Meltdown 89

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Last Sunday, at Lethal Lottery…

Wars were declared…

Copeland: What the hell is going on? First D.C., and then Derek Jacobs? I don't understand!

The referee inside of the ring yells at the official working the door, but the official ensures the referee that the door was locked. The crowd is confused and booing. TSA, D.C., and Jacobs finally carry Mikey through the curtains at the top of the entrance stage.

Battles were won…

El Califa grabs his head and falls to one knee as Callahan stands up on both feet. El Califa goes one more time to pull himself up...


Glory was reclaimed…

Gent collapses face first into the mat before Saxton drops to his knees, rolls Gent over and makes the cover; 1...2...3!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and NEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS; ACTION SAXTON AND SABOTEUR!

And a new King was crowned…

Holmes stands proudly with the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship belt in one arm, and Celeste Crimson in the other as the crowd boos them mercilessly.

But a new challenger approaches…

Drake kicks desperately at the face of Rush, but Rush goes to release him, only for Drake to get his legs around Rush's neck and send him off the apron with his legs, clutching to the top rope as Rush crashes to the outside, Drake's feet mere inches from the ground!

Harrys: Rush has been eliminated, therefore your winner of the Lethal Lottery, Drake Callahan!

The road to Kingdom Come begins tonight, at WZCW Meltdown!


The opening pyro explodes as the Meltdown audience is roaring with excitement.

Copeland: Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to St. Paul, Minnesota for the 89th edition of WZCW’s flagship show, Meltdown! I’m Sebastian Copeland alongside wrestling legend Jack Cohen, and we are in for quite a show tonight in the wake of one of the most astonishing events in the history of this great company!

Cohen: I am in complete agreement with that, partner. Lethal Lottery was a total victory for WZCW. Steven Holmes is the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, and Drake Callahan will be challenging him for the belt at Kingdom Come. That’s a win-win situation for this company, either man would make a great champion.

Copeland: And let’s not forget the incredible returns of D.C., James Howard, Hunter Kravinoff, and even Ty Burna! Surely this new cast of characters will provide some new developments in WZCW.

Cohen: We’ll just have to wait and see what these men have planned.

Beethoven blasts over the arena’s PA system heralding the arrival of the new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. The St. Paul crowd is less than pleased to see Steven Holmes, but Holmes is not alone. He is carrying the lovely WZCW World Heavyweight Champion on his shoulder, and has the even lovelier Celeste Crimson wrapped around his arm, with brother Erik following close behind

The two walk arm in arm down the ramp, exchanging intimate looks all along the way. When they get to the ring, Holmes jogs up the steps and holds the middle and top ropes open for his lady, who gives him a kiss on the cheek before entering the ring. This only further agitates the crowd. Holmes gets into the ring, and is handed a microphone by Erik on the outside.

Holmes: Yes, yes, get it all out of your systems you peasants. Go ahead and boo me now.

The crowd obliges and continues to berate their new champion.

Holmes: You can boo me all you want, but the truth is that none of you can touch me. Yes, I’ve always been better than every single one of you in every conceivable way, but now I can show you all in a way that you’ll understand.

You see, after years of pursuit, I finally have in my possession what is mine by right of birth. It was not my destiny to win the WZCW Championship, but rather an inevitability created by my own excellence. I knew it was only a matter of time before I obtained the greatest prize in all of wrestling, and now that I have it, maybe you’ll finally accept the fact that I am indeed the greatest man on the face of the earth.

Steven Holmes hoists the belt high in the air as the crowd again boos him and his accomplishment. He pulls the belt down and once again speaks into the mic.

Holmes: But just as importantly, or perhaps even more importantly, I was rewarded again last night. While the WZCW Championship is a tangible reward for my greatness, I was also granted an intangible reward: the love of an amazing woman.

Celeste smiles and places her hands over her heart.

Holmes: It is no secret! Celeste and I are in love. That much should be obvious after our… passionate display in the ring at Lethal Lottery.

The crowd once again erupts into a chorus of boos as Celeste uses her hand to fan herself off, clearly remembering the kiss she and Holmes shared after the World Heavyweight Championship match.

Holmes: But many of you are probably wondering why. Why Celeste Crimson? Steven Holmes could have had any woman in the world, so why Celeste Crimson?

Well I’ll tell you why: It’s because Celeste Crimson is the only woman in the world who deserves to share in the spoils of elitism. She is the only woman that can handle the opulence and excess that comes with my status, and she does so with infallible grace, and incomparable power. She is the only woman that can tame the passions of a king and transform that raw power into an unstoppable force. She is the only woman that can handle my rage… my fury… my fire!

It is at this point Holmes grabs Celeste and the two engage in a passionate kiss, which once again evokes the ire of the audience.

Holmes and Celeste separate and look on to their unwelcome guest. The crowd actually pops a little at Drake’s arrival knowing that they will be spared from the love scene unfolding in the ring.

Drake walks out to the stage and hold up a brown paper bag before speaking into the mic.

Drake: Steven, do you know what this is? This… is a barf bag. I brought it out here because everything that’s going on in the ring right now… well, it’s disgusting.

The crowd laughs and cheers for Drake.

Drake: I’m not doing this for your approval you morons. You people are part the reason why I'm not champion right now. I’m doing this because Steven Holmes is holding onto something that belongs to me, and I’m not talking about that $5 ****e that you were just trying to eat.

Both Celeste and Holmes are enraged by this statement. Drake has also lost the crowd's support as they don't appreciate being called morons.

Holmes: How dare you! How dare you come out here and interrupt me! Who in the hell do you think you are?

Drake: I know who I am. I’m the guy that just won the Lethal Lottery, I'm the guy that sent Ty Burna back to wherever the hell he came from, and I’m the guy that’s going to beat you at Kingdom Come for that WZCW World Heavyweight Championship you’re holding onto for the time being.

Holmes: Oh is that so, Callahan? You may have won the right to face me at Kingdom Come, but you are nowhere near my level. I am a god here in WZCW. There isn't anyone on this roster worthy to face me inside the ring, let alone a cowardly, women beating, alcoholic, such as yourself.

The crowd begins to boo loudly, and Drake suddenly begins to show some anger.

Holmes: I'll tell you what though. If you really feel that way, why don’t you come down here and take this title from me.

The crowd begins to cheer at the challenge; the prospect of a World Title match is an exciting one. Drake begins to approach the ring, but then stops as Holmes' brother Erik straddles into the ring and stands beside Holmes with his arms crossed. Drake shakes his head no.

Callahan: Nice try Holmes, but I'm much smarter than Showtime. I'm not going to let myself get double or triple teamed, just to lay a punch on you.

Back in the ring, Celeste whispers something in Holmes’ ear, and he nods and hands her the mic.

Celeste: Not so fast, Drake. You may have won the Lethal Lottery, but you’re still not ready to face the embodiment of male perfection. Tonight I will show that when I pin you down inside the ring.

Drake: Celeste, please, not in front of your boyfriend. Can we save that for after the show?

The crowd again laughs and pops for the joke.

Celeste: Hiding behind humor. Typical. You’re proving yourself to be the coward I always thought you were, Drake. A small boy compared to my man over here.

The crowd predictably “Ohhhhs!” at the insult.

Drake nods his head a bit before responding.

Drake: Alright Celeste, no more jokes, no more games, and no more conspiracies. The only conspiracy left in WZCW is how you two ended up together, and I'm not interested in getting to the bottom of that trailer park trash. Celeste when I beat you tonight, your new beaux will know exactly how much danger he’s actually in.

Drake’s music goes on again as he walks backstage while Holmes and Celeste talk over the recent events back in the ring.

