Meltdown 98

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

The introduction video plays and the crowd at Columbus, Georgia in the Columbus Civic Centre cheer wildly as the pyro goes off.

Copeland: Welcome to another edition of Meltdown, everybody! I've just gotten confirmation that tonight, we're starting off with an address by Mr. Banks!

Mr. Banks makes his way out to a generally mixed reaction as everyone in the crowd seems to have different opinions on Banks. He smiles and waves graciously on his way to the ring before he enters.

Banks: Good evening, everyone. I wanted to take a bit of time at the start of the show to take a look back at the first pay per view produced under my ownership of this company, and wow, what an event it was. We saw some true standout performances, like Baez taking the Elite X Championship, and the Los Magnificos Dragones taking home the tag team gold.

Still images of the events that Banks is discussing appear on the tron and on the screen for home viewers as he brings them up.

Banks: ...and Ricky Runn fought valiantly in a loss to Barbosa.

A still image appears of Ricky Runn holding the stolen world title belt and the crowd turns to a decidedly negative reaction. Banks raises an eyebrow but carries on.

Banks: Now, some might think I should address the situation about Ricky Runn possessing the world title belt right now but Barbosa being the world champion in name. But, I've got to tell you - I'm a bit of a laissez-faire kind of guy. Sometimes the best television is the kind of television that writes itself. Maybe Barbosa will figure out a way to get his world title back. Who knows? But I bet all of you good folks will tune in to watch it.

Banks gives a wink to the camera and the crowd once again reacts in a mixed fashion.

Banks: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that made Apocalypse a great event, and I hope you all got a good taste for what things are going to be like going forward - like at Unscripted, our next major event available on pay per view. But, you know, we have another huge event coming up before Unscripted. In just a short time, we're going to be celebrating the 100th episode of Meltdown!

The crowd cheers for this and Banks smiles at finally getting a positive reaction.

Banks: Meltdown 100 is just too huge of an event for me not to make it a little bit more special. I've decided that when Meltdown 100 goes live, it's going to involve all of the WZCW roster - and maybe even a few special guests. It's going to be a supershow! So forget about Ascension, forget about Aftershock - it's all going to be about Meltdown 100. And to that end, I've decided that each general manager is allowed to book for the show. I expect cooperation in putting together the best card, but, you know, sometimes you've got to evaluate your employees a little, see what they can do on their own. So I've decided that, on a first come, first serve basis, each general manager can book one match of his choosing - and no one can change it, not even me. So Vance, Chuck, and Dave, put on your booking caps and start thinking now, because I expect big results.

The crowd cheers once again.

Banks: Thanks for your time everyone, and now, enjoy the show!

Copeland: What a huge announcement from Mr. Banks! I can't wait to see Meltdown 100, and I'm sure you can't either, Jack!

Cohen: I'm sure one of those GM's will figure out a way to mess up the card, but other than that I'm right with you, Seabass.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing 180 pounds, he is one half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, El Califa Dragón!

Copeland: El Califa Dragon out now for singles action after winning the tag team titles at Apocalypse. It's no secret that the Demon Foreigners are angling for a tag team title shot with the field now considerably thinned, and this singles match is no doubt a test of their worthiness for such a match.

Cohen: Can I just say that I'll be looking forward to a tag title match that isn't being ruined by injuries? The last two title changes have happened in handicap matches, and the prospect of Los Magnificos Dragones versus the Demon Foreigners is really something I'm looking forward to.

As the music hits El Califa Dragón comes running from the back while nodding his head to the music. He bounces from one side of the stage to other before stopping at the top of the entrance ramp. He looks out at the crowd while nodding his head to the beat once more before sprinting down to the ring and sliding under the bottom rope. He quickly runs over and hops up onto the second turnbuckle, tossing the hood of his robe off as he continues nodding to the music before pointing out to the crowd and yelling out to them.


Harrys: And his opponent, from Kawasaki, Kanagawa in The Land of the Rising Sun, weighing 230 pounds, 'Shadow Warrior' Atsushi Kiriyama!

Copeland: Atusushi Kiriyama competing in a rare singles match here, as he and his partner have been a consistent tag team threat so far.

