Meltdown 33

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

*Pryos go off*

Copeland: Saint Paul, Minnesota is home for Meltdown this week as the Road to Kingdom Come continues! Hello again everybody, I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen and this week will see some future openings appear!

Cohen: Too true Seabass, we got the Leagues, Tag Contenders, Best of Threes, a King For A Day Qualifier. Saint Paul is the place to be tonight!

Copeland: And the Best of Three series for the EurAsian Title will start this week as Showtime Cougar and Lars Reidar meet in the ring for the first time! The rule is simple, win the match this week and you're halfway home to winning the EurAsian Championship.

Cohen: And we're not even halfway home for the EurAsian Leagues, Big Dave and Blade facing off as well as Rush against Beckford!

Copeland: And the Final of the Tag Tournament to determine who will face Teach N' Kurtesy at Kingdom Come! Second Coming vs. Heavy Artillery will complete our match listings as well as the tag match for the King For A Day spot!

Cohen: How does that even work?

Copeland: I'm not sure, Truman Harrys and Chuck Myles know more than I do! But it's Meltdown and it's Live!
‘Ten Thousand Fists’ blares out to a brilliant pop as the words SURVIVOR scream out to the crowd, and Rush emerges with a smile on his face as he does his traditional beating of his chest and grabbing of his right forearm with his left hand and raises it above his head in his signature pose before making his way down the ramp.

Harrys: The following contest is an EurAsian League Match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Windsor, Ontario, Canda, weighing in at 361 pounds, Rush!

Copeland: We kick off with EurAsian League as Rush will look to go for his second point in the league which will put him on top and a step closer to that EurAsian title shot!

Cohen: Fact is Seabass, Rush shouldn’t even be in this tournament as he took Sanna’s place! How in the hell he got this is beyond me, but I guess I can only hope he loses tonight!

He heads to the front side of the ring and climbs onto the apron and poses as the song screams TEN THOUSAND FISTS IN THE AIR in a strobe of camera flashes. He enters the ring and throws his T-shirt out to the fans, as “Enya Stomp” cuts in with Chris Beckford appearing at the top of the stage, he spreads his arms out as he bolts down to the ring and slides in. He’s quickly on his feet again before jumping onto the bottom left turnbuckle. He spreads his arms again and does a backflip off of it.

Harrys: His opponent, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 pounds, Chris Beckford!

Cohen: Great, his opponent is this guy? Karnage had him for breakfast in that Two Pointer match!

Copeland: Give Beckford some credit Jack, he gave Karnage a great fight!

Cohen: And still failed to take the two points. This will be quick, a rush even! Haha!

The bell signals and we’re under way, Beckford runs at the ropes and jumps up onto Rush’s shoulders to which Rush starts running going for the Rushing Powerbomb but Beckford counters by giving a hurricanrana on his opponent, causing him to fall onto the second rope he runs at the opposite ropes again but Rush is back up and Beckford stops in front of him. Rush gives a smile to him and the crowd and swings with a right but Beckford ducks and then gives a few quick rights of his own before hitting a dropkick which makes Rush lean onto the ropes and back off of it. Beckford sighs as he runs at the ropes for a third time and leaps in the air but Rush catches him in a Bear Hug, he shakes him around like a rag doll before he tosses him to the ground.

Rush heads over to Beckford and leans down to pick him up but Beckford hits a few kicks from the floor to Rush’s head, after a couple of attempts, he gets up and hits a quick DDT before going for the cover 1…..kickout by Rush. Rush slowly gets up at Beckford again goes for the ropes but springboards off of it with another dropkick which gets his opponent off his feet a lot more quicker than the earlier attempts. He stands behind Rush and as he gets up again and hits a reverse DDT, cover by Beckford 1…..2..kickout.

Copeland: Rush is being slowed down each minute that Beckford keeps on offence

Cohen: And I thought my jokes were bad!

Beckford stands waiting again looking for another quick strike as Rush is vertical again but Beckford’s next running attack in vain as Rush is quick to hit a reverse Samoan drop on him followed by a couple of stomps to keep his opponent down. He picks him up and Irish whips Beckford into the corner, Rush runs at him and goes for the splash in the corner, but Beckford moves out of the way and Rush meets the turnbuckle. Beckford climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a few rights on him before Rush recomposes and blocks the shots, he then climbs up onto the second rope and looks behind him before Beckford slams Rush’s head on the turnbuckle pad a couple of times. He then takes a moment before leaping over Rush and hitting a sunset flip powerbomb which takes a lot of energy out of the two men.

