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Meltdown 72

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management


The crowd begins booing immediately as the lights go out and the flashing static lights begin going off around the arena. Soon the lights come back up as Ty Burna stands in the ring alone, the crowd's booing heightening to a deafening pitch. Ty gazes out at the crowd, his hands behind his back. He looks towards the entrance ramp briefly before bringing a mic forward and begins speaking.

Ty: It seems the three others involved in the main event of Meltdown last week are confused about their direction at Kingdom Come. On one hand Showtime Cougar kept up his end of the bargain with helping me gain victory in the match last week. I offered him a World Title shot and he met all the requisites I put in place. On the other hand Barbosa also did exactly as I directed him to do, with the promise of a World Title shot after Kingdom Come as well. So in the process, I have two people I have guaranteed an opportunity to dethrone me after Kingdom Come, yet I can only give one of them the opportunity. What is a general manager to do?

Ty lowers the mic and feigns looking contemplative as he lowers his head, resting it lightly on his fist before looking back up, a wicked smirk on his face.

Ty: I almost forgot our esteemed Eurasian champion, the man who has made it a mission to rid the world of me, yet at every opportunity he ends up getting his teeth kicked down his throat, if he has any behind that mask. It seems he does not have an opponent for Kingdom Come either. And rather then allow Bateman's collection of relics and has beens gain another ally, I believe I have a solution to all this. A solution of course revolving around a triple threat match between the three. Ah but a twist will be added of course. Regardless of the outcome of the Eurasian Title match tonight between Black Dragon and Barbosa, the triple threat match will be for the number one contendership for the World Title after Kingdom Come!

The crowd buzzes, a bit confused on what is going on. Ty cackles madly to himself before continuing.

Ty: That is all you get to know for now. There is something I have saved for that match, but I will let them contemplate on the opportunity I have provided until next week. You will all find out soon enough, I can promise you that.

The crowd pops at the announcement of the triple threat, the crowd whipping into a frenzy as Ty watches them intently. He allows them to settle for a few moments before finishing.

Ty: Don't say I never did anything for anyone.

The lights suddenly go out, and after a few moments the lights come back up, the ring completely empty.

Copeland: An exciting new match has been added to Kingdom Come by the Meltdown Generla Manager Ty Burna! But is he being pulled in too many directions? Tonight he and his protege Chris K.O. square off with the WZCW World Heayvweight Champion Steven Kurtesy, and the leader of Team WZCW Celeste Crimson!

Cohen: Team WZCW needs a victory badly tonight. The Apostles have been on a roll and have all the momentum.

Copeland: That's later tonight in our main event, but coming up first, we have the veteran Phoenix taking on the rookie Johnny Scumm!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The fans usher a very slight pop, before it is raised considerably as the Sex Pistols hit the arena.


Harrys: Introducing first, from Manchester, England, weighing 223 pounds; JOHNNY SCUMM!

Scumm enters to a fairly good reaction, though there is without a doubt some jeers, he is fairly loved.

Copeland: Not sure I understand this reaction from this crowd, but I think it’s fairly safe to say Johnny Scumm is winning himself some fans.

Cohen: Not sure he wants them though Seabass.

Cohen is referring to the fact that Scumm refuses to acknowledge the fan support, nor embrace it. In fact he seems to want to shrug it off as some attempt to touch him he very audibly tells them to stop doing so. As he enters the ring, a more mixed reception is felt as it’s the Beginning of the End of the Beginning.


Harrys: And his opponent, from Kobe, Japan, weighing 223 pounds; PHOENIX!

Copeland: Two somewhat similar competitors with similar agendas; to make an impact.

Cohen: You say that, but Phoenix should well and truly hold the advantage. Steven Holmes annihilated Scumm last week and Phoenix is in general the superior athlete.

Copeland: We’ll see Jack.

“The Eternal One” is entering the arena at a very deliberate, slow pace. This only serves to irk a fairly fired up Scumm who charges straight at Phoenix. The lights life from the entrance as Scumm throws a fist right into the painted face of Phoenix. This draws a cheer from the audience as the brawl is on! Both men throw ferocious fists at one another, looking to gain some opening through the brutal street fight like battle. The brawl gets no nearer the ring as Scumm manages to rattle more than one punch in a row, and even mixes it up with a knee to the gut. He hooks Phoenix for a suplex on the steel ramp, but the former Tag Team Champion counters, landing on his feet before moving forward a bit. As Scumm turns around, he eats a spinning heel kick from the veteran. The audience is eating this up as the official attempts to drag the competitors back to the ring. Phoenix, irked by the attempt to assault him early however is having none of it, delivering a high knee right to the nose of Scumm. A trickle of crimson dribbles its way from Scumm’s nose, possibly signifying a breakage. As Phoenix signals for his finishing manoeuvre Rebirth, Scumm notes the blood, drawing some sick inspiration from it. He charges right at the unaware Phoenix with a swift spear takedown.

Unleashing a number of punches, Scumm is all over Phoenix, but he may well be wasting a lot of energy as few of the punches are truly connecting thanks to a combination of rage and solid defensive work on Phoenix’s part. Phoenix launches a very stiff knee into Scumm’s ribs, winding the former Mayhem contender. Rolling off of Phoenix, Scumm clutches his wounded ribs in perfect position for the step-up enziguri. The fans can sense it, but rather than go for the direct, obvious option, Phoenix instead opts to merely boot Scumm right across the temple. He’s very obvious pissed. His kicks are hard, fast and furious. Much like Scumm’s punches, they are wild, not truly finding anywhere specific. However, in contrast the previously mentioned punches, the one absorbing the blows cannot defend himself anywhere near as well. The violent set of kicks and stomps is concluded with a sickening stomp right on top of Scumm’s skull. The fans are fairly disturbed by this situation to say the least and it would seem that Scumm may well and truly be done here. The referee demands Phoenix back off, something he does, not in respect, but because he wishes to observe the pain he has caused. A loud set of boos reigns down.

Copeland: Phoenix just executed one the most disturbing shots to a skull I have seen. That stomp may have caused a concussion or possibly even worse.

Cohen: See why it’s probably not a good idea to jump Phoenix before a match?

