Meltdown 141 - Titus Avison versus Will McKay (Non-Title)

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Will McKay is a huge film buff and on Ascension he recognized Titus Avison; a five time Oscar winner. This match will see how McKay recovers from a brutal post-match assault by Flex Mussel. Titus meanwhile is looking to get back on form after being pinned last week in the champions tag match. Can Will McKay stun the WZCW world and have his own movie worthy moment or shall Titus Avison give this fan an autograph he will want to forget?

Deadline for RP submissions is Tuesday the 13th of June at 23:59PM.

Extensions are available on request.
Ascension 117. With sheer chaos ending the show Titus Avison is the man who was pinned. The focus may have been on Flex attempting to destroy Cooper but Batti and Tyrone stood strong. It took a while for Titus to make his way to the back. The crowd booing him as he did, Ascension is not the EurAsian champion's show and it's obvious why.

As Titus broke through the curtain he saw a lot of the crew and was met by Ascension General Manager Becky Serra.

Becky: My office, now.

Titus: No, I'm just going to go to the hotel.

Becky: Titus Avison running with his tail between his legs? I thought I'd never see the day.

Titus: Fine. At least let me have a shower first.

Becky: You have twenty minutes.

The scene cuts to Titus now in a hoodie and sweat pants. He has his belt with him and he knocks on the door of Becky Serra.

Becky: Come in, sit..

Titus: What do you want?

Becky: It's been 10 years. I thought it would be a good time to catch up. So here's to 10 years of Titus in WZCW.

Becky pulls out a bottle of MacCutcheon whisky with two glasses. She pours them out.

Titus: Cheers! You kn ow you were the first person to interview me?

Becky: You talking the first Meltdown? I remember how nervous you were. Here's a guy fresh off winning his third Oscar in a brand new environment. You had the smile but I could tell in your eyes you had no idea what to expect. Yet here you are.

Titus: I could say the same to you. A huge gamble in your career, could you be lost in the shuffle? Yet here you are. In a job that didn't even exist at the time, you're the General Manager of Ascension. Chuck Myles long gone. So yeah Becky, you've made it.

Titus holds his drink up, Becky cheers. They drink.

Titus: We've known each other for a decade now. I know, as well as you, that there's more to this meeting that reminiscing. What is it?

Becky: There are some battles you can't win. You need to focus on being the best champion you can be. How do you do that? You focus on your belt and reign, nothing else.

Titus: OK, so?

Becky: Just let VI and the Hollow Ones do their things. We've long passed the time for heroics and Red Mask. You want the legend of Titus Avison to extend? Just keep doing what you're doing. Extended your reign, be the best this company has ever seen. Just leave Hollow Ones and VI alone. Some things are bigger than you.

Titus: So I just do my own thing?

Becky: Yes! You're Titus Avison, your own thing is what you do best.

Titus: True. So you going to let me know who I have next week or do I need to ask Vance that as I'm back on my show?

Becky: You have your number one fan. Will McKay.

Titus sighs at this and finishes his scotch. He stands up and goes to leave the room.

Titus: Thanks Becky, I needed that. Ten years of Becky Serra in WZCW. Best of luck to you.

The scene cuts to Atlanta, Georgia. Titus Avison is walking, alone, it's a sunny day and there's a lot of background bustle.

Titus: For 568 days I have been EurAsian champion. This week I am back on Meltdown, where I should be. People will flock and tune in to see me. Yes they will boo me and call me every name under the sun yet you still pay to see me. You save and travel to chant “Not my champ!” Do you think I care? You're spending YOUR money on me!

Titus: Will McKay will this week face me on Meltdown. The kid wants to be a wrestler and what better way to make a name for yourself than to take on me? Here's some advice for you. On Ascension you were decimated yet you were starstruck to see me. I have had 10 years of people coming into this industry finally meeting their hero. Vee ADZ and Theron Daggershield will tell you that. Yet you weren’t inspired by my wrestling. You were excited because of my movies.

At that exact moment Titus is interrupted by a Priest who is walking past. He has a very strong Irish accent.

Priest: Are you that fella with all the Oscars? Titus Avison?

Titus: That I am, I am not signing autographs though, I'm videoing something for WZCW.

Priest: Why would I want your autograph? You're a disgrace. You showed the hold father as a gay. An absolute outrage. You have blasphemed and you are not welcome in the church!

Titus: I know, I was excommunicated. I have the letter at home. It's amazing how pissy you people can get.

The priest proceeds to throw Holy Water over Titus.

Titus: What the absolute heck are you doing?

Priest: Father, forgive him for...

Titus: The last priest I beat up was Michael Winters. Do you care to be the other?

The Priest looks terrified and quickly runs off. The camera shows Titus soaking wet.

Titus: How bloody rude. Why is it those who are Catholics are the worst?

Titus shakes his head in an attempt to dry off.

Titus: So Will you are taking on the biggest superstar in WZCW history. You'll be excited, you'll be in the ring. You'll be jumping up and down and then my music will hit. Those 30 seconds will be the longest 30 seconds of your life.

A million thoughts go through your head, I step out from the curtain. You take a deep breath.

25 seconds to go. The crowd boo me, you wonder what it is I've done to warrant that reaction.

20 seconds. You hear not my champ chants. You're sad because it's not a title match.

15 seconds. I start to walk down the ramp. You wonder where the nearest bathroom is, you feel like you're going to be sick.