Copeland: Wow, what a confrontation here tonight to kick off Meltdown. Lethal Lottery winner Drake Callahan is set to take on WZCW great Celeste Crimson, and you know Holmes must have some sort of plan to make sure that this match goes his way.

Cohen: This one could go either way, Seabass. Drake Callahan has unmatched ruthlessness in the ring, but Celeste Crimson is one of the smartest fighters on the card, and she has another great mind in her corner. This should be a great match.

Copeland: Drake Callahan vs. Celeste Crimson is happening tonight! That match and more, only on WZCW Meltdown! Stick around!


Westhoff: And we do this because of the Almighty because he demands it of us. Do you understand now?

The camera pans from Westhoff to D.C., who coolly pops an earbud out of his ear.

D.C.: Hm? What were you saying?

Westhoff immediately scowls and growls at the newest member of The Sacrificial Altar.

Westhoff: Your incredulity will not protect you when your day of reckoning comes, D.C.!

It is at this point Grand Mystique walks behind the two men and separates them with his hands.

Grand Mystique: There is a clear misunderstanding between the two of you.

Westhoff: But…

Grand Mystique: He is not your enemy.

Westhoff goes to question him but GM turns and looks at Mason. He takes a couple of seconds to compose himself and nods to GM.

Westhoff: My apologies; these are not issues we should be wasting our time on, at least for now.

Grand Mystique: Very good, Brother Mason. You are proving yourself worthy to the Almighty as each day passes but now it is time for you D.C. to prove your worth.

D.C. nods at GM.

D.C: I'm ready.

Westhoff: Remember, Howard is coming back from a neck injury… show him no mercy, for the Almighty has none to give.

GM and Westhoff do not move as they watch D.C. leaving, heading for his upcoming match.
Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall!


A wall of smoke covers pours down over the entrance to the ramp, and from behind it emerges D.C., making his long awaited Meltdown return.

Harrys: Introducing first, from The City of Angels, weighing 220 pounds, "The Future" D.C.!

The crowd boos at the treacherous D.C., but he doesn’t seem to care. D.C. twists his shoulders around and points to the letters “DC” on the back of his shirt, cockily grinning as he does it, and then begins his walk down the ramp.

Copeland: Jack, did you know that the last time D.C. appeared on Meltdown was all the way back on Meltdown 14? Well now he’s making his Meltdown return 75 episodes later with nearly five years separating him from his last Saturday night match!

Cohen: And I’m sure that, just like a fine wine, D.C. has aged to perfection! Look at him! He’s lost all that goofy face paint, got himself some real wrestling gear, and has a new air of confidence about him. He’s never looked better!

D.C. is now in the ring and has made his way to a turnbuckle where is standing, cracking his signature cocky smile to the fans.


Howard calmly walks out on the ramp, hood drawn over his face, and the former MMA-star shows little emotion as he begins his trek towards the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Leeds, England, weighing 223 pounds, James Howard!

Howard continues walking down the ramp, cracking his knuckles as he goes, rolling his neck once.

Copeland: D.C.’s not the only wrestler making his return tonight, James Howard is also coming back after a long absence. The last time he appeared on WZCW programming was this past Unscripted where, after winning the tag team titles with partner Mikey Stormrage, he was viciously attacked by Grand Mystique and the New Church.

Cohen: And just like D.C. has aged like fine wine, James Howard has surely aged like a jar of mayonnaise sitting out in the sun.

Copeland: Now that’s not fair, Jack! The match hasn’t even started yet, and judging by Howard’s impassioned showing at Lethal Lottery I’d wager that he’s got a fire in his stomach and something to prove!

Howard is now on the middle turnbuckle where he is posing for the crowd’s approval, which they give him in the form of cheers. Howard steps down from the turnbuckle and goes to his corner. With both men in their corners, the ref calls for the bell and the match begins.

D.C. and Howard meet each other in the middle of the ring where they lock into a collar and elbow tie-up. Howard quickly gains the advantage and immediately puts D.C. into the Muay Thai clinch. Howard attempts to throw some knees to his opponent’s midsection, but D.C. wisely keeps his body as close to Howard’s as he can, preventing the world-class striker from landing any big shots. But Howard has a trick or two up his sleeve, and he pivots 45 degrees, pulling D.C. as he goes and opening up some space, allowing the former tag-team champ to land an impressive knee to D.C.’s midsection. Howard releases D.C. from the clinch and the WZCW veteran immediately puts a hand to his torso, grimacing in pain from the big knee.

Howard approaches his opponent again and looks to land some more strikes. D.C. covers his face and body as he tries to defend against the punches that Howard throws at him. Howard continues to unload on D.C., not doing any real damage but certainly wearing his opponent down both physically and psychologically, but soon finds that he has backed D.C. into a corner. The ref moves in and separates Howard from D.C., and Howard smiles as he backs away, which causes the WZCW faithful to cheer for the returning hero.

Copeland: Looks like Howard hasn’t exactly been rotting in the sun like you predicted, partner.

Cohen: Give it time, Sebastian. Howard may have the upper-hand now, but with a bum neck it’s only a matter of time before D.C. takes control.

D.C. takes a few seconds to regain his composure in the corner before he meets James Howard for another collar and elbow tie-up, with Howard once again gaining control. This time D.C. manages to push Howard off, sending him rebounding off the ropes, and slamming into D.C. with a shoulder block, sending D.C. to the mat. While D.C. quickly scrambles to his feet, James Howard decides to hit the ropes in hopes of connecting with another big move, but D.C. hits the deck and forces Howard to jump over him. Howard keeps running and rebounds off of the opposite ropes, but this time D.C. hurdles over Howard. Howard rebounds off the ropes once more, now coming at D.C. with the ferocity of a charging bull… but D.C. catches Howard and hits the spinning sitout spinebuster! He immediately rolls over onto Howard for a cover.



Kick out!

D.C. takes little time lamenting the near fall, quickly getting to his feet and swinging down elbows onto Howard’s prone body. Howard covers up in an attempt to block the attacks, but D.C. uses this as an advantage to lift Howard back to his feet and strike him with a hard European Uppercut. The strike sends Howard back a step and he drops to a knee. D.C. drops to both of his knees and hits Howard with a drop down throat thrust that knocks Howard to the mat, and D.C. makes another cover.



Kick out!

D.C. hops back up to his feet and drops an elbow on Howard, and again goes for the cover.



Kick out!

Again, D.C. pops up to his feet and stomps on Howard’s gut, which causes the Englishmen to sit up straight. D.C. bounces against the near ropes and violently slams his knee into Howard’s skull, sending him back to the mat. D.C. makes another cover.



Two and a half!

Kick out!

This time D.C. does not immediately mount an attack, but simply kneels next to Howard as his cocky smile once again graces the WZCW arena. The fans don’t appreciate the gesture and begin booing D.C.

Cohen: What did I tell you Sebass? It was only a matter of time before the new and improved D.C. put down this old dog. It’s only a matter of time before we chalk this one up as a victory for D.C. and his friends in The Sacrificial Altar.

Copeland: I wouldn’t be so sure, Jack. Howard might be down now, but he certainly isn’t out. This match isn’t over, and as long as his neck can hold out, I don’t see why Howard can’t win this one.

Cohen: That’s a big if, Copeland.

D.C. is back on his feet while Howard is still on the ground. D.C. cockily washes the bottom of his boot along Howard’s face, against drawing the ire of the crowd. D.C. raises his arms in the air, shrugging, before he takes a big deliberate step on Howard… but Howard isn’t as weak as D.C. though, and the wily striker reaches his arm up and rolls D.C. up for a pin!



Kick out!

D.C is stunned, but up on his feet. He charages at Howard but runs straight into a drop kick. Both men quickly get back to their feet, but Howard quickly gains the advantage as he grabs hold of D.C. and hits a snap suplex. D.C. grabs his back in pain as he gets to his knees, but he is soon met with educated kicks from Howard. The audience counts along with Howard’s kicks.