The referee checks to see if Scumm is responsive after the sinister shot. At first he sees very little, but quickly, Scumm begins to move, including grabbing the referee’s shirt. He pulls the official in towards him demanding to let him wrestle the match in very loud, gruff language. Phoenix shrugs his shoulders, but the referee again holds him off, telling him not to take a step closer as he wants to further examine Scumm, but he is already to his feet. Swiftly, he shoves the referee out of the way and throws a very sloppy, sluggish punch in Phoenix’s general direction. So poor is the punch that Phoenix merely steps back and avoids it. But Scumm throws another, and another, each time getting a little better and a little closer. The crowd is cheering Scumm on, the match still not officially underway, and a punch practically grazes Phoenix’s cheek, dragging some of his face paint off to one side. Having had enough, Phoenix thrusts his fingers right into Scumm’s throat, delivers a snapmare and whacks him as hard as humanly possible across the back of the head with a kick. Scumm is surely out for the count now. The referee again wants to check on Scumm, but Phoenix refuses this time, wanting to add further humiliation to his opponent by defeating him inside the ring. Due to the repeated attempts to land a punch on Phoenix, Scumm and his foe are now ringside once more, allowing Phoenix to attempt to drag his corpse into the ring.

Cohen: Well, Scumm showed some spirit and learned a valuable lesson. Not a total loss!

Copeland: The match hasn’t even begun Jack, let alone finish, though I think it may only be a formality.

Having finally gotten the 223 pounds of Scumm’s mass in a position from which he can roll his body into the ring, Phoenix does so, forcing every inch of Scumm’s being into the ring. The former Second Coming member follows his opponent into the ring, finally followed by the referee who calls for the bell to start the match officially. Phoenix cackles manically and ascends the turnbuckle, looking to deliver Final Flight perhaps. He takes a deep breath and implodes his 450 Splash with perfection, just a shame about where he’s landing!

Cohen: WHAT?!?!?

Copeland: Oh my goodness! What a counter from Scumm!

The crowd erupts in delight as Johnny Scumm is up, like a lightning bolt to execute his finishing move, the Facebreaker, at just the right moment as Phoenix looks to come down right on top of Scumm. He hooks both of the former Gold Rush tournament finalists’ legs and the referee counts the pin. 1...2...3!


Scumm rolls off of Phoenix quickly and is out of the ring nearly as fast, the referee again following. He raises Scumm’s arm as he Johnny holds his head with his spare arm. Phoenix isn’t down from the count for long as mere seconds after the pin he is sitting upright in total disbelief.

Cohen: That...that...that crafty bastard.

Copeland: What a surprise from Johnny Scumm. He has upset Phoenix and in quite a shocking fashion as well.

Now to his feet, Scumm looks dazed as he raises both his arms in the air in victory. Phoenix is, of course, far less happy and repeatedly strikes the mat in frustration exceedingly annoyed about being caught like that.
We go backstage where Mick Overlast and Blade are standing near the Gorilla position. Blade has a cigarette lit and is inhaling as Mick Overlast finishes prepping his ring gear. Overlast looks towards Blade, a look of confusion on his face.

Overlast: So you're really leaving? What about the Sons of Destiny?

Blade: I am Mick, I haven't been at my best as of late and I don't feel like I should be in WZCW if that is the case.

Overlast: Juts like that the Sons are no more? What am I supposed to do?

With his free hand Blade pats him on the back and takes a few steps behind him. He stops and takes another drag from his cigarette before responding.

Blade: You're the future of this company Mick. You don't need my help anymore, go out there and prove it. I'll always be watching.

With that Blade walks away, taking one last drag as Overlast suddenly becomes very focused as he walks up behind the entrance curtain as we go to commercial.
The following match is scheduled for one fall.


Already in the ring from Brooklyn, New York, Ace Stevens!

“This guy is talent, absolute money in this kid Seabass.”

“You kidding me right? He’s an ass!”

And his opponent, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he weighs 235 lbs, Mick Overlast!

“Let me guess, you like Overlast too?”

“Err, of course! He’s had the chance to learn from Blade. He’s gonna be awesome too!”

“If Blade allows him to survive that is.”

Overlast storms down to the ring. He hesitates slightly before getting in the ring. Stevens saunters over, Overlast climbs through the ropes and kicks Stevens in the gut as he enters the ring and then whips him quickly across the ring. Stevens comes back and slides underneath Overlast’s leg as he goes for a running boot. Stevens then tries to lift Overlast but he gets elbowed in the head for his efforts. Overlast then plants him with a smooth reverse DDT.

“Overlast is so smooth in between the ropes. A real skill that you can’t teach.”

“I’m sure Blade has tried to pass on the same advice that Hammond got, in the hope that Overlast may pay attention. Blade is 0 and 1 for rookies.”

Stevens tries to roll away but Overlast grabs him by the scruff of the hair. Overlast whips him into the corner, much harder this time and Stevens holds his back as he stumbles out. Overlast then sends him head first into the opposing turnbuckle. Overlast takes a big step forward as Stevens is struggling.

“I think Overlast is definitely smelling blood here Seabass.”

“I agree there. That’s a Blade trait if ever I saw it.”

Overlast lifts him up, Overlasting Impression! Overlast drops him emphatically! He hooks the leg, 1....2...3!

"Overlasting Impression, middle of the ring, this is done!"

Your winner by pinfall, Mick Overlast!!

“An ever so convincing performance by Overlast. Stevens had nothing to combat him.”

“Where does this leave both men in the build up to the big pay per view?”

“Well Mick wants gold and on this performance he deserves a shot. Who would bet against him having a breakthrough performance at Kingdom Come like his mentor did last year?
We cut backstage where Celeste Crimson is sitting in her locker room, her cell phone held up to her ear as she seems to be in a deep conversation.

Celeste: I know it's been a long time, look would you at least consider what I'm offering here?

She goes quiet as the person on the other side of the phone responds back to her. She rubs her temples as she listens intently.

Celeste: Just consider it, I'll be waiting for your response.............Alright, take care.

Just then the WZCW World Champion Steven Kurtesy walks into the locker room, the World Title draped over his shoulder. Celeste turns the phone's screen off as she sighs deeply before realizing Kurtesy is there.

Celeste: Steven.

Kurtesy: Ms. Crimson. I apologize if I interrupted your call.

Celeste: Not at all, are you prepared for our match tonight?

Kurtesy: I am always prepared Celeste, though what is our strategy tonight?

Celeste sits up for a moment before standing and facing the World Champion.

Celeste: I feel we can still connect with Chris, he's not a lost soul Steven. We have to save him from Ty's Chaos.

Steven: You know he was the one that led the Apostle's charge in beating down Titus, and the man who pinned me last week. He's been towing the Apostle's line quite well I'd say.

Celeste shakes her head, placing her hands on her hips.

Celeste: Even so, you can see it in his eyes Steven. You're the professor, just watch tonight. Chris will come through for us. I promise you.

Celeste walks away and out of the locker room as Kurtesy watches quietly, a quizzical look forming on his face.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW EurAsian Championship!

Harrys: Introducing first, your special guest referee for this match, “Showtime” David Cougar!

