Meltdown Episode 12

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Dufflebag Mod!!


(The crowd packed into tonight's arena where WZCW resides nearly explodes with thunderous cheers and applauds for the WZCW opening video package that plays across the WZCW-tron overheard, as well as on television sets all across the world. The anticipation for the start of Monday night WZCW reaches its peak, and it's at a perfect time, because once the opening video comes to an end, and the fire red WZCW logo flashes quickly in and out of the camera shot, the fans in the arena and at home witness a stunning display of pyrotechnics that rise up from the stage and shoot down from the WZCW-tron, nearly lighting up the entire arena with its bright effects. The pyrotechnics display finishes off with a few fire red illuminations shooting up into the air, followed by one final explosion of silver pyro, capping off the pyro display! The fans here in the arena are electric as they chant the initials of Wrestle Zone Championship Wrestling repeatedly, as well as scream out loud for their favourite WZCW Superstars. Some amazing shots of overhead views of the fans continue to take up television sets, making fans watching at home wish they were at the arena this evening. Some may have to travel far, because as seen by the small graphic, the show is coming to us Live from Montreal Canada! As we view many home-made signs being raised up into the air by the fans, we hear the familiar voices of WZCW's well-know commentators, Copeland and Cohen.)

Copeland: Welcome everyone to another exciting edition of WZCW Meltdown! We’ve got a huge night ahead of us, but sadly, with every great thing must come a bad one. So let me introduce to you the man sitting next to me this evening…Jack “The Enforcment” Cohen.

Cohen: Haha, very funny Copeland. But despite your lack of any talent, we’ve got a ruckus night ahead of us as we come Live from Montreal Canada. In what could be one of the biggest main events to date, Milenko will take on Alex Bowen. Both Bowen and Milenko are certainly two great forces. Bowen’s proven time and time again that he will not die…but Milenko has had a remarkable improvement since entering the doors of WZCW

Copeland: I agree Cohen. Both men want each so bad, but only one can achieve the win. Alongside that momentous match, we’re also going to see an Lethal Lottery Rematch as Steamboat Ricky goes one on one with The Maxx for the WZCW Mayhem championship. These men have certainly been working hard for this moment, but we’ll have to see which man can get the better of the other tonight. Steamboat Ricky is looking to reclaim his title from…..


"Coming Home" by Alter Bridge erupts over the speakers, as the fans erupt with cheers. Big Will walks out through the smoke on the stage, as hes definately wearing his 'battle scars' from the Lethal Lottery p.p.v. Big Will is wearing a pair of faded blue jeans, with a new Big Will t-shirt half way tucked in. He has a pair of stylish sunglasses covering part of the bruises that are on his face, as he stands at the top of the ramp, just looking out toward the sea of Canadians that are giving him a standing ovation.

Big Will begins walking down the ramp, as he stops half way and raises his arms into the air, only for pyro to shoot up from all across the staging area. Suddenly, a boom erupts and blue and silver balloons, with confetti drop from the top of the arena. As Big Will has a smirk come over his face, he makes his way to the ring and slowly climbs up the steps and enters the ring. Will picks up the microphone thats on the closest couch, as he faces the main camera and takes off his sunglasses, placing them on his shirt.

(Big Will)- "One of the greatest feelings in the world, is feeling the acceptance for the accomplishments you've achived. One of the greatest moments in my W.Z.C.W. career happened at the Lethal Lottery pay per view, and it was witnessed by thousands of Friends and Family, right here in Canada. But you see, that was my silver lining around a dark cloud. And that dark cloud was the fact that no longer am I wearing the Elite X Championship. No longer can I lay claim to being completely undefeated, and it was in my hometown that I dropped not only my Elite X Championship, not just took a defeat, but I lost the match that favored me the most."

"You see, while all of that is a negative, I overcame it when I came back out later that night and defied the odds of winning, by once again doing what I set out to do in this company, and thats make history. I won the First-Ever Lethal Lottery, 30 Man Over The Top Rope Elimination match, and with that victory, we're now on the 'Road to Kingdom Come' in which I'll challenge the World Heavyweight Champion, and my personal stable mate, Joseph 'The Main Event' Rios, in the Main Event."

"When I signed the contract to become a Superstar in this company, it was with full intention of becoming one of the best. It was with every intention of breaking the history books and rewriting them, becoming a Legend in the making. And at Kingdom Come, it'll happen again, when I....." Just as Big Will was about to finish his sentence, Dynasty's music interrupts him, as Joseph Rios, along with the Devil Spawns and Cammy all walk out from the back.

Rios, leading them down to the ring, appears to be happy for Big Will, as hes smiling and clapping all the way to the ring. The Spawns in tow don't look too thrilled, but instead look exactly the same. Pissed off in every way possible. As Dynasty enters the ring, Rios picks up the microphone and begins to talk..

(Rios)- "Will, at the Lethal Lottery pay per view you did exactly what you set out to do, which is win for Dynasty and Joseph Rios. You did exactly what I knew you could, which was provide Dynasty the night off for Kingdom Come, and I'm very proud of you for that reason. Thats why you're my number two." The fans begin booing with that remark, as Big Will steps back with a confused look on his face.

"Hey, hey, hey.. don't boo him, hes your Home Country Hero, you need to cheer, admire and respect this man. If it wasn't for him, you'd just be the showercap of America. Used for a brief period of time, then discarded when no longer needed. I suggest each and every one of you shut t...." Big Will covers the mic that Rios is holding, as he raises his own..

(Will)- "Joseph, I'm not exactly sure why you're out here. I'm a little unclear on a few things right now, but the one thing I'm not confused on, is that these fans aren't booing me. And furthermore, if you finish that sentence, your 'Number Two' as you refered to me, is gonna have to stick something up your 'number two' if you get what I'm saying. Now, with all due respect, Joseph, what exactly are you doing out here?"

(Rios)- "Whoa, is that any way to show gratitude to the guy who made you who you are today? No, I don't think it is. I know you're from this pathetic little country, but face it, the best thing you did was leave it and join Dynasty. Now then, as far as why I'm out here, its because this was Dynasty's moment to shine. Because last night you won your match, you also lost if I recall, and the Spawns showed the world their power, but the crown jewel of Dynasty reigned supreme again, as I, Joseph Rios, the Main Event, single handedly defeated Everest, for the hundredth time!!!" As Rios holds his Heavyweight Championship high above his head, Reaper comes up from behind him and grabs the microphone out of his hand.

(Reaper)- "Single handedly? I'm sorry, the screams from all my victims must finally be catching up to me, because I could've swore you just said single handedly defeated Everest, at Lethal Lottery. Rios, lets get one thing straight right now.. you can't even wipe your ass single handedly, in fact, if it weren't for the Spawns, you wouldn't be World Heavyweight Champion and quite frankly, I'm getting a little pissed off that you fail to show us our just due respect. So I'm telling you now, you either give me respect, or I'll take it from you." Rios is outraged at Reaper standing up to him, as he picks up another microphone thats on the couch.

(Rios)- "Whoa, what is this 'Hate on Rios' Day? Did the trip north of the border somehow warp that crazy brain of yours into thinking I'm not thankful for all that you do? Lets get that clear, you were hired to do what you do best, and thats follow me." Diasterpiece steps in between Reaper and Rios, as Reaper is furious.

(Reaper)- "Get something straight right now, I haven't ever followed you. I've just allowed you to walk in front of me, so I can see where all the traps were laid out, and step around them. Your time as World Heavyweight Champion is about up, and I think its time you showed us that respect I was talking about. The only reason the three of us are in Dynasty, is because we're your biggest threats to that strap. So how about you prove me wrong, and give me a Championship match.. tonight." The fans go crazy with the apparent wedge being driven between the Dynasty members.