Beckford sees an opportunity with Rush down on the mat as he slowly climbs the turnbuckle, eventually reaching the top rope. He measures the distance before standing tall on the ropes and goes for the Cross County, but on impact, Rush has his hands raised and grabs Beckford by the throat. He is then quick on his feet before lifting Beckford over his head with a military press and quickly drops him to the mat. Rush looks at the corner and starts climbing the turnbuckle, looking for his finishing Moonsault no doubt. He climbs up and reaches the top rope, he leaps over backwards but Beckford is quick to roll out of the way and Rush hits canvas, holding his abs in pain.

Copeland: Great idea but Beckford was too quick for it!

Cohen: I’m surprise that the ring didn’t implode!

Beckford is up first, but only just ahead of Rush who took a lot out of the fall. Beckford kicks Rush in the gut and locks his head by his side, signalling for the Cross Drop. But Rush lifts him up on top of his shoulders, with his head locked on by Beckford. He walks a couple of paces, and goes for the Rushing Powerbomb again but Beckford uses the spin to spin off of Rush’s shoulders and hit the Cross Drop to the mat. Beckford slowly crawls over to Rush for the cover, 1…..2…..3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Chris Beckford!

Copeland: Usually power wins against speed, but not on this occasion! Chris Beckford has overcome the defeat last week to earn his first point in the EurAsian League, putting him on level terms with Blade, Big Dave and Rush, who he just defeated!

Cohen: But it won’t be like that at the end of the night, we’ll still have someone better being one ahead of Beckford after tonight!

Copeland: Quite right there, Jack! Big Dave and Blade is the other EurAsian League match for tonight. But we also have Tag Contenders and the first match in the Best of Three for the EurAsian Title all taking place tonight. Meltdown is definitely the show to watch, so stay tuned to Meltdown!

Beckford waits for Rush to get to his feet as he applauds him for the effort, and the crowd in unison. Rush and Beckford shake hands in the middle of the ring and Beckford’s hands is raised as both men walk slowly up the ramp together after a great encounter.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The lights go out of the arena. Green money signs fill the spot lights as they pan in the arena while strobes flash as ‘Black Betty’ starts playing. A spotlight shines down on the stage as newcome Doug Crashin appears on the stage with his back to the camera. He turns around and starts to strut down the ramp as he insults some fans.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Yokohama, Japan, weighing in at 240 pounds, Doug Crashin!

He stops and stares at Truman Harrys before shaking his head, he climbs in and tells Harrys to leave the ring and motions for a ceiling mic to drop down.

Now Mr. Harrys, I don’t know why you still have a job in the WZCW, because that’s not how you announce a competitor like me to the ring! Let me show you how it’s done!

Ladies and Gentleman! Now that I have your attention, I would like you to know that weigh in tonight at 240 pounds! I hail from Yokohama, Japan! I am Doug Craaaaassssshhhhhiiiiinnnnnn!

He lets go of the mic as the lights go back up.

Copeland: Well that is Doug Crashin, officially debuting here tonight on Meltdown. He’ll certainly fit in well…

Cohen: Well given he showed Harrys how to do a proper announcement, I like this guy!

‘Mr. Ouija 2’ plays throughout a blackened arena as the static like flash of white light goes off and on as Ty Burna emerges onto the stage and slowly makes his way to the ring, cloaked in his hood as always. He holds his old Ouija scroll in his outstretched hand as normal and climbs into the ring.

Harrys: His opponent, weighing 235 pounds, Ty Burna!

Cohen: Come on Truman! You had the example there with Crashin and just failed miserably! Just let me know that whenever I enter the arena, I want Crashin to announce it for me!

Copeland: Surely it’s the fact that they know who the competitors are is the important part as opposed to presentation?

Cohen: Says you in the tux!

He climbs in and kneels in the middle of the ring, setting the scroll and belt down before removing the hood from his face. He stands slowly, picking up his items and settles them in the corner of the ring before removing his vest and sleeveless hoody and tossing them outside the ring as Doug Crashin is pacing side to side waiting for the match to get under way.

The referee signals for the bell as Crashin is tempting Ty to come at him, Ty just stands there staring, Crashin stands looking bothered by Ty’s lack of movement and looks at the crowd to get them to chant but they just boo instead. He walks over to Ty and stands in his face, talking trash and poking on his chest, the referee tells them to make some space as Crashin shoves him away and Ty unleashes some rights on Crashin. He Irish Whips him and hits a running knee in the abs to which Crashin gets up slowly but slightly stunned, he turns around to face Ty who stands there again before suddenly bursting off the spot as Crashin leaps in the air and catches Ty with a head scissor take down before he taunts Ty and the crowd.

