Meltdown 26 - Celeste Crimson vs Blade

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Newcomer Blade has stirred up trouble backstage, and he's attracted the ire of one of WZCW's most dominant competitors, Celeste Crimson.

RP deadline is August 3rd 11:59 EST.
Rebecca Serra knocks on Blade's locker room door. Blade opens the door cautiously and sticks his head out. He spots Rebecca.

Blade: What?

Rebecca: Just want a quick interview Blade. If that's not too much hassle...

Blade sighs and comes out of his locker room, adjusts his trench coat and takes out his packet of cigerettes.

Blade: First let me ask you something? What town are we in?

Rebecca: We're in...

Blade: See, cause I had to walk a mile to find a shop that sold cigerettes. And when I found that shop, they only had menthol cigerettes. Ugh.

Blade looks at the packet, hesitates for a moment then takes one of the cigerettes out and lights it up.

Blade: Anyway, what did you wanna ask me about...?

Rebecca: Well Blade, it's just been announced that you will make your Meltdown debut against one of the best in the WZCW, Celeste Crimson...

The crowd begin to boo at the mention of Celeste. Blade looks up, hearing the crowd reaction.

Blade: So.... You people don't like Celeste Crimson, huh? Does that mean you'll be behind me during this match?

The crowd respond with a mixed reaction. Blade runs his left hand throw his hair absently mindedly, then taking a drag of his cigerrette. Blade exhales in disgust, having forgotten they were menthol cigerettes.

Blade: Awful.... So you fans are still not sure about me. Fine, I can live with that. But you're gonna be singing a different tune after Meltdown. See, Celeste is such a stereotype. Wow, she's a wrestler who's overly confident in her abilities. Wow, never seen that before. I'm bored from just talking about her.

Rebecca: But Blade, Celeste has more than proven herself. In fact I'm quite sure she'll think beating you will be a walk in the park. I'm also sure that she feels you haven't proven yourself yet.

Blade smirks, taking a another drag of the cigerette

Blade: Proving oneself is only for people that feel they have something to prove. I don't have to prove anything to anyone, especially her. And y'know, There was another wrestler who thought beating me would be a walk in the park. Running his mouth about how I was worthless.... Man, that was good comedy... Do you know who I'm talking about, Becky?

Rebecca: Well no... I mean, you haven't had a match here yet, how could someone have talked about you like that?

Blade: Well this guy that I'm talking about, he was more moronic than the average wannabe moron that we see around here. He was the king of the wannabe morons. Mayor of wannabe moron city, in fact. I'm talking about Mr. Baller.... He said I'd have "no chance" in the battle royale. He called me a "wannabe no life" I believe. And where is that oh-so confident Mr. Baller now. Becky?

Rebecca: Well, he didn't get the contract...

Blade: That's right, he didn't get the contract. He lasted 8 minutes in the battle royale. The guy actually spent more time talking about me than he spent inside a WZCW ring!

Blade shakes his head as some of the crowd laugh. Blade takes the last drag of his menthol cigerette and throws it on the floor. He then takes the packet out of his pocket and hands them to Rebecca.

Blade: Here, I can't be seen with these, it would be embarassing.

Rebecca: But... I don't smoke.

Blade: Well maybe you can trade them for something nice. What are you into? Bubblegum? Crack?

Rebecca: Hey! I...

Blade grabs the microphone out of Rebecca's hands

Blade: Be quiet Becky, here comes the best part...

Blade looks directly into the camera and says nothing for a moment. The crowd are giving a mixed reaction, but now there's more cheers than boos.

Blade: Celeste can walk around here like she owns the place. She can tell everyone of how amazing she is, how much she has accomplished in WZCW. And she'd be right. She's one of the best around. But everyone she's beaten was part of the old generation. The generation that built this promotion and drew fans when they first started running shows. That generation had some of the best ever. But that's the past. I am part of the new generation. Hear that Celeste? The new generation. You've never faced anyone like me before. I know it takes alot to make you worry Celeste, but maybe you should be worried because even though you've never seen me wrestle, I would not have this much confidence if I didn't know that I can take you to the limit and beat you.
Where am I getting this confidence you wonder? Well perhaps I'm not the biggest or fastest in WZCW. But I don't need to be, I've got fate on my side. I'm like a knight on a chess board, and you are just one of the pawns being sacrificed, being put in my way only to be destroyed by me on my way to defeating the king.

Celeste.... Maybe you should be worried.

Blade looks into the camera with an intense stare, with almost all of the crowd cheering. He then hands the microphone back to a speechless Rebecca and walks away quickly with the bottom of his trench coat swaying behind him.
A tall slender brunette made her way down the halls of the arena looking for her crew. She brushed back the hair in hers eyes catching a glimpse of the steel arm of the camera coming towards her. The camera man greeted her as the rest of the crew hastily prepared for the interview.

For Becky Serra the situation was becoming routine.

‘Why does it always have to rain on the days when I interview Celeste’ she thought.

‘I don’t know why I go out of my way to make myself look good, Celeste isn’t a girly girl, she doesn’t care about flare and glamor… although she does occasionally flaunt herself…maybe I feel that I want her acceptance, or maybe I’m just that intimidated by her.’

A few moments later Becky could hear the click clank of heels hitting the cement floor, until a familiar blonde woman came into view. Celeste wore a smile on her face beaming with a prideful nature that only she was capable of emitting.

‘Good, Becky’s doing the interview this week… she knows how to keep things short and to the point’ she thought.

Becky cleared her throat, signaling that she was ready to start.

“Becky Serra here once again with WZCW’s own submission queen Celeste Crimson… getting right down to business Celeste, how do you feel about being left off the pay per view?”

Celeste’s face dropped as her smile disappeared.

“Quite frankly I don’t care if I was left off the pay per view or not, though based off of the quality of the show if it were me in the main event the pay per view would have been the highest drawing in WZCW history.”

“That would be something to see, Celeste Crimson - World Champion does have a nice ring to it”

Celeste growled, causing Becky to let out a startled gasp.

“Titles don’t interest me; I feel there are other ways to prove one’s worthiness in this company… I have already done so”

Becky tilted her head to side and scratched at her chin; Celeste could sense her confusion and merely laughed.

“Do the crowds not respond to me? Do they not hate me? They love it when I lose… but since I lose once in a blue moon I enjoy seeing all their angry and disgusted faces every time I have my hand raised in victory. I have beaten countless names in this company… I will defeat countless more… all of their heroes will fall, and only I will remain.”

Becky couldn’t argue, she herself didn’t agree with many of Celeste’s motives or morals, yet she always found herself transfixed by her matches... and secretly she wanted to see her lose and was disappointed when she didn't.

“And what of your next opponent, Blade? An up and comer whose ready to make a name for himself.”

“I’ve never heard of him, so his name must not carry much value…. But it doesn’t matter, after this week everyone will know Blades name… he’s in a match with me Celeste Crimson the Submission Queen, the Perfect Nemesis. People will tune in to see my match, they will see Blade… he will not have their support, not until after he loses… he will be another hero in their eyes but to me he will just be another victim.”

Becky was left pondering what Celeste had said…for once it had made sense.

“Well if you don’t have any other questions for me I think I’ll be going.”

Celeste turned and Becky did not try to stop her, watching the arrogant voluptuous blond turn on her heels and walk away.
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