Meltdown 94

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


Copeland: Hello ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you live to WZCW Meltdown here in the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri! Ninety four episodes strong and going, I'm Sebastian Copeland alongside as always my partner, the outspoken Jack Cohen.

Cohen: Thanks Seabass, good to be alongside you, though Kansas City isn't exactly my idea of luxury.

Copeland: I apologize to all the loyal fans who turned out here. We are one week from Redemption and we have an action packed show for you tonight.

Cohen: Not that these fans deserve it, but we have a solid slate of matches tonight, main evented by a tag team match of epic proportions. WZCW Heavyweight champion "Showtime" Cougar teams up with former champion Titus to take on the team of Mayhem champion Vega and the number one contender for Showtime's title, Barbosa.

Copeland: An absolute barn burner right there. Also in action we have fan favorite and tag champion Sabotuer taking on the always game Celeste Crimson, as well as a preview of the EurAsian title match at Redemption as James Howard squares off with Chris K.O. in non title action.

Cohen: Always a treat to see K.O. in action. We also have Drake Callahan in action tonight, as well as the high flying El Califa Dragon. On paper it should be a good night, hopefully it helps me forget I'm stuck in a giant cornfield in the Midwest.


Copeland: Speaking of the Midwest, looks like Titus is treating us to an early appearance tonight.

Titus makes his way to the ring, mic in hand. He stops to have a quick chat with a young fan at ringside, before rolling into the ring.

Titus: How is everyone doing tonight?

The crowd cheers loudly as Titus smiles out at them.

As much as I do love hearing you guys cheer for me, I do have a special reason for being out here tonight. As many of you know I have spent the last few weeks doing my best to contain a growing menace here in the company. This menace, nothing more than a common thief, parades himself around as the next big thing. I'm talking about Vega.

The crowd rains down boos at the mention of the name, however before he is able to speak again, Titus is interrupted.


Vega walks to the top of the ramp, his Mayhem title around his waist and a mic in hind.

Vega: Titus, Titus, Titus. A common thief? I expect better of you. Is that how you treat a champion here in the Midwest? I should have known, nothing but ill informed peons in a flyover state.

Vega garners instant heat with the crowd insult.

Let me ask you Titus, do I threaten you? Are you intimidated by me? You, a relic, slowly losing relevance, as I rise the ranks as the hottest star in the business.

Actually that's why I'm out here tonight. You see, I have climbed the ladder here in WZCW, accomplishing a lot along the way. There is, however, one thing I have yet to accomplish.

Titus makes a belt motion and nods at Vega.

I've never been Mayhem champion. Frankly I never had much of a reason, but now I can accomplish two things I want. Not only can I become champion, but I can teach you a lesson in humility at Redemption. If you are as good as you claim, then you should have no issue beating an irrelevant relic like myself. So what do you say? Will you step up and accept my challenge?

The crowd instantly erupts in cheers. "Vega's Scared! Vega's Scared! Vega's Scared!"

You and me? One on one, Mayhem rules? I welcome the challenge to finally close the book on a legend.


Vega smirks at Titus as he walks back behind the curtain. Titus laughs to himself before he begins to head out of the ring.

Copeland: What a way to kick off the show. Titus has laid out the challenge, and Vega has accepted. One on one for the Mayhem Title at Redemption.


The crowd again comes alive as WZCW Heavyweight Champion "Showtime" Cougar makes his way on stage.

Showtime: Titus as Mayhem Champion? Never thought I would see the day.

Titus simply shrugs from inside the ring as Showtime begins walking to the ring.

Don't get too far ahead of yourself, we still have to survive tonight.

Showtime lies his title belt on the ring apron as he steps inside the ring to greet Titus.

I think you know me a little better than that. Just when you think I'm done, I tend to pull out a great performance.

I just want to make sure we are on the same page tonight, we are up against two guys who have a predisposition for violence.


Almost on cue Barbosa's music hits. Both Titus and Showtime turn their attention to the ramp, but their is no sign of the Ultimate Inmate. The two men in the ring begin to let their guard down when Barbosa comes through the crowd. He isn't watching the two in the ring, instead the entire time his eyes are fixated on the gold belt sitting on the apron. He simply walks over to the belt and picks it up, holding it tightly. Showtime advances on him but Barbosa doesn't move, he simply keeps clutching the belt. Showtime is in the face of Barbosa, who looks up and casually hands the belt to Showtime before walking up the ramp.

Copeland: Well things went from interesting to downright weird. No telling what we have in store tonight.

Cohen: I can tell you what we do have in store, El Califa Dragon takes on Mason Westhoff, don't go away.
Harrys: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd roars with approval as El Califa comes running out from the back, nodding his head to the music with Amber Warren close behind. He looks out to the audience before sprinting down the ramp, slides underneath the bottom rope and quickly hops on one of the turnbuckles, removing his hood as he continues to nod his head to the beat. Warren stays on the outside, clapping for her mentor.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing in at 180 pounds; El Califa Dragón!

Copeland: Not only has Califa been on fire since returning, he's also really helped Amber Warren step up her already impressive game.

Cohen: Oh come on, Seabass. They had two matches together. All it takes is one Sacrificial Altar beatdown on Califa, and Amber's all by herself

Copeland: And given her recent record, I'd guess she'd be fairly fine off, even with how strong the Altar is.


The crowd boos as Mason Westhoff is kneeled on the stage, his arms outstretched. Whitman stands behind Westhoff, waiting patiently

Harrys: His opponent, from The Ashes of Bridge to Salvation Church in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing 238 pounds, Mason Westhoff!

He gets to his feet and heads towards the ring, looking on smugly as the fans passionately show their hatred as the two members of the Altar walk down the ramp.

Copeland: Westhoff is looking rather proud of himself after destroying Thrash last week on Aftershock.

Cohen: He should be, I'm proud, too. About time someone got that parasitic disease out of here.

Copeland: Shouldn't that be bacterial disease?

Cohen: Doesn't matter: what does matter's is that Westhoff would sure love to end Califa's career, as well.

