Meltdown; Carmen Bratchney v Eric Derf

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Carmen Bratchney v Eric Derf

*The scene opens backstage only minutes after the triple threat match at Redemption – The stage curtain swings open and from the arena in to the backstage area staggers Carmen Bratchny and holding him up is Swindle McKenzie. Blood mixes with sweat and pours from his head as the too make their way past various rest & medical areas. The two men converse as they head towards the dressing room*

Swindle: I saw you tap out…. What were you thinking?

Carmen: Pain – I felt pain and Could not take more!?

Swindle: *Angrily* Well right now I’m feeling pain kid! Now I’m feeling pain and I’m telling you sonny that the pain I’m feeling is much worse then any pain you felt in that ring.

*The two continue to walk towards their dressing room*

Swindle: Do you know how many chances guys like you get in this world? In this federation? In this life?

*Carmen does not answer the question*

Swindle: These last few months you have been working in the gym, getting your physical fitness up but have you watched videos?

Carmen: Yes many

Swindle: Then Answer me this… What do Ted Dibiase, The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith, Rowdy Roddy Piper & Jake Roberts have in common?

Carmen: … I not know

Swindle: NONE OF THEM WERE EVER WORLD CHAMPION – they all had chances, some even wrestled the biggest events in wrestling but not one of them were ever world champion

*Carmen does not know what to say – he has never seen Swindle McKenzie this angry before*

Swindle: You had your chance and you have blown it.

Carmen: I get another chance!!!

Swindle: And you will blow it again. In the last few weeks I have seen you train and you could beat any of these guys in this place easily but I don’t think you have the nerve for the big time kid and that hurts me

Carmen: I can do it

Swindle: No you can’t… not like this – you need to change!

Carmen: How I do that?

*There is a long pause as the two men get closer to the locker room*

Swindle: I know exactly how…

*Swindle opens the door and as Carmen limps in he is jumped by three large men all wearing black suits with black shirts. The men do not have any obvious ethnic identification. The three men throw Carmen to the ground and beat him to a pulp with stiff kicks to the chest and head. Carmen canot protect himself as the barrage continues.*


*All three men stop what they are doing. Carmen lays on the floor barely breathing. Carmen manages to spit out some blood as he rolls over and looks at Swindle who is snow kneeling above his head close to his face*

Swindle: You are supposed to be a monster, you are supposed to be merciless and you are supposed to fight to injure. During your triple threat match I had an epiphany! You are not a wrestler! You will never be Toshiaki Kawada, Bret Hart, Aja Kong or Kent Kobashi but you are vicious and you have the sort of fire in your belly that will make you a champion if you are willing to take the road I am pathing for you. Now Carmen…. Are you willing to let me give you one last chance?

Carmen: Да

Swindle: Good now get your face off this floor and destroy these idiots

*The camera Fades as swindle springs to his feet with a sudden second burst of energy and screams are head as the scene goes to black*
The scene opens on the side of a street, looking at a run down looking building, the kind of place that looks like the contents of it are worth more the building itself. A car comes into view and slowly drives up to the building, not the nicest looking car, probably rented. As it stops in one of the many available parking spaces, a man comes ploughing through the doors of the building. The man begins walking towards the car that just stopped, and just before reaching it, the car door opens and Leon Kensworth steps out, suit and all.

As soon as he closes the door of the car, the large man, who had literally just walked past the car, turned and looked at Leon. The two stare at each other for a moment before Leon speaks up.

Can I help you?

The man takes this as an insult, and begins walking towards Leon with an angry look on his face.

What the hell do you mean, can you help me? You think you can help yourself if I were to kick your ass right here and right now? Huh, ya little punk? What the hell do you think your doing here, get the fuck outta here, before I pound the living crap outta ya ya little punk.

Leon takes a step back, as the man seems to be quite unstable, but the man simply continues to walk towards him. At a closer look, the man is sweating buckets, and has a very visable shiner below his left eye. Leon isn't speaking a word, he's terrified of this man.

What, cat got your tongue, ya little punk? Speak up, before I close that trap of your for good!

Leon takes one more step back, and hits the car he'd arrived in, causing the alarm to go off. The Big Man is startled for a second, but then, in an act of rage, swings his burly fist towards Leon. He manages to move out of the way, but doesn't see the quickness of the guy as he drives his knee into Leons gut, causing him to drop to the ground, gasping for air.


A voice can be heard yelling from the same door the Big Man walked out of, as about 6 or 7 people run towards the car where Leon lays. The Big Man picks up Leon by the back of the neck, but the second Leon is on his feet, another larger man smashes the Big Man right in the already blackened eye, and the two men get into a brawl, with almost all of the others trying to break them up. Leon, who is laying on the ground watching all of this go down, quickly scurries onto his feet and runs from the group, towards the door. As he turns to look back at the chaos, one of the men is jogging towards him, while the rest continue to try to break up the fight. Leon is now scared shitless until he gets a closer look at the man running towards him: Eric Derf. Eric runs right up to Leon and puts his arm around him.

Dude, are you alright? What the hell happened?

Before Leon has a chance to reply, Eric yells towards the building door, which is where he's also leading Leon.