Copeland: Crashin, the young rich man from Japan is looking to make himself popular here

Cohen: What do you mean looking? He already is!

He waits for Ty to get back up before giving him a kick to the abs, followed by a right to the head and then another kick before dropping a DDT on his opponent. He goes for the cover 1…..2.. kickout by Ty. Crashin claps his hands at the ref, arguing that he should have counted to three. He gets Ty up and places him in the corner, he looks behind him and then Irish Whips Ty to the other corner, but Ty reverses the move and Crashin his the turnbuckle abs first before Ty hits a Russian Leg Sweep from behind, he gets at the ropes and hits a knee drop onto Crashin’s face before going for a cover of his own 1……2… kickout.

Ty gets Doug up who stands groggily, he takes a few steps back and goes for a bicycle kick but Crashin ducks before kicking Ty in the leg, he follows with a kick to the mid section and then hits a spinning high roundhouse to take Ty to the floor. He gets Ty up again and goes for the vertical suplex and then hits a sudden powerbomb. He gets Ty up one more time and gives him the birdie and tries to hit his Crashin Cutter but Ty shoves him away. Ty then runs at the ropes but Doug is quick with a drop toe-hold and locks on the Kataha-Jime around Ty’s neck. Crashin drags Ty to his feet with the hold locked in and smiles sickly feeling the victory in sight!

Copeland: Ty’s never tapped in his life! Is he going to now?!

Cohen: I don’t Seabass, upset or not, this will be a big ending!

Serafina then runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, the ref immediately spots her and stops her from continuing any further, Crashin yells at the ref to turn back around but Ty use the moment to slam Crashin back into the turnbuckle to break the Kataha-Jime and then gets him on his shoulders in a Torture Rack and hits his infamous Argentine DDT. Cover by Ty, 1…..2…..3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Ty Burna!

You got to give it to Crashin, he came in and almost got Ty to tap. Had it not been for Serafina running and Ty getting his finisher in, I think he would have lost!

Cohen: While Crashin’ got screwed by Ty’s ho! I still like the fact that Ty was clever enough to use the moment for that victory, but if this is anything to go by, Doug Crashin will no doubt be taking the WZCW by storm. Could he become World Champion before 2011? We’ll have to see!

Serafina walks up the ramp with a smile on her face as Ty is still trying to recompose himself on the apron while Crashin is coming too. Serafina exits through the curtain as Ty eventually makes his way up as Crashin looks on with an angry look on his face.

Well speaking of World Championships, the King For A Day Qualifying match is up next. One of these four men, Corey Payne, Byakko, Teach and Kurtesy have a chance to get closer to that World Title! Only one can get through, will rise at their opponent’s and partner’s expense? Find out next.

Cohen: But I still don’t get how this will work Seabass! Hopefully the genius that is Chuck Myles will explain this so people like you can understand!

The crowd get into an uproar to see William Teach and Steve Kurtesy enter onto the stage with their arms raised in the air holding their tag team belts.

Harrys: The following tag team contest is is to determine who will advance next to King For A Day, whoever makes the pin will advance forward. Introducing first at a combined weight of 471 pounds, they are the tag team champions....the team of Dr. Steven Kurtesy and William Teach!

“Down With The Sickness” hits as Corey Payne and Byakko come out onto the stage. Both men look intense and they are staring down their opponents with fierce precision. Payne gives Byakko a slap on the shoulder and both men begin to move down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing their opponents, with a combined weight of 448 pounds, Corey Payne and Byakko!

Byakko and Payne make their way to the ring as Chuck Myles appears on the stage with a microphone in hand.

Myles: Well well well guys, do you honestly think I'd put the KFAD slot up in a tag team match? Well the match will be in fact a fatal four way!

The crowd cheer as Myles walks off. Teach and Dr Kurtesy look at each other as they leave the ring. The grab their tag belts and head to the back whilst shouting "bigger fish to fry!"

Cohen: So the tag champions think there are bigger things then a shot at the World champion? These guys have delusions of grandeur...unless

Copeland: Nah don't be silly...It also seems we now have a one on one match.

Payne and Byakko lock up as Payne grabs Byakko and gives him an Irish whip straight into the turnbuckle. Byakko stumbles back as Payne goes for a roll up. One...Two...Kick out. Byakko gets to his feet in a daze as he goes to give Payne a Yakuza Kick. Payne dodges it as he quickly gives a roundhouse kick to Byakko, Byakko is down on the floor.