The two men meet at the middle of the ring, as they await the ringing of the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

The two men circle around the ring, trying to get a sense of the other. They lock up, and Mason Westhoff sends Califa into the ropes. Califa bursts out of the ropes, as Mason ducks down to the ground. Califa jumps over Mason and hits the other ropes, but is met in the middle of the ring by Westhoff. Mason throws Califa into the air, but Califa is able to to land on Westhoff's shoulders and connect with a hurricanrana!

1.... 2.... So Close!

Westhoff kicks out in a bluster, and sits up, completely aghast. He looks over to Califa, enraged, as Drágon holds up his thumb and index finger, as if to say this close. Westhoff gets up to his feet, still seething, as Califa runs for the ropes. Califa bounces off of the ropes, but is met with a powerful lariat by Westhoff in the middle of the ring! Califa is out, as Mason goes for the cover.

1... 2... Kick out!

Califa groggily sits up, still feeling the effects of a vicious lariat. Westhoff looks at his fallen opponent with a sneer, and gets in to his face. He puts his thumb and index together, to send a message to Drágon.

This close.

Copeland: Neither man seems worried finale a mistake out here, Cohen.

Cohen: Of course not, Seabass. These are men who know what they're doing in there. Mason knows his strength is going to make all the difference against Califa.

Westhoff picks Califa up, to prepare him for an attack. He looks out to the crowd with a smile, as he lifts the luchador over his head, and drops him with a thunderous exploder suplex. Califa is already taking a lot of punishment, as Mason scoots over to start throwing punches at the grounded masked man. Westhoff wastes absolutely no movement, delivering booming blows that seem more punishing than the next. He starts to stomp on Califa, only stopping to look to the crowd and welcome their boos.

Cohen: What a smart man. He knows that if he takes Califa out of the air, he can just dismantle him at his will.

Westhoff goes to pick Califa up, but Califa fires in shots to the gut. Three hard jabs to the stomach, followed by a kick to the leg.

Copeland: Smart man, indeed. Califa is probably one of the best strikers in WZCW. Never let him get a strike in.

Califa continues his strikes, backing Westhoff into a corner. A knife edge chop, and Drágon seems to be working himself into a Violent Fury! Califa rains down blows on Westhoff, forcing him to near unconsciousness with hard punches. A stuff roundhouse to the head brings Westhoff to his knees, before slumping to the mat. Califa looks down at Mason, and perches himself for a springboard moonsault, and makes the cover.

1... 2.... Shoulder up!

Califa measures his opponent, and gains a running start. He bounces off of the ropes again, as Westhoff makes it to his feet. He leaps into the air to go for a spinning head scissors, but is caught in a snap power slam! Westhoff goes for the cover

1.... 2..... Kick out at the last second!

Cohen: Mason's been able to use his opponent's speed against him.

Copeland: He has, but has never been fully able to ground Califa. It's almost as though every attack Mason has is met with a turn of the tide.

Mason clearly gets frustrated that Califa is kicking out. He looks to the ropes, and sees a plan. He runs for the ropes at full speed as Califa gets up. Mason Westhoff is going for the spear, as Califa gets his bearings. The spear is about to kick!

Rolling Fire, out of nowhere! At the very last second hits a Rolling Fire, which hits Westhoff right in the middle of the face! Califa rolls over onto Mason, and hooks the leg.

1.... 2.... 3!!!!!

The crowd explodes, as Califa makes it to his feet. A victory out of nowhere, as Califa raises his arms up. Warren slides into the ring and celebrates with his partner.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match... El Califa Drágon!

Copeland: And the Magnificent Dragons continue their winning streak with that big victory.

Cohen: This wasn't a tag team match, idiot. If it were, the Sacrificial Altar would have their number!

Califa & Warren exit the ring as Whitman slides in to check on his partner. He stands up and points to Warren, signalling that he will be the one victorious during their next match. Warren just smiles as she assists Califa to the back.


We go backstage where Becky Serra is standing by with Ricky Runn.

Becky: I’m standing here with one of the semi-finalists in the Gold Rush tournament, Ricky Runn. Ricky, tomorrow night on Ascension, you team with your opponent at Redemption, Krypto. How do you put aside the fact that you’ll be opponents in two weeks to work together against Blade and the Beard?

Runn: Yo, I didn’t ask to be teamed up with a completely swagless loser like Krypto. I was forced into the match. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t be teaming with him. I don’t team with no scrubs.

Becky: Did you just call him a scrub?

Runn: Yeah, I did.

Becky: I thought people stopped using that word ten years ago.

Runn: Did they?

Becky nods and Ricky looks embarrassed.

Runn: Whatever, that don’t matter. In fact, I’m bringing the word scrub back! ‘Cause you can do that when you got straight-up SWAG like me. Y’see…

Runn is interrupted when Krypto seems to just wander into the shot.

Krypto: Ricky Runn! I would like to say that I hope we make a formidable team against Blade and the Beard and come out victorious.

Runn: Just stay out of my way during the match, and let me work it. If you’re lucky, teaming with me may help you catch some of my swag and actually give you a chance of beating me at Redemption. L-O-L, you won’t beat me.

Krypto: I appreciate the sentiment, but I’ve gotten this far without your swag, so I’m confident of beating you at Redemption without it.

Runn: Yeah, you wish. Now get out of my face, scrub!

Krypto doesn’t seem to understand the insult, but abides by Runn’s request, leaving the shot. Runn turns towards Becky.

Runn: Bringing it back, yo.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd lets out a huge cheer as they hear the familiar music of Saboteur, getting ready for his arrival. The camera pans throughout the arena to see the many Saboteur supporters on their feet and raising their signs.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Union City, New Jersey, weighing 198 pounds, he is one half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions; Saboteur!

Saboteur jumps out from the entrance area, holding up the championships in the air as he spins in a 360 degree motion, absorbing in the cheerful atmosphere. He points to the ring and he makes his way down, interacting with the fans on the way down.

Cohen: I'm sick of seeing this maniac with the titles. Did you know that this is actually an official tag team title reign? That doesn't make any sense!

Copeland: I swear you have amnesia, Jack. Don't you remember Anthony Michaels & Mighty NorCal? Michaels held both titles back then.

Cohen: I could present a counter-argument but this isn't the time nor the place.

Copeland: But you brought up the subject!

Cohen: Shut it, Seabass.

Saboteur is in the ring, passing over the championships to referee James Aubrey who then gives them to a ringside worker. Saboteur stands ready in the ring, waiting for his opponent.