(Rios)- "Hey, whoa, no.. this isn't about me, this is about him.." Rios points to Big Will "You should stop being so ungrateful, and show Big Will his just due respect. He went through 29 other guys last night to become the Number One contender, and hes doing the right thing by laying down at Kingdo..." Will cuts Rios off again..

(Will)- "There are two quick points I'm gonna toss out here for you. The first is, I'm not laying down for you at Kingdom Come, or anywhere else. I have no clue where you got that thought in your head, but that was never part of the plan. The plan was, the Championship remains in Dynasty, regardless of who its on. Now then, the second point is.. who says you're even gonna be World Heavyweight Champion come Kingdom Come? I think Reaper has an excellent point. Why not give him the title shot he wants.. in front of all these tremendous Canadian fans?" Rios begins to backstep as he feels threatened.

(Rios)- "Okay, there will not be ANY Championship matches tonight, thats just absurd, we're a group, a team, you're all here to protect me from threats, not become them."

(Reaper)- "Then its simple really. All I want you to do, is get on your knees, and tell me that I'm better than you." Rios gets in Reaper's face, as Disasterpiece tries pulling the two apart.

(Rios)- "I have no idea whats gotten into you, but there is no way thats happening. You fall in line to me, and I AM your superior. Furthermore, if you wanted a shot you could easily have one, except you have a bit of a problem tonight.. because you have a match, with Everest. So therefore, no Championship match. Now get out of my face, and I'll forget this ever happened."

(Will)- "Well lets just wait a second. You said you were better than any of us. You said you would show us all that. Well, I have my chance at Kingdom Come, and Reaper it seems will have to wait another day, but what about Diasterpiece? Hes got nothing planned for tonight, and neither do you. So why not get that match going right here, right now.. for that very Championship? Unless you're.. scared??"

(Rios)- "Scared? No, I'm not scared, of course I'm not scared. Disasterpiece, if you want the Championship match right now, then you got it." Disasterpiece agrees and nods, as Rios suddenly questions what hes done. An official rushes out to the ring, as Reaper, Cammy and Will exit the ring and the ring crew begins taking down the 15 Minutes of Fame set. They break away to a quick commercial, with the acknowledgement that a World Heavyweight Championship match between Joseph Rios v. Disasterpiece will be next!!!!
As Big Will and Reaper leaves the ring Disasterpiece and Rios begins to circle the ring..

Cohen: This is…a very volatile situation Tony.

Copeland: Yes…yes…it is.

Diasterpiece turned his back for a moment Rios quickly push DP into the turnbuckle. From there Rios runs up from behind and grabs DP’s leg, sending him neck first into the turnbuckle corner. Rios then spins DP around and begins nailing a few mounted punches to the face. From there Rios kicks DP a few times, before going for a big punch that DP ducks and rolls Rios up from behind! 1...2...Rios kicks out.

Copeland: we almost had a new champion.

Cohen: Can you be quiet. Im trying to watch the match

Rios and DP get up, but it is Rios who gains momentum with a stern kick to the abdomen. He then sends DP flying into the ropes, but DP runs back and hit’s a beautiful High impact spears! DP begins punching away at the face of Rios, which brings a big pleasure to the fans. After the referee forces DP off of Rios, DP gets up and taunts the fans. With DP’s back turned, Rios quickly runs up from behind and hit’s a backbreaker to the back of DP. Rios then gets up and cockily goes for the cover! 1..2...DP kicks out! Rios picks DP up and sends him right into the turnbuckle. From there, he charges with a running shoulder block, but DP moves out of the way and locks in a Full Nelson.

Copeland: Full nelson….full nelson!!!

Cohen: pipe down Copeland I think you poop your pants.

The referee immediately questions to Rios about what he would like to do, but he says the he refuses to give up. As Rios begins to fade, Dp tells the ref to check him, but just then, Rios begins to muster up a bit of strength to escape out the back and lock in a Full Nelson on DP! DP begins to tire out from the move, but Rios keeps the hold locked in full force. The referee asks Dp if he wants to give up, but DP, much like Rios, says no. As the fans begin a small “Disasterpiece Chant”, DP begins to break the hold as he separates Rios’s arms! With the arms fully separated, Rios plants DP with a kick to the gut, followed by a running Neckbreaker off the ropes. He hooks the leg as the referee counts 1...2...DP kicks out! A frustrated Rios then begins to slap a downed DP in the head, that is, until DP catches Rios’s hand and flips him over and outside of the ring. With the ref starting his 10 count, Rios remains down on the outside, but shows signs of life. By 5, Rios gets to two feet and faces the crowd, which brings DP out onto the ring apron.

DP bends down and touches the floor with his hand to restart the count before getting back up onto the ring apron. As Rios suddenly hears the count go from seven to one, he begins saying how stupid this referee is, which sparks him to turn around and into a hard clothline by DP from the apron. DP quickly gets up and rolls Rios inside before hooking the leg. 1...2...Rios grabs the ropes. With some of the fans beginning to get behind DP, he flips a downed Rios the middle finger before kicking away at him relentlessly. As the referee once again forces DP off, DP lifts Rios up and hits two right hands to the jaw, followed by a quick DDT. He turns Rios on his back and hooks the leg. 1...2...Rios gets the shoulder up. As DP lifts Rios back up, Rios counters whatever DP was going for with a knee to the stomach, followed by an belly to belly to send DP down. As Rios begins to toy with DP, he then proceeds in locking in a Picture Perfect(sharpshooter)! DP screams in pain as the move continues to stretch out his already bad back.

Cohen: Stick a fork in him he is done!

whilst Rios smiles maniacally into the camera. Out of pity, Rios simply lets go and drops a near lifeless DP to the canvas. He turns DP over and hooks the leg for the 1...2...DP grabs the ropes in time. A stunned Rios can’t seem to believe that DP broke the pin, therefore he pulls DP to the middle of the ring and goes for the pin yet again. The referee gets into position and counts 1...2...But DP kicks out this time. Rios is in awe at how DP kicked out of the pin, and begins just punching him insanely in the face. As the referee reaches a four count, Rios finally stops and gets up. He seems to calm down a bit, before walking right into a kick to the stomach by DP. DP then gets up and hit’s a T-bone to Rios for a 1...2...Rios gets the shoulder up. DP picks Rios up and Irish Whips him into the ropes. As Rios rebounds towards DP, DP takes him down with a power slam. Rios then screams out of the pain caused by the move, before being rolled into the center of the ring and covered for the 1...2...Rios gets the kick out.

Dp picks Rios up and goes for The Devil Driver, but Riuos escapes out the back and hit’s a huge neckbreaker! 1...2...DP kicks out. As Rios picks a near limp Dp up from the canvas, he slams DP’s head into the turnbuckle. After doing so once, he screams at Will, asking him if he wants some. Rios then proceeds in slamming Dp’s head over and over again, until he stops and goes for a Powerslam that Dp escapes. From there, DP charges with a huge clothesline, followed by another, and then a big boot to send Rios down. Once Rios gets back up, DP walks behind him, places Rios’s arm behind his head, and executes an Atomic Drop, which causes Rios to hop around in pain. From there, Dp kicks Rios in the stomach and goes for a Standing Vertical Suplex! With Rios in air, DP uses a free hand to flip the finger before dropping him down with the full move. 1...2...Rios kicks out, as DP looks on in a bit of shock. DP then gets up and stands behind Rios, as he struggles to get up. Once he gets up and turns around, DP plants him with a kick to the abdomen, and then goes for the “Morbid Massacre” As he looks to hit the move, Rios counters and sends him into the ropes. As DP runs back, Rios Plant a boot to the gut and hit’s the Perfect Shot!

