Meltdown 43

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Ascension 17 said:
The show opens with Vance Bateman standing in the center of the ring

Bateman: Ladies and Gentleman, I feel that I have to address an important situation.

The first thing I want to admit is that I made a deal with the devil himself last Sunday at Apocalypse, meaning I was the one who placed the no disqualification ruling, something which effectively cost Titus the World Heavyweight Championship.

Vengeance had a trick or two up his sleeve, we had chaos surrounding the World Heavyweight Title Match at Apocalypse, we had superstars down, injured, disappear, and two of them weren't even in the match, they chose to get caught in the crossfire.

Now I stand here, and a choice has been made in response to a mistake. I have decided and the Board of Directors have approved of this, despite Unscripted having the theme of all matches having a random stipulation added on the night itself. They have approved that the World Heavyweight Championship stipulation shall remain a fixed one. And that one is...

'O Fortuna' blasts over the speakers as the lights go out with flames rising from the stage as the new World Heavyweight Champion Vengeance emerges from the flames with Tarja behind him.

Vengeance: It seems that living in hell is not something you're cut out for Bateman and that you would rather serve in heaven.

The fact that you would rather see me lose this belt as soon as possible just shows how much you fear me Bateman. You never feared Titus, Everest, Ricky, Disasterpiece or even Rios, which just shows how much of champion I am. No-one wants to face me, I dare you to find the fools who would dare to challenge me!

Bateman: That's all said and done Vengeance, the fact is that while I made a mistake before, I have made an comprimise now. The fact is that it shouldn't be the opponents who fear you, but rather you fear the match you will be in. There is a match that WZCW has never had but it is highly renowned amongst the industry for being the most feared match that even the likes of you could not comprehend. It's deadlier than the Chamber you've fought in at Kingdom Come!


Cohen: WHAT?!

The crowd works up into a uproaring delight as the hood of Vengeance looks around in sharp motion, seemingly in digust with the reaction to the decision.

Bateman: And the only thing that is currently Unscripted is who your opponent will be. You'll find out next week once I decided who will face off next week on Meltdown and Ascension!

*Pyros go off*

Copeland: Vance Bateman has named the terms and the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship will be defended for the first time in a Hell in a Cell match. Everyone again everybody, I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen, we're at ringside, and we're live for Meltdown here in Tampa, Florida. Jack, you were there last week when the announcement was made, what did you have to make of it?

Cohen: Still shocked by how much guts Bateman has to make a call like that, I expect repercussions though if Vengeance has a thing or two!

Copeland: And we have what is effectively a qualifier tonight, but with a twist. Showtime Cougar and Everest will face off for the first time this week and this match will be assessed by Bateman, along with Titus against Ty Burna on Ascension. Bateman will then decide if the winner of the respective matches are warrant enough to face Vengeance alone or if this will end up being a multi-man Cell. I can only assume we'll learn more when Ascension rolls in.

Cohen: But that's for tomorrow night, let's get on with Meltdown!
Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

“For Love of the Game” comes on and Alexander Steele bursts out onto the stage. He slaps hands with the fans along the ramp before pulling his hood down and posing for the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, Boston, Mass and weighing in at 249 pounds, Alexander Steele!

Steele poses again on the turnbuckle as “Devil Inside” hits and Hunter Kravinoff comes out from behind the curtain. He walks intently to ringside and takes off his belt and lion mane before sliding into the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from The East African Republic of Uganda and weighing in at 245 pounds, he is one-half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions: Hunter Kravinoff!

The two men circle each other as the bell rings. They lock up in the center of the ring and break after a few seconds when neither man can gain an advantage. Kravinoff and Steele lock up again, and this time Kravinoff is able to push Steele back into a corner. The ref counts for a break, and Kravinoff breaks at 4, but not before connecting with a right hand to Steele’s face. Steele, stunned from the shot from Kravinoff, stumbles into the center of the ring and Kravinoff takes advantage with a running bucklebomb. Steele crumbles in the center of the ring and Kravinoff goes for a pin, 1…2. and a kick-out by Steele. Kravinoff picks up Steele, and he tries for the Ugandan Death Knell. Steele reverses it and connects with a pendulum backbreaker. Kravinoff screams out in pain and Steele, seeing an opening, locks in a Boston crab. Kravinoff is in pure agony as he reaches out for the ropes in vain. He is able to reach back and catch Steele with a shot to the ribs, giving Kravinoff the opening he needs to crawl forward to the ropes.

Copeland: I don’t know how the tag champ will fare the rest of this match. His back is compromised and he uses quite a few power moves to take out opponents.
Cohen: He’s a champion and a hunter, Seabass. There is nothing that Steele can throw at him that Hunter can’t handle.