As Celeste Crimson & Steven Holmes walk out onto the stage holding hands, the crowd boos heavily for WZCW's power couple. The stand on top of the ramp together, sharing a quick peck on the lips before Holmes lets go of Celeste's hand as she makes her way down the ramp with Steven following closely behind.

Harrys: And the opponent, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing 165 pounds, Celeste Crimson!

Copeland: I honestly still don't see the attraction between Celeste & Holmes. There has to be money involved.

Cohen: How could you say that, of all people? Nothing gets in the way of true love. Celeste is Holmes' Queen; Holmes is Celeste's King & Saboteur is the court jester that needs to be dealt with. How hard is that to understand?

Holmes goes around ringside as Celeste hops onto the apron & slingshots over the top rope. Aubrey checks over both competitors before going over to the edge of the ring, telling Holmes to stay out of things. He puts his hands in the air and walks over to the announcer's desk, taking a steel chair and sitting down on it in a relaxed position. He motions with a quick flicker of his hand to start the match, to which Aubrey does so by ordering the bell to ring.


Without wasting time, Celeste manages to corner Saboteur very quickly into the turnbuckles. She goes to strike but Saboteur ducks and takes control of the center. Celeste comes back to Saboteur, attempting to do the same thing again. It's not as quick as last time but she manages to trap Saboteur who tries to escape. Celeste grabs him by his spandex costume and throws him back into the corner, delivering a series of striking combinations as Saboteur tries to cover up. Aubrey gets to a count of 4 before Celeste pulls Saboteur out of the corner, dragging him out with one arm. She twists his arm and gets him into a hammerlock, keeping the pressure on as Aubrey keeps watch.

Saboteur tries to walk over to the ropes to break the hold but Celeste keeps that submission hold on, preventing any means of escape. However, Saboteur has another trick up his sleeve and uses his free arm to get Celeste in a headlock whilst she still has him in the hammerlock. Using this submission hold, Saboteur is able to direct Celeste towards a set of turnbuckles, running towards them as he climbs up them and uses it to perform a backflip out of the move, transitioning it into a shiranui! Saboteur bounces away, getting to his feet as a still fresh Celeste manages to get to her feet and charges at Saboteur. He counters with a double leg-takedown before going for punches to the face. Aubrey tries to break it up as Holmes stands up from his seat, yelling at the referee to do his job. He approaches the ring apron as Saboteur stops, looking over at Holmes. Aubrey tries to deal with the situation as Celeste uses this distraction to recover. The ref manages to subdue Holmes before he can retaliate but his work has already paid dividends as Saboteur turns around into a shuffle side kick by Celeste. She goes for the cover...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Saboteur.

Copeland: Steven almost was able to provide a quick victory for Celeste with that distraction. Thank God Saboteur was able to kick out in time

Cohen: Distraction? Celeste was getting beaten down by Saboteur with closed fists. Holmes was standing up for his girlfriend and telling the referee to his job. As far as I'm concerned, Saboteur deserved that piston kick to the face.

Celeste locks her arms around the waist of Saboteur, managing to deliver a belly-to-belly suplex with precision, something that catches the eye of Holmes as he begins clapping. Celeste looks at her boyfriend and the two blow each other a kiss before Celeste goes over to Saboteur and hits a standing moonsault. She covers again...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out once more.

Saboteur crawls away as Celeste is on both knees with her hands on her hips, catching a couple of seconds of recovery. Saboteur takes refuge in the corner as Celeste gets to her feet, measuring up Saboteur and takes a couple of steps back. She runs at him, hitting a Tiger Mask-esque flip kick off Saboteur before backing up a few more steps into the opposite corner. Saboteur looks groggy as Celeste charges, delivering some athletic handsprings before going for a back elbow. As she goes to hit the move, Saboteur manages to duck out of the way and Celeste hits nothing but turnbuckle. Saboteur catches some momentum of his own, rebounding off the ropes to hit a running tornado DDT on Celeste! The crowd cheers as both competitors are down, looking to recover. Holmes looks a little concerned as he tries shouting words of encouragement towards Celeste.

Cohen: Man, Saboteur is rough.

Copeland: Considering who he is facing, he has to be. Celeste is one of the toughest members of the roster who has a pain threshold than most men. Saboteur's pulling out the big guns early before she can.

Aubrey is up to a count of 4 before both competitors begin moving with the crowd solely behind Saboteur. It takes a few more seconds before Saboteur & Celeste get to their feet. Celeste begins with a few strikes until Saboteur is able to hit a European uppercut, stunning Celeste who stumbles back into a corner. Saboteur charges up the crowd who cheer loudly before he runs towards the corner, hitting a stinger splash on Celeste before letting her out of the corner. He builds up some steam as he hits a one-handed bulldog. He goes for the cover...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Celeste this time.

Saboteur gets to his feet and signals for the end, stalking Celeste as she slowly gets to her feet. Worried, Holmes hops up onto the apron and begins yelling furiously, much to the displeasure of the crowd. Aubrey is distracted and tries to take care of the situation. Saboteur looks over his shoulder but decides not to get involved. He waits for Celeste who gets to her feet and he tries going for the Death Blow but Celeste manages to deliver a low blow to Saboteur in mid-kick. The crowd boos heavily as Saboteur drops to the ground as Celeste attempts to get to her feet. Holmes drops from the apron suddenly before getting one last warning from Aubrey before he turns back to the action.

Copeland: You can't tell me this distraction was circumstantial! That was a blatant low blow.

Cohen: You're trying to argue with the guy who made a career out of pulling these sorts of stunts. Hell, I invented the low blow during mid-kick. I called that the Cohen Special!

Copeland: Yeah, definitely sounds innovative...

Aubrey doesn't suspect anything as Celeste is on her feet, waiting for Saboteur to get to his feet. The crowd boos as they see that their favourite is about to lose the match. Saboteur slowly but surely gets to his feet and turns around to be met with the Spirit Crusher... but Saboteur ducks and rolls up Celeste by surprise...!

... 1

... 2

... 3 with Celeste kicking out shortly after.