One! Two! Three! Four! Howard takes a break and pumps his fist in the air as the audience cheers… Five! The fifth kick sends D.C. crumbling to the mat. Howard scrambles on top of D.C. for a cover.



Two and a half!

Kick out!

Howard reaches his knees, but now he is the one that is smiling, and this time the audience roars in approval. Howard gets back to his feet and calls for D.C. to get up. D.C. slowly obliges, clumsily reaching a vertical base, but it is not long before he finds himself once again being manhandled by his opponent. Howard sticks D.C. in an inverted facelock… and hits the DDT! TKO! TKO! TKO! Howard makes the cover and the ref starts to count!




The match is over! The bell rings and the ref walks over to Howard.

Harrys: Your winner of the match, Jaaaaaames HOWWWWARRRRRD!

The whole arena is on their feet after seeing the successful Meltdown return of one of their favorite wrestlers. Howard stands in the ring with a modest, but noticable smile on his face as the ref raises his hand.

Copeland: Well Jack, anything you have to say for yourself?

Cohen: About a million things, partner. Slow counts, biased refereeing, blatant cheating… James Howard was clearly handed this match by the WZCW forces that be. I’m not saying I agree with everything The Sacrificial Altar does, but they certainly got the raw end of the deal during this bout.

Copeland: Well, I for one am impressed by Howard’s resiliency. Not many men can come back from a neck injury, and even fewer can come back and display such dominance. Howard certainly made a statement with this match tonight and put all of The Sacrificial Altar on notice!

Cohen: We’ll see who has the last laugh, Seabass. We’ll see…


Backstage we see Sam Smith putting stuff away in his locker. Ring gear ready an set for his match and a towel draped over his neck. As he closes it, he takes a bottle of water and removes the towel. He pours the water over himself probably to psych himself up for the match. He swings his head to shake off the water and dries up with the towel. His partner Rush walks in to check up on Smith. The two look at each other and nod signalling they're ready for their match. Smith hands Rush the towel and the two look on. Rush pulls out a lighter which he uses to set the towel on fire and promptly drops it to the ground with a face of disgust.

Rush: And just like that, this company will burn. No single thing related to WZCW will remain unburned. And from the ashes the true greats will emerge.

Smith: Like two phoenix', we'll come out of the ashes with new flames and a new cycle of wrestling will begin. One rules by us.

Smith and Rush walk off for their match as the towel on the floor continues to have a small flame burning. But after the two are gone an unknown boot steps on the flame. Extinguishing it.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a non-title match scheduled for one fall!

Harrys: Introducing first, from New York City, he is the self-proclaimed "New King of Mayhem," your reigning WZCW Mayhem Champion, Vega!!

The arena lights fade out as "Into" by The Xx begins to play. Once the drums begin to hit, a white light emerges from the stage floor and shines straight up into the air. Vega then walks out wearing a long black leather trench coat and stands directly within this white beam of light while holding his Mayhem Championship up in the air in with his right hand. He surveys the audience and absorbs the hatred with a sinister smile, knowing he's better than every single person in the arena. Alexis walks up behind Vega carrying a microphone in hand, taking him by the arm and giving him the microphone before slowly sauntering down the entrance ramp.

Copeland: Here we go again...

Cohen: Quiet Seabass, the "King of Mayhem" is about to speak.

Vega: As of the Lethal Lottery, I seem to be still holding onto this Mayhem championship where nobody has even come close to ripping this from my grasp. I've outlasted every single champion that preceded me without difficulty. Yet, the only challengers I receieve are a bunch of misfits with no real place in a wrestling ring while I'm stuck in this division that's very clearly past it's lifespan. No-one is a challenge to me yet no-one wants to allow me to move up the ladder, despite my showing of how dominant I am during the Lottery by eliminating the absent Eurasian Champion, Triple X. No matter as the office feels they are shaking things up by keeping my opponent a secret but let's be honest, what good would that do? Just who around here has been any more dominant than me? Let's just get this over with already.

Vega drops the mic and hands his championship over to Alexis before sliding into the ring to be met by referee Dillon Morse who checks on Vega. He insists he is clean as Morse checks, giving him the okay. As we wait for the mystery opponent, Vega goes up to Alexis and confidentially proclaims to not interfere as he takes off his trench coat.

Copeland: I wonder who it is?

Cohen: It doesn't matter. Unless it's the World Champion, no one could give Vega a challenge.

Cohen: WHAAAAAT!?!?!

Copeland: Holy cow!! There is one person who was as dominant as Vega! And that's the previous champion! The uncrowned Ace Stevens is back!!

Cohen: This is ridiculous! Just how many returns are we going to get here? Is Mohammed Hasheem going to come back too?

The crowd goes absolutely insane as Ace Stevens walks out of the curtain and soaks up the atmosphere.

“Welcome back! Welcome back!” chant the fans in the Xcel Energy Center.

Harrys: Introducing his opponent! From Brooklyn, New York, weighing 228lbs, Welcome back: AAAACEEEEEE STEEEEVEEENS!!

Ace heads to the ring saluting fans along the way as Vega looks on surprised by who is opponent is.

Copeland: This is huge! I can't believe he's back!

As soon as he enters the ring, Vega quickly goes on the attack with kicks on the grounded greaser. Giving him no time to even take off his jacket. Ace tries to fight his way up but Vega stays relentless. As soon as he reaches his feet though, he slips off a thumb straight into Vega's left eye. Dillon Morse scolds Ace but he replies that the bell has not rung.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Now it does and Ace takes the advantage by handing out his own assault on Vega. Huge fists pummel the champions head as the two fight on in the center of the ring. Vega does start to fight back though with powerful kicks to the leg of Stevens allowing the two to fight on equal ground now as the fistfight seems to rage on.

Cohen: This isn't a wrestling match. It looks more like a bar fight.

Copeland: They're Mayhem wrestlers after all, Jack.

Both continue to fight with stiff punches now as they travel over the entire ring trying to gain an advantage but neither man relents. Though Vega's more refined fighting skills allows him to finally corner Stevens by the far right ring post. Vega walks off a bit to catch his breath as Ace holds on to the ropes for leverage. The break doesn't last long though as Vega Clotheslines Ace sending the two over. Ace holds on to the ropes though as Vega falls to the ground. He gets right back up and grabs Ace's legs but he pulls Vega in before pushing him away to the barricade hard. Ace then makes his way to Alexis where he finds the Mayhem belt that was once his over her shoulder. She tells him to stay away but Ace takes the title anyway, pats her on the head and says "I'll be two seconds, love." He grabs it as Alexis shudders back and looks at it as Vega regains his composure, looking angry that he touched Alexis. Instantly, he pursues after Ace who slides into the ring. Ace drops the belt as he gets in the ring, whilst Vega slides into the ring. As soon as he gets to his feet, Ace surprises him with a Rolling Elbow Smash from nowhere! He goes for the pin as Dillon gets in position. He begins counting as Alexis gets on the apron but Morse ignores her!


Copeland: He got Vega from nowhere with that huge elbow!!!


Cohen: No way!!

Alexis looks to climb into the ring.


Three!!! Vega popped his shoulder but it was too late!!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Ace Steeeeveeeens!!!

Ace gets his hand raised as the crowd cheers on happily at the returning former champion as Vega and Alexis look shocked. He gets up and pulls Dillon away and argues that he got his shoulder up before 3, but it does no good. Alexis tries her best to argue but her discussion is getting nowhere either. Ace calls over Vega with a “Yo!” and as Vega turns to face him, Ace signals around his waist that he wants the Mayhem title back. Vega gets in the face of Ace and the two men have a staredown whilst exchanging words as the crowd gets excited for what is going to happen. However, before anything can happen, Alexis tugs on Vega's shoulder and pulls him back, telling him that Ace isn't worth. He listens and they exit the ring to boo's from the audience as Vega grabs his Mayhem championship.

