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Meltdown 19

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Meltdown takes place at the TD Banknorth Garden, Boston, Massachusetts. The arena is not quite full, but there is still about ten thousand fans in attendance.

Garth Black & Phoenix v. Kyle Christianson & James Baker

James Baker is out first, followed by Kyle Christiansen, both get some heat, nothing too big, mid level heat. Next out is Phoenix, who is followed by Garth Black. Garth Black gets some big heat. James Baker will start in the ring, Phoenix and Black argue as to who will start. Black wins the argument and we start with Phoenix and Baker in the ring. Both men start backwards and forwards with Phoenix havingthe advantage.

Baker manages to make the tag as Christiansen comes in, laying a few punches to Phoenix, very fast work from Christiansen as he seems to be back on form, suplexes and hurricaranas with a few drop kicks here and there. Phoenix goes for the tag, but Garth Black refuses to tag him in. Phoenix looks very annoyed by this and out of nowhere manages to give Christiansen a running heel kick. He goes for the cover, Kyle kicks out after 1. Christiansen goes and tags James Baker back in. Baker comes in and gives Phoenix Da Xtreme Knockout, this if followed up by the All eyez on me, which Baker misses as Phoenix rolls out of the way.

Phoenix goes to tag Garth Black, but again he refuses. Baker tags in Christiansen who manages to make his way over to Phoenix and give him the “One an Only.” Christiansen goes for the cover and 1,2,3 gets the win. Garth Black walks straight off.
All American Challenge: U.S.A. v. Mighty NorCal

"Bullet With Butterfly Wings" - Smashing Pumpkins hits and Mighty Norcal comes out to a chant of USA! USA! USA! Wearing a special Stars and Stripes hoody, Norcal enters the ring with an intense look, ready to fight in the name of his country. "The Rocky/Hendrix Medley" hits, and Ulysses S. Adams comes out to another chant of USA! USA! USA! This time, we are unsure of whether the fans are cheering for the United States or for Adams. Either way, the crowd is hyped up for this match.

The match begins with a lock up, USA gaining the advantage with a headlock. Whip into the ropes by USA, and he executes a swinging neckbreaker. Norcal regains his composure and hits numerous right hands on the newcomer, as well as a Lou Thesz Press and a gutwrench suplex. Norcal goes for a quick cover...1....2....kickout.

Norcal whips USA, USA reverses, then hits a Samoan Drop and applies some pressure with a half-Boston crab. Norcal struggles, but eventually he manages to get to the ropes. USA picks up NorCal and ties him into a side headlock. Out of nowhere, Norcal breaks the hold and applies "The Trinity" to USA! USA seems to struggle and is trying to break free, and he eventually slams NorCal into the corner, breaking the hold. USA then is able to hit "Bombs Bursting in Air" and goes for the cover...1....2....3. USA wins the All-American Challenge.
Steamboat Ricky v Eric Derf

"My Curse" - Killswitch Engage hits and Derf comes out...perhaps for the last time as if he does not win the match, then he will be fired from WZCW. Ricky's music hits and out comes the man from Tortuga to a very receptive roar. He makes sure to stop and give a couple non-alcoholic grogs to some kids in the front row.

Ricky gains an advantage from the get-go, hitting a variety of offensive maneuvers, including a belly to belly suplex, Lou Thesz press, and a back elbow. However, Derf seems irritated by this offensive display by Ricky, and all of a sudden, with an intense burst of rage, Derf delivers several punishing right hands to Ricky. Ricky then regains his composure, hitting Derf with some rights of his own, an atomic drop, and a spinebuster. He then goes to the top rope and shouts "Man Over Board!" whilst performing a diving elbow. Derf sneakily moves out of the way, and then hits a stunned Ricky with a "Derrific DDT." Derf sees an opportunity to further wear down Ricky, applying a crossface in the middle of the ring. Seeming as if he would be unable to reach the ropes, Ricky somehow manages to get to his feet with Derf on his back still applying the crossface, turns Derf around, hits the Deckswabber, and goes for the pin...1...2....3.

Ricky picks up the win, and it seems that Derf is fired. As Ricky celebrates up the rampway, Red Mask comes running down holding a steel chair in his right hand. He takes the chair and destroys an already beaten Derf. Leaving Derf in a pool of blood, Red Mask quickly returns to the back.
WZCW Contract match elimination match

Cougar is out first followed by Shakur who gets mega heat. TM and Ace David follow as Anoki is out last to quite a good reaction. Shakur climbs the turnbuckle to pose to the fans shouting “Whaddup Brooklyn yo!” Being Boston MA, the home crowd boo him all the more. David Cougar climbs the turnbuckle behind him and delivers the Reverese DDT as Cougar covers Shakur for the one two three. Chris Shakur is eliminated from the match first. Cougar and Anoki lock up.