Cohen: The Foreigners are a team that, while they haven't proven it in WZCW yet, are two great solo wrestlers who came together, not a team made up of two guys who can't stand alone. I think you'll be surprised with what you see in this match.

As the beautiful panpipes of Zamfir play over the PA system, Kiriyama slinks out of the backstage area on his hands and knees. Blood red lighting canvassing his features making him look slightly maniacal. As he reaches the ringside area with cat like reflexes he jumps to his feet and rolls in the ring taking a crouching position in the corner alert to the slightest movement and sound on the tips of his toes.

El Califa and Kiriyama stare at each other from across the ring as referee Jorou Akiyama signals for the bell, and we are underway.

Kiriyama attacks immediately, going after El Califa in the corner. He traps Califa and delivers knife edge chops and jabs. Califa falls to the mat and Kiriyama gets aggressive, jamming his foot into Califa's neck and pressing it up against the ring post, drawing a count from Akiyama. He whips him into the opposite corner and charges in with a running elbow, but Califa pops out of the corner and hits an axe handle, stopping Kiriyama's in his tracks. Califa leaps up and reels off an enzuigiri that knocks Kiriyama to the mat. Califa pulls Kiriyama to his feet and drags him to the corner, smashing him face first into the turnbuckle. Kiriyama backs away and rears wildly, Califa hits the top rope and leaps off, nailing a head scissors from the top that sends Kiriyama sprawling on the mat. Califa puts Kiriyama into the corner again and lays into his gut with a series of shoulder hits. He switches after a moment to an alternating series of chops and punches with his signature Violent Fury! He finishes it off as Kiriyama staggers out and Califa NAILS him with a roundhouse kick! Califa goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two. Califa stays on the offensive as he pulls Kiriyama to his feet, but the bigger man shrugs him off, heading to the side of the ring to try to regain his composure. Califa isn't deterred for long, however, as he targets the leg of Kiriyama and begins kicking it out from beneath him as he clutches the ropes; Kiriyama crashes to the mat and he clutches his leg in pain.

Copeland: Califa has been very much an early aggressor in this contest. You have to wonder if maybe Kiriyama isn't used to being in this position - this is about the time he'd start looking for a tag to Cuba.

Cohen: Any wrestler with Kiriyama's pedigree knows how to recover from this. Kiriyama can weather the storm and, with his conditioning, he can come back in this one.

Califa tries to pull Kiriyama to his feet but Kiriyama blocks him, grabs Califa by the tights and hurls him into the turnbuckle of the nearby corner. Kiriyama takes a moment to breathe, then grabs Califa by the tights and throws him outside the ring. Kiriyama steps onto the apron to follow Califa, but Califa leaps to his feet, leaps again and knocks the leg out from under Kiriyama! Kiriyama falls off the apron and crashes on the outside! Kiriyama pulls himself up to his knees, but he gets only a roundhouse kick from Califa for his trouble! Califa pulls Kiriyama to his feet and slides him back into the ring, before following him inside. He pulls Kiriyama up, whips him into the corner, and he goes for ROLLING FIRE! KIRIYAMA STEPS OUT OF THE CORNER AT THE LAST SECOND! Califa hits the turnbuckle and gets all tied up in it. Kiriyama takes advantage as he grabs Califa by the leg and throws him down to the mat. Califa clearly clutches his leg in pain. Kiriyama grabs Califa, elevates him and he's going for the Final Protocol! But Califa wriggles his way out of the hold and drops behind Kiriyama! He stumbles on his leg for a second but finds the strength to dropkick Kiriyama from behind. The blow sends Kiriyama stumbling into the corner. Kiriyama manages to turn himself around in the corner only to meet ROLLING FIRE FROM CALIFA! Califa goes for the cover and gets one, two, and three!

Harrys: Here is your winner, El Califa Dragon!

Copeland: Calia perseveres and reverses Kiriyama's attempts to get back into the match for the win.

Cohen: I'll give credit where credit is due - Califa stayed with this one and looked like the veteran he is. But I think it might be a different story if - and when - these two meet in tag team action.

El Califa Dragon has his hand raised in the middle of the ring and celebrates as Kiriyama rolls to the outside and looks up at him with hate.

Copeland: Don't go away folks, we'll be right back with more Meltdown!


