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Meltdown 60

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

The pyro goes off as the crowd gets excited for Meltdown, the crowds are cheering with their signs raised high.

A casually dressed Big Dave enters the arena with an unsure look on his face as the crowd cheers him on.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome the King For A Day, Big Dave

Cohen: There's the look of a guilty man right there.

Copeland: What would you know Jack?

Dave enters the ring and looks around at the cheering crowd as he reaches for a microphone. He paces around, looking concerned before stopping as his music fades out.

Dave: If you want to know why I'm out here right now, watch this footage.

He points to the titantron which shows the events of Ascension last week

Ascension 34 said:
Backstage we see Hunter Kravinoff pacing away with a smirk to himself, you can see there’s a fire in his eyes, he wants vengeance, he then stops to notice a peculiar looking door with a note saying ‘Private Screening of Black Swan’. Hunter considers it for a moment before smiling.

Kravinoff: Looks like my night’s going to get a little bit better!

He heads inside and closes the door, there’s a sudden lock and the door starts driving away as it’s revealed to be on the back of a lorry. The lorry drives through the car park and stops at the exit, the driver peers out of the window to reveal it’s Big Dave as he smirks.

Dave: Oh Hunter, we’re going to give you the night of your life!

The footage cuts ahead to later in the night.

in a distant woodlands area as we find the truck Big Dave was driving parked nearby. The camera moves passed it and spots Big Dave pulling Kravinoff along who’s hands are bound and eyes are blindfolded. He drags him along until they are near a clearing. Dave gets Kravinoff to stand up as he paces around him.

Dave: Well Hunter, here we are. Can you hazard a guess as to where?

Hunter rolls his lips and refuses to answer.

Dave: No? I thought being the wild man that you are, you would have recognised that you’re in the wild. What? Something the matter Hunter? You talk about how wild you are and how you sho…no, actually, there has never been any evidence of this has there?

Hunter looks frustrated underneath his blindfold.

Dave: That’s part of why we’re here, not to mention I thought we would have a little private chat, mono a mono. You see, I have this situation here. I have a man who’s been pursuing a briefcase, which you won rightly so, then calls me out at being uncivilised. I’m lost Hunter, you got what you wanted, I thought that would be it? But no, you couldn’t leave there you had to come out and challenge me one more time to prove it, saying you will hunt everyone down until you prize the World Heavyweight Championship from the last corpse you have to cease upon. And this is what I find humorous because, you’re not a hunter, every time we have faced off there has been an outside element to force the favour your way, if you are truly the wild man you could get it done yourself, which is why I accept your challenge at Apocalypse on two conditions.

Kravinoff: Name them!

Dave: First, all outside parties banned from ringside, it’s just you and me as it was meant to be!

Kravinoff: You got it! What’s the other?

Dave: I want to face you in a match to prove who is the wildest man out of us two, a match that has no limits, no quit, a match of survivor. I want you in a Last Man Standing match!

Kravinoff thinks for a moment before going straight back at Dave.

Kravinoff: I accept! Is that all this little charade and play up was for? I must admit Dave, you got a little of the theatrics in you, maybe Ty Burna could help you out a bit there. Well, let’s go!

Dave watches as Kravinoff tries to head off and find his way back, and had a small laugh to himself.

Dave: Did I say we were done?

Hunter frowns once again.

Dave: That match is just to prove which one of us is the wildest. Now I need to see evidence that you’re really the wild man you say you are.

Hunter realises what had just been said and starts looking frightened.

Hunter: Very clever Dave! I-I think you need to work on your sense of humour.

Dave smirks before shoving Kravinoff onto his back, he then pulls off the blindfold and starts walking off.

Hunter: Wait! Where are you going? You’re not leaving me HERE are you?

Dave: You’re a wild man Hunter, you know how to handle yourself.

Dave walks off as the camera stays focused on Hunter, suddenly the ignition fires up and the lorry’s horn starts honking as the sounds drive off into the distance.

Hunter: Dave?! Dave?! Son of a bitch!

Dave: So we're now up to speed what happened then, let's move onto the now. A couple of days ago, I was doing an interview for WZCW.com Radio and I got news that Hunter Kravinoff never made it out of those woods that I left him in last week on Ascension.

The crowd cheers to that result.

Now you people find this funny, but I find the news disturbing. Sure, I wanted to get my hands on Kravinoff and show him what's what, but I had never expected this. That being said, there was one important thing I had to do when I heard the news. You see, I had hidden a camera to keep an eye on Kravinoff to see how he would fare that night. I have the footage with me right now, I haven't yet watched it but I felt if we could all pay attention closely, we will watch it together to get some understanding. Roll the footage please!

He looks attentively at the titantron.

Stop that right now!

Out steps Barbosa onto the stage.

Barbosa: Dave, do you really think we would allow you to deceive us with your lies?

He did it. He did it.

Let him finish!

Thank you. As we were saying, you won't be fooling us with that deception. You left Hunter out there in the wilderness, you left him to die! This was all because of you being jealous that Hunter was better than you.