Both men get back to their feet, with Kravinoff not able to stand up straight due to the damage inflicted on his back. Steele connects with a forearm to the face of Kravinoff before throwing him overhead with a belly-to-belly suplex. Steele goes for the cover, 1…2…and a kick out at about 2.9 by Kravinoff. Steele looks frustrated for a moment, but signals that the match is over. He picks up Kravinoff and goes for the Twisted Steele. Kravinoff, however, spins out of it and is able to lock in and drop Steele with a double-underhook DDT. Cover, 1…2…3!

Harrys: The winner of this match, Hunter Kravinoff!

Kravinoff gets his hand raised and heads toward the back wincing in pain and holding his back. The referee checks on Steele, and helps him to the locker room after a minute or two.


We cut backstage to Big Dave who's getting ready in his locker room for his match later, there's a knock at the door but he doesn't respond. There's another which he ignores as well until the door opens and he looks disappointed as it's Becky Serra with a microphone in hand.

Serra: Excuse me Dave, I was wondering if I could...

Dave: NO!

Serra: But Dave, can I just get some thoughts about your...

Dave: Becky, if I have said no for the first time, I'm not going to change my mind. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to attend to.

Big Dave walks off, leaving Becky in his locker room with a somewhat saddened look on her face.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

When I’m ‘ere hits and the crowd lets out a pop as Scott Hammond walks out onto the entrance ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England, Scott Hammond!

He walks down the ramp, slapping the hands of some fans before getting into the ring and waiting for his opponent. Ode to Joy hits next and the crowd start to boo as Steven Holmes comes out, the spotlight shining down on him.

Harrys: And his opponent, also from London, England, Steven Holmes!

Copeland: Holmes is being pinpointed as one of the top suspects in the case of the missing Mayhem Title belt!

Cohen: How could he possibly be a suspect!? As he’s quite rightly pointed out, he was in no condition to take the belt at Apocalypse...

Holmes gets into the ring and looks across the ring at his opponent. The referee calls for the bell and the men walk towards each other. They trash talk each other a bit before Holmes gives Hammond a hard slap in the face. Hammond stumbles back and rubs his jaw, his face turning red with anger. A “Hammond!” chant breaks out in the crowd as he charges at Holmes and takes him down before unleashing a flurry of right hands. Holmes puts up his arms to try cover his head and block the punches but Hammond is relentless. Hammond lifts Holmes back up and throws Holmes into the corner and hits a combination of punches and kicks. He grabs Holmes by the arm and Irish Whips him into the opposite turnbuckles. Holmes bounces off them and into the waiting arms of Hammond, who lifts up Holmes for a Military Press. Hammond walks around the ring for a few seconds with Holmes over his head before dropping him face first on the mat. Hammond goes for a cover, 1... 2... Holmes kicks out. Hammond goes to pick Holmes up, but Holmes gives him a quick thumb to the eye and follows it up with a quick high knee. Hammond gets up as Holmes tries to catch his breath. Hammond makes it to his feet but Holmes is there waiting for him, sending his big frame across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. Holmes gets up and raises his arm in the air as the crowd boo loudly. He walks over to Hammond and drops a knee across his head.

Cohen: This is some good old school wrestling, he’s slowing the pace of the match down.

Holmes slaps an armbar on Hammond and wrenches backwards as Hammond grits his teeth in pain. He shakes his head, not wanting to give up before he starts using is strength by dragging himself and Holmes across the ring to get to the ropes. Hammond is finally able to grab the bottom rope, but Holmes quickly hits another knee drop on Hammond’s skull. Holmes then locks in a sleeper hold, slowly wearing out the bigger man. Hammond starts to fade, his eyes starting to glaze over as Holmes locks in a grapevine with his legs. The referee goes to check on Hammond, but he starts to show some life, clenching his fist as the crowd cheer him on. He rolls onto his front and starts to get to his feet, with Holmes still on his back with the hold locked in. Hammond straightens up as Holmes desperately tries to tighten the sleeper hold. Hammond slowly walks towards the corner and starts to climb up, with Holmes starting to look scared. Hammond gets onto the second rope and elbows Holmes in the head. Holmes loosens his grip and Hammond turns around, placing Holmes on the top rope before delivering a huge Belly to Belly Suplex off the top rope. Hammond crawls over to Holmes for the cover, 1... 2.... Holmes gets a shoulder up. Hammond starts to feed off the crowd now, picking up Holmes and Irish Whipping him into the ropes. Holmes bounces back off the ropes and Hammond hits a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker. With Hammond stalking him, Holmes gets up using the ropes and turns around, stumbling into a T-Bone Suplex from Hammond. Hammond goes for the cover, 1... 2.... Shoulder up! Hammond signals for London’s Calling as Holmes slowly gets up. Hammond gets Holmes up onto his shoulders, but Holmes pushes off Hammond’s shoulders and lands behind him. Holmes quickly rolls up Hammond, putting his feet on the ropes for leverage, 1... 2.... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Steven Holmes!

