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Meltdown 19: Main Event: Manzo & Bratchny v. Everest & Red Mask:

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[This Space for Rent]
Main Event: Everest & Red Mask v. Hatchiyama Manzō & Carmen Bratchny:

At Apocalypse, we crowned two new Champions. Everest defeated the mammoth monster, Manzo, to become W.Z.C.W.’s newest Heavyweight Champion since Kingdom Come. Meanwhile, Carmen Bratchny out lasted 3 other opponents, including Red Mask, to become the newest Elite X Champion.

Magnus Maximillian seems to have bought himself a very strong and favorable alliance between the Russian beast and the Mammoth from the Rising Sun. Will Everest and Red Mask be capable of finding a way to defeat the International Alliance? Find out on Meltdown.

We go backstage to the green room, it looks rather comfortable with a few chairs dotted around. The camera is focused on Becky Serra who is holding a microphone.

Becky At Meltdown 18 we were given an epic battle royale, as well as an enthralling tag team match. This was then topped at Apocalypse when Carmen Bratchny came out Elite X champion overcoming Vengeance, Drake Callahan and our very own hero Red Mask. Red Mask has a chance to make up for his loss in a tag team match this week on Meltdown facing Carmen Bratchny and Manzo with an ally in WHC Everest.

The camera pans round to Red Mask, who has a very serious body language.

Becky How will you manage in this match up Red Mask?

Red Mask You have to look at it logically; Here you have me teaming up with the new WHC Everest, a guy who sure knows how to wrestle like non other. So that goes in my favour, but then you have my opponents. First off is Manzo, a guy who has only ever been pinned once in his WZCW career and that was arguably the closest match I have ever seen in a wrestling ring. Add to that you have the Elite X champion, Carmen Bratchny. The guy who laid me out at the battle royale, the guy who pinned both me and Vengeance in the four corners match. To beat me is not really too hard, but to beat a guy like Vengeance...that takes something.

Becky I must say, you impressed me at Apocalypse, I didn't realise you had it in you.

Red Masks body language lightens here, and gives Becky a jokey slap on the back.

Red Mask Haha, thanks! But that was in part down to my amazing opponents, I only managed to eliminate Drake Callahan because of a knee injury he sustained. This guy is going places, mark my words.

Becky He freaks me out!

Red Mask Haha, he has taken a liking to you!

Becky Yeah

Becky gives a little sigh, clearly looking upset.

Red Mask How you coping?

Becky I'm fine.

Red Mask You're not fine are you? Leon's a good guy, I can tell you and him were good friends, sit yourself down.

Both sit down as Red Mask gives a quite upset looking Becky a quick hug.

Becky Thanks.

Red Mask You know I've had a few cases of missing people to deal with in my tenure of donning this Red Mask, things will be OK.

Becky Will they though?

Red Mask As GOD as my witness, I will find Leon Kensworth, alive and well and that's a promise.

Becky Aww thanks Red Mask, but just...just don't get too side tracked OK? I mean, you still have a match at Meltdown and you, you need to be 100% OK?

Red Mask A true hero can multi-task, that is the ultimate superhero technique, the ability to go out and fight, whilst you have real life issues to deal with. I can guarantee you that I will go into that ring at Meltdown with the momentum I have built, but with the sharp learning lesson to keep focused. I can do this, I can learn from the best in the company, as I have the honour of teaming up with him. I have something to prove against Mr Bratchny and believe you me I will put in a darn good fight.

Red Mask gives Becky a big hug this time as Red Mask stands up to leave, Becky still sat down looking rather upset. As Red Mask gets to the door, he turns around to face her.

Red Mask So chin up Miss Serra, things will be OK

Becky Thanks.
*The scene opens in Silvers Gym the morning after Apocalypse. The Sun shines through the dirty brown glass windows, like every morning this gives a golden glow around the gym. Golden is an apt colour considering the events last night but the atmosphere is dormant, still… soulless…

Suddenly the door opens and in walks a man in Silver’s gym uniform. This uniform consists of a black polo shirt, shorts and training shoes. The man is followed in by the new WZCW Elite X Champion Carmen Bratchny. Carmen looks ready to train wearing a dirty white vest and shorts that look as though they haven’t seen a washing machine in a few weeks. Carmen immediately beings warming up on a matted area, intermittently stretching between exercises.

