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Meltdown 90

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


We hit the arena straight away with the fans cheering their heads off with the camera panning around the arena before we hear the first theme of the entire night.


The crowd goes even more wild as the familiar theme hits with Mikey Stormrage and James Howard, exiting out of the curtain with smiles on their faces. They look around the arena in awe of the crowd who are supporting the former 2-time tag team champions.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, James Howard and Mikey Stormrage, they are Strikeforce!!

Copeland: Hello everyone and welcome to the 90th edition of Meltdown where we are wasting little time in getting this show started as we are starting things off with tonight's tag team contest with the re-uniting Strikeforce. The crowd is absolutely going wild for the returning team!

Cohen: I'd be angry with them if I was the Grand Forks crowd - these two said they wouldn't be tagging again and yet, here they are in a tag team match. Hypocrits, I tell ya, Seabass!

The pair finally finish absorbing in the atmosphere of the crowd as Stormrage runs down one side of the ramp and up the other high-fiving fans and shadow boxing as he runs. Howard slides into the ring and runs to the far turnbuckle with one arm raised in the air.


Harrys: Their opponents, representing The Sacrificial Altar, the team of Mason Westhoff and D.C.!!

D.C. walks off to the ring leaving the slow walking Westhoff behind and looking on with the crowd giving them all the hatred they've got in their systems towards the two members of the Altar. Westhoff eventually catches up to D.C. when they near the ringside area, acting almost like a cohesive unit as they talk through a couple of points before entering the ring.

Cohen: You want to talk about tag teams - just look at these two!

Copeland: You've got to be kidding me, Jack! Westhoff & D.C have done nothing but be at each other's throats until right then. This is nothing more than a test that the Grand Mystique is putting them through.

They enter the ring where Stormrage looks to go at the Altar but Howard and the referee hold him back before the bell rings. When there is enough separation, referee Elizabeth Prince rings the bell.

*Ding Ding*

Howard starts off for Strikeforce while D.C. and Westhoff try to figure out who starts in their end. After some back and forth, Westhoff gets us started and locks up with Howard. He pushes him to the far corner where there is no one. Before he can strike though, Howard kicks him in the calf. He takes up the offensive and fights his way to his corner where he tags in Mikey. Mikey feigns an Irish Whip but knees Mason in the gut instead.

Copeland: Good start by Strikeforce. It seems they have not skipped a beat.

Mikey holds on to Westhoff and tags Howard back in. Howard starts throwing boxing punches as Westhoff reels. As Howard goes back in the attack, Westhoff rakes Howard in the eye. He runs off to tag D.C. He looks a bit perplexed but eventually steps in the ring. He nabs the stunned Howard and Snap Suplexes him and covers.

Kick out!

D.C. stays strong and continues with several European Uppercuts pushing Howard as far away from his corner as possible.

That's good offense by D.C. He's divided the Strikeforce. Again.

D.C. Dropkicks the cornered Howard who drops. This allows D to run off force momentum and come back with a knee to the face of the MMA specialist. He then hammers down on Howard before Prince needs to step in and separate him. He pulls out Howard and bounces his head off the turnbuckle where Mason awaits. He tags in and continues the clubberin'. He picks up Howard and slams him down with the Alabama Slam. He covers.

Kick out!

It seems The Altar has managed to create a wedge between Strikeforce. Howard is totally isolated.

Mason tags D.C. back in who stands Howard up and drops to his knees. Throat Thrusting him back down.

Cohen: Strikeforce is just too rusty. They can't handle to cohesiveness of these two men.

Copeland: What are you talking about? They're always arguing.

DC stops his assault to showboat to the crowd. Showing them their fallen hero. But as he does so, Howard begins to crawl towards Stormrage. Westhoff calls out to D.C. at the top of his lungs and after a bit, D reacts. By then Howard is almost to Stormrage. D.C. grabs his leg and tries to pull him back, but Howard kicks D in the head allowing him an opening to tag Stormrage as the crowd pops. Westhoff looks furiously at D.C. who just realized what he did. Stormrage quickly goes on the offensive with various strikes and an Irish whip. Which leads into the Pop-Up Uppercut.

*Strike-Force! Strike-Force! Strike-Force!*

The crowd chants loudly as Mikey stays on heavy offense. Delivering a thunderous Belly to Belly Suplex which is followed by a pin.

Kick out!

Mikey quickly tags Howard in for some Double Team. Howard lays on some Muay Thai blows before shoving D into Mikey for a Samoan Drop. Howard then falls on the scene with a Moonsault and a cover.

Kick out!

Hey, they have 5 seconds to stay in the ring before one needs to get out. That girl is being a crooked ref.

Howard gets up with D still dazed in the ground. But before he can get back on the attack, Mason intervenes and Big Boots him off the ring. Elizabeth Prince argues with Westhoff to go back to his corner, but he drags D with him as he does so. Tagging himself in. Howard tries to get back in the ring and Mikey steps in, only to be held back by Prince. Westhoff starts hammering on Howard as he gets back in, but that's not enough as Howard kicks his way back onto the offensive. He whips Westhoff into his corner to set up a Wizard/Bulldog combo. As he goes for the Bulldog though, D.C. intervenes. Mikey gets in as well, passing the ref by and the two double team D.C. D manages to fight back a bit and tries to Clothesline Mikey but ends up hitting Westhoff by accident. He looks on shocked at what he did and turns around.....

Copeland: Oh-oh!

Cohen: Don't turn around, D!!

BOOM! Headshot! D.C. is knocked down by the combination move in the corner and is thrown out of the ring as Mikey gets Westhoff up for Howard to hit the TKO.


Harrys: Here are your winners, Strikeforce!

Cohen: Strikeforce got lucky there was miscommunication. But I can't believe that ref let them stay in the ring together for so long.

Copeland: As opposed to the eye raking and interference the Altar had going on? She did her job just fine. It's D.C. and Westhoff that need work. They just aren't as effective as Mystique and Westhoff tend to be.

The victorious duo get their hands raised as they celebrate. Meanwhile on the outside D.C. and Westhoff recompose themselves and bicker about what happened in an angry fashion. They look back for only a split second to see Mikey & James happy with their victory, giving each other a quick hug before continuing to celebrate with the fans.

Copeland: It seems like the allegiance backing Mikey Stormrage against the Sacrificial Altar starts this week off with the upper hand, speaking of which... coming up next, we'll see how Mister Alhazred fairs against the The Beard in singles action without the power glove at his disposal.

Cohen: Hopefully that gargantuan Facecrush doesn't show up... I've got a secret stash of donuts hidden under the table.

Copeland: Oh for God sakes...


We cut backstage to see the Beard sitting in a chair with multiple stylists making sure every strand of the Beard's beard is perfect. They back off when they see what they've created and it shows Beard's beard popping out to its usual look, undoing the hard work of the stylists who are all shocked at this revelation. The Beard stands up and looks to the stylists.

Beard: I told you ladies... you just cannot tame the Beard.

As he does that, all the female stylists fan themselves with their hands as they feel hot all of a sudden whilst the Beard walks off with a smile on his face, getting ready for action.

Cohen: Ugh...

Copeland: Alhazred, Beard, next!
Harrys: The following contest is set for one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, from His Hidden Underground Laboratory, weighing 178 pounds, Dr. Alhazred!

Mister Alhzared walks onto the stage with his trusty pickle in hand, but rather than proudly extending it to the audience, he holds the pickle close, and occasionally caresses it next to his face. He begins to walk down the ramp slowly as his eyes dart around the arena as if something has him spooked.

Copeland: Jeeze Jack, what do you think has gotten to Alhazred?

Cohen: More like what hasn’t gotten to Alhazred? The guy’s entire life is something out of a mental ward: aliens, a talking pickle, a giant monster at his command… the guy is absolutely bonkers!

Alhazred is now in the ring and is making his way over to his corner. When he arrives at his corner he sits down and curls himself up in a little ball.


Harrys: And his opponent, from Beard City, USA, weighing 285 pounds, The Beard!

Beard explodes out onto the ramp and throws his hands to the side as he does a spin move. He confidently walks down the ramp as he slaps his chest and releases a battle cry for the audience to hear.

Cohen: Now this isn’t even fair: sticking a clearly disturbed man like Alhazred in with this mountain of a man.

Copeland: You do have to think that the scales are tipped in The Beard’s favor here as Alhazred looks to be in no condition to wrestle.

Beard hops into the ring and leans over the near ropes to entertain the crowd with a very suggestive stroking of his beard, a move that the ladies of the WZCW audience are especially appreciative of.

*Ring ring ring*

The referee calls for the bell to start the match, but Alhazred still remains in his little ball. The Beard walks over to the referee for instructions, but the referee has none to offer. The referee walks over to Alhazred and encourages him to start the match, but Alhazred just waves the referee off.

Alhazred: Leave me alone!

Alhazred follows this outburst by clutching his right hand and rocking back and forth while humming to himself.