Becky Serra is standing backstage, microphone in hand.

Becky: Joining me now, the new Elite X Champion, Baez!

The crowd boos and the camera pans back to reveal Baez, belt over his shoulder.

Becky: Baez -

Baez: Let me stop you there, Becky. All you're going to do is ask me about some circus freak or another. Where you going to ask me how I feel about beating SHIT? Or how I feel about facing Fallout? I don't care, Becky. I don't care which new freak in a line of freaks going back to the First Freak from Freaktown I'm facing this week, last week, or next week. I am the only sane person left in this company, and I'm going to defend this Elite X Championship to prove it. And after I beat seven freaks in a row, I'm cashing in for a world title shot and maybe, just maybe, someone who isn't crazy will be at the top in this company.

Baez stalks off the stage and leaves Becky somewhat stunned as the shot fades out.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The Beard walks to the ring, led by Ezekial Hewitt. This time, though, the chains that bind him are removed. Hewitt clutches the KFAD briefcase close to him, as the crowd shows its disapproval at the new King for a Day.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, accompanied by Ezekiel Hewitt, "The Manliest Man in Professional Wrestling" The Beard!

Cohen:And ladies and gentlemen, you're looking at our new champion! When this man cashes in, he's going to become champion... And who knows who can beat him?

Copeland:The question becomes, when does he cash in? There's only one person who knows, apparently.

Cohen:And I gotta be honest, Seabass... I don't think it's Ezekial Hewitt. He doesn't seem to have control of the man.

The Beard enters the ring, and takes his briefcase from Ezekial. He kneels down and to his briefcase before removing the towel from his head. To a chorus of boos, he holds up his briefcase, for all to see.


Titus runs down to the ring, at a full sprint. While he makes sure to slap the hands of fans, he looks into the ring angrily, and climbs up to the ring with a determination. He climbs the turnbuckle.

Harrys: His opponent, from Keystone City-

Before Harrys can even finish, Titus hits a dramatic clothesline from the top rope! It connects, and Beard is down! Titus gets on top of Beard, and starts landing punches, as he has the monster subdued! Referee Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell, to start the match, and begins to order Titus to stop. Titus, who seems absolutely incensed, needs to be restrained. The fans are going nuts, as Titus calls for their support.

Copeland:Titus is not messing around tonight; he's wrestling like a man possessed!

Cohen:Showtime's really gotten under his skin. He;s always been a dirty cheater, but this is something else!

Prince continues to admonish Titus, as the Beard groggily makes it to his feet. Completely stunned by the turn of events, he staggers around. Titus allows for Prince to finish, before bouncing off the ropes, and hitting another clothesline! Beard begins to wobble, and his arms flail to try and keep him up. Titus bounces off of the ropes again, and hits a second clothesline. Beard is staggering again, but will not fall. Titus bounces off of the ropes for a third clothesline, but Beard grabs Titus by the throat. Beard walks around the ring, holding Titus neck in his massive hands, and the crowd boos. He raises Titus for a chokeslam. But Titus is able to wriggle loose, and grabs hold of Beard's head. He reverses with a massive DDT, and the crowd cheers once again for their hero!

Cohen:What is going on here?!

Copeland:We thought the recent actions of Showtime may distract Titus, but it seems to have given him a new edge. Once in which has our King for a Day reeling!

Titus goes for a cover..



Kick out, at two! Titus wastes no time, and stomps down on Beard. He goes for a knee drop, but Beard moves out of the way. He gets to his knees, as Titus holds on to his knee. Beard shakes the cobwebs, and realizes that this is his chance. As Titus is getting up, Beard connects with a vicious boot, right to the side of the head. He roars out, as Titus lies on the mat, still. Ezekial points to Beard to get the pin.



Kick out by Titus. Beard elbows a downed Titus. He lifts up Titus' limp body, and places him in position for a wicked shoulderbreaker. Beard lifts Titus upon his shoulder, and carries him around in the ring, to the dismay of the audience. The shoulderbreaker connects, and Titus holds his arm in agony.

Cohen:And what do we have here, Seabass? That kind of viciousness is what got The Beard King for a Day in the first place!

Copeland:Don't count out Titus yet... You should know better, Titus has been through much worse.

