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Meltdown 64

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Unscripted said:
The three men lie on the wire of the cell wall, which is being held up at a low angle by the crowd barricade at the bottom of the ramp. Ty throws the chair into the ring and limps towards his opponents. He picks up Baller and Powerbombs him onto the cell wall, sending Baller through the wire to the floor! Ty picks up Dave and goes to put him in the ring, but Dave pushes him into the ring post! Dave rolls him into the ring and measures him up as Ty uses the ropes to get up. Dave picks him up for the Stamp of Authority but Ty struggles out of it, landing behind Dave. Dave turns around and gets hit with the Consecrated Banishment! Ty goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... Broken up by Mr. Baller! Baller picks up Ty and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker followed by the Buzzbeater! He hooks the champions legs, 1.... 2..... Kurtesy breaks it up! Kurtesy quickly applied Kommon Kurtesy on Baller, choking him out! Baller doesn’t have the energy to fight out and raises his hand , looking like he could tap out at any second. Dave quickly crawls over and holds up Ballers hand, stopping him from tapping! Kurtesy realises this and releases the submission. Baller rolls out of the ring and Kurtesy picks up Dave, going for Prescribed Seditation, but Dave turns him around and hits the Checking Out! Both men lie on the mat for several moments until Dave drapes an arm over Kurtesy for the pin but suddenly Chris K.O. and James King, the Apostles of Chaos come out from under the ring and break up the pin!

Copeland: What the hell are they doing here!

Cohen: It’s no DQ Seabass, it’s all legal!

They attack Dave and Kurtesy viciously, nailing stomps and rights hands. They pick up Kurtesy and K.O. hits the Butterfly Effect. They pick up Dave and King hits My Mystery! They then help Ty to his feet but Ty notices Baller getting up outside the ring. K.O. and King go after Baller, but he escapes out of the cell and starts climbing up. King and K.O. stand at the bottom and Ty orders them to go take Baller out. King climbs up first and Baller hits him with a series of right hands as the crowd actually cheer him on, but King hits a low blow followed by a kick to the head. K.O. throws a couple chairs up onto the cell and goes up too. They start assaulting Baller with the chairs as Kurtesy starts to get up in the ring, being stalked by Ty. Ty goes for the Consecrated Banishment but Kurtesy dodges and hits Prescribed Seditation! He gets to his knees and is about to go for the pin, but he hears Baller getting assaulted by K.O. and King above him and looks up. He looks from the roof to Ty and back to the roof. Finally, he lets out an irritated sigh and rolls out of the ring before quickly going outside and climbing up the cell. King notices him and goes for him with the chair, but Kurtesy Back Body Drops him on the cell. Kurtesy picks up the chair and goes for K.O. Both men swing and hit each other at the same time! In the ring, Dave and Ty are both to their feet and Dave goes for the Checking Out, but Ty elbows his way out of it and goes for the Consecrated Banishment but Dave picks up Ty into the Stamp of Authority! Ty gets out of it with an Armdrag and he transitions into the Final Séance! Big Dave tries to struggle out of it, but Ty simply won’t get go!

Connor: This is how Ty won the title a year ago!! History is repeating itself!!

Dave struggles and struggles, but Ty is putting as much pressure as possible on Dave’s throat. Dave locks eyes with Ty, but Ty is taken aback as he sees pure defiance in Dave’s eyes. Suddenly, Dave slides up onto his knees and then onto his feet. Ty is frantically shaking his head, not letting the hold go. Dave muscles bulge and his veins pump as he lifts up Ty, with the Séance still locked in and slams him down in a modified Powerbomb! Ty is dazed, but he refuses to let go as Dave is down on the mat again! Dave gets back to his knees and feet, and tries to lift Ty again, but he just doesn’t have the strength. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Dave sees the chair in the corner of the ring. He puts his hand out, but it’s inches out of reach. Dave uses his last morsel of strength and drags Ty towards the chair. He grabs it with his hand and drives it into Ty’s ribs! Finally Ty lets go and both slowly get up. Ty turns around and Dave lifts him up onto his shoulder. Dave lets out a yell of defiance and nails the Stamp of Authority! He falls into the pin, 1..... 2..... 3!!!


The crowd are going ballistic as the referee hands over the title and it touches a new holder’s hands for the first time in a year. Dave lies on his back, clutching the title to his chest with tears streaming down his eyes.

Connor: Ladies and Gentlemen, the historic reign of Ty is over! Big Dave has won! We finally have a new World Champion!


Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in an entire year, we have a new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! Big Dave defied the odds and claimed the World Heavyweight Championship at Unscripted inside the cell.

Cohen: It won't last long Seabass. Ty Burna is taking back his title tomorrow night on Ascension.

Suddenly the lights go out and the crowd begins booing loudly. Static lights begin to flicker throughout the arena as a familiar song begins playing:

Fire begins to plume out from the corners of the stage as three cloaked figured slowly make their way out. They make their way down the ramp as the crowd boos at deafening levels. Two larger figures hop up onto the apron and help the lithe figure up to the apron and allow her into the ring. The two others follow suit and they stand in the center of the ring for a few moments, letting the jeers cascade down around them. All three pull back their hoods, revealing James King, Chris K.O., and Serafina. Each member of the Apostles have a mic in hand as she stares out blankly at the people.

Serafina: We are here to deliver a message.

Chris: A message detailing the imminent destruction of all that WZCW holds dear.

James: The people will be unable to resist the temptations of darkness. They will all kneel before the King of Darkness.

Serafina: Master has been preparing himself all week for this moment. He will not sit idly by as the weak parade around WZCW, celebrating the demise of my master. They will be crushed under the weight of his foot.

James: It begins with the destruction of Steven Kurtesy and Everest tonight!

Chris: Kurtesy will pay for his indiscretions at Unscripted. We will become the harbingers of Chaos. We will be the sword to Ty's words, and they will all have no choice but to believe.

All three raise their arms up as their heads gaze up to the sky. In unison they speak again.

The King of Darkness will prevail.
The King of Darkness will reign supreme over all of WZCW. Chaos will ravage all that oppose it's power. We are the Apostles to your executioner. His word will become Gospel, and all will listen to his wisdom and judgement!

The lights go out again as Ty's music hits again. After several moments the lights come back up and Ty's music stops as the ring sits empty as we cut backstage to Steven Kurtesy and Everest watching on a TV in the locker room. Kurtesy has his arms crossed yet seems stoic. He looks to Everest and the two nod to each other as we go to commercial.
The following match is scheduled for one fall...