Cohen: Oh dear God!

The referee shrugs towards Beard, unsure of how to rectify the situation. Beard approaches his opponent slowly, and tries to motion him to start the match.

Cohen: Why hasn’t Beard just slammed into Alhazred yet? He has an advantage over his opponent: he’s not a lunatic.

Copeland: Everyone knows that The Beard is far too good natured to take advantage of an opponent like this. I suspect Beard won’t start the match until Alhazred is on his feet.

Beard is now kneeling next Alhazred and speaking to him. It’s hard to makeout exactly what Beard is saying, but he appears to be offering words of encouragement to Alhazred. These words appear to be falling on death ears as Alhazred simply continues to rock back and forth and hum, but he seems to be rocking faster and humming louder. Beard reaches out to Alhazred and puts his hand on Alhazred’s shoulder… and Alhazred slaps him in the face! The Beard rubs his cheek before angrily turning back towards his opponent.

Cohen: Yup, that’ll do it.

Beard quickly gets to his feet and starts landing clubbing blows on the prone Alhazred. Alhazred attempts to escape by stumbling away, but Beard quickly pulls Alhazred back into his clutches before throwing a few knee lifts. Alhazred cries in pain after every knee lift, but his troubles are just beginning as Beard quickly transitions from the knee strikes to a snap suplex. The Beard rolls on top of Alhazred for the cover.

The Beard looks at the ref, waiting for the count, but it’s not coming. The ref points to Alhazred’s feet, and The Beard sees that his opponent’s feet are under the ropes. The Beard wipes the sweat from his obscenely large foreheard before pulling himself up to his feet. Alhazred uses this as an opportunity to escape from his much larger opponent, and the mad scientist begins to crawl under the ring rope. Beard is quick to catch his opponent and starts trying to tug Alhazred back in. The battle is not an easy one for The Beard to win as Alhazred is aided by not only gravity, but also the ring apron he is holding onto for dear life.

Copeland: This is the type of ridiculousness that seems to be attracted to The Beard. It’s as if chaos follows him around.

Cohen: He is ridiculous, Copeland. He’s a dangerous man that loves poetry, write in a diary, and has the longest beard in wrestling history.

The battle for the location of Alhazred’s body rages on in the ring as neither side has gained much of an advantage. The audience is into the struggle, though, and have gotten a ruckus “Beard! Beard! Beard!” chant going. The crowd inspires The Beard who continues to dig his feet in and pull Alhazred even harder. Alhazred barely has a grip on the apron now, and with one more hefty tug The Beard has pulled Alhazred right off the apron. The power of the pull sends both men stumbling backwards, but The Beard still has his hands wrapped around Alhazred’s calves. The big man uses his might to toss his opponent up… and slam him down on his face! The Beard spins his opponent over for the cover.

The referee again refuses to count, this time because Alhazred’s right arm is draped over the right rope. The Beard rolls his eyes as he pushes Alhazred’s legs away. He gets up and paces around for a few moments before walking to the near corner and stomping his leg a few times. The crowd reacts to the Beard’s display of dominance and starts to cheer for the bearded behemoth. The Beard deadlifts Alhazred off the floor and walks towards the center of the ring before dropping Alhazred for a sidewalk slam. The Beard points towards the corner top rope and waits for the audience to give him an answer: a resounding DO IT!

The Beard quickly makes his way to the corner and ascends to the top rope. He stands and measures his opponent and prepares to leap…


The Beard loses his balance as the entire ring shakes and falls off the top rope, crashing face first to the mat in what looks to be a really ugly landing.

Copeland: What was that? Was that an earthquake? What do we do?!

Alhazred has started to get to his feet now, but The Beard still lays lifeless in the corner.


Again the ring shakes violently as Alhazred flails his arms in an effort to maintain balance.


The WZCW fans are starting to grow nervous about the shaking which can be felt even by fans in the first few rows. Alhazred is on his hands and knees, bracing for impact. The ring starts to shake constantly for a few seconds… when a massive arm is seen crawling out from under the ring! It is soon joined by another massive arm, and together those arms pull out the body of the Facecrushingest and Spinesmashingest beast in the world!

Copeland: Oh god, it’s Facecrush McSpinesmasher! How did he get under the ring? We gotta get out of here Jack!

Cohen: Oh will you calm down! It looks like Facecrush wasn’t planning on sticking around anyway!

Sure enough, Facecrush McSpinesmasher seems to be making his way to the backstage area as he takes off running towards the staging area, shaking the ground with every step he takes.

With Facecrush out of the picture and Alhazred back on his feet, the mad scientist sees his opportunity. He walks over to The Beard and locks on a sleeperhold! As he rolls The Beard onto his back in order to add more pressure, the Beard’s face becomes visible and we can see his nose is badly bleeding and is possibly broken as a result of his earlier fall. Beard does not wait long before he taps out to the submission.

Harry: Your winner as the result of a submission, Mister Alhazred!

Alhazred has a grin across his face as he waves to the audience, an audience that boos the mad scientist for his less than honest win over the bearded fan favorite.

Cohen: He seems pretty happy for a guy that was having a nervous breakdown in the ring a few minutes ago.

Copeland: Once again Alhazred is saved by his monstrous creation, and once again The Beard is foiled by the crazy world of professional wrestling! I tell you, this guy can’t catch a break!

Cohen: Probably because Alhazred has already caught ‘em all. I don’t know why lady luck has taken a shining to this guy, but it seems like whenever Alhazred gets into a tough spot, something always happens to bail him out.

Alhazred is still clutching his right hand as he makes his way up the ramp, and he is still smiling from ear to ear. We cut back to the ring to see The Beard making his way to his feet with the help of the referee, and they both seem to be concerned with his nose.


Alhazred’s smile quickly turns to a look of terror as WZCW’s sexual savior emerges on the stage, microphone in hand and a WZCW tote bag hanging over his shoulder. The crowd welcomes the resident alien with booming cheers of approval.

Krypto: Alhazred, I have not come here to harm you.

Alhazred stops his retreat, apparently disarmed by Krypto’s words.

Krypto: In fact, I have come to surrender.

Alhazred once again grins from ear to ear, but the crowd is considerably less happy as they start booing.

Krypto: Since destroying my beloved companion, RJ, my life has been in a downward spiral. I cannot eat, I cannot sleep, and I cannot fulfill my duties as the Sexual Savior of the Solar System. Missy is especially disappointed by this.

A few laughs can be heard around the arena as Alhazred looks uncomfortable at the mention of his lady friend.

Krypto: It is because of this that I have come to return the Power Glove to you, its rightful owner.

Krypto reaches into the WZCW tote bag and pulls out the Power Glove. The fans start yelling at Krypto, imploring him to stop what he’s doing, but with a mighty heave Krypto tosses the Power Glove towards Alhazred, and Alhazred eagerly catches it.

Alhazred looks at the glove for a moment as tears well up in his eyes. It has been a long journey for him and it was finally coming to an end. Alhazred lifts the glove up with his left hand and carefully slides his right hand into the glove. As his right hand locks into the glove, a gigantic smile crosses Alhazred’s face… but that smile quickly turns into a look of confusion. Alhazred starts yanking desperately at the Power Glove, but it appears to be stuck. The audience starts laughing at Alhazred which only exacerbates the mad scientist’s desperation. After tugging at it for a few moments he manages to concoct a plan, putting the Power Glove in between his knees, clenching them together, and using his upper body strength to free himself from the glove. Within a few second he’s finally freed himself… and his hand is covered in some disgusting, green fluid!

Krypto: That’s disgusting! I wonder where that came from…

Krypto starts thrusting his waist much to the audience’s approval, as Alhazred looks on, horrified that the fluid covering his hand is actually alien love sauce.

Krypto: You see Mister Alhazred, you can take RJ, you can take my dignity, but you will never take… MY POWER GLOVE!

Against Krypto reaches into the WZCW tote bag and pulls out the real Power Glove. The WZCW fans are on their feet cheering for their beloved alien as Alhazred drops to his knees and howls in distress.

“Let’s go Krypto! *Clap clap clap clap clap* Let’s go Krypto! *Clap clap clap clap clap*”


Leon Kensworth is standing in front of the Meltdown interview set with The Beard, who is holding a small icepack on his nose.

Leon: Beard, you just suffered a bizarre loss to Alhazred thanks to the untimely appearance of his monstrous creation, Facecrush McSpinesmasher. How are you handling this loss?

Beard: I’m mostly upset about this broken nose, but the doctors say I’ll be clear to wrestle by next week. By this point in my career, after a year in WZCW, I’m starting to expect bizarre things like this to happen. It just seems like no matter what I do, I always manage to find myself in an even crazier situation than what I was in before.

Leon: So what’s next for you?

Beard: Finding some semblance of normal would be nice.

Leon: Thanks for your time, Beard.


Alhazred is stumbling around backstage, his hand still dripping with alien gunk.