Cohen: Call the dog!! The hunt is over.

Copeland: once Rios lands that move it usually winds up in a win

Rios then wipes his hands like he knew it was over and looks over at Will then Smirks. Rios then roll over DP for the count 1.….2.….Dp kicks out

Cohen: he kick out of the Perfect Shot what more can Rios do????

Copeland: I don’t know Cohen. Can you be quiet im trying to watch the match.

Now Rios is frustrated and cannot believe DP kick out. He looks at the ref and show three fingers. The ref shakes his head no. Then Rios rolls out the ring and is confronted by Reaper he tells Reaper to move out the way. Then he walks past Reaper and grab a chair and rolls back in. Rios Stalk DP with the chair. Now Dp is slowly rising to his feet, Rios raise the chair and begins to charge DP but suddenly Will Grabs Rios foot and trips him sending Rios face first into the steel chairs. Rios pops back up daze and confuse, his back is turn from DP. Then Rios back up into Dp, Dp Sets him up into the “Morbid Massacre”

Copeland: He has the Champ up…..

DP hit’s the “Morbid Massacre” both wrestlers are down. Dp show signs of life and crawl and covers Rios 1.…….2.……3 the places erupts with cheers

Copeland: he did it we have a new champion

Cohen: now that was a championship match the both left it min the ring. Come to think this is our first match.


Harrys: The winner of the match and new WZCW champion DisasterPiece!!!!

As Dp celebrates Reaper and Will jumps into the Ring.
Apotheosis & Vengeance
Agrex & Eric Smith

Copeland: Can you believe Cohen.? We have a new champion and his name is Disasterpiece.
Cohen: not even a hour in the show and we crown a new Champion how can we top that? If the first match was that good , I can`t wait for the next show.

O Fortuna by Off echos thru the arena. a slow paced, ominous walk down to the ring, wearing hooded cloak, arms linked in front (similar to a monk). Enters the ring by sliding under the bottom rope. Stands facing turnbuckle and pulls back the hood, raising his head toward the sky, as though looking for divine inspiration. Removes his cloak and drapes it over a ringpost.

Harry: Standing in the ring weighting 275 lbs Vengeance!

“Riders on the Storm” by The Doors come on, Apotheosis comes out looking down at the floor, seemingly depressed, but he is actually focused and thinking over the truths and changes he has discovered and his upcoming match. In his hand, he carries Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” This will change when he finishes it. He slides into the ring, takes off his jacket, plops down in the corner, and opens and starts reading the book waiting for his opponent.

Harrys: And his tag team partner weight in at 260lbs Apotheosis. And Their opponent…..

Prayer for a Refugee by Rise Against play thru the loud speakers. Dark blue and black lights flash. Slowly makes his way to the ring, where he slides in. He usually smirks at the Cheers he gets from the crowd.

Harrys: from Toronto, Ontario, Canada weighting in at 202lbs “The Canadian Sensation” Agrex!

"Endless Challenge" by F-Zero plays for aproximatly 7-8 seconds before I come out from behind the curtain, and I immediatly start to play to the crowd, clapping and raising my arms, jumping up and down, just getting exited. As I'm heading to the ring, I might do a litte stretching of my arms and such, crack a few bones, climb into the ring via stairs, and continue to play it up to the crowd.

Harrys: And his tag team partners Eric Smith.

All four men are in the ring and stand nose to nose. Agrex and Smith have big grins on their face. They are clearly having a great time so far even in the face of their adversaries. Suddenly both Agrex and Smith deliver a huge slap to the men opposite them.

Copeland: “That’s an interesting way to start your WZCW career”

The crowd laugh until Apotheosis and Vengeance come back with a pair of strong clotheslines which floors the Canadian youngsters. The crowd boo.

Cohen: “Painful too....Ha!”

Vengeance throws Smith out of the ring and then goes to his corner. Apotheosis then picks up Agrex and whips him into the corner. He follows it up with a Stinger Splash. As Agrex reels out of the corner, he is taken down from behind with a drop toe hold. Apotheosis then stands over him, picks him up by the head and immediately drops him with an inverted DDT.

Agrex gets covered by Apotheosis.

1...2...kickout by Agrex

Copeland: “Apotheosis has started well and Agrex will not want to get dragged down into fighting a two on one battle!”

Cohen: “He may not have a choice. Apotheosis has begun to cut the ring in half!”

Eric Smith has made his way back to the corner and is trying to rally the crowd behind his team-mate. But Apotheosis drags him away to the opposite corner and tags in Vengeance. He picks up Agrex and holds him while Apotheosis comes off the ropes. He jumps over Vengeance, catching Agrex in the face, before Vengeance drops him with a vicious sit out spinebuster. Vengeance covers him cockily.

1...2...weak kickout by Agrex.

Smith is now desperate to tag in while Apotheosis casually walks back to the corner. Vengeance admires his work so far, and then picks up Agrex for a powerslam. Agrex slides down the back and moves towards his own partner. Vengeance keeps a grip on Agrex’s leg while Apotheosis runs in and interrupts any potential tag by delivering a huge roundhouse kick to Smith, who collapses to the ring apron.

Cohen: “This is great tag team strategy.”

Copeland: “Great strategy would be legal, this is just cheating!”

Apotheosis tries to go back to his corner but Vengeance stops him. In an apparently telepathic gesture, the pair picks Agrex up and drops him with a double Northern Lights suplex. Apotheosis then coldly walks away. Another cover by Vengeance on Agrex.

1...2...kickout again but even weaker by Agrex.

Vengeance picks up Agrex, who looks out on his feet and picks him up for a Torture Rack. Agrex drops down from this and without hesitation, delivers a huge German Suplex that throws Vengeance towards Eric Smith.


Agrex is down, exhausted from the sustained attack and summons up the energy to not only press himself up but drag his own weight towards his partner. Hot tag! Smith tags in and propels himself over the top rope, flipping and splashing himself onto Vengeance! Apotheosis comes over and is met by a succession of mid kicks and then a swinging neckbreaker.

Copeland: “Eric Smith is in, with authority!!”

Smith checks on Agrex before they pick up their opponents and deliver a vertical suplex to both Vengeance and Apotheosis, which sends them both spectacularly crashing over the top rope to the ringside mats!

Soon both men are on their men and on their feet on the outside, dazed. Meanwhile, Smith has retreated to the other side of the ring and Agrex has climbed to the top rope. The referee is insisting to the pair that he will begin the count and to stop any attack, but instead Smith runs to the ropes and dives through them, crashing in Vengeance and Apotheosis! Without any hesitation, Agrex stands on the tope rope and flies into a perfectly executed and pinpoint Shooting Star Press. The crowd cheer loudly, recognising the superb athleticism, risk-taking and teamwork that they are seeing.

Copeland: “This is incredible tandem offence by the Canadians. We knew they had tagged together before and this is just a great example of what they can bring to WZCW!”

The referee begins to count the legal men out.

1...2...3...4...5...6....7...Eric Smith begins to stir and brings himself in the ring. He shouts at Agrex and points to Vengeance, who as the legal man, needs to be in the ring. Vengeance is rolled in. Smith jumps on for a cover

1...2...determined kick out by Vengeance. Smith locks in a crossface and Vengeance is fighting furiously to escape it. He is close to the ropes but Smith is expertly controlling the hold, so that Vengeance cannot move towards them at all easily. Apotheosis comes in and breaks the hold with a swift kick to the neck, before he is carted back to his corner by the official. Both men are now standing up and begin to slug it out in the middle. Vengeance gets the upper hand and whips Smith off the ropes. Smith comes back; both men go to clothesline each other and end up on the floor. The partners are waiting to tag, and they do so simultaneously!