The arena plunges into darkness as one spotlight begins to emerge. After a second, Showtime arrives on the stage. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as he hesitates for a moment. He allows a slight grin to form on his face as he slowly begins to move down the ramp. Some of the braver kids throw their hands out for him to touch but Showtime is too focussed on what is going to come in the next match to notice. He arrives at the ring and slowly climbs the steps with purpose. Upon entering the ring, he throws his arms up into the air before checking the ring for inconsistencies.

Copeland: And here is the wildcard aspect of this match, no doubt about it. Barbosa and Black Dragon have a storied history with Showtime and tonight, Showtime will decide who is going to walk away with the EurAsian Championship.

Cohen: Listen, Seabass, David Cougar is a stand up guy. He'll call this one right down the middle.

Copeland: That remains to be seen. What I do know is that Showtime holds all the cards heading into this match. Let's see how the hands are looking after.

Harrys: And now introducing, the challenger, weighing in at 237 pounds, he is the Ultimate Inmate... Barbosa!

Barbosa appears on the stage as everyone wonders what sort of character they are going to witness tonight. To some surprise, he looks up for the match. He immediately begins stomping towards the ring with purpose. The crowd don't know what to make of Barbosa as he slides under the ropes and gets in Showtime's face. With a sneer, Barbosa heads towards the corner of the ring and mounts the turnbuckle, looking deep into the crowd. The look on his face tells a story of hunger as he drops back down to the canvas and looks in the direction of the special guest referee.

Cohen: Barbosa looks hungry tonight.

Copeland: Perhaps that is a sign of things to come. Black Dragon has been an exceptional EurAsian Champion. However, there are very few people who can stand up to Barbosa when all of his minds are set to the one goal.

Cohen: You said it. I see a fire in his eyes, Seabass. Dragon's days as Champion are numbered.

Soul Of The Shadow hits the arena as Black Dragon makes his way out to the stage.

Harrys: And now introducing, your WZCW EurAsian Champion, weighing in at 180 pounds, from Blue Diamond, Nevada... Black Dragon!

There is loud ovation for the EurAsian Champion as he stands with a cigarette clasped on one hand. With the other, he holds the EurAsian Championship. He looks down at his gold before rallying himself and tossing away his cigarette. He steadily makes his way down to the ring, a sombre environment fills the arena. Dragon stops as he reaches the ring before looking at Barbosa. Barbosa stares back as their eyes meet before their encounter. Showtime stands in the corner, vigilant to anything that might happen. After a second, Dragon climbs the steps and into the ring. He hands his belt off to Showtime to holds it aloft as both Dragon and Barbosa size each other up one last time.

Copeland: Dragon looks focussed and content. But I can only imagine the thoughts that are racing through his mind at this point in time. Make no mistake, he loves being the EurAsian Champion. But with Showtime as the referee and a very focussed Barbosa to contend with, Dragon might be second guessing his confidence.

Cohen: Those factors only mean something if Dragon allows it to mean something. If he wrestles the match at his own pace, then things will come together. And Showtime? He's a non-issue.

Copeland: I did manage to catch up with David Cougar earlier today, folks. He told me that this match is going to be called down the line. Whether you can take him at his word is up to you. But let's get this one on the road.

Showtime hands the belt off to someone at ringside and signals for the bell. For a second, neither of the two competitors move. They look deep into each other's eyes, trying to get the upper hand from the outset. Showtime claps his hands together in an attempt to begin the match but neither man wants to move first. This is a test of fortitude and one that neither wrestler wants to lose. After a moment, both men begin to circle as the crowd comes alive. They sense the tension in the air as the first lock up arrives. Both men struggle to take advantage at this early opening and eventually break the tie-up. The crowd, again, come alive as both men look at each other, very much the equal of their opponent at this point. Once more, both men come in for a lock up but an opportunistic Barbosa lands a heavy knee to the gut of the Champion. Dragon folds over as Barbosa lands a clubbing blow to the back of Dragon's neck. Dragon hits the canvas for the first time in the match as Barbosa is quick to take advantage, landing heavy blow after heavy blow to the back and neck of his opponent. Dragon struggles to find any sort of escape but eventually manages to grab hold of the ropes. Showtime immediately arrives on the scene to warm Barbosa, who is continuing the assault. Showtime pleads with Barbosa to stop but his words fall on deaf ears as Barbosa continues the savage beat down. Showtime begins his count and at 4, Barbosa gets to his feet. A look of sheer evil crosses the features of the challenger as Showtime gives him the first warning of the match.

Copeland: Barbosa has started this match with fire in his eyes. He needs to be aware of his emotions.

Cohen: Barbosa is a true wrestler, Seabass. He knows what he is doing in there.

Copeland: He seems different tonight, Jack. Dangerous almost.

Barbosa smiles as Dragon gets to his feet. Barbosa immediately ushers Showtime out of the way and makes his way towards the Champion. From nowhere, Dragon lands an explosive arm drag that sends Barbosa crashing out of the ring and onto the floor below the ring. Showtime shakes his head for a moment as Dragon quickly rolls out of the ring and begins his assault on the challenger who, so viciously, beat him down only moments ago. Showtime begins his count as Dragon picks up Barbosa who is clutching his back. Dragon wraps the right arm of Barbosa around his neck and then rams the challenger into the side of the ring. The apron that is spread on the ring doesn't Barbosa no favours as it offers little protection against the heavy shot to the small of his back. A scream of agony shoots around the arena as Barbosa falls to the floor once more. The fans begin to cheer as Showtime reaches a count of 4. Dragon, noticing the count, picks up his opponent and slides him back under the bottom rope. After a moment, Dragon slides in and covers his opponent. Showtime gets down to count the fall but Barbosa immediately kicks out with ease.

Copeland: A very competitive match thus far as both men strive to take advantage of the other.

Dragon gets to his feet and is quickly joined by Barbosa. Dragon looks to press home his advantage with a stiff shot to the mouth of his opponent. The fans cheer loudly as the punch connects with the jaw of Barbosa. Blood begins to pour from the lips of Barbosa. Dragon quickly lands another shot to the mouth of his opponent and looks to land a lariat to the throat of the challenger. Barbosa, with no time to spare, manages to duck under the flailing arm of the Champion and, as Dragon's momentum carries him round, Barbosa nails him with an atomic drop before dropping him to the canvas with a swinging neckbreaker. Barbosa gets to his feet before wiping some of the blood from his mouth. The taste of his life blood on his lips brings a smile to the deranged features of the challenger. He looks down at Dragon on the canvas before locking in a front chinlock. Dragon struggles against the submission hold but cannot escape it. Barbosa smiles wickedly as he applies more pressure to the hold that he has on Dragon. Showtime drops to his knees and quickly asks Dragon if he wants to give up. Dragon says nothing but there is fight left in him as he makes another attempt to reach the ropes. The crowd assist him with their frantic cheering. With a burst of energy, Dragon manages to reach the ropes and the hold should be broken.