Cohen: What on Earth is going on with Byakko in this match, he has no speed, no focus....nothing!

Copeland: You can tell Payne wants this!.

Payne gives Byakko an arm bar as he locks it in tight. Byakko somehow manages to grab the topes with his other hand. Byakko stands up and stumbles over but Payne grabs him and gives him a German Suplex. Payne picks him up once again and gives him the Protoslam. Rather than going for the pin though, Payne goes for the Protolock. Byakko taps striaght away.

Cohen: Well erm that was unexpected, I wanted a tag match and got Payne kicking Byakkos ass!

Copeland: But who know what the tag champs have in store?

Copeland gets up out of the commentary booth and into the ring with a microphone in hand.

Copeland: Now, Ladies and Gentleman, in case you Missed meltdown last week, Titus was attacked in the car park and naturally it was believed to be the work of the rWo!

Cohen: You think it's the rWo!

Copeland: Anyway, as a direct result of the attack, Steamboat Ricky was suspended immediately by Chuck Myles. Now, despite suffering an neck injury during his match with Carmen Bratchny and Ty Burna, we are able to speak to Ricky for the first time since the attack occurred. Live now via satellite link, we have the rWo leader and True World Champion Steamboat Ricky!

Ricky appears on the titantron wearing a neck brace, he has sitting in a sea cabin with his World Title belt lying next to him.

Ricky, firstly, thank you for the time to get in contact and to speak with us directly. Now, I must first ask, how is the neck doing?

Ricky: Arr that neck be fine and dandy, I've been through a lot worse scrapes. I once battled Blackbeard in the depth of Hades, I once fought Captain Hook in the....yeah my neck is fine.

Copeland: I'm glad to hear it, Bratchny did do quite a number on you! Now as far as the investigation is concerned, can you tell us what your involvement or motivation behind this attack is?

Ricky: Well, this where you be ill informed. I did nothing against Titus, I was some place else. As was the Daves, witnesses have in fact proved that. Don't you read internet reports?

Copeland: I have, but you can't trust everything on the internet nowadays. I rather make sure everything was confirmed from the pirate’s mouth. So, if you're not the attacker, and not involved, can you shed any light on who it may be? Will you also be able to tell us what this means in regards to your suspension?

Ricky: Arr, it was a dark attack on Titus, if I shed light on it the darkness is moved. Then that would mean there would be no attacker. Regarding my suspension, I have no suspension as of now. Both Vance Bateman and Chuck Myles have removed it.

Copeland: So we'll be seeing you again next week then?

Ricky: If ye be lucky you'll be seeing me as I could be on…

“To Be Loved” cuts in throughout the arena as Carmen Bratchny comes out in casual clothing, heading down to the ring with a microphone in hand. He gets in while Ricky watches disapprovingly on the tron, waiting for what Bratchny has to say as Copeland exits the ring.

Bratchny: Ricky, you know that regardless of this Titus situation, you that I am more of a World Champion than you! I’ve have you beaten on more than occasion and now my time to become the True World Champion has arrived!

Ricky: Arr, I find that laughable. Ye were thrown out first when I won this belt. You failed to beat me at the Lethal Lottery, without your strumpet you're nothing! But if ye want a challenge, ye have one, Steamboat Ricky, The Real World champion vs. Carmen Bratchny at Kingdom Come!

Bratchny: A year on from an event where you were once crowned King For A Day, we will be the seeing the True World Champion knocking the jester out of the ring! I’ll be seeing you at Kingdom Come!

Bratchny heads to ropes to exit the ring

Ricky: But before you decide to run away as you usually do, I have one gauntlet to throw down

Bratchny looks suspiciously at Ricky

You leave your strumpet at home, it's Ricky v Carmen, none of this Karen flooz!

Bratchny: I'll accept those terms if you can keep your own strumpets out of this match as well! No interference what so ever! The best man wins and walks out with that championship, just as it should be!

Ricky: I be a man of my word, there shall be no rWo interference!

Bratchny: Good! Then we will begin to see it crumble when the "leader" is shown how much of a True World Champion I am! I’ll see you at Kingdom Come!

“To Be Loved” starts playing as Bratchny exits the ring and heads up the ramp as Ricky stares at the camera with a sinister smirk on his face

Copeland: Wow! Ladies and Gentleman, what we have seen unfolded is truly extraordinary! Firstly, Ricky is no longer suspended and we’ll see him back by next week no doubt. But also, he’s accepted Carmen Bratchny’s challenge to facing off for the True World Title at Kingdom Come! This night is getting more exciting by the minute and Kingdom Come is certainly going to be the place to be when it comes knocking!