Meanwhile TM and Ace David are going at it, it's very fast between the two with lots of kicks and suplexes. Meanwhile Cougar and Anoki are locking up well, This is very quick from Anoki with all men seriosuly impressing in the ring. Ace David manages to get up the tirunbuckle holding TM and stes him up for a suplex from the top, TM manages to reverse this pushing Ace David down, climbs himself down, picks David up and gives him the Copyright Infringement for the 1,2,3 as Ace David is eliminated.

TM stands back up as Anoki grabs hima nd gives TM the Swallow kickfor the cover, 1..2...3 TM is eliminated. We are left with Cougar and Anoki in what has been a very fast paced match by all competitors. Lots of back and forward reversals by both men, the work in the ring is rather quick and goes back and forth for quite sometime with lots of near falls. The match ends when Cougar gives Anoki an Irish whip to the ropes and goes to kick him, Anoki manages to duck this and gives Cougar the Swallow kick for the 1,2,3.

The winner of this match and the latest person to win a WZCW contract is Chief Anoki.


Backstage we see Johnny Klamor in the office with Vance Bateman. Bateman tells Johnny how impressed he was with the match he just saw, and next week before Meltdown 20 will be a battle Royale with a difference for a WZCW contract. The rules of the Battle Royale will be a 15 minute time limit, if a superstar manages to stay in for those 15 minutes, they will be awarded a contract. This will be open to all comers and not just those in Development.

Klamor asks Bateman about the titles, Bateman says that if Red Mask manages to pin Bratchny in the tag match, he will gain an Elite X title match at Unscripted. If Drake Callahan defeats Milenko by any means, he will gain a Mayhem title match at Unscripted.
Grudge Match: Daniel Stokes v. Anthony Michaels

“Down Under” hits the sound system as Daniel Stokes Makes his way out to the ring and is followed by Fake By Shinedown as Anthony Michaels makes his way out to a rather mixed reaction, probably getting cheered for the first time since goodness knows when.

This is a very physical match with lotsof punches and kicks, as well as suplexes. As soon as one man gets the advantage, the other turns it around. An all round entertaining match with lots of near falls and some rather quick work by Stokes.

The match ends when Anthony Michaels picks up Dan Stokes and sets him up for the “Game Over.” The lights cut off and there's a lot of murming in the crowd. Eventually they come back on and both Michaels and Stokes are lain flat out, in the centre of the ring both bleeding. In between them is stood Vengeance with his arms lifted up. The match is ended as a no contest.
Non-Title: Milenko v. Drake Callahan

"Ladies and Gentlemen" hits and out stumbles Drake Callahan to a warm cheer for this non-title bout. He's got a bottle of beer that he seems to be finishing off, then shoves it in his boot for safe keeping. If Callahan wins, then he earns a Mayhem Title opportunity in the future. "Woke Up This Morning" hits and Milenko comes out to a chorus of boos. Carrying a steel chair, as well as the Mayhem Championship, "the one man dynasty" walks confidently to the ring.

Milenko looks to finish the match early with a swing of the steel chair, but Callahan is able to react quickly enough and moves out of the way. Meanwhile, he delivers some striking right hands to the champion, finishing it off with a European uppercut. He then hits a scoop powerslam, goes for an early cover, but Milenko kicks out. Callahan decides to take it outside the ring, throwing Milenko outside while grabbing a chair from under the ring. Before Callahan can stand all the way up, Milenko delivers a crushing blow to his back with the steel chair he brought to the ring at the beginning of the bout. Milenko follows this up by hitting a variety of offensive moves outside on the floor, including an overhead suplex and neckbreaker.

Milenko takes it back into the ring hitting some offense on an already stunned Callahan, hitting a Samoan Drop and a facebuster. Callahan slowly tries to get up after the facebuster, but it is clear that Milenko is going for "The Murder-Go-Round". Milenko goes for the kick, Callahan ducks it, he pulls out the beer bottle, and smashes it over Milenko's head! Callahan with the cover...1....2...3!!! Drake Callahan pulls off a huge upset and becomes the #1 Contender for the Mayhem Championship!
Street fight; The One Big Will v DS w/Celeste Crimson

"Away" - Mercydrive hits and out comes Downward Spiral to a chorus of boos. He has a kendo stick in his hand and he seems ready to put a good licking on Will. Celeste Crimson accompanies DS to the ring. "Famous" - Puddle of Mudd hits and Will comes out to a warm reception carrying an oversized fire extinguisher. He runs to the ring and the match gets underway.