“On his way to the ring, from his computer desk, The Internet Warrior!”

Cohen: “Oh this guy, again?”

Warrior bounces down to a good reaction.

Copeland: “What? I love this guy and the crowd do too. He’s the perfect guy to start the show.”

“And his opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, he is the The Mechanical Man Machine of Mechanics, S.H.I.T.!”

Cohen: “And this...thing is an embarrassment.”

S.H.I.T. waddles down to the ring in a straight line with no reaction to the crowd who receive him positively.

Copeland: “Hey S.H.I.T. is awesome too. He’s just misguided.”

Cohen: “To being rubbish?”

S.H.I.T. and Warrior hook up but Warrior hiptosses S.H.I.T. to the mat and grabs a side headlock. S.H.I.T. kicks in an attempt to get out before he flips his legs out and catches them around TIW’s neck. Warrior headstands up and flips back over onto S.H.I.T. who grabs the headlock again. S.H.I.T. manages to stand up but Warrior has the headlock on still. S.H.I.T. shoves him off to the ropes. Warrior bounces back with a big dropkick. S.H.I.T. is stunned but not knocked down. Warrior runs off again but S.H.I.T. ducks and fires back with a dropkick of his own. S.H.I.T. goes to grab TIW again but stalls as he seems to have no moves in his arsenal that can be used at this time.

Copeland: “Warrior doesn’t have an answer for what he is facing.”

Cohen: “I’m not convinced S.H.I.T. knows what to do next. Could we have two worse guys in the ring?”

Warrior reacts quickly and springboards off the middle rope to take S.H.I.T. down with a crossbody. He then follows it up with a slingshot knee drop from the outside. S.H.I.T. struggles around on the mat. Warrior goes to the top rope for another spectacular move but as he leaps, S.H.I.T. moves out of the way. Warrior crashes and burns. S.H.I.T. finds himself on the outside of the ring so he waits while Warrior gets up and then springboards off the ropes with a huge cross body! S.H.I.T. goes for a cover but then changes his mind.

Copeland: “What is he up to?”

Cohen: “S.H.I.T. is clueless. He’s going to hurt someone if he isn’t careful. Where is he going?”

S.H.I.T. goes outside to the top rope but before he can prepare for the frog splash, Warrior leaps and crotches him on the top turnbuckle. He then sets him up for a Tree of Woe before coming off the ropes and hitting a superb hesitation dropkick to S.H.I.T.’s face! The man-robot collapses to the mat, Warrior dives for a cover, 1.....2.... S.H.I.T. kicks out. Warrior immediately cinches in a figure four necklock that forces S.H.I.T. to stay face down on the floor but S.H.I.T. manages to shift his body and eventually drops a leg on the bottom rope. Warrior is frustrated and sets himself on the middle rope and waits for S.H.I.T. to get up. Warrior jumps off but S.H.I.T. kicks him in the gut in mid-air and then he follows it up with a brutal Head Chop! TIW collapses and S.H.I.T. goes for the cover! 1....2.....3!

“Your winner by pinfall, S.H.I.T.!”

Copeland: “Good win for S.H.I.T. He really nailed that Head Chop and Warrior didn’t have a chance!”

Cohen: “No-one is a winner here, WZCW should be ashamed for putting that spotty kid and that demented android thing ring the ring! I demand that someone honourable like David Cougar or even Alex Bowen comes out to take out the trash!”
We go backstage where Becky Serra is standing by with Steven Holmes.

Becky: Steven, at Unscripted you were unsuccessful at taking the Elite X Championship from Sam Smit..

Holmes suddenly grabs the microphone from Becky and stares her down until Becky backs away slowly off screen. Holmes turns back towards the camera raises the mic up to his mouth.

Holmes: Sam Smith, your barbaric actions are truly appalling. Now I know you were able to somehow defeat me at Unscripted, but it's not over. The Elite X Title truly deserves to be with someone worthy of the name Elite. You bring shame upon yourself with your actions. You want to be a beast in the ring, well then I shall euthanize you just like a caged animal. I am going to go and show just how it is done when I put that uncivilized bull Brad Bomb out of commission.

Holmes drops the mic as we cut to another area of the backstage where Scott Hammond can be seen stretching and preparing for the Eurasian Title match.

Copeland: Hammond made the controversial decision to give the title back to Blade at Unscripted as the special guest referee. With another opportunity at the title tonight, will he take advantage and claim the title? We'll find out later!
The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

“On his way to the ring, from London, England, he is The Elite, Steven Holmes!”

Copeland: “Mr Holmes doesn’t look happy.”

Cohen: “Can you blame him? He had his destiny wretched away from him by someone who is so undeserving in comparison.”

“And his opponent from the United Kingdom, weighing in at 261lbs, Brad Bomb!”

Cohen: “Brad Bomb didn’t have a good night at Unscripted either.”

Copeland: “But he at least looks ready to try and remedy that here tonight!”

Bomb tackles Holmes eagerly and forces him into the corner. Holmes ties his foot in the ropes and the ref forces the break. Bomb backs off and Holmes is less than keen to tie back up with him as he knows he will lose a test of strength. Holmes dives in for a single leg takedown but Bomb shakes him off. Holmes is dazed but keeps hold of the keep. Bomb reaches down and clubs Holmes down. Bomb grabs a front facelock and drops him with a vertical suplex. Bomb goes for a cover and hooks the leg but Holmes kicks out at one. Bomb drags him up and whips him into the corner where he slaps him hard with a loud overhead chop to the chest. He whips him to the opposite corner and as Bomb rebounds out, Bomb lifts him up and drops him with a huge spine buster!

Copeland: “Holmes vowed not to put on a wrestling clinic but I don’t think he has a choice. Bomb has been dominant and impressive!”

Cohen: “Bomb is nothing but a musclehead. Holmes could beat him by just outthinking him!”

Copeland: “How will that win a match?”

Holmes turns and rolls out of the ring before Bomb can cover. Bomb follows him but Holmes stuns him by turning around and hitting a high knee on the outside. Bomb is dazed but doesn’t fall. Instead Holmes grabs him by the neck and drops him to the floor. Holmes heads back into the ring while the referee counts. By five, Bomb rolls underneath the bottom rope. Holmes pounces and instantly slams him with an underhook butterfly suplex that has Bomb clutching his back in pain. Holmes covers and wrenches his elbow into Bomb’s nose, 1...2...Holmes grabs an arm and wrenches around, twisting and contorting it around Bomb’s neck and causing the big man to scream in pain. Holmes gets up, using the arm to control Brad. He drags him over and shoves him shoulder first through the ropes. Bomb falls onto the apron but Holmes still has the arm and drops down to the floor, hanging it across the ropes!