Titus pulls himself up by one arm, into the corner. He comes to his senses, just in time to be met with a massive avalanche. Beard then begins to throw elbows on a barely conscious Titus, and backs up a few steps for a shoulder barge. But as Beard runs at full speed, Titus moves out of the way, allowing Beard to run full speed into the turnbuckle. As he clenches his shoulder in pain, Titus chops Beard in the chest. He looks to the audience, as they cheer in approval, before Titus hits a booming kesagiri chop! Titus backs up, and hits a running drop kick, which downs The Beard! Titus takes advantage of the chance, and locks in an arm bar, applying pressure on the arm and shoulder of the The Beard.

Copeland:Titus has a chance here, Beard took a hard hit into the turnbuckle with that shoulder.

Cohen:Titus seems out there to hurt people. I bet this issue with Showtime has left him stark crazy.

Beard cries out in pain, but does not give up, as Titus locks in the hold. The Beard tries to roll over to his other shoulder, but Titus is following him every way. Beard works his way to his knees, and shrugs Titus off of his arm, while holding on to his shoulder. He picks up Titus by the head, and prepares to throw him into the ropes. While he does, Ezekial Hewitt prepares to get involved, looking up at the action and planning his spot. He sees this moment as a chance to get involved... But also gets distracted by a fan at ringside. He starts to talk trash to the fan, And almost forgets that there is a match going on. Beard irish whips Titus into the ropes, but Titus reverses, and sends Beard at full speed into the ropes. Ezekial reaches, almost flippantly, over the top rope, but he actually has the arm of the Beard! He doesn't realize it, but he actually pulls on Beard's arm, and gets his arm tied within the ropes. Hewitt turns around, pleased with himself, but finds his man is now tied up in the ropes! He looks on in horror, as The Beard screams in agony, almost locked in a vice of the ropes. Titus wails on the arm, seeing that this is his chance. He strikes the arm, and the crowd comes unglued, as Beard has no way to defend himself.

Cohen:Why is the ref allowing this? Clearly, Ezekial caused this to happen, this isn't fair.

Copeland:Hewitt was trying to help Beard... Looks as though this is karma coming back to bite The Beard.

Titus steps back a couple of steps, and prepares for one more dropkick. He runs at full speed into The Beard, but Beard has finally released himself from his trap! He boots Titus in the face, once more, and Titus' head hits the canvas with a thud. While wincing and holding his arm, The Beard recovers, and walks to a fallen Titus. He grabs him by the head, and prepares a Poetic Justice. He connects, and rolls over for the cover...




the Beard sits up, holding his arm, as Elizabeth Prince goes to indicate him the victor.

Harrys: Here is your winner... The Beard!

The Beard holds his arm in pain, as Prince goes to raise the other.

Copeland:The legend had Beard on the ropes, literally, and had this match won.

Cohen:Yeah, but that's how it works sometimes. A split second, and Beard was ready to go again.

Ezekial Hewitt goes into the ring, and bows down to the Beard. He offers The Beard his briefcase, as Beard looks down ruefully at his accomplice. Beard holds the briefcase in his hand, and goes to raise it above his head. A second passes, and The Beard looks down at Hewitt, who's head is now bent down. Beard looks to the crowd, still booing, and holds his briefcase. He and Hewitt leave the ring, as Titus begins to stir, pounding the mat in anguish.

Selena Anderson is standing in the back with El Califa Dragon and Amber Warren to either side of her.

Anderson: Welcome at this time the new tag team champions, the Los Magnifocs Dragones! El Califa, earlier tonight you picked up a win over Atsushi Kiriyama. Do you think the Demon Foreigners are worthy of being your next opponents?

El Califa: El Califa thinks he defeated Kiriyama tonight. El Califa Dragon doesn't believe losers deserve to become champions.

Anderson: Amber, with the lack of established tag team contenders in the field right now, who do you think should be your next opponents?

Warren: Selena, I have to tell you, I don't know who we're facing next. It could be the Demon Foreigners, it could be a brand new team. Maybe an old team is going to come back to try to take us out. What I do know is this partnership is stronger than ever and that we're ready to face any comers. So if anyone out there thinks they have what it takes, well, all I can say is - bring it on.

The crowd cheers at this and Selena reclaims the mic.