Alhazred: Facecrush?! Facecrush, where are you?!

Alhazred finally comes across the beast who is currently occupied stuffing his face at the craft services table. In addition to handfuls of salad, sandwiches, and cookies, Facecrush is also shoveling the plastic wear and napkins into his mouth without much regard for what he is ingesting.

Alhazred: Facecrush! What are you doing here?

Facecrush: Facecrush eat yummies!

Alhazred: Is this what you were doing when Krypto was humiliating me? I needed you out there!

Facecrush: No…

Alhazred: Then what were you doing? Why’d you run off like that?

Facecrush: Well… Facecrush… um…

Alhazred grabs a roll from the craft services table and throws it at Facecrush.

Alhazred: Spit it out!

Facecrush: Facecrush need make poopie!

Alhazred smacks himself in the head (with his dry, left hand), and grabs Facecrush by the arm.

Alhazred: Well next time we hatch an evil scheme, make sure you make poopie BEFORE we set it into motion. Now come on, I need you to help me clean this hand off.

Alhazred drags Facecrush away.
We return from commercial and are instantly treated to this music:


The crowd pops as Barbosa storms out of the gorilla position. Right behind him is his new found ally, S.H.I.T.

Copeland: It’s Barbosa and S.H.I.T. coming out to the ring. Rumor has it that Barbosa has been backstage all day looking for the man known as Hunter Kravinoff. For all of you fans at home that don’t know, Barbosa and Hunter use to be in a type of an alliance back in the day. Now, Barbosa is absolutely devastated over Hunter’s new alliance with the WZCW Elite X Champion, Constantine.

We see that Barbosa is now in the ring as he requests a microphone from a ringside official. S.H.I.T. is standing idly by. Barbosa taps the microphone and sends an echo through the sound-waves.

Barbosa: Hello?

Barbosa looks down at the mat and then peers out of the corner of his eyes out at the audience.

Barbosa: I don’t usually do this, but desperate times call for desperate measures!

Barbosa holds out a hand towards S.H.I.T. It appears that the robot has something clutched in it’s claw. It hands the document over. Barbosa unravels it and holds it up for the crowd to see.

Barbosa: Have you seen my Hunt?

The camera zooms in on a flyer with a black and white picture of Kravinoff on it. Bold text is above the picture that says, “Missing Friend.”

Cohen: Is he serious?

Barbosa: Please, I need all of you to check under your seats right now!


Cohen: Thank god!

The crowd sings out a chorus of boos as Steven Holmes emerges onto the entrance stage with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship on his right shoulder and the deadly Celeste Crimson on his left. He pulls up a microphone to his lips and begins to speak from the stage.

Holmes: Is this the kind of rubbish that I am subjected to facing tonight?

The crowd intensifies with their boos. Holmes’ looks out at them.

Holmes: I did not expect you people here in North Dakota to have any class anyway.

The crowd lights up some more.

Holmes: I once knew a man who was revered as the most dangerous competitor in WZCW, but now I see his mind has decayed and he has turned into nothing but a weak child.

The crowd boos Holmes as the camera shows Barbosa looking somewhat upset and angry inside of the ring.


The crowd pops. We see that the robot has snatched away the microphone from Barbosa.

S.H.I.T.: By S.H.I.T.’s calculations, Barbosa is neither weak or a child. Barbosa is a fully functioning man by human standards! By judging the decibel levels of the crowd, it is the target Steven Holmes that is lacking!

The crowd pops at S.H.I.T.’s analysis. Holmes scowls from up on the stage.

Holmes: I will not tolerate being mocked by a cardboard box! If Barbosa wants to prove he isn’t a sniveling child, he will just have to do it in the ring!

Holmes drops his microphone and begins walking down the ramp as his music begins to play with Celeste behind him.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, this match was originally scheduled later for tonight, but it seems that The Elite Steven Holmes demands respect from Technosa. When we get back it’ll be Holmes vs. Barbosa in a non-title bout! Don’t go away!

The last shot we get is of S.H.I.T. exiting the ring as Barbosa watches Holmes approach the ring. We go to commercial.


We return to the show and we hear the end of Holmes’ entrance music. Both Barbosa and Holmes are in their respective corners as the referee checks on them both.

Copeland: We are back ladies and gentlemen, and we are joined her by WZCW Legend, Celeste Crimson.

Cohen: Oh goody! How are you Celeste?

Celeste: Good Jack, thank you for asking.

The bell the rings and the match is underway as Holmes steps into the middle of the ring. However, Barbosa remains in his corner as he stares down the world champion.

Cohen: Celeste, how does it feel to be side by side with the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion on a daily basis?

Celeste: It makes me feel powerful and in control.

Copeland: Does it make you feel dirty at all knowing how your relationship was birthed?

Celeste: I don’t know what you are talking about Sebastian.

Cohen: Don’t mind him, he is always a negative nancy.

Barbosa finally steps out of his corner to approach Holmes, but he gets caught up in an upper-grapple struggle. Holmes clearly has the advantage has he pushes Barbosa back into the turnbuckle he just stepped out of. Holmes pushes him up against the turnbuckle until the referee intervenes and breaks up the hold. Holmes holds his hands up in the air like he didn’t do anything, but then immediately fires with a kick into the gut of Barbosa. Barbosa eats it and clinches his stomach, but Holmes fires back with two more. The elite superstar then proceeds to pull Barbosa out of the turnbuckle in a bent over position. He hooks the arms behind his opponent’s back and lifts him up and over for an underhook suplex!

Barbosa bounces off of the mat and sits straight up with the tingling of the impact in his spine. Holmes comes over and begins sending a barrage of elbows into the neck of the mad man. After ending a series of blows, Holmes wraps his hands around Barbosa’s chin and pulls back as he presses his knee into his back. The referee approaches them both. Barbosa frantically grips the hands of Holmes to remove them, but it is not working. However, Holmes releases the hold after a few seconds, realizing his opponent is far too fresh to tap out. Barbosa grabs his jaw in pain as Holmes steps away and looks out at the crowd. They respond by booing him.

Celeste: This is what Steven does boys. He is the best in the ring and in return the fans despise him out of envy. Yet, he does not stoop to their ignorant level to satisfy them with a response.

Cohen: You know him so well! Holmes would be proud if he could hear you now.

Speaking of Holmes, he returns his attention to Barbosa, who is climbing to his feet. Holmes meets him by grabbing his neck and turning for a neckbreaker, but Barbosa pushes out of it and sends Holmes running into a set of ropes. Holmes bounces off of them and returns to Barbosa, who lunges for a clothesline, but the champion ducks! Barbosa gets back up to regain his composure, but Holmes is already returning from the other set of ropes. He comes in with a high knee into the chest of Barbosa! It sends Barbosa crashing down onto his back hard. Holmes quickly mounts Barbosa and grips around his waist. He pulls the two into a standing position and flips! Holmes executes a northern lights suplex and bridges for the pin,


Holmes barely gets the two as Barbosa rolls away.

Copeland: Barbosa does not look at all like himself. One has to wonder if Kravinoff has not only affected his mental status, but also his in-ring status.

Celeste: It’s like I always say, what you do in the ring is directly related to how you think. A match is a mental game, which makes my man Holmes so lethal.

Cohen: Extremely lethal!

Meanwhile, something is going on in the ring. Barbosa has rolled away from Holmes near some ropes and is shaking his head as if he is having an internal struggle. He then begins to slap his forehead. Holmes is in the center of the ring watching this all unfold, but he is tired of the freak show. He steps over to Barbosa and grabs his head with two hands to pull him up into a standing position. He isn’t prepared for a more alert Barbosa! Barbosa sends a stiff punch into the jaw of the champion, and then another, and another, and another! Barbosa now has Holmes squared up in the center of the ring. The crowd is buzzing as Barbosa sends a forearm into the elite superstar, which prompts him to spin around and stagger away in pain. Barbosa pounces from behind and lifts him for an inverted atomic drop! Holmes grabs his tailbone in pain, but Barbosa sneaks back in for a STO! The odds have now been flipped as Barbosa jumps back up to his feet.

Copeland: Barbosa has fired back in this match!

Barbosa quickly grabs Holmes and pulls him up to his feet, but he gets caught with an uppercut into his jaw! Holmes then kicks his gut and grips the head as he lifts Barbosa up for a vertical suplex! BUT NO! Barbosa reverses out of it and finds himself landing back-to-back on the other side of Holmes. He reaches back and pulls down the neck of the champion for a hangman’s neckbreaker! The crowd pops as Barbosa crawls for the cover,



S.H.I.T. is projecting from outside the ring. It slowly crawls the outside apron and stands on it as it shouts into the ring.

S.H.I.T.: The referee counted 2.1 seconds. The actual count by my calculations was 2.2! ERROR! ERROR!

The referee then begins to argue with the robot and tells him to get off the outside apron. Barbosa also looks confused as he returns to his feet. He joins the referee and begins telling S.H.I.T. to get back down. However, S.H.I.T. refuses to let the error pass.