Cohen: “Spectacular arm work by Holmes, this plays exactly into how he can take apart Bomb”

Copeland: “That was brutal and efficient, very impressive by The Elite.”

Bomb slowly makes his way back in. Holmes strikes like a snake with a clothesline from behind. Bomb staggers but doesn’t fall. Holmes goes to hit the Imperial Impaler but Bomb falls back and body drops out him of it! Holmes lands hard and backs away to the corner. Bomb charges as he lands his torso on Holmes with a massive corner splash. Bomb pulls Holmes out of the corner and puts him in position for a powerbomb but as he lifts him up, Holmes drops down behind him and goes for a sleeper but Bomb reverses it and nails his inverted facelock backbreaker! He goes and hooks the leg, 1.....2.....Holmes barely kicks out!

Cohen: “Great kickout by Steven Holmes!”

Copeland: “Talk about close for Brad Bomb!”

Bomb pauses, looking for De-Activated as Holmes gets up but as he does, Holmes takes to the nearest corner, Bomb goes for another corner splash but Holmes ducks and Bomb’s head collides with the ring post. Despite being dazed, Bomb is still able to go for a powerbomb but Holmes falls back behind, Bomb is rolled up, 1....Holmes has the tights!...2....3!!

Cohen: “YES!”

“Your winner by pinfall, The Elite Steven Holmes!”

Copeland: “Bomb just got cheated out of a win here!”

Cohen: “He couldn’t do what needed to be done! Holmes’ resourcefulness should be applauded!”

Copeland: “I’d rather applaud the fight and heart shown by Brad Bomb than the cheating nature of Steven Holmes!”
We cut backstage where Chris K.O. and James King are sitting in their locker room. The silence in the room is deafening until Serafina walks into the room. She places her hands on her hips as she looks down at the two men.

Serafina: Master has a message for you two. You are to defeat Kurtesy tonight, rough him up, but let him survive.

King and K.O. look up at Serafina with confused looks on their faces.

K.O.: Any particular reason why Serafina?

A vicious smile forms on Serafina's face as she begins to relay the rest of the message.

Serafina: Master has, shall we say, grander plans for the good doctor. Let's go, your match is next.

King and K.O. nod and stand up, following Serafina out of the locker room. Suddenly a cell phone vibrating can be heard from King's locker room. The camera moves and focuses in on the screen, the caller ID flashes for a moment, the name Dr. Alhazred is seen momentarily before the missed call screen comes up as we go to another part of the backstage area where Kurtesy and Everest are walking towards the entrance area.

Copeland: Can Kurtesy and Everest stop the Apostles of Chaos tonight?

Cohen: Not a chance in hell Seabass. The Apostles have all the momentum after Unscripted. Kurtesy is carrying dead weight with Everest next to him.

Copeland: We'll find out next!
Harrys: the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


The lights go dark and Chris K.O. and James King emerge from the back in full druid robes with hoods over their heads. They look around the arena for a moment and then slowly remove their hoods.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 462 lbs, Chris K.O., James King, the Apostles of Chaos!

Copeland: Jack these guys may be Ty Burna new “disciples” but they had no business being involved in the Hell in the Cell.

Cohen: Ty’s business is their business. No doubt they’re here to send a message to all of Ty’s enemies that we will regain what he has lost.

They enter the ring from the stairs to loud boos. K.O. holds his arms in the air, making an "X," and King raises his fists in the air. They take off their robes before the match starts.

The crowd cheers loudly as Everest makes his way out to the entrance stage. He holds his arms out and motions for the crowd to get louder before making his way down the entrance ramp.

Harrys: And there opponents, first, Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 lbs, Everest!


The crowd cheers just as loud as Steven Kurtesy slowly emerges from the curtain. He stops on the stage, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath with his arms out-stretched before proceeding down the ramp.

Harrys: And his partner, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 235 lbs, Steven Kurtesy!

Kurtesy and Everest slide into the ring together. K.O. and King remove their robs and discuss strategy. The bell rings and Everest and King will start this match. They circle the ring a bit before King goes for a lock up. Everest grabs Kings arm and twists it behind his back. King tries to elbow his way out with his free arm. Everest ducks the elbow and spins King back around facing him and delivers a short arm Clothesline, surprising the larger King and taking him off his feet. Everest grabs Kings arm and wrenches it while lifting King to his feet. Everest pushes King to the ropes and goes for an Irish Whip. King counters and kicks Everest in the gut, King follows with a Headbutt that stuns both men. King Irish Whips Everest across the ring. He bends over to lift Everest up. Everest stops in front of King. He grabs his head and performs a Standing Neck Breaker. King is near his partner who reaches in and tags the outstretched hand of King. K.O. runs at Everest to try and stop him from getting to his feet. Everest ducks down and lifts K.O. onto his shoulders. Samoan Drop. K.O. gets to feet, holding his back, and walks into Kurtesy’s corner. Kurtesy swings his leg back and then kicks high, cracking K.O. in the head. K.O. circles back into Everest, who grabs him by the waist. Belly to Belly Suplex! Everest goes for the matches first pinfall. 1... 2.. K.O. kicks out!

Copeland: Everest has the Apostles completely off their game and dominating thus far.

Cohen: For now, but the Apostles are a united movement and their experience will lead them to victory. Trust me, you’ll see.

Everest leans back and tags in Kurtesy. Kurtesy enters and him and Everest Irish Whip K.O. into the ropes. K.O. bounces back and Kurtesy and Everest Double Hip Toss him back to the mat. The ref tells Everest to get to the apron. While he’s escorting Everest, King runs from behind and forearms Kurtesy in the back of the head. Kurtesy turns around and Backhand Chops the chest of King. Kurtesy grabs King by the head and runs to the ropes and throws him over top. King lands hard on the floor. Kurtesy turns around and K.O. leaps with a Running Knee Strike to the abdomen, flipping Kurtesy onto the mat. K.O. takes a breather as Kurtesy tries to quickly get back to his feet. The midsection of Kurtesy is still in pain from the blow, thus is unable to defend himself as K.O. Scoop Slams Kurtesy to the mat. K.O. gets in a few stomps before King has returned to the apron and K.O. tags him in. King and K.O. both continue to stomp Kurtesy as the ref counts up to 3 before K.O. exits the ring.