Aubrey signals for the bell to declare Saboteur the victor but there isn't much time for anyone to celebrate as Celeste quickly gets up and attacks Saboteur. Aubrey tries to step in but Holmes slides into the ring, scaring off & threatening the referee should he interfere. Holmes & Celeste begin stomping on the body of Saboteur as he tries to get to his feet with the crowd booing mercilessly.

Copeland: Saboteur wins the match despite Holmes & Celeste cheating and now he has to face another 2 on 1 assault? This is very fair for Saboteur.

Cohen: This is what he deserves. One person shouldn't hold the tag team titles and this is what happens when you are greedy. Karma will come back to bite you in the-

Copeland: Give it a break, Jack.

Holmes & Celeste finish stomping Saboteur, granting themselves a few seconds to gloat. Celeste helps Saboteur up to his knees before slapping him across the face. Holmes smirks as he gets on top of Saboteur and goes to lock in the Aristocracy Reigns as Celeste sits on the canvas, looking to watch her boyfriend deliver the pain to the Tag Team Champion.

Copeland: This is reminiscent of what happened last time when Saboteur went up against one of these two. Holmes applied the hold and Celeste just watched. Disgusting...

Cohen: Maybe if he had a partner, this wouldn't happen to him.

As Holmes goes to slowly lock the submission hold in, Saboteur finds the strength to grab the legs of Holmes and trip him forward, causing Holmes to fall on top of Celeste and butt their heads together. The crowd begins to cheer loudly as Saboteur shows signs of life, looking for the ropes to help him get to his feet as Holmes & Celeste hold their heads. Celeste is the first of the two to get up and charges at Saboteur, looking to take him out but he just throws her over the top rope. She goes crashing to the floor with cheers from the audience as Holmes gets to his feet. He goes to strike Saboteur but he manages to duck and deliver a pele kick to Holmes, causing him to stagger towards the ropes. Saboteur gets up and runs off the ropes, charging at Holmes with a spinning wheel kick that sends both of them over the top. Holmes crashes to the floor but Saboteur manages to grab onto the top rope, landing on the apron. Saboteur looks out to the audience as they cheer wildly for him. He goes to the closest turnbuckle and sits atop of it, chanting along with the fans as his music begins playing.

Copeland: Despite Holmes & Celeste's best efforts, Saboteur was able to thwart them all and survive tonight as the victor.

Cohen: Saboteur cannot keep this up forever, Seabass. His time as a lone warrior will run dry and he will lose those championships, mark my words.

Copeland: Well, Saboteur seems sure that he will have a partner ready to help defend the championships alongside him come Redemption so he won't need to fight alone for long.

Holmes & Celeste don't look too pleased as they slowly get to their feet, looking up at Saboteur who has jumped down from the turnbuckles. A ringside assistant has already given him the titles and he exits the ring, heading up the ramp. He celebrates with the fans whilst keeping an eye on Holmes & Celeste who don't appear to be going after him. An angry Holmes rips off the top of the announcer's table and throws his steel chair in rage as Celeste tries to calm him down.


Drake Callahan is walking down the hall backstage with purpose, but he is stopped by Leon Kensworth.

Leon: Drake, I’d like to talk to you about…

Callahan: About what, Leon? I told you all I have to tell you about The Sacrificial Altar. I will not allow those maniacs take control of this company, and I will end every last one of them. Tonight I take out Mystique, and then the rest of his cronies will soon fall.

Leon: Actually… I wanted to ask you about your head. There is a rumor that you may have sustained a concussion on last week’s Ascension. Is there any truth to this statement?

Callahan: Rumors of my mental condition have been greatly exaggerated.

Callahan decides to end the interview here as he walks away from Leon Kensworth.

Leon: Thank you for your time, Drake.
Harrys: The following contest is set for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, from The Deepest, Darkest Corner of the Universe, weighing 364 pounds, The Grand Mystique!

The arena is filled with the boos and hisses of angry WZCW fans as the evil leader of The Sacrificial Altar walks onto the stage. With a stoic look on his masked, face, Grand Mystique seems to have a cool demeanor walking into this match. He walks down the ramp, shooting angry glares at any audience member that has the audacity to insult him so close to his face.

Cohen: Looney cultists or not, somebody has to put an end to Drake Callahan’s crusade, and the guy who is going to do just that just entered the building.

Copeland: I don’t know how you can say that, Jack. The Sacrificial Altar’s techniques have ranged from underhanded to downright psychotic. It’s amazing to me that more people haven’t joined up with Drake in an attempt to put an end to The Altar’s reign of terror.

Mystique enters the ring over the top rope and walks to the far corner where he leans against the turnbuckle with his back to the crowd.


Harrys: And the challenger, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds, Drake Callahan!

A mixed, but generally positive reaction comes from the crowd that seems to be happy that Drake Callahan is here to stop Grand Mystique. Drake makes his way slowly down to the ring keeping a vengeful stare fixed on The Sacrificial Altar’s leader the whole way down to the ring.

Copeland: Drake got a little bit of revenge on The Sacrificial Altar last week on Ascension, but he’s made it perfectly clear that he’s not through with Grand Mystique and his cronies.

Cohen: Big talk, but Drake Callahan has spent his entire career making enemies; how does he expect to take down an entire group of maniacs by himself?

Drake slides into the ring and immediately stomps his way towards Grand Mystique, but the ref steps in and pushes him back. Grand Mystique is just as impatient as Drake and starts to approach Callahan, but the ref turns around and pushes Mystique back to the corner. The ref calls for the bell before he loses control of the match before it even beings.

Both men charge at each other and start throwing fists at each other. This exchange doesn’t last long as the bigger man, Grand Mystique, quickly wears down Drake. Drake drops to a knee after a particularly stiff tomahawked fist, and Grand Mystique delivers a devastating headbutt that sends Drake crashing backwards to the mat. Mystique makes the cover.



Drake gets his shoulder up and pushes Mystique away, but Mystique is quick to assert his size by pushing down on Callahan’s neck with his knee. The ref starts to count after the blatant choke, but Mystique releases after a 4 count. Callahan rolls away trying to catch his breath. Grand Mystique is chomping at the bits to continue his assault on Drake, but the ref is holding him back as he berates the masked man for the choke.

Cohen: Good! Silence this raving lunatic!

Copeland: How can you condone this type of behavior Cohen? This is the type of behavior that displays exactly why The Sacrificial Altar must be stopped!