Copeland: We could have seen the end of the match right there, Jack.

Cohen: I know how much that hold hurts, Seabass. Make no mistake, it's not a picnic. Your back feels as though it is being ripped apart.

Copeland: And it is only intensified if your opponent refuses to break it when he should.

Again, Barbosa fails to release the hold. Showtime immediately yells at him to break the submission but a crazy look has infiltrated the eyes of the challenger. Showtime begins his count but nothing is registering the crazed Barbosa. Showtime abandons his count before pulling Barbosa from his opponent. The crowd cheer as Showtime manages to pull Barbosa into the middle of the ring before launching a verbal assault at him.

Cougar: When I say you break the hold, you break the damn hold!

Barbosa doesn't reply but there seems to be sense in his eyes once more as he looks deep into the eyes of the guest referee. Barbosa, realising that he has the upper hand in the match, launches himself past Cougar and pulls Dragon into the middle of the ring. He goes to pick up the crowd favourite but Dragon is quick to take advantage of the break he was given as he rolls Barbosa up with a pin out of nowhere. Showtime immediately counts the fall but Barbosa manages to roll a shoulder out as Cougar's hand nears the canvas for the three. Dragon gets to his feet and is quickly joined by Barbosa. There is a look of sheer fury and shock in the eyes of the dangerous challenger. He runs at Dragon, looking to capitalise on the weakened state of the Champion. However, his emotions seem to have gotten the better of him as Dragon takes him off of his feet with a snap suplex. The crowd's spirits are lifted as Dragon manages to get the upper hand. Quick to press home his advantage, Dragon gets to his feet and stalks his challenger. The crowd hush as the winded Barbosa rises to his feet. He turns to the Champion but is once again taken down with a roundhouse kick that sends the flowing blood from Barbosa's mouth all over the canvas. Dragon quickly covers Barbosa. 1.. 2... Barbosa rolls a shoulder out just in time!

Cohen: Damn close!

Copeland: Dragon is beginning to take advantage of this increasingly crazy match. Something which, in the long run, should benefit Barbosa more than anyone.

Cohen: You definitely don't want to allow Barbosa to take you into his crazy world, that's for sure. That's something you might never come back from.

The crowd are fully engrossed in this match as Dragon struggles to believe what he just saw. Dragon gets to his feet and looks to put this match to bed. The crowd sense that the end is near and begin to chant with excitement. The bloodied Barbosa begins to get to his feet as Dragon stalk him from behind. Dragon looks as though he is going to try for the Darkness Falls but Barbosa has Dragon well scouted and pulls Showtime into the path of the oncoming Dragon as Barbosa gets to his feet. Dragon stops just in time as Showtime is thrown into his path. Both Showtime and Dragon have a moment of looking at each other before Barbosa blind-sides the Champion with a running knee strike that takes the Champion to the canvas. Barbosa launches another attack on the Champion, unleashing heavy shots to him on the canvas again. Barbosa stands to the boos of the crowd. He looks out into the eyes of the fans as he begins to taunt his opponent. Dragon attempts to get to his feet but Barbosa is quick to reclaim his advantage by landing a heavy DDT to this Champion. Barbosa refuses to let go of Dragon and hoists him to his feet once more... Duplicity! The crowd fear for the Champion as Barbosa still refuses to let go of his hold and hoists Dragon to his feet one more time... Multiplicity! Dragon quickly rolls Dragon over and covers him. Showtime is immediately on the canvas as he begins his count. 1... 2..... Dragon manages to get a shoulder up!

Copeland: I've never seen anything like this match. There is something extra going on here. There is a chaos circulating in this arena. The fans don't know what is going to happen next.

Cohen: I'll tell you what's going to happen next, Seabass, Barbosa is going to become the new EurAsian Champion.

Barbosa is furious as both he and Showtime get to their feet. Barbosa back Showtime up a little as he rushes at him with a demented look in his eyes. He knows how close he just came to becoming the new EurAsian Champion. Showtime shows no signs of backing down to, the clearly insane, Barbosa as he Showtime takes a tongue-lashing of his own.

Barbosa: You know that was a slow count!
No! Dragon was not beaten enough... He's trying to screw us out of the shiny thing!

A look of bewilderment and shock crosses the face of Showtime as the many personalities of Barbosa begin to argue with themselves in front of the referee. The debate rages on inside of the challenger as he brings both of his hands to his head. He lets out a scream of agony as the voices in his head begin to overwhelm the challenger. Meanwhile, Dragon has managed to get to his feet. Showtime leans in to check if Barbosa is able to go on as Dragon attempts a dropkick that is intended for the challenger. Barbosa squirms in pain and inadvertently dodges the move of the Champion. Dragon catches Showtime with a heavy dropkick that sends him outside of the ring backwards. The crowd takes a collective sharp intake of breath as Showtime lands on his head at ringside. Barbosa comes to and, as Dragon rises, catches him with the Doppelgänger! Barbosa rolls the Champion over as the crowd scream at the ring. He covers Dragon and waits for a pin that will never come. Some of the crowd begin to chant the pin audibly but this is no help to Barbosa, who is looking around for the referee.

Cohen: Unbelievable! Absolutely unreal!

Copeland: Dragon sent Showtime to the floor only seconds ago and now Barbosa is paying the penalty for that. This match should be as good as over right now.

Cohen: We should have a new champion, damn it!

Barbosa gets to his feet and looks around the ring, finally finding Showtime on the outside. Showtime is beginning to stir but his natural recovery is interrupted by Barbosa as he picks Cougar up and rolls him under the bottom rope and into the ring. Showtime struggles to regain his faculties as Barbosa quickly covers the Champion once more. The crowd cannot believe what they are seeing as Showtime crawls towards the pin. There is almost silence in the air as Showtime gets into position. 1... Showtime struggles to raise his hand again... 2... Showtime's hand is coming down once again... Dragon kicks out!

Copeland: Oh my God! I've never seen anything like this in my life. Both men have given it everything tonight!