Copeland: Kurtesy is in a bad situation. Ne needs to get to his corner before the Apostles really start doing some damage.

King grabs Kurtesy by the head and lifts him to his feet, only to drop him to the mat with a Headbutt. King starts kicking at the head of Kurtesy and forces him into K.O.’s corner. King lifts Kurtesy to his feet and European Uppercuts him. King then backs up towards centre. K.O. grabs onto Kurtesy, holding him still as King runs in with a huge Splash. K.O. lets Kurtesy go and he falls forward into another European Uppercut, knocking him back into the corner. King raises his arms and smiles at what he’s done so far. He backs up slowly preparing to deliver another big Splash and the crowd cheers for Kurtesy. King runs in. Kurtesy quickly elbows at K.O. and moves to the side, narrowly dodging King who smashes chest first into the corner. As soon as K.O. recovers he tags himself in. Kurtesy is on his feet, but only at the centre of the ring. K.O. runs at Kurtesy. Kurtesy turns around with a clothesline. K.O. ducks it and bounces back off the ropes. Kurtesy turns around. Spinning Wheel Kick. Kurtesy fall back into King who grabs him by the waist. German Suplex! Kurtesy rolls over onto his stomach. His feet hanging on the bottom rope. K.O. grabs Kurtesy’s arm and drags him away from the ropes He rolls Kurtesy over and pins him. 1... 2... Kurtesy kicks out!

Copeland: Devastating maneuver from the Apostles of Chaos. Kurtesy finds the will within him to kickout.

Cohen: Yes but his will will be shattered. The Apostles are going to finish what they started at Unscripted.

K.O. sits Kurtesy on his butt and grabs both his arms. K.O. places his knee in the middle of Kurtesy’s back and pull back on his arms. Surfboard Stretch. Kurtesy opens and closes his eye and holds in his cries of pain from the pressure being put on his back. The ref asks Kurtesy if he quits, to which Kurtesy shakes his head no. Kurtesy moves a little side to side and manages to get a foot underneath him. Kurtesy attempts to get to his feet as K.O. continues to apply the hold. Kurtesy gets up, but K.O. still holds onto the arms. Kurtesy shakes his arms and attempts to break free by turning around. As he does he kicks K.O. in the gut and under hooks his arms and lifts him up. Butterfly Suplex! Kurtesy has K.O. trapped in an arm lock. King reaches out and manages to tag in off the foot of K.O. King runs in and hits a Leg Drop on Kurtesy, causing him to break the hold on K.O.

Copeland: Great counter by Kurtesy, but K.O. manages to tag out.

King stomps away at Kurtesy. He then reaches down and grabs Kurtesy’s legs. King is trying to turn Kurtesy over and lock in Amnesia Strikes. Kurtesy bends his knees in, bringing King closer, and then pushes back causing King to topple over. Kurtesy starts crawling to the corner and gets to his feet. King knocks Kurtesy to the mat with a Clothesline to the back of the head. King taunts at Everest and then drags Kurtesy by the leg back to centre. King stomps his foot on Kurtesy’s head and then slowly lifts him to his feet from behind. Kurtesy grabs Kings neck suddenly. Prescribed Sedation! Both men are out again.

Cohen: How did he do that?

Copeland: Both Apostles are out, nothing to stop Kurtesy from making the tag.

Everest is banging the turnbuckle getting the crowd to cheer loudly. Kurtesy crawls towards his corner. King is slowly rising to his feet as Kurtesy makes the hot tag to Everest. Everest comes running full steam and knocks King down with a clothesline. King is back to his feet and swings wildly at Everest. Everest ducks it and King spins around. Everest grabs him from the side. Russian Leg Sweep. Everest circles the ring pumped. He waits for King to stand and runs at him. He jumps and swings around him. Float Over DDT! Everest with the pin. 1... 2.... K.O. comes in and breaks it up. The ref gets K.O. to leave the ring. Everest pushes King back to the ropes and Irish Whips him across the ring. K.O. makes a blind tag. He goes to enter the ring. Kurtesy has recovered and tackles K.O. before he enters the ring, sending both men to the floor. Everest catches King off the ropes with a boot to the gut and follows with a Fisherman Suplex! Everest goes for the cover, but the ref tells him King not the legal man. Meanwhile Kurtesy and K.O. continue to fight outside the ring. Both men are trading blows with one and other and eventually Kurtesy begins to gain the advantage and knocks K.O. to the floor. K.O. gets up and Kurtesy locks in Hypnosis Sleeper Hold. K.O. stumbles but then runs straight forward into the barricade. He flips Kurtesy over top and into the crowd.

Cohen: K.O. has sent the professor packing.

K.O. backs up against the ring apron and rest. Everest has spotted K.O. and grabs him from behind. He lifts K.O. to the apron and applies Mountain Climber Dragon Sleeper over the top rope. K.O. swings around trying to free himself. K.O. gets himself turned around and drops to the mat, guillotining Everest into the ropes. Everest grabs his throat and turns around. King kicks Everest in the gut and nails him with My Mystery! King stares down at Everest as K.O. slides into the ring. K.O. grabs Everest head in a front face-lock and pulls back, locking in The Burning Crusade! King grabs Everest’s legs in a Gorilla Clutch Hold. Both men’s submission moves are locked in and it doesn’t take long for Everest to tap.

Harrys: Here are your winners, The Apostles of Chaos!

The Apostles continue to have hold Everest in their submission moves. The ref calls for the bell and again and tells King and K.O. to let go, but they continue to apply the holds. Kurtesy is up and slides into the ring with a steel chair. The Apostles release Everest and make a mad dash out of the ring as Kurtesy swings wildly at them. They both slide out of the ring and make their way up the ramp as Kurtesy checks up on Everest.

Copeland: The Apostles call that duel submission move Pipeline of Pain.

Cohen: And I call that a very convincing victory by two new comers over so called main event talent.

Copeland: Maybe so, but I doubt this is the last time Kurtesy or Everest fight the Apostles or Ty.
We go backstage where Titus is standing with a number of papers in his hand. He scans the area as if waiting for someone. Suddenly Baez shows up, his head lowered as Titus smirks.

Baez: You wanted to see me?

Titus: Let me cut to the chase Baez. I've been thinking for the last week what degrading things I could have you do for me. Wash my car, do my laundry, fix some of the thread in my Red Mask costume..

Baez: But I don't even know how to sew.

Titus: I figured you wouldn't know how to. But after thinking about it, I don't want anything to do with this.