Copeland: I don’t believe it! Holmes is lucky to get out of there alive!

Cohen: Again, intelligence prevails!

Holmes rolls out of the ring and starts crawling up the ramp as Hammond is left looking angry with himself inside the ring.

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, coming up next is the Ratings Spike, hosted by Austin Reynolds, I wonder who his guest will be this week?

Harrys: Ladies & Gentlemen, please welcome at this time.....the Elite X Champion.....AUSTIN REYNOLDS!!!!

"Headstrong" by Trapt booms out around the arena as Austin strolls out to the Meltdown stage. Confidence flowing and smiling happily, he makes his way down to the ring which once again has been specially laid out for him.

We see two large armchairs set up in the ring. Austin picks up a mic as he enters the ring.

Reynolds: Alright this is the second Ratings Spike and I am delighted to bring this back for each and every one of you. Now as I have a very important match with Jordan Lights on Ascension, I promise I will not get hurt tonight.

To that effect, I would like to introduce the man who calls himself Mr Incredible, Doug Crashin!!

“Black Betty” starts playing as the crowd start booing when Doug Crashin appears, he hesitantly makes his way to the ring. He accepts Austins offer of a seat.

Mr Crashin, my first question is this, do you have the Mayhem title on you right now or do you know where it is?”

Crashin: You are a funny man Mr Reynolds.

Reynolds: I know and that’s I am the Ratings Winner and you are.....something....

Crashin: I am the brains behind the Crashin Movement. The idea that will see Doug Crashin become a force to contend with in WZCW.

Reynolds: Is the Crashin Movement behind the problems surrounding the Mayhem title?

Crashin: I have no motive to discuss this with you Mr Reynolds. I am here on behalf of the Crashin Movement.

Reynolds: And what is that exactly?

Crashin: Well the exact details are forthcoming and will be presented on a much bigger occasion, where....

Reynolds: Woah, woah, woah, I don’t see you being able to draw this kind of ratings or exposure on your own so be grateful I’m sharing this time with you.

Crashin: Mr Reynolds, I am not intimidated by you.

Reynolds: Crashin you punk....

Crashin: How about we go right here and right now, I could make an example out of you right now, like Constantine did in this same spot last week.

They stand and go nose to nose as both men refuse to back down from their arrogant display. Austin takes the first step back.

Reynolds: I would but my doctors would be furious and my fiancée would put the iron panties on for a month.

The crowd laugh.

Do you know what that means Doug?

Before Crashin can answer, Austin interrupts again.

What am I talking about? You have probably not been able to do anything like that since being put through that table last week.

Austin points to the Titantron.

Gordito locks Crashin’s arms behind him and drags him to the full height of the turnbuckle, he looks around at the crowd before looking directly at the table. Without any concern he takes Crashin up in the air with a Meteor of War right off the turnbuckle through the table which has the crowd in a frenzy, applauding what’s happening.

Crashin: How dare you make fun of that? Do you know how much pain I am in? The Crashin Movement is going to get revenge for the ridiculous events of last week. Do you know how much pain I am in? I had to spend ages having splinters taken out of my neck!

Crashin shows his frustration for a second before calming down.

The reason I wanted to come on this show was very simple. I think the Ratings Winner would benefit from an association with the Crashin Movement. Now you are a smart man, I’m sure that you are able to see the advantages here, so let’s just shake on this and confirm it in front of the world.

Mr Incredible and the Rating Winner, come on Austin, it makes sense. You know it as well as I do. You are a smart man and this makes sense on a professional and personal level.

Austin remains clearly unconvinced.

You are a champion Austin. But if the events of the past week prove anything, it is that you are vulnerable and have a target on your back. Join the Crashin Movement and I guarantee that you will never be alone again.

Austin looks at Doug, apparently tempted. Crashin reaches out. Austin looks to the crowd, at Doug and then at the crowd again. Their noise rises, encouraging the Ratings Winner to turn down his offer.

But then Austin shakes his hand and they both grin widely, laughing. Austin waits for a second while waiting for the booing crowd to calm.

Reynolds: Doug, I have something really important to say first of all. He leans in. And I’ll say it very quietly for everyone to hear.

Austin pauses.

Get. Out. Of. My. Ring!