Cohen: Someone silence that robot!

Celeste: Don’t look now, but my man is coming around.

She is right as we see Holmes stirring and crawling up to all fours. He looks over at the commotion and sees an opportunity. The referee finally gives S.H.I.T. the satisfaction and admits it was suppose to be a 2.2 count, which prompts S.H.I.T. to jump down from the outside apron. However, just as this happens Barbosa feels a sneaky arm pulling him backwards and into a pin. The referee jumps in to count the roll-up by Holmes,


Celeste: Now that is a bad count!

Cohen: I don’t believe it!

Copeland: Barbosa barely kicked out!

The two men come out of the kick-out by quickly returning to their feet with new-found adrenaline. They charge each other and this time Holmes goes for a clothesline. Barbosa ducks it, but stays close! Holmes turns to face Barbosa again after the miss, but he walks right into Barbosa picking him up and dropping him down on his knee! The crowd pops as Holmes groans in pain. Barbosa stalls for a moment with Holmes on his back, but then he picks him up after the drop and lays him down with a sideslam! Barbosa goes for a cover as the referee slides in,


Copeland: Holmes is still in it!

Celeste: Of course he is you idiot.

Barbosa slams his hand on the mat in frustration as he climbs up to his feet. He then proceeds to send a series of kick into the side of Holmes. Holmes rolls with each kick until he finally rolls under the ropes and onto the outside apron. Barbosa reaches through and pulls Holmes up into a standing position. Barbosa then pulls Holmes’ head over the ropes and hooks one of his arms over his head in a pre-suplex stance. The crowd is buzzing now as Barbosa roars and begins to lift the elite superstar, but no! The move is stalled as Holmes dead-weights it and refuses to be picked up by Barbosa. Barbosa shakes his head and smacks it with his free hand. Barbosa grits his teeth and tries to pick up Holmes again, but to no avail! Wait! Barbosa is now being picked up by Holmes! Flashes go off in the arena as Holmes puts Barbosa in the air.

Cohen: That’s a million dollar shot!


Barbosa is dropped on the outside mat with a huge vertical suplex from the outside apron. Holmes is now laying on the apron itself as he breathes heavily. Meanwhile, Barbosa is wailing on the ground down below. Despite Holmes exhausted state, he rolls under the ropes and into the ring. The referee begins to count Barbosa out,




Holmes gingerly pulls himself up with the ropes on the side Barbosa is on.


The crowd is now perked up as they eagerly wait Barbosa to move on the outside.


We see S.H.I.T. begin to walk over to where Barbosa is at.


Celeste: Keep that nutcase away from Barbosa!


Barbosa is finally stirring on the outside.


Barbosa is now on all fours. S.H.I.T. is now on the side that Barbosa is on. Barbosa sees him and shakes the cobwebs out.


Before S.H.I.T. can get to Barbosa to help him, Barbosa lunges under the bottom rope and gets back into the ring!

Cohen: No!

Holmes quickly greets the grounded Barbosa with a knee drop. Barbosa eats it, but quickly gets another, and another, and another. Knee drops galore from the world champion! Holmes finally gets tired of dropping knees and reaches down to pick up Barbosa. He pulls him into a standing daze and in prime position! Holmes grips the waist while lifting and twisting. Barbosa is upside down and is seconds away from an Imperial Impaler! The crowd is buzzing as Barbosa twists and turns to escape the maneuver. He decides to isolate the shin of Holmes and begins sending a set of elbow shots into it. It gives! Barbosa falls out of the maneuver and Holmes drops to one knee in pain. Barbosa is able to land on all fours as he watches Holmes drop. He acts on a whim and leaps up to grab the champions head. A loud thud echos through the arena as Barbosa drops him with a DDT! The crowd pops as Barbosa lies with his back on the mat and Holmes’ head still tucked underneath his arm. Barbosa gets back up to his feet with Holmes still in a DDT position.

Copeland: He is going for duplicity!

A microphone dropping can be heard as the camera catches Celeste jumping up from the announcer’s booth and running over to the ring.

???: Hey!

A very cold sweat breaks on the back of Barbosa’s neck as he slowly turns his head towards the entrance ramp. Holmes is still in position for a DDT.

???: Hey buddy, it’s me.

The camera reveals that Hunter Kravinoff is standing at the top of the ramp with a microphone. Barbosa releases Holmes and walks over to the ropes near the entrance stage. Meanwhile, we see Celeste encouraging Holmes to get up off the mat and take advantage from the outside.

S.H.I.T. suddenly begins trekking up the entrance ramp. Before Barbosa can stop S.H.I.T., the crowd suddenly starts buzzing wildly as we see Drake Callahan hop the barricade near the announcer’s table. He has a steel chair with him too!

Cohen: What is Drake doing here?!

Drake slides into the ring before Celeste can stop him. The referee is yelling at him to get out of the ring. Holmes is now standing and then there is a loud SMACK!

Copeland: What the hell?

Drake sends a spine-shivering shot into the back of Barbosa as the referee calls for the bell.

Harrys: Here is your winner by disqualification, Barbosa!

Holmes is highly confused. Drake just smiles as he tosses the chair to Holmes. Holmes catches it out of instinct. Drake rolls out of the ring and Celeste isn’t sure what is going on. Meanwhile, we see Barbosa recover from the shot and look up at the entrance ramp. Kravinoff and S.H.I.T. are now both gone. Something snaps as Barbosa begins to twitch.

Copeland: I don’t think Barbosa is very happy that someone stopped him from confronting Kravinoff.

Barbosa turns around and sees Holmes with the chair. Holmes looks at the chair and then shakes his head “no.” He shouts, “It wasn’t me.” But it is too late. Barbosa is enraged as he grabs the chair from Holmes and yanks it out of his hands. He slams it into the head of Holmes, who drops to the ground and rolls out of the ring. Celeste is there to help him as she quickly pulls him over to the announcer’s table to retrieve his world championship. However, Barbosa is already out of the ring and is there to greet them. Celeste rushes at him, but Barbosa nails her with a chair shot! The crowd is crazy as Barbosa proceeds to send a chair shot into the gut of Holmes.

Cohen: He has lost it!

Barbosa drops the chair and tucks Holmes’ head in-between his legs. The crowd is cheering wildly as Barbosa picks up Holmes and drops him into the announcer’s table!


The crowd is roaring in approval as Barbosa stares coldly down at Holmes.



The shot ends with Barbosa standing over the wreckage and the crowd roaring in the background as security and officials begin piling out from the back.
We come back to Meltdown but instead of in the arena, we are backstage where Barbosa is screaming at the top of his lungs, competing with the multiple security guards and officials trying to subdue Barbosa away from the arena before anyone else gets hurt. They are having a ridiculously difficult time doing so as Barbosa is resisting with all his strength that he can muster.

Barbosa: I saw him! I need to find him!

Barbosa: No we don't! We need to find S.H.I.T and make sure he is safe! Let us go dammit!

Barbosa continues spouting out an internal conflict to everyone continues to struggle as the General Manager of Meltdown, Big Dave, enters the picture with another security guard who has a pair of handcuffs ready.

Big Dave: Whatever you do, keep him still and don't let go.


We transition back to ringside where we see what is happening on the titantron with Barbosa doing his best to resist and screaming about Hunter Kravinoff and SHIT. However, that isn't the only thing happening as we have a couple of officials and EMT's out at ringside where Holmes is still laying motionless where Barbosa powerbombed him through the table. The EMT's are loading Holmes onto a stretcher and checking him to see if any further damage had been sustained. Celeste Crimson stares at the tron as the feed cuts out before looking back down at Holmes. The crowd has died down from what has happened and are watching on as the stretcher rises from the ground and Celeste gives him a kiss. Members of the crowd boo this sight as the officials and EMT's carry Holmes around the ring and up the ramp to a still booing crowd.

Copeland: Welcome back to Meltdown folks and if you just joined us to see this carnage we'll take you back to what happened before the commercial break.

Replay Footage said:
Copeland: It was pandemonium out here during the end of the Steven Holmes/Barbosa match where the Lethal Lottery winner Drake Callahan decided to get involved in the altercation.

Drake slides into the ring before Celeste can stop him. The referee is yelling at him to get out of the ring. Holmes is now standing and then there is a loud SMACK! Drake sends a spine-shivering shot into the back of Barbosa as the referee calls for the bell. Holmes is highly confused as Barbosa's gets announced the winner. Drake just smiles as he tosses the chair to Holmes. Holmes catches it out of instinct. Drake rolls out of the ring and Celeste isn’t sure what is going on. Meanwhile, we see Barbosa recover from the shot and look up at the entrance ramp. Kravinoff and S.H.I.T. are now both gone. Something snaps as Barbosa begins to twitch.

Copeland: Things only got worse for Holmes and Celeste, resulting in the following.