Suddenly the door swings open again and in walks Swindle McKenzie. Swindle is wearing another flash suit (H. Huntsman, Single Brested House Tweed) and is holding a black leather brief case. Swindle makes his way immediately over to Carmen*

Swindle: Here you are… I’ve been looking for you everywhere

Carmen: I train for match

Swindle: Carmen. Normally I’m all for training but last night was sensational, Last night you proved that with the right amount of determination you could go anywhere and because of that I have a surprise for you

Carmen: Surprise? What is Surprise?

Swindle:… Err… Come with me

*The two men head towards the door and out of the building*

Swindle: Jeez kid, did you shower last night?

*Outside there is a car already waiting, Carmen has to squint to see due to the bright glow of the mid-morning sun*

Carmen: Where we go?

Swindle: Get in

*Both men climb in to the car as the car drives off, A cameraman sits in the front passenger seat and films the two men’s conversation in the back*

Swindle: Have you seen the card for meltdown?

Carmen: No

Swindle: It’s a good one… you’re in a tag team match

Carmen: Is that match where I fight 3 men again? – I like that match

Swindle: No… it’s the one where you have a partner

*Carmen laughs at the thought of having a partner*

Carmen: You funny man, who want to fight next to me?

Swindle: You’ll see

*The car continues on its journey…*

Carmen: Where we go?

Swindle: I told you… it’s a surprise… relax… it’s a reward for last nights fantastic title win

*Suddenly the car pulls to a halt, The drivers get up out of his seat, walks round and opens Swindles door, Swindle Climbs out as the driver then goes around and opens Carmen’s door, in the meantime Carmen has climbed out of Swindles door wanting to see what the interruption to his training is about*

Swindle: C’mon kid….

*Both men walk towards a modern looking building. The building has a large MM logo on the front, apart from this its completely covered in tinted glass.

A large door stands at the front of the building with a fingerprint scanner. Swindle puts his index finger on to the scanner*

Scanner: Welcome Mr. McKenzie

*The Door opens*

Swindle: Do the same as me kid

*Carmen puts his finger on the scanner*

Voice: Приветствовать Господин Bratchny

*The door opens as Carmen walks through looking somewhat impressed*

Swindle: Welcome to your new second home… Champ

*Carmen looks around the room in utter amazement. Sitting on the wall is a giant mural of Carmen celebrating with the championship taken from only the night before.

The rest of the room looks amazingly clean and organised. The room is full of the latest weight lifting and gym equipment, there is a separate room with treadmills and cardiovascular equipment, this room also has intelligent looking men wearing long white coats with clip boards, Carmen’s eye widen as he see’s the jewel in this ultra modern gymnasium’s crown – a full size exact replica of the WZCW meltdown ring in pristine condition – the complete opposite of the blood stained one at silvers*

Swindle: So Carmen… what do you think?

Carmen: *Still shocked* This mine?

Swindle: Every inch…

Swindle: Not only do you have all of this kid but I’ve also drafted some of the best young talent from around the world to come here and spar with you. This gives them the experience and you the best possible training before any match

Carmen: C-Can I hurt one now?

Swindle: Help yourself

*Carmen heads toward the training ring, a group of young men sit in a group around the ring warming up and joking with each other, Carmen climbs in to the ring as Swindle approaches the men*

Swindle: Right guys… My man Carmen wants to pop the cherry of his new training ring… which of you want to be responsible for the first blood stain

*The men all look at each other, one of the men puts his hand up*

Swindle: What’s your name son?

*The Young Man has blonde hair and blue eyes, your typical high school jock*

Man: Geoff Morris

Swindle: Ok Geoff in you go….

*Both men begin to circle each other inside the ring, Carmen goes for the hook up but Geoff dodges the advance with a quick shimmy to the right, the two men continue circling each other, Carmen goes in and Irish whips Geoff off the ropes, Carmen goes for a quick clothesline but Geoff ducks it, Geoff comes off the ropes as Carmen goes for another clothes line but Geoff ducks it again

As Geoff comes off the ropes for the third time Swindle trips him from outside of the ring – Carmen then begins to attack and lays the boot in to Geoff with repeated vicious boots to the ribs. Geoff rolls out of the ring before blood is spilt

Carmen climbs out after him but Swindle intervenes*

Swindle: Leave him kid… we need to talk

*Both men walk towards a seated area, as they go to sit down Swindle’s phone rings, Swindle groans…*

Swindle: One Minute….