Agrex turns an attempted gargoyle suplex by Apotheosis around into a powerful belly to belly suplex and then joins arms with Smith. They team up to clothesline him that sends him flying outside.

“Hot tag!! Agrex is back in and he is getting his team back on top in this match.”

Agrex climbs through the ropes on to the apron and moonsaults himself onto Apotheosis, who catches him, readjusts him and drops him on his neck with the Hero’s Journey (vertebreaker) on the outside! Vengeance has in the meantime floored Eric Smith with a huge boot to the face. He then joins Apotheosis on the outside, where they double team Agrex with a double Russian leg sweep into the ringside barriers!

Cohen: “In an instant, Vengeance and Apotheosis have swung the match in their favour! The Canadiennes are curled in agony thanks to our very impressive, dark newcomers!”

Apotheosis and Vengeance return to the ring and surround Eric Smith. He bravely tries to fight them off with a double clothesline attempt but Apotheosis and Vengeance simply absorb the blow without budging. Apotheosis gives Smith the snake eyes, which allows Vengeance to hit his Trial and Retribution attack which floors Smith.

Cohen: “Apotheosis and Vengeance have cornered the Canuck and are picking him off with ease.”

Apotheosis sinks in The Call to Adventure (Anaconda Vice) on Smith, who taps with nowhere to go!

Copeland: “A very impressive debut by all four men! Some great teamwork and tandem offense, and you know we are going to see more of Eric Smith and Agrex but...”

Cohen: “But you gotta believe that the winners here, Apotheosis and Vengeance have potentially great things in their WZCW futures! They were brilliant and dominant!”

**Commercial Break**​
Harry’s: Ladies and gentlemen, This match is a harcore Match for the WZCW Mayhem Championship, which means it is not sanctioned by WZCW!!!

The N.O.I Theme hits as the Maxx makes his way to the ringalone he hits the floor making a prayer pose as the crowd boos fills the arena

Harry’s: Entering the ring, he is a member of the N.O.I, from London, England weighing in at 295 Pounds, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion...THHHEEEEEE MAAXXXXX

The Maxx hits the ropes and screams at the crowds awaitingfor his opponent to hit the ring

Stand here with me by creed hits on the PA system asSteamboat Ricky walks down the ramp, carrying a cooler of his signature non-alcoholic grog (Ricky is always a DD). He’s dressed in his usual outfit. He high fives his adoring fans (mainly kids and elderly women). And looks on at his opponent, a sadistic smirk hits his face as he looks on at Maxx

Harry’s: And his opponent...he weighs in at 260 pounds, hailing from Tortuga, STEEAAAMBOAT RICKYYYYY!!!!

An initial tie-up ends both men dragging each other to the corner. Maxx shoves Ricky violently out of the way and immediately goes on the offensive. Maxx takes Ricky down with another vicious clothesline from behind, followed by stomps to the forehead. Maxx picks him up and holds him in the hammerlock. Ricky tries to escape but Maxx retains the leverage, turning it into a high wristlock. He climbs the turnbuckle to get the height advantage. Ricky brings him down but Maxx lands on his feet and immediately throws Ricky down in a variation of an arm drag.

Ricky fights back, catching Maxx with a running knee strike. Ricky then goes to DDT Maxx but he reverses this into a suplex.

Copeland: “This rematch from the superb Lethal Lottery encounter will follow similar rules to what we saw in Toronto. Ricky can regain the Mayhem title if he controls the pace. If he lets Maxx slow it down to a technical or submission based match, then Ricky will struggle.”

Cohen: “But we at last have a great Mayhem champion, someone who can at last bring some prestige and class to this crappy belt. I for one do not want to see Ricky win tonight”

Maxx puts Ricky in a side headlock but Ricky quickly shoves him and he ends up going through the ropes. Ricky follows.

On the outside, Maxx walks into a clothesline, a shoulder block and a double arm DDT in quick succession. Maxx is reeling and tries to back away. Ricky pulls a chair from underneath the apron and slides it into the ring before giving chase to Maxx. They meet on the other side of the ring and Ricky immediately takes him down with a dropkick. Maxx had a chair in hand and it goes flying.

Coepland: “Ricky has started brilliantly and Maxx has not had a look-in because he has been dominated thus far!”

Ricky chucks Maxx into the ring steps then instantly throws his own weight at Maxx and his knee connects with Maxx’s face. Ricky has been absolutely dominant thus far. The fans are cheering loudly as they recognise this as a loud “Let’s go Steamboat” chant starts up.

Copeland: “Listen Cohen, these fans are going crazy and are firmly behind the former champion.”

Cohen: “What do they know? Maxx spent months trying to win this belt and do you really think he will surrender it so quickly?”

Ricky discards the top part of the ring steps and positions Maxx on the bottom set. Ricky picks up Maxx by the waist and drops him headfirst with a piledriver. Maxx is laid out, sprawled on the floor.

Copeland: “He may not have a choice if Ricky keeps this up. Ouch!”

Ricky pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside. He then pulls another out and throws it into the ring. He then drags up Maxx from the floor and heaves him into the ring. He then sets up a table to stand in the corner. Ricky picks Maxx up for a pump handle slam. Maxx drops out of this and tries to turn it into a belly to belly suplex. He manages to throw Ricky over but the former champion lands on his feet. Ricky immediately counters this into the Deck Swabber!!! Cover!

Copeland: “Deck Swabber! That has to be it!”

1...2...Rahjeem and Davinder Jaetter hit the ring and interrupt the cover. They attack Ricky with kicks and punches while Maxx rolls to a corner.

Copeland: “What the hell is this crap?”

Cohen: “Insurance, ha!”

Rahjeem holds Ricky in a full nelson while DJ picks up the chair that Ricky tossed in earlier. DJ jabs a helpless Ricky in the stomach with the chair. It puts Ricky on his knees. Then he bashes his skull in with it. Ricky is busted wide open.

Maxx is now standing barely and uses the ropes to hold himself up. He directs his N. O. I. colleagues to put Ricky through the table that was set up earlier on the outside. DJ and Rahjeem drag Ricky over to the side where they position him for a power bomb. Ricky is lifted up onto DJ’s shoulders with Rahjeem’s help. Before they can slam him, Ricky fights out and forces them both to drop him. He immediately hiptosses Rahjeem over the ropes and as DJ comes back, he unleashes a huge belly to belly throw which sends DJ crashing through the table.

Copeland: “Holy s**t!!! Ricky has fought off the 3 on 1 handicap, the Allied Powers will not be a factor in this match. What guts!”

Ricky stumbles and falls against the ropes, wearing a crimson mask and a quite distant look in his eyes. He looks for Maxx who takes him out from behind. Ricky fights back and clotheslines Maxx out of the ring.

Cohen: “What is he doing here?”

Ricky turns to slide out of the ring. He freezes when he sees the huge Hatchiyama Manzo, standing on the other side of the ropes.

Copeland: “What’s Manzo doing? He does not have a match tonight?”

Manzo climbs in and with an impassive look in his eyes, immediately goes to stand opposite Ricky. Ricky is confused and shakes his head. Manzo attacks him with a stiff kick to the mid section. Ricky is hard-whipped to the corner and he crashes through the table that he set up earlier. Manzo meets him there with the M-10 (Avalanche splash). Ricky falls to the floor and Manzo meets him with a running hip smash in the corner.