We did it first.

So what do you wish to do next?


Don't let him hurt us.

You are going to pay for your crimes and I will see to that Hunter will be avenged!

Suddenly the music of Wasabi Toyota hits, which cuts out immediately as he downs down the ramp with a mic in hand.

Toyota: Barbosa. You forget that your path lies with me for your insult and accusations last week. Truth is, while Hunter may have strayed down a long and corrupted path, he would end up seeking the form of retaliation from others. That being said, I do not see Big Dave as responsible for Hunter's disappearance, this was a consequence of Hunter's own doing, much like our match at Apocalypse and I will see to it that evil does not continue to spread in this company. Hunter was too late to save, but I can save you!

Barbosa: Was he with him?

Are you admitting to being an accomplice? You were always jealous of Hunter and us doing much better than you, so you wish to end the misery to match your own!


All three men stop to look towards the stage to see Chuck Myles standing there, waiting for their full attention.

Barbosa. You will not going around pointing fingers, this situation has been handed to the police to handle and unless Big Dave is proven guilty, there will be nothing more said about the matter! What this means is that we have lost a match at Apocalypse. Do you know how many buys we lost because the Last Man Standing Match is now no longer happening? I'm not in a good mood right now, so I'm asking you all to vacate the ring. As Dave has a match tonight, I'm ordering Barbosa and Toyota out of the arena, I don't want any further troubles to mess up the pay per view so get out of here now!

Myles storms off the stage as all three men look around at each with suspicion before they eventually leave the ring, keeping watch on who may strike first. Eventually Barbosa leaves as Dave and Toyota nod at each other and leave.

Copeland: What a wild start to Meltdown. Myles is certainly not happy with the situation, and neither is Barbosa. But what about the footage?

Cohen: I don't buy it Seabass. Why would Dave suddenly have the convenience of having footage all of a sudden? I still hold him guilty for all of this, the deceiver!

Copeland: Innocent until proven guilty was Myles' word on the matter Jack, better stick to it. So how about some tag team action to sort the matter?
Meltdown returns with Jackson Williams and Ewan Kampa standing in the ring, the crowd doesn't give them a strong reaction with them still being relatively new to the company.

Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, the team of Jackson Williams and Ewan Kampa!

They both look ready for action and fired up.

Showtime Cougar walks out followed by Stan Rogers. Showtime is smirking around and pleasant. He stops and whispers something to Rogers, pointing at Kampa who's heading out onto the ring apron. Rogers starts pacing down as Showtime slowly follows.

Harrys: Their opponents, at a combine weight of...

Harrys is interrupted as Rogers slides in through Williams' legs and knocks Kampa off the apron to the floor. He turns to see Williams right in front of him and catches him with a Powerbomb. The referee finally signals for the bell as Showtime tags himself in and tells Rogers to pass him up to the top rope. Showtime climbs up and Rogers drags up Williams' body and passes him to Showtime who hits the Final Act quickly and goes for the cover, 1.......2.......3.

Harrys: The winners of this match, Stan Rogers and Showtime Cougar!

"Ladies and Gentleman starts playing again as Rogers starts celebrating and Showtime looks at him in a patronising way. He leaves out of the ring as Rogers celebrates before he notices Showtime is already up the ramp and follows in pursuit.

Copeland: Somehow I don't think that tag match sorted the matter out...

Cohen: You're kidding Seabass? Showtime just proved why the Tag Team Championships will be well and truly his at Apocalypse.

Copeland: And Rogers.

Cohen: Who?

Copeland: His tag partner?

Cohen: Yeah...him too!

Copeland: Even so, I don't think The Forgotten Powers will be such an easy task come Apocalypse, we'll just have to wait and see!

We go backstage where The Forgotten Powers stand in front of a TV, watching Rogers celebrating the victory. A concerned looks is on their face when Dr. Alhazerd suddenly speaks up.

Alhazerd: Forget them King! We're the Tag Team Champions for a reason and it doesn't matter if we have to face Showtime Cougar and that blast from the past. King, we've taken out the best tag teams this company has to offer, there's no reason to be concerned about this thrown together team. It takes more than individual talent to win a tag team match.

King doesn't say anything as he continues staring at the TV screen, shaking his head and turning towards Alhazerd.

King: You're right, let's show the world that it doesn't matter who we face at Apocalypse, we'll prove to the world we are the best, and we'll retire these titles for good.

The two shake hands as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Tank hits to a pop from the crowd as Action Saxton emerges onto the ramp throwing some fists as he heads towards the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 270 pounds, Action Saxton.

Saxton slides into the ring and poses for the crowd. Waidmanns Heil hits to a slightly bemused silence from the crowd until Baez comes out, causing loud boos from the crowd.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, Baez!

Copeland: This should be the perfect test for both these men heading into Apocalypse!

