. The crowd pops, but the crowd is a little mixed over the inevitable destruction of another favored superstar. Stormrage steps into the middle of the ring and then hits his finisher, Game Over! He makes the cover as the referee slides in for the count,


The crowd pops as Stormrage gingerly returns to his feet.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, Mikey Stormrage!

Copeland: The passion and the rage, all of it was there and yet it was still a respectable bout between two rising stars in this business!

Cohen: Oh do-


A faint clapping sound can be heard and the camera reveals Grand Mystique as the perpetrator! He is at the top of the entrance ramp with his hands clasped together. He looks down at Stormrage until Stormrage finally sees him. They lock eyes as Mystique slowly continues to clap in appreciation of his enemies new-found passion. We see Stormrage cursing Mystique under his breath as he looks up at him. The last image we get is of Mystique looking down at Stormrage, and the car burning off to the side in the shot. We get the copyright information at the bottom and the show closes.

FalKon- Blaze vs. Reese, Segments
Harthan- Sandy vs. Krypto, Opening
Kermit- Stormrage vs. Runn, Segments
Lee- 1/2 of Titus/Chris In-Ring Segment
Showtime- 1/2 of Titus/Chris In-Ring Segment
Ty- Bowen vs. K.O.

Rep these fine gentlemen as we produced a show in record-breaking time. We have one very huge match now announced for Aftershock that could change everything. Aren't you guys glad we announced it early and made you wait for it? ;) Also, a very special thanks to Killjoy for our new logos and special logos for the Roulette Shows.
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