*Swindle Answers his phone*

Swindle: Swindle McKenzie!... how’d you get my number? You want to talk to him now? Where are you? Ok… give me a minute

Swindle: Carmen, Johnny Klamour is at the door and claims that contractually he has to have an interview from you within 24 hours of your match… I have to let him in… but we need to talk after this…

*Swindle then signals to someone working at the gym (His uniform consists of Kea Sportswear). The man walks to the door and lets Johnny Klamour and his cameraman in*

Johnny: Are you camera ready?

Swindle: *irritated*As always…

*Johnny and the cameraman set up*

Johnny: *standing up in front of the camera*: HEY WZCW Fans, This is Johnny Klamour here and with me is none other then the NEW WZCW Elite X Champion Carmen Bratchny With his manager…. Swindle McKenzie

*Both Swindle & Carmen look directly in to the camera but say nothing...*

Johnny: So Carmen.. How does it feel to finally capture gold in the WZCW

Carmen: To Win is….

*Swindle puts his hand across Carmen’s chest to stop him, he then begins to talk in place of Carmen, its now clear that even though Carmen did the talking last week Swindle is still the mouth piece*

Swindle: Winning the Elite X Championship only proves what I’ve been saying all along – Carmen Bratchny is the present and future of this business

Johnny: Many Elite X Title holders have gone on to win the world championship, and with Manzo losing the gold at apocalypse do you see yourself going for that title any time soon?

Swindle: Carmen does not need the world championship to prove he is the most feared wrestler in this company. Now we have the Elite X Championship Carmen will now go on to make it more prestigious then the world title…. In a few months people will be calling the World Championship the “2nd belt in WZCW” – Everyone is going to be gunning for this belt right here

*Johnny looks at the men and thinks for a moment*

Johnny: How…. How are you going to make the Elite X Championship the most prestigious belt in the company… surely as long as the World title is around, that’s impossible?

Swindle: Ok… let me put this in to a language all you idiots out there can understand….

*Swindle sits forward on the edge of his seat… he knows he has some explaining to do*

Swindle: Which of these movie titles sounds better…. Casablanca or Epic Movie?..... THINK ABOUT IT…. Which Movie title SCREAMS legendry?

Johnny: Well…. Epic Movie sounds more epic, but…

Swindle *Cutting in* you’re right, the clue is in the title…. Casablanca sounds like a type of coffee - but which of the two movies are better

Johnny: Casablanca… obviously

Swindle: There’s my point right there kid…. People look to the world title because of its name – people are going to start looking at the Elite X title because of this man’s name… Carmen Bratchny doesn’t need the world title to boost his ego, Carmen Bratchny is going to make the Elite X Championship THE Main event title… and to make matters worse… its going to be impossible to get it off him

Johnny: Looking forward to Meltdown – what do you hope to gain from the tag team match?

Swindle: I feel I speak for the both of us when I say that our main focus is to cement a strong partnership with Manzo And…

Carmen: And crush red mask man

Johnny: Explain the ill feeling for Red Mask?

Carmen: He wrestle for people and he wear colour that represent people in the slums of motherland… them people kill people I love… he represent them people

Johnny: OK, on the subject of Manzo…. Another Question on everyone’s lips is about his backer Magnus Maximillian…

*Swindle starts signalling to Johnny, trying to get him not to mention about the contract and the affiliation, Johnny notice’s this out of the corner of his eye but knows this is too good an opportunity to miss*

Johnny: Carmen, How did your affiliation with Avarice inc. come about and what can we expect?

Carmen: What is Avarice Inc.?

*There is a short silence*

Carmen: Mr. McKenzie… What is Avarice Inc?

Swindle: Well.. its umm…. It’s a group of people much like ourselves Carmen.. they are helping us

Carmen: Like Gang?

Swindle: No…

Carmen: They pay and I help and I fight and I hurt and I… I Not know words

Swindle: Kinda like that kid, yeah

*Swindle throws Johnny a deathly stare*

Carmen: So they Gang? What I say? No Gang – me you do it together…. No gang… I sick

*Carmen gets up to leave*

Swindle: But they payed for all of this and our salary’s are huge… we’re rich and title holders… Its what you wanted!!

Carmen: Влагалище!