Copeland: I don't believe it!! Ace Stevens returned from outta nowhere and managed to outsmart the champion! What an upset!

Cohen: This isn't fair. Vega didn't know who his opponent was. Not to mention Ace Stevens isn't even under WZCW contract as far as we know.

Copeland: Vega said he didn't care and since the Black Dragon incident, all wrestlers must have written contracts to wrestle and after that confrontation, I don't think this is the last we'll see of Ace Stevens and Vega facing off.

Ace stands in the ring still making motions around his waist as Vega walks up the ramp looking frustrated whilst being led by Alexis.


James Howard has made his way back to the locker room where he is sitting in his wrestling gear, still dripping with sweat. A crewmember hands him a bottle of sports drink for which Howard is thankful, and he takes a healthy glug. Stormrage walks into the scene, and the crowd can be heard cheering on camera.

Stormrage: Impressive match tonight. How’s that neck of yours?

Howard: Pretty good. I wouldn’t mind a massage, but pretty good.

Stormrage: Oh let me get that for you.

Stormrage gets behind Howard and begins to rub his shoulders, but Howard quickly shrugs him off.

Howard: I didn’t mean from you!

Stormrage quickly moves away from his partner with his hands in the air, The crowd can be hear laughing in the arena.

Howard: Look, my neck is just fine. Really, there’s nothing to worry about. The only thing you should be concerned with right now is your match with Chris K.O.

Stormrage: After what happened at Lethal Lottery, I could definitely let off some steam, and Chris K.O. might just be the guy I decide to unload on... but that's tomorrow. Right now, we've just got to watch our backs.

Stormage walks out of the scene as Howard wipes his head with a towel and takes another sip of his drink.


In another backstage area, we see D.C heading towards Mason Westhoff who is in his ring gear, ready for his next match. He doesn't appear to stop as he passes by D.C.

D.C: Hey! Where were you out there?

Westhoff continues walking as he responds.

Westhoff: You still need to pass the first test...
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one one fall!


Harrys: Introducing first, Chicago, Illinois, weighing 285 pounds, he is Dr. Pain: Derek Jacobs!

Derek walks out the curtain heavily motivated stretching his arms out. The response is mixed but some cheering can be found. He walks up to the ring and waits for his opponent.

Copeland: He's back and ready to make amends for what he did to Strikeforce. But his former partner disagrees.

Cohen: The Altar was right to throw him out. He's done nothing but show how weak he is.


Harrys: His opponent, from The Ashes of Bridge to Salvation Church in Texarkana, Arkansas, weighing 238 pounds, Mason Westhoff!

Mason heads to the ring with a spotlight shining on him and he begins walking toward the ring. He climbs in between the second and third ropes and gets on his knees with his arms stretched out in the center of the ring before removing the robe to prepare for the match. Derek watches on as referee James Aubrey keeps the two separated.

*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell rings and the two men meet in the center facing off. They begin to argue presumably over the debacle at Lethal Lottery but it's quickly cut short by a slap from Westhoff to his former tag team partner.

Mason: “You're weak!”

Yells out Mason to the surprised Derek. Derek huffs loudly but there's still no offense he instead points at Mason in an instigating manner. Perhaps making one last effort to convince his former partner that he's wrong. But Westhoff retaliates with a second slap across the face.

Mason: “Weakling. That's why your friend died. You lack faith”.

Derek instantly bursts out in a fit of rage and hammers on Mason hard. Lefts, rights and eventually kicks too once Mason is driven to one knee. Derek assertive with his strength, grabs Mason by the neck and flings him off into the far left corner of the ring. It's followed up by a hard Running Splash in the corner. As Mason bounces off from the impact, Derek, still on the offensive, lifts the preacher by the hip and delivers a powerful Sidewalk Slam and finishes the sequence with the first cover of the match.

Kick out!

Referee James Aubrey signals the timekeeper with a “2” as Jacobs gets right back up.

Copeland: Derek has his former tag team partner on the ropes. Westhoff can't fight off his former partner's strength.

Cohen: Yeah, but what Derek has in brute strength he's missing in faith and talent. Watch it. That's going to bite him later on.

Jacobs helps get Mason back up by pulling on his hair. He then whips Westhoff from the far left corner of the ring to the right side near the entrance ramp. He sets up for a second Running Splash but Mason gets out of the way leading Jacobs hitting nothing but the corner. Giving Westhoff a clear hammer shot to the back of Derek's head. He follows it up by climbing up to the second rope quickly and leaps off. Hitting an Axe Handle that knocks the former New Church member to the canvas. Mason walks observantly around the fallen Jacobs and measures him before Leg Dropping him. Mason gets up and follows up with a second one. He gets up a third time, but this time follows up by running the ropes and hitting Jacobs with a Running Back Splash. Something that normally follows a top rope Clothesline, Westhoff covers immediately.

Th-Shoulder up!

Derek raises his shoulder with authority just before Aubrey's hand could come down for 3. Mason quickly gets to his feet as does Jacobs. But Mason begins to panic and tries to talk down his former partner. After a bit of inaudible talking, Derek actually calms down and Westhoff extends his hand for a seeming hand shake.

Cohen: Look at that. Brother Mason is so charismatic, he still can calm Jacobs down.

“No! No! No! No!” Chants the crowd as Derek contemplates the move. But he eventually obliges and shakes Westhoff's hand. Westhoff seeks ecstatic shaking hands uncontrollably, but eventually it seems Jacobs forces Westhoff to stop. Mason tries to move his hand but Derek's grip is too tight. Mason tries frantically to shake himself loose but can't. Derek eventually simply bench presses the 240 pounder over his head and takes a few steps showing his strength before Slamming him down hard. Mason reacts in total agony screaming out loud and cringing on his back.

Copeland: And that's why they call him Dr. Pain. Pure, raw power from the returning Jacobs. He may have it here.

Jacobs grabs the sitting Westhoff and pulls him down to the mat for an emphatic cover.


James Aubrey once again signals “2” as Derek begins to show bit of frustration in his face. He stands his adversary up and bounces his off the ropes. He lifts up his foot for a Big Boot but Mason manages to slide under. He then headlocks the big man and turns away from James Aubrey to make sure he can't see Derek getting his eyes raked. Mason then chop blocks Jacobs for good measure before stopping to soak up the atmosphere.

“Westhoff sucks! Westhoff sucks!” chants the crowd as Derek tries to shake off the damage. Aubrey checks up on him but seems totally oblivious to what happened. Eventually Mason goes back on the offensive. Shoving Aubrey off to the side to get to Derek and then tucks his head under the big mans legs to hit a hard Alabama Slam.

Copeland: An impactful Alabama Slam by the man from Arkansas and born in Missouri.

Cohen: Keep the geography lessons to yourself Seabass. Brother Mason has the so-called mercenary down.

The impactful move leaves Jacobs flat on the mat dead center of the ring giving Mason free to roam about for a bit before kneeling by the right corner far from the entrance ramp. He measures up Jacobs for a Divine Intervention as Jacobs staggers back up. As the pieces fall into place Mason prepares to run full speed. But just about to be hit, Derek quickly counters. Booting Mason right in the skull and knocking him down and giving Derek breathing room to recover. After catching his breath he gets Mason and lifts him on his shoulder. Carrying him to the left corner near the entrance ramp before dumping him for Snake Eyes and quickly Clotheslines Mason down.