Titus rolls up the contract and holds it out in front of Baez. Baez raises his head and begins to reach out towards the contract but Titus pulls it away.

Titus: However there is one thing I want you to do for me before I give this back to you.

Baez: Whatever you want, I just want to put this behind me.

Titus: This is what I want you to do...

Titus whispers something to Baez and Baez nods his head and immediately takes off. Titus watches on as he unfurls the contract again. We cut backstage to Black Dragon who sits in front of his typewriter, absentmindedly staring off in the distance before his fingers begin furiously typing away.

Copeland: Black Dragon thought he had won the Eurasian Championship at Unscripted. Hammond however reversed the decision and Black Dragon walked out empty handed. Will Dragon gain redemption tonight?
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The crowd give a big pop as Titus emerges, grinning after his Unscripted triumph. He poses at the top of the ramp for a moment.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 215 pounds from Keystone City, Kansas, this is Titus!

He walks down the ramp, slapping hands of fans before sliding into the ring.

Copeland: What will Titus do with Baez’s contract?

Cohen: I don’t know, but this is like slavery! Titus is a criminal!

The crowd boo loudly for Mr. Baller who limps out onto the ramp clearly still sore from the Hell in a Cell match.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, Mr. Baller!

He winces in pain with every step as he goes down the ramp and slowly gets into the ring.

Cohen: Seriously Seabass, Baller was robbed of the WZCW title! It was in his hands!

Copeland: He was attacked by the Apostles of Chaos, but to say the title was in his hands is a bit...far.

Despite his soreness, Baller starts weakly trash talking Titus as soon as the bell rings. Titus shakes his head and hits a series of right hands to Baller’s head, sending him backwards into the ropes. Titus Irish whips him across the ring and Baller bounces off the ropes and gets hit with a Back Body Drop. Baller hits the mat hard and rolls out of the ring, as Titus looks on, looking slightly amused. Baller crawls around on his hands and knees before the referee goes outside to tell him to get back in the ring. Finally Baller gets back in and Titus gives him a chance to get to his feet before they lock up. Titus goes behind Baller but he elbows his way out and Baller hits an Enziguiri, taking down Titus for the first time in the match. Baller goes for the first cover, 1.... Kick out by Titus, who rolls away from Baller and quickly gets up. Baller charges forward and he’s taken out with a clothesline. He gets up and is hit with another one, with Titus getting fired up. Baller is getting up dazed and Titus slaps on a Sleeperhold and cinches it in tightly. Baller drops down to one knee and manages to throw Titus over his shoulder to the mat. Baller quickly gets up and goes for a Standing Moonsault, but Titus rolls away from it. Both men get up and Titus hits a series of chops and backs Baller into the ropes before going for a Irish Whip, throwing Baller across the ring. Baller counters with a Springboard Back Elbow!

Copeland: Great back and forth from these two competitors!

Baller picks up Titus and backs him into the corner before hitting a series of shoulder thrust to the gut. He backs away from Titus and runs at him, hitting a big drop kick. Titus falls forward and Baller pins him, 1... 2.... Kick out by Titus! Baller keeps up the pressure and locks in an Armbar. Titus lets out a yell of pain and tries to wrench his arm free, but Baller has the submission locked in tight. Titus elbows Baller’s legs and Baller has no choice but to let go. Both men get up, with Baller limping towards the corner. Titus catches his breath for a second before hitting a stiff European Uppercut before clotheslining him over the top rope. The momentum sends Baller smashing into the crowd barricade. The crowd cheer as Titus measures up his opponent from inside the ring. Baller slowly gets up using the help of the ring apron and Titus runs forward, hitting a big baseball slide, that sends Baller into the crowd barricade again and he ends up draped over it, semi-conscious. Titus rolls outside the ring and pulls Baller off the barricade before rolling him back into the ring. He goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... Kick out! Titus gets up and climbs up to the top rope and waits for Baller to get up. Slowly, Baller manages to get to his feet but he throws himself into the ropes and Titus crotches himself on the top ropes and the crowd let out a groan. Baller drags himself to the corner and climbs up to the top rope. He gets the front facelock on Titus and hits a Superplex from the top rope! They crash to the mat, but Baller can’t go for the pin.

Copeland: Baller was in some pain before, so you can only imagine how he feels now!

Cohen: Pin him! Come on!!

As the referee reaches 7 in his count, Baller turns himself over and drapes an arm over Titus, 1... 2... Titus kicks out. There’s anguish on Baller’s face as he struggles to sit up. He pulls himself to his feet and shakes the cobwebs from his head. He grabs Titus by the arm and drags him to the corner. He takes a deep breath and goes for the Buzzbeater but Titus gets his knees up! Baller curls up on the mat clutches his stomach before Titus gets himself up and up the turnbuckles. He stands up straight for a moment before hitting the Red Comet! He hooks Baller’s leg, 1... 2...3!

Copeland: "That's a fine win for Titus."

Harrys: Here is your winner, Titus!

Cohen: "Over a bruised and battered Baller. I can't believe he was even cleared to compete here tonight."

Copeland: "You gotta wonder what is next for these two men."

Cohen: "Well Baller should get his rightful title shot!"

Titus gets up breathing heavily but smiling as the referee raises his arm. He gets up on the second rope and poses for the crowd as the referee checks on Baller.
We go backstage where Gordito is walking through the backstage area. He finishes taping up his wrists as he bumps into Johnny Klamor.

Gordito: Johnny baby! Aren't you excited to watch my match next?

Klamor: I'd rather poke my eyes out with a fork.

Gordito: You take yourself way too seriously Johnny. Go get yourself a drink, find a comfortable chair and watch.

Klamor: Watch Barbosa dissect you again? Sure why not thanks for the idea Gordito.

Klamor walks off as Gordito cracks a smile.

Gordito: Well it's about time he gets the last word in.

Gordito walks towards the entrance ramp as we cut to another locker room where Beckford is seen stretching and throwing kicks into the air.

Copeland: Chris Beckford lost the Eurasian Championship to Blade. He's looking to become the first two time Eurasian Champion. He will try to dethrone Blade and gain revenge on the injuries he received. That match is coming up soon!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Can't Get You Out of My Head begins playing as Barbosa makes his way out with the gold briefcase in hand. The crowd boos him loudly as he walks down the ramp, his face a picture of elation as he holds the briefcase close. He enters the ring and leans against the corner, still holding the KFAD briefcase against his chest.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 237 lbs, he is the King for a Day, Barbosa!