*Swindle is shocked to the core by Carmen’s last comment, Carmen heads for the door*

Carmen: I go now

*Swindle and Johnny both look on bewildered as the scene fades*
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The scene opens with Becky Serra floating around the backstage area with a cameraman obviously close behind. She scoots around a few corners and it is obvious that she is looking for somewhere.

BECKY: Are you sure today was the day he was stopping by?

CAMERAMAN: That’s what they told me. They said he had a photo shoot and would be here from 1 to 4.

BECKY: Alright, well he’s got to be here somewhere.

With that Becky heads around another corner and finally finds what she is looking for. There stands the NEW WZCW World Champion, EVEREST along with several makeup people, crew members and two photographers. Everest stands in front of a blue screen dressed to the nines. He’s got on a tailor made 3 piece Gucci suit; Alligator skinned shoes and a $500 Rolex watch. He stands at attention, The WZCW World Title hanging over his left shoulder. He strikes a very imposing, very regal figure as the photographers snap picture after picture. A minute or so passes before one of the photographers runs out of film. With the pause in the action, Everest steps down from the shoot and slumps down in the chair as Becky approaches.

EVEREST: Hey Becky, good to see you! Please have a seat. They didn’t tell me you were stopping by! A very pleasant surprise though.

BECKY: Thank you Everest. After Apocalypse I knew I had to be the first to get the interview with our new Heavyweight Champion. So how’s it feel?

EVEREST: First of all you know you didn’t have anything to worry about, who else would have gotten the first interview.

In answer to your question though, quite honestly it feels great! I know that sounds lame and rehearsed but I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing it’s been.

BECKY: Can you tell me how this historic win has changed your life?

EVEREST: Honestly Becky it really hasn’t changed all that much. It may sound odd but the biggest change has been the hectic few days that followed the pay per view. I’ve already had 3 photo shoots, a late night appearance on Conan, Several WZCW.com interviews and this WZCW.com photo shoot. My agent told me Muscle and Fitness and Pro Wrestling Illustrated have called for interviews as well. Don’t get me wrong it’s all great, amazing actually but at some point I have to find time to train and focus on what got me this title in the first place.

BECKY: Speaking of which I just seen the card for Meltdown on Monday and it looks like you are tagging once again with the WZCW’s resident superhero Red Mask.

EVEREST: Really, I have to say that is news to me, I haven’t had time to check my messages today but I’ll tell you this Red Mask character is an intriguing tag team partner. He’s a very mysterious personality but even better than that he’s a great wrestler. He’ll fight till he can’t stand. I can’t ask for anymore in a partner. So Becky, I guess what I’m saying is there really isn’t any better partner to have than Red Mask….

BECKY: Well there is a bad news portion to this news as well?

EVEREST: Becky! You just can’t bring good news to the Champ can you? Always have to add in that other stuff.

BECKY: Sorry, but what I was trying to say is Red Mask and yourself will be teaming up to take on the team of Manzo and Carmen Bratchney.

EVEREST: Hmmmmmm. The WZCW World Champ and the WZCW Superhero vs. the Japanese Fighting Machine and the Russian Beast!

Everest takes a moment and drinks from the bottle of water he has before continuing on with his thought.

EVEREST: I guess when you’re the top guy these kinds of matches become common. But that’s why I fought so hard to win this belt. You see I’m not like some of our former champions. I’m not going to defend my title once every 6 weeks. You won’t see me showing up late to shows before talking my way into a week off. You won’t see Everest ducking every new challenge by throwing someone else under the bus.

I’m a fighting champion. Manzo wants a rematch, I say when and where. Bratchny wants to step up to the plate, then I’ll be happy to send him down 1-2-3.

Being the WZCW Champion is a dream come true! I’m at the top of the mountain so to speak and now, believe it or not, comes the hardest part.

Any champion will tell you getting to the top is easy part. It’s staying on top that takes the effort, so come Meltdown Everest is going to walk down that ramp side by side with Red Mask. I’m going to get into the ring and show the world that this championship isn’t a fluke. The WZCW World Champion is coming to Meltdown to prove himself all over again.

Manzo, we have gone to war time and time again over the last few months. I’ve continued to stress that it’s nothing personal, its business. Personally I think you’re an exceptional talent, something that was proven once again in our last encounter. At Meltdown once again we’ll find ourselves on opposite sides of the ring, the only difference is this time they will announce me as WZCW WORLD CHAMPION.