Barbosa turns around and sees Holmes with the chair. Holmes looks at the chair and then shakes his head “no.” He shouts, “It wasn’t me.” But it is too late. Barbosa is enraged as he grabs the chair from Holmes and yanks it out of his hands. He slams it into the head of Holmes, who drops to the ground and rolls out of the ring. Celeste is there to help him as she quickly pulls him over to the announcer’s table to retrieve his world championship. However, Barbosa is already out of the ring and is there to greet them. Celeste rushes at him, but Barbosa nails her with a chair shot! The crowd is crazy as Barbosa proceeds to send a chair shot into the gut of Holmes. Barbosa drops the chair and tucks Holmes’ head in-between his legs. The crowd is cheering wildly as Barbosa picks up Holmes and drops him into the announcer’s table! The crowd is roaring in approval as Barbosa stares coldly down at Holmes.

We return to see Celeste angrily staring at the titantron as she stands on the outside, almost fuming from the ears. She turns to the sound guy where the broken announcer's table lays and snatches and microphone from him. She slides into the middle of the ring as she paces around, not knowing whether to let her emotions run wild physically or to remain calm as he loved one gets carried to the back. She goes to speak but only wild grunting can be heard for a while before she can manage to put a sentence together.

Celeste: BARBOSA!

The crowd listens as Celeste screams loudly into the microphone.

Celeste: You've just made your own death wish by attacking the love of my life!

The crowd boos at the mention of their relationship.

Celeste: The next time I'll see you Barbosa... it'll be the last... and I don't expect too wait that long.

Celeste drops the microphone and exits the ring hastily. She grabs the chair that was used to attack both her and Holmes and storms up the ramp, looking for revenge.

Copeland: Where is she going with that?

Before Celeste is able to get anywhere, she is subdued by security headed by Big Dave who strips her of the chair and is much easier detained than Barbosa as Celeste drops to the ground with an upset look on her face. She lets out a primal scream before sobbing, whispering the words "my love" over and over again whilst the General Manager assures her that everything will be okay if she remains calm.

Cohen: This is the type of anarchy that occurs when head-cases like Barbosa are let loose around WZCW, especially with Hunter Kravinoff returning. There is no way that this is going to end nicely.


We transition somewhere backstage with Westhoff & DC fighting.

Westhoff: I knew I shouldn’t trust you! You clobbered me in the face you whimpering heathen!

D.C.: I was trying to bail your *** out, moron!

Westhoff shoves D.C. back, but D.C. quickly recovers and sticks his face right into Mason’s.

D.C.: I swear to ****, man, touch me again, I dare you!

The two angrily stare at each other for several moments.

???: *Ahem*

D.C. and Westhoff turn to see their leader, Grand Mystique, watching on.

Grand Mystique: Neither one of you is completely at fault for that humiliating loss to Strikeforce.

Westhoff and D.C. seem disarmed, but comforted by their leader’s words.

Grand Mystique: You’re both to blame.

Westhoff: But sir!

Grand Mystique: I don’t want to hear your excuses, Brother Mason. Either you two figure out a way to work together and bring glory to The Sacrificial Altar, or I’ll find someone who can.


In the locker room, we see James Howard & Mikey Stormrage for the second time but they have since showered and gotten into their casual clothes as they are packing up the last of their stuff before looking like they are heading out. Before they walk out, Stormrage checks his corners and sees everything is clear before issuing Howard out with the bags. Stormrage and Howard begin walking down the corridor with their bags.

Howard: Thanks for checking but I don't think the Altar will be striking tonight - we sent them a message with our tag team win tonight.

Stormrage: You never know, James... they could be anywhere.

Howard: This isn't Field of Fire, Mikey. You don't have to check every corner for the enemies...

Stormrage: Yeah, but I like to be ready.

As soon as that is said, a distracted Mikey bumps into Triple X who wasn't looking either. Mikey puts his fists up but he quickly realises that it is the Eurasian Champion Triple X and lowers his hands. He apologises to Triple X.

Stormrage: I didn't mean to get defensive, just got to be ready for the Altar, y'know... hey, good luck out there with your match tonight.

X: Thanks man, I'm going to need it. I know how intense K.O is but I'm going to turn up my own. He's going to have to knock me out to take this title away from my hands.

The two smile and hug before they part ways. Howard waves goodbye to X and we see X walking down the hallway before the camera fades out.

Cohen: Finally, our regular scheduled program is back.

Copeland: The Eurasian championship is on the line after the commercial break!

Cohen: I can't wait for this!
Our cameras return to the arena for a close up shot of Sebastian Copeland and Jack Cohen, as Copeland prepares to introduce the match.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you back to WZCW Meltdown for the beginning of our highly anticipated Eurasian Championship defense, but before that, we're about to be joined by a very special guest.


The crowd goes wild for the entrance of beloved superstar Titus, who makes his way down to the ring with a big smile on his face, high fiving the fans he comes across on his way down. He bypasses the ring and instead joins the commentary table, taking an empty seat and picking up a headset. He's next to Copeland and shakes his hand, then offers his hand to Cohen, who takes it grudgingly, looking gruff and sour the entire time. Titus's winning smile never fails throughout the introductions.

Titus: Thanks for having me at commentary tonight, guys. It's a real pleasure.

Copeland: The pleasure is all ours, and we thank you for taking the time to do this right before your contest with Drake Callahan in the main event.

Titus: Normally, I'd like to be preparing for a match like that, but you can't pass up an opportunity to scout a guy who you plan on wrestling very soon in a match when you know he's going to give it his all. If he's serious about winning the title tonight, Chris K.O. is going to put it all on the line, and I want to see everything he has at his disposal.

Cohen: That's one way of looking at it, sure - but maybe you're just out here to make sure Chris K.O. doesn't win the Eurasian championship he so richly deserves! I guess it's appropriate you're wrestling Drake Callahan tonight, because I smell a conspiracy!

Titus looks ready to respond, but Harrys has entered the ring and begins the introductions.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW Eurasian Championship!


Everyone in the arena is slightly puzzled by the playing of Triple X's old music, but most cheer nonetheless, anticipating the champion.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Phoenix -

Harrys cuts off as it's not Triple X, but Chris K.O. who makes his way out! The crowd's cheers turn to puzzlement and then rapidly to jeers and derision for the so-called White Knight.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing in at 232 pounds, Chris K.O.!

Copeland: A confusing entrance for Chris K.O., as he chooses to enter to Triple X's music instead of his own! Is this an attempt to get inside the head of the champion?

Cohen: I don't understand it, but I've always believed that Chris K.O. is smarter than everyone else in this company, and I'm sure that this is part of a plan for him.

Titus: He thinks he's smarter than the rest of us, anyway.

K.O. continues his way down the aisle, looking stoically at the ring before he notices Titus sitting just beyond it. His mouth curves downward in a slight frown as he steps up into the ring and stares Titus down. Titus returns it levelly and K.O. eventually breaks off, turns back to the entrance way and raising a fist.


Harrys: And his opponent, he is the WZCW Eurasian Champion, from Phoenix Arizona, weighing in at 220 pounds, Triple X!

The crowd hesitates briefly until Triple X makes his way onto the stage, and the crowd goes indeed go wild for the appearance of their Eurasian champion!

Copeland: Triple X has told a lot of people about his disappointment in failing to win the Lethal Lottery, and it seems like he really believed he deserved to be in the main event of Kingdom Come this year.

Cohen: If he deserved it, he'd of won the Lethal Lottery. End of story. What's worse, is that through all his crying and moaning, he's still the Eurasian champion! Where does he get off?

Titus: You know as well as I do, Jack, that as nice as titles like the Eurasian championship are, this business is all about the world title and being at the top. If that's not your goal, then get out. I can appreciate where Triple X is coming from, but he's got to get that off his mind if he wants to retain the title tonight.