The crowd erupts and Doug’s face is a picture of disgusted rejection.

I don’t need you!! I don’t need anyone to watch my back!! I have these fans and they need to know that The Ratings Winner is going to face any challenge head-on. They have my back and in return they get the most entertaining ride in wrestling today.

Crashin slams his mic down in Austin’s direction, just missing his feet, but Austin doesn’t budge, barely noticing what Doug did.

I’m sorry Doogie but the Crashin Movement can continue curtain-jerking where it belongs because I’m riding the ratings to the top!

Crashin makes his exit as Austin mounts the turnbuckle to celebrate and pose.

Thank you Doug!! You have made me realise that even with the lowest of the low, the Ratings Spike can be a massive success especially when I end it in one piece!

Austin’s music hits again to signal the end of another successful Ratings Spike.
Harrys: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Rooster by Alice in Chains plays and Mark Hancock emerges from the back. The crowd gives him a polite welcome back cheer as he makes his way down the ramp and slides into the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 205 lbs, Mark Hancock!

Hancock climbs onto the turnbuckle and raises his arms. Always by Saliva hits as the arena goes dark. A small spot light shines at the stage entrance and Big Dave emerges from the back with EurAsian title hung over his shoulder. The spot light continues to follow Dave as he makes his way to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 268 lbs, he is the EurAsian Champion, Big Dave!

Copeland: Quite the difficult task the returning Hancock has here tonight.

Cohen: That may be the most accurate thing you've ever said Seabass. Dave is the greatest champion WZCW has ever had, and tonight Hancock is going to wish he never returned.

Dave climbs into the ring and hands the belt to the ref. The two men stare at each other across the ring as the ref gives the belt to the time keeper and calls for the bell. Dave smirks and continues to stand waiting for Hancock to move. Hancock slowly moves towards and looks to go for a lockup. Dave with a quick kick to the gut, he throws some forearms across the back of Hancock and then throws him into the corner. Hancock turns and Dave starts kicking the chest of Hancock. The ref counts up to 4 and Dave backs away for a second. Dave walks up and slaps Hancock across the face. He starts taunting Hancock. Hancock suddenly tackles Dave by the legs. Hancock positions himself on top and starts smashing punches off the face of Dave. Dave holds his arms up over his face to try and block as much as he can. The ref counts up to 5 and Hancock gets up. Hancock bounces off the ropes and hits a knee drop on Dave. Hancock goes for the cover and gets a 1 count. Hancock picks up Dave and goes for an Irish Whip. Dave reverses. Daves catches Hancock running back with a powerslam.

Copeland: And just like that, Dave has regained control of the match.

Cohen: That's what makes him a great champion Seabass, Dave knows when to strike.

Dave lifts Hancock to his feet and pushes him into the corner. Dave starts driving shoulders into the gut of Hancock. Ref counts to 4 and Dave pulls Hancock from the corner. He tucks his head under Hancocks arm and hits a Northern Lights Suplex on him. Dave goes for a cover, forearm across the neck of Hancock, and gets a 2 count. Dave picks Hancock up and quickly hits a snap suplex. He picks him up again and hits another one. Dave stands up and stares down at Hancock. Dave bounces off the ropes and hits a huge standing leg drop. Dave goes for the cover, 1... 2... Hancock kicks out. Dave moves over Hancock and applies a head lock. Hancock swings his arms as Dave applies further pressure to the hold. Hancock struggles to get to his feet and then breaks free of the hold with a few elbow shots to the gut of Dave. Hancock runs and bounces off the ropes, but Dave is ready with a Big Boot to the face. Dave climbs onto the top rope and stares down at Hancock. Dave flys and hits the Money Shot on Hancock. Dave with the cover 1... 2..... Hancock just kicks out. Dave with a slight look of anger on his face.

Cohen: Hancock is hanging by a thread, finish him Dave.

Copeland: Hancock has proven quite resilient so far as Dave can't seem to put him away.

Dave signals for end. He waits for Hancock to stand and lifts him onto his shoulders. Hancock struggles to break free which causes Dave to stumble. Dave ends up knocking the ref down, but still has Hancock on his shoulders. Hancock finally gets free and slides behind Dave. He quickly hits Dave with a low blow. Hancock follows this up with a Tiger Suplex. All three men are down inside the ring. The ref is the first to get to his feet and starts to count up to 10. At 6 both men are getting onto the knees. At 8 Hancock and Dave are both up. Dave hits Hancock with a punch and Hancock returns the punch. Dave goes for another, Hancock blocks it and follows it up with 3 more. Hancock goes for an Irish Whip, Dave reverses. Hancock comes flying back with a flying forearm. Dave is up quickly, but Hancock follows it up with a clothesline. Hancock waits for Dave to stand and quickly kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. Hancock goes for the cover, 1... 2 Dave kicks out. Hancock looks to put Dave away. He waits for Dave to stand and hooks his arms looking to hit a Cross Armed Brain Buster. Dave breaks his arms free and lifts Hancock onto his shoulders. Dave with an angered look on his face hits a vicious looking Stamp of Authority. Dave stands over Hancock and casually makes the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Big Dave!