Bratchny, I’m not sure you even know who you are falling in with. But to me it seems you’re getting yourself into a similar situation to Manzo. You fighting for someone you don’t really understand or trust. That aside I will say that I or anyone else at WZCW can’t overlook the fact that you are now the WZCW Elite X Champion. That is quite an accomplishment. But I’m going to tell you one thing, the Elite X title is nice and prestigious but no matter what your mouthpiece there says about it, it won’t ever, EVER be the World Title. If you want to be the best, then you’ll have to raise the bar and challenge the best. This Monday at Meltdown you will get your first taste of that.

BECKY: So I have to know, did you fulfill your promise? Did Miles get a visit?

EVEREST: You bet he did. I found a quick few moments and made a visit to Miles so that we could hang out and he could see the World Title. But you know what his first question was?

BECKY: What’s that?

EVEREST: The little turd asked me where Becky was.

BECKY: Awwww. That’s sweet.

EVEREST: Well you are his favorite WZCW personality. He also wanted me to ask you if you know where Leon was. Any ideas?

BECKY: Unfortunately I haven’t heard anything else on that. I am getting really concerned for him.

EVEREST: I know, I haven’t seen him since I helped him train for that Battle Royale he entered a few weeks ago. Maybe he’s decided to go into hiding and hit the weights so he won’t get pushed around anymore. Or maybe he just found the best strip club he’s ever found and is holed up in there. Whatever it is, I kind of miss the little guy.

BECKY: I know.

With that a crew member asks Everest if he’s ready, handing him a brand new Everest, WORLD CHAMPION, t-shirt. As Everest finishes talking to Becky he strips off the suit jacket and shirt, sliding the T-shirt on over his head. He grabs his Title off the chair before heading toward the photo shoot.

EVEREST: Sorry to run off Becky but I have to get back to this shoot. You see I’ve got a dinner date tonight so I have to pick up the pace, you never want to leave the ladies waiting.

Everest winks at Becky

BECKY: No problem Everest, again thanks for your time and good luck at Meltdown

EVEREST: Thanks!

With that last line, Everest turns his attention back to the photographers who almost instantly begin snapping pictures and giving instructions as the camera scene fades out.
The gentle lapping of waves against the shore accompanies the scene fading in, and we see a panned out view of a beautiful private villa on its own island.


Instantly we know this could only belong to one man associated with WZCW, and sure enough, waves still washing against the shoreline, we quickly fade and pan across to the multi-billionaire himself, Magnus Maximillian. He’s lying across a pool lounger, dressed in just a pair of black swim shorts and gold-rimmed sunglasses, a servant standing next to him dressed in full top-tails, holding a silver tray with only two items upon its surface; a black cell phone and a single crystal glass in the middle. As if on cue, the cell rings, and the servant answers.

Servant: “Good morning, Andrios speaking … Yes, one moment Mr. Krushknov.”

The servant places his white-gloved hand over the receiver and speaks to his employer, who is still lazing in the sun.

Andrios: “Mr. Maximillian sir, it is you new head of research and development. Would you like to speak with him?”

Magnus simply clicks his fingers, not moving at all. Andrios nods gently, and moves the cell back to his head.

Andrios: “I’m sorry; Mr. Maximillian is currently indisposed at the moment and suggests that whatever he pays you is enough to resolve the issue yourself. Goodbye Mr. Krushknov.”

Andrios hangs up the cell, and places it back on the silver tray, resuming his statuesque stance besides Magnus, who simply enjoys the sun beating down upon his body.


We cut to a large muscled hand slamming down a phone receiver to its box on the wall. As we pan back, the hand belongs to a bear of a man with short unkempt hair, wearing a red training suit. We correctly assume this must be the Mr. Krushknov that was speaking moments ago. As we pan back further, we see he is standing in a gym, complete with various combat enhancing training facilities.


Turning and shaking his head, he wanders over to the wrestling ring, where we see another man, this time in a red suit, leaning on the apron, watching a large man grappling with the Japanese Giant, Hatchiyama Manzo.

Mr. Krushknov: “Alexis, it seems our benefactor is too busy to deal with the situation.”

Alexis: “It does not surprise me. Magnus has a habit of quickly losing an interest in things that fail him. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Manzo shipped back to Japan in a box. Especially if he cannot work himself out of this.”

In the ring, Manzo is taking a number of vicious shots from what seemingly is a kick boxer, and whilst he is defending adequately enough, there is little to no offence going on.