Triple X has made his way into the ring and takes off his belt, handing it over to the referee after a long look at it. Referee Keith Morse takes the belt and presents it to Chris K.O., who nods his acknowledgement. Morse presents it to the crowd to their general approval, then hands the belt off to a ringside crew member. Both competitors retreat to a corner and Morse signals for the bell as we are underway. Right after the bell rings the two take a few steps toward one another, X looking cautious, and Chris K.O. takes advantage with a head on rush, knocking the unsuspecting X flat on his back and sending him rolling out of the ring. Chris pursues immediately, grabbing hold of X on the outside and hitting clubbing blows to his back and neck, then dragging him to his feet and rapidly elevating him for a press slam across the ringside barrier! X clutches at his gut and Chris is relentless, picking X up once again, exposing his back, and slamming him into the ringpost! Morse is furiously trying to restore action to the inside and Chris grudgingly rolls X back inside, leaving his head on the ring apron. He intends to keep the pursuit up but Morse backs him off, as X is now underneath the ropes. While Morse and Chris argue, X is able to pull himself to his feet in the corner. Morse finally backs up, leaving Chris with a wide open lane to charge the champion, nailing a running European uppercut! X is extremely dazed as Chris pulls him out of the corner and gets one, two, but only two! X gets a shoulder up and Chris backs off, letting the champion roll over to his belly and try to push himself up. Chris allows no such thing, however, dropping a forearm into X's back, then dropping down and hitting some blows to the face of the champion. X is trying to get away on his hands and knees, heading for the corner, but Chris pursues him with arrogant kicks the entire way. X tries once more to push himself up, and Chris once again shoves him down with a hand in his face. It seems like that set something off in X, though, as he pops to his feet furiously and goes right after Chris K.O. with a big chop to the chest! It backs Chris up for a moment, but he answers with a forearm! X is wobbly, but he answers with another chop! Chris goes for a forearm - but X blocks it, hits a forearm into K.O.'s face, then another! He backs Chris up to the ropes, and Chris answers with a hard knee to X's gut. X is double over as Chris shoves him into the ropes, whips him across the ring, follows the champion - but X leaps onto the ropes, springboards, leaps backward and right over the head of Chris! K.O. turns around as fast as he can, only to meet Triple X in the middle of the ring, and X flips Chris over his head with a back body drop!

Copeland: After a near fall in the first minute of this match, it sure seemed like Chris K.O. had a huge advantage, but ever innovative offense from the champion has him right back in this match.

Cohen: We'll see how much innovation he can pull out, because if it's X's innovation versus the pure wrestling fundamentals of Chris K.O., I can tell you where my bet is.

Titus: Is knocking someone around outside the ring called "wrestling fundamentals" now? I haven't been gone that long, have I?

X drops to the mat and looks like he's going to try a cover, but instead goes after Chris on the mat, throwing a furious string of punches at his head. Chris is able to wriggle away and get to his knees as X goes after him once more. Chris backs the champion off with a punch to X's gut, and the challenger is able to get to his feet. The two meet head to head once more and Chris rapidly hit a DDT! Chris forgoes the cover as well and instead pulls X up to a sitting position, gets to a knee behind him and locks in a chinlock! He wrenches it hard for a few moments, but X is quickly able to fight to a vertical base. Chris breaks the hold and shoves X away to create some separation, and the challenger hits the ropes, rebounds, only to meet a high dropkick from Triple X! He goes for a quick cover and gets one, but only one! Both men get to their feet and Chris charges, ducks down and elevates Triple X as if for a spinebuster, only to slam him back first into the turnbuckle! X is gasping and trying to get his breath, but Chris K.O. is relentless as he goes after X in the corner with hard right hands. X responds with some desperate chops that back K.O. up a step. But Chris responds quickly with a knee to X's face, sending him right back to the corner. Chris lays into X with a series of chops of his own, and referee Morse puts on a count to back Chris out of the corner. Chris backs up at two and Morse has some words for him, giving X a moment to catch his breath. As Chris gets back into the fray, X surprises him with a quick shot to his jaw, then another, a quick flurry of right hands, but Chris puts a stop to it quickly with a knee to X's gut.

Cohen: Chris K.O. is answering every rally and comeback X tries to make, and that's a mark of a wrestler truly in charge of a matchup.

Titus: For now. But the one word above all else I'd use to describe Chris K.O., it's arrogant, so we'll see how well he's able to keep the advantage.

Copeland: It wouldn't be the first time we've seen X mount a comeback, or watch Chris K.O. fail to sustain the advantage in a match. Indeed, maybe that's the reason that in over two years of competition, Chris K.O. has never held a championship.

Chris K.O. straights up X, then hits a European uppercut. X slyly hooks one of Chris's arms with his own as Chris spins, then hooks the other arm and converts it into a backslide! Chris's shoulders are down and Morse counts one, two, but only two! Chris gets to his feet quickly and charges X, X drops down and Chris steps over him, X pops to his feet and leaps - into Chris's arms! K.O. holds on and converts into a backbreaker! He goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two! Chris pulls X to his feet, whips him into the ropes and ducks down for a back body drop, X rebounds, leaps over Chris and hits a sunset flip roll up! Chris's shoulders are down and Morse counts one, but only one as Chris kicks out AND nails X in the face as he does so! X is on his back as Chris gets to his feet, leaps, and comes crashing down on X's chest with a knee drop. He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two! Chris backs up and takes a breather, assessing his gameplan as X gets to his knees. Chris arrogantly steps on the feet of the champion, drawing derision from the crowd. Chris goes back to fundamentals, though, dropping down and locking in a side chinlock on Triple X. X is able to get to a vertical base, but Chris K.O. gets a handful of tights and slams X right back down, keeping the hold in! He keeps in wrenched in for even longer as X desperately does get back to his feet, and this time drives Chris backwards into the turnbuckle! But Chris K.O. holds onto the chinlock! X looks over his shoulder as much as he can - and does it again, slamming Chris into another turnbuckle! Chris FINALLY lets go of the hold, he tries to get it in again, but X is ready this time, he ducks under the grasping arms of the challenger, waits for him to turn around, and NAILS A HURRICANRANA! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two!

Copeland: Triple X is off to a slow start in this contest but it seems like he just might be fighting his way back into retaining his championship!

Titus: You saw there something that Triple X is really good at - anticipation. It didn't hurt that Chris K.O. kept going back to the chinlock, but X's ability to know what was coming and work around it got him to this position.

Cohen: He might be good at that, but you saw that sloppy cover as well as I did. You don't put away a competitor like Chris K.O. without a full double leg nelson, and that's the difference in fundamentals that X lacks and Chris has - and that will make a difference, sooner or later.

X tries to press his advantage and pulls Chris to his feet - but K.O. is ready for him and reels off a huge European uppercut! X is flat on his back as Chris covers, getting one, two, but only two! Chris pulls X to his feet - and hits a German suplex! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, but only two! Chris gives X no respite, going after him with strikes to the head from both left and right, drawing a warning for close fists from Morse. Chris stands up over the prone body of Triple X, letting him crawl into the corner. Chris stands him up against the turnbuckle and throws a hard chop, again drawing a warning from Morse to back up. Morse starts a count and Chris ignores it, hitting a clubbing blow to X's chest - but X gets his legs up and desperately locks in body scissors on the challenger! The referee is forced to start a count on X, and he breaks the hold - only to elevate his legs more this time, locking in head scissors on Chris! He swings hard -and THROWS CHRIS K.O. OUT OF THE RING WITH THE HEAD SCISSORS! X catches his breath in the center of the ring, Chris struggles to his feet on the outside. X notices Chris's position - he hits the ropes, rebounds, LEAPS OVER THE TOP ROPE AND FLIES, WIPING OUT CHRIS K.O. ON THE OUTSIDE! Chris is all the way on the entrance way and X is on his feet!

Copeland: It's why we all love Triple X - the non stop excitement that he brings to the action in WZCW!

Cohen: Love it all you want, Seabass, it's high risk versus wrestling -

Titus: If you say wrestling fundamentals one more time, Jack, I'm going to knock you out right now.

X rolls Chris back into the ring, where he lands in the center. The champion mounts the turnbuckle from the outside, he flies from the top looking for a crossbody - but Chris K.O. WIPES HIM OUT WITH A HUGE UPPERCUT! He goes for the cover and gets one, two, BUT ONLY TWO! Chris K.O. gets to his feet and retreats a corner, letting X agonizingly work his way to his own feet. The champion gets to a vertical base - and Chris K.O. returns to the chinlock! No amount of anticipation can help Triple X here, as he looks well and clearly dazed, but he manages to fight out with right hands to Chris's gut, Chris forces him away with a hard shove that sends X into the ropes, Chris charges at X, X fights him off with a forearm shot! X charges, ducks down, Chris catches him - but X continues in one fluid motion, LIFTS HIMSELF UP AND OVER, NAILS CHRIS K.O. WITH A YOSHI TONIC! He holds on for a pin and gets one, two, BUT ONLY TWO! X raises three fingers at Morse and Morse shakes his head vehemently as X tries to argue that was three. As they argue, Chris is able to lift himself in the corner. X finally gives up the argument, sees Chris in the corner, charges - but Chris gets a leg up and stops X dead in his tracks! X collapses in the center of the mat as Chris staggers toward him, clearly not steady on his feet. Chris signals to the crowd and removes the white sleeve from his arm, and everyone knows that the Sword has been unsheathed! He pulls X to his feet, clearly intending to throw the devastating clothesline - but X latches onto him, drops down, ROLLS HIM UP! HE GETS ONE, TWO, BUT ONLY TWO! Chris breaks out of it and LOCKS IN THE CHINLOCK AGAIN! X struggles to a vertical base, breaks out, backs up to the ropes and charges, but Chris locks it in once more! Chris forces X to one knee with the chinlock, then to his stomach, and finally flat on his face. Chris releases the hold - only to transition to THE BURNING CRUSADE! X is down in the middle of the ring and he is unresponsive - Morse raises his hand once - it falls! He raises it once more - it falls! He raises it again!