Hey, call the cops! Larry ain't leaving!

Eric reaches the door and opens it for Leon, who limps in, still gasping for air. The door opens revealing a large room with gym equipment everywhere, and in the far corner, a beat down wrestling ring. But Leon ignores all that, and simply sits on the first chair he can reach, still holding his stomach. Eric walks away from Leon for a moment, towards what looks like a secretary. He says something to the guy behind the desk, causing the guy to pick up a phone and make a call, then he walks back to sit next to Leon.

Holy crap man, on behalf of everyone here, I'm sorry about whatever just happened. Looks like that guy knocked the wind out of ya... But what are you doing here anyways, man? Trying to learn to wrestle?

Leon takes a moment to catch his breath before answering, his voice quivering in pain.

I came here... to get an interview... ugh... from Carmen Bratchny... I heard... he trained... at Silvers Gym... and though he'd... be here... but I guess... ugh!

Leon grabs his stomach again and kneels over in pain, Eric swings his arm over him and pats him on the back a few times.

Dude, just take slow, deep breaths, you'll be alright... And as far as Carmen goes, yeah, this is the place.

Eric looks around at the surrounding walls of the rather large gym, still patting Leons back as he's now taking deeper breaths.

This place is a dump, but the training one receives is actually pretty good. That is, until, someone decides to take an ass kicking to personal. That dude out there, the one that attacked you, seems he's got a short temper. No one here's got to worry bout him though, all it took is one bigger guy to show him he's not king of the world. Dude got mouthy, so he got shut up, and stormed out... I guess you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Eric kinda snickers a bit, Leon smiles, but tries not to laugh, as it would probably cause more pain. He does manage to get a few words out though.

What are you... doing here?

Eric continues looking around the large room, then towards the door he entered as several of the guys that were outside are now re-entering the gym, and casually going back to their workouts.

Leon, you know I like to get to know my opponents. I got a match against Carmen on Meltdown this week, so I figured, with all this hype he's getting about his training, I might as well try to get the same training. So I've been hanging out here all week... Honestly, I was kinda hoping to see Carmen training as well, but none of us have seen the guy in a few days... Oh well. I'm sure he's doing training with that Swindle dude of something.

Leon continues to gasp for breath before muttering a few more words.

Are the rumors true... Are you really leaving...

Eric stops looking around, and simply stares into space.

Eric? Is it true... ugh...

Leon grabs his gut again, but this time, Eric don't flinch, he simply continues to stare.

Leon... I've been here for 6 months. I've been working my ass off, and making people happy. Win or lose, people respect me. I know this. But when it all comes down to it, there is one thing more important then all the respect in the WZCW locker room.

Your Family?

Eric looks at the ground at this.

Yes... and Money.

Leon looks at Eric as he continues speaking, his face baffled.

Money makes the world go round, everyone knows that. And a few weeks ago, I was approached by a man who offered me alot more of it. Right now, I'm making peanuts compared to what I'm getting offered. So I sat down with my sister, the closest family I have, and we talked for hours about it. I sat down with my best friend, and former cameraman, Josh Parker, and we talked about it. And in the end, I don't have a choice. My sister's boyfriend left her with a child, and a 2nd one on the way. And my best friend, he's only got one arm. There isn't much a man can do with that, thats why I tried to get him a job in WZCW with me.

I'm a loving man, and those people mean the world to me, and I've been using almost all of my money from here to support them, and now I have a chance to make more of it, so I don't have a choice. I have to take the deal.

Leon is so upset at this news, he's not even speaking.

Dude, don't worry about me. Yeah, I'm taking the money route, but my heart for wrestling was really born in WZCW, and I will never forget that. And mark my words, when I have the money to support my family and friends, I will be back. I guarantee it.

Leon looks at Eric, his face still red from the blow to the gut.

Dude... That’s amazing man. I've been interviewing men like you for a long time. But I've never had anyone man up he way you just did. And you know what? I think its awesome you’re putting your wrestling heart behind your family. There are few men that would ever do that in any line of work...

Leon is starting to get quite emotional, almost to the point where he could burt into tears, when Eric inturups.

Leon... I'm just going where the money is. That’s all. I've already talked to Chuck Myles, and despite some bad blood I thought we had, he knows talent when he see's it, and I'm welcome back with open arms when I feel like it. And when I have that money, I'll be back.

Eric stands up with a confident smirk on his face.

Now Leon, I've got a match to train for. And I'm sure you'd like my last match - for now - to be one of my best. I need to leave my fans with something to remember me with. And what better way to leave a good impression then to defeat a big ol' Russian?

Leon laughs a bit, and right away grabs his gut yet again.

Dude, you need some water.

They both chuckle, causing Leon more pain, but he's laughing anyways as Eric hands him a water bottle.

So, you think you’re good to walk yet? Wanna get some last chance footage of me working out? Honestly, this place looks like it could be a good place to get that footage. No wonder Carmen trains here...

Leon nods and slowly stands up, and begins walking next to Eric as he walks towards a weight machine being used by another guy. The three of them begin a conversation about something as the scene fades to black.
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