Meltdown 54

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Ascension 28 said:
The referee hands Ty the title, and Ty rips it out of his hands and, after staring at the unconscious Lights for a few moments, slowly raises his title in the air before the cheering crowd.

???: Well done Ty, I'm impressed, with all your fancy fire works and near homicidal acts, I am truly impressed!

The crowd boos heavily as Showtime Cougar comes out, accompanied by Serafina and a large security force.

Showtime: You know, there's a place for someone like you, jail! Now I know I can't touch you, but I have every right to sue you for what you got, destruction of property, grievous bodily harm, assault, hell throw in rape with all the mind controlling against Serafina's will.

The crowd boos heavily and tries to mock Serafina

See, even these people are being manipulated, I'm sure there's something in Section 53 about possession with crowds of people, puppies and motor vehicles. So as a law abiding citizen, security, I instruct you to arrest that man and send him to jail!

The security team head forward as Ty smirks at the situation before the lights go out.

Cohen: Help! Security, I'm being possessed through the art of light switching!

Showtime: Very clever Ty! Just remember you can't touch me and...

The lights come back on to reveal the whole security group have been completely knocked out with the ring smoking from the effects of the Chaos symbol being freshly burnt into the canvas. Serafina clutches Showtime tightly as he too looks around in a tense fashion and can't see Ty anywhere. The crowd then roars and points, which grabs the attention of the couple as they look up to find Ty on top of the titantron, his hands are spread apart as he looks straight ahead with a demonic stare.

Ty: Hell hath no fury as a devil scorned! You have stolen all that has been proclaimed by those of the Ouija, except for one, that which matters most to the Ouija. Alas, the Ouija shall steal from you the one thing that no-one else shall steal for it is not an object of desire or is in a state of a solid form. Showtime, everything about you will be undone for at Kingdom Come, the flames of my rage will ensnare you like the animal that you are. When the bell toll strikes three, your body will be an empty channel for the Ouija will claim you as one of their own, there is no escape.

Ty deeply inhales and stares intensely at them.



He extends his hands as flames spew out of the sides of the stage and the arena turns red as Ty fire-brewing eyes continue to stare intensely at Showtime and Serafina as Ascension fades out.

*Pyros go off*

The camera pans around the arena, showing all the fans in excitement and anticipation of the final Meltdown before Kingdom Come. Signs include "Ty will BURNa Showtime", "Kurtesy gave me a lobotomy" and "Action Saxton is my Dad!", we stop at the familiar sights of our Meltdown announcers.

Copeland: Kingdom Come is virtually on our doorstep and here we are at the final Meltdown before the event. What a show is set for you tonight, we got the King For A Day competitors in the ring all together for the first time, the Mayhem Championship on the line and Chris Beckford getting his referee experience later tonight. But firstly, Jack, Kingdom Come, one of the most exciting Kingdom Comes we have seen, how do you expect people's performances to be tonight knowing that the biggest show in Kingdom Come history is here?

Cohen: Well Seabass, it's simple, what you see tonight is people upping their game in preparation, this is a warm up to get that final push of momentum to get into the big show. To lose tonight is the last thing all the guys in the locker room will refuse to do at any cost!

Cohen: I haven't heard this song before, who is this?

Out onto the stage leaps Baez in his newest look who is in a crouching position, he looks around the arena before heading down the ramp. He climbs up the turnbuckle and poses before climbing down into in the ring, he grabs the mic as the crowd boos him heavily, he waits until they silence but they don't.

Baez: Well look at how much you can make a difference in a small space of time, I have shown that I superior to that pathetic excuse of a "main eventer", Gordito. Sure, I may have not had the most successful week last week, but I fought in two matches and I managed to get Gordito once again. It's only a matter of time now before that Chamber lowers and Gordito has nowhere to run and will accept his fate, much like my four other opponents in the King For A Day Match. Now, while I team against what I considered the toughest obstacle to overcome in the match, Kravinoff and Barbosa, we all have to admit that the Chamber is on our minds and I respect my partners, but just so I make things clear, once the bell rings after tonight's match. It's every man for themselves!

'Ecstasy of Gold' hits as Hunter Kravinoff and Barbosa come out together, they have some smirks about each other and even nod some respect to Baez as they stand in the ring.

Kravinoff: While I appreciate the honesty Baez, you can see that Barbosa and I are on the same page, and we will try to make it possible to become the first ever co-winners of the King For A Day Match, it will be history in the making.

The crowd boos at the thought.

Would you please stop booing me?

The crowd boos even louder.

Why can't you just accept that this is the truth? Your opinions shouldn't even matter, in fact, why are you even here? If you don't like what you see, then don't show up! I suggest the same to our opponents for tonight because, well, just ask Johnny Klamor why! My friend Barbosa shows that the only opinion that matters is whether you like Mila Kunis or not, among other things. But Barbosa proves that your opinion will always be wrong!

Barbosa takes the microphone and stands in centre

Barbosa: *ahem*

'End on 9' hits as Gordito, Dr. Steven Kurtesy and Big Dave head out together, Gordito has a microphone on him as he leads his tag partners down the ramp.

Gordito: Sorry Barbosa, but it was either myself or one of your personalities that was going to interrupt. Let it known first and foremost, that Mila Kunis, actually why are talking about her? She doesn't matter here because first and foremost, we have a match tonight, and while I have managed to make an unlikely allegiance with both my partners for tonight, the prize at hand is within touching distance, one thing that we all want, that title shot at any given time after Redemption. I know that tonight, victory is going to come through blood, sweat and tears, much like the deserved victor of the Chamber. Play time is over boys, this is where it gets serious, so whether you wish to review films or actually wrestle, it's your choice. But Baez, one thing is guaranteed, I have not forgotten the things you have done to me and at Kingdom Come, you will regret doing all these actions, but most importantly, stepping into that Chamber with me in waiting!

The crowd cheers to a great reaction. Kurtesy takes the microphone as Barbosa is about respond.

Barbosa: THAT'S...

Kurtesy A good point you raises Gordito! Sorry Barbosa, I can handle this, trust me I'm a doctor! Speaking of which, I need to arrange an appointment about your aggressive streak, I'll give you my card later! But if there's one thing that's certain, this unity between myself, Dave and Gordito may not be a permanent feature once we reach Kingdom Come, but one thing is certain, that is, I have no hesitation of making my Crashin Movement members proud and aid the cause by making sure your time in the Chamber is less spent, it is Kommon Kurtesy after all!