Anderson: Whoever it's going to be, it seems like the champions are going to be ready. Stay tuned for more Meltdown!
Harrys:"Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!"

Harrys:"Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds, Drake Callahan!"

Drake Callahan walks out to the crowd giving him a mix of cheers and boos. Sauntering out to the ring. His body still battered and bruised from the King for a Day Matchup.

Copeland:"Despite a rather poor outing at King for a Day Drake managed to make his mark that night by taking out Doug Crashin and taking his spot in the match!"

Cohen:"Much like the fans here tonight, even I'm on the fence with Drake's actions at Apocalypse."

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Indianapolis, Indiana, weighing 315 pounds, he is the Eurasian Champion, Mikey Stormrage!

Cohen:"Speaking of mixed reactions, the champ is here!"

Copeland:"Howard and Stormrage have competed for titles before, but never against each other. But now Stormrage has came out as the victor between the two. The only question is, was the end worth the means?"

Cohen:"I bet you give James the same ambition that Mikey has and he would have done the same thing Mikey did for the championship."

The two mean are both uneasy around one another with the bell indicating the start of the match begins to ring. Stormrage knowing he has the obvious size advantage quickly charges at Callahan. Drake came to a similar conclusion goes to the corner and slides himself in between the ropes. Causing the ref to step in between Mikey and Drake. Every time Drake gets room from Stormrage, Mikey presses again. Only for Drake to continue wrapping himself in the ring ropes for the ref to break up any contact between the two.

Cohen:"Drake again shows that Mind will always count over Matter"

Copeland:"I see what you did there, Jack. Though it seems Mikey is getting flustered with Drake playing cat and mouse."

The arena begins to boo heavily against Drake but the reaction from the crowd only makes Drake grin as he again wraps himself up in the ropes looking over at the ref then at Mikey with a cocky grin begins to taunt the larger foe. Frustrated with the rules, Mikey just mutters "enough" and runs towards Drake and jumps onto his torso. Bouncing him against the ropes and his girth! The referee looks shocked but before he can do anything Mikey quickly bounces off and lets Drake fall back into the ring holding his torso in pain.

Copeland:"Callahan isn't the only one who can use his head."

Cohen:"Yeah, but Stormrage is the only who can use his weight! That's the mismatch in this matchup!"

Callahan climbs up to his feet, his arms still crossed over his chest feeling the soreness in his chest from the ropes. Mikey on the other hand stays on the offensive and pulls Callahan to land a backbreaker! Callahan falls onto the ground holding his back in pain. Mikey twists Drake over and hooks the leg. 1....2... Drake reverses the pin into a roll up! 1....2... Kick out by Stormrage! The Eurasian Champ begins to look furious at the near loss to Drake. Climbing up to his feet with steam in his head he dead lifts Drake back up to his feet to pin him against the turnbuckle. Running to the other corner, Stormrage builds enough steam to charge at Drake with a splash, but wait! Drake stops Mikey with a Enzuigiri! The kick to the temple causes Mikey to stop, stumble and fall to his back. Callahan quickly climbs up to the top rope. Holding his chest for a second he then throws caution to the wind and lands a diving elbow onto Stormrage from the top rope! Drake starts the pin. 1....2... Kickout from the Champ!

Copeland:"Drake wants the win this week and a win over the Eurasian champion could put him back on track!"

Cohen:"Yeah and if Mikey can survive the storm, he can again prove his dominance in the ring!"

Drake rises up to his feet still holding his chest in pain. He then shouts at Mikey who was shaking and stirring on the ground. "Stay down!" Drake tried to lift Mikey to his feet, but the weight was too much to pick up on his own. A lightbulb than went off in Drake's head. He began grabbing at Mikey's mask! He started to pull and pry at the mask, looking Mikey in they eyes as he attempted to undo the straps. Adding in blows to the head in hopes it'd loosen the straps. Though it was quickly stopped when Stormrage pushed Drake away with a powerful shove from his knees. Stepping up he pushed Drake again, this time the shove planting Drake against the turnbuckle. Stormrage began landing european uppercuts against Drake. Knocking the grin right off of the face of Callahan! When the ref reached the count of "4" Mikey stepped back so Callahan to get some breathing room. But only for him to come rushing in like a bull. Splashing against Callahan in the corner! Callahan bounces off the ropes and again holds his chest breathing heavily in pain he was about to fall to his feet but Stormrage signals for the "Game Over" Causing the fans to cheer! Mikey lifts Callahan off his feet with ease. Though before Mikey can land the finisher Drake comes to and rolls the Eurasian Champion in a small package. 1....2.......3!