“Derek Jacobs! Derek Jacobs!” A small chant can be heard. But loud enough for Jacobs to hear it. He reciprocates it and begins to play to the crowd. Signaling that the end is near. Mason staggers up a bit but as he tries to stand, Derek gutwrenches him and lifts him in a crucifix. Before he can hit The Revelation though, Mason thumbs Derek right in the eye. Making Jacobs drop him.

Cohen: Hah! Jacobs, weak of faith as usual, played to the crowd and payed for it.

Aubrey intervenes and admonishes Westhoff for the illegal tactic but he ignores him and shoves Aubrey off. Allowing Mason for a split second to sneak in a low blow on the blinded Jacobs. Aubrey is quick to come around but by then, Westhoff grabs Jacobs and sets him up and delivers the Wrath Of The Almighty! Mason quickly follows up with the cover.


Harrys: Here is your winner, Mason Westhoff!

James Aubrey lifts Mason's hand signaling his victory but Mason brushes him off. Going right back on the assault on Jacobs. Pummeling him to the ground with punches, kicks, knees and stomps on the far right corner. Eventually D.C. appears from the crowd and joins in on the beating. Grand Mystique appears as well but he stays behind to watch the dirty work of his henchmen.

Copeland: Dammit, stop this! The match is over! Westhoff won. There's no need for this!

Cohen: They're letting Jacobs know that he's nothing without The Almighty.

Not that it lasts long though as familiar music begins to play.

The reunited Strikeforce charge the ring forcing D.C. And Westhoff to back off. Jacobs, though dazed, tries to head off by the side of Strikeforce who stand looking firmly at the members of the Altar. Mystique gets on the apron and whispers instructions to his men who then laugh and walk off. Taunting Strikeforce as they exit. Jacobs finally gets a hold of himself and stands back up by the side of Strikeforce embracing their seeming assistance. But both Howard and Stormrage then turn their heads towards Jacobs giving him dead serious glances.

Copeland: Looks like the boys are still reluctant about Derek Jacobs' apparent change of heart. Not that I blame them, though.

Cohen: Hm. I'd watch it if I were them. Jacobs has done nothing but show what a turncoat he can be. He might turn on them too.


We see Barbosa & SHIT backstage, walking together as they head for the ring. Barbosa looks to his left whilst walking and does a double take, looking around the area for something as SHIT stops and turns around.

Barbosa: Did you see that?

SHIT does not answer the question as Barbosa continues to look.

Barbosa: I swear I saw someone... it looked like Hunter!

Barbosa gets really excited, becoming into his maniac personality.

SHIT: Scanning area... scanning... scanning.

Barbosa waits in glee as SHIT scans.

SHIT: Scan complete - no other life forms detected.

Barbosa: Are you sure?

SHIT: SHIT is mechanically-gifted. SHIT knows all!

And with that, Barbosa looks dejected and begins walking past SHIT, who soon follows. As the camera pans out, we can see a set of eyes pop out from behind a few boxes before disappearing.
Harrys: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd cheers as Barbosa and S.H.I.T. walk out onto the stage. The two men scan around the arena and then make their way down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 467 lbs, Barbosa and S.H.I.T!

Barbosa slides into the ring while S.H.I.T. walks up the stairs and straddles through the ropes. Barbosa raises his arm for a high five and S.H.I.T. replicates Barbosa's movement. The two stand there waiting for someone to move their arm first, as S.H.I.T. is unsure what his partner is doing, before Barbosa completes the high five.


The crowd boos loudly as Rush and Smith walk onto the stage. They pay no attention to the audience as they both march down to the ring.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 557 lbs, Sam Smith and Rush!

Copeland: Since Kingdom Come last year these four individuals have had phenomenal runs as singles competitors and as tag teams. This match has main event PPV caliber written all over it.

Cohen: You can quote me on this one Seabass. Within the next year at least one of these four men will be World Champion.

Copeland: Bold prediction, but you’re probably correct there Jack. Does that prediction include Scale Humanoid Industrial Technology?

Cohen: I hold firm in my belief that The Mechanical Man is whacked in the head, but so is his partner Barbosa, and he is a former World Champion. S.H.I.T. is poised for a huge breakout this year.

All four wrestlers stand ready as the bell rings. Barbosa and Rush both go to stand on the apron as Sam Smith and S.H.I.T. will start the match. Sam Smith bounces around the ring as S.H.I.T. marches slowly towards him. S.H.I.T. goes to grab his opponent, but Smith side steps him. He delivers a forearm to the back of S.H.I.T. which has minimal effect. S.H.I.T. turns around and Smith strikes S.H.I.T. twice in the face, also to almost no effect. S.H.I.T. grabs Smith and forces him backwards towards the ropes. S.H.I.T. Irish Whips his opponent across the ring. Smith bounces back and ducks a clothesline by S.H.I.T. He rebounds back off the ropes and dodges a second clothesline. Smith bounces off the ropes for a third time and S.H.I.T. lifts him off the ground and delivers a thunderous Spinebuster. The crowd pops loudly as S.H.I.T. lifts Smith to his feet, and they cheer even louder as Barbosa calls for a tag. Smith slips free from S.H.I.T.’s grip and tags in his partner. Rush straddles over the top rope and stares at S.H.I.T. Barbosa calls for the tag again and S.H.I.T. ignores his partner and stands face to face with Rush. The crowd is popping in huge anticipation for this clash. Rush looks down at his boxed shape opponent and grabs him by the throat. He is about to go for a two handed Chockslam when S.H.I.T. grabs Rush’s hands. Finding strength within, S.H.I.T. slowly breaks Rush’s grip and pulls his hands apart. S.H.I.T. then grabs Rush and lifts him off the mat.

Copeland: Can you believe what we are seeing Jack? S.H.I.T. has lifted Rush off the mat.

The crowd cheers loudly as S.H.I.T. holds Rush in the air, about to drop him with a Bodyslam. Suddenly S.H.I.T. loses balance and falls backwards, Rush landing on top into a cover. 1... 2 S.H.I.T. kicks out!

Cohen: And that Seabass, is what’s holding S.H.I.T. back. He thinks he’s a machine that can lift a car. Trouble is that he’s not a machine, and Rush is not a lightweight.

Rush stands up and picks S.H.I.T. up and Bodyslams it to the mat. He repeats the move twice, the last one drawing a look of concern from Barbosa. Rush adjusts his tights and takes a moment to look at Barbosa. Rush raises his arm and goes to drop an elbow, S.H.I.T. dodges it just in time as Rush hits the mat. Rush and S.H.I.T. slowly get to their feet and S.H.I.T. bounces off the ropes. S.H.I.T. hits Rush with a clothesline, but the big man stays on his feet. S.H.I.T. tries another clothesline and gets the same result. S.H.I.T. goes for a third clothesline and is met with a Big Boot from Rush. S.H.I.T. drops to the mat and Rush tags in Smith. Smith gets into the ring and lets S.H.I.T. get up to his knees before driving a Roundhouse kick into S.H.I.T.’s chest. Smith repeats the kick several times, wearing away at his opponent. S.H.I.T.’s arms drop and Smith prepares for one last kick at the head this time. Smith swings his leg and S.H.I.T. brings its arm up, catching the leg. S.H.I.T. wastes no time and quickly transitions into a Dragon Screw. Smith rolls on the mat holding his leg as S.H.I.T. slowly crawls towards his corner.

Copeland: This may be the opening Technosa needs to get back into this contest. Barbosa is a fresh man waiting to be unleashed.