Copeland: “This is pathetic! Ricky had this title won, even with a 3 to 1 disadvantage but now Hatchiyama Manzo is absolutely destroying Steamboat Ricky.”

Cohen: “There is no way that anyone, not even the pirate can get up from this!”

Boos reign down on the former Yokozuna as Ricky is get taken apart by the giant. Unaffected, Manzo delivers a final attack when he hits the Fallout Slam on Ricky in the middle of the ring.

Copeland: “I don’t understand why Manzo has inserted himself in this match...but he has been the one factor that means Ricky will not regain his Mayhem title here tonight”

Cohen: “Look, the only thing Ricky will regain tonight is a catheter! Manzo has owned him and he will never be the same after this!”

Manzo steps over Ricky and leaves. Maxx, who had been watching all this happen from another corner, lets Manzo leave the ring and then covers a lifeless Ricky.


Harrys: “Your winner and still WZCW Mayhem champion, Maxx!”

Copeland: “This sucks. Even though Ricky heroically fought off the NOI, Maxx retains just because the giant Manzo decided to make his presence felt!”
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for 1 fall, introducing first, from Los Angeles, California weighing in at 205 LBS ‘The Pinnacle of Perfection’ Everest!

Everest enters the arena as orange laser lights shoot back and forth across the blank big screen that then flashes the words “Are you Ready to Go” The lights go out for a second and when they kick back on Everest stands in the middle of the ramp soaking up the cheers. He makes his way to the ring rather hastily but stops along the way to eye up a pretty lady at ringside and to say hello to some fans.

Harrys: And his opponent, from the Projects weighing in at 235 lbs, Reaper!

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" blasts through the speakers and Reaper and Cammy Carnage come out. He holds his sledgehammer in the air while Cammy goes behind Reaper and uses her hands to give a crotch chop and then they walk to the ring. When he gets to the ring steps he bangs on the top step with the sledgehammer before he walks on it. Cammy enters the ring seductively using the second rope and pauses to hold it down so Reaper can enter as well. Reaper proceeds to climb to the middle rope, between the turnbuckles, on each side of the ring and raise the sledgehammer to the sky and each time he does that Cammy uses her hands to give a crotch chop to Reaper.

Before the ref can call for the bell Everest goes right after Reaper with lefts and rights.

Copeland: “Everest is going right after Reaper. He clearly is not too happy that Reaper keeps costing him the World title.”

Cohen: “Of course he isn’t happy it’s not like you get title shots every day.”

Copeland: “In my eyes, Everest can prove right here that he deserves to be in the title picture!”

After a few more punches Reaper is able to use his strength advantage and muscles Everest into the corner and land some punches of his own before the ref comes in and tells him to break it up. When the ref gets in there to physically separate them Reaper nails Everest with one last punch to the side of his head.

Copeland: Cheap shot by Reaper and the ref didn’t see it.

Cohen: What about what Everest did, you didn’t think those were cheap shots did you?

Everest shakes his head after that vicious shot to the head. He gets himself out of the corner and when Reaper runs at him he nails a huge belly to belly suplex. Reaper gets up and Everest hits a German suplex.

Copeland: Two perfect suplexes by Everest. If he keeps this up he will beat the former tag team champion.

Cohen: People know how to count you know. They don’t need you to do it for them.

Reaper rolls outside and takes a breather. He looks like he is considering walking away and getting counted out. Cammy stands with him, giving words of encouragement. Everest stands in the ring, challenging Reaper to come back in. The ref begins to count; 1...2...3...4...5...6...

At six, Reaper is within a couple of metres of the ring. Everest jumps to the turnbuckle and leaps on to Reaper, taking him out with a hurracanrana. The crowd pop loudly.

Everest jumps up, grabs Reaper and shoves him head first into the ring post.

Copeland: “I love this aggressive side of Everest. He is taking control here. I guess that’s what a sledgehammer to the head will do for you!”

Everest picks up Reaper and plants him spine first into the other side of the ring pole. Reaper screams in pain. Everest rolls him into the ring before climbing onto the ring apron himself.

Everest waits to Reaper to get up and jumps at Reaper, looking to hit a float over DDT but Reaper is able to grab him in mid-air and hit The Darkness and go for the pin.

1…2..2 ½ Everest kicks out!

Copeland: “What a high impact move by Reaper. He almost won the match.”

Cohen: “You’re right, if he hits another high impact move like that this match is over.”

Reaper goes and grabs Everest. He slaps him around the face a couple of times before hitting a brainbuster. He covers him cockily.

1...2...Everest kicks out weakly.

With Everest still on the mat, Reaper climbs to the middle rope and drops an elbows. Instead of going for another cover, he picks him and drops him with a bulldog. And then he locks in a Cobra Clutch. Everest is quite close to the ropes but seems trapped as Reaper sits all of his weight into Everest’s lower back.

Cohen: “A great idea! Mountain boy is going to tap right here!”

Everest’s feet are squirming as he knows he could reach the ropes but Reaper is making it difficult. After a minute in the hold, Everest seems as if he may tap but instead, he manages to extend his leg and place it on the bottom rope. The referee enforces the break. Reaper sees this and goes mental, first threatening the referee and then putting the boot into Everest.

Reaper grabs Everest and pulls him to his feet and looks like he is about to finish off Everest when all of a sudden Everest nails a Rock Slide!

Copeland: “Everest out of nowhere with the Rock Slide. That’s why Everest is a Main Event Player in WZCW.”

1...2...Reaper barely escapes.

Copeland: “Oh my god that was so close!”

Everest is now stalking Reaper as he recovers from the Rock Slide. He stands crouched and poised.

Copeland: “No doubt that Everest wants to finish Reaper off with the Mountain Climber!”

All of a sudden Maxx comes out of nowhere, jumps into the ring and starts attacking Everest. The ref calls for the bell. Max continues to attack Everest as the ref tells him to stop. Reaper gets up and pulls Maxx off of Everest and starts screaming in his face, asking him what he is doing. Maxx yells back and out of nowhere Reaper hits the Sudden Death on Maxx and walks out of the ring and up the ramp.

Copeland: “What the hell is going on! Everest has Reaper beat but Maxx screws him. I don’t think Reaper was impressed at all!”


Commercial Break​

“Holy Diver” blares through the arena as Gus makes his way out to the ring with his New Elite X Championship around his waist, he walks to the ring, then grimaces and holds his back, he climbs up the stairs, and gets into the ring, the crowd is going wild with chants of 'You Screwed Will', and 'Fluke Champion'. Gus smiles at the crowd as he expected this type of treatment from the Canadian crowd, his eyes are glimmering in the lights, he then says,

Gus: Alright, I’ve got a few things to say, first of all, it feels awesome to finally have what is rightfully mine, The WZCW Elite X Championship!

The crowd boos

Gus: Ok, now I’m sure many, if not all of you saw or heard about the PPV, where I defeated Little Willy in a Toronto Trials match in his hometown of Toronto, to win back my Elite X Title, I overcame the odds, the crowd actually cheering for Will

Crowd pops

Gus: The fact that I had to wrestle 3 matches in a row, bloody, battered, broken, but I came through, but some people question my victory, because, well, to admit it, I had some unexpected help, show the clip…

The clip of the end of the match airs

Gus: That’s right, my ex-girlfriend Heidi decided to help me win the match, what I want to know, and I’m sure all of you people want to know, is why Heidi, why?

The crowd boos and the camera turns to the entrance way, nothing is happening, until “Satisfaction” starts up, and the crowd is giving Heidi a mixed reaction as she walks down the ramp, she casually walks up the stairs and Gus opens the ring ropes for her, she winks at him, he looks confused

Heidi: You want to know why, Michael? Do all you people want to know?