Harrys:"Your winner of this matchup, Drake Callahan!"

The crowd erupts at the sudden turn of events as the referee begins to reluctantly raise Drake's hand in victory. Drake covers his side in pain before rolling out of the ring to head backstage.

Cohen:"Unbelievable, Drake pulled a fast one over the Eurasian Champion!"

Copeland:"Stormrage again falls to a rollup!"


The camera comes back in to reveal Triple X standing alone in the backstage area. The crowd boos him heavily.

Triple X: I still have to finish getting ready for my match, so I'll keep this brief. I may have lost King for a Day, but I proved again that I am still one of the best in the company, and I deserve the world title shot I never got, whether or not I have some briefcase. And if it takes me pinning Barbosa tonight to prove that even more, then so be it, because I can and I will.

The crowd keeps booing, but Triple X appears unable to hear them from wherever he is.

Triple X: My sights are set on the world championship whether anyone likes it or not, but before I go there, I'm going to finish Blade off. Blade, I don't know when we're going to meet in the ring next. Could be Meltdown 100, could be Unscripted. It could be Aftershock. I don't care. When we do, it's going to be the last match of your career, so start counting the days and making your goodbyes, because you won't be coming back after I'm through with you.

Triple X stares into the camera for one more second before the feed cuts out.

Copeland: Strong words from Triple X, but he'll have a chance to back them all up with a match against the world champion coming up next on Meltdown!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Triple X emerges from the curtain, and stands center stage, taking in the boos of the crowd. He drops to one knee and makes an 'X' across his chest, before standing up & throwing his arms out. He seems a little in pain, from the events of the KFAD chamber, but makes his way to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing 220 pounds, Triple X!

Copeland:I'll bet Triple X is watching his back a little bit, after the way he cost Blade King for a Day.

Cohen:Triple X has nothing to worry about.

Copeland:Nothing but the incensed world champion, right?

Triple X holds up an X at the turnbuckle, and awaits his opponent.


Barbosa stomps to the ring, with an angry scowl on his face.

Harrys: His opponent, from Bedlam, weighing 237 pounds, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Barbosa!

Cohen:Doesn't look like much of a champion, without his title, huh?

Copeland:I'll admit without his belt, he looks a little off. But I also wouldn't want to be Triple X, at this moment.

Referee Jurou Akiyama goes to ring the bell

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Triple X starts to circle the ring, while Barbosa marches up, right to him. Triple X lands a jab, that barely registers for Barbosa, and weaves out of the way. Barbosa stops, and marches to Triple X, who has boxed himself into the corner. He looks left and right, realizing he's cornered against the monster. Before Barbosa can reach him, though, Triple X has already sprung off of the middle rope, and connected with a springboard forearm.

Cohen:So long as Triple X can keep his space from Barbosa, this should be a cinch!

Barbosa shakes off the attack, and runs, this time to make sure he has Triple X. He grabs him by the shoulders, before Triple X can escape with another aerial attack.

Copeland:You were saying, partner?

Barbosa gives a knee to the gut of Triple X, and revs up, for a roaring elbow. He connects, and Triple X falls to the canvas. He rolls out of the ring, much to the dismay of the fans. Thunderous boos rain down, as Triple X takes some time to think about this.

Cohen:Triple X is too smart for this, he's going to take his time and think things through.