Baez gets into the ring and loudly starts taunting his opponent, who trash talks back. The match kicks off and they start exchanging swift right hands.Saxton gains the advantage and forces Baez backwards into the ropes before Irish Whipping him across the ring. Baez comes off the ropes and Saxton hits a quick Armdrag. He gets up and backs off as Baez rubs his shoulder and frustratedly pounds the mat before getting up. Action tells Baez to bring it and they tie up in the centre of the ring. Action quickly delivers a Snapmare and transitions into a chinlock. Baez struggles to get out, but Saxton puts weight on him to stop an escape. Baez manages to swing an elbow back and it catches Saxton in the side of the head. Saxton releases the hold and stumbles backwards and Baez quickly gets up and hits a clothesline, taking Saxton down. Saxton quickly gets up and walks into a Scoop Slam from Baez. Baez goes for a pin, 1... Saxton kicks out with authority.

Copeland: It's going to take a lot more than that to put down Saxton!

Cohen: You sound like on of his bitches, Seabass...

Baez keeps up the pressure, locking in a Sleeperhold, but Saxton uses his strength to get to his feet, with Baez still hanging off his back with the Sleeper still locked in. Baez lets go and ducks Saxton's attempted Roundhouse kick before hitting a Dropkick straight to Saxton's chin. Baez goes for another quick pin, 1... 2... Saxton kicks out powerfully again. Baez stomps away on Saxton, not giving him a moment to breathe. He puts Saxton in a front facelock and lifts him back to his feet for a DDT, but Saxton reverses with a Back Body Drop. Baez gets up and goes for a Clothesline but Saxton ducks under it and hits a Spinning Punch. Baez goes down and Saxton goes for the cover, 1... 2... Kick out by Baez. Saxton picks up Baez and backs him into the corner. Saxton hits a knife-edge chop on Baez, causing a painful-sounding noise to echo through the arena. Baez collapses to his knees from the pain but Saxton picks him back up and hits another chop. Saxton hits a rolling Snapmare and goes to follow up with a Buzzsaw Kick, but Baez dodges it and rolls up Saxton, 1... 2... Kick out by Saxton!

Copeland: Neither man can build up momentum, but it's making for some great back and forth!

Cohen: I have a feeling Bowen will get involved in this match even though it has nothing to do with him...

Both men get up quickly and go for the same move, hitting a double clothesline and both men go down. The referee starts the count as both men lie on the mat. By 4 both men start stirring and the count is broken by 7 as the two men start exchanging right hands. Saxton throws a right and the crowd let out a 'Yay!', Baez throws one back and the crowd let out a 'Boo!'. Saxton ducks under a right hand from Baez and goes for a Back Suplex, but Baez counters into a Bulldog! He goes for the cover, 1... 2... Kickout by Saxton! Baez gets up and picks up his opponent, hitting a Uranage Backbreaker. Baez goes for another pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Saxton, causing the crowd to let out a sigh of relief. Baez signals for the end as he goes out on to the apron. He goes for Treble Boost but Saxton dodges. Baez lands on his feet but Saxton hits the Megaton Punch before going for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Baez! Saxton argues with the ref for a moment before turning his attention back to Baez. He stands over Baez and begins the theatrics for Black Dynamite.

Cohen: This move... Disgusts me.

Copeland: Well Saxton is a showman throught and through!

Saxton finishes the theatrics and goes for the elbow drop but Baez rolls out of the way! Both men get up and Baez tries to take Saxton down to lock in the Cross Buster but Saxton pushes him away and Baez goes into the ropes. He bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Saxton ducks under it and rolls Baez up, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Action Saxton!

Baez can't believe it as he realises what just happened. He gets up and argues with the referee, claiming he kicked out before the 3. The ref shakes his head and tries to leave the ring, but Baez grabs the referee and threatens to punch him. The ref manages to squirm out of it and rolls out of the ring before running away up the ramp. Baez gets out of the ring and chases after him. Meanwhile Saxton gets up in the ring and starts posing until he's interrupted by Alex Bowen's music.

Bowen: I bet your ego has grown even bigger just cause you've beaten Baez? He used to be the face of the Mayhem Division, but he's gone soft. I am the face of the division and this week I officially become the longest reigning Mayhem champ ever!

He holds up the title as the crowd cheer loudly.

Bowen: And to commemorate this special milestone, I wanna announce a special stipulation for our match at Apocalypse. I'll be right at home in this match, but you'll feel pain you've never felt in your life. Your flesh will be ripped apart and you will lose pints of blood because, Saxton, you're going to be facing me in a Barbed Wire match!

The crowd goes wild as Bowen grins and Saxton looks shocked as the news sinks in.

Copeland: Wow, you heard it! At Apocalypse, we will see one of the most brutal matches in wrestling between Alex Bowen and Action Saxton!

Cohen: That garbage has no place in modern wrestling!
We go backstage where Showtime Cougar and Stan Rogers are resting in the locker room.

Rogers: Showtime.

Showtime: That's Mr. Cougar to you.

Rogers: Right, Mr. Cougar, we made one hell of a team out there.

Showtime: Of course we did. I'm the leader of this team and with me in the forefront there's no way we can lose.

Rogers: I appreciate the kind words sir.