Hysteria hits as Gordito makes his way out to a loud pop from the crowd. He points out to the crowd before lifting his arm up and sticking his tongue out as they pop loudly again. He walks down the ramp slapping hands with the fans before sliding into the ring and posing for the crowd once again.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 257 lbs, Gordito!

Copeland: Both of these men have an opportunity to win the World Title, Gordito of course will be facing the winner of Big Dave and Ty Burna at All or Nothing, while Barbosa can cash in his title opportunity at any time of his choosing. This very well could be a preview of a World Title match at some point in time.

Cohen: History repeats itself Seabass. Just as Barbosa dominated Gordito last year, tonight will be no different and if they face off for the World Title later on, Barbosa will win there as well.

The ref signals for the bell and the two lock up. Gordito goes around and gets a waistlock, but Barbosa counters with a quick snapmare, sending Gordito over. He hits a few elbows to the collarbone before pulling Gordito back to his feet. He whips Gordito into the ropes and connects with a quick clothesline. Gordito bounces off and retaliates with a clothesline of his own. Barbosa gets up quickly and the two stare each other down before Barbosa charges. Gordito sidesteps him and sends him into the corner. He hits a clothesline before thrusting his shoulder into Barbosa's midsection. Gordito stands up and poses before hitting an elbow to the side of the head. Barbosa stagger out and Gordito sends him over with a back body drop. Gordito with an elbow across the chest and he hooks the leg, 1.....2.....Barbosa kicks out. Gordito connects with a few strikes to the head before carrying barbosa to his feet. He whips him into the ropes but Barbosa hooks his arms around the ropes, stopping his momentum. Gordito rushes towards him but Barbosa ducks under and sends Gordito out over the top rope to the outside! Gordito crashes hard against the ground as Barbosa exits the ring after him.

Copeland: These two know each other quite well. Someone must bring something new out of the playbook if they wish to claim victory tonight.

Cohen: Barbosa just sent Gordito shoulder first into the ground. I say that's something out of the playbook that's working Seabass.

Barbosa is quick to attack the prone Gordito, hitting a few right hands before whipping him into the guard rail. Gordito slumps against it as Barbosa continues throwing rights and lefts. The ref has begun the count and is up to 3 as Barbosa lifts Gordito up and drops him throat first across the rail. Gordito drops to the ground as Barbosa looks out manically at the crowd who boos him loudly. He lifts him up again and drags him over to the ring apron. He slams him head first into the mat before rolling him into the ring. He climbs in himself and covers Gordito, 1.....2.....Gordito kicks out. Barbosa gets up on one knee as he stares down at Gordito who has rolled over in pain. Barbosa lifts him up and connects with a knee to the midsection before dropping him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Gordito holds the back of his head until Barbosa is up and stomps away at him. He drops down and applies a reverse chinlock, pulling Gordito towards the center of the ring. Gordito flails for the ropes but is nowhere close. He slowly fades, his eyes closing and his head slumping against the hold.

Cohen: Gordito is done here, Barbosa has that hold locked in tight and right where he wants him.

Copeland: Barbosa is just slowly grinding Gordito down, keeping the match at his pace. Gordito has to do something to get back into this match.

The ref checks on Gordito, lifting his arm once and it falls. He does it again, and once more Gordito's arm drops. He lifts Gordito's arm one last time but Gordito keeps his arm up, pumping his fist as the crowd begins to get behind him. He continues pumping his fist as he's able to turn and get on his knees. He punches Barbosa in the midsection multiple times, finally getting him to release the hold. He suddenly lifts Barbosa up and drops him with a huge Samoan Drop! Both men are down as the ref checks on both before beginning the ten count.

Copeland: A huge counter by Gordito! He's got this match back to even.

Cohen: Just a minor setback Seabass. Barbosa will get up and finish the job.

The ref's count is up to 4 and neither men has stirred. Suddenly a stirring can be heard as someone is making their way through the crowd. The ref's count is now up to 7 as Barbosa slowly begins making his way to his feet. Gordito is also stirring as Baez suddenly jumps over the railing. Baez looks up at Barbosa for a moment before rushing towards the KFAD briefcase. Barbosa shrieks and runs to the corner where the briefcase is at. Baez gets there first and snatches the briefcaase, retreating up the entrance ramp immediately.

Cohen: Baez! What in the hell are you doing?!!?

Copeland: Baez has gotten hold of the briefcase holding the contract for a world title shot!

Baez stares down at Barbosa emotionless when Gordito spins Barbosa around and lifts him up, connecting with the Meteor of War! He covers Barbosa, 1.....2......3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Gordito!

Copeland: Gordito picks up the victory over Barbosa tonight, albeit with an unlikely assist from Baez.

Cohen: Why would you do this Baez? Gordito's the one you want to screw over!

Baez stares down at the ring for a few more moments before turning and making his way to the back. Meanwhile Gordito gets to his feet and the ref raises his arm in victory. Gordito turns towards the entrance ramp with a confused look on his face.

Copeland: Even Gordito is confused. Did Titus tell Baez to steal the KFAD briefcase?

Cohen: Titus, what a joke. He can't bring himself to take the KFAD briefcase himself so he has Baez do his dirty work. Barbosa will not be pleased with these happenings.
------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We go backstage where Leon Kensworth is standing by with the Eurasian Champion Blade.

Leon: Blade, coming up next you face off against three men that have been gunning for your Eurasian Championship. What are your thoughts going into this match?

Blade: First of all, I'm glad to see Hammond slowly coming to see my side of things. What Beckford and Dragon did at Unscripted was uncalled for. Hammond was right to retaliate against Beckford, and Dragon tried to illegally take the Eurasian title from me. With Hammond's correct call I retained but yet it still bothers me Leon.

Leon: Why does retaining bother you?

Blade: My last two defenses have been mired in controversy. I'm sick of retaining by default. It's time for me to go out and pick up a decisive defense, or otherwise my reign as Eurasian Champion will be seen as a fluke. I'm no fluke Leon, and I'm going to go out and prove it right now!

Blade walks towards the entrance area as we cut to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is a Fatal Four Way match scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW EurAsian Championship!


The crowd boos heavily as Blade is on the stage looking around the arena before doing his signature taunt and showing off his title to the crowd. He slowly walks down the ramp with a smirk on his face as members of the crowd jeer him.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW EurAsian Champion; BLADE!

He enters the ring as the crowd boos once more at listening to his name. As he gets on the second rope to do his signature taunt...


Scott Hammond emerges from the curtain to a mixed reaction by the crowd as he keeps his eyes fixated on Blade. He slowly walks down the ramp, keeping his focus on the champ.