10 seconds. I make it to the ring. You wonder why you did this, you see the man from the movies you grew up on enter the ring.

5 seconds. I hand my belt over to Keith Morse.
4 seconds. I look you in the eye. You have heard the legends.
3 seconds. You offer a handshake. I laugh.
2 seconds. You look starstruck. I laugh.
1 second. The bell goes. Tit drop. Red Comet. Ankle Lock. Anything in between.

Your dreams are destroyed. Mine are continuing. It's been 10 years of Titus and this week on Meltdown I'll show you why I've lasted so long and why you Will, won't.
WZCW Meltdown 141

(Spoilers from Atlanta, proceed at your own risk!)

Will McKay vs Titus Avison

Announcer: And here is your winner, Will McKay!!

Will can't believe his eyes! He has just defeated the Eurasian Champion! Will looks around to find himself in an uproar from the crowd. He takes a moment to soak in the thunderous cheers. Will is handed a mic from the ringside. He pulls up the mic and opens his mouth but stops and smiles. He pulls up the mic again.

Will: So, THIS was something.

He takes another short pause.

Will: (shaking his head) I'm sorry, did I just defeat the Titus Avison?

The crowd sings in affirmative.

Will: I'm not very much a talker but I'd like to tell you a story.

He takes another short pause.

Will: So I was this wimpy kid that'd be just afraid of anything. I had just started high school. I was the guy that'd hold his books and walk all alone. Some guys started picking on me. I stopped going to school for a while. I knew this wasn't the solution.

Another pause follows as the crowd seems glued to its seats.

Will: So one day, me and my friend go to this movie called "Tarantula-Man". It featured Titus Avison. I'm sure all of you have seen the movie but I'll explain it anyway. Titus played a character very much like myself. He was also picked on by dudes and bros of the school but one day he gathered some courage and retorted. Those guys never picked on him again.

Titus has been my inspiration since. And to beat my inspiration, it's just surreal. Thank you!

Will drops the mic as his music hits. Will goes back with a huge grin.


Backstage before Meltdown 141

Will McKay is checking his video library. He is looking at each DVD cover. It seems he can't find some specific DVD. He gets out of the room and closes the door. Luckily for Will, Backstage Bob is sitting there on a bench. Will looks at him.

Will: Hey I was hoping you could get me a Sight Club DVD.

Bob: Sight Club, really?

Will: Yeah I checked it's not in my library. Nor could I find it on Netflix.

Bob: Isn't that the worst Titus movie?

Will: Yeah, I know it also has Titus's worst performance.

Bob: I'll get it but what's really the point?

Will: Just get it for me.

Bob leaves as Will stands there.

There's a flat screen TV stuck on a nearby wall and the last episode of Ascension is on. It is showing the aftermath of Will McKay vs Obi Okafor vs Flex Mussel where Flex beat up Will pretty bad. Will gets infuriated. The more he looks at the video the more rage fills in his eyes. He punches a nearby wall and starts staring at the wall. He lands a series of punches on the wall. Bob joins again.

Bob: Hey man I saw your match last week. It must have been very tough for you.

Will: Tough? It was like I was in hell. That son of a ____ thinks he can beat me up and get away with it easy. No, that's not happening. As soon as I get my hands on him, I'm gonna punch his face and punch his face till he begs for mercy.

This incident, however, did teach me a lesson. This is not a colourful world I'm working in. This is a very very dark place. You have to stay sharp and watch your every step.

Bob: I'm sorry I'm not supposed to say this but you looked a little out of line in your last match.

Will: Out of line? What do you mean?

Bob: You don't seem confident in the ring.

Will: Oh, about that... I've been working out at the training centre lately. It's exhausting but I've learned a good deal of moves and tricks.

Well anyway, would you like to watch the movie with me? Watching alone is boring.

Bob: Yeah, sure.

Will and Bob leave. The camera cuts for a moment and pans back in Will's locker room. Bob inserts the disc and the movie starts playing.

Eyeward Norton & Titus A-vision



A film by David Syncer

The camera cuts to the clock at 1625 hours. Feed goes black for a moment and comes back at 1810 hours

The End

Bob: Goodness! I've never seen a four hour movie before.

Will smiles.

Bob: What?! Are you telling me it's not been​ 4 hours?

Will: See? That's the point. This movie is so bad it makes you want to punch everyone involved.

Bob: Could I team up with you this week? I so want to punch Titus.

Will breaks into laughter as the feed goes black.


Will McKay is pacing back and forth while Leon Kensworth approaches him.

Leon: How about a couple of words before your big match, Will.

Will: Go right ahead.

Leon: Pull up the camera, Stuart.

Stuart sets up the camera.

Leon: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Will McKay.

The camera shows Will. Will nods.

Leon: So how do you feel about your big match against Titus?

Will: I don't know, it just... it feels surreal. It's like a month ago I was admiring this guy and today I'm fighting him.

Leon: Do you think you can pull up a victory over the Eurasian Champion and shock the world?

Will: I don't really expect to win but I have to. Last week left a dent in my wrestling career. It's not the loss that concerns me. Wins and losses are two sides of the same coin. It's the mistakes that I made. I let my guard down. To prove that I've what it takes to be a superstar, I absolutely have to win. There is no other option.

Leon: Would you like to say something else about your last match at ascension?

Will: Yeah I have a message for Flex Mussel...

[Explicit audio censored as the feed quickly fades to black]
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