S.H.I.T. is crawling towards the corner and reaches out towards his partner. Smith gets back up and grabs S.H.I.T. by the head and delivers a huge DDT. S.H.I.T. rolls over and Smith goes for the cover. 1... 2... S.H.I.T. kicks out as Barbosa is about to run in and break up the count. The ref stops him and orders him back to the corner as Rush enters the ring and helps Smith drag S.H.I.T. back to the corner. They begin to double team stomp him until the ref turns around. Smith tags out and Rush continues to attack the boxed shape wrestler. Rush lifts S.H.I.T. up to its feet and grabs him around the waist, locking in a Bear Hug. Rush lifts S.H.I.T. off the mat as the Bear Hug slowly begins to break in his boxed shaped exterior.

Cohen: Rush is crushing S.H.I.T. like a small bug. Perhaps this will be the last we see of the ‘robot’ as he’ll most likely need major repairs.

Cohen may not be far off as S.H.I.T. looks limp in Rush’s arms. The ref raises S.H.I.T.’s arm and it drops like a rock. He does this a second time with similar results. The crowd and Barbosa are encouraging S.H.I.T. to fight out of this as the ref raises the arm on more time. It begins to drop, but then springs straight up into the air. S.H.I.T. lowers its head to look at Rush face to face and then delivers a Piston Chop straight to the head. Rush drops S.H.I.T. and then falls backwards like a chopped tree to the mat. Both wrestlers lie down on the mat as their respective partners reach out to be tagged in.

Copeland: Whoever gets to their corner first may win this match. It’s become a race to victory.

Rush does not have far to go and once he comes to he reaches out and tags in Smith. Smith straddles through the ropes and runs towards S.H.I.T. to stop him. S.H.I.T. is crawling to his corner and tags in Barbosa just in time. Smith breaks to a halt as Barbosa enters the ring and goes for a punch. Barbosa blocks the punch and strikes back. He continues to connect punches as he backs Smith against the ropes, and then he Irish Whips him towards the ropes. Smith hits the ropes and Barbosa runs right by him and also bounces off the ropes. Smith turns around at centre and Barbosa hits a running Kitchen Sink. Smith flips over onto the mat, but gets back to his feet. Smith goes for another punch, this time Barbosa ducks the blow and lifts Smith off the ground. Inverted Atomic Drop! Smith bounces on the mat as Barbosa quickly follows with an STO. He then goes for the cover. 1... 2.... Rush jumps in and breaks up the pin attempt. Rush turns around as goes to leave the ring. As he straddles over the top rope, Barbosa comes from behind and lifts his other leg over the ropes, dumping Rush to the floor on the outside.

Copeland: Barbosa takes Rush out of the picture. This could be his chance to put the match away.

Barbosa takes a few seconds to stare at Rush on the outside. Barbosa turns back towards Smith who is on his feet. Smith connects with a solid Roundhouse Kick to the head. The blow dazes Barbosa who falls back into the ropes and bounces off them, stumbling forward. Smith bends down and lifts Barbosa onto his shoulders, the momentum of Barbosa causes Smith to stumble with him. Barbosa’s arms swings out as they come to a stop, connecting with something as Smith lifts him off his shoulders and delivers a knee to the face.

Cohen: Nightfall! This match is over. Pin him!

Smith goes for the pin, but the ref does not count it. Smith sits up on his knees and yells at the ref why he is not counting. The ref tells him why and points behind him. Smith turns and sees S.H.I.T. standing over him. S.H.I.T. grabs the arm of Smith as he tries to run away and forcefully pushes him down to the mat and goes for the Industrial Strength Vice! Smith struggles to break free, but S.H.I.T. has the move locked in. Smith tries to crawl towards the ropes, but is not getting very far.

Copeland: Smith is trapped. Technosa are going to win this match.

Smith is indeed not able to get to the ropes on his own as he continues to struggle free. S.H.I.T. refuses to let go until they are suddenly interrupted.

The Elite X Champion John Constantine walks onto the stage and stares down towards the ring. S.H.I.T. releases the hold and stands up staring back at Constantine.

Copeland: What is John Constantine doing out here?

Cohen: Scouting for competition? He is the Elite X Champion if you haven’t figured that one out yet.

Constantine does not approach the ring and S.H.I.T. turns his attention back to Smith, only he no longer find Smith inside the ring. Standing in the ring now is Hunter Kravinoff. The Ugandan warrior smiles and then delivers a devastating Muay Thai Flying Knee to the head of S.H.I.T. who drops to the mat. Kravinoff stands over S.H.I.T. as Barbosa enters the ring and tries to talk to him. Kravinoff ignores Barbosa and lifts S.H.I.T. to its feet. Barbosa pleads for Kravinoff to stop and he finally turns to look at his old friend. Without warning, Kravinoff performs the Ugandan Death Knell on S.H.I.T. Barbosa pulls on his hair and screams “NO!” as Kravinoff continues to apply the submission. Barbosa does not strike Kravinoff, but forcefully pulls his arm away from his tag team partner. Kravinoff rolls outside the ring as Barbosa bends down to check on S.H.I.T. and then looks back at Kravinoff. Hunter walks towards the ramp where Constantine is there to meet him, clapping his hands with delight. Barbosa’s face goes through a range of emotions, from hurt, to scared, to confused and finally some anger. The two men make their exit as Barbosa tries to help S.H.I.T. stand up.

Copeland: Natural Selection have ruined what may have been a decisive victory for Technosa and a shot at the tag team titles. Why on earth did they come out here?

Cohen: Don’t you get it Seabass. John Constantine was behind The Empire trying to blow up Technosa and now he’s found someone who can actually help him do it.

Copeland: That appears to be the case as Barbosa was frozen inside the ring, not sure whether to help his partner or his former friend. Right now, Natural Selection looks unstoppable.


Backstage we see Big Dave walking around with a cup of coffee. He heads down the hallway fast and somewhat upbeat as he enjoys the coffee. But as he's about to get back to his office someone bumps into him. Making him spill his coffee all over the person by accident.

???: Ouch! Ouch! It burns!

Eventually the face of the person is seen.

Big Dave:
Oh! I'm sorry about that. Are you alright, Bob?

Bob: Yes, yes. I'm alright Mr. Dave. I'll just wipe it off.

Big Dave: Good man.

Dave walks off with an amused smile into his office. Not that it lasts long though as he spots two familiar faces in his office.

Dave: What the hell do you two want?

It's revealed the two in the office are the World Heavyweight Champion, Steven Holmes and his beloved Celeste. Erik stands by a corner with his arms crossed.

We won't be long old friend. We're just here to admire the rather well done show you've put on. All of these returning stars, all of these feuds going on. You set the show up quite nicely.

Big Dave:
What's your point?

There's someone missing.

Where's the champion who's supposed to be exclusive to this show? We don't see him anywhere on the card.

Big Dave:
Why is that any of your business? You already beat him.

I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, Dave. I'm superior. Of course it's not my business. It's hers.

I want a shot at Triple X's title. He failed to beat my love. Now he's going to fail to beat me too.

And I'm willing to pay you for it.

Big Dave:
No dice.

Fine. Be an idiot and pass up on a large bonus. But when I beat the Lethal Lottery winner shortly, you'll have no choice but to give me that shot.

Big Dave:
We'll see.

Indeed we will.

Holmes and company walk out as Big Dave looks on seriously. He crushes the empty cup of coffee in anger. As they walk out, Celeste gives Holmes a kiss before seductively walking away to get ready for her match as he watches on. He goes to turn around and bumps into none other than Matt Tastic.

Holmes: Look at this brother; yet another individual who was supposed to be at Meltdown today. What ever happened to your big return?

Without skipping a beat, Tastic smiles and responds:

Tastic: The company wanted to give you at least one day of glory before the Super Saiyan of professional wrestling returns and gives you the biggest kickassery of your life! Enjoy your night, Holmes.

With that, Tastic enters the office of Big Dave, leaving Steven Holmes looking annoyed as he storms off with his brother.
Rush is leaning on a large crate backstage when his friend and tag team partner, Sam Smith, approaches him.