The crowd explode once again as they see life in the Champion yet. Barbosa cannot believe what has just transpired and puts his head in his hands and begins rocking back and forth in the middle of the ring. Dragon and Showtime begin to stir around him as another crazed look emerges on the face of the challenger. He smiles wickedly once again and rolls outside of the ring. He barges the timekeeper out of the way before grabbing the EurAsian Championship. He rolls back into the ring and begins to stalk Dragon once again. Showtime is still groggy but is slowly rising to his his feet. The tension is palpable as the race for Barbosa to nail Dragon with the Championship before Showtime regains his faculties is on. The crowd yell at Showtime to get to his feet as he uses the ropes to help his cause. Dragon is almost up now as Barbosa licks his bloody lips in preparation. Dragon finally gets to his feet as Barbosa runs at him, aiming for his opponent's face as he swings the Championship. With nothing to spare, Dragon ducks out of the way and picks Barbosa up for Darkness Falls. Barbosa, taken by surprise by the attack, drops the belt and as Dragon brings him back to the canvas, his head smashes the heavy gold belt. Showtime is back on his feet as Dragon crawls across his challenger. 1... 2... 3!

Cohen: Typical!

Harrys: Here is you winner and still WZCW EurAsian Champion... Black Dragon!

Dragon gets to his feet after a second and is joined by Showtime, who is still clutching his head from his very awkward tumble earlier in the match. Showtime grabs the EurAsian Championship from the person at ring side and looks at it for a second. He walks over to the Champion, who is still nursing his wounds from a very engrossing and dangerous match. Showtime gives a slight nod of his head before handing the Championship to it's rightful owner. There is a huge cheer as Showtime grabs the hand of Dragon and raises it into the air. Dragon looks tired and turns away from Showtime towards the ropes. Showtime grabs Dragon's neck and lands the Showstopper! The crowd are shocked by the events as Showtime stands above both Dragon and Barbosa in the middle of the ring.

Copeland: Just like Showtime said, he called it right down the line. But when you hit him with a dropkick in the match, you have to see something like this coming.


Showtime suddenly turns towards the entrance ramp as the General Manager strolls his way out to the top of the entrance stage. The two rivals stare each other down briefly until Ty speaks.

Ty: Bravo Showtime, though I feel as if that was some very shoddy officiating.

The crowd boos loudly at Ty's insult towards Showtime rings hollow to everyone in the audience.

Ty: I don't feel that is up to the standards of the Eurasian title that you and I set precedence for. Therefore, I've made a change to the triple threat match I announced earlier. I believe you're familiar with this type of match Showtime. At Kingdom Come, it will be a triple threat match, but instead it will be a two fall match! The first fall will be for the Eurasian Title, and the second fall will be for the World Title shot at Redemption! I hope you study up on our triple threat match with Drake Callahan, and by all means, take it from someone with experience, watch out for that surprise rollup.

Ty smirks and drops the mic as his music hits. Showtime looks towards the fallen Dragon and the Eurasian title on the ground. He picks it up and looks down at it for a few moments before looking back up to the now vacant entrance stage. Suddenly he smiles and lifts the Eurasian Championship into the air, receiving a mixed reaction.

We go backstage to hear the sounds of a struggle in an unidentified area. Blows are heard landing and grunts of pain emanate, but we cannot see who is involved in the fight. Suddenly, bodies round the corner and we see that Titus and Alhazred are locked in combat with one another as they brawl throughout the production area.

Copeland: What's this? Titus and Alhazred seem to have started their match early!

They continue to brawl and move themselves around until they find themselves in a loading bay area. There's a drop off of about ten feet with some palettes stacked beneath it. The brawling men find themselves near the drop off and brawl in front of it. Titus finds himself on the wrong end, backed up to the drop off by Alhazred. Alhazred strikes him hard and Titus wobbles for a moment, but keeps himself from falling. Alhazred goes for another hard strike, but Titus lunges at him and backs him off. He reverses the situation, and backs up Alhazred to the corner. With his own hard shot to the head he staggers Alhazred, but he keeps his balance. Alhazred fights back with a strike to Titus, but Titus knees Alhazred hard in the gut, bending him over double. Titus backs off to catch his breath...or so it seems, until he charges and hits the Tit Drop on Alhazred, his forward momentum carrying them both over the drop off and crashing through the palettes below!

Cohen: What the?! What's that moron thinking?!

The two men are knocked out below the drop off as the production team shouts and medical staff rush in to tend to the two fallen men.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd pops loudly for the legendary superstar as Everest walks out from beyond the curtain by himself. He stops for a second to soak up the cheers from the crowd before heading down the ramp, keeping an eye everywhere so he doesn't get jumped.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds; Everest!

Copeland: With Titus and Alhazred taking each other out, this match seemingly has become a singles match... but I don't think it will remain solo for the duration of the match.

Cohen: Considering how ruthless the Apostles have been lately, I don't doubt you one bit.

Everest is in the ring and gives the fans one last taunt.


The crowd boo's loudly as the robot S.H.I.T walks out and slowly makes its way down to the ring, trying to process how this match has changed without his handler or tag team rules. A couple of twitches are seen but stop quickly as the robot enters the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 pounds; S.H.I.T!

Cohen: I think the robot got confused for a second. This is why I'm not the biggest fan of technology: always unreliable.

Copeland: True but when...


Just as the referee is about to signal the start of the match, the music hits and the crowd gives a mixed reaction as James King slowly walks out on stage with a smile on his face. He shows off his previously injured arm being completely healthy and heads down to the ring, going into the corner of S.H.I.T and getting on the apron.

Copeland: James King has returned from injury at probably the best time for the Apostles and it appears he is the tag team partner for S.H.I.T.

Cohen: Does this mean this contest is a tag team?

The referee approaches James King and two have a discussion before the ref calls over Truman Harrys to talk. The ref pulls away and Harrys nods.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, James King is replacing Mister Alhazred as S.H.I.T's tag team partner. Therefore, this match is now a tag team contest.

The referee signals the bell as Everest has confused look on his face.

Cohen: How can this be a tag team match if Everest has no partner?

Everest shakes off his confusion as he sees S.H.I.T still trying to process James King and the new-found rules of the match. He takes advantage of his and gets a head of steam, rebounding off the ropes with a short arm clothesline. S.H.I.T switches to match mode quickly and gets up, where he is met with a spinning heel kick by Everest followed with an enzuigiri. S.H.I.T goes down to his knees, allowing Everest to hit an easy Float over DDT. He covers... 1... 2... kick-out by S.H.I.T. Everest goes for a cloverleaf but the robot kicks him back and tries getting up but Everest recovers and grabs S.H.I.T by the "neck" to hit a Russian legsweep. Everest rolls through with a cover... 1... 2... kick-out. Everest slowly picks up S.H.I.T and hits a standing neckbreaker on the robot. He covers again... 1... 2... James King comes in and interferes in the pinfall quickly. He gets back on the apron before Everest has a chance to do anything, with the crowd loudly booing. Everest goes over to King and begins yelling in his face but King says he doesn't know what is happening because he has amnesia. He turns around and the robot is up to his feet and hits the head chop on Everest, stunning him enough to fall into the corner of the Apostles. S.H.I.T. makes a tag to James King who comes in and hits a running splash on Everest before hitting a European uppercut and tagging S.H.I.T right back in.