Dave rolls out of the ring and quickly snatches his EurAsian belt from the timekeeper. He holds the belt high over his head as he makes his way to the back. The ref checks on Hancock inside the ring.

Copeland: Well Dave continues to roll, picking up yet another victory. Hancock preformed valiantly in his return match.

Cohen: Were we watching the same match Seabass. Dave destroyed Hancock without breaking much of sweat. Dave is the greatest champion in WZCW history and should be in one of the number one contenders matches.

Copeland: Well if he continues like the way he has, it will only be a matter of time until he does face the Heavyweight champion.
Harrys: The following no-disqualification match is scheduled for one fall!

“Goodbye” hits and Baez comes out from behind the curtain and walks intently toward the ring, almost oblivious to his surroundings.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Rat’s Ass, America and weighing in at 225 pounds, the Mayhem Champion, Baez!

Baez walks past the ring and toward the timekeeper’s area and grabs a steel chair as “Amaranth” begins to play and smoke pours from the entryway.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and weighing in at 227 pounds, the Savior, Chris Jones!

Baez is running up the ramp with the chair and cracks Jones in the skull with it as soon as he comes out from the smoke. The bell rings as Baez lays the boots into Jones. Baez screams at Jones to get up and when he does, Baez tosses him overhead with a German suplex. Jones lands with a sickening thud on the stage and Baez lets out a primal scream before picking up his opponent and his chair, and dragging both toward the ring.

Copeland: Jones may have proven his innocence, but Baez doesn’t seem to care. He seems dead-set on punishing anyone who might know anything about the whereabouts of his Mayhem Title.

Cohen: But Jones did prove that he was innocent, Seabass. Garbage wrestlers like Baez should not have opportunities like this to hurt real wrestlers like Jones.

Baez throws Jones and the chair into the ring. Baez rolls in after, and dodges a chair shot from Chris Jones. Baez grabs Jones with the cravate and drops him with the Twisted-T. Rather than going for a cover, he walks across the ring and picks up the chair that Jones dropped. He grabs it and hits against the turnbuckle. Once Jones gets to his hands and knees, Baez locks him in the camel clutch position starts hitting Jones with the Bell Rung. Six “ding dong”s later, Baez tosses the chair aside and heads to the outside, leaving the now bloodied Chris Jones alone in the middle of the ring. Baez goes under the ring and pulls out a table. The crowd pops hard for it as the Mayhem champ slides the table under the bottom rope. As he is coming into the ring through the ropes, he is hit with a double-axehandle by Jones. Baez falls into the ring and is dropped with a leg-drop bulldog as he tries to get back to his feet. Jones goes for a cover, 1…2. and a kick out just after 2. A punch to the head by Jones is followed up by a running knee drop. Jones points to the corner and gets a shower of boos from the crowd as he climbs to the top. He comes off with a moonsault, but Baez is able to roll out of the way. Jones slowly gets back to his feet, but is met with a uranage backbreaker. Jones screams out in pain as Baez heads to retrieve the table he brought in the ring earlier. He sets it up in the corner behind Jones and signals for the Smashmouth. Right as he is about to charge at Jones, however, music begins to play over the speakers.


Copeland: What is going on here? That’s Doug Crashin’s music!
Cohen: Who cares? Jones has gotten out of the ring and away from that joke of a wres… what’s on the tron?

A video begins to play on the titiantron. It’s the Mayhem Title over the shoulder of someone who’s face cannot be seen. Baez is screaming toward the tron, until the camera zooms out and the mystery man is wearing a Baez mask. Baez is just staring at the screen as the lights go out. A few moments later, they come back on with Baez lying knocked out near broken table pieces and 3 men in Baez masks, including 1 with the Mayhem Title, on the stage. The crowd, referee, and Chris Jones all look extremely confused, but Jones sees the opportunity and pulls Baez to the middle of the ring for the cover, 1…2…3!

Harrys: The winner of this match, Chris Jones!

Jones gets his hand raised and exits the ring, but seems afraid to head toward the masked men. After a minute, the man in the middle signals to the other two and they exit backstage. Jones then begins to follow as paramedics come out to attend to Baez. They put him in a neck brace and wheel him off on a stretcher. Baez gives a weak thumbs up to the crowd as they applaud him just before he is wheeled backstage.