K.O. releases the hold as Morse forces him off and the referee immediately begins to check on the unresponsive Triple X!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner....and the NEW WZCW EURASIAN CHAMPION....Chris K.O.!

K.O. gets to his feet unsteadily and Morse is handed the belt from outside. The referee raises his hand and places the championship belt in Chris's other hand as the new champion is breathing heavily, clearly exhausted and his victory only sinking in gradually.

Copeland: What an incredible effort from both men, Triple X gave it everything he had, but give credit to Chris K.O. - he had a clear gameplan, and he executed it.

Cohen: I said it from the beginning - clear wrestling fundamentals won him this match. A consistent and well applied chinlock and a transition to the crossface was all he needed to put the champion away. No amount of flips and Japanese moves was going to change that.

Titus: Well, I suppose I must congratulate our new champion...or must I?

Chris K.O. has come over to the edge of the ring facing the announce table and yells something out at Titus. Titus only smiles as he removes his headset and stands up to face the new champion. Chris yells something else and Titus only smirks and points at himself. The two stare each other down, neither of them willing to make the first move, until....


Drake Callahan emerges onto the stage with a fierce look on his face, totally unconcerned for the drama unfolding in the ringside area. Officials are escorting Triple X up the ramp, but the Lethal Lottery winner totally ignores them as he stalks his way to the ring. He slides to the ring and only then does Chris K.O. turn and give him a cool nod of acknowledgment.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very tense moment and it appears Drake Callahan is unwilling to waste any time as he gets ready for his match with Titus, but we have to go to commercial first.

Cohen: The main event is coming up next! Get ready for two former world champions and Lethal Lottery winners going head to head!
Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen we are back here live on Meltdown. Drake Callahan and Titus are in their respective corners as we prepare for this colossal main-event. Two former champions, two lethal lottery winners, and both sure-fire first ballot hall of famers.

Cohen: Oh boy, but don’t forget Seabass, we have a visitor on the outside!

The camera shows Chris K.O., in his ring attire, still partially sweaty with his newly acquired WZCW EurAsian Championship on his shoulder. He is sitting outside on the barricade as he silently watches what’s going on in the ring.

Copeland: You are right partner, it looks as though Chris K.O. is going to celebrate his championship win by sitting front-row for perhaps one of our biggest main-events ever here on Meltdown.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall and it is our main-event of the evening!

The crowd pops at the announcement.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds, Drake Callahan!

The crowd boos as Drake shakes his arms in anticipation of the match.

Harrys: And the challenger, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, this is.......Titus!

The crowd roars in approval as Titus jumps up and down as he stares at Drake across the ring.

Copeland: Making his return match here on Meltdown 90, Titus is here and ready to go!

With that, the bell rings and Drake boldly steps forward. Titus mirrors him and the two men meet in the center of the ring, but they keep a good four feet apart. Titus gets into a stance where he holds out a hand for them to begin with a lockup. Drake reacts by getting into his own stance and slowly reaches for Titus’s hand. However, Drake changes plans and sends a stiff kick into the gut of the Oscar winner. The crowd barely has time to boo as Drake bare-knuckles several blows into the head of Titus. Titus eats each one as he staggers backwards, but he holds up a forearm and catches one of the blows! This garners a small pop from the crowd as Titus fires back with his own right hands into the face of Drake. Now, Drake is staggering backwards! Titus reaches in after one of his blow and whips Drake into some nearby ropes. Drake bounces off of them and returns to Titus, but Titus lays flat and allows Drake to jump over him and continue to the ropes on the other side. Titus jumps up to get into attacking position, but Drake wisely grabs onto the ropes and prevents himself from bouncing off. He wags a finger at Titus and mouths, “no, no.” Drake then takes a few steps toward Titus, but he gets stunned by the springing hero who connects with a spinning wheel kick!

The crowd pops as Titus quickly gets up to his feet. Drake does the same as he basically no-sells the kick, but Titus is already spinning and connects with another spinning wheel kick! Drake falls on his back again, but jumps up once more. Again! Another spinning wheel kick again puts Drake on his back once more. The crowd is now buzzing as Drake climbs to his feet a little more slowly. Titus approaches him and goes for a grapple, but Drake pushes out of it! CRACK! Titus responds with an European uppercut into the jaw of Drake. He grabs it in pain as Titus runs past him and jumps onto some nearby ropes. He bounces off the second one and spins to attempt a bulldog, but Drake shuffles out of the way. Titus tucks a shoulder and rolls into a crouched position. One step by Drake and SMACK! A crisp sounding enzuigiri kick echoes throughout the arena as Drake’s foot connects with Titus’ head. Titus crumbles onto his back as Drake lets out a deep breath and flips backwards for a standing shooting star onto the midsection of Titus. Drakes stays on for the cover as the referee slides in for the count,


Copeland: This match is going a million miles an hour, but can you expect any less from these two greats?

Cohen: This is wrestling gold!

Drake stands up from the failed pin attempt and picks Titus’ head up with him. However, Drake has a change of heart and decides he wants Titus’ face back on the mat. He sweeps out one of Titus’ legs and slams him face first into the ring mat. The impact retrieves a few gasps from the crowd. Drake quickly scoots back from the Russian leg sweep and targets one of Titus’ legs. He picks one and begins his handiwork. A single-leg Boston crab is locked on Titus’ right leg as Titus groans in pain.

Cohen: Smart move by Drake to target the same leg that put Titus out on the injury list in the first place.

The referee asks Titus if he wants to tap, but Titus shakes his head “no” and lifts his upper-body up with his palms. Drake is now finding it hard to keep the hold on as Titus grits his teeth and spins out of it! Drake quickly regains his footing and returns to his prey, but as he reaches down for a handful of hair he gets pulled into an armbar! The crowd is now buzzing as Titus locks in an armbar on the recent lottery winner! Drake refuses to be a victim and begins madly punching the rib cage of Titus with his free hand. However, the Oscar winner won’t budge! Drake knows he has to get innovative, so he does. He reaches behind Titus with his good arm and is able to pick Titus up while still being in the armbar. Drake lifts him two, no three, no four feet off the ground as Titus keeps wrenching the arm. However, Titus begins to panic as he looks down at the ring mat. He begins shaking his head "no." Drake groans as he falls forward with all his weight and drops Titus on his back hard! The impact causes Titus to release the hold, but it leaves Drake breathing heavily as he is hunched over Titus’ body. The camera shows Chris on the outside as he stares coldly into the ring. We return to the action and we see Drake slowly stand up while grabbing his arm in pain. He shakes it a little bit before returning to his opponent, who is slowly making his way up to his feet. Drake grabs the arm of Titus as he pushes him back-first towards some ropes. Once close enough, Drake pushes on the chest of Titus and rubber-bands him off the ropes. Drake gets into position to pick Titus up for a sidewalk slam, but Titus reverses it into a swinging neckbreaker! The crowd pops at the reversal, but get even more excited as Titus flips off of his back and onto his feet.

Copeland: Titus springs back to life as if the match just started! He is feeding off the crowd.

Copeland is right as Titus breathes in the air and closes his eyes as the crowd bubbles in excitement. He then opens his eyes and sees Drake sitting up while rubbing his neck. Titus comes up from behind and swings back his leg. He sends a crackling kick straight into the spine of Drake! We see Drake scream out in agony, but he has little time to wail. Titus already has him by the head and is lifting him up to his feet. Titus then abandons the head and grips the waist of his opponent. He lifts and roars as he executes a beautiful northern lights suplex on Drake! AND HE BRIDGES! The referee slides in for the count,


Drake slowly rolls away after the kickout toward a nearby corner. Titus claps his hands in frustration as he returns to his feet. Meanwhile, Chris still watches on the outside with a hand gripped firmly on his new gold. Titus approaches Drake and pulls him up into the corner that he rolled into. As he lifts him up, he sends a series of punches into the noggin of the former drunk. Titus now has Drake pushed up against the turnbuckle in a standing position. He takes a step back and then pivots before sending a nasty looking kesagiri chop into the neck of Callahan! The crowd gasps from the blow, but Titus just steps back and goes for another! It hits again as spit flies from Drake’s mouth. Titus wants one more as he steps back and goes for the trinity! Drake ducks under and out of the turnbuckle as Titus flings himself into it from the carried momentum. Titus quickly turns around, but he is met with a kick into the gut and a snap DDT out of nowhere! Drake makes the pin attempt as the referee slides in, but he stops before he begins the count. He sees that Titus’ foot is underneath the ropes. Drake shouts profanity at the referee as he proceeds to slide out of the ring underneath the bottom rope. He reaches in and pulls Titus’ head into hanging position over the outside apron. The referee in the ring is not amused and begins to count Drake out.


Drake takes a few steps back away from Titus as he catches his breath. He looks out at the crowd, but they just boo him in return.


