Meltdown 19: Grudge Match: Daniel Stokes v. Anthony Michaels:

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[This Space for Rent]
Grudge Match: Daniel Stokes v. Anthony Michaels:

After a brutal match against his arch-rival, Mighty NorCal, at Apocalypse, Anthony Michaels still has unfinished business. That’s because at the Pay per view, he was laid out by the last minute appointed special referee, Daniel Stokes.

As a result, a single’s match between the two has been made for Meltdown. What was Stokes reasoning for laying out both Michaels and NorCal? What will Michaels retaliation be? Find out at Meltdown!

*We are backstage in the training room, where a camera has followed Anthony Michaels after his grueling I Quit match with Mighty Norcal. Michaels is laying on the trianers table. He is getting checked out for any injuries he may have sustained in his match.*

Trainer: "Alright Mr. Michaels I'm going to apply a bit of pressure here. Tell me if this hurts."

*The Trainer presses Anthony Michaels forearm.*

Anthony Michaels: "No, that doesnt hurt so much. But my left arm is a little numb. I feel like there is a nerve pinched in my neck. Would you mind checking that out?"

Trainer: Sure thing Mr. Michaels, now take a deep breath."

*Anthony Michaels takes a deep breath. As the trainer starts pressing around Michaels neck.*

Anthony Michaels: "YEOUCH! Yes, that's where it is."

*As soon as Michaels mutters those words, WZCW interviewer Johnny Klamor comes in with Microphone in hand."

Johnny Klamor: "Hey Michaels, you doing alright? You seemed to take quite a beating out there tonight."

Anthony Michaels: "Does it look like I'm doing alright? I have numbness in my left hand. Plus I am starting to get a splitting headache. But I see you have a few questions for me so why don't you go ahead and ask them.

Johnny Klamor: Alright, thanks for your time right now. I know this isnt the most oppertune time to be asking you some questions. But onto the first. It seems you and NorCal now have a mutual respect. How is this possible after the months of brutalizing you guys have put each other through?"

Anthony Michaels: "Well you know Johnny, It comes down to this. I like tough competition. NorCal provided that for me in every single match that we had. I took him to the limit and he took me to the limit. He even made me say the words "I Quit". So if he is able to do that. He is quite a performer and man. He has earned my respect. I have no problems with Mighty NorCal and never did. I was just trying to get myself known here in WZCW."

*Johnny Klamor seems surprised by this answer. Then asks his second question.*

Johnny Klamor: "After your brutal "I Quit" match with NorCal, you and him shook hands. Which the fans seemed to respect. Then out of nowhere Daniel Stokes just attacks both of you and beats you even worse. Why do you think he did that?"

Anthony Michaels: "Johnny, I have no idea. I think he was a little upset about my little comment about him before the Battle Royal. I realize what I said was disrespectful. But lets be real now. I'm sort of a joker. What he did to me and NorCal is nothing compared to what he did to the paying fans in attendence. He robbed the fans of a feel good moment after a great match. I may not have been a shining beacon of light, but I know what is right and what is wrong. What he did was wrong."

*Johnny Klamor seems very shocked at what Michaels has said in this interview.*

Johnny Klamor: "It seems like you have a change of heart from when you first started here."

Anthony Michaels: "No, like I said previously. At that point I was just trying to get noticed. Now I know where my priorities lay."

Johnny Klamor: "Well right now you are scheduled to face Daniel Stokes at Meltdown in a grudge match. What are your priorites in that match?"

Trainer: "Anthony Michaels will not be competing in that match. He is in no condition to wrestle at all, and should take some time off."

Anthony Michaels: "Who are you? My Father? No, I didn't think so. I will be competing in this match whether I am 100% or not. You can not stop me."

Trainer: "I'm just saying you shouldnt go out there. It could further pinch your nerve leaving your left arm immobile."

*Anthony Michaels thinks for a minute then begins to speak.*

Anthony Michaels: "That's a risk I'm willing to take. The fans got cheated last Sunday. I want to make sure that Daniel Stokes knows he messed with the wrong guy. Klamor do you know who I am?"

Johnny Klamor: "You are Anthony Michaels?"

Anthony Michaels: "You damn right I am. I do what I want, and at Meltdown I am going to show Daniel Stokes that he messed with the wrong man. In fact I'm going to call this match Didgeridoomsday. As it will see an Aussie fall flat on his face. You can take that to the bank."

Johnny Klamor: "Thanks Michaels, I realize this wasnt the most oppertune time but I really appreciate the interview."

Anthony Michaels: "Anytime man."

*Johnny Klamor leaves the room. The trainer is shown talking to Anthony Michaels, who then helps Michaels up and takes him over to the massage table to get his neck worked on. The camera then fades to black."
Daniel – Anthony Michaels congratulations. You are the pinnacle of why GOOD people, like me, have to act to fix the problems of the world. Anthony Michaels congratulations, because you are also like most of the rest of the world. If you don’t see what I’m saying, allow to me explain it to you.

*Daniel, working his way down a can of XXXX, drinks it and continues.*

You are a bad person. So, most of everyone on this Earth; they are all bad people. That is in short. But don’t worry everyone; there are people on this planet who are good people. They are like me. They are Australians. Australians are people you can trust and befriend. If the Australia doesn’t want to be friends with you, it’s probably because you are a bad person. Anthony Michaels, you are not my friend.

*Finishing the XXXX, he throws it to the side.*

The words that come out of your mouth are further proof of that. And your words, you had better start watching them. Because if you don’t, I might take the didgeridoo you mentioned and shove it all the way up your ass.

*Brad chooses this moment to walk into the scene. He walks straight up to Daniel and gets into his face.*

Brad – WHY, did you not ask me to do your interview last time? WHY, did you attack Anthony and Norcal? And, who the HELL do you think that you are saying that you are better than everyone.

Daniel – I think the HELL that Australians are better, and it’s people like you that make me think that. Before, I fought everyone has if they were equals, and look where it got me. Losing matches and becoming friends with a washed up B grade cameraman. Now I fight everyone as if I am better, because I am. I’ll prove that to you, I will be better, because I am better. Everyone who isn’t as Aussie has a heart darker then the other side of the moon.

Brad – This is your problem. You never really cared about fairness, or treating other people fairly. Inside you were always bitter, and now it’s out, you are the scum you used to fight against. And I bet you still won’t win. Because regardless of what you say, you are NOT, that good.

Daniel – You Brad. I should have left you on that bed in that hospital. If it weren’t for me, you could have lost it all. I gave you a chance to take something back from Vengeance...

Brad – ...And you failed. Vengeance beat you, 2 times. The only time you won was when you were left broken and won by getting beaten up too much.

Daniel – That bed is still waiting for you in the hospital, and that’s where you’ll be going, if you don’t watch yourself. You are American garbage. Trash, as you say. I am just asking you to take the first shot, so I can put you back to the place you were before I met you. Inches from death.

Brad – You wouldn’t. You couldn’t.

Daniel – Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. That’s another problem people like you have. I took you from death, I can put you back there. Before something happens here, leave.

Brad – If I leave...

*Brad shoots from anger to sadness, in thought from what has happened, and what could. Almost inaudibly, he whispers something.*

Brad – Please stop.

Daniel – You want me to stop? You tell the world to change. If you can make the world change, than I’ll be happy to stop.

Brad – Why are you doing this? Why now?

Daniel – Because I finally see what people are actually like. This is the way it has to be. I never want you in my sight again. If I so much as hear of you, I will personally make sure, you “change”.

Brad – Fine.

*With that, Brad walks away, and the scene ends with Daniel shutting out one of his closest friends.*
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