Alexis: “He’s been this way for weeks now. He’ll be fine on Meltdown, he always is. I think he can’t help but perform his best in front of people, it’s all he knows. But his best will continue to slip if he doesn’t put the effort in here. Already his recorded psi/lbs have dropped seventeen points. I don’t know how we’re going to get him motivated again.”

Sergi nods, and watches for a few more minutes as Manzo continues to take punishment from the kick boxer. The bell finally rings, and Manzo walks towards the ropes, ready to leave the ring.

Sergi: “Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

Manzo turns around to face Sergi, shrugging.

Manzo: “Train done. Go shower, rest. Match soon.”

Sergi: “You don’t get to rest yet. Don’t you get it Manzo? You’re not training right now, you just exist. Do you want to go back to Japan?”

Manzo stares at Sergi a moment, before answering.

Manzo: “Japan, Manzo is great man. Honourable Champion. Pride of …”

Sergi yell interrupts the behemoths words, and jumping up on the apron, Sergi climbs into the ring, throwing a towel on the mat.

Sergi: “You don’t get it do you? You don’t have honour anymore. You don’t have anything! You’re property, just like me and Alexis and my nephew Jacob over there. You and Tanaka sold your honour down the river when you signed that Avarice International contract, you just didn’t know it. Wanafuji trusted that Magnus had changed his ways, and dammit his naivety cost you both. The only thing you can do is to be the best, be everything that Magnus expects you to be, and you’ll be richer than you could ever dream. Accept that and you’ll be a lot happier!”

Manzo’s face is a picture of anger and rage as he crosses the ring, grabbing Sergi by his collar. Sergi’s face drops in fright as Manzo looks to stroke him. His breaths heavy and his fist shaking, his shoulders suddenly drop and he lets go of Sergi, letting him fall to the floor. Turning around, Manzo looks to head back out of the ring. The kick boxer, Jacob evidently, rushes over to help Sergi up, before standing and running at Manzo, launching a flying knee into his back. Manzo stumbles forward and drops to one knee.

Jacob: “Get up then! You wanted to pick on Sergi, try picking on me you fu…”

Jacob doesn’t get to finish as Manzo is already up and turned in a surprising show of speed. He has Jacob pinned in the corner already and is throwing forearm after forearm into his face, smashing into him with incredible force. The entire time Manzo’s eyes are wide and red, yelling in a deep low growl, unmistakably Japanese but no way possible to understand any of it. More and more shots unload onto Jacob, his face now not only a crimson mask, but showing signs of serious facial disfigurement, his nose shattered and his jaw limply hanging. Finally Manzo relents and lets Jacob fall, his body crashing to the flaw, twitching. Manzo’s right arm is covered in blood, slick and thick, as Sergi and Alexis look on, horrified. Manzo’s breathing begins to slow, and he turns to exit the ring again. He throws a cautionary glance at the trainers, before exiting the room. Two medics on hand rush into the ring to treat Jacob, who is now being clutched by his Uncle Sergi. Alexis is already at the wall, the phone receiver in his hand.

Alexis: “Hello, Andrios? … Yes, this is Alexis, could you inform Mr. Maximillian that Manzo seems to have made somewhat of a breakthrough, and will be much better prepared for Meltdown. Also, please inform him that Sergi Krushknov may well need replacing, and that I have many years of loyal time with the company …”
With DC still incapacitated, Craig looks to have the Title won as he moves into the cover, 1…………….2………………. Rios kicks out! At the last second, and Craig can’t believe it! Craig tries for the Pinnacle Drop for a second time, but Rios over powers him as he whips him into the ropes. Craig dodges the clothesline attempt, but gets hit with a massive spinning spinebuster on the other side. DC is climbing to the top rope out of nowhere, as the crowd rises in anticipation. Suddenly, DC is knocked off the top rope by Aaron Craig, who sends him to the floor with a sickening thud. Suddenly, Aaron Craig turns around into the ‘Perfect Shot’ by Rios

1! 2! 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and NEW WZCW CHAMPION…JOSEPH THE ‘MAIN EVENT’ RIOS!!!!!!!
To be the best, you have to beat the best.​

Will gets to his feet, as he stumbles toward the corner, only to once again signal out for his finishing move. Waiting on Rios, who is losing a lot of blood, as Rios stumbles around, Will once again attempts a WILLENNIUM, only for Rios to catch Will's foot, spin him around and kick him in the gut, going for his own finisher, the PERFECT SHOT! Will suddenly trips Rios' up by sweeping his feet, then rolling into a cradle pin, as the official makes the count. 1................................ 2................................ 3!!!! The fans erupt with cheers, as Rios kicks out just right after the 3 count, seemingly stunned at what's just happened!!