The crowd gives another mixed reaction and Gus shakes his head yes

Heidi: Well, first of all, I never had feelings for Will

A hush goes over the crowd

Heidi: That’s right, I never loved him, not even in bed, but that’s not the point, the point is, I “left” you because after you got out of the Manzo challenge a long, long time ago, you started getting lackadaisical, you started just going through the motions, there was no emotion in you at all, and after you almost lost your job, and you were acting that way, I knew I had to do something, I had to re-light that fire inside of you, I didn’t know if it would work or not, I was scared at first, about the time of Civil Revolution I saw that you really needed help, so that’s when I started my plan, and obviously, it ended at Lethal Lottery, when I saw that Gus I fell in love with, the one with a passion for this business like no one I have ever seen, that’s the Gus that deserves a woman like me, a man that deserves The Championship he holds.

The crowd starts booing

Heidi: at the lethal lottery, I saw that fire was burning well and alive, so I ended it, and it just so happens that it won you back the Elite X Championship. I realized your fire was back when you risked your life hitting Will with that 810, that proved that you have more passion for this business than you ever have had. So what I’m asking you now is, will you take me back?

The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Gus looks at her at first with an unsure look on his face, then it softens up, he has a little smile on his face,

Gus: Of course I will!

You can hear cheers overshadowing the boos, as “Holy Diver” starts to play,

Gus: Oh, one more thing, DC, who in the hell do you think you are? It took 2 men to eliminate me from the Lethal Lottery, I deserved to win that match, but you had to stick your nose in because you’re just jealous, I have the Championship, and my girl is way prettier than yours, your just jealous of ol’ Gus. Its actually quite understandable, but DC, you cross my path again, you won’t get so lucky, DC, YOU THINK YOU’RE TOUGH, THINK AGAIN!!!

Gus and Heidi kiss and make their way to the back.

**Commercial Break**

Rios bursts into Chuck Myles office obviously pissed off at his loss to DP

Rios: Dammit Myles how did you let that happen?!

Myles sits up in his chair and looks concerned as if Rios might knock him clear across the room

Myles: It wasn't my fault Champ, I had no idea things were going to happen the way they did. You were robbed!

Rios: You bet your ass I was! And I want my rematch TONIGHT!

Myles looks at Rios as if he is unsure he can grant Rios' demand

Myles: Joey I don't think I can give you the match tonight

Rios: WHAT?!

Myles cowers in fear and places his hands up to block his face

Rios: Listen Chucky I am not playing around with you. I want my rematch tonight! I am the man that is going to carry this damn company into the new age of professional wrestling, not DP! If you don't give me my rematch tonight then I promise you I will quit and then you can explain to the Board of Directors why the longest reigning World Champion in WZCW history has left the company. Think of the money that will be lost if I am not in this damn company. Plus if you don't I will smack the hell out of you!

Myles: Ok Joe, you want it? You got it! Tonight it will be the current World Champion Disasterpiece versus the soon to be Two Time World Champion Joseph "The Main Event" Rios!

Rios smirks as we go to commercial break
The Grand Mystique
KFAD Qualifying Match

“Headstrong” by Trapt plays to the arena. After a few seconds the bright house lights go off but the music continues to the arena.

The house spotlights come up and are focussed on all four corners of the ring. They change colours rapidly. Then the music stops.

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Hastings, UK, weighing in at 277 lbs...Grand Mystique!

The house lights returns and the music starts back up again. GM is in ring, sitting on a turnbuckle. He is facing in the ring with his arms outstretched and back towards the crowd.

"Reptilia" by The Strokes erupt over the sound system, as the fans aren't familiar with the music, only to give an unsure reaction to the debuting Murf!sh, who walks out of the curtain seemingly happy to be there. Murf!sh slowly makes his way to the ring, but gives a lot of fan friendly attention to anyone willing to shake his hand, or high five him.

Harrys: And his opponent, from International Waters weighing 335 lbs...Murfish!

Murfish and GM tie up in the middle of the ring. GM uses his strength advantage to back Murfish into a corner. He reels off four huge uppercuts before Murfish is picked up for a huge Atomic Drop. Then, he hits a snap mare to Murfish and soccer kicks him in the back and chest before running off the ropes and smacking him in the face with a sit down, two footed dropkick to the face before attempting a cover.

1…2…kickout by Murfish

Copeland: “Superb start to the match by Mystique!”

Cohen: “Yeah I guess, Murfish needs to wake up if he is going to triumph over the space midget.”

Murfish is picked up and whipped to the opposite corner. GM goes for a Yakuza kick but Murfish avoids it. He runs off the ropes himself and comes back to deliver a vicious Oyster Cult kick to the back of the head. GM falls from the corner. Murfish kicks him in the midriff a couple of times. He then picks GM up and whips him to the outside.

Murfish jumps to the outside. He whips GM into the corner post and then brings him over to the announcers table. Murfish goes to press GM....

Cohen: "Holy crap, Murfish wants to put Mystique through our table!"

GM slides out of this and shoves Murfish back first into the ring apron. Mystique runs and jumps at him, to attempt a leg lariat. Murfish catches him, before throwing him onto his shoulders in the torture rack position. From this position, Murfish carries GM and drops him on the ringside mats with Angler Slam (reverse Samoan Drop) He then slides back into the ring.

The referee counts.


Copeland: "Boy Murfish is so strong!"

Cohen: "No duh Sherlock....Mystique has been squashed by 'Fish's offence here and he may get counted out"


GM rolls into the ring at 8 and Murfish goes to cover him.

1...2...kickout by GM

Murfish goes to climb the top rope. He drops the leg on GM, who has turned onto his belly in the middle of the ring. Murfish goes to cover him again.

1...2...weaker kickout again by GM

GM gets to his feet slowly and tries to fight back with punches to Murfish. Murfish gives as good as he gets and they are soon trading chops and punches in the ring.

Murfish whips GM but GM ducks under this and comes back off the other side. He meets Murfish with a hard clothesline. Murfish gets back up and tries to hit GM with a clothesline of his own. GM evades this and switches round behind Murfish, where he locks in a German Suplex. He immediately turns around after the impact and cinches in a Rear Naked Choke.

Copeland: "Murfish could tap right here!"

Cohen: "No way, he is way too close to the ropes!"

Murfish is about three feet away from the ropes and he tries to move towards them. He is strong enough to carry GM on his back but GM really has the submission locked in and it is a fight for Murfish as his oxygen runs low.

After a minute or so, Murfish is certainly within reach of the bottom rope, which he just about reaches. GM is forced to relinquish the hold.

GM looks frustrated and he knows he has Murfish on the ropes. he picks up Murfish and holds him in position for a vertical suplex which he stalls for 15 seconds. Murfish is dropped right in the middle of the ring. He then goes to climb the turnbuckle.

Copeland: "Unusual steps from GM here, he does not often veer away from his usual submission and power based attack. If he misses here it could cost him."

Cohen: "Well i think this is what you call space dementia, if you spend too long looking at the stars, you go loopy. This is not something that can end well for the space midget!"

Just as GM is ready to jump, Murfish gets up, only to sprint to the turnbuckle's second rope and fling GM over his head. GM crashes to the mat neckfirst and Murfish falls back down, before slowly crawling over to the prone GM.

Copeland: "Incredible by Murfish. That could put GM away right now!"

Cohen: "i dont know what an underwater possum could be but he played wet possum right there."

Murfish picks up GM

Copeland: "Why on earth is Murfish not going for a cover!"