We cut backstage to see the three masked men all rush off in a single direction as they are appear to be looking for the car park before they are suddenly intercepted by Chuck Myles and a team of security guards

Myles: Ok, the gig is up, hand me that belt!

Masked Man 1: SPLIT!

All three run off in different directions as the security guys don't know who to go after, eventually all running off in pursuit of each men as Chuck Myles stands on with an angry look on his face

Myles: I demand a lockdown, nobody is to leave until I have that Championship belt returned and on my desk...Dammit!

Myles walks off very disappointed as he kicks away a coke can nearby, storming off after the recent events.
We cut back to the live showing of Meltdown as the six foot ten giant Matt Fox is standing in the ring with ‘Voices’ playing over the sound system

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Oakland, California, weighing in at 353 pounds, Matthew Fox!

Cohen: First Hancock, now this guy? Is this a reunion show or something?

Copeland: Matt Fox making his return from hiatus, he mysteriously disappeared after earning a Tag Team Championship shot and was subsequently replaced by Steven Kurtesy. Who did Fox defeat? Well one of the former champions you’re about to see!

“The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” hits with Phoenix making his way out to a loud chorus of boos. The lights dim low and flashing lights begin going off around the arena. He walks down the ramp, looking around at the fans before turning to face Fox as he enters the ring.

Harrys: His opponent, from The Great Beyond, weighing in at 213 pounds, Phoenix!

Currently has interesting developments occurring regarding Blade, he called him out but has had no response yet.

Cohen: I wouldn’t be surprised given Blade’s nature, not to mention he has Vengeance on his mind tomorrow night!

The bell sounds as Phoenix stares down the giant, he runs at him and sides underneath his legs, going straight under the ropes as Fox tries to grab him, but Phoenix stands outside, poised and giving an intimidating look at his foe. Fox climbs one leg over the top rope to follow suit as Phoenix then kicks his outer foot causing him to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top rope. He climbs into the ring and then uses the middle rope to do the Phoenix drop which knocks Fox all the way to the floor on the outside, while holding himself in pain. The referee is about to start a count but Phoenix bounces off the ropes and then leaps off in a moonsault like motion, landing on top of Fox. The referee starts his ten count as Phoenix gets back to his feet, but he carefully walks between Fox and the ring and uses his body to block the referee from seeing his foot choke Fox.

Copeland: Come on ref, he’s choking him out!

Cohen: What are you talking about Seabass?

The ref’s count is up to five as Phoenix continues to hold his foot down much to the crowd’s boos, when the referee reaches six, he gets his foot off and gets back into the ring as Fox is clutching his throat, seven, Phoenix leans against the ropes as Fox is coughing while trying to get his breath back, eight, he rolls to one side, slowly ascending to his feet, nine, he’s on one knee, still coughing badly, ten! The referee signals for the bell!

Harrys: Here is your winner as a result of a countout, Phoenix!

Copeland: That damn Phoenix didn’t care about wrestling, he just wanted to take some frustration out on Fox and definitely as an act of revenge for past events.

Cohen: It got the job done didn’t it? Welcome back Fox!

Phoenix heads up the stage as the crowd boos and the EMT checks on Fox’s throat who stares as Phoenix leaves.


We cut backstage to Phoenix who is walking backstage through the hallways, not paying attention to anything, until he stops at the sight of something. The camera pans around to reveal it’s Blade standing in a doorway to a locker room, he extends his hand out but says nothing as Phoenix approaches, he walks up and stops in front of Blade, turns ahead and walks into the locker room as Blade shuts the door behind him.

Copeland: I wonder what sort of discussion they will have…

Cohen: It’s none of your business Seabass, do your job and call the show!

Copeland: Alright then I will, up next ladies and gentleman is our Main Event, it’s Showtime Cougar against Everest for the first time ever! A match not to be missed!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall where the winner of this match will be placed in contention with the World Heavyweight Championship Hell in a Cell Match at Unscripted!


The crowd roars as the pyro shoots straight up from the end of the ramp to the entrance way, the last and biggest one fades to reveal Showtime as the dim blue light covers the area except for the usual spotlight that follows Showtime on his way to the ring. He acknowledges different members of the crowd by pointing at them and winking at some of the ladies

Harrys: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing in at 213 pounds, Showtime Cougar!

Copeland: If he is successful as he hopes to be, this will be only Showtime’s second attempt at going after the World Heavyweight Championship, but the first time he would be challenging without surprise means

Cohen: So good luck to that challenge…

Showtime climbs into the rings and poses on top of the turnbuckle and turns to face the stage as his music fades out with him waiting for his opponent.