Harrys: From London, England, weighing in at 275 pounds; Scott Hammond!

Copeland: There is no love lost between these two men. Blade has been the master manipulator of Hammond as of late, voiding him of a title shot. Finally, Hammond gets his opportunity.

Cohen: You make it sound like he's never had a chance yet, Seabass. Hammond has had his shot along with a rematch and both times he failed to capture the title. This was given to him out of pity.


As Hammond is about to enter the ring, the crowd erupts to see Chris Beckford enter the arena and do his signature taunt on the ramp before bolting down to the ring and sliding underneath the bottom rope. Blade manages to escape the ring of both men as Hammond enters the ring as well.

Harrys: From Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 pounds; Chris Beckford!

Cohen: This is a man who has stuck his nose in the wrong persons' business. I hope he gets whats coming to him tonight.

Copeland: This IS his business Jack considering Blade was the one who put Beckford on the shelf.

Beckford stares down Blade as he walks around ringside to the ramp and slowly backs off. Hammond stays a couple of feet behind Beckford, keeping an eye on Blade as he watches Beckford. Blade continues to walk backwards up the ramp when suddenly, he hits a wall that prevents him from moving back. The crowd cheers as smoke slowly goes past Blade's face. He turns around to see the Black Dragon standing there and he quickly creates some space between himself and the Dragon as he continues to smoke his cigarette. Blade is in the middle between the ring containing Hammond & Beckford as well as Dragon on the ramp.

Harrys: Finally, from the Halfway House, weighing in at 180 pounds; the Black Dragon!

Cohen: Where the hell did he come from?

Dragon puts out his cigarette and begins to slowly walk down the ramp with Blade keeping as much distance from his as possible. Beckford climbs out of the ring which Blade sees and he quickly goes around ringside and into the ring where Hammond is. He promises Hammond that he won't fight him during the match if he helps Blade. Hammond looks around trying to ignore Blade but he persists. Hammond hesitates with his answer before Beckford and Dragon both get into the ring. Blade tells Hammond he will stay true to his word despite his answer and immediately knocks down Dragon. The referee is forced to ring the bell as Blade goes after Beckford.

Beckford blocks the attack and the two begin to exchange blows as Hammond stands there and observes with Dragon making it to his feet. Blade gets the upper hand until Dragon comes from behind and stops Blade's attacks. Hammond realises the situation and pulls Dragon away, knocking him over the ropes with a clothesline. Beckford goes to attack Blade but he evades it and low-bridges Beckford to the outside. The two crowd favourites hit the ground hard as the two men inside look at what they've done. The crowd boos as Blade turns around with a smile on his face as he assumes Hammond has taken his side. He goes to extend his Hammond towards Blade but Hammond sees this as Blade going for a strike and counters it by grabbing his hand and twisting it around. Blade pleads for him not to hurt him as the crowd cheers Hammond on. He has none of it and whips him across the ring. Hammond lifts Blade up for a Military slam on the rebound and keeps him in the air, much to the delight of the crowd. Blade does not counter the move despite the opportunity and pleads Hammond not to do it. Hammond walks over to the ropes and checks Blade at Dragon on the outside, knocking down both men. Hammond smiles at what he's done and until he falls down backwards due to Beckford applying the crucifix pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Hammond isn't pleased and pushed Beckford for trying to win sneakily. Beckford argues back that he's not the one who has (assumed to have) sold his soul to the devil, prompting Hammond to kick Beckford in the gut and hit a snap suplex, rolling through for the pin. Hammond puts a forearm on the face of Beckford and tells him he hasn't joined Blade, with Beckford kicking out at 2. Beckford tries getting up quickly but Hammond latches onto the stomach of Beckford from behind and hits a German suplex, bridging the pin... 1... 2... kick-out but Hammond still has the grip. Hammond forces Beckford to get up and he tries fighting out of it but Hammond hits another bridging German... 1... 2... kick-out and again the grip holds. Beckford blocks the third attempt of a German and tries for an elbow but Hammond ducks and swings his body around to Beckford's front and hits a T-bone. Hammond quick to the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Beckford here. Hammond pounds the mat before locking in the Anaconda Vise with Beckford screaming in pain, doing his best to get to the ropes with the crowd willing him on.

Copeland: This could be an early end to the match and Blade's reign.

Cohen: Get in there Blade! Defend your title... no! What are you doing Blade?

We switch the outside where Dragon and Blade have both gotten up with Dragon trying to break up the submission but Blade grabs a hold of his leg and drags him to the outside, knocking him down with a European uppercut. Blade looks into the ring where Hammond still has his submission locked in and Beckford doing his best to get to the ropes. Blade smiles and does nothing except taunt Beckford in his pain, confusing Hammond though he keeps the lock on. As Beckford is close enough for the ropes, Blade pulls them back as far as he can to prevent the break-up. Suddenly, Dragon dropkicks Blade who hits the thin padding hard, allowing Beckford to grab the ropes for the break, forcing Hammond to get off. Although the mask on Dragon's face prevents from seeing his facial expressions, the stare and stance of the Dragon shows how disgusted he is with Hammond and slides into the ring. He tries to explain the situation but Dragon goes after Hammond with a couple of stiff shots before hitting an enzuigiri kick. Hammond falls to his knees as Dragon measures up Hammond whilst shaking his head and hits a roundhouse kick, followed by a cover attempt... 1... 2... kick-out by Hammond. Dragon tries to use the ropes to rebound off but Blade trips him and drags him underneath the bottom rope to the outside the hard way with Dragon hitting the floor with a thud. Blade slides into the ring and goes over to Hammond, helping him up before patting him on the back to see if he's okay. He then proceeds over to Beckford who has been recovering in the corner and cuffs his hands behind his back, bringing Beckford towards Hammond. Blade tells Hammond to take some free shots on him while he can but Hammond becomes very hesitant on what he should do as the crowd is giving mixed reactions for the situation.

Cohen: C'mon kid... take him out. It'll better your chances of becoming the champ!

Copeland: This might be every man for himself here but I don't think Hammond wants to double-team his opponents. He has morals.