Murfish goes to press GM again before throwing him down into an inverted bulldog. Murfish lands the Marianna Trench!

Copeland: "That's the Marianna Trench. Surely GM can't get up from that!"

1...2...barely kicked out by GM

Cohen: "How the hell....?"

Murfish realises that the referee did not count three. He is going absolutely mental.

He eventually calms down and it is clear that he knows what he needs to do to put GM away. He picks up GM, carries him into position for the Icthys (Vertebreaker into unprettier). As Murfish has GM in position, GM wriggles out and pushes him into the turnbuckle. Whilst in the corner, GM locks in the waistlock before rolling through and folding Murfish up with the Big Bang (rolling german suplex)!

Copeland: "Big Bang, Big Bang!! Surely it's over!!!"


GM wins by pinfall.

Copeland: "Grand Mystique has shown how much he wants to be in the King for a Day match at Kingdom Come. He has seen off the challenge of Murfish to go one step further in his bid to qualify for that World title opportunity!"


Milenko v. Alex Bowen

Sebastian Copeland: Alright, now we have what is, to say the least, and interesting matchup. Milenko and Alex Bowen seem to really despise each other and these feelings of resentment seem to grow each week.

Jack Cohen: So what? I’ll tell you what is really great about this little spat between them, and that is that it is damn entertaining. You should really learn to shut up and let me do the color commentary. Remember that you are the “play by play” commentator.

“Wagon Wagon” by the ICP hits the speakers as Alex is bursts onto the ramp. He appears to be anxious as he high fives some front row fans. Alex slides into the ring and starts shaking his two bottles of faygo.

JC: If there is one thing about Bowen that irritates me, and trust me there is more than one thing about him that bothers me, it’s that he does so much damn fan interaction.

SC: He obviously cares about the fans, and I believe that with the about of promise he is showing we should allow him to do what he wants, he has such a bright future.

Bowen proceeds to punt the bottles into the crowd.

JC: Hey hey hey! Stick to your job, which is calling moves and marking out every time someone goes to the top rope.

Alex does a wc sign on the top ropes and waits for his opponent.

“Great Milenko” is now blaring on the speakers. Milenko walks out with a microphone in hand as Bowen is ready to fight in the ring.

JC: Now this is the type of guy that I could really get into.

SC: What makes him so much better in your eyes?

JC: Just keep quiet and listen to what he says.

Milenko: Hey there Alex. Wow, you sure do look like you are itching for a fight, and you know that I would love to give you that fight. But you see, my back has been aching lately; and I was thinking that a many such as yourself wouldn’t want to face me when I’m recovering. So, I brought someone that is more than willing, and oh so ready to bust you open and drill your face into the mat. Come on out here.

Now Jesse comes out to some boos.

SC: I guess that the fans really wanted to see the match that they just got cheated out of.

JC: Damn it! Why don’t you just learn your place? Don’t make me slap you.

Jesse now walks down to the ring with Milenko following behind. Jesse gets into the ring and is met by rights and lefts from Bowen. The ref is able to break it up as he signals for the bell.

Now the men enter into a brawl, forgoing the standard collar and elbow tie up. They are exchanging blows when Jesse suddenly sets up and nails a STO.

SC: That was brutal, I guess Jesse is trying to weaken Bowen for his future match with Milenko.

JC: Or maybe he wants to WIN THE MATCH, you are always looking for ulterior motives aren’t you?

Milenko is looking on from ringside as Jesse is grounding and pounding on Alex. Jesse goes for a headbutt, but is met with a rake to the eyes. Both men are up, and Alex unleashes a flurry as Jesse backs into a corner.

Bowen down looses stiff chops to Jesse’s chest. He looks as if he has had the wind knocked out of him. Alex grabs Jesse’s arm and drops him with a short-arm clothesline.

Alex goes for the cover…


JC: You are going to need more than that to put and athlete like Jesse down.

SC: Either way Bowen is still in control of the match.

Bowen gets up and talks with the referee, suggesting that it was a slow count.

SC: That’s going to get you nowhere.

Jesse grabs Alex for a school-boy roll-up and grabs Bowen’s tights for leverage.


Bowen gets up, looking flustered after being so easily caught off guard.

SC: Me thinks someone was playing possum.

JC: Oh my gawd.

Jesse kicks Bowen in the gut and goes for a reverse STO. Alex delivers elbows to Jesse’s head to escape. Alex Irish whips Jesse into the ropes and on his return trip Jesse is treated to a dropkick to the face.

SC: Excellent athleticism by Bowen with that picture perfect dropkick.

JC: Need I remind you that there is only one picture perfect star in WZCW.

Bowen is now going up the ropes.

SC: I think he’s ready to make Jesse EAT HIS ASS!

JC: Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

As Alex climb’s the ropes Jesse crawls towards the ref. He begins to complain to the ref as he gets up and has the referee look in the other direction. As soon as this happens, Milenko takes advantage. He jumps up the ropes and knocks Bowen off the ropes. Alex is only slightly dazed as he gets up, but Milenko is already in that ring and crushes Alex. with a Murder-Go-Round. Milenko hurries out of the ring as Jesse runs to cover.


Harrys: Here is your winner...JESSE!

SC: Well, that sure lived up to my prediction as being interesting.

JC: I don't understand you Sea-Bass...

Kenny v. Joe - KFAD Qualifying Match

"Suck my Kiss" by Red Hot Chili Peppers hits the speakers.

Harrys: The following is a KFAD qualifying match. Introducing first, from Washoe Valley, Nevada, weighing in at 240 lbs....Kennnnnny!

The arena goes black, Kenny walks out, you can see the barbed wire on his pants and the insult2injury tshirt glowing in the dark on him, the lights turn on, he has his guitar, and is playing along to the music, he stops playing, walks down to the ramp, where he stops, looks around, and continues into the ring, he slides into the ring, Efge style, and goes onto the turnbuckles, holding up the devils horns rock sign.

"Fire to My Soul" by Demon Hunter blares over the PA.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Washoe Valley, Nevada, weighing in at 230 lbs..."The Deeeeaaaamon" Joe!

Joe walks out, acknowledges the fans, walks down to the ramp, stops and points to himself as if to say, "I'm the best" walks up to the ring apron, spins into the ropes, gets into the ring and waits for the match to begin.

Both men shake hands in the middle of the ring, and the match gets under way.


They immediately tie up, with Kenny taking the early advantage, scoring a headlock, irish whip, followed with a shoulder block. After some punishing right hands, Kenny backs Joe into a corner, delivering some right hands while standing on the second ropes.

Copeland: What a great start for Kenny. It looks like he might be the strong link in this tag-team, Cohen.

Cohen: Let me tell YOU something Sea-Bass. They don't call Joe "The Demon" for nothing.

When Kenny finishes landing his right hands to the face of Joe, Joe picks up Kenny as if to powerbomb him, but instead he falls back, dropping Kenny so that his face smacks off of the turnbuckle. Joe rebounds and regains his composure, and then he begins to land right hands on the face of Kenny. Joe goes over to pick up Kenny and hits a brainbuster suplex.

Cohen: Looks like you might have spoken too soon, Sea-Bass. Ha!

Joe whips Kenny into the ropes, goes for a strong clothesline, Kenny ducks, hits the other ropes, and hits Joe with a devastating dropkick. He then hits a drop toe hold on Joe, runs outside the ring, and gives Joe a stiff elbow drop to the back of the head, with Joe's head hanging over the ring apron.

Copeland: Looks like I was probably right in the end, Cohen.