Showtime: Just don't screw it up out there. If you feel it's getting out of control, you tag me in as quick as you can and I'll handle business.

Rogers: Right...so The Forgotten Powers,

Showtime: A man who might as well be a mute, and someone who's relied on a toy glove. I'm not even concerned. They double teamed Ty and still couldn't get the job done and he destroyed them on his own. I'm better than Ty and your strength alone makes you a force to be reckoned with. We have this in the bag.

Rogers: You seem to be obsessed with Mr. Burna.

Showtime stares down Rogers with a look to kill before dismissing it.

Showtime: Don't waste your time speaking about him. We'll get him later.

Rogers goes quiet as Showtime's assistant walks in as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"What Love Is" begins playing and Sean Cruz makes his way out to a warm reception from the crowd. He poses at the top of the ramp before walking down, high fiving hands as he makes a lap around the ring. He slides in and hops up to the second turnbuckle and begins fist pumping along with the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 236 lbs, Sean Cruz!

Copeland: Sean Cruz came up a bit short on Ascension last week. He looks to rebound and make a huge impact and score a win over Titus.

Cohen: Maybe if he'd take his career seriously like Sam Masters he would have won last week!


Titus makes his way out to a loud pop from the crowd. He points out to the crowd and makes his way down the ramp, high fiving fans along the way. He climbs up and enters the ring, hopping up to the second turnbuckle and pointing out to the crowd to another loud reaction.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 225 lbs, this is Titus!

Copeland: Titus has been in a....well an interesting situation with Baez the last couple weeks. Baez has been under pressure from management due to his declining mask sales and has started to feel disrespected. Titus meanwhile has been the main target of Baez's frustrations due to his status as Red Mask.

Cohen: This is ridiculous. Baez has proven himself the best masked wrestler in WZCW. Titus just used it as a front to get back into WZCW. There's tradition behind Baez's mask. I'd take tradition over some whacked out wannabe superhero.

The ref signals for the bell and Cruz immediately goes for a Superkick but Titus catches his leg and tries to lock in the Ankle Lock! Cruz rolls through and Titus catches him with a few chops to chest. He backs Cruz into the ropes and whips him across, catching him with a back body drop off the rebound. Cruz winces in pain and Titus quickly follows with am armbar, wrenching hard on the arm. Cruz rolls through against and quickly counters the armbar, whipping Titus into the corner. Cruz hits a few kicks to the midsection before whipping him across to the opposite corner. He rushes towards Titus but eats a boot to the face. Titus hops up to the second turnubckle and connects with a flying European uppercut. He quickly covers Cruz, 1....2......Cruz kicks out. Titus drags Cruz up but Cruz counters with a front facing jawbreaker, knocking Titus backwards. Cruz gets up and connects with a spinning heel kick, sending Titus to the ground. He eats a knee drop from Cruz and Cruz hooks a leg, 1.....2.....Titus kicks out.

Copeland: Back and forth action from the get go. Cruz is keeping up with Titus and that's certainly a compliment.

Cohen: Cruz just should give it up. He's not worth a dime as a wrestler and I for one am sick of his pretty boy status.

Cruz stands up and motions for Titus to get up. Titus gets to his feet and Cruz hits a high angle dropkick, sending Titus stumbling into the corner. Cruz quickly connects with knees to the midsection and wraps an arm around Titus' neck and brings him down face first with a bulldog. He flips him over and covers him 1....2....Titus kicks out! Cruz applies a chin lock and keeps Titus grounded as he wrenches on his neck. The crowd gets behind Titus as they begin cheering and chanting his name. Titus pumps his fist as he hears the crowd and begins to slowly get to his knees. He hits a few elbows to the midsection and loosens the hold. He gets up and sends Cruz into the ropes, only to eat a crescent kick for his trouble. Cruz signals for the top rope leg drop and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He poses at the top before flying off. Titus moves and catches Cruz's leg and applies the ankle lock! Cruz yells out in pain as Titus slowly pulls himself to a standing position and locks it in tighter. The crowd suddenly begins buzzing and looking towards the middle section of the arena.

Copeland: Is that..Baez? What is he doing?

The camera catches Baez with a large box, handing free replicas of his mask out to the fans in the arena. Titus notices the commotion and release the ankle lock, looking towards Baez and the fans. Baez makes his way down towards ringside before grabbing the rest of the masks except one out of the box and tossing them high into the air. The crowd quickly reaches for them and Baez instructs them to put them on. The crowd obliges and suddenly the ringside fans all have Baez masks on! Baez climbs over the barrier and tosses the last mask to Titus. Titus looks on almost stunned. Cruz quickly takes advantage suddenly and rolls up Titus, 1.....2......Titus kicks out! Titus quickly gets up and Cruz goes for another Superkick but Titus catches it and spins him around, and drops him with the Tit Drop! He hooks Cruz's leg, 1......2......3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Titus!

Copeland: I think Baez was hoping his distraction would lead to a loss. Titus stayed resilient and picked up the victory.