Drake is back to his feet and leaning on the ropes when Mystique is finally let go. Mystique rolls his neck and shrugs his shoulders as he walks to Drake Callahan, and the two enter a collar and elbow tie up. Mystique uses his titan strength to spin Drake around towards the ring and thrusts Drake’s head under his shoulder. He hooks Callahan’s shoulders and thrusts him up for a suplex, but Drake drops his knee and strikes Mystique in the head. Mystique drops his hands to grab his head, but Drake lands safely, rolling to his knees. With Mystique stunned, Drake runs at the big man and hits him with a big boot, but this merely drops Mystique to one knee! The crowd is roaring for Drake to do whatever it takes to put Grand Mystique on his back, and Drake obliges with an enziguri delivered to Mystique that brings the big man to the mat. Drake pops up to his feet and stands over Mystique’s torso. He takes a deep breath before leaping and flipping, landing a shooting star press on Mystique. Callahan hooks the leg and pins his opponent.




Mystique starts to roll away, but Drake slides in and locks a side headlock in on his opponent and keeps it locked in as Mystique gets to his feet. Mystique struggles to break the hold, but Drake transfers the hold into a forward Russian legsweep, driving Mystique’s face into the mat. Drake rolls Mystique over for another pin.




Drake gets to his feet and walks over Mystique’s body, but this proves to be a mistake as Mystique fights Callahan off with an elbow to the knee. Drake grabs his knee and Mystique pushes Drake backwards out of the way. Mystique rises to his feet, but Callahan is hobbling towards Mystique with a cocked fist. Callahan winds up to blast Mystique with a left hook, but Mystique sidesteps the punch, stepping behind Drake. Mystique lifts one of Callahan’s arms to the air as he grabs the masked man of the TSA and lifting him up for a Samoan drop! Callahan hits the mat and rolls out of the ring as Mystique gets to his feet, content with his powerful display.

Copeland: Drake opened a window to victory for himself, but Mystique may have just slammed it shut!

Cohen: Face it Copeland, Drake just doesn’t have what it takes to keep Mystique down.

We cut back to the ring and see Drake Callahan sliding back into the ring, but he comes bearing gifts. Drake quickly gets to his feet and raises a steel chair over his head to strike Mystique with. Mystique doesn’t even have time to react before the cold steel crashes into his jaw, knocking him out cold on the mat. Drake stands proudly over his opponent as the ref calls for the bell.

Harrys: The winner of this match as the result of a disqualification: Grand…

The appearance of Mason Westhoff and David Whitman interrupt Harrys, and the two approach Callahan from opposite sides of the ring. Callahan raises the chair to strike Westhoff, but Whitman grabs him from behind and Westhoff kicks Callahan in the gut, causing Callahan to drop his weapon. Whitman continues to hold on to Drake from behind, but Westhoff picks up the chair and winds up. He swings horizontally at Callahan’s abdomen, but Drake breaks out of the hold and spins away, causing Westhoff to hit Whitman. Westhoff is shocked as he sees his partner in crime crumple to the ground instead of his enemy, a costly distraction that ends with Drake Callahan taking Westhoff down with a clothesline. Callahan turns his attention back to Whitman, but he can’t move! Grand Mystique has grabbed a hold of his foot and refuses to let Drake get away. Immobilized, Drake is helpless to fight off Whitman as he grabs hold of Callahan and starts to pound away at him, and Whitman soon joins in. Mystique crawls to the corner as he watches his cronies ground Callahan with punches and then finish him off with stomps.

Copeland: What was Drake thinking when he brought that chair into the ring? He threw this match away!

Cohen: Clearly Drake doesn’t care about winning, he just wants to end The Sacrificial Altar! But I don’t know what he thought his endgame was. He must have known he’d get outnumbered by The Sacrificial Altar, but he attacked Mystique anyway.

Copeland: Perhaps Drake thought he’d be able to fight off the reinforcements.

Cohen: Pride comes before the fall, Copeland.

Mystique’s arms are draped around the shoulders of Westhoff and Whitman as they walk him up the ramp. Mystique’s legs move slowly and he looks woozy, but he still seems very aware he’s been attacked. Drake is grabbing his ribs and rolling in pain back in the ring.


Kensworth: I'm standing here with the number one contender for the EurAsian title, James Howard. James, you have won gold before, but how does the potential at winning a singles title feel compared to tag gold?

James takes a moment to rub his chin before he takes the mic from Leon.

Howard: Good question Leon. Every win is special in its own way, but winning gold was nice. When you can go out there with your best friend and prove to the world you are the best team in the world, it feels great. I've embarked on a new adventure now. I want to prove to the world that I'm the best wrestler in the world. I don't want to be known as a tag team specialist, and winning the EurAsian title is the next step in that process.

Speaking of your best friend, there have been reports that you haven't spoken to Mikey Stormrage since Kingdom Come. Is this true?

Howard looks at the ground and takes a deep breath before answering.

I'd rather not talk about him. Just know that I've reached out to him multiple times to no avail. I think its time I move on with my life Leon.

Leon begins to ask another question but James walks away as his music hits, leaving Leon standing alone.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Making his way to the ring, from Leeds, England, weighing 223 pounds, James Howard!

Howard walks to the ring with his hoodie open and hood up. As he walks onto the ramp he turns with his back to the crowd with arms outstretched. He shadowboxes down the remainder of the ramp before climbing the stairs and onto the turnbuckle, arm raised before hopping over and into the ring.

Copeland: James Howard, one of the greatest tag team wrestlers our sport has ever had, making his way to the ring.

Cohen: Not going to argue that success, but lately he is mired in a slump and he is going against one of the brightest young stars in the game.


And his opponent, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds, he is the WZCW EurAsian champion! Chris K.O.!

Chris K.O. walks out from the back with a black mouth piece in his right hand. The WZCW EurAsian Championship is strapped around his waist. He stops at the top of the ramp and looks around at the crowd. He then glares at Howard in the ring. The crowd showers him in a chorus of boos. He slowly makes his way to the ring. Chris gets into the ring and just glares at the crowd.

Cohen: You see that man right there Seabass? That man is Andrew Luck, Gareth Bale, and Mike Trout all rolled into one. You won't find a brighter young star.