Kenny gets back in the ring, picks up Joe, but Joe gains the advantage with a poke in the eyes. Stunned, Kenny wanders in the ring. Joe then hits continuous right hands on Kenny. He hits him with a neckbreaker DDT, followed by a step-up enzuiguri. Joe decides that he wants to put Kenny away, so he motions that it's time for The Depths of Hell.

Cohen: Touche Sea-Bass! It looks like I was the one who is right!

Joe goes for The Depths of Hell, but Kenny counters it by shoving Joe into the ropes! Kenny tries for a clothesline, but Joe ducks, runs into the ropes, goes for a spear.......BAM!

Copeland: Kenny moved out of the way and Joe hit the referee with a devastating spear!

Cohen: What!? That's cheating! Kenny should be DQed for that!

Copeland: For what? Moving out of harm's way??

Joe gets back up, turns around, Kenny sets him up...........LAST RIDE!

Copeland: This one's over. COVER...

Crowd: 1...2...3...4...5

Copeland: There's no referee! What the heck!? Kenny has this won! Wait a minute, what's he doing out here?

The camera shoots to Murfish running toward the ring. He slides in, throws Kenny out to the floor, covers Joe, and the referee begins to regain consciousness.







Harrys: Here is your winner and KFAD participant......MURFISH!

Copeland: What the heck just happened here?! Murfish wasn't even in the match! He already lost his KFAD qualifying match!

Cohen: Hey, give the kid some credit for the effort.
Joseph Rios v. Disasterpiece - WZCW World Heavyweight Championship


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for THE WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!!!

"If It All Ended Tomorrow" hits the speakers and out comes Joseph "The Main Event" Rios. He pauses at the top of the stage before pointing to himself as to say "Look at me, I am perfect" He walks down the ramp and enters the ring through the second rope. And continues to look at the fans and occasionally says something to a booing fan.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, from Staten Island, New York, weighing in at 270 lbs...Joseph "The Main Event" Rios!!!!!!

"I Could Care Less" - Devildriver hits the speakers. arena goes black. white strobes flash and thick white fog seeps up from the grates on the stage. once the drums of the entrance music picks up DP steps out from the curtain and stands with the fog and smoke around his legs. spotlight shines on him as he looks around and works the crowd, tilts his head back and sprays a mist of blood from his mouth (like how Triple H does it). lights in the arena flicker back on as he starts to walk down the ramp. slides in the ring and climbs a turnbuckle. blood dripping down from his mouth he continues to interact with the audience as he raises his arms. looks around the arena, climbs down, and waits for his opponent.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Hartford, Connecticut, weighing in at 280 lbs...he is THE WZCW World Heavyweight Champion....DISASSSSSTERPIECE!

Both men meet in the middle of the ring, seemingly exchanging words.

Copeland: The atmosphere is ELECTRIC, Cohen. This is, without doubt, one of the most unique experiences that I've had the privilege of witnessing. It feels like a PPV event here tonight!

Cohen: The only thing unique about this setting is that the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship is being worn by the wrong man, Sea-Bass. I guarantee that this is THE LAST time you will be seeing the belt on Disasterpiece!

Both men have drawn closer, and now stand face touching face, screaming at one another. They exchange becomes more intense with every word, and the veins in the forehead of both competitors are bulging out at extreme levels. FINALLY, Rios hits DP with a right hand, and DP returns the favor. The two continue to exchange right hands, when finally Disasterpiece seems to gain the advantage, backing his opponent into a corner. Disasterpiece whips Rios into the opposite corner, then runs at him, hitting a running clothesline.

Copeland: The champ seems to have a clear advantage over Rios, here.

DP hits a neckbreaker on Rios and goes for a cover.

1....2....kickout by Rios.

Disasterpiece picks up Rios, but he fights back hitting some gut punches, and gaining a slight advantage with a headlock and a sidewalk slam. He then picks up DP, whips him into the ropes, picks him up, and delivers a Samoan drop. Cover.

1....2....kickout by DP.

Cohen: That was a SLOW COUNT, Sea-Bass!

Copeland: Are you talking about your ability to do mathematics, Cohen?

Cohen: Shut up.

Rios whips DP again, DP ducks Rios's clothesline, hits the other ropes, and DP hits Rios with a diving right hand to the face. DP picks up Rios, hits a DDT, and goes for a cover...

1.............2..............Rios JUST kicks out before 3.

Copeland: That was close.

Cohen: That was a fast count, Sea-Bass.

DP picks up Rios, irish whip on Rios, DP goes for the back-body drop, but Rios recognizes it and leaps over DP, hitting the opposite ropes, and returning to give DP a running spinebuster. Both men lay lifeless on the mat.

Copeland: These two men HAVE to be exhausted. This is their second championship match tonight.


Both men start to squirm, both trying to pick themselves up off the ropes.


Both men finally make it to their feet.

Disasterpiece whips Rios into the ropes, going for ANOTHER back-body drop. Rios recognizes, jumps over DP for a sunset flip, but then stands up, and he proceeds to put DP in Picture Perfect!!!

Copeland: Oh mah gawd, he's got DP in Picture Perfect!

Cohen: I told you, Sea-Bass! Joseph Rios is the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! Listen to DP scream in agony! Oh this is perfect, Sea-Bass! Perfect! PICTURE PERFECT!!!

As DP whinces in pain he slowly but surely inches toward the ropes, but Rios pulls him back in the middle of the ring. Screaming in even more pain, DP uses one last full body effort to get to the ropes.....AND REACHES THEM. ROPE BREAK!

1...2....3...BREAK THE HOLD

Copeland: What resiliency by the champ! This is one of the greatest feats of strength and stamina that I have ever seen!

Rios breaks the hold and is visibly frustrated as he picks up DP, irish whip to the opposite end of the ring, DP ducks a clothesline, comes back around, DP kick to Rios's midsection, picks up Rios for a DEVILDRIVER! But Rios counters...


Rios hits the Perfect Shot and makes a cover:



Harrys: Here is your winner....and NEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Joseph "The Main Event" Rios!!!!!!

Rios is handed his title and his arm is raised as he looks drained from his two matches this evening. Rios drapes the title over his shoulder and looks over at Disasterpiece who is begining to move after a thunderous "Perfect Shot". Disasterpiece gets to his feet and looks like he is in pain. Rios walks over to him as the arena begins to boo at the anticipation of Rios attacking Disasterpiece again. Both men stare long and hard into each others eyes, the emotion in the building is almost unbearable. Rios nods his head at Disasterpiece and hugs him! Both men are in the middle of the ring hugging in a sign of mutual respect between each other. Rios walks over to the ropes and signals for a mic.

Rios: You know I am one tough son of a bitch but I have to admit DP you gave me hell in here tonight. I had managed to hold on to my title for over 8 months until tonight. Tonight was your night and you beat me in this ring. As a wrestler I have to respect you but as a man and a friend, I love you man.

The crowd erupts at this show of respect

Rios: Through it all you have stood by my side, all the things I said today were business but all of these fans know that you are one hell of a guy there is no denying that. Now as I am sure everyone in this building and across the world know, you have been called back to serve our great country. And for going over there and risking your life these fans thank you, the locker room thanks you, I thank you! Now before you go I want you to take a look at this, I want you to know how much you mean to us man.

Rios points to the titantron as a video begins to play


As the video ends a tear can be seen in Diasterpiece's eye. He once again hugs Rios as Rios places the title on Disasterpiece's shoulder as his music plays. The locker room clears out and they all come on the stage and clap for DP. The fans can be heard chanting "THANK YOU DP! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP" "THANK YOU DP! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP"

Rios holds DP's hand up as the show fades out
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