Everest comes out to a wave of boos from the crowd, he provides a straight pose with acknowledging the crowd before heading down the ramp, keeping his eyes gazed on Showtime.

Harrys: His opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, Everest!

Currently as it stands, Everest will be heading to his third Unscripted, a feat he only shares with Titus, but will this be his second Unscripted being involved in a Championship match? Last time he was there, he lost the World Title to Steamboat Ricky!

Cohen: And this year he will he claim it back from Vengeance, it’s very fitting isn’t it?

Everest climbs inside the ring and gives the straight pose again before looking at Showtime as both men go to stand at opposite corners, keeping each other’s gaze the referee looks between them and signals for the bell to get the match under way. They leave their corners and circle around the ring, still keeping an eye on each other before they both stop in a stance and slowly move closer to each other, daring the other to make the first move. They lock hands, keeping it to close quarters as they try to force their opponent back but neither is budging, but with a sudden motion, Everest uses his strength to force Showtime back who uses the momentum to roll to his back with his hands still holding to Everest and sends them rolling behind, getting back to his feet on the opposite side as Showtime uses the pace to get up from the mat and leap in the air to land a dropkick which gets a round of applause from the crowd.

Both men keep a distance as neither wants to let up in the early going, Everest makes a pace at Showtime but draws back the moment he tries to get near to anticipate Everest’s next move. This happens for a moments until Everest makes a run at Showtime who sidesteps and Everest stops at the turnbuckle by holding on to the ropes. Showtime follows after but is met with a quick elbow from the former World Champion, who uses the opportunity to drop Showtime which a neckbreaker from behind followed by a quick cover 1…….2….kickout by Showtime. Both get back to their feet without any problem as they meet once again, this time with Everest forcing Showtime against the ropes, irish whipping him in the progress, but the rebound, Showtime hits a flying elbow, taking down Everest who’s quick to his feet only to caught by an armdrag, followed by a second, then a third which is turned into an arm wrench by Showtime, stretching the arm at full length.

Copeland: Wise moves by Showtime here, if he takes out his arm, it will make it difficult to apply the Rock Slide here.

Which is something we don’t want to see given how much of a beautiful move it is!

Everest stretches to get a foot on the bottom as Showtime releases the hold and is told by the referee to back off a few paces to allow Everest a chance to get up, once Everest is in a good position, Showtime comes at a pace and is met with a sudden belly to belly suplex by Everest, he waits for Showtime to get up again and throws him with the same move, but holds his arm, preventing him from making a cover attempt. Showtime is up to his feet as Everest tries to hide his possible injury with a right but Showtime ducks under and hits a left, followed by another and a third before taking down Everest with a clothesline. He gets up to his feet and drops a leg, landing on Everest’s shoulder, who holds it in pain, Showtime backs off for a moment and stands in the corner, giving Everest some time to get back up. When he does so, he immediately has Showtime on him again who locks the arm behind Everest’s back, causing more pain to the shoulder, Everest’s free arm is swinging around, reflecting the agony he is in, he tries to reach for the ropes but Showtime holds him back, the referee gets up close to ask Everest if he wants to quit but he is shoved away and while the ref’s back in turned, Everest heel kicks Showtime to give him a low blow, releasing the hold and dropping to one knee as Everest tries to shake off the injury before using the chance to hit a float over DDT on him, allowing Everest more time to recover.

Copeland: Everest is going to have a hard time trying to get full momentum going without that shoulder working properly.

Cohen: Everest can handle it, if he can retain a Championship against five other guys, Showtime will be no problem at 75 percent!

Everest rolls steadily out of the ring without trying to aggravate the shoulder, getting some distance between himself and Showtime who’s slowly getting himself back up onto his feet. Everest looks under the ring and takes a steel chair, holding it in his working arm, Showtime spots it and just sits back in the corner, somewhat mocking Everest who takes offence to the gesture, he slides into the ring with the chair and gets the ref to back off as Everest gets up in Showtime’s face proclaiming that he will make Showtime pay, but he shrugs off saying “You’ll get disqualified!” which has Everest baffled because he wants to hurt Showtime but refuses to get disqualified for it, but before a decision is made, Showtime kicks Everest in the gut, dropping the chair, he follows with a right, and another followed by another on the injured shoulder before finishing with an enziguri to take down the former champ, Showtime with the cover 1…….2……kickout by Everest.