Rush: That was a close call out there tonight.

Smith: Yeah, got lucky. Sometimes that’s just the way it goes, right?

Rush: Sometimes… but you and I both know that Hunter Kravinoff and John Constantine aren’t hanging around waiting to bail us out whenever we’re in trouble. They have their own agenda, we have ours.

Smith: S.H.I.T. and Barbosa got the drop on me tonight, I admit it, but we had that match won until that sneaky robot tagged itself in without me noticing. That type of thing won’t happen next time we wrestle them.

Rush: We’re not going to wrestle those clowns again. Tell me, Sam, how do you kill a snake?

Smith: Cut off the head?

Rush: And who is the head of the freak show known as the tag team division?

Sam Smith smirks and nods as his partner. Rush puts his massive hand around the back of Smith’s neck and playfully pushes his friend away, grinning with confidence.


Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next bout is your main event, and it is set for one fall.

The crowd falls silent in anticipation for the entrance of the two gladiators ready to lock horns in what is set to be a vicious and violent contest. Then, they begin to boo just as they did before for the music of one of WZCW’s veterans:


Harrys: Introducing first, from Petersburg, Russia, weighing 165 pounds, Celeste Crimson!

A spotlight falls on Celeste who walks to the ring, ignoring the people in the audience who boo her so passionately. In contrast she is incredibly dead-pan, if not highly focused. She is in the ring almost immediately, acknowledging the crowd at all.

Copeland: A highly focused Celeste Crimson enters the ring all by herself Jack. Is that unusual?

Cohen: Not at all. Celeste wants to go out there and show that she is Holmes’ sword of justice and this match offers her a prime opportunity to do just that.

Bouncing in the middle of the ring, Crimson turns to face the entrance way, awating her adversary. As her theme music dies down, the booing increases. It seems to have no effect as Jun Akiyama, the match official looks out with an impressed expression as a result of the crowd response. Then its all eye on the entrance as a new theme bursts over the speakers:


Similar in it’s appearance, the spotlight entrance re-occurs as Drake Callahan insists the spotlight returns to him. He motions that it belong to him before pointing to the massive Kingdom Come V logo hanging in the arena. He grins madly, soaking upm the largely negative response he face.

Harrys: And her opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds, he is the winner of the 2013 Lethal Lottery, Drake Callahan!

Confident about his chances, Drake makes his way to ring and offers almost the exact opposite response to Celeste. He engages, if not outright enrages the crowd through a variety of insults and acts of mockery such as feigning a high-five attempt with a young child.

Copeland: Drake appears to be on an all-time high here tonight, despite his earlier run-in with the Holmes faction. What’s up with this overly positive response on his end?

Cohen: He’s still riding high from his win in arguably the biggest match of the year thus far and tonight he gets to send a major message of intent to Holmes via a victory here.

Sliding into the ring, Drake poses in grand fashion before blowing Celeste a kiss and smirking. As his music fades, the two combatants come to meet each other in the centre of the ring. The bell rings to signal the start of the contest. Celeste immediately takes up a grappling position, but Drake offers his hand, extending it for a shake. Celeste grins and shakes her head, not wishing to fall for Drake’s deceptions. Drake grins and moves his arm upwards, looking for a test of strength instead. Celeste too extends a hand, taking Callahan up on his offer. They lock right hands and then the lefts follow and almost immediately Crimson takes control. Foreseeing such an occurrence, Drake swiftly kicks out Celeste’s knee and she drops down. Mockingly, Callahan shoves his crotch in her general direction, thrusting it. Celeste loses balance in a bid to avoid Callahan’s nether-regions. Drake chuckles, pleased with his actions, while Celeste scowls. She turns a shade similar to her namesake.

Copeland: What a disgusting move from Drake Callahan.

Cohen: Every move Drake takes here could have repercussions on the road to Kingdom Come. He better be wary.

Copeland: Nevermind the road to KC Jack, I think repercussions are about to be felt now.

Climbing to her feet, Celeste wallops Drake with a vicious slap that staggers the former Heavyweight Champion, so much so he collapses into the turnbuckle post. Screaming at Callahan, the submission queen makes sure her point has gotten across to Drake.

Cohen: Looks like you were right Seabass.

But he doesn’t take it lying down and in fact, in a move only Drake Callahan would use, he backhands Celeste right across the face in response. He smirks, a trickle of blood slithering its way past his goatee. He wipes it away as Crimson shakes the cobwebs from her head. Drake creeps up behind Celeste and seeks to drive her forward with a forward Russian leg sweep, but she hooks the ropes with her left arm. Callahan tries to repeat the move, but the Russian mistress is unrelenting and in fact escapes his clutches with a swift judo throw. Backing away, Celeste hopes to catch her breath, but Drake is straight to his feet and races towards her, flinging a massive boot her way. Crimson though is skilled at submissions, lest we forget, and latches onto Drake’s foot and starts to twist, seeking an ankle lock. The look on Drake’s fist contorts into disturbed anguish as he hops towards the ropes, grabbing the top one before forcing the woman off his boot. Celeste charges in and this time is met with a stiff kick to the face from Drake who falls atop her: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Arrogance exudes from Callahan’s pours as he mounts Celeste and pins her arms with his knees. He mocks Celeste, feigning concern for her before smashing her with a straight-closed fist. He follows up with a second and third before repeating over and over until Akiyama tells him to get off. Drake plays off the referee’s instructions before leaping to his feet, placing both his boots into Celeste’s mid-section. She grabs it in pain before, without missing a beat, Drake flops himself backwards with a standing shooting star press. He hooks her leg for a pin; 1...2...KICK-OUT!

Rising to his feet, Drake parades around the ring demanding Celeste Crimson get to her feet. The submission mistress is trying, but remains in a good amount of pain. Growing tired of waiting, Drake moves in for the kill instead, but gets caught off guard; Celeste was bluffing. She grabs his midsection and pulls him in for a belly-to-belly suplex. Rolling through to almost meet Drake as he hits the mat, Celeste is primed to follow-up. She, looking to one-up Drake attempts and delivers a standing moonsault to great effect. She covers him, smothering Drake at the same time; 1...2...KICK-OUT! Gasping for air, Drake tries to create some separation between himself and Crimson, crawling away, but Celeste refuses to allow him to leave and grabs at Drake’s ankle once more, trying to lock the Divine Intervention in. Drake has sufficiently crawled to the ropes and rolls through, forcing Celeste’s skull off the top turnbuckle. Drake backs away, having fallen pray to her playing possum once. Then he climbs to his feet. Back in control, the familiar smirk of Drake Callahan re-emerges to a loud, mixed reception. He raises one arm, in part to draw hatred, in part to signal for the set up for his finishing manoeuvre and in part to guarantee a reaction. Pulling Celeste into a front facelock, Drake lifts her arm over, preparing to nail her with his trademark brainbuster finish; Faded Memory! Then as the crowd’s reaction turns, with those who were cheering start booing and those who were booing start cheering, Drake turns to the entrance ramp to investigate what draws the audience’s attention away from him; The Holmes’!

Copeland: Looks like Celeste’s saving grace is here.

Cohen: I think you’ll find that he’s her knight in shining armour and your God quite frankly...which I suppose makes him Poseidon based on your aquatic nickname.