Before Hammond can make a decision, Beckford has managed to slip free an arm and manages to arm drag Blade straight towards Hammond, knocking him out of the ring and down to the floor. Blade looks concerned at Hammond as Beckford falls to his knees and tries getting up. Blade turns around and tries attacking Beckford but he hits an Atomic Drop on Blade before hitting a clothesline. Beckford quickly springboards off the ropes to perform a dropkick to Blade, sending him to the ropes. Beckford gets up and tries whipping Blade across the ring but Blade reverses it and sends Beckford for the ride. Beckford comes back by going for his crucifix head scissors but Blade transitions the move halfway into a belly to belly piledriver. Blade catches his breath for a moment before going for the cover on Beckford... 1... 2... kick-out. Blade pounds the canvas as he thought he had him. Blade begins to stalk Beckford as he goes to put him away but catches a glimpse of Dragon sliding into the ring again and tries to sneak attack him. Dragon evades and gets behind him, going for a half nelson suplex on Blade which he eventually counters into a lifting side slam backbreaker combination. Dragon clutches his back as Blade smirks at his work before focusing on Beckford who has gotten up and dropsaults Blade from behind, knocking him into the corner. Blade turns around and sees Beckford running at him and moves out of the way. Beckford puts on the breaks before he hits the turnbuckles and turns around to be caught with a kick from Blade and be put in a vertical suplex which Blade has delayed. The crowd boos as he shows off his strength to the crowd. As he is about to finish off Beckford, Dragon is up and gets behind Blade to choke him with a modified sleeper hold, preventing Blade from dropping Beckford so he can free his hands to fend him off. Blade tries to anything he can to get Dragon off him but its no use. He begins to fade away which loosens the grip slightly for Beckford to flip down and perform a hurricanrana on the nearly unconscious Blade, forcing him outside of the ring. The force shoves Dragon front as well but he uses the ropes to stop the momentum. The crowd cheers as Blade hits the floor.

Copeland: Did you see that amazing athleticism by Beckford? The ability to take that amount of pain and yet counter with a once in a life-time move?

Cohen: So it's okay for Beckford and Dragon to team up yet the thought of Hammond working with Blade is a sin?

As Beckford gets up, Dragon turns his attention to him and goes after him but Beckford quickly drops him with a DDT. Exhausted, Beckford goes for the cover on Dragon... 1... 2... kick-out by the Dragon. Beckford allows time to catch his breath as Dragon recovers and waits for him to get up. Beckford waits for Dragon and tries for the Cross Drop but Dragon counters into a neckbreaker. Beckford clutches his head as Dragon goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Beckford. Dragon signals for the end himself but before he can do anything, Hammond comes out from nowhere and hits London's Calling on Dragon with amazing force. Hammond is about to go for the cover but sees Beckford still in the picture. He grabs the head of Beckford and tries tossing him out but Beckford goes for a hurricanrana on Hammond to try and send him out of the ring but Hammond counters with a powerbomb near the ropes. Beckford rolls out onto the apron as Hammond turns around to Dragon and tries for the cover... 1... 2... the referee stops the count as he sees that a part of Dragon's foot is just under the bottom rope. The crowd boos as they hear the decision with Hammond becoming quite angry over it. He explains to the ref that the distance between Dragon's foot and the bottom rope is unjustified but the referee will have none of it.

Copeland: They say karma isn't a very nice lady and it seems Hammond actions from the PPV are coming back to haunt him.

Hammond is almost pulling his hair out and tries getting back to the match but continues to argue with the referee. As he does, Dragon begins to move and performs a schoolboy roll-up on a surprised Hammond and the referee counts... 1...

... Hammond gets a hand on the ropes... 2...

... the referee doesn't see the hand... 3!

The referee rings the bell and calls for the end of the match. Everyone in the crowd is in shock, especially Hammond who cannot believe it. He gets up immediately and goes to argue with the ref some more but he has none of it as he awards the title to Dragon and raises his hand.

Harrys: Here is your winner and the new WZCW EurAsian Champion; the Black Dragon!

Cohen: What type of officiating was that? We really need to get a new optometrist for our referees because they're blind.

Hammond is absolutely livid at what's happened and shoves the referee, berating at him for his actions. Dragon pulls Hammond back and stops him from doing anything hasty by holding his arm back. He lets go when Hammond assures Dragon he is fine and begins calming down... only to level Dragon with a sucker punch to the face. Hammond looks down at Dragon as the crowd boos at what he's done and he mounts Dragon, repeatedly punching him in the face before he throws him to the outside.

Copeland: What the hell is Hammond doing?

Cohen: He just got cheated out of winning the belt and it got awarded to the cheater. He is justified in taking him out.

Hammond stares at Dragon on the outside and turns to see Beckford getting in the ring who immediately goes on the attack on Hammond. The crowd cheers as Beckford takes care of him, giving him one shot after another. He hits a faceplant on Hammond to slow him down. He waits for Hammond to get back up and attempts for the Cross Drop but Blade intervenes to hit a low-blow on Beckford. Blade quickly cuffs Beckfords hands back once again and tells Hammond to go for it. There is no hesitation this time as Hammond begins pummeling Beckford with some nasty blows until he can no longer struggle. Blade instructs Hammond to go get a weapon as he drops Beckford to the ground. Hammond is on the outside and pushes some personnel out of the way to grab a chair before sliding back in. Blade sets up Beckford for a fatal shot as Hammond gets ready for the shot. The crowd boos heavily and tries to will Beckford on. As he is about to hit Beckford, Dragon slides into the ring with a weapon of his own and goes after Hammond and Blade, who both immediately escape the ring and head up the ramp... with the crowd cheering for Dragon.

Copeland: Thank God for the save for Dragon. Otherwise, Beckford would have been put in the hospital for the second time from Blade.

Cohen: He is very lucky indeed. Dragon had to save him because he was the one who instigated the whole situation by pinning Hammond in a way the referee couldn't possibly see the break, despite their bad eye sight.

Copeland: C'mon Jack, Beckford could of been seriously hurt and all you care about is a referee's decision. Mistakes happen, it's human nature. Hammond has taken the wrong path to finding justice.

Dragon helps up Beckford in the ring whilst Hammond and Blade stare back from the top of the ramp at the carnage they caused. The four men stare at each other as Meltdown goes off the air.
Who wrote what:

Showtime - Apostles of Chaos vs. Everest/Kurtesy
Blade - Titus vs. Mr. Baller
Falkon - Black Dragon vs. Blade vs. Hammond vs. Beckford
Numbers - S.H.I.T. vs. The Internet Warrior, Steven Holmes vs. Brad Bomb
Ty - Barbosa vs. Gordito, Opening, Backstage

Rep these gentlemen, buy the few of us that do drink a round or seven, some orange juice or Kool-Aid for the ones that don't, and also drop some feedback on the show if you can.
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