Cohen: That was ingenious of Baez though. Look at all the fans with his mask on! They outnumber the Red Masks in the crowd.

Titus gets to his feet as Baez stares him down from the outside. Titus grabs the mask off the mat and holds it up, before tossing it right at Baez. Suddenly the fans at ringside all take the masks off and do the same, tossing them right at Baez! Baez is being pelted by his own masks as he takes off in disgust, heading to the ramp as the crowd pops loudly for Titus as the ref raises his hand. Cruz slowly gets to his feet and Titus holds his hand out, and the two shake hands in a sign of respect.

Cohen: I hate handshakes like this. They make me sick. Your'e supposed to destroy your opponent, not applaud him.

Copeland: Cruz showed some great stuff out there tonight Cohen. Titus is merely acknowledging that.

Cohen: Shut up Seabass.

Titus raises Cruz's arm to another pop from the crowd as Titus stares down the ramp at Baez who crouches down staring down Titus before tossing the box aside in frustration and storming to the backstage area.
We go backstage where Ale is walking in the hallway alongside his father. Blade suddenly walks up to them in a referee shirt and the Eurasian Title draped across his shoulder.

Ale: The hell do you want?

Blade: Making sure you understand the rules. You put one finger on me and I'll put you out. That's the only rule I have.

Ale: Maybe I just take you out here and take care of that precious Eurasian Title on your shoulder there.

Blade laughs and turns around and starts slowly walking away.

Blade: You, taking my belt? That's as likely as Scott Hammond being able to do anything without a tag team partner. In other words keep swinging that bat around and maybe you'll get a contract for a baseball team somewhere. Hell I don't care if you take Hammond out for me tonight. Just keep your dirty paws off me and my title and it'll go smoothly.

Blade walks off as Ale stands their angered as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Bliss by Muse hits and Blade walks onto the stage wearing a referee shirt. He has the EurAsian Title around his waist as he walks down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, the special referee for this contest. He is your EurAsian Champion... Blade!

Blade walks around the ring to the timekeepers table and give them the EurAsian Title. He then walks up the stairs and straddles into the ring. Drones by Rise Against plays and Ale walks out to some boos. He slowly walks towards to ring, stopping occassionally to raise his arms.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Peru, Indiana, weighing in at 400 lbs, Ale!

As Ale enters the ring, Papercut cuts in and Hammond walks out to the stage to a very respectful applause. Hammond moves quickly to the ring, slapping five with some fans along the side before sliding into the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 275 lbs, Scott Hammond!

Copeland: Well folks the number 1 contender for the EurAsian Championship has a very tall challenge in front of him against Ale tonight.

Cohen: And as if that wasn't enough for Hammond, his opponent at Apocalypse, Blade, is the guest referee for this match. The added presence of Blade will surely keep Hammond off his game.

Ale and Hammond meet at the centre of the ring. Blade stands between the two, then turns to Hammond and pats him on the back, sarcastically saying good luck with this one as he calls for the bell. Ale towers over 6’6” Hammond and raises his arms and roars loudly. Hammond appears unfazed and starts striking Ale as he has his hands up and unable to block. Ale takes the shots, but is unable to retaliate. Ale goes for an overhand chop. Hammond swiftly side steps it. He clubs Ale with a huge forearm, then grabs him by the neck and starts dropping forearms across the back of Ale’s neck and shoulder. Hammond finally has Ale slumped over a little and goes to lift Ale on his shoulders for London’s Calling. Hammonds legs shake a little as he has the massive Ale off his feet. Ale’s long arms start swing down at Hammonds legs. Hammonds legs buckle and he falls to the mat with Ale on top of him crushing him. The crowd oooooos as the bodies fall to the mat. Ale gets on his knees and rolls Hammond over for the pin. Blade bends down to make the count. 1... 2 Hammond kicks out. Ale grabs Hammond by the head and lifts him to his feet. Ale holds Hammonds head a delivers a vicious headbutt, knocking Hammond to the mat. Ale puts a foot on Hammonds chest, keeping him on the mat. He then steps on Hammond and walks over him. Hammonds rolls over onto his stomach. Ale turns back towards Hammond and drops an elbow on the back of his neck. He rolls Hammond over for the pin. Blade goes to make the count. 1... Hammond gets a foot on the ropes. 2... Blade stops and sees the foot and tells Ale. Ale with a mad look on his face. Blade reminds Ale who’s in charge of this match by pointing at his ref shirt. Ale grabs Hammond picks him up onto his feet. Ale locks his arms around Hammond for a Bear Hug. Hammond tries to break free, Ale tightens the grip and starts swinging Hammond around.

Copeland: Ale has kept the #1 contender grounded for almost this entire match.

Cohen: Are you surprised? No one can match Ale’s strength. He should be facing Blade at Apocalypse, not Hammond.