Barbosa looks ready to explode as Kravinoff tries to comfort him but he snaps


Dave: You?!

Barbosa is getting further aggravated by the interruptions.

Barbosa, the only thing you have proven is that you are good at beating up announcers and interviewers, have you actually got an important victory? I look at you three and all I see is a one-off, meaningless tag reign and a former Mayhem Champion who had the title more times than he had hepatitis! My credentials alone is something you should fear, Baez should know from last week. If I did that to him in open play, what good do you have in a Chamber with me inside?

Kravinoff: You forget Dave, that with your credentials, both Baez and I have beaten you!

Dave: All the more reasons for me to hurt you at Kingdom Come, but more importantly...tonight!


“Falling On” kicks in as Chuck Myles walks out onto the stage, Barbosa holds his head in disbelief and gets Kravinoff to back off when he tries consulting him.

Myles: All right guys, that's enough for now. I don't want you ruining my Main Event for tonight. But you are all right, Kingdom Come is going to see you go through the match of your lives, you will all never be the same again. But save the aggression for then, so for now, get out of my ring and get ready for later, because you animals won't know the feeling of being caged until you get in there!

Myles heads backstage as the two teams head their respective ways, keeping their eyes on each other and not letting up an opportunity for the other. Barbosa is still annoyed at not being able to say his words.

Cohen: Well one's thing guaranteed for tonight Seabass, chaos!

Copeland: Indeed Jack, though I do fear when those "animals" do get caged in the Chamber, it's going to be a night to see, and one not to forget!


Backstage, Chuck Myles comes from the gorilla position and walks into Mr. Baller.

Myles: Ah Baller, just the man! Your match is up any moment now, in case you didn't get the message, make me proud because I am watching you! Good luck!

Myles smiles before walking on as Baller looks fired up and ready to go as we go to a commercial break.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Wake up” hits to a decent reaction from the crowd as Sam Smith emerges from behind the curtain, he looks around and surveys the scene before heading down the ramp, he slaps some hands with a couple of the ramp side fans before continuing to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Washington D.C., weighing in at 235 pounds, Sam Smith!

Copeland: Well Sam Smith probably got the same motivational message that Baller received today and is to be active and ready because they’re being watched tonight.

Cohen: Having the top guys watch over you and the opening bout on Meltdown, it’s not an easy task is it?

Copeland: That remains to be seen but Smith looks ready for some action.

Smith climbs into the ring and paces around a bit as he looks ready to take on his adversary, who’s familiar tune of ‘Mr. Baller’ hits who comes out very pumped with his basketball and starts getting cocky in front of the fans. He heads down the ramp and grabs the attention of the crowd and spins the ball on his finger.

Harrys: His opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing 220 pounds…

Harrys stops as he notices Smith has rolled out of the ring and clotheslines Baller off his feet, Smith then goes to grab the basketball on the floor and starts dibbling near Baller before feigning a throw at him which has Baller winching, Smith then looks at the crowd and throws the ball into the crowd, which doesn’t please Baller as he gets back up to his feet. Smith kicks him in the gut and drags him straight to the ring and rolls him in as the bell rings. Smith climbs up onto the apron and is met with a kick in the chest from Baller who isn’t pleased that he just lost his ball, he then follows up with a knee drop on Smith, and continues to display the offence by rolling him into the centre of the ring and drop the elbow.

Baller then pulls Smith up to his feet and goes for a dropkick, but Smith blocks it by grabbing the legs and looks to hit the Double Jeopardy early but Baller shoves him away with his feet, Smith comes back again to be tripped up with a drop-toe-hold and Baller tries to go for The Gamechanger but Smith is too close to the ropes and Baller has to adjust his strategy again. Baller backs off as Smith gets back to his feet as Baller starts trash talking at him regarding the ball, telling him that he deserves everything he gets, Smith isn’t sure what to make of this and just hits him in the head before pulling off a snap suplex, he goes for the cover attempt, 1…….2…..kickout by Baller.

Copeland: It seems Baller is distracted by what happened to his ball early on, he needs to get this out of his mind otherwise it will cost him the match.

Cohen: But he’s right Seabass, Smith deserves everything coming to him for theft and assault. He might have to defend himself!

Smith drags Baller up and pulls him into the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle, he slams him against it one more time before pulling him back and lifts him up for the backbreaker, Baller uses the momentum to counter the fall with an armdrag into an armbar to try and hyperextend Smith’s left arm who tries to resist the submission attempt, eventually getting his foot under the ropes, forcing Baller to relinquish the hold, but he keeps holding on until the referee counts up to 4. Baller gets up in the referee’s face and that he has no right to disqualify him, one he stops bickering with him, he turns and Smith catches him with a small package, 1…….2…..kickout. Smith sighs at the unsuccessful attempt and Baller looks annoyed at what just occurred, as Smith gets up to his feet, Baller runs at him from behind and takes him down with a bulldog, he gets up to his feet and looks to the turnbuckle and begins to climb up. He eyes up the distance and leaps with a legdrop which connects on Smith’s head and Baller goes for the cover, 1……2…..kickout.

Baller wastes no time and drags Smith nearer to the corner before he stands facing the turnbuckle, he looks at Smith and then goes for the Buzzerbeater, but as he leaps up, so does Smith who grabs him and hits a modified schoolboy, 1……2……Baller rolls off his shoulders and onto his feet, running at Smith who catches him with a sidewalk slam, he’s slow to his feet but climbs up the turnbuckle himself, trying to catch his breath. When Smith reaches the top, he goes for the moonsault but Baller rolls out of the way and he meets the canvas head on, Baller rolls him onto his back with a weak cover attempt, 1…….2……Smith gets a shoulder up.

Copeland: Both men are really taking it to each other, they refuse to give up this match, knowing what is stake.

Cohen: Which is what exactly? But damn, I though Baller had him there.

Both men struggle to their feet, but Baller grabs Smith by the arm and irish whips him to the opposite corner, but Smith uses his weight to counter and Baller uses the speed to ascend the turnbuckle to go for a whisper in the wind and Smith meets him with a dropkick in mid-air and both men are down again as the referee starts a ten count. Both men use the ropes to pull each other up to be vertical at the count of seven and both start a slug out, with the fans booing Baller with each hit and cheering Smith when he makes contact, the pace of their swings increase and Smith starts getting a chain together, although when he goes for another attempt, Baller tries for an armdrag, but Smith rolls himself behind for a sleeper attempt, Baller then throws him forward with a snapmare with Smith rolling forward, Baller tries for a clothesline, Smith ducks, on the rebound Baller is caught a with northern lights suplex, 1……2……kickout by Baller as the crowd applaud the recent action.