Copeland: I'm not too sure if this is a quick tagging strategy or if King doesn't want to compete.

Cohen: If King didn't want to come and wrestle, why is he out here then?

S.H.I.T picks up Everest and hits a scoop slam, followed up by a running body splash by the robot. It goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Everest. The robot the tries to quickly lock in its own version of the cloverleaf but to no avail as Everest counters the move quickly. However, S.H.I.T stays on top of the situation as it sees Everest trying to get to his feet so he picks him up and hits a belly to belly suplex on the legend. The robot has a little trouble getting up as Everest uses the ropes to get to his feet. S.H.I.T is up and makes his way to Everest, whipping him across the ring. He catches Everest on the rebound and delivers a spinebuster... 1... 2... kick-out again but Everest. The legend is defiant and tries getting up again but S.H.I.T prevents him but kicking him in the gut and hitting Everest's own signature Fisherman's Suplex. The robot somehow knows to keep the leg hooked for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. The fans begin to chant Everest's name to get him back into the contest. S.H.I.T looks around to process the noise level but it hears King yelling from the corner to finish him off. S.H.I.T nods and picks up Everest, trying to go for a hurricanrana but the robot fails to pull off the move. Everest pushes S.H.I.T off and from out of nowhere: Everest his the Rock Slide! Both competitors are down, centre of the ring. The crowd comes alive for Everest as the two slowly go to their corners for a tag.

Cohen: Naturally in a tag team match, your instinct in this situation is to tag in your partner but Everest hasn't got one. He's going to have to deal with a fresh James King all by hims...


The crowd gives off a big reaction, although mixed as Alex Bowen races down to the ring and hops onto the apron in Everest's own corner. He is pleading for the tag as King is getting really worried and tense, begging for the tag as well.

Copeland: You may have spoken too soon. Everest now has a partner!

The crowd changes to a huge cheer for Bowen as he gets the tag from Everest, with S.H.I.T tagging in King. The two men both enter the ring slowly as it is their first time in a while since they've competed in a proper match. They walk towards each other into the middle of the ring, staring each other down. They go toe-to-toe, nose-to-nose with each other, trash talking for a moment before Alex Bowen begins to smile and laugh. King watches on in confusion but then starts laughing as well. Bowen then turns around to see Everest almost standing on the ropes and tags Everest back in. Everest is confused as Bowen smiles whilst King brings the legend in the hard way. He picks up Everest and Bowen hits the Ride the Lightning finisher on him. The crowd is shocked and appauled as they boo heavily for Bowen's actions.

Copeland: What the hell was that about?

King then goes over to S.H.I.T, tagging him in. Instead of getting into the ring, the robot ascends the turnbuckle and hits the frog splash... 1... 2... 3!

The crowd boos heavily as the James King and Alex Bowen shake hands with smiles as the robot gets to his feet, getting its hand raised by the referee.

Harrys: Here are your winners; the Apostles of Chaos!

Copeland: I can't believe I just witnessed that. Why would Alex Bowen come back just to do that?

Cohen: I have a feeling Seabass that James King and Alex Bowen are the newest additions to the Apostles of Chaos team for Kingdom Come.

Copeland: But that match was supposed to be four on four, wasn't it?

Cohen: Well now its five on four. Team WZCW better find themselves a fifth member if they want to stand a fighting chance.

The crowd continues to boo as the three competitors exit the ring together, leaving Everest in the middle of the ring in a heap with the referee checking on him.
We go backstage where Chris K.O. is watching the Apostles on the monitor, a horrified look on his face at the arrival of King and Bowen. Suddenly Ty Burna walks up behind him, watching the monitor, absolutely beaming at the carnage in the ring.

Ty: Impressive isn't it?

Chris suddenly turns, perhaps not frightened by surprised at Ty's appearance.

Chris: I thought we kicked James out of the Apostles?

Ty: That is where you're wrong Chris. His arm was injured yes, but he also needed to be taught a lesson. While he has been on the sidelines, I have been molding him, using his amnesia to indoctrinate in him the Gospel of Chaos. Look at him, stronger and vicious just as he should be.

Chris: And Alex Bowen?

Ty: A nice all expenses paid vacation got him on our side. I promised him a chance to return and deliver the type of mayhem he thrives in, a perfect fit for Chaos wouldn't you agree Christopher?

Chris doesn't turn but the camera would show him visibly biting his lip. He gravely nods his head.

Ty: I'm glad you agree. Come! Our match is next.

Ty walks past Chris and out of the picture as Chris stares unnerved at the monitor as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match, and it is your main event of the evening!


Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 165 lbs, she is...Celeste Crimson!

Celeste makes her way out to a huge pop from the crowd. Her eyes focus directly on the ring, as she intently makes her way down the ramp. She hops up onto the ring apron before slingshotting herself into the ring. She lands on her feet and turns towards the entrance way, awaiting the arrival of her partner.

Copeland: Celeste Crimson picked up a victory last week over Mr. Baller, but this week she's in for a huge challenge as she takes on Ty Burna and his right hand man, Chris K.O.

Cohen: It won't hurt that she has the World Heavyweight Champion as her partner, however.

Copeland: No, it won't, partner. And I think it's safe to say that they have a lot more cohesion as a team lately than K.O. and Ty, who have had their share of friction recently.


Harrys: And introducing her partner, weighing in at 228 lbs, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion...Steven Kurtesy!

The crowd pops loudly as Steven Kurtesy makes his way out to the top of the entrance stage, the WZCW World Heavyweight Title wrapped around his waist. He bows at the top of the stage to the fans before standing straight, a determined look across his face. He walks down the ramp, bowing his head to various fans before sliding into the ring. He unbuckles the World Title and lays it down on the ground gently before bowing once more to the crowd to another pop. Celeste watches quietly from the corner. Kurtesy claps her on the shoulder and moves close to recap their game plan.

Copeland: You have to wonder what kind of shape Kurtesy is in tonight, after a brutal gauntlet against the Apostles of Chaos that ultimately led to his defeat.

Cohen: There's no way he's one-hundred percent. And even if he was, there's no way he'd win this match anyway! He can't outclass the best, and that's what he's up against, with our fearless leader and his closest accomplice.

Copeland: I would kindly remind that it's Kurtesy that has the world championship around his waist, partner.

Cohen: For now, and only because he got lucky against Titus! He's just been keeping it warm for Ty. Our GM is generous like that.