Blade asks Hammond if he wants to quit, almost taunting him. Hammond shakes his head a refuses to submit. Hammond holds his arm up in the air shaking. He starts driving it into the forehead of Ale. Ale with his strength, lifts Hammond up off the mat, still trapping him in the Bear Hug. Hammond wraps his arm around Ale’s head and his legs around his body. Hammond has Ale now in a Guillotine Chock. Ale’s grip around Hammond slowly starts to loosen. The two giants teeter in mid air before Ale’s legs give out on him and he goes crashing head first into the mat in a DDT. Hammond is forced to leg go from the fall and both giants are out on the mat. Blade starts a 10 count and is going slightly quicker then the normal speed, as if rushing Hammond. Hammond gets to the ropes and lifts himself up by 8. Ale is near the corner on one knee. Hammond walks behind Ale and hits a neck breaker on him. Hammond then starts mudhole stomping Ale. He gets up to 10 before Blade pulls him off. Hammond starts to get the crowd into in. He then puts a foot on Ale and walks over him in the same manner Ale did to him. Hammond climbs up onto the turnbuckle and stands straight up. He raises his arms and then jumps. Diving headbutt. Ale rolls just out of the way and Hammond hits the mat hard. Ale gets to his feet and hits a Leg drop. He rolls Hammond over and yells at Blade to hurry over and make the count. Blade slides in. 1... 2..... Hammond gets an arm up. Ale cannot believe it, but he appears very upset at Blade. Ale gets in Blade’s face, but Blade refuses to be intimidated. They both yell back at each other, before Blade threatens to call the match. Ale turns back to Hammond and goes to pin him. Blade blows this off and rolls out of the ring. Ale looks back at Blade furiously, as Blade is heading to the timekeepers table to grab his belt. Ale lifts Hammond to his feet and walks over to the turnbuckle. Ale hops onto the second rope. With Blade’s attention on the outside, Hammond breaks away from Ale and punches him right below the belt. Ale lets out a big groan. Hammond puts him onto his shoulders and as quickly as possible, hits London’s Calling. The load boom of the two men hitting the mat is enough to draw Blade’s attention, who sees Hammond with the cover and slides in to make the count. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Scott Hammond!

Cohen: Unbelievable there Seabass. Hammond took an underhanded route. He should be disqualified. Blade had no business being on the outside.

Copeland: Well Jack, Hammond simply did what he needed to do to win. You’ve defended a lot of guys with that remark. And what an impressive win this is for Hammond heading into his match with Blade at Apocalypse.

Blade goes to the corner where he left his EurAsian Title. He then walks over to Hammond and grabs his arm and raises it into the air. The crowd cheers and then Blade raises his other arm holding the EurAsian Title to mixed response. Hammond looks at Blade holding the title and the two back up a little. Hammond tells Blade he better be ready and Blade tells Hammond he better be ready to bring it. Both men nod and the Hammond straddles through the ropes and leaves the ring. Neither man take their eyes off each other as Hammond makes his way to the back and Blade continues to show off his belt.
After commercial, Sam Masters gets in the ring and is handed a microphone. He walks around the ring for a moment and rubs his chin before talking.

I know a lot of you probably don’t even know who I am. You see, I’ve been overlooked amongst a new breed of rising superstars, but tonight I’m going to grab your attention.

The crowd boos him a little bit.

Tonight, you will give me your attention.

The crowd boos him louder.

You see, I came into the WZCW as a man looking to do some good. I put my trust in the fans, and I found myself coming up short several times. That’s when I decided that I needed to step back and reorganize my priorities; and you guys didn’t make the cut.

The crowd boos in response to Sam’s statement.

I showed up at every show and put out my best for you, and in return you all would rather see someone like Black Dragon or Saboteur. I turned to you, and you all turned on me.

Sam points out to the crowd as they boo.

So, I’m changing. I came into this company as Sam Masters, but that’s not who I am anymore. I’m not what you people want anymore. I’m what this company needs. I’m taking on an alias that will distant my self from the “good” me. All of you will now refer to me as Chris K.O.

The crowd begins to chant, “No one cares!”

You will care, and that’s why I came out here tonight. To give you the name of the man who is going to shake the very foundations of this industry. Don’t forget the name, Chris K.O.

Chris raises his fist as the crowd boos him. He drops the microphone and exits the ring.
The following contest is scheduled for one fall...

Show Me My Opponent begins to boos as the King of Zimbabwe is carried down the ramp towards the ring.

Introducing first from Harare, Zimbabwe, weighing in at 223 pounds, King Shabba!

“Now this guy is a talent, I’ve said it from the start.”

“He does have some ability but his mouth and his fist get him into trouble? Did you see him kick that guy this week?”

“The chump deserved it!!”

He hands his robe to Nnamdi before getting into the ring and motioning towards the crowd to bow.

And his opponent from London, England, weighing in at 268lbs, he is the reigning King for a Day, Big Dave!!

“Now the real King has arrived!”

“Take that back, what filthy lies!”

As Always by Saliva starts, the man in possession of the KFAD briefcase gets a great reception. As he walks down the ramp, he immediately locks eyes with King Shabba with his trademark glare.