Copeland: Hard to argue with his success, and he has the gold to prove it.

Cohen: A champion, a mentor, and strategist, and and all around great human being. Not only am I picking Chris to win tonight, but I think we wins again at the pay per view.

Chris hands his title to the ringside attendant and casually leans in the corner as the referee gives his instructions to him. As the ref turns to talk to Howard, the champ wastes no time and jumps his foe. He hammers away with cheap shots until the ref is finally able to pull him away. Howard is in no mood to follow the rules either as he rushes in and tackles KO. He showcases his MMA background, unleashing with some ground and pound despite the best efforts of the ref to pull him away.

Copeland: Neither man showing much contempt for the rules, unleashing some pent up aggression on each other.

Cohen: Two young bucks fighting for supremacy, only one can walk away. This is why I love my job.

Referee Keith Morse finally wrangles Howard away. He does his best to separate the two men, warning each of them that he won't tolerate any more. Howard throws his hands in the air as he backs away, and KO surprisingly obliges. KO invites Howard to rush in again, but Howard is wise to any trickery and keeps his distance. KO feints a few times, but Howard doesn't bite. KO finally closes the gap, managing to secure Howard in a collar and elbow tie up. Howard fights it, and manages to break away and swings wildly, but KO ducks and ends up behind Howard. He quickly puts Howard down with a bulldog. Howard's nose is driven hard into the mat, and instantly the canvas begins to turn red. KO takes a moment to gloat as Howard stands, his nose obviously broken and gushing blood. Howard looks down at the mat before putting his hand to his nose. He wipes the blood on his pants and stares daggers into KO, who has finally turned around.

Copeland: This doesn't look good.

Howard rushes in, tackling KO to the ground, unloading with punches. The ref warns him, only for Howard to disregard him. He tries to pull Howard away, but Howard shoves him aside. The ref calls for the bell but Howard continues his onslaught. KO tires to crawl away through the ropes, but Howard grabs him and pulls him back into the ring. He continues to unleash vicious punches on KO, the ref continuing to call for the bell. Howard grabs KO behind the head in a Thai clinch and delivers a devastating knee to the jaw. KO collapses to the ground. Howard stands over KO, the blood still pouring from his face. Again Keith Morse tries to pull Howard away, but a vicious head kick puts him down. Howard turns his attention back to KO. He locks him in the Tenzan Choke, as KO begins to flail his arms and kick his legs.

Copeland: Someone has got to stop this!

Suddenly the crowd comes alive as someone begins to make their way to the ring through the crowd. A masked figure hops the barricade and slides into the ring. He pulls Howard off, throwing him to the ground. As Howard gets back to his feet he begins to charge, but stops when he realizes it is Mikey Stormrage who has pulled him away. The two stare at each other as they move closer. Despite being the smaller man, Howard doesn't back down as the two come face to face for the first time since Kingdom Come. Finally Howard takes a step back and exits the ring, not taking his eyes off his friend as Stormrage checks on the EurAsian champion.

Copeland: Thanks goodness Mikey Stormrage came out here...and wait, what the hell is he doing?

Just as Howard reaches the top of the ramp, Stormrage picks KO up and slams him down hard with the Game Over! He stays on top of KO, as he stares daggers into James Howard as we go to commercial.


Grand Mystique is sitting in front of the camera with an ice pack on his head, Westhoff and Whitman standing on either side of him.

Grand Mystique: You got the drop on me tonight, Drake. I hope you were satisfied with yourself, because now you probably can’t remember the last time your body didn’t feel broken.

Your campaign against us is brave, but foolish. Your body is strong, but your mind is weak, and you lack the will of a warrior. If you continue to wage this war on us, we will leave you broken around every turn, and we will prove this to you at Redemption where you see what power the members of The Sacrificial Altar hold. Who knows, perhaps you will soon accept the Almighty as your master.


We go backstage to the trainer room where the physician is checking on Chris KO. KO has some bruises and a sore neck but appears no worse for wear. Meltdown GM Big Dave walks in to talk to Chris.

Dave: How are you doing Chris? I know you and I don't exactly see eye to eye, but I want you to know that I take care of my employees. After his senseless assault, I'm stripping James Howard of his number one contendership. We are going to remove you from the show so you can rest up and recover.

Chris jumps up from the table, grimacing as he does.

Chris: You can't do that! I'm the biggest star in this company, you won't draw jack if you leave me off!

I'm sorry Chris but my hands are tied.

Then untie them! I'm not going to let a scrub like James Howard get the last laugh. I want him at the pay per view, I will have my revenge!

Dave takes a few moments before he nods his head.

Ok, you've got it. The match will go on as scheduled, but I'm going to make sure you and Howard don't run into each other again. I'm also going to ban Mikey Stormrage from ringside. He is already on thin ice, and after tonight he likely has a suspension coming his way.

No, put him in the match.

Are you kidding? He hasn't earned it.

I don't care. He isn't going to show me up like that and not face my wrath. I'm the best in this company, and I will prove it when I defend my EurAsian title against the greatest team in WZCW history.

Dave takes more time to ponder.

I can't just put him in without him earning it. Come with me to my office I'll see what I come up with.

*Commercial Break*

We return from commercial break inside the office of Big Dave. Dave is on the phone while Chris KO stands off to the side of the GM's desk.

Dave: Ok Chris, I just got off the phone with Myles and we worked out a deal. Stormrage is scheduled to take on Dustin Hunter on Aftershock. If he can get past your protege, then he is in. We feel that a win over Hunter a week after he beat Howard is sufficient enough considering your request.

KO nods his head approvingly.

Chris: I'm glad you could see things my way Dave.

Just as the general manager is about to speak, the door opens. The camera pans to James Howard walking into the room, his eyes fixed on his upcoming foe.

Howard: What?

Dave: Pardon me?

Howard: One of the agents said you wanted to see me.

Dave: I should fine you after your blatant disrespect toward not only the ref, but this entire company. However, its too close to Redemption to pull you out, so you are off the hook. You are treading dangerous ground though. If you pull another stunt next week like you did tonight, you will be out on your ass.

Howard doesn't speak, he simply turns to leave.

Chris: You won't have another chance, because when I'm through with you, you will have no choice but to be out on your ass. When I wipe the floor with you and your freaky partner, I will prove to the world I am the greatest EurAsian champion in history.