(Harrys)- "Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the match.. AND NEW.. WORLD.. HEAVYWEIGHT.. CHAMPION!!!!! 'THE ONE' BIG WILL!!!!!!"

I don't know who came up with that saying, but I guess it's true.​

Meanwhile, Manzo is back on his feet, Manzo misses a clothesline, Everest catches him for the Rock Slide and goes for the pin!! 1....2..........3!!!![/I]


Harrys: Herer is your winner and NEWWWWWWWWWWW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion.....EVEREST!!!!

Copeland: He did it, Jacko! He did it! Everest somehow beat the giant Manzo!

When you're in a match like this, it really makes you think as to who you are, where you've come from.​

He doesn't know the first thing about me, he's probably thinking, a guy comes out of nowhere, helps me and then comes and say he's some sort of hero. He is the sort of guy who will have a problem with that. I know I am not part of some Dynasty ploy, I'm just here to finish what I have been called to do...make the world a better place.

Miss Serra, I thank you very much for this interview, I look forward to speaking to you sometime in the future.

Red Mask shakes Becky Serra's hand as he walks off.

I've had a good debut month here in WZCW​

Red Masks music hits as he comes running down, there are six men left in the ring, vengeance and Bratchny are tussling in the corner, Callahan is once again sat down in the corner whilst Will and Milenko are still going at it. Red Mask grabs Wills shoulders as Will turns around looking at Red Mask for about 5 seconds, then Red Mask offers his hand out as Will shakes. They turn around and go for a double suplex on Milenko over the top rope to eliminate him from the battle royale.

Not everything went to plan though.​

Red Mask gets up to his feet, as both men grapple, a very old school bout between the two, showing how efficient each other is in technical wrestling. Eventually Callahan goes to give Red Mask the “Crashing Down” but his knee buckles as he falls down in the ring. Red Mask quickly gets up and gives Callahan the Thundera which is then followed by the British Figure-Four Leglock. Callahan seems in so much pain on his knee. This is held for about two minutes as Callahan eventually taps being eliminated. Red Mask stands to his feet and jumps up with his hands in the air to celebrate, not realising that Carmen Bratchny has already entered the ring and is standing right behind him. Red Mask turns around as Bratchny grabs Red Mask and gives him the Petrove Driver. Bratchny goes for the cover 1...2...3 as Red Mask is also eliminated.

Yet I have kept my cool. I have stayed true and faithful to what I hold. To the ideals of justice, truth and all that, you can never betray your principles, it happens too often in WZCW...Everest can tell you that.​
While that is going on Titus comes from out the crowd and slide into the ring. As the crowd cheer

Copeland: it’s Titus here he'll help Everest out!

Titus picks up Rios and signals for the Tit drop but instead turns and kicks Everest in the stomach delivering a Tit drop to him

Cohen: Oh my word Titus has just turned on his partner!

I will fight with honour.​
Disasterpiece sets the chair up for an Evenflow DDT, but is interrupted as the crowd erupts as Ricky runs down the ramp to gain revenge for his abduction, Ricky gives a few swift right hands to Disasterpiece but the combination of the now united servant and masters kicks and stiff clotheslines take their toll on Ricky.

Red Mask climbs the turnbuckle and attempts to break up the attack by hitting a diving neckbreaker, but gets caught in mid-air by Vengeance, who drops him with the Judge, Jury and Executioner

To help the little man.​
Leon sits on the rock that Red Mask is standing on. He takes a drink of water and stands back up.

So Mr Red Mask...why did you take me here for your interview?

You want to be the best in the business do you not Leon? You want to be the greatest announcer in WZCW history?


You can be the greatest announcer in the world!

A true hero never backs down, I've been through a lot. I've been shot before.​




Did I give up? No.

I just got up. Dusted myself off and carried on.

This Meltdown will be a make or break time for me. Working with Everest again will be an honour, a very focused Superhero and a world champion? That could work . We're against the second and third best in the company. But when has that stopped anyone? You'll see, trust me, you will see.​
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