Both men get up to their feet as Showtime tries to do another approach of rear offence but Everest elbows him away and gets behind him, locking his arms around to go for a German suplex but his shoulder gives out and Showtime is back on his feet but only for a second as Everest hits a low dropkick on the knee to drop Showtime and uses hiss strong arm to lock in the Mountain Climber, squeezing tight on Showtime’s neck as Everest looks on with a smile, proclaiming the match is his as is the World Title, as he keeps tight, Showtime’s swaying arms are slowly fading as the ref keeps a close watch, there isn’t much movement so the referee lifts Showtime’s arm up for one, it drops, he lifts it up for two, which drops as Everest smile maintains, the referee lifts it up for a third up….and it stands tall as Showtime gets a rush of energy, swinging his arms again and getting to his feet with Everest locked on to his, Showtime clenches his fists and then grabs Everest and proceeds to throw him in a snapmare like move, releasing the hold in the progress.

Copeland: I wonder how much of an impact the Mountain Climber has had there.

Cohen: Just enough so the Rock Slide will be double effective!

Both men are up as Showtime heads over to Everest who turns to face him and locks him ready for the Rock Slide, he’s about to take it but Showtime gives a few blows before hitting the injured arm to brake the hold before the damage was done, Everest holds on to the shoulder as he backs into a the corner, with Showtime going for some running offence, which Everest ducks under and lifts Showtime up, landing on the turnbuckle in an uncomfortable position. Everest follows suit to climb up and look for the super backdrop to the floor, he gets Showtime up and goes with the move but somehow during midair, Showtime counters it into a modified Final Act, making Everest land head first. Both men are out of it but Showtime slowly rolls closer to Everest and pushes him onto his back, getting the arm over 1……2……3!

Harrys: Here is your winner…

Showtime is up to his feet right as Vengeance emerges in the ring and starts unloading on the victory tonight, he hits the Judge, Jury and Executioner in the mix, taking down the showman, Tarja appears at ringside, grabbing Showtime’s wrist and handcuffing it to the ropes, followed by the other. Vengeance goes to grab the chair from earlier, laying by the far corner, but the crowd cheers as Titus runs and slides in, unleashing right hands on Vengeance, causing him to drop the chair as Showtime slowly comes to, Vengeance is backed away as Titus roars out to the cheering out but is met with a Rock Slide by Everest who is then followed by a big boot from Vengeance, clearing the ring of interference, leaving him and Showtime alone. He goes back to grab the chair and has an intense look in his eyes.

Copeland: No Vengeance, come on, he can’t defend himself!

Just as turns to face Showtime and paces slowly over, the lights go out which gets the crowd excited, they come back on and between Showtime and Vengeance stands Ty Burna, who stares at the World Champion who just smiles back and offers the chair to Ty who looks back at Showtime who is slowly stirring and realises his rival is there. Ty declines the chair and heads over to Showtime, he lifts his head up as Showtime looks angrily at his foe, Ty stands tall and takes a few paces back with a smile, with Vengeance watching. Ty takes a few paces and then hits Vengeance with the Consecrated Banishment which gets the crowd in a frenzy and on the outside, Serafina attacks Tarja from behind, by grabbing her by the hair and slamming her face first into the floor, she grabs the keys from out of her hand and throws them to Ty who looks at Showtime but the sick looking smile remains, he takes a few paces and stands dominantly over Showtime who stands waiting for the attack to happen, only for Ty to drop down to a knee and use the key to unlock Showtime from the cuffs as Showtime sees with confusion as Ty offers to help him out of the ring as Titus is back to rejoin. Titus takes Showtime and carries him to the back with Ty and Serafina in pursuit, Titus gives Ty the odd look or two as if he shouldn’t trust him. They head up the ramp and leave the stand with Ty and Serafina standing at the top who turn around to look back as Vengeance sits up suddenly and stares intently at Ty who just stares back without showing a sign of emotion.

Copeland: Has the light starting to crack through the Dark Alliance? Has Ty Burna seen the situation for what it is…I don’t know but maybe more answers will come when Ty returns to the ring tomorrow at Ascension in his own qualifying match for the Hell in a Cell. Vance Bateman will no doubt been watching and maybe more about how he will choose his contender will pan out. Until then, I am Sebastian Copeland with Jack Cohen, I will see you next week on Meltdown!
Who wrote what:

Showtime Cougar vs. Everest, Phoenix vs. Matt Fox, Backstage - Phoenix
Big Dave vs. Mark Hancock - Showtime
Steven Holmes vs. Scott Hammond - Blade
Alex Steele vs. Hunter Kravinoff, Baez vs. Chris Jones - Thriller
Ratings Spike - Numbers with Doug Crashin

Rep them because you know you loved it, and if you can spare some time, rep me the person who packaged and posted it, lol, but please provide feedback on the show here:
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