Howard turns back around on a dime and cocks an eyebrow at Big Dave.

Dave: You heard right. Provided he handles business and doesn't no show anymore events, Mikey will be added to the match at Redemption.

Howard doesn't speak, he simply kicks open the door on the way out. As the camera follows him out, it catches a glimpse of someone standing in the shadows. The camera zooms in and the mask of Mikey Stormrage becomes visible.

Copeland: Huge news regarding the EurAsian title. A potential triple threat thanks to the urging of Chris KO, what a bombshell, and we still have our big main event up next, don't go away!
Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall!

There’s a mixed reaction for Barbosa, which seems to catch him off guard a tad as he heads for the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Bedlam, weighing 237 pounds, Barbosa!

Barbosa gets into the ring, and looks out into the crowd, seemingly affected by the parts of the crowd that are booing him.

Copeland: It seems that there’s some people in this arena that haven’t forgot what Barbosa did last week to Showtime.

Cohen: That’s ridiculous, Showtime would’ve done the same thing if he’d had the opportunity!

The whole crowd is booing now as Vega emerges, holding the Mayhem title high in the air and Alexis alongside him applauding.

Harrys: And his tag team partner, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 175 pounds, he is the Mayhem Champion, Vega!

Vega gets into the ring and goes to the corner, climbing up to the second rope and holding up his title, ignored by Barbosa.

The boos instantly become roaring cheers as Titus emerges with a smile on his face. He looks at the ring and points at Vega, who smirks back. Titus heads down the ramp, but is smart enough not to get in the ring just yet.

Harrys: And their opponents, first, from Keystone City Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, This is Titus!

There’s another big pop as Showtime’s music hits and the champion walks out onto the stage, belt around his waist. There are also some audible boos, but not quite as many as there were for Barbosa as Showtime walks down the ramp and shares a handshake with Titus outside the ring.

Harrys: And his partner, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 219 pounds, he is your WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, "Showtime" David Cougar!

Copeland: Most of the crowd are firmly behind Showtime and Titus tonight!

Cohen: But you heard the boos, Seabass! People want to see Barbosa with the title in his hands again!

Titus and Showtime get into the ring, but referee Jurou Akiyama stands between them to stop a brawl breaking out. Both teams back into the corner and Akiyama-san calls for the bell, with Showtime and Vega starting out in the ring. The two men lock up in the centre of the ring and Cougar immediately goes behind and lifts Vega up, slamming him down to the mat. Showtime backs off and gets back to his feet, smirking as Vega seems surprised by being caught so early. Vega nods and gets to his feet as the two men lock up again, with Vega dropping down and grabbing Showtime’s legs, tripping him. With Showtime down, Vega runs off the ropes towards Showtime, but the champion leaps to his feet and hits a dropkick to Vega’s face. Showtime gets up and leans back in the corner as Vega rolls out of the ring, clearly frustrated.

Copeland: It looks like the Champ is teaching Vega a thing or two!

As the referee begins the count, and after reassuring Alexis that he has the situation under control, Vega rolls back into the ring. Barbosa offers his hand for the tag, but Vega ignores it. Showtime goes to grapple with Vega again, but Vega gives him a good old fashioned rake of the eyes. With his opponent momentarily blinded, Vega pushes him into the corner and begins to knee him in the gut. With Showtime doubled over in the corner, Vega Irish Whips him into the ropes. As Showtime returns, Vega his an elbow to the face and goes for the first pin of the match,


Kick out by the World Champion. Vega kneels over Showtime and begins to give him straight punches to the head. With the referee counting to five, Vega backs off before picking up Showtime and lifting him into the air for a Suplex. But Showtime lands behind Vega and dropkicks him in the back, sending the Mayhem champ into the corner. Showtime rolls across the ring and tags in Titus to a big pop. Vega realises what just happens and scurries to his corner, slapping Barbosa on the arm to tag him in.

Copeland: Vega wants nothing to do with Titus tonight!

Cohen: Barbosa, on the other hand, is ready to fight anyone in his path!

Barbosa gets into the ring but Titus is already on the attack with right hands. He backs Barbosa into the ropes and Irish Whips him across the ring. As Barbosa returns, Titus leaps up and hits a Hurricanrana! Titus with the cover,



Barbosa kicks out. Titus picks up his opponent and goes for a Northern Lights Suplex, but Barbosa elbows Titus in the back of the head, escaping the attempted Suplex. As Titus holds the back of his head, Barbosa nails a Roaring Elbow! He goes for a cover of his own,



Titus kicks out! Barbosa gets Titus in a front Facelock and drags him to the corner where Vega reluctantly tags himself in. With Titus in the Facelock, Vega kicks him in the gut. Titus is clutching his stomach before Vega hits a Judo Throw and follows up with a jumping Knee Drop. Vega goes for a pin,



Kick out by Titus! Vega picks Titus up and throws a series of kicks to the body before going for a big final kick to the head, but Titus catches it! Titus trips Vega and goes for a Jack Knife cover,



Vega kicks out! Vega gets up first and this time plants the kick to the head of Titus! Vega goes to the corner and tags in Barbosa, who grabs a dazed Titus and hits a Sambo Suplex. With Titus down near in enemy territory, Barbosa takes a moment to shoot Showtime an angry look. He turns his attention back to Titus, picking him up and hitting an Inverted Atomic Drop. He goes for the STO, but Titus grabs the ropes, and Barbosa hits the mat. As Barbosa quickly gets back up, Titus runs off the ropes and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker! Both men are down for a moment as Titus is starting to crawl towards his corner, as Showtime eagerly outstretches his arm for the tag. As Titus is inches away, Barbosa gets the tag to Vega, who storms into the ring and kicks Titus in the head, stopping him from making the tag.

Cohen: Who thought Vega and Barbosa would make such a good team?

Copeland: Showtime seems like such an isolated figure on that ring apron!