Dave comes into the ring and Shabba gets in his face. The King backs off but Dave charges and takes him down with a clothesline. Shabba comes back straight away and Dave whips him off the ropes. Shabba ducks, rebounds off the other side and hits a springboard dropkick to Dave as he comes back. Shabba picks him up and whips him hard into the corner and as he comes back, Shabba takes him down with an arm wringer. The king controls him by kicking his shoulder to keep him down. He drop a leg on the neck and shoulder of the King for a Day and covers him arrogantly, 1.....2.....Dave fights out.

“Shabba has started so well, Dave can’t get going.”

“He’s got Hunter on the brain.”



Shabba picks him up again but Dave overpowers him and takes him down with a firemans carry. Shabba responds with a headscissors and then goes for a running shoulder block but Dave kicks his head in with a roundhouse kick. Shabba collapses, Dave covers him, 1....2.....Shabba kicks out!

“Those kicks are just one example why Dave is so dangerous.”

“That’s a damn dangerous move, should be banned!”

With Shabba dazed, Dave goes for a pumphandle slam but Shabba fights out of it and hits a backflip dropkick! Dave stumbles but is not floored but Shabba nails him with a float over DDT that does the trick.

“Pin him Your Highness! Quick!!”

“I don’t think he can hear you.”

Instead of going for a cover. Shabba heads to the top rope and goes for the double leg drop but Dave avoids it by rolling out of the way!

“He really should have listened.”

Both men take their time to get to their feet. Shabba goes straight for the Hey Zimbabwe but Shabba isn’t able to bring Dave down. Instead Dave holds onto him, picks him up and drapes him across his shoulders. He drops Shabba with the Stamp of Authority! Cover by Dave, 1...2....3!

“What brilliant strength by Big Dave!”

Your winner by pinfall, Big Dave!

“Well Shabba should learn his lesson here.”

“What lesson? Dave screwed him!”

“He took Dave for granted, tried to go the big showboating move, missed and paid the price!”
We go backstage where Alex Bowen has a trolley and begins loading all sorts of weapons when Becky Serra walks up to him.

Becky: Alex, up next you face the World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna in a Mayhem Rules match. How do you feel going into this match?

Bowen looks at Becky then looks at the trolley, loads up a roll of barbed wire and looks back at Becky.

Bowen: Violent. Very violent.

Bowen pushes the trolley out of the picture as Becky looks on.

Copeland: Alex Bowen takes on Ty Burna in what is sure to be a brutal affair next!
The following match is Mayhem Rules, Champion vs Champion encounter scheduled for one fall!

“This is going to be a bloodbath!”

Harrys: Introducing first, the Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen!

“The Hills Have Eyes” hits and Alex Bowen comes out holding his belt up high and proud. He high fives some fans on each side of the entrance ramp. He heads to the far side of the ring.

“This man has dominated this division in a way that very few have at all.“

The lights go out and the crowds boos at a tremendous volume.

“But this man lit up the Mayhem division on his way to the top. Him being back in a Mayhem Rules match, given recent events, scares me. But I can't wait!”

“And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 235lbs, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight champion, Ty Burna!!!”

Ty walks slowly down to the ring as the Chaos symbol burns above his head. He menacingly raises his title above his head at the bottom of the ramp.

“The past and present clash in a match which suits them both. I hope Bowen has got his health insurance up to date.”

“Mayhem Rules, anything goes. This can go anywhere, end anywhere and they can use anything to do it!”

Bowen is still gathering weapons from under the ring as Ty enters the squared circle. Bowen wields a chair as he enters under the bottom rope. Ty points at him and shakes his head as Bowen is a little defensive, his chair raised to shoulder height, while he cautiously raises his Mayhem title to loud cheers. Ty responds to this by raising his title above his head and the crowd respond with loud boos. Both men give their titles to the official and Ty doesn’t hesitate to get in Bowen’s face.

Bowen responds in kind and then punches Ty in the face. The World Champion recoils, like he has a bitter taste in his mouth but the crowd love it. He smiles a wicked grin before wrecking Bowen with a shot to the gut and he drops the chair. He brings Bowen back up and punches him straight in the face.

Ty then whips him off the ropes but Bowen fights back with a clothesline. Ty doesn’t fall, Bowen comes back again and Ty picks him up above his head but Bowen falls behind him and drops him with a running bulldog!

“This may be the most scientific move in the match.”

Bowen goes to pick up his chair. He lifts it up and goes to slam it down but Ty charges and tackles him to the floor. The chair gets dropped again. With Bowen down, Ty picks it up but Bowen rolls out to ringside. Ty follows him.

“Thank god that chair is out the way!”

Bowen picks up a steel chain from his trolley and Ty stalks him all the way. The World Champ swings the chair at the Mayhem champ and it barely misses him. Bowen slaps the chain into his ribs and follows it up by wrapping it around his fist and slamming it into his face. Bowen goes to cover him but only get a frustrating one count.

“A chair and a chain! Which man is going to do more damage!”