Harrys: And introducing their opponents; first, representing the Apostles of Chaos, weighing in at 212 pounds...Chris K.O.! And his partner, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the General Manager of Meltdown...Ty Burna!

Chris K.O. makes his appearance first, looking determined but a little hesitant. Ty Burna appears behind him, nothing but darkness and evil intent written on his face. K.O. takes a brief look backward at his master, before walking forward quickly down the ramp. Ty follows more slowly, determined and calm. K.O. enters the ring and stares down his opponents, Ty approaches and enters slowly and deliberately. He puts a hand of K.O.'s shoulder and whispers some last minute instruction to him as they approach their corner.

Copeland: Do you feel just the slightest bit of tension between these two, Jack?

Cohen: Not at all! They appear to be the picture of cohesion from where I sit, Seabass, and I resent your implications and will be sure to pass them on to Mr. Burna. The Apostles have never been stronger.

Copeland: Say what you will, Jack - I think it will be very interesting to see these two partner up.

Cohen: Well of course it will! It's the future world champion and his named successor. What could be more interesting?

Celeste and Kurtesy finish their discussion and Celeste slips out to the ring apron, Kurtesy taking a ready position in the corner. K.O. takes a step forward, appearing ready to start, but Ty puts an arm across his chest. K.O. gives him a strange look, but shrugs and heads out to the apron. Kurtesy also looks slightly bemused as Ty takes his place to wait for the match to begin. The referee takes a moment to ensure that all the wrestlers are set and ready, then signals for the bell.

The two future Kingdom Come opponents meet in the center of the ring. Ty has a cocky smile and some words for Kurtesy, who stays stoic. Ty looks aside for a moment, laughing, and goes for a quick strike to Kurtesy's head. Kurtesy blocks it with his arm and goes for one of his own, not missing this time as he stuns Ty, who takes a few hurried steps back and rubs his hand across his chin. Kurtesy allows himself a small smile now, and offers the lock up. Ty looks at Kurtesy full of hatred, spits on the mat, and takes the lock up. They struggle for a moment, before Kurtesy quickly wraps around and turns it into a hammer lock. Ty struggles for a moment, but the technical master doesn't let up, wrenching the hammer lock in tight. Kurtesy puts his weight on Ty from behind and forces him to his knees. Ty struggles against the weak position, but can't wrench his way out of it. Kurtesy, trying to get his timing just right, lets up on the hammerlock and almost instantaneously levels a kick to the upper back of Ty. Ty rolls away in pain and uses the ropes to struggle to his knees while Kurtesy backs off, thinking up his next move. Ty gets up and shakes his arm out, working the feeling back. K.O. calls for a tag but Ty shakes his head, wanting another go. Ty wants no part of a lock up this time, instead quickly slapping on a headlock when Kurtesy closes to him. He pulls hard on it once, but his arm, weak from the hammer lock, can't keep Kurtesy in tight. The world champion slips out and puts on a headlock of his own, using it to take Ty down to the mat. Once again, Kurtesy waits for the right moment, lets the hold up, and kicks Ty, this time square in the shoulder. Ty rolls away and shakes his arm, now without any feeling at all. He quickly tags in K.O., shaking his head in anger.

Copeland: Well, Ty made the wrong move there, playing Kurtesy's game. A surprising misstep from him.

Cohen: A misstep, Seabass...or feeling out what his future opponent will try at Kingdom Come? Didn't think of that, did you!

K.O. and Kurtesy quickly lock up. Kurtesy slips around and tries for a full nelson, but K.O. struggles out of it. While they're still tied up, Kurtesy gets hold of K.O.'s arm and gets a wristlock on. He uses it to take K.O. down to the mat and starts working over the arm and elbow. K.O. struggles to get up and after one unsuccessful attempt he does manage to stand again, still trying to force his way out of the wristlock. K.O. drops down out of his own volition this time and uses the moment of surprise to reverse the wristlock! He stands up now with the wristlock on Kurtesy. Kurtesy is too savvy, however, and quickly pulls the same trick on K.O., taking control once again. K.O. unsuccessfully tries to roll through it, but is forced to stand again. He grimaces in pain as Kurtesy works over his bad arm. With his hands extended toward Kurtesy, he raises his middle finger and flips the bird at Kurtesy! Kurtesy is not amused and goes for a clothesline immediately, which K.O. anticipates, dodged, and uses to reverse the wristlock! He wrenches it in hard, but once again, Kurtesy recovers quickly, reversing the wristlock and this time, wrenching the arm hard, flipping K.O. to the mat. Kurtesy quickly goes for a cover but K.O. kicks out at two. Both men stand and receive a light smattering of applause for the technical display. They circle for a moment, K.O. shaking his arm furiously. Ty notices and calls for the tag. Celeste also calls for a tag, and Kurtesy shrugs. Both active men retreat to their corner and tag in their partners.

Copeland: A surprising technical display from K.O., who went toe to toe with Kurtesy there.

Cohen: Between his bad arm and his poor history grappling I'm surprised he held in for as long as he did. Ty should have a word with him about bad strategy.

Copeland: And now a rematch of the Meltdown main event just two shows ago - one that ended rather poorly for Celeste Crimson.

Ty and Celeste are uninterested in anything technical - they immediately start brawling in the middle of the ring. Ty controls it, forcing the scraping and clawing Celeste into the corner. He stuns her with a punch to the jaw and another quick series of punches to the head. Satisfied that she's dazed, Ty backs off and measures...and hits a running high knee! Ty backs off and Celeste stumbles out of the corner. Ty quickly locks in a front facelock...and drops Celeste with a vicious facebreaker DDT! He goes for a quick cover but only gets 2. He stands up to measure his handiwork and smiles, content with having taken control in his style. Ty pulls Celeste up by the hair, causing her to scream and drawing a warning from the ref. Ty takes advantage of his weight advantage to elevate Celeste, dropping her with a rib breaker! He pulls her right back up and drops her once more. Sickeningly, he repeats it once last time and tosses Celeste aside to gloat. The ref checks on Celeste who is clutching at her ribs, but she spits out that she wants to continue. Ty goes for a cover, but his arrogance cost him, and he gets only two. He pulls Celeste up again and tosses her into his corner. He tags in K.O., who positions himself in the middle of the ring. Ty whips Celeste to K.O., who meets her with a dropkick.

Copeland: What a momentum shift here, as Kurtesy dominated these two before Celeste got on the wrong end of a brawl from Ty, and it has been all Chaos since then.

Cohen: It was always only a matter of time, Seabass. You just can't beat this unit. They're flawless.