Vega drags his opponent to the middle of the ring and drops an elbow across the heart. Vega gets up and hits another elbow, and a third before going for a pin,



Kick out! Vega sits Titus up and slaps on a Sleeper Hold, while also wrapping him in a Leg Scissors. Showtime looks concerned as he watches the air and energy being sapped from his tag team partner. Titus is slowly fading away, with Vega whispering in his ear to “Just go asleep…” As Titus seems to go limp, the referee checks on him. He picks up Titus’ arm, and let’s go, the crowd willing Titus on as his arm hits the mat. A second time, the Akiyama-san picks up the arm of Titus, and again it hits the mat. For a third and final time, Titus’ arm is picked up and it falls. An inch from the mat, Titus finds the willpower to hold it up, to a roar from the crowd! The energy from the crowd seems to ignite something in Titus as he holds his arms in the air, before punching away at Vega’s legs until Vega has no choice but to pull his legs away, releasing the Body Scissors. Titus begins to drag himself and Vega towards the ropes and with one last gasp, grabs onto the bottom rope! The crowd are now on their feet as Vega is forced to break the hold. Vega stomps away at Titus, who absorbs the punishment and tries to get to Showtime. As he reaches out his hand to tag in his partner, Vega grabs a leg and drags him back to the centre of the ring, to groans from the crowd. As Vega holds Titus’ leg, Titus pushes himself up so he’s standing on one foot and hits Vega with an Enziguiri!

Cohen: Titus has knocked Vega loopy!

Copeland: And the fans want nothing more than to see Showtime finally get into this match!

Titus claws his way across the ring, inch by inch, millimetre by millimetre! Showtime is practically bouncing on spot as he sees Titus slowly drawing near. As Titus finally lifts his hand to make the tag, Barbosa comes from behind and knees him in the head, having been tagged in by Vega! Showtime can barely contain his frustration, shouting at Barbosa, who merely stares back. Barbosa picks up Titus, wanting to finish him off, and lifts him up into a Powerbomb position and throwing him into corner, hitting the Mood Stabilizer. Showtime looks dejected as Barbosa pulls Titus out of the corner and goes for the Doppelganger. But Titus back flips out of it, landing on his feet and running off the ropes. Barbosa turns around just in time to be nailed with a Spinning Heel Kick!

Barbosa quickly crawls to his corner and tags in Vega, but this time, Titus finds a second wins, leaping across the ring to tag in Showtime, and the arena comes unglued! Vega goes to clothesline Showtime, but Cougar ducks under it and runs into the ropes. Showtime comes off the ropes and nails a Flying Elbow. Vega gets back up, slightly dazed and swings a right hand, which Showtime ducks under and hits a Dropkick. Vega stumbles backwards into the corner and Showtime perches him on the top rope, before climbing up himself! Both men stand on the top rope before Showtime hits the Final Act! Cougar hooks both legs,



Barbosa breaks it up! Barbosa begins to unleash punches on Showtime, but the referee manages to pull Barbosa off him. The referee forces Barbosa to get back out onto the apron, but with the ref distracted and Showtime looking on, Vega hits Showtime with a low blow! Showtime crumbles to the mat and Vega drags himself to the corner and tags in Barbosa, who begins to continue his assault that was interrupted moments earlier, with kicks and knees to the head of Showtime. After a few moments of recovering, Vega slowly joins in, kicking Showtime in the spine.

Copeland: The referee has completely lost control of this match!

Cohen: It’s impossible to control Barbosa, let alone Barbosa and Vega together!

As the referee is trying to break up the two on one assault, Titus comes from nowhere and hits a Springboard Tit Drop on Vega! Vega rolls out of the ring and collapses to the ground outside. Titus turns around and is clotheslined over the top rope to the outside by Barbosa. As Barbosa watches Titus hit the ground, Showtime rolls him up from behind!



Barbosa just kicks out! The crowd are still split, with half chanting “Let’s go Show-time” and the other half countering with “Bar-bo-sa!” Both men start to get up, with the fresher Barbosa getting up first. Barbosa runs at Showtime, going for a Clothesline but Showtime catches him with the Ratings Crash! Showtime grabs Barbosa’s legs and tries to lock in the Commercial Break, but Barbosa pulls his leg free and kicks Showtime in the head. Showtime lets go of the legs, grabbing his head before Barbosa quickly gets up and sends him shoulder first into the ring post! Barbosa pulls out Showtime from between the ropes, props him up in the corner and hits the Calculated Manic Fury! After the final devastating elbow, Barbosa throws Showtime out of the corner and goes for the pin,




Harrys: Here are your winners, Vega and Barbosa!

Cohen: Barbosa just pinned the WZCW Champion!

Barbosa stands over Showtime and raises his arm in the air. Outside the ring, there’s chaos as Titus and Vega are brawling at the bottom of the ramp. Titus gains the advantage and Irish whips the Mayhem champion into the crowd barricade, which collapses under the impact of Vega’s body! Before Titus can follow up, several referees comes down and manage to refrain Titus, while a few tend to the hurt Vega as he lies amongst the shocked but excited crowd.

Inside the ring, the referee hands the World Title to Showtime, who is slowly getting to his feet. Barbosa storms forward and grabs the belt but Showtime doesn’t let it go. Barbosa throws a right hand, but Showtime blocks it before hitting a series of shots to the chin of Barbosa! Showtime kicks him in the stomach, and goes for the Showstopper, but Barbosa grabs the belt from off the ground and throws it into Showtime’s head! Showtime goes down, blood beginning to trickle down his forehead from the belt hitting him in the skill. The mixed reaction comes from the crowd again as Barbosa picks up the WZCW title and stares at it, mesmerized for a moment, before gently placing it down beside Showtime’s head and leaving the ring.

Cohen: We have no idea what's going on in Barbosa's head, but he might just be in Showtime's head!

Copeland: We've seen the lengths Barbosa is willing to go to to finally reclaim the WZCW title, but can he beat one of the most dominant WZCW stars in history to do it? We'll find out in two weeks! From Jack and myself, goodnight and we’ll see you at Redemption!

Haiku/Zeus/Dolphin brother jack dude- Califa/Westhoff
Blade- Main event, Runn/Krypto segment
JGlass- Callahan/Mystique, accompanying segments
FalKs- Saboteur/Celeste
Yaz- Opening, Howard/KO, EA title segments

Enjoy the show guys. Ascension will be Monday, Aftershock Tuesday, then the PPV boards will be up. After the PPV we should be back to our normal Saturday/Sunday/Monday schedule.
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