Baller slowly rolls out of the ring, giving him a chance to recoup and get his plan together, he leans against the announce table with an almost glazed over look in his eyes, Smith gets to his knees and sees Baller on the outside, he goes to follow him and drags him towards the ring, but Baller is playing possum and slams Smith’s head against the ring and throws him to the floor. He wastes no time and hits The Gamechanger on the outside on Smith as the referee is starting counting them out, already at three. Baller keeps the move on tight and Smith is gritting his teeth hard, refusing to give in regardless as the referee is now up to six. When he reaches seven, Baller releases the hold, smirks to himself and goes to get in the ring, but Smith grabs his leg and with a rush of adrenaline applies the Double Jeopardy on Baller who screams in pain as the referee hits the ten and calls for the bell, with Smith still applying the hold.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, the referee has counted both men out and as a result, this match is a draw!

Baller is still screaming from the hold and is tapping, knowing the match is over and wants Smith to let go.

Cohen: Come on Smith, let go of the hold, don’t let this ruin anything for you!

Copeland: Such a superb match between the two of them, I can’t fault either one for their efforts, but what does this mean?

“Falling On” suddenly hits, causing Smith to release the hold and stand waiting as Chuck Myles comes out onto the stage with a smirk on his face.

Myles: Well despite the ending of that match, I really have to say that I was impressed by the two of you tonight. You did exactly what I asked of you and delivered with expectation. Don’t you agree?

The fans cheer in unison.

So it is with my pleasure that both of you are going to be at Kingdom Come, facing each other.

There’s some confusion amongst the crowd and even on Smith’s face.

What I mean is that both of you are going to have a rematch at Kingdom Come, and just so you two actually have a victor decided between you, this match will involve the winner receiving a title shot. With the choice of the Elite X or the EurAsian Championship at the winner’s discretion.

The fans cheer on the news and Smith is smiling as is Baller who is back on his feet on the outside.

Knowing how good you two can face off, your decision for the belts shouldn’t be a problem either.

Gentleman, good luck and see you both at Kingdom Come!

Chuck Myles heads to the back as Smith is happy with the opportunity he’s received, only to be cut short as Baller is back in the ring and swing a steel chair hard into his back, taking him down to his knees before taking a swing at his face, knocking him out. Baller gets in Smith’s face

Baller: You, and that title shot, are mine!

He slams Smith’s head to the mat before getting up and posing to the crowd who boo him before he heads out of the ring and up the ramp, further giving trash talk to Smith before making behind the curtain.

Copeland: Wow, what interesting developments. Smith and Baller will face off again and the winner gets a shot at either the Elite X or EurAsian Championship. Kingdom Come is surely getting stacked, I can’t wait!

Cohen: But the important thing to consider here is that despite the match here being a draw, Baller sent a clear message to Smith and that nothing is going to stop him from getting that title shot.

Copeland: Regardless of that Jack, if both men give it their all, like they did tonight, they will be proud of not only earning their place at Kingdom Come, but also giving a top notch match, the title shot is only adds to the encouragement!

We're backstage in the locker room for the Crashin Movement, Crashin and Holmes are in deep discussion when there's a knock at the door and in emerges Dr. Steven Kurtesy.

Crashin: Great words out there Steve, Kingdom Come is going to be a night for the Movement where we reclaim the Tag Team Championship and earn the right to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship, they will believe in us!

Kurtesy: We just need to believe in ourselves, and the victory will be possible.

Holmes: For certain, but now, let's take care of those little sunshines, the Forgotten Powers was it? Let's make sure their career will be like their presence in our match, forgotten!

Kurtesy: Good luck out there guys, I'll be with Dave and Gordito to prepare for later.

Crashin: Ah good idea, maybe we can get more strength in numbers for Movement, keep working on it.

Kurtesy: ...Yeah sure!

Crashin and Holmes leave off as Kurtesy sighs to himself.

In another part of the arena, James King and Dr. Alhazred head through the hallway to get ready for their match, different people backstage wish them luck.

Copeland: Well, we got ourselves a warm up next with the challengers for the Tag Team Championship up next, who's going to get the advantage going into Kingdom Come? Find out next!
The following match is a tag team match and is scheduled for one fall!

On their way to the ring, they are a combined weight of 428lbs, the Forgotten Powers, James King and Dr Alhazred!!!

The lights go down for the intro. James King walks slowly down the ramp, raising his arms and slapping the hands of fans. Dr. Alhazred is walking behind him with Mister, discussing strategy. James King climbs the second rope and raises his fists, Dr. Alhazred and Mister stand in a different corner and huddle up.

And their opponents, at a combined weight of 480lbs, they are the Crashin Movement, Steven Holmes and Doug Crashin!

“The Crashins have not had a good run since losing their Tag Titles at the Lethal Lottery.”

“But this will be the ideal place to get momentum before Kingdom Come where they rightfully regain the straps.”

Both men walk slowly to the ring with their nose firmly in the air as the crowd boo them loudly. They see King and Alhazred and walk around the opposite side of the ring.

The Crashins hesitantly get into the ring. Eventually, all four men appear to be ready to go. Alhazred and Crashin go to their respective corners leaving Holmes and King to go at it. King just marches right up to Holmes with a scorn and gives him a slap in the face! Holmes bitterly considers his next move as he supports his jaw. King starts to laugh with Alhazred as they poke fun at Holmes, and as he has become obviously very angry from it, Holmes darts right at King wasting no time for a stiff kick to the gut, but King expected this after luring Holmes in and making him lose his temper, so King counters with a sharp kick to the knee before Holmes’ kick can connect!

“This is a very hesitant start by both teams.”

“We both know the Crashin Movement could end this very quickly. They want to give these weird young men a rub by spending time in the ring with them.”

King and Holmes are now walking circles around each other, with Holmes more concerned and hesitant than the eager King, who is simply content, focused and keen. For a minute this goes on, all the while Holmes contemplates to tag Crashin as he reaches his hand in, but instead Holmes keeps playing to King, and once more darts at him for a high knee! King gets up immediately but gets levelled with a Holmes neckbreaker!

“This is more like it.”