K.O. stalks around the fallen body of Celeste for a moment, considering his next move. He decides to go simple, mounting Celeste and leveling repeated punches to her head. The ref warns him for the closed fists and he backs off after a few of them. He kicks Celeste in the ribs until she turns over, then locks in a single leg crab. He wrenches it in deep, with the pain in Celeste's ribs making it difficult to breathe, compounding the submission's effect. She struggles valiantly for the ropes, scratching and clawing her way to just within arm's length. She struggles mightily as the crowd roars for her, and just clutches the bottom rope! K.O., after a shout from Ty, holds it all the way till four and gets another warning for it. The hold has done its damage on Celeste, who is caught between trying desperately to catch her breath and holding her leg in pain. She uses the ropes to get to her feet, only to be met with a kick in the gut from K.O. He takes control of her and sends her into the ropes, bending down for a back body drop. Shockingly, however, she saves herself, floats over, and hits an Evenflow DDT! Ty is livid on the corner and Kurtesy is ecstatic as their partners both collapse in the center of the ring! They are both slow to their feet, but make it up and stand face to face in the center of the ring. They stand and trade blows back and forth. Suddenly, K.O. breaks the rhythm with a kick attempt, which Celeste dodges, but K.O. rebounds with a spinning wheel kick! Celeste collapses to her knees, and K.O. sets her up for the Butterfly Effect! K.O. spread his arms wide and appears ready to hit it, but he suddenly takes a long look at Ty and hesitates! Ty is screaming furiously to finish her, but the moment of hesitation allows Celeste to pulls K.O.'s legs out from under him, dropping him on his back! She lunges toward Kurtesy's general direction and shockingly tag him in!

Cohen: What just happened? What just happened!

Copeland: K.O. hesitated at the critical moment! He could have finished Celeste, but something held him back for half a second, and that was enough to let Kurtesy into this match! It's a new ballgame!

Kurtesy is rolling, dropping K.O. with successive strikes. After three of them drop K.O. and keep him down, Kurtesy shouts and the crowd roars in response! K.O. struggles to his feet and Kurtesy kicks him in the gut, and with no hesitation, nails the Circle of Life! He goes for the pin, but only gets two. Kurtesy backs off and lets K.O. get to his feet. He measures him and nails him with a Dragon Screw. With a distinct look at Ty letting him know that this is payback, he hits a second dragon screw, then a third, as K.O. screams at the pain in his leg. Focusing on the same leg that he just targeted, Kurtesy also pays back K.O. - with his own single leg Boston crab! K.O. struggles for the ropes as hard as Celeste did, but Kurtesy isn't letting up! Slowly, slowly, K.O. does just struggle to the ropes...but Kurtesy pulls him back to the middle of the ring! Ty, left with no other choice, is forced to enter the ring. Kurtesy is just about to get out of the hold to meet Ty when he nails the Consecrated Banishment! It looks like this one is over, but puzzlingly, Ty hurls the severely dazed Kurtesy into the far corner, where Celeste is waiting. He screams at K.O. to finish the job, and then exits the ring.

Copeland: I can't imagine what we're seeing right now. First. K.O. lets the victory slip away; then Ty throws it aside after hitting the Consecrated Banishment! What's next?

Cohen: At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised to see Doug Crashin make a surprise appearance!

Celeste tags in with a suspicious look at Ty who exits the ring. K.O. reaches out for a tag but Celeste is on him before he can get anywhere close. K.O. is sprawled out on the mat and Celeste hits a standing moonsault. She goes for the pin but gets only two. She pulls K.O. up and hurls him into the corner. She chases him into the corner and kicks him hard, letting him stagger out of the corner where she meets him with a German suplex, completing with a bridge for the pin. K.O. does just manage to kick out at 2 and Celeste looks like she's moving in for the kill, as she awaits K.O. to stand. The crowd knows it; she's looking for the Spirit Crusher! Suddenly, Ty returns, going for another Consecrated Banishment, but Celeste dodges it! Ty sends himself sprawling into the corner, but the distraction is enough for K.O. to get back to his feet. Kurtesy heads over to the corner to keep Ty occupied and Celeste turns away, looking to nail the Spirit Crusher, but is met instead by a desperate, brutal kick to the gut from K.O., which stuns Celeste as all the pain in her ribs returns. Ty, meanwhile, has been taken out of the ring by Kurtesy. K.O. retreats to the corner and Ty quickly jumps up and tags in. He goes after Celeste, desperately looking for the Consecrated Banishment once more, but again, he's overeager for it, and she dodges. When he rebounds, he's met by the Spirit Crusher! Celeste goes for a pin but suddenly collapses as her ribs take their toll on her, and she can't follow up. Kurtesy is calling for the tag and K.O. is ready, though not eager, as he knows his master is worse off than he is. Ty staggers to K.O. as Celeste is a hair's breadth away from tagging in Kurtesy. Ty could reach K.O...but as Ty looks into K.O.'s face, pain etched across it from the beating he's already taken, Ty recoils his arm and refuses to make the tag! K.O. forgets himself, screams at him to make the tag, but it's too late! Kurtesy is in, and rips Ty away from the corner! Ty gets to his feet and is met by the Prescribed Sedation! Kurtesy makes the cover as K.O. looks on dazed...1...2...3!

Harrys: Here are your winners, the team of Celeste Crimson and Steven Kurtesy!

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we are as stunned as you are at home. Ty refused to make the tag after taking the Spirit Crusher, and paid for it with a pinfall loss to the man he'll meet in the main event of Kingdom Come.

Cohen: This is incredible! Unbelievable! Uh, I mean...I'm sure it's all part of Ty's master plan! Sure of it! He meant to lose!

Kurtesy and Celeste retreat from the ring, Kurtesy supporting Celeste on their way out. He clutches his belt and raises it with his free arm. Ty looks to be out cold in the center of the ring as K.O. crouches above him, looking confused and pained as he can't understand what's just transpired. The victorious team stands on the apron and K.O. looks on without understanding as Meltdown fades to black.
Who wrote what:

Falkon - Everest/Alex Bowen vs. James King/S.H.I.T.
Funkay - Phoenix vs. Johnny Scumm
Numbers - Ace Stevens vs. Mick Overlast
Dave - Black Dragon vs. Barbosa
Harthan - Ty Burna/Chris K.O. vs. Steven Kurtesy/Celeste Crimson, Backstage
Ty - Opening, Backstage

Rep these gentlemen for their fine work. If you feel as if you're being an enabler for my drinking by donating to the alcohol fund, just remember you're enabling me to remain sane. And that's more important. So please, donate to the fund, I've even begun rolling out prizes for reaching certain donation amounts. We have T-shirts, mugs, and all sorts of merch labeled with our special Alcohol Fund for Creative Writers' Sanity logo.

Thank you.
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