The match begins with both trading right hands until Downward Spiral gains the advantage, hitting a dropkick and a flapjack. Will replies with some offense of his own, hitting a flying forearm and a half nelson bulldog. The match eventually goes to the outside with Will whipping DS into the steel steps, leaving DS holding his side. THWACK! Celeste hits will in the back with the kendo stick that DS brought to the ring, and DS is able to take control. He hits several offensive moves in the ring, leaving Will laying on the mat. Celeste then enters and continues the punishment with the kendo stick. At this point, Celeste seems to have an idea, and she exits the ring, looking for a weapon under the ring. However, Steamboat Ricky runs down with a kendo stick of his own and hits Celeste in the back of the head. This distracts Downward Spiral, as he is focused on Ricky wielding his weapon. Will takes this time to recover, DS turns around, and hits DS with Willenium! With Celeste laid out on the outside, Will goes for the pin....1....2....3!!! Will wins! Why did Ricky come to Will's rescue?


We see Becky stop Red Mask, she asks him what the hell happened earlier. Red Mask asks what she is on about, and she mentions about the Derf incident. He laughs and tells her it wasn't him as he's just arrived in the arena and has no idea what has gone on this evening. Becky tells Red Mask about the tag match stipulation, Red Mask laughs at this too and tells Becky it makes things a bit more interesting.
Carmen Bratchny & Hatchiyama Manzō v Everest & Red Mask

Out first is Manzo with Magnus Maxmillion to very loud boos, out next is the Elite X cahmpion Carmen Bratchny being accompanied by Swindle McKenzie. All four men stand in the ring to very loud boos as they shake hands.

Red Masks music hits as the crowd goes pretty loud, their hero steps out poses on the top of the entarnce ramp and turns to look at the curtain. Red Mask points to it as Supernova goes pop hits the system as the go absolute nuts. They give a huge pop when Harrys announces the WZCW world heavyweight champion EVEREST. Both Red Mask and Eveerest shake hands on top of the ramp and walk down giving hi 5s to the crowd on the way down.

The Elite X champion starts in the ring, against Red Mask, both men lock up and start quite a physical battle, Bratchny having the power, Red Mask having the agility. Bratchny goes on the offensive as he manages to get Red Mask down on the ground as Bratchny begins stomping on Red Masks body. Bratchny picks up Red Mask as he goes to the corner to tag in Manzo.

Manzo and Bratchny give Red Mask a double suplex as Red Mask is lain flat out. Manzo picks up Red Mask and gives him a belly to belly overhead suplex. Manzo goes for the cover. 1...2...kick out by Red Mask in what was very close call. Manzo stands up as Red Mask makes a dive to tag in Everest, Manzo manages to pull Red Masks leg and stop him from taggin Everest. Manzo runs over and gives a forearm smash to Everests face. Manzo picks up Red Mask and takes him over to the other corner where he tags in Carmen Brtachny.

Bratchny goes on the offense with a few slams to Red Mask, he climbs the top rope and goes for the Headbutt from the top rope, he hits Red Mask and goes for the cover, another two count kick out from Red Mask showing some reslience in this match.

Red Mask manages to roll over and get the tag on Everest, the crowd goes nuts, Everest takes out Bratchny with a forearm smash and runs to the corner and does the same to Manzo. The crowd are shit hot, the two champions in the ring Everest has the advantage for quite some time as he manages to give Bratchny the Rock slide.

Meanwhile Outside the ring Swindle and Magnus are arguing with each other and get Mazo to turn round to give him some coaching advice. Everest points at Red Mask and the crowd give a nice pop, Everest goes over and tags him in Bratchny has managed to get up and clamber over to Manzos corner, but Manzos back is turned listening to Swindle and Magnus. Red Mask runs over and kicks Bratchny in the mid section giving Bratchny the Thundera and pulls him to the centre of the ring. Red mask climbs the turnbuckle and goes for the Red Comet connecting it to Bratchny as he goes for the cover...1....2....3. Red Mask gets the pin over Carmen Bratchny and will thus go to face him at Unscipted. Everest and Red Mask have their hands lifted up as Bratchny, Manzo, Swindle and Magnus leave to the back arguing among themselves.
Thanks to our esteemed writers Lee & Ricky.
Quick results.

Christiansen & Baker beat Phoenix & Garth Black
USA beats NorCal
Steamboat Ricky beats Eric Derf
Chief Anoki wins a WZCW contract
Stokes/Michaels match ends in a no contest
Will beats DS
Red Mask & Everest beat Manzo & Bratchny
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