Cohen: And what we will see is Everest and Ricky putting the loudmouths of Titus and Bratchny to rest as they will stand tall over those weak minded fools! They don’t stand a chance!

Copeland: But even so, that’s two big matches and no interference is guaranteed for both! Speaking of the rWo…

The camera cuts to Big Dave doing some last minute air jabs before exiting through his locker room door. The camera then cuts to Blade who’s heading down the hallway.

It’s our second EurAsian League Match up next, Big Dave and Blade go toe to toe as the Road to Kingdom Come continues!
Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is an EurAsian League Match, scheduled for one fall!


Boos fillout the arena as Big Dave heads out onto the stage in his hoodie, he strolls down the rampway, he passes the fans with authority and jumps up onto the apron before climbing in between the ropes and then the turnbuckle, giving a double arm raise to the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England, weighing in at 268 pounds, representing the rWo, Big Dave!

Copeland: Well Big Dave has a chance to take advantage of the Rush loss from earlier tonight and build some ground on the competition in the EurAsian League.

Cohen: Which of course he will! If Blade can’t even beat Rush, what does he have to beat Dave?

Copeland: But Ladies and Gentleman, I must remind you that Scott Hammond, the last EurAsian League competitor is having his two pointer match on Ascension against Dave’s FHD and rWo partner, Ace. That will be one to watch after this encounter!

‘Bliss’ bursts throughout the arena to a massive pop as dark red lights start to flash. Blade walks out on to the stage and looks around the crowd before giving his signature pose and heading down the ramp.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade stands at the bottom of the rampway staring back at Dave who stands tall at the opposite side of the ring, taking his hoodie off and challenging Blade to get inside, re-assuring that he’s not going to take advantage during Blade’s posing. Blade hesitantly climbs in but quickly gets onto the turnbuckle and giving his signature pose to the crowd. He climbs down and turns around to a fist from Big Dave who stood there waiting, the bell signals and it kicks off with Blade returning the fist as the two competitors start with a slug out. The two keep exchanging fists until Blade blocks one from Dave and starts following up with a second and third before hitting the important fourth to get Dave off of his feet and hits another when Dave is back up again before hitting an uppercut on the second time.

Copeland: Explosive start by Blade here!

Cohen: Dave’s just letting him think he has control here.

Blade goes to Dave’s feet and picks them up, looking for the Cloverleaf, but Dave struggles out to grab the ropes quickly as Blade steps back a few paces with the crowd booing in response. Dave is back up on his feet by the ropes as Blade locks his hands around the waist from behind but Dave hits an elbow to the head followed by a second, he then grabs the ropes and forces Blade off of him, forcing him to roll backwards, back onto his feet. Blade then runs at Dave but his opponent drops to the mat as Blade goes over the top rope to the floor.

The ref starts counting but Dave breaks the count by rolling outside. He rolls Blade onto his feet and slams his head against the ring edge, he then picks him up in a bear hug style position and runs at the ring post, slamming Blade’s back into it. The ref has counted to 3 as Dave spots the steel steps in the corner of his eye, he holds Blade up and goes for the Irish Whip but Blade counters and Dave’s back is slammed against the steps. Blade slowly climbs inside the ring, holding his back and sitting by the ropes as Dave slowly gets up as the ref has counted up to 6. Dave is up on his feet, as is Blade by the count of 8, but as Dave goes back to the ring, Blade runs at the opposite ropes and looks for the baseball slide, Dave sidesteps and hits Blade with a quick fist, taking down the Zero Hunter.

Cohen: Great speed and agility by Dave

Copeland: Blade’s been impressive too, Jack!

Dave gets Blade up and rolls him into the ring and follows closely after, he stands poised behind Blade who gets up to his feet and as he turns around, Dave grabs him by the throat, signalling for a chokeslam, but Blade then grabs Dave by the throat as well which gets the crowd popping, Dave then elbows Blade off and goes for a lock on Blade who hits a quick belly to belly suplex, taking Dave over his head. He gets Dave back up and hits a suplex, which causes Dave to hold his back in pain given the stair attack from Blade early on in this match. Blade looks at where Dave is and goes over to the turnbuckle and starts climbing, which gets the crowd excited as he looks to be going for the frog splash on his opponent. He jumps in the air but Dave rolls out of the way and Blade is met by the canvas, holding his abs in pain as Dave is poised in the corner waiting for Blade to get back up, he hits a thunderous spear and goes for the cover 1……2….kickout by Blade. Dave holds his head disbelief as both men are down, causing the ref to start a 10 count.