Triple X begins to walk around, with Barbosa waiting, in the ring. Acting on an impulse, though, Barbosa violently leaves the ring, to chase down Triple X. Triple X tries to back away, but trips up on himself, which allows Barbosa to catch up to him. Barbosa starts to throw punches, as both men are outside the ring. Barbosa then places his head under Triple X's armpit, and delivers an inverted atomic drop. Triple X is in pain, but Barbosa is in the same position; he starts to push Triple X towards the steel post, and rams him back first into the cold steel! Triple X can only scream in pain, as Barbosa grabs Triple X by the hair, and throws jabs right into Triple X's face. Akiyama admonishes Triple X to return to the ring immediately, and Barbosa is happy to oblige, rolling his straight edge opponent into the ring. Barbosa goes for a quick cover


2, kick out as Akiyama counts to two. Barbosa doesn't give Triple X anytime to breathe, placing him in a front facelock. He lifts a knee into Triple X's stomach, and then a second, which brings Triple X to his knees. But when Barbosa goes to bring Triple X to his feet, Triple X uses Barbosa' momentum against him, and bridges him into a northern lights suplex. Akiyama goes to count


2... No, just a kick out at two. Triple X makes sure to keep the pressure on Barbosa, hitting an X-Press. He hit his standing moonsault, and then prepared to launch into the air for his standing shooting star press. But Triple X only meets canvas with his star press, as Barbosa rolls out of the way. As Triple X holds his stomach in pain, Barbosa rolls to his knees, and quickly makes his way to his feet, dropkicking Triple X in the face, and sending him to the ground. Barbosa goes for a quick cover.



Just a two count, as the frustration starts to build in Barbosa. Triple X rolls to the ropes, and onto the apron. Barbosa grabs him by the hair, but Triple X gouges him in the eye. The crowd hisses, as Triple X chuckles to himself, and signals a springboard attack is coming. He jumps up to the rope, and hits a springboard spinning wheel kick! Triple X goes for a cover



Thr, no, Barbosa just barely kicks out!

Copeland:You have to think Triple X felt that would be it.

Cohen:It would, if the ref knew how to count right!

Triple X is almost beside himself, in disbelief that Barbosa would kick out. As Barbosa begins to stir again, Triple X begins to think more. He climbs the turnbuckle, planning an attack. He finally reaches the middle rope... But is caught by Barbosa, who is up on his feet and running to stop Triple X from his aerial onslaught. He delivers a blow to the gut, which forces him down the ropes. Barbosa prepares Triple X, by pacing his head between his legs, and powerbombs him right into the turnbuckle! Triple X bounces right into the turnbuckle, and then slinks down into the corner, falling onto the apron, and slipping down to ringside!

Copeland:If Barbosa can roll Triple X into the ring, it'll be all over!


As Ricky's music blares, eliciting boos from the audience, Barbosa turns his attention to the entrance way. Though the Swagtastic voice of a generation is nowhere to be seen, Barbosa still can't help but focus on the entrance way. Suddenly, Triple X comes from behind, and hits Barbosa with a steel chair, right in the back!

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Akiyama calls for the bell, as Triple X holds the dented chair in his hand. But Barbosa has not gone down; in fact, Barbosa looks to be shaking off the attack. This prompts Triple X to swing a hellacious chair shot, right into the head of Barbosa! Barbosa goes down in a heap, and Triple X goes to swing the chair once more.

A man in a hooded sweatshirt has entered the ring, jumping from the audience to reach Triple X. He tackles Triple X, and starts to throw punches. The hood falls off, and it is Blade! As Barbosa gets to his knees, Blade is attacking Triple X.

Copeland:Blade's come for his revenge against Triple X!

Cohen:Police, escort that man!

Triple X is finally able to squirm away and out of the ring, leaving Blade standing tall in the ring.

Copeland:Thank God Blade came, righ- wait, what in the hell?!

Blade turns around, to see Barbosa swinging a chair right at his head! He connects, and Barbosa begins to rampage in the ring, throwing the chair, and tearing up the ring around him. Officials run to ringside, but are hesitant to try and stop the monster, who continues to tear apart the ring.

Cohen:Someone, stop this madman!

Copeland:Folks, we have to go, but how will Barbosa pay for this? And how does he plan on making Ricky Runn pay? We'll see you tomorrow night, for Ascension

Barbosa vs. XXX -Haiku
Stormrage vs. Callahan -Pancake
Titus vs. Beard -Haiku
ECD vs. Kuriyama, Segments - Harthan

Thanks for reading! Sorry for the delay. Again, it's mostly my fault. I got screwed over by a loss of Internet all of last night and an unexpectedly busy Sunday. I'll do better to plan out next time so it doesn't happen again, hopefully.
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