Meltdown 141 - GR 2 - Yemrez Reqonic versus Xander LeBelle

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A second round match of the Gold Rush tournament. Yemrez Reqonic took down the rookie Randy Studd last week and is looking to show that evil doesn’t win when she takes on Vis Imperium member, Xander LeBelle. After a hostile confrontation last week on Meltdown it is sure to be a hard hitting matchup between these two. LeBelle having defeated Logan McAllister will want to continue his run and advance to the final four. Will Reqonic shock the world and score a win for the good guys or will Xander LeBelle let the world know just how powerful Vis Imperium truly are?

Deadline for RP submissions is Tuesday the 13th of June at 23:59PM.

Extensions are available on request.
It's All About Bliss.!

~Chapter 5: One Step Closer To The Ultimate Goal~

A Day Before Meltdown 141
6 AM

Just when the clock strikes 6, Yemrez Reqonıc wakes up. It has been a regular event for Yemrez since 5-6 years. Discipline was one of her major strengths since Kıvanç started coaching her for Professional Weightlifting. She credits a lot of success to her disciplined nature. Like any other day, she prays to God while sitting in the bed itself. After a couple minutes, she leaves the bed and then sets the bed right as if it's totally unused. She goes to the terrace where Estonia's Flag was held. She bows to the precious flag and then sings Estonia's national anthem while keeping her hand on her heart.

Original Version {Estonian Language}

Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm,
kui kaunis oled sa!
Ei leia mina iial teal
see suure, laia ilma peal,
mis mul nii armas oleks ka,
kui sa, mu isamaa!

Sa oled mind ju sünnitand
ja üles kasvatand;
sind tänan mina alati
ja jään sull' truuiks surmani,
mul kõige armsam