Copeland: It’s so tight, I’ve never seen so much fight for control between these two!

Cohen: It’s Dave’s for the taking, I can feel it!

By the time the ref reaches 7, both men are back up, Dave runs at Blade who catches him with a 180 spinebuster and picks up Dave’s feet to lock in the Cloverleaf in the centre of the ring as Dave starts screaming in pain with the hold successfully locked in. Dave is wincing in agony as he tries to hold off the pain from earlier as Blade holds the move tightly with an intense look in his eyes, he can feel the end drawing near. Dave crawls slowly to the ropes but it looks like they are too far away, he keeps crawling and tries to counter Blade’s attempts to pull him to the middle of the ring again. Dave goes for one big swing at the ropes and grabs it, to which the crowd boos and the ref makes Blade break the hold, he then lets go and stands waiting for Dave to emerge to his feet once again.

Blade stands poised and ready, he waits patiently for Dave to get away from the ropes that are assisting him to his feet. Dave turns and as he faces Blade he locks in the Checking Out hold but Blade elbows out and Dave staggers back to have Blade in the sideslam position, he looks to bend forward but Dave rolls the opposite way and holds Blade in a pinning position, pulling on his tights 1..…..2……3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Big Dave!

Copeland: Dave got the victory here, and I think he got Blade’s tights as well!

Cohen: Nonsense, he was clever and quick enough to keep Blade down for the 3 count and walks out with that point to keep him top of the league!

Dave rolls out of the ring, holding his back but smiling sickly with the victory as Blade sits in the ring with a shock look on his face. He gets up and protests to the ref that Dave had pulled his tights but the referee says otherwise as Dave heads up the ramp raising his arm in victory while Blade shoves the ref down in frustration and eventually rolls out of the ring.

Copeland: Blade is no doubt disappointed with result there, you think the referee would have kept watch on more than just the shoulders!

Cohen: Don’t be a sore loser like Blade, Seabass! Dave got the victory, he’s winning the league and Blade is rightfully bottom!

Copeland: Will Blade be able to recover from this? He still has three matches in the league left, one of them being a two pointer, he can still win this league!

Cohen: I wouldn’t count on it!

Copeland: Well Ladies and Gentleman, while we are still waiting for the EurAsian Number One Contender to be sorted, we’ll be finding out who will the Tag Title Contenders out of Second Coming and Heavy Artillery. It’s the Tag Tournament Final and it’s up next!
Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the final match of the Tag Team Tournament. This contest is scheduled for one fall and the winners will be the Number One Contenders for the WZCW Tag Team Championship!

“East Jesus Nowhere” hits and after a few moments, Garth Black and Phoenix appear on the stage. They pose for a few pictures in their tradition style as the crowd cheer for the former tag-team Champions. After a few seconds, they begin to descend the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 381 pounds, Garth Black and Phoenix... The Second Coming!

Second Coming continues down the ramp as a volley of cheers spurs them on. As they approach the ring, they stop to discuss their plans for a second and then slide under the bottom ropes and onto the turnbuckles, allowing people to take more pictures.

Copeland: This is it, the we're moments away from finding out who will take on Teach N' Kurtesy at Kingdom Come. Will it be the former champions or the newcomers?

Cohen: Has to be the former champions, they've proven themselves to be better on paper than their opponents!

Copeland: But the game isn't won on paper, Jack!

"Carry On Wayward Son" hits and both members of Heavy Artillery come out through the curtain. Max Karzai stands at the top of the entrance ramp with his arms stretched out and slightly raised, palms facing forward. Meanwhile, Jordan Lights goes to each side of the stage and pounds his fists in the air. Karzai quickly starts walking down the ramp, closely followed by Lights. They slide into the ring and go to opposite turnbuckles. Karzai gives the “rock on” symbol while Lights does his signature taunt on his turnbuckle.

Harrys: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 458 pounds, Max Karzai and Jordan Lights, Heavy Artillery!

Cohen: I don't know why they think they have a shot, Kurtesy isn't going to be cheating their way into victory this time, we got a fair and unbiased referee here!

Copeland: I watched Ascension Jack, and I thought Kurtesy did a splendid job of being a referee!

Cohen: Of course you would, you see him on Tuesdays at 3PM!