As we puzzle over this, Erik Holmes moves swiftly towards the ringside area, but Drake’s attention is drawn to his prime adversary and opponent for Kingdom Come; Steven Holmes, the World Heavyweight Champion. He now has the belt draped over his shoulder, something which Drake focuses on. His eyes narrow and his previous grin turns to a scowl. He points at the belt and mimics wearing the title, but that all comes to an end as Celeste grabs at Drake’s legs and forces him forward, trying to apply something! She clobbers Drake with a variety of forearms until he stops trying to swivel and defend himself from his back. The queen of WZCW is speedy in locking in her next submission hold, but it is one that she has become more familiar with in recent weeks no doubt; the camel clutch, know to Steven Holmes as Aristocracy Reigns! The submission draws a wide smile on the face of Steven who offers a thumbs up and applauds his woman, delighted by this newest twist to the in-ring tale. Erik’s suggestion for Drake is to submit, something which the referee takes exception to and threatens to have Erik removed as he has done in the past. Steven puts his hand on his brother’s shoulder and pulls him away, noting they are best to not be removed. Celeste bites her bottom lip as she pulls on Drake, withholding oxygen from his lungs. She nods, feeling Callahan fading. She demands the referee ask him if he’s out. Akiyama responds by looking at Drake who appears groggy and limp. He lifts his arm once, before it falls, indicating a one count to Celeste and the audience.

Copeland: Two more and it’s all over for Drake here tonight.

Akiyama repeats the process, the arm falls a second time, Drake’s eyes appear glazed from what we can see and the Holmes’ frantically applaud this display of submission brilliance from Ms. Crimson.

Cohen: If I were a betting man I’d say Drake is out of it.

Trying for a third fall, Akiyama raises the arm before dropping it sharply, but mere inches before it falls a suitable amount, Drake stops. It isn’t a massively defiant halt but it will do the business for the official and he signals no to Celeste whose expression does not change. The veteran remains determined to choke the ever loving daylights out of Drake no matter what it takes.

Cohen: Looks like I’d have lost a fair bit of cash on that. Lucky I’m not a betting man, eh?

Copeland: Maybe, but I wouldn’t say Drake is out of the woods yet. Not by a long shot.

Erik Holmes appears a little more frantic and Steven’s expression has dropped once more into a grim glare. Celeste is still grimacing, the blood vessels in her own face ready to pop. Drake tries so desperately to reach the ropes and can touch them, but not quite seize them. He appears to be fading again for a final time and Celeste nods madly, demanding he give in, but finally he grabs a fist-full of ring-rope. Celeste bears teeth as Erik kicks the ring steps. Holmes remains creepily cool the entire time, but to say he appears unmoved would be an understatement.

Copeland: The Holmes camp is furious, but Callahan is into the ropes and some form of safety for the time being at least.

Despite the conspiracy theorist holding the ropes, Celeste still has until a five count for which to break the hold and Akiyama has only reached two. As the ref reaches four, Celeste releases the hold and walks away to let off some steam. She looks at her partners in crime and the World Champion raises his head slightly, perhaps sneering at Celeste’s failure to finish Drake there. She appears ever so slightly wounded by the look before anger appears to consume her. She speeds towards Drake in a typically uncharacteristic move before Drake, using instinct, catches her with an inside cradle! 1...2...KICK-OUT! Celeste pops out and cracks a vile headbutt off the head of Callahan. He falls and she calms and collects herself. Celeste realises what a foolish move that was and decides her best method is to return to her submission glory. Dropping and elbow into the collarbone region of Drake, Celeste seeks to finish the battle and grabs both of Drake’s arms, trying to lock in the crucifix choke now known as Sea of Aristocracy! Drake’s eyes bug open as he becomes fully aware of what is coming and again he rolls into an awkward pinning predicament for Celeste to escape from; 1...2...KICK-OUT! Callahan though refuses to allow Celeste to escape and rises to his feet, her body still clinging to him in a valiant attempt to lock the submission in. Drake drops backward and executes an unfamiliar Samoan drop! His body is propped on top of Celeste’s and he has another cover; 1...2...KICK-OUT! Pushing herself up, Celeste tries to be to her feet before Drake, but the Cleveland native is up first. He smashes a snap DDT off and both competitors are down.

The crowd in St. Pauls start banging their feet and jumping up and down in appreciation of this hard-fought battle and in a bid to get the two rather disliked competitors to resume their otherwise popular contest. Steven Holmes is still unmoved by the experience despite a capacity crowd filled with his so called “subjects” cheering for its continuation. Erik meanwhile stalks the ringside like a caged creature. Finally it appears that Drake is getting to his feet circa the five count and the arena rises with him. Celeste too though is climbing around about seven and before too long both competitors rise to meet one another in the centre. To his feet first, the ever cocky Drake Callahan taunts Celeste before she is fully on her two legs with a crotch chop. This finally draws a response from Steven Holmes who points and no doubt swears at Drake. Erik is to the apron and the official quickly tries to have him step down. Drake chuckles, but the distraction allows Steven to slip the Heavyweight Championship into the ring in a bid to repeat antics from Lethal Lottery. Wile and experienced though, Drake stops the belt with his boot before it can fully slide over to Celeste.

Copeland: I don’t think Drake was going to fall for the same trick his arch-nemesis fell for at Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: That would be far too embarrassing for Drake to take.

Rather than use it as a weapon, he instead chooses to use it to mock the Holmes’ further, hoisting it above his head and chuckling. This further draws Holmes’ ire, Erik retaining Akiyama’s attention. Drake holds the belt as a trophy already won, but the match is far from over in its own right as Callahan soon finds out as the pain in his groin increases exponentially! A low-blow from Celeste followed by a school-boy! Erik releases Akiyama in time for the pin as Steven grabs the belt before it falls to the mat outside the ring. 1...2...3! Celeste releases the pin and swiftly rolls out of the ring to stand beside her partner.

Harrys: Here is your winner; CELESTE CRIMSON!

With announcement bursting through the arena, the crowd boos at what feels like a robbed finish to an otherwise entertaining contest. As the immediate fall-out occurs, Steven Holmes offers a thumbs up to his brother, signalling something it would seem.

Copeland: Look at that thumbs up, Holmes acknowledging his brothers role to play in this contest.

Cohen: Didn’t Roman emperors do that before...

Jack Cohen has figured out what is to come as Steven Holmes turns the fist down, signalling for some more destruction. Sure enough, Erik slides into the ring and blasts a crouched Drake in the face with his massive shoe. He goes to town with a variety of stomps and kicks as Akiyama attempts to stop Erik from further assaulting Drake, the massive man-mountain swiftly turns and strikes some fear into the veteran official who backs away as Celeste and Holmes enter the ring. Celeste nods at Erik to cease, something he acknowledges before Celeste stands over Drake and re-applies the camel clutch once more. Drake is helpless to the sharks and Holmes crotches down, showing the World Heavyweight Championship off before mockingly shoving it in Callahan’s face. He doesn’t touch the Lethal lottery winner once as he suggests that’s enough, Celeste releasing the hold. He takes her hand and accompanies her over the fallen Drake Callahan before Holmes pulls her closer and once more they engage in a passionate kiss. The audience despises this and they let the Holmes contingent know it.

Copeland: Disgusting...

Cohen: Delightful...

Copeland: Well, whatever your take this was Meltdown 89, I am Sebastian Copeland, he’s Jack Cohen, I’ll see you next time, he’ll see you tomorrow and no doubt we’ll see them on Ascension too. Good night folks.

With the sense of disgust in Copeland’s voice we take in our final shots of the fallen Drake Callahan, the smirking Erik Holmes and the embrace of World Heavyweight Champion Steven Holmes and a victorious Celeste Crimson. We fade out with WZCW logo embedded on-screen.
Who Wrote What:

FalK - Segments & Show Edits
FunKay - Celeste/Callahan & Ending
Killjoy - Jacobs/Westhoff, Vega/??? & Segments
JGlass - Opening, Howard/DC & Segments
Showtime - Opening & Rush/Smith vs. Technosa

Hope you enjoyed the first of three!
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