Bowen wraps his chain around Ty’s neck and drags him around the ringside to the ring steps. He grabs Ty and whips him head first into the steel corner pole. Bowen goes for a back suplex but Ty grabs the ring to stop the move and then mule kicks Bowen below the belt. The Mayhem champion collapses. Ty moves the ring steps and then with a clinical precision he drives Bowen into the ring steps with a high angle spinebuster! Cover, 1....2.....Bowen barely kicks out.

“We may see how much Bowen has in the tank. Ty is going to take him apart piece by piece.”

“He has tremendous heart but Ty is revitalised and I don’t know if Bowen can keep kicking out.”

Ty is annoyed again by his inability to put away Bowen. He searches the trolley for a suitable weapon but finds nothing to his liking. Instead he pushes the trolley and rams it into Bowen’s prone body! Ty covers Bowen again, 1....2.....Bowen fights out.

“This is so impressive by Bowen but he needs to go get some big offense in.”

Ty flips out in pure anger. He slams the trolley into the ringside barrier and tips it over. He looks underneath the ringside apron and begins to pull out something that brings out an Ooh from the crowd.

He sets up the table in the ring by a corner and exits to ringside to bring Bowen back in. He grbas Bowen in a facelock and goes to drop him with the Mo Murda DDT but Bowen back body drops him out of it! Cover! 1....2....Ty kicks out!

“This has more lived up to my expectations! What a great match!”

Both men struggle to get to their feet; Bowen has been battered but is still fighting with every breath. Ty has more about him but has a giant bruise from that earlier chain shot to the face.

“What a massive bruise on Ty’s face!”

“Bowen is more than holding his own against the World Champ.”

Ty grabs Bowen once more but the Mayhem champion fights out of his grip. Bowen peppers him with jabs and chops before lashing out at him with a discus clothesline that floors Ty! Cover, 1....2...Ty fights out again, to Bowen’s disgust. He brings Ty over to the opposite corner from his table and tries to trip him with a drop toe hold but Ty manages to block most of the impact of the table with his hands!

“That could have been a key move in the match. Had Ty not blocked that, he may not have been in any condition to win the match.”

Bowen goes to hit the Ride the Lightning but Ty hits some hard elbows to the side of Bowens’ head. Bowen stumbles away, bleeding slightly from his temple. Ty waits for him to come back and as he does, slams him through the table! Cover! 1....2.....Bowen kicks out again!!

Ty is furious and starts stomping parts of the shattered table. He hesitates as Bowen gets up again, refusing to quit this fight. Ty sets up for Consecrated Banishment but Bowen hits Ride the Lightning! Cover, 1.....2.....Ty kicks out again!

“Great reversal by Bowen! I don’t know how Ty kicked out!”

“He is the World Champion that’s why!!!”

It’s Bowen’s turn to get ready to finish the match, he looks to set for End of Days but then rolls out of the ring and goes underneath the ring. He comes back up, wielding a barbed wire baseball bat! He raises it high and the crowd pops for it loudly. He slides into the ring and prepares to hit Ty straight in the face but as he steps forward, Ty kicks the baseball bat into Bowen’s face with Consecrated Banishment!!!

Bowen’s face splits as the barbed wire rips into the flesh of his forehead off the devastating impact. Ty falls on top of him, 1....2.... ....3!!!

"Holy CRAP"

“Your winner by pinfall, the World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!!”

“I’ll give Bowen all the credit in the world, he nearly had Ty down for a three count!”

“Most others wouldn’t have been able to put up that much of a fight. Ty had to near kill him!”

The blood continues to pour from Bowen’s forehead but Ty isn’t done despite the victory.

“That was some performance by both men...but what is Ty doing.”

He looks at the barbed wire object but he throws it over the top rope. Instead he leaves the ring and grabs another table. The ref tries to stop him but Ty threatens him and he scarpers. He rolls back into the ring and sets it up at the nearest corner. He grabs Bowen by the arms and drags him to the corner.

“This isn’t right!”

“Ha I love it! Ty is sending a message to Austin, to the rest of the roster that he will not be messed with!”

Bowen is dead weight as he seems to have the life all but beaten out of him. Ty begins to climb the ropes with Bowen above him, he crosses his arm across his chest and lifts him up. He looks to slam him through the table with the X-plex but before he can, Austin Reynolds appears on the apron and slams Ty in the back with a steel chair!

“Yes! Yes! Yes! The Ratings Winner is here!”

"No! Ty, destroy that scandalous rat!"

Ty drops Bowen who falls to the floor! Reynolds goes to climb the turnbuckle and forces Ty beneath him. Austin grabs him by the waist, lifts him up and slams him through the table to the ring with the Ratings Killer!!

“That was great timing by Reynolds! And now he is going to want answers!”

Austin gets in Ty’s semi-conscious face and shouts at him wildly, asking where Hayley is and what he has done with her! The crowd are whooping and hollering in support for Austin as the show ends.
Who wrote what:

Numbers: Ty/Bowen, Dave/Shabba
Blade: Saxton/Baez
Showtime: Hammond/Ale
Phoenix: Showtime/Rogers vs. Williams/Kampa, Opening
Ty: Titus/Cruz, Backstage

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