The referee signals for the bell as Phoenix and Max Karzai decide to start the match. Both start off cautiously, circling the ring and staring the other man. The anticipation from both men is evident as both men know what is on stake here. The anticipation comes to a crushing crescendo when both men furiously lock up in the middle of the ring. Karzai pushes Phoenix and Phoenix stumbles back onto the ropes. He rebounds and hits Karzai with an enziguiri to the jaw that takes Karzai to the canvas. Phoenix immediately climbs on top of his opponent and covers him. Karzai is too fresh though and kicks out before 1. Phoenix gets to his feet and as Karzai is getting to his feet, hits him with a heel kick that staggers his opponent. Karzai looks off balance and Phoenix runs at him, looking to take the advantage. Phoenix runs at Karzai and after a lot of transitioning between the two, with Phoenix in an elevated position, Phoenix lands a hurricarana which is held in the pinning position. The referee counts as Phoenix gets a 1 count on his opponent.

Phoenix gets to his feet, with Karzai still incapacitated for the time being. He immediately tags in Garth Black and Black quickly goes to work on his opponent, not even losing any valuable time. He picks up Karzai by the hair and as Karzai is getting to his feet, he lands a few punches to the gut of Black. Black feels every shot and is bent over double after a few more. Karzai continues his assault and lands a few punches to the face of Black. Karzai runs off the ropes as Black attempts to recuperate. As Karzai returns, Black regains his composure and lands a judo throw that sends Karzai across the ring. Karzai immediately springs to his feet and runs at Black once more. Again, Black lands a judo throw and again Karzai pops back up. This time, Black lands a flying body splash to his opponent and covers him. The referee counts again: 1…2… Kick out by Karzai.

Cohen: Karzai is taking a beating here tonight.

Copeland: That’s true. This match has been awfully one-sided thus far, Jack. Heavy Artillery will have to shape up as the match progresses.

Black gets to his feet and pulls Karzai up by the head. He pulls his opponent over to his corner and tags in his tag team partner. Phoenix mounts the turnbuckle and as he jumps off to land a missile dropkick, Black goes low and lands a spinning heel kick to the back of the legs of Karzai. Phoenix quickly covers Karzai but can only muster another 2 count. Phoenix mounts the turnbuckle once more and as he waits for Karzai to get to his feet, Jordan Lights begins to clap in a rhythmic fashion and a chant of “let’s go Karzai” begins to echo around the arena. Phoenix lies in wait for his opponent to get up and as he does, Phoenix launches himself off of the top rope, Karzai throws himself out of the way and Phoenix misses his opponent, only making contact with the unforgiving canvas.

Karzai is close to his opponent and Lights has his hand outstretched to receive the tag that seems like an age away. Black is struggling to tag in the disorientated Phoenix too and as Phoenix eventually does make the tag, Karzai launches himself at Lights who comes into the ring. Lights immediately dispatches Black with a lariat and as Black pops up again, Lights lands another. Black again gets up and as Phoenix and Karzai rest on the apron, Lights lands a powerslam to Black. A loud cheer rallies around the arena as Lights begins to shift the momentum against Second Coming. Phoenix, noticing that his tag team partner is in trouble comes rushing into the ring, only to be planted with a big boot from Lights. Karzai has seemingly recovered sufficiently and with both of the opposition strewn out on the mat, Karzai is begging for a tag. Lights sees him and the crowd cheer once more as Karzai re-enters the ring.

Copeland: Heavy Artillery are now showing us what they are made of. They are on a roll and these fans are loving it.

Karzai immediately makes a break for Black as Light rolls Phoenix out of the ring and follows him out onto the floor below. Karzai starts off strong against Black and lands a running clothesline that is followed up by a schoolboy pin that almost puts Black away with a 2 count. Black gets to his feet and Karzai again plats him with a spinebuster. A loud cheer goes around as Karzai gives a salute to the fans. Meanwhile, on the outside of the ring, Phoenix has managed to get the better of Lights and whips him into the protective barrier that separates the fans from the competitors. Seeing that Black is in trouble again, Phoenix quickly scuttles into the ring and lands a 450 kick to the back of Karzai’s head. Karzai immediately hits the canvas as the forceful impact to his head is evident. Black gets up and both men land the Final Judgement on Karzai. Black covers and as Lights sees it, he attempts to get into the ring and Phoenix lands a kick to his head to stop him. Black covers Karzai. 1…2…3

Harrys: Here are your winners, the team of Garth Black and Phoenix, Second Coming!

Copeland: A great match from these two teams. I am sure that William Teach and Steven Kurtesy will be looking on at their opponents.