Drake then returns his attention to Titus. He sizes up his opponent's head hanging over the apron and pounces forward. Drake sends a devastating big boot into the side of the head of Titus! The referee stops his count upon cringing over the maneuver. Titus is gripping his head on the ground within the ring as Drake just smiles on the outside. He then proceeds to crawl back into the ring and return to his feet.

Copeland: I’m surprised Titus’ head didn’t come off with that kick! Drake was swinging for the fences on that one.

Drake reaches down and slowly pulls Titus into a dazed standing position. Drake then reaches up and pulls Titus’ head into a tucked position under his arm.

Cohen: This is it! Drake is going for the end it here with some Faded Memory!

Drake looks out at the crowd as they become nervous. It still appears that Titus is in a dazed conscious. Drake grabs a handful of tights as he lifts the two-time champion for the end, but no! Titus jumps out of the move and tweaks something in Drake’s arm. Drake grabs it in pain, and his pain makes him unaware of Titus' position. Titus is standing right next to him and sends a stiff high-kick into the chest and arm of Drake. Drake bends over from the blow and Titus sees this as a prime opportunity. He quickly back-pedals into some ropes and bounces off of them to get some momentum. He leaps up to hit the Tit Drop on a hunched over Drake, but no! Another reversal as Drake steps back and escapes the maneuver. He is now behind Titus as he reaches for his arms and hooks them. Drake pulls back and hits a tiger suplex! Drake slowly crawls onto him for the cover,


Cohen: No!

Copeland: It wasn’t enough! I don’t know about you partner, but I am being reminded of the tussle these two experienced in the Hell in a Cell match at Unscripted 2012. These two men bounced off each other so well back then and I am not surprised by the display of athleticism we are seeing right now in this match.

Drake slowly climbs back up to his feet as he keeps an eye on the grounded Titus. As soon as he gets up into a standing position, he stomps down hard on the forehead of Titus. Titus eats it and rolls away in pain. Drake follows up by stomping once more. Titus continues to roll away as Drake just follows and stomps. Stomping him all the way up against some ropes. Titus reaches up for them and tries to pull himself away from Drake, but Drake just delivers kicks into the side of Titus. Titus eats them as the pulls himself up along the ropes and into a turnbuckle. Before Titus can catch his breath, Drake is sending a pair of boots into his chest via a dropkick! Titus bounces back into the corner and slumps down in it. Drake gets back to his feet as quickly as he can and reaches in for the arm of Titus. He pulls him out and whips him to the corner on the other side. Titus spins to allow his back to absorb the damage as he slams into the turnbuckle! The momentum sends him stumbling out of the corner and right into the hands of Drake for a sidewalk slam! Drake makes the cover,


Drake cannot believe it as he flares his nostrils and crawls up into a standing position. He gets into the referee's face and chastises him over his inability to officiate. The crowd does not approve of Drake’s actions.

Copeland: Referee Akiyama is getting an earful from Drake Callahan over the two count.

Cohen: Rightfully slow.

The referee doesn’t give Drake an inch and he finally abandons the argument, but not before shouting out a bit of profanity. He returns to the grounded Titus, but he finds himself being chop-blocked and falling to the mat hard! Titus quickly re-positions himself and grips the ankle of Callahan! The crowd suddenly turns ecstatic as Titus tries to keep hold of the lethal ankle lock! However, Drake is wiggling and not giving up so easy. He turns like a boat at sea, and he finally capsizes it! He rolls over on his back and pushes Titus back with his free foot. Titus is forced to release the hold and falls back into some nearby ropes. He bounces off of them and returns to Drake, who is trying to crawl up to his feet in the opposite direction. Titus takes advantage and hits a running bulldog!

Copeland: Drake’s reversal was for not!

Titus slowly gets back up to his feet, but Drake is also climbing to his own in a daze. Titus approaches him from behind and pulls back the hair of Callahan and grapples his head. Titus drops him down with a reverse DDT to the approval of the crowd. The camera shows a quick glimpse of the unimpressed Chris K.O. on the outside. The camera returns to the ring as Titus rises to his feet to a pop from the crowd. He raises his arms as he walks over to the closest turnbuckle and ascends it to the top.

Copeland: Drake Callahan is flat on his back and I think a Red Comet is entering the solar system!

Cohen: Get up Drake! Get up!

Titus is now standing on the top of the turnbuckle, but something catches his eye. It appears that Chris has seen enough and has hopped off the barricade. He proceeds to walk on the side of the ring on the outside with his belt on his shoulder. Titus watches him as he slowly walks past him, but Chris doesn’t even shoot him a glance. Titus continues watching as he starts hte climb up the entrance ramp, but this is his folly! Drake is up on his feet and lunges for the turnbuckle that Titus is on. Titus drops on his Oscars and Drake pauses for a moment to catch his breath. The crowd boos as the camera shows Chris stop midway up the ramp and look back over his shoulder.

Copeland: Titus was distracted!

Drake grips the head of Titus and grabs a handful of tights with his other hand. He pulls Titus up and off of the turnbuckle as he drops him with Faded Memory on his head! Drake doesn’t hesitate to make the cover,


The crowd retorts in boos as Drake grabs his arm in pain and rises to his feet. The referee tries to raise his arm in victory, but Drake will have none of it.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, Drake Callahan!

Cohen: In the end, the old dog just didn’t have it in him! Everyone was calling Drake a flake after his lost last week, but he bounces back with a huge win over Titus!

Copeland: If I were Titus, I would be furious with Chris K.O. right now. His little charade most likely cost him a huge return match.

Drake quickly exits the ring as the crowd boos and his music blares through the speakers within the arena. He meets Chris midway up the ramp and they share a small stare. Drake lifts his nose up at him as he walks past.

Chris watches as his former ally disappears through the gorilla position. He is still midway up the ramp as he slowly looks back over his shoulder and at the ring. Titus is in it and is trying to slowly return to his feet after the loss. Chris flares his nostrils as he turns and makes his way to the ring. The crowd is buzzing with boos as Chris slides into the ring with his belt. Titus is turned away from him as he makes it to a kneeling position. The crowd is desperately trying to warn Titus, but he can’t hear him.

Copeland: Come on, what is this?!

Chris is waiting behind Titus with his belt in-hand as Titus slowly stands in a daze. Titus turns around and the clock is punched as Chris drives the EurAsian Championship into the face of Titus! The crowd boos heavily. Chris quickly exits the ring and makes his way to the announcer’s booth. He grabs a microphone and returns to the ring.

Chris: You just don’t quit do you Titus?

The crowd boos as Chris stares at Titus on the ground.

Chris: You have the gall to return after months of absence, come out here with a microphone, and challenge me? No.

The crowd boos some more.

Chris: No, Titus. You do not get to challenge me. You already did that once, remember? And you failed!

The crowd is really fuming now.

Chris: I showed everyone the false hero you really were. You couldn’t beat me at All or Nothing so you took your ball and went home. So, no. No, you don’t get the privilege of challenging me to another match, because I’m going to challenge you to one.

The crowd doesn’t know how to react.

Chris: You see, a false hero is a bad thing, but a false hero that just won’t die is even worse. You’ve brainwashed these people into cheering your name and praising the ground you walk on, and it has turned your brain numb. You can’t comprehend what it means to admit that you are wrong. You can’t comprehend what it means to give up. Well, I’ll teach you.

The crowd boos.

Chris: At Kingdom Come I have a challenge for the “hero” of WZCW. There is only one way I want to defeat you once and for all Titus. I want to hear you say it. I want to you hear you scream in pain, “I QUIT!”

Copeland: Chris K.O. wants Titus in an I Quit Match at Kingdom Come!

Cohen: I love it!

Chris watches Titus slowly get up again once more in a daze.

Chris: And you will say it Titus. You will quit!

Chris drops his microphone and clocks Titus once more with the EurAsian Championship! The crowd fills the arena with boos as Chris stares coldly down at his grounded nemesis. Chris places the title on his shoulder as copyright information begins to show at the bottom of the screen.

Copeland: The challenge has been re-dealt by the self-proclaimed Savior of WZCW. He has upped the ante to an I Quit Match! How will Titus respond? Don’t forget to join us for Ascension folks as we see the Elite X Championship on the line and Celeste Crimson taking on “Showtime” David Cougar. Good night everybody!

The final shot we get is of Chris standing over Titus as the camera fades out.
Who Wrote What:

Harthan - Eurasian Title match + related ending
JGlass - Alhazred vs. Beard + related segments & the Altar segment
KJ - Strikeforce vs. Altar
Kermit - Holmes vs. Barbosa & Callahan vs. Titus + endings for both matches

And everything else you could think of and/or that hasn't been mentioned was completed by yours truly.


Thanks for the patience guys and I hope you enjoyed the show. Sorry for the tardiness but the show should make up for it. Ascension & Aftershock should be up on-time or slightly late (hopefully not a day late, that'd be awkward)
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