Holmes goes for a German suplex, but King wiggles free, goes behind and nails Holmes on the back of the head with a vicious clothesline! Holmes plummets forward and ricochets off the nearest turnbuckle. King drags him to the turnbuckle of his partner and tags Alhazred in! King then puts Holmes into a leg lock while Alhazred gets on top of the ring post, and does a hard fist drop into the back of Holmes’s skull! King goes to his respected corner and lets his partner take over.

Holmes seems lifeless. Alhazred picks him and goes for a Samoan drop. But Holmes grabs the ropes, Using them for leverage he is able to knee Alhazred in the head. Still holding onto the ropes on Alhazred’s shoulders, Holmes tries to force Alhazred back, which eventually works. Holmes falls to the mat and tags in Crashin while Alhazred is still dazed from the knees to the head. They double team Alhazred with stomps to the chest before the ref forces the arrogant Holmes to leave the ring. His equally haughty partner continues the assault. He wrenches the arm and then ties it around the ropes and wrenching it even more! The ref counts it for a DQ, 1.….2.……..3.………….4.……..Crashin breaks the hold and Alhazred rolls away. Alhazred forces himself back up to a standing position.

"Crashin hasn't forgotten the ways of bending the rules without going too far."

"Innovation I call it!"

Before Crashin could decide on the next move, Alhazred swings a tough punch to Doug with his good arm and staggers him slightly. They exchange hard blows in the centre of the ring. Crashin quickly gets the upper hand. He then whips Alhazred to the ropes where Holmes kicks him in the back. Alhazred crumples to the floor. Crashin laughs and hits a DDT. The ref admonishes them but counts anyway, 1.…..2.…….. Alhazred forces a shoulder up.

James King goes mental on the apron trying to rally his partner. Holmes and Crashin tag in and Holmes immediately goes for the Imperial Impaler but King enters the ring and stops the move before he can drop Alhazred on his head. He then runs straight through and tackles Crashin, clotheslining him over the top rope to the floor.

Alhazred begins punching Holmes to capitalise on King’s interference. Holmes is dazed enough so that Alhazred can look for the tag. Both King and Crashin have made their way to their respective corners. Holmes grabs his leg, Alhazred goes for a huge punch but Holmes ducks it then uses his momentum to hit a big back suplex! Holmes covers, 1.....2..... Alhazred kicks out bravely!

"I thought that was it for sure!"

"It wasn't, but it will be."

Holmes tags Crashin back in and his arrogance is immediately clear. He slowly climbs to the middle rope and after jaw jacking with the crowd, he drops a leg on Alhazred. Crashin then covers without hooking the leg, again Alhazred kicks out at two. Crashin applies a headscissors to keep Alhazred grounded and he then transitions it to a variation of a crossface. Alhazred is struggling and Crashin has to wrench back to keep him down. Suddenly Alhazred begins to work his way to the ropes and is able to drape a leg on the bottom rope! The ref demands Crashin break the count which he eventually does after a long five count! Crashin pauses and stalks him, preparing to go for the Crashin Cutter but Crashin leaps towards him, Alhazred levels him with a huge right hand punch!! Crashin looks like he is out cold!! Alhazred makes his way towards King and tags him in! Holmes rushes in but King elbows him in the face! Without wasting momentum, he whips Holmes into the corner, he then whips Crashin in too and then splashes both men in the corner. Crashin collapses and Holmes stumbles out. King and Alhazred hit both men with a pair of uppercuts! Alhazred suplexes Holmes over the top rope before they turn their attention to Crashin!

King gets a waistlock from behind on Crashin and Alhazred runs off the ropes. Alhazred hits the Level 5, spinning back fist and King drops him with a massive German suplex! Bridged cover from King! 1.......2.........3!!!!!

The winners of the match, The Forgotten Powers!

King and Alhazred celebrate in the ring with Mister as Holmes helps Crashin out of the ring and up the ramp.

"I don't believe it, that was a fluke! Alhazred cheated using that glove on Holmes! Restart the match!"

"The referee's not going to change it now, nothing was wrong with it"

"Then let's make sure he's not used in the Title Match at Kingdom Come, I want a fair referee!"

"Regardless, The Forgotten Powers have shown themselves against both the champions and the other challengers, could they possibly walk out of their first Kingdom Come as the new champions? Not long until we find out now!"

King and Alhazred head up the ramp, feeling rather ecstatic after their victory here

We're inside Everest's locker room, he's getting ready for his match with Blade later on, suddenly Titus leans in front of the camera and indicates to the audience to be quiet. He walks up to behind Everest, and then knocks on the door nearby, Everest turns around to find Titus in front of him smirking cheekily.

Titus: Hey man, I just wanted to wish you all the best tonight against Blade. He's a tough opponent and not one to overlook, that's for certain.

Everest: I appreciate it man. If there's one thing I plan to show is that this old timer has still got the moves, I will show Blade it takes a lot to face me and that the smoke and mirrors he generates are just from his cigarettes. Then it's on to Kingdom Come and we will give the fans a match they will remember for a lifetime!

Titus: That it will be my friend. As for tonight, I could give a full spiel on how you're the better person, how your history as a competitor is incredible. I could say how you're one of only two still here from the first show, and the only one who's stuck it out continuously. I could say how many fans you have and how the people love you, that this is the chance to show you're back. But I won't say that

Everest: You won't?

Titus: No. Your DVD's out on Tuesday, who the heck's going to buy a DVD of a guy who has just been beaten by Blade? Exactly. Go get 'em!

Everest nods on motivated and heads out of the locker room as Titus looks on smiling, before turning to the camera and holding a copy of "Everest: The Climb to the Top", he mouths the words "Buy it, you know you want to!"

Backstage is Leon Kensworth in front of the Meltdown logo

Kensworth: Ladies and Gentleman, standing with me at this time, the Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen!

Bowen walks into the scene with the Mayhem Championship sitting over his shoulder.

So Bowen, in just a few moments you got your first defence against the former champion, Chris Jones. The stakes are high, lose the title and you won't be on Kingdom Come. How can you cope with that sort of pressure given you've only been the champion for a week?

Bowen: Leon, Chris Jones is the perfect catalyst for my reign over the Mayhem Division, he dominated the division since the Lethal Lottery, until I came along. Now he wants to show that I was a fluke? Well Chris, the only fluke that will happen is that you lose your head once you get in the ring with the man that was made for Mayhem! This title, and the match at Kingdom Come, are mine and that will not change!

Bowen heads off.

Kensworth: Strong words from the Mayhem Champion, back to you Seabass!
”The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a triple threat match with a single fall to a finish for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!”

“Introducing first, he weighed in at 227lbs from Ontario, Canada, , the Saviour, Chris Jones!!”

Jones walks straight to the ring and ignores the booing fans as his music plays. He is interrupted by a loud pop as Bowen’s music begins.

“On his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, he weighs 247 lbs, this is this is the WZCW Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen!!”

“This match will determine which man will defend the Mayhem title at Kingdom Come! Will it the current, new Mayhem Champion, Alex Bowen.”

“Or will it be Chris Jones, who has been so dominant in this division and looks set to follow the like of Ty Burna, Everest and Steamboat Ricky as Mayhem champions who went on to excel in the main event.”

Alex comes out, runs around and high fives fans then runs to the ring. As Bowen reaches ringside, Jones sneaks around the ring steps and tackles him to the floor before he can get into the ring! They roll around on the floor exchanging punches before Bowen gets the upper hand. He shoves Jones off and goes to look under the ring for a weapon. Jones comes back and drops Bowen with a back suplex on the hard floor! Bowen had pulled a table out and still has a chair in his hand but Jones discards them both and rolls Bowen in the ring. He covers Bowen cockily and doesn’t hook the leg, getting barely a one count.

“Jones has had it all his own way so far.”

“And I’ve got no doubt that is because he has taken Bowen away from his precious weapons.”

Jones wrenches the right arm and picks him up. He then directs Bowen to the corner. He begins to lay into Bowen with kicks to the midsection. Jones then wrenches the arm again and climbs the turnbuckle. As he prepares to jump off, Bowen kicks the top rope, crotching Jones! Bowen sees him precariously perched and begins to pepper him with jabs before hitting a huge swinging clothesline that forces Jones to fall to the apron.

“That’s going to leave Chris Jones in a lot of pain.”

“This isn’t right!!!”

Bowen picks up Jones through the ropes and suplexes him over the ropes. He then covers him! 1....2....Jones kicks out. Bowen forces him up and whips him off into the ropes and then back body drops him but Jones lands on his feet! Jones hits the STO Backbreaker! 1....2.....Bowen escapes. He is clearly in a lot of pain and Jones immediately sees this and immediately grabs him and applies an awkward Canadian Backbreaker submission. Bowen is bent over double and Jones has his legs gripped in by his thighs. The ref asks him if he wants to submit but he refuses. Jones grows frustrated and stands up with Bowen still on his back! He runs to the corner and drops Bowen facefirst onto the top of the turnbuckle! Jones tackles the still dazed Bowen to the floor with a sloppy neckbreaker. Jones covers again but only gets another two.

Jones is annoyed. He looks outside the ring and sees the discarded chair and table.

“Jones has gone out of his way not to use weapons in this match but I think he cant put Bowen away without them.”

“Dont do it Chris!”

Jones rolls outside the ring and sets up the table on the floor and then takes the chair into the ring. Bowen is almost upright and takes Jones down with a hip toss and then a rough dropkick that connects on Jones’s chest. Bowen sees the chair, he moves it beneath Jones and hits a quick DDT onto the chair!! Cover for Bowen, 1....2.....Jones kicks out.

“That damn chair should have been put back underneath the ring!”

Bowen picks up Jones and points to the table on the floor. The crowd cheers, acknowledging his intentions. Bowen drags him over and pulls him through the ropes, he then hooks the double underhook for the End of Days but Jones sinks to his knees and hits a low blow! Jones goes for the Lifesaver DDT but Bowen fights out of it despite the agony of the low blow.

“Bowen may have saved his title right there by not allowing Jones to hit the Lifesaver!”

Jones then throws him off the apron but Bowen shows surprising agility by avoiding the table. Jones moonsaults off the apron but Bowen catches him and slams him through the table onto the floor!!! The table shatters! Bowen clears the mess and hooks the leg! 1....2.........3!!!

"Your winner and STILL Mayhem Champion, ALEX BOWEN"

“He did it! Alex Bowen is going onto Kingdom Come and will defend his Mayhem title against the man who wins the Battle Royal on Ascension.”

“Bowen is a waster who doesn’t deserve that spot.”

“But your boy Jones couldn’t get it done. Alex Bowen has come in and dominated the Mayhem division and now he gets to show the world his skills at Kingdom Come!”

An irate Chris Jones grabs a mic and stands in the ring

"That's it! I've had it, you all want to screw with me?! Get me off Kingdom Come and toy me with this Mayhem nonsense?! I have tried to save the division and yet you wish to see it rot despite my best efforts to keep a respectable example of a champion! Well tonight is my last official Mayhem Match! I will move on to better things, so the locker room better be on notice because the Saviour is coming for you! The WZCW will be saved, even if this joke of a division cannot be!"

He slams the mic down and heads up the ramp.

"The former champion has spoken. He's put the locker room on notice, who will be receiving the call of the saviour? Watch this space!"

"There's nothing in the space...but I look forward in seeing Jones trying to save those who need it, good for him!"

Backstage is Blade near a fire exit having a cigarette with one of the backstage crew

Crew Member: And she said it was the time of your life!

Blade: That's what your mother said last night!

The Crew Member stubs out his cigarette and walks off.


Blade finishes off his butt and takes a piece of gum before turning to see EurAsian Champion Chris Beckford geared up in the referee jersey.

It's tempting, but no. But then tonight will show how low you have to sink to see if you can even beat me at Kingdom Come!

Beckford shakes his head and walks on as Blade keeps watch keeping a smirk on his face as he heads in the same direction. The camera pans to reveal the door Blade was has a fire brewing from behind, it suddenly slams open and the chaos symbol burns more fierce than ever as the crowd roar in excitement.
The crowd erupts in cheers as Enya Stomp hits the speakers. Chris Beckford emerges from the curtain in his referee apparel and his belt around his shoulder. He performs his signature taunt to the fans before heading down to the ring.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome your special guest referee for the next match; he is the WZCW EurAsian Champion... CHRIS BECKFORD!

Cohen: This is an outrage! How can anyone agree to put the champion as the referee for their challenger’s match the week before their encounter? I can only imagine the officiating that Beckford will be utilising in this match.

Copeland: Beckford is one of the fairest competitors WZCW has ever seen. To say he will be one-sided for this match would be saying pigs fly... although, he does seem a little less enthusiastic today.

Beckford slides underneath the ring and does a quick taunt before handing his belt over to the stagehand to ready himself for the match. He nods to Truman to signal for the introductions to begin.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd continues their cheering antics as Everest comes out walking through orange laser lights, soaking in the atmosphere. He takes a moment to look around before heading towards the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds... he is the “ Pinnacle of Perfection”, EVEREST!

He uses the steps to enter the ring, taunting for the fans in the process. He walks into the ring and gives a nod to Beckford who applauds him from a distance. He begins to get ready as the music changes to “Bliss,” yet the fans do the exact opposite and show their hatred for Blade as he walks out from the stage that hosts dark red flashing lights. He has a smirk on his face as he begins walking slowly down.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds... “The Prodigal Son,” BLADE!

Copeland: This is the man that has made life difficult for Chris Beckford, costing him multiple matches including those that involve the EurAsian championship. He’s got a lot on his plate by keeping an eye on the veteran Everest and another on Beckford.

Cohen: Like I said, it puts Beckford in the optimal position to screw Blade out of a guaranteed victory over the pensioner.

Blade enters the ring and walks past Everest to head towards Beckford. Chris begins to explain that he'll be officiating the match down the middle and Blade warns him not to interfere with his business. Beckford laughs and makes a sarcastic comment, causing Blade to glance back at Beckford. Chris rings the bell as Blade turns around.

Everest quickly hits a short arm clothesline on Blade, knocking him down and surprising him simultaneously. Blade gets up to counter-attack but Everest hits another clothesline before bouncing off the ropes to hit a spinning heel kick. Blade rolls underneath the bottom rope to regroup as Everest pumps up the cheering crowd. Blade becomes frustrated and smacks the apron. He walks around the ring with Beckford counting. Blade notices and yells at Beckford that he started the match too early but Beckford has none of it and continues counting. Meanwhile, Everest has exited the ring and grabs Blade from behind. He smacks his head on the announcer's table before throwing Blade back into the ring. Everest fixes the table, gives a thumbs up to Cohen who is unamused and enters the ring, only to be blindside by a flurry of kicks. Blade points to his head, staring at Beckford in the process. Everest gets up and is met with a couple of uppercuts by Blade before being whipped across the ring. Blade tries for a clothesline of his own but Everest counters the attempt into a Russian leg sweep, rolling through to into a pin... 1... kick-out by Blade. Despite the efforts of Everest to lock in a cloverleaf quickly after the pin, Blade wriggles to the ropes to gain a rope break. Beckford admonishes Everest immediately as Blade slides to the outside and recovers. Everest tries going after him but Beckford stops him so he can count him out. Everest ignores it and goes to the outside to chase Blade. He tries to grab Blade, however Blade counters and hits a DDT to the floor coupled with a guillotine choke. Beckford rushes to the outside to pull Blade off, who complies seconds later. Beckford reminds Blade of the rules but he responds with a smirk and tells Beckford to get back in the ring to count the win. Beckford shrugs and does so, with Blade slowly picking up Everest and tossing him into the ring. He gets in himself and goes for a cover... 1..... 2....... kick-out by Everest. Blade is not impressed at Beckford's counting and tells him off but Beckford tells Blade not to intimidate the referee or risk disqualification. Blade shakes his head and turns his focus on Everest who is beginning to get up. Blade helps him up, followed by a harsh uppercut to momentarily stun him and set him up for a suplex. Blade lifts Everest up and delays the inevitable fall for what seems like forever, before finally crashing Everest down to the ground. Blade goes to the cover.... 1...... 2..... kick-out by Everest. Blade begins to get ticked and stares a hole through Beckford, who tells him Everest is kicking out, not him.

Copeland: Blade better stay on Everest. A man with that much experience can make an opportunity from nothing.

Blade pits Everest in a standing position before hitting an enzuigiri, causing Everest to fall on his knees. Blade runs off the ropes and hits a kneeling clothesline to Everest, followed by yet another pin.... 1....... 2....... kick-out by Everest. Annoyed, Blade gets up and begins working on the leg of Everest. He kicks it multiple times, tweaks it a couple and locks in a Texas cloverleaf. Everest screams in pain as Blade screams at Beckford to call for the submission victory. Beckford continually asks Everest if he wants to quit but the answer is always no. Blade leans back more to apply more pressure as the crowd begin to rally behind Everest. He musters the strength to make it to the ropes and Beckford forces for the break as Blade refuses. He releases at the count of four and Beckford tells him off. Blade insists that Everest tapped, but Beckford tells him otherwise. He gives Beckford one last warning before he'll do something he'll regret. He turns to Everest who is recovering and grabs him to deliver a belly to belly suplex. Blade does not go for the cover this time. Instead, he picks up Everest and hits a second suplex. Blade sets him up for a third but Everest blocks it. He tries again but it's blocked again. Everest counters by slamming Blade with a spinebuster, smacking Blade's head against the canvas hard. Blade clutches his head as Everest rolls on his back to catch his breath. Beckford checks on both men before starting the count.

Cohen: Come on Blade, destiny awaits you! Don't let this small obstacle stand in your way!

We get to a count of four before Blade begins to stir and the crowd cheers for Everest to get up. Blade is up and ready by six, with Everest trying to make an effort from one knee. Blade goes to attack but Everest responds with a right hand. Everest fends off Blade with multiple fists before sending him for a run, which is countered by Blade whipping Everest across the ring. Blade tries a clothesline and misses, prompting Everest to retaliate with a flying headbutt, knocking down Blade. Everest gets up slower than Blade does, but manages to hit a hurricanrana on Blade, sending him into the turnbuckles. Blade clutches his face and moves backwards. Everest catches him and hits a fallaway reverse DDT. Everest goes for the pin.... 1... 2.... kick-out by Blade. Everest uses the time to catch his breath as Blade tries getting up. Everest stalks Blade and tries for a Samoan drop, which Blade counters by wriggling out, pushing Everest and bends over for a potential back body drop. Everest sees this and counters with a float over DDT. He goes for the cover... 1.... 2..... kick-out by Blade. Everest gets up, picks Blade up with him and gets him into a fisherman's suplex position. He lifts Blade up but counters by dropping behind him, locking Everest for a German suplex. Everest blocks and switches into a German of his own. Blade tries a backhand but Everest ducks and sets up Blade for the ROCK SLIDE. Blade elbows Everest in the head a couple of times to counter into THE HALO, but Everest tries flipping Blade over... but Blade counters into a sunset flip variation into a pinning predicament....... 1........... 2........... kick-out by Everest just in time. Blade can't believe it!

Cohen: What does it take for Blade to retire the old man?

Copeland: Everest might be aging in his years, but he is no ordinary man. It's going to take something big to put him away.

Blade attempts a chokeslam, but Everest jumps out of move as Blade lifts him and tries for something. Blade, however, counters by performing a lifting side slam into a backbreaker. Everest clutches his back as Blade remains on his knees to catch his breath. He looks at Beckford and points up to the ceiling, before ascending to the top turnbuckle. Blade hits the frog splash on Everest and goes for the pin...... 1....... 2......... Everest grabs the bottom rope, forcing Beckford to stop the count and show Blade. He gets up slowly and is extremely angry at Beckford, yelling and berating him. Beckford explains his side of the story but Blade will have none of it, reminding Beckford of his previous last warning. He begins poking Beckford and he tells Blade he is the referee and can DQ him. Blade challenges his authority and pushes him back hard. Beckford becomes serious and stares directly at Blade, who pushes him again. Beckford says if he pushes him again, he'll call for the bell. Blade slaps him in the face instead, signaling the crowd to "oooooo." Beckford stands there with his head turned, contemplating what he should do. He looks at Blade who wants Beckford to challenge him and is about to go for something... but out of nowhere, Everest locks in the MOUNTAIN CLIMBER! Blade struggles to get out of the submission as Beckford yells at Blade to tap. Blade hangs on for as long as he can and taps, with Beckford smiling for a moment before ringing the bell.

Everest lets go of the hold, his music hits and the crowd cheers as Beckford raises his hand in victory.

Harrys: Here is your winner... the "Pinnacle of Perfection," EVEREST!

Copeland: With that impressive victory over Blade, Everest is heading into Kingdom Come with a head of steam against his opponent and friend, Titus.

Cohen: He wouldn't be walking away if it wasn't for the help of a disgrace of a champion in Chris Beckford!

Copeland: I don't believe Beckford interfered once in Blade's match, despite Blade doing the complete opposite over the past couple of weeks for Beckford. Blade took his eyes off his opponent and lost, fair and square!

Beckford applauds Everest as he celebrates in the ring. The two shake hands before Everest exits the ring and leaves up the ring, clapping the hands of fans as he makes his way up the ramp. Beckford goes to the stagehand and grabs his EurAsian championship. As the music dies down, he begins to exit the ring before he sees Blade stirring in the ring. Beckford looks around the arena who are cheering for something to happen. He enters the ring, places the belt on the ground and hits the CROSS DROP on Blade, with his head crashing into the gold below. The crowd roars in approval as Beckford stands over what he has done. He grabs his championship, exits the ring and heads up the ramp as his music begins to play.

Cohen: That attack was unwarranted! Security, get this man out of here!

Copeland: It's merely payback from all the mind games Blade has played against Beckford, Jack. Chris has left laughing last... what will this do to Blade's psyche come KC?

Beckford taunts one final time with the belt held high as Blade lies motionless in the ring.

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, our Main Event is up next, but I wanted to get a quick message out there. The reason why Showtime Cougar isn't here tonight is that he was involved in an accident the other night, he appears to be OK but slightly shaken up. He was given leave for tonight but he will be back on Ascension tomorrow night and has some final words to say before his epic encounter with Ty Burna, nothing's going to stop him from that shot at Kingdom Come!

In the backstage area Big Dave, Dr. Steven Kurtesy and Gordito all stand in the backstage area in a circle, exchanging looks with each other, they all nod before heading off towards the gorilla position. Suddenly they are standing in front of Baez, Hunter Kravinoff and Barbosa, who stands forwards

Barbosa: We'll see you out there.


Baez, Kravinoff and Barbosa head off first as their opponents stand there staring.

Try interrupting that one!
Harrys: The following contest is a six man tag team match, scheduled for one fall!

'Ecstasy of Gold' hits as Hunter Kravinoff, Barbosa, and Baez all emerge from the back as the crowd boos them loudly. The three men pay no attention to the crowd as they stroll to the ring. All three enter the ring and stand in the center of the ring awaiting their opponents.

Introducing first, at a combined weight of 707 lbs, the team of Hunter Kravinoff, Barbosa, and Baez!

'Always' plays out as Big Dave makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, a determined look on his face as he looks down towards the ring. He turns back towards the entrance curtain and Steven Kurtesy and Gordito soon make their way out as well. The three nod to one another before rushing down to the ring and slide in. They immediately begin brawling with Kravinoff, Barbosa, and Baez. Dave clotheslines Kravinoff over the top rope while Kurtesy hits a rolling Savate kick, sending Baez to the outside. Finally Gordito lifts up Barbosa and hits a Samoan Drop, sending him rolling to the outside. Kurtesy Dave and Gordito stand tall in the ring, motioning for the other team to get back in.

Copeland: And just like that Dave, Kurtesy, and Gordito immediately get this match under way!

Cohen: That was a sneak attack! Come on ref you can't start the match now, they're at a disadvantage!

The ref finally regains control of the ring and sends Gordito and Kurtesy to the corner while Baez enters the ring while Kravinoff and Barbosa climb up to the corner. Dave goes to lock up with Baez, but Baez quickly ducks under and goes for a backslide. 1....Dave kicks out. Baez is to his feet and hits a few quick kicks to the midsection. He goes for a stiffer kick but Dave catches his leg and gets to his feet. Baez backs up pleading with Dave but goes for an enziguri. Dave ducks under and Baez crashes hard into the mat. Dave refuses to release Baez's leg and suddenly positions himself. He lifts Baez up into a Pendulum Swing! Baez yells out in pain as Dave has the move firmly locked in in the middle of the ring. The ref checks on Baez who refuses to submit. Suddenly Barbosa comes out of the corner and hits a boot to the side of Dave's head. Dave releases the hold, sending Baez face first into the mat as Dave crashes to the ground. The ref forces Barbosa to the corner, which gives Baez an opportunity to hit a low blow on Dave as he gets to his feet. The crowd boos loudly as Baez drags Dave to his corner and tags in Kravinoff. Baez holds Dave in place for a stiff punch from Kravinoff, who quickly sends Dave into the corner and goes for a clothesline. Dave gets a boot up and Kravinoff backs up holding his face. Dave walks out of the corner and hits a Big Boot and drops to his knees. He rolls to his corner and tags in Gordito who gets a thunderous pop from the crowd.

Copeland: Even after a low blow from Baez, Dave was still able to get Gordito into the match.

Cohen: It doesn't matter, Baez stopped their momentum and I doubt Gordito will get it back now.

Gordito quickly enters the ring as Dave rests on his knees on the apron. Gordito goes for a quick right to Kravinoff, but gets blocked and receives a kick to the midsection for his effort. Kravinoff lifts him up and hits a backdrop driver, dropping Gordito hard on his head. Kravinoff quickly hooks a leg 1..2..Gordito kicks out. Kravinoff lifts Gordito up and sends him into the ropes and meets him with a flying knee. Gordito crumbles to the ground and Kravinoff drags him by the foot to the corner and tags in Barbosa. Barbosa looks giddy as he drops an elbow across the throat of Gordito. Barbosa covers him 1...2...Gordito kicks out. Barbosa applies a reverse chinlock and Gordito flails his arms around trying to break the hold. He gets to his knees as Barbosa struggles to keep the hold in. Barbosa tries to lock in a body scissors but Gordito holds him on his back and backs up into his corner, causing Barbosa to break the hold. Kurtesy tags himself in and hits a palm strike to the chin of Barbosa. Gordito rolls to the outside while Dave still recovers on the apron. Kurtesy whips Barbosa into the ropes and hits a spinning wheel kick, sending Barbosa rolling to the outside. Kurtesy follows after him and begins pounding away on him but is interrupted by Baez who sends him head first into the barrier. The ref orders Baez back to his corner as Barbosa regains his senses and lifts Kurtesy up, dropping him down across the barrier. Barbosa follows up and whips Kurtesy into the ring steps as Baez gets the attention of the ref. Kravinoff sneaks into the ring and rushes at Dave in the corner and hits a knee to his head, sending Dave crashing to the outside. He then hits a stiff kick to the back of Gordito's head, sending him to the outside as well. Kravinoff rolls outside the ring as Barbosa rolls Kurtesy in and covers him, 1...2... kick out by Kurtesy!

Cohen: Yes! The manic one and his team have fully taken control of this match. Kurtesy has no chance with no one to tag in.

Copeland: It doesn't look good for Kurtesy, Barbosa thrashed him pretty well on the outside and now both of his partners are down as well.

Barbosa tags in Baez who quickly begins stomping away at Kurtesy. He exits to the apron and motions for Kurtesy to get up. As Kurtesy struggles to his feet, Baez hits a springboard dropkick and Kurtesy hits the ground hard. Baez gets up and drags Kurtesy along with him. He lifts him up and drops him down with a Uranage Backbreaker, Kurtesy yelling out in pain as he hits the mat. Baez puts a forearm to the face of Kurtesy as he covers him, 1...2...Kurtesy kicks out! Baez gets up frustrated and pulls Kurtesy to his corner, tagging in Kravinoff. Kravinoff smells blood and sets up for the Ugandan Death Kneel. Kurtesy flips over Kravinoff and out of nowhere hits the Prescription Sedation! Both men are down as Barbosa and Baez stand shocked in their corner. Gordito suddenly gets up in his corner and holds his hand out, pleading for Kurtesy to tag him in. Kurtesy begins to slowly crawl towards his corner as Kravinoff is still down in the middle of the ring.

Copeland: Kurtesy has the opportunity he needs! He has to get Gordito into this match!

Cohen: No! Kravinoff get up and get Barbosa in there to finish the job!

Kravinoff stirs and his crawling to his corner as well. Kurtesy is within reach of Gordito as Kravinoff tags in Barbosa! Kurtesy looks back at the charging Barbosa and with one last effort tags in Gordito! The crowd roars as Gordito enters the ring and tackles Barbosa, dropping lefts and rights and forces Barbosa to cover up from the assault. Barbosa turns over and covers his head which gives Gordito the opportunity to apply the Surf's Up Asshole! Barbosa screams out in pain as Gordito locks in the hold. Barbosa looks to tap out but Kravinoff rushes in and breaks up the hold with a boot to Gordito's head. Kurtesy gets in the ring and clotheslines Kravinoff to the outside, taking himself out as well. Dave lifts himself to his corner on the outside and yells for Gordito to tag him. Barbosa tags in Baez and he rushes over, grabbing Gordito by the leg and preventing him from tagging out. Baez lifts him up and whips him into the corner and sets up for Smashmouth. He rushes at Gordito but Gordito rushes himself and hits a cross body and rolls over and lifts him, dropping him with a Samoan Drop. Both men are down and Gordito tags in Dave who gets in the ring with a pissed off look on his face.

Copeland: I think business has just picked up!

Cohen: Baez you idiot! Why did you low blow Dave earlier? You just pissed him off.

Dave goes to lift up Baez but Barbosa comes from behind and hits a double ax handle to the back. Baez hits an uppercut and the two men begin double teaming Dave. They whip him into the ropes and go for a double clothesline but Dave ducks under and spears Baez! Gordito is to his feet and kicks Barbosa in the midsection. He hits the Meteor of War and Barbosa is rocked! Gordito throws him to the outside and rolls out himself as Kurtesy and Kravinoff continue battling on the outside. Dave is to his feet and lifts Baez up and onto his shoulders. Baez struggles and counters with a hurricanrana. He traps Dave's legs for a pin 1....2....Dave kicks out! Baez is to his feet and sets up for Smashmouth once more. He motions for Dave to get to his feet and rushes at him as he does. Baez connects with Smashmouth but Dave keeps an arm wrapped around him and hits Checking Out right after! Dave's arm stays draped over Baez 1.....2......3!

Harrys: Here are your winners, Big Dave, Steven Kurtesy, and Gordito!

Copeland: What a match! These six men just gave us a sneak peak at what the King for a Day match has in store for us at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: Why didn't they just walk away from this match? They could have saved themselves for the Chamber rather than killing themselves tonight?

Dave rolls over and holds his throat as the ref checks on him. Meanwhile on the outside the brawl ends as Kravinoff and Barbosa retreat up the entrance ramp. Gordito and Kurtesy then turn towards one another, staring each other down as Dave is slow to his feet as the ref raises his hand.

Copeland: We are out of time! Please join us tomorrow night as Ascension will be the final stop on our road to Kingdom Come. What will our World Champion and number one contender do next to up their dangerous game? Tune in tomorrow to find out. For Jack Cohen, I'm Sebastian Copeland, good night!

The camera pans out as Kravinoff and Barbosa stare towards the ring as Gordito and Kurtesy slide into the ring and the ref raises their hands as well. Baez slowly rolls out of the ring as Meltdown goes off the air.
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