Cohen: Speaking of, here they come…

From the top of the ramp, Teach and Kurtesy come running down the ramp and immediately into the ring. Black and Phoenix do not see them coming and are taken down by both of the intruders as they celebrate heartily. Teach and Kurtesy begin to attack Karzai too as he is left incapacitated on the canvas. Lights, who has mad a recovery comes into the ring and attacks Kurtesy. Teach comes over to help Kurtesy but Lights is proving to be a pest. Black and Phoenix get up and attack both of the intruders once more. Karzai gets up and joins in the fray as a huge brawl takes over the tag team division. As the fight escalates, Teach and Kurtesy seem to get the upper hand and upon throwing the rest of the competitors out of the ring, stand tall as champions inside.
Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is the first of a best of three series. The winner at the end will become the EurAsian champion. Making his way to the ring from Ragnarog, at a weight of 275lbs. He is the challenger....Lars Reidar!

Broken Soul by Original Sin plays as Lars makes his way out to huge boos all round. He is not accompanied in this match by Tarja. He goes into the ring as the familiar theme of Showtime kicks in.


Harrys: And his opponent from Winnipeg, Canada. At a weight of 213lbs he is the EurAsian Champion....David 'Showtime' Cougar!

Cougar makes his way to the ring to another chorus of boos. He gives the belt to the referee who holds it up above his head. Lars and Cougar stare into each others eyes. Lars looking down at Cougar, Cougar lookign up at Lars with an intensity in each others eyes. The bell goes as both men lock up with Lars having the advantage here, Cougar leaning backwards as he manages to break the hold and give a kick to the midsection of Lars.

Cohen: This is a match for the ages, part one of three. Both men have had recent world title shots

Copeland: This could go either way, with neither men being well liked by the crowd it is hard to tell.

Cougar kicks Lars again as Lars grabs Cougar and gives him an Irish whip into the ropes. Cougar uses this to hit a flying elbow as Lars is knocked completely off balance and coems crashing to the mat. Cougar goes for a quick cover, kick out after one. Cougar goes for the leg drop. Lars rolls out the way as Cougar crashes to the mat.

Cohen: Far too early for a cover there by Showtime

Copeland: You should never ever get cocky when Lars Reidar is in the ring with you.

Lars has managed to get to his feet as he runs and gives a kick to Cougar who was sat up. He's now lay out on the mat as Lars picks him up. Powerslam by Lars as he goes for the cover. One...Two....Kick out by Cougar. Lars picks Cougar up again and then throws him out of the ring.

Lars climbs out the ring as he picks up Cougar, he tries to set him up for the Northern lights suplex but Cougar kicks him n the mid section One.Cougar grabs Lars and bangs his head off the anouncer table. Two. Cougar still has a hold of Lars as he Irish Whips Lars into the safety barrier. Three. Cougar goes for Lars as both men begin to brawl with each other. The fans all try to pat both men on the back.

Cohen: Good to see the fans holding these men in respect. The respect they deserve.

Copeland: Highly surprised by this, but both men are very talented athletes so it's no real surprise. That is until Cougar calls them a hypocrite or something.

Four. Lars breaks up and steps back as Cougar straightens himself up and moves away from the barrier as Lars gives a Roundhouse kick to Cougar. This knocks Cougar clean on the floor. Five. Lars pulls Cougar over as he gives him a northern lights suplex. Six. Lars then picks up Cougar again and goes towards the announcer table. He picks him up for a power bomb. The referee calls Seven as well as making it clear to Lars that if he put Cougar through the table it's a DQ. Lars doesn't listen as he moves Cougar directly above the table.

Cohen: Oi clear off this is my table!

Hurricarana by Cougar as Cougar climbs the table. Lars gets up with him as both men are now stood on the announcer table. Eight. Lars goes to grab Cougar but somehow Cougar manages to grab Lars. OUt of nowhere Cougar gives him 'the final act' onto the floor around the ring. Nine. Cougar looks down at Lars as he casually picks his EurAsian belt up and heads into the ring. Ten.

Harrys: The winner of this match as a result of Count out is David Cougar. He now has one win in the best of three series.

Cohen: A match won by count out is not how Cougar expected to win, but needless to say it's a win and that puts him 1-0 up

Copeland: But a 1-0 win is no guarantee, with two matches left this could still go either way.

Cohen: I guess you're right there, tune in next week to see if Lars can score that equaliser. But before then we have Ascension!
who wrote what:
KFAD, Lars/Cougar, Ricky Segment - Lee
Beckford/Rush, Big Dave/Blade, Ricky Segment, Ty/Crashin - Phoenix
Second Coming/Heavy Artillery - Dave
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