Meltdown 99

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Copeland:Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Meltdown in Orlando Florida! We have a great show in store for everyone just before Meltdown 100!

Cohen:We are opening the show with a special announcement from none other than Vance Bateman!

Vance enters through the stage smiling and waving to the audience who returns the favor with loud boos. With a mic in hand, Vance stops at the stage and commands for his music to cut before speaking.

Bateman:Unscripted is a very special occasion for WZCW. It marks the start of a year, and chance for anything and everything to happen. For those of you wondering what the announcement is, well. I will be announcing the final Superstar for Hell in a Cell!

The crowd lowers the boos in interest for Bateman. The General Manager of Ascension places a sly grin on his face and says into the mic.

Bateman:Whether the champion be Barbosa, or Ricky Runn. They are both competing in the Cell. Unfortunately, Saboteur did win his match at Apocalypse, so he is number three. Which leaves us with only one more name. The name belongs to a man who also won at Apocalypse. That man is none other than VEGA! At Apocalypse before Big Dave stuck his business into a perfectly fine match, Vega was declared the winner of the match. Thus giving him the right to compete. He is one of the finest men in WZCW and I am sure tonight he will continue to prove me right with a win over Theron Daggershield.

Bateman smiles proudly at the announcement despite the stadium exploding with a loud volumes of boos.


The crowd cheers, at the signal of Saboteur's music. The crowd that booed so vehemently seconds ago, now is on their feet for Saboteur. Saboteur comes to the ring, wearing a Sherlock Holmes cap, and a magnifying glass. In between slapping hands with the fans, he'll place his lens really close to a fan, and stare at him. He walks into the ring, still looking as though he's searching. He looks around, and signals for a microphone. Harrys is happy to accomodate him, but as Saboteur grabs the mic, he still searches the ring.

Saboteur: No, no, that can't be right.

Vance raises his finger.

Saboteur: Don't bother me now, Bateman, I'm about to have a breakthrough.

Vance appears bemused at this, and begins to speak.

Bateman: What, exactly, are you doing here?

Saboteur: Well, Bateman, seems like a lot of things have gone missing. First, Ricky Runn loses the world title. A title he stole, by the way. Matt Tastic stole the Elite X title from S.H.I.T. ... Which is fine, because Matt got the belt stolen from him last week. So... Karma?

Saboteur shrugs his shoulders

Saboteur: Clearly, someone stole your balls, but I guarantee that happened long ago, and is probably past the statutes of limitation.

The crowd cheers at this, as Vance looks embarrassed, in the middle of the ring. Saboteur brings his magnifying lens to Bateman.

Saboteur: And now, it seems someone's completely stolen the logic from your decision making. Because whether you like it or not... I beat Vega.

The crowd cheers this

Saboteur: And, if I recall correctly, that was a match where the winner would enter the cell. And clearly, two men can't win the same match, if they're facing one another. So it seems someone's stolen your logic, Bateman. Someone probably in this ring. Someone who likes he's wearing a toupee.

The crowd laughs at this, while Bateman gives a shit eating grin.

Bateman: I never knew you wore a toupee.

Saboteur: I'm bald under this! At least,as far as you know... So Bateman. You seem to be the prime suspect... Tell me, where were you the night of the 15th?!

Bateman:That's none of your business! And it's none of your business who I put into the cell!

Saboteur:Wrongo, friendo! See, I happen to be in the cell, already. Won a little contest to do it. And the thing is, putting Vega in the cell, is just another buttmunch that's going to gun for me. But it makes no difference... See, here's a plan that sounds good. Tonight, I'll beat Ricky Runn, and prove I'm better than him. I've already beaten Vega, so that's pretty wrapped up. And then, I'll beat Barbosa in the cell, win the WZCW Heavyweight Title, and solve all the mysteries at once! Well... Almost all of them... I don't think we're getting your balls back anytime soon. Toodles!

Saboteur leaves the ring, as Vance looks a little embarrassed. Saboteur waves to the fans, as Vance looks down. But as Vance looks up, a little grin crosses his face.

Copeland:Can you believe the nerve of Bateman!

Cohen:Fair is fair, Copey. Vega won the match first before Saboteur was allowed to get a mulligan. Only right that he gets a chance at the World Title.

Copeland: Well, tonight, he will be in action, in our main event, against Ricky Runn. But first, we have a match between Vega, and Theron Daggershield, coming up next!

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing 185 pounds, Vega!

Vega walks down the ramp quickly, not wanting to waste time. He gets up on apron and starts to argue with the fans before getting in the ring and posing.

Copeland: Vega seems “no-nonsense” here tonight.

Cohen: You spend weeks dealing with Saboteur and then screwed by management and yeah, it's not surprising that he's mad.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing at 190 pounds, The Warblade, Theron Daggershield!

Theron comes out with his trench coat, sword and sunglasses as the crowd cheers on. He drops the shades quickly before marching down the ring and taking the coat off on the way down. He drops the sword on the floor too and gets in the ring quickly.

Copeland: Looks like another guy in a foul mood.

Cohen: He doesn't have his favorite toy. Shame really. But he really should move on.

Copeland: What do you mean?

Cohen:Real men play poker, Seabass. You know that.

The two meet center of the ring as the referee for the match, Keith Morse offers instructions. The two look at each other intensely before Keith calls for the bell.

* Ding Ding Ding *

The match gets underway with Theron going quickly on the offensive. He lands hard shots on Vega that send him back-stepping right away and leading him to the ropes. Theron takes advantage with an Irish Whip to keep the early momentum going but as he comes back, Vega dodges and goes behind. As Theron turns, Vega hits a thumb to the eye and follows with a swift Superman punch to knock the D&D fanatic down. Referee Keith Morse steps in to admonish Vega but after a bit, he shoves the ref out of the way.

Cohen: Vega wants to prove a point here tonight. He's not fooling around.

Copeland: I'll be honest, if you aren't in that ring to win and prove how good you are, I don't see why you should be there.

Cohen: What's your point? Vega always wrestles to win.

Copeland: Then you're not just saying a cliché, you're also being redundant.

The action continues as Vega holds Theron down on the canvas with a painful Armbar. He cranks hard on it as referee Keith Morse check on Theron for the submission.

Theron tries to reach the nearest ropes, but they're too far away. Keith Morse keeps asking if Theron wants to quit, but he instead tries to push up and slides underneath Vega to get out of the hold. Both men make their way up to their feet as Theron shakes the arm. Theron tries a punch, but Vega kicks the very arm he had locked earlier sending Theron retreating in pain. He stops at the corner, but Vega gives chase. He starts shooting knees to Daggers midsection on the post before wrapping his damaged arm on the top rope and kicking it for good measure. The knee shots keep going until Vega decides to Springboard and kick Theron in the back of the head to knock him down.

Copeland: This could be it for Theron!

Cohen: There the cover!!



Thr-- Kickout!!

Theron barely kicks out at two and a half as Vega looks on exasperated, but not all that frustrated. He hammers down on Theron with clubbing blows before going back to the arm with a Keylock on the floor. He jumps to drive his knees on the arm and damage it more as Daggershield screams in pain with each hit. Vega keeps it going, but that proves to be a mistake as Theron kicks Vega while in the air to flip him over and release the hold. Theron rolls out of harms way for the moment as Vega tries to re-compose himself.

Copeland: Theron better start using his legs or this will be all over for him.

Cohen: I highly doubt a guy who spends his time playing a board game has much leg strength.

Copeland: How do you explain those top rope moves of his?

Cohen: Milk.

Vega gets back up, but Daggershield is by the corner, kneeling and holding his injured arm. A smile comes off on Vega's face and rushes on for the attack. He starts with kicks driving Theron's back to the corner before changing to punches. He mounts the turnbuckles and keeps pummeling Theron as the referee tries to break it up. Theron raises his arms and grabs Vega by the legs, raising him for a Powerbomb but Theron's arm gives and Vega falls face first on the turnbuckle. The crowd starts to cheer loudly as Theron realizes what his unexpected botch did.

*Let's Go Theron!! Let's Go Theron!! Let's Go Theron!! Let's Go Theron!!*

Theron looks on at the crowd for a bit before pulling Vega away from the corner and climbing it himself. The crowd cheers get louder as he reaches the top, but he falls trying to hold himself up on the top. He tumbles down as his arm gives way unable to hold his weight on the thin ropes. Vega begins to stagger as the referee, Keith Morse, begins a 10 count.



Vega starts to get back to his feet but Daggershield fails to respond.




Vega gets up but Theron is still down holding his arm. Vega analyzes his surroundings and a grin reforms on his face as he spots his wounded pray. He approaches Theron and grabs his leg, but as he does, Theron pulls it in and manages to hit Vega square in the face with a hard right hand and knock him back.

Copeland: Theron just refuses to stay down. He will not die.

Cohen: The kid does have guts. But if he walks out of here with a broken arm, it's all for nothing.

Theron gets back to his feet and starts kicking Vega in the same manner he would. Lefts, rights and so on, Theron finally has Vega reeling. He even shoots off a few headbutts for extra effort as Vega is taken aback by the offense. Theron tries an Irish Whip, but Vega holds the ropes and then clubs Theron's bad arm. Vega tries the ropes by himself, but is met by a Theron Dropkick. But Vega doesn't stay down for long. He tries again, but gets caught in an Inverted Atomic Drop followed by a Northern Lights Suplex. No cover for Theron, though. As he instead plays to the crowd with some claps of support. Vega gets up and Dagger kicks down low in the gut. He places Vega between his legs but Vega gets out and jumps for a Flying Triangle Choke. But Theron quickly raises the airborne Vega and Bombs him down to the mat hard. Theron holds on for a pin attempt while Vega is slammed down.



Thr-- No!

Vega raises one shoulder up and tilts himself sideways. He still holds on though as the Triangle Choke is locked once again. Theron struggles to get out as the referee checks up on him.

Cohen: He's caught! He can't get out with a bad arm. He's done.

Copeland: Not until the bell rings it isn't.

Keith says no as the hold stays on for a bit more. Theron tries to pull himself to the ropes but his bad arm isn't letting him do much. Instead he turns a bit pinning down Vega again. The referee counts the fall.


Vega tries to move around but can't.


Theron hangs on for dear life not letting Vega budge!


And the deal is sealed with a 3 count! Vega was unable to get out of the pin!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Theron Daggershield!!

Cohen: I can't believe it!

Copeland: Let him go, Vega!

Vega keeps the hold on as referee Keith Morse tries to release him. Theron pretty much passes out as Vega just does not let go. Several more officials come by to separate the two, but to little avail.

Cohen: You proved your point, Vega. Let him go.

Vega keeps going as the officials try to stop him, but someone pulls away the officials. Vega lets go as who is pulling out the officials is seen. Fallout is in the ring dragging the Elite X title with him. Vega gets up and out of the ring, frustrated while Fallout looks over the fallen Daggershield. He drops the dice by Daggers side and raises him up. He hooks the lifeless Theron Daggershield and hits the Half-Life on him. He grabs a mic and grabs the dice while standing next to the fallen Theron....

Fallout: Your challenge..... Is accepted.

He drops the mic and heads up the ramp quietly as his music plays. Theron is still lying motionless on the mat as the officials check on him.

Cohen: Looks like Theron won himself a title match.

Copeland: But can he be in any condition to fight any time soon after that match?


Becky Serra stands backstage and at her side, none other than Fallout with the Elite X Championship over his shoulder.

Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time, the Elite X Champion, Fallout!

The crowd boos at Fallout and the new champion, if he can even hear them, appears unfazed.

Serra: Fallout, you won the championship from Baez and as per the rules of the title, you must now defend the title. How do you feel about your first opponent being none other than Dr. Zeus?

Fallout looks at Becky sideways before taking the mic.

Fallout: Whoever this company decides to send at me, they are just weak humans. I am greater. I am adaptable, I am intelligent. I am the superior form of life. No one, not even Dr. Zeus, who so many of you clamor for as the "next big thing" can stand in my way. I will defeat Zeus tomorrow and begin my road to the world heavyweight championship. There is no other option.

Fallout stalks off leaving Becky with the mic in her hand as the scene fades out to commercial.

The crowd pops loudly as the lights dim and turn blue and the mechanical marvel makes his way onto the stage. It makes its way methodically to the ring, surveying the arena as it goes.


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 pounds, S.H.I.T!

Copeland: Y’know Jack, S.H.I.Ts been having a rough time of late, he lost the Elite X title to Matt Tastic at Apocalypse and then last week on Ascension he lost a tag match to Ricky Runn and Vega.

Cohen: What you mean is that the robot’s luck has run out. It’s time to recycle him!

It walks up the stairs and through the ropes and turns to face the entrance ramp as the arena goes dark.

The lights come on to reveal Triple X standing at the top of the ramp, arms raised in an X to a viscerally negative reaction from the crowd.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220lbs, Trrrriple X!

Cohen: This man has been robbed blind for the past few weeks! First Blade takes away his chance at King for a Day and then last week he shows his initiative against the World Champion and he gets disqualified for it!

Copeland: Wrapping a chair around someone is taking the initiative now is it?

Cohen: Absolutely Sebastian, and don’t you sit there on your high horse pretending you’d do any different if you were in the ring with that monster Barbosa!

Triple X makes his way to the ring and slides under the ropes before climbing the turnbuckle and taunting the crowd.

The referee steps aside as the two men pace in their corners, X comes forward and reaches out his fists, like a boxer. SHIT slowly steps forward however when he gets into range he is met by a stern kick to the gut, causing him to double over and meet the rising knee of X.

Cohen: You’ve got to love a smart fighter, luring in the robot is the sign of a champion.

SHIT hits the deck hard but is on his feet quickly and XXX is quick to press the advantage rocking the robot with a flurry of punches to the upper body followed by a spinning heel kick, knocking SHIT back into the corner. XXX backs up and goes for a flying body press but its dodged! X crumples into the turnbuckles and over the ring post, landing hard on the outside.

Copeland: Oh my god! Triple X just got sent flying!

SHIT pauses briefly, looking for his opponent before rolling under the ropes and grabbing his opponent by his head and lifting him to his feet before rolling him onto the apron face down. He leans in and lifts X’s head, unleashing with a fearsome European Uppercut. SHIT climbs the apron and drops his knee on the back of his opponents head. X clutches his head as he rolls back into the ring. SHIT quickly slides under the ropes and once again lifts X to his feet before lifting him quickly into a snap suplex. SHIT goes for a quick pin.



KICK OUT! Triple X gets the shoulder up. SHIT quickly drops the knee on his chest before springing off the ropes to gain some momentum and leaping in the air with a leg drop but X rolls out of the way. SHIT rolls on the floor, clutching its back. Triple X stamps on the robot, desperate to maintain his momentum. SHIT kicks out his legs forcing X to back off and buy time to get to his feet. The two stand, both clutching their backs as they lunge towards each other. X launches forward and hits a huge forearm smash. He tries to kip up afterwards but his back is too hurt and he ends up rolling on the floor instead. The two men once again rise to their feet simultaneously. X kicks SHIT in the stomach once more before setting up for a neck breaker.

Copeland: This does not look good for SHIT Jack!

Cohen: C’mon Triple X! It’s about time you showed that damn robot who’s boss!

REALITY BUSTER! SHIT is laid face down in the corner of the ring. X quickly hops onto the top rope and raises his arms in the air in an X before leaping into the air.

Copeland: FIREFLY! This match is over!

X flies into the air but SHIT manages to move!

Cohen: Dammit it all!

SHIT realizes now is the time and rolls onto Triple X





Harrys: The winner of this match, S.H.I.T!

SHIT celebrates his win as his hand is raised and Triple X slowly stirs. SHIT exits the ring and Triple X sits up and rubs his head. Suddenly, Blade comes over the titantron. The crowd cheers for his appearance as Triple X gives a sneer of disgust.

Blade: Well, Triple X, sorry to see you couldn't pull off the win tonight. I guess that's a common theme for you, isn't it? You just can't get the job done when it counts. Don't worry - tomorrow, on Ascension, I'll be taking down Diabolos and showing you how it's done.

Triple X barks something at the screen but it can't be heard over the crowd's cheering for Blade. The tron blacks out as we go to commercial.
Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, originally scheduled for Meltdown tonight was a match between Eurasian Champion Mikey Stormrage and Titus, but due to Stormrage's actions on Aftershock last week, he has been suspended from WZCW without pay until Meltdown 100.

Cohen: I say the administration around here is just scared of what Mikey can do - and with good reason! It's been a long time since the Eurasian championship was held by someone as terrifying as Mikey Stormrage, and if James Howard ever shows his face around here, he'll be in for a real surprise.

Copeland: That said, folks, Titus has requested this time to address the WZCW Universe and he has been granted that request. He should be along at any minute.


Titus makes his way onto the stage to thunderous applause and a roar from the crowd. He looks in decent shape, though he limps slightly to the ring. He has his trademark smile on as he waves to the crowd and somewhat gingerly makes his way into the ring. He gestures for a mic from ringside and is handed it, and the crowd quiets down for him to speak.

Titus: You know, all things considered, I could have received a lot worse news than my match being cancelled this week.

The crowd laughs slightly as Titus's grin widens, and he carries on.

Titus: I'm not saying I wouldn't have given it my all, but after last round, I gotta tell you, I don't mind a day off, exactly. First the Beard, then my old buddy Showtime...well, it seems like these days everybody wants a piece of me.

Titus pauses for a second and his grin begins to fade.

Titus: Well, you know, sometimes I wonder if Showtime really does want a piece of me. He seems pretty happy to poke and prod and take a cheap shot, but he doesn't seem all that willing to face me on an even playing field, man to man in the middle of the ring. I've already challenged him directly for a match at Unscripted, but all he did was lay me out in response. That's not an answer, Showtime. At least, it's not a man's answer. That's the answer of a coward.

The crowd cheers for that and Titus goes on.

Titus: I have no idea if you're in this building, Showtime, no one seems to know when you come and go these days. But my challenge stands. But you know what, Showtime, I think I have something to prove to you. I can prove to you that I'm not afraid to face anyone in the world, not you, not anyone. So because of that, free of charge, I will let you, personally, choose my opponent for Meltdown 100.

The crowd seems slightly shocked by this.

Titus: Anyone in the whole world you want, Showtime. Anyone you can find who actually has the courage to face me one on one. Any of your old pals, or anyone you think can soften me up for you. I'll go through whoever I have to to show you what I'm made of, and maybe I can shame you into taking this match. The difference between me and you is I would go through hell for what I do, and I'll go through hell to get to you if I have to, Showtime.

Titus pauses, shrugs, and looks in at the camera.

Titus: So be it. It's been too cold back in Keystone City for me anyway, though I am enjoying this fine Florida sunshine.

The crowd cheers and laughs a little bit at the blatant cheap pop as Titus rolls on.

Titus: Showtime, if you're not man enough to show your face tonight, that's fine. Just drop me a line - call me, text me, email me, find on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat,'ve got a lot of options, Showtime. I'll be waiting.

Titus drops the mic and his music plays as the crowd cheers for him one more time. He mounts the turnbuckle and waves before making his way to the back again, though obviously watching over his shoulder for a sneak attack. He seems to be making it back just fine, however.

Copeland: The challenge is reissued and the stakes are raised! Will Showtime take the chance to name Titus's opponent for Meltdown 100? We'll find out...soon, hopefully!
We cut backstage to Vance Bateman's office. Vance is sitting at his desk talking on his phone when there is a knock at the door.

Vance: Come in.

The door swings open and Ascension General Manager Big Dave walks in, a look of annoyance on his face.

Dave: You needed to see me Vance?

Vance: Yes Dave, you see last week when you announced the World Title match between Barbosa and Ricky Runn for Meltdown 100, I was irate at first.

Dave can't help but smile at this as Vance waves it off dismissively.

Vance: However, then I got to thinking. Since you chose your big match to book, that means I still have mine in my pocket.

Dave: So what's it going to be then Vance?

Vance: You wanted to wrestle a few months back right? Well now you're going to get your chance.

The crowd pops at the news, as Dave smirks, rubbing his hands together.

Dave: Well I'm surprised you'd have me wrestling Vance. Who's my...

Just then the lights go out in the office for a few moments, and they return, Ty Burna standing behind Vance against the wall with his arms crossed. He slowly lifts his head up, staring directly at Big Dave.

Vance: I believe you have your answer Dave.

Dave looks towards Ty, the two rivals locked in a staredown.

Dave: You're working for Vance now Ty?

Ty says nothing but steps away from the wall and right into Dave's face. Ty's eyes suddenly flash red and he grits his teeth.

Dave: Coward. Of course you wouldn't be able to answer me. What's your deal Ty?

Ty remains silent and lifts one arm up and the room goes dark again before the lights come back up and Ty is gone. The tension on Dave's face remains, though he turns and begins to leave the office.

Vance: Oh and Dave, one last thing. Your match at Meltdown 100.

Dave turns around to face Vance, he now gritting his teeth knowing what's coming.

Vance: If you lose at Meltdown 100, you're fired as General Manager of Ascension!

Vance begins laughing as Dave lowers his head for a moment. He suddenly turns and gets right in Vance's face, forcing him to cower.

Dave: You know what they say about cornered animals Vance? All they have left to do is lash out!

Dave feigns a punch but Vance falls backwards, giving Dave the final laugh as he storms out of the office, slamming the door behind him as we go to commercial.


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing 198 pounds, Saboteur!

Saboteur runs on stage and bounces around to the applause of the crowd. He runs up one side of the ramp slapping hands with the fans before he runs back up the opposite side. When he finally slides into the ring he raises his hands in the air to the roar of the crowd.

Copeland: Saboteur, who you have to think has some unfinished business with Runn after last week, will be looking to pick up as much momentum as possible headed into Unscripted.

Cohen: He can have all the momentum he wants Seabass, but this goof has shown in the past he isn't World Champion material. A completely BS decision at Apocalypse is the only reason he is even sniffing the strap right now.


And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, "The Swagtastic voice of a generation", Ricky Runn!

Ricky makes his way onto the stage, his rhinestone encrusted sunglasses glistening in the spotlight. Shortly after the lights come up, the swag pack steps on stage. With a swagger only he could muster, Runn makes his way down the ramp and slides into the ring, Saboteur graciously sliding out of the ring. Runn pops off his jacket to a surprising pop from the ladies in the front row as they admire his glorious abs.

Cohen: Ricky Runn, the man with so much swag he sold 2 Chainz his second chain. What a treat we are in store for here tonight.

Copeland: Don't tell me you are condoning this behavior Jack.

Cohen: I'm starting to come around.

Jack Cohen puts on a pair of sunglasses, much to the dismay of Copeland. Before Saboteur is able to slide back into the ring, the swag pack surround him. Runn watches from inside the ring as his cronies close the circle tighter. Jurou Akiyama will have none of it however and bars the men from ringside, tossing them out. Runn pleads his case as Saboteur mocks the men being escorted away by ringside security.

Cohen: This is a travesty! How dare he throw out Runn's friends? They were simply out here to watch the future world champion secure a victory.

Copeland: Hopefully we get a fair fight now. Good call by the referee there.

With order restored Akiyama calls for the bell. Saboteur takes his time, staying on the outside as Runn also appears uninterested in engaging. Finally Saboteur jumps in, literally jumping in front of Runn and slapping him. Runn recoils before he rears back and lands a slap of his own. The two continue to slap each other back and forth until Saboteur knocks the glasses from Runn's face. The swag master responds by tackling Saboteur, before laying into him with a multitude of punches. Akiyama pulls Runn off his opponent as Saboteur gets back to his feet and throws up his fists in a comical manner, urging Runn to attack him again. The ref instructs the two to remain in neutral corners until he clears the ring of Runn's glasses, some of the rhinestones having come off in the ruckus. As the ref kicks the debris from the ring Runn sneaks up and rolls up Saboteur just as the ref turns back around.

Thr-Saboteur manages to kick out!

Copeland: Thankfully Saboteur kicks out, as Runn almost stole one there.

As both men pop back to their feet Saboteur manages to gain the upper hand with a couple of swift kicks, keeping Runn from engaging. He backs Runn into the ropes and unleashes with a vicious chop across the chest before he whips his opponent across the ring. Runn initially ducks an attempted clothesline, but Saboteur connects with a Pele kick. It only manages to put Runn down to a knee as it connected with his shoulder. Saboteur follows it up with a dropkick to the face and quickly scrambles into a cover.

But Runn is able to get the shoulder up with ease. Saboteur tries to lift Runn to his feet, but Runn pushes him away. Saboteur rushes back in, but Runn manages to trip him up with a drop toe hold. He follows it up with a few stomps before Saboteur crawls to the ropes and forces a break. Runn backs away and allows Sabotuer to stand before he rushes in. Sabotuer manages to drop Runn over the top rope, but the agile superstar hangs on and lands on the apron. Saboteur turns to fire off a punch, but Runn ducks between the ropes and stops him with a shoulder barge. He then springboards into the ring with a sharp kick that connects square to the jaw of the masked superstar. Runn tumbles through the kick when he gets back to his feet he drags Saboteur back to his. Runn hits a couple of right hands and follows it up with a few knife edged chops, backing Saboteur into the corner. Runn attempts to monkey flip Saboteur out of the corner, but the former two time tag champion holds onto the top rope. He hops to the second turnbuckle as Runn gets back to his feet. Saboteur leaps and connects with a tornado DDT. He hooks the leg of Runn.

Runn gets a shoulder up.

Copeland: What back and forth action thus far. Neither man has been able to mount for than a few moves in a row before the other takes over.

Cohen: You have two men both on the title trail Seabass, they won't go away easy. Even if one of them is a masked goof like Saboteur.

Saboteur slams his hands to the mat in frustration, allowing Runn time to fully recover. Both men get to their feet and Saboteur takes a wild swing at Runn. Runn ducks and connects with a reverse mat slam, the Hell Yeah! He hooks the leg.

Saboteur kicks out and Runn slams a fist to the canvas. He drags Saboteur to his feet and calls for The Ricky Runndown. He sets up Saboteur for the half nelson backstabber, but Saboteur hangs onto the top rope, leaving Runn to crash to the floor. Saboteur takes a quick glance around as Runn gets back to his feet. He springboards off the ropes, hitting a springboard Super Saboteur! He forgoes the pinfall and heads to the top rope. He calls for the finish and leaps for Airborne Assassin.

Copeland: When this hits, its all over.

Saboteur rotates and connects with a picture perfect moonsault. After the initial impact, he hooks the leg.


Copeland: What in the hell?

The swag pack steps out from behind the curtain and stand at the top of the ramp, causing Saboteur to stand and ready himself to fight. The swag pack however simply stand their ground. Runn begins to stir and sneaks up from behind again. He rickrolls Saboteur up!

Three! No! Saboteur gets a shoulder up just before the three.

Cohen: Slow count!

The swag pack decide they have seen enough and start to advance down the ramp. Runn rolls out of the ring as Saboteur readies for a fight.


The swag pack turn around as Barbosa comes charging down the ramp, meeting them head on. In the commotion, Runn slides back into the ring and low blows Saboteur before he rolls him up again, this time with a handful of tights.


Saboteur is able to kick out, but it is too late. Barbosa throws Donny J into the ring post before he slides into the ring, just as Runn slides out. He hops the barricade and disappears into the crowd, leaving Barbosa standing in anger in the ring. As Barbosa turns he sees Saboteur standing before him. The two come face to face, staring intently at each other as the copyright information flashes on screen.

Yaz: Saboteur vs. Ricky Runn
Shotaro: SHIT vs Triple X
KJ: Vega vs. Theron Daggershield
Harthan: Titus Promo, Segments
Haiku: Opening


Ty: Segment

Thanks for waiting guys, sorry this round's been a bit crazy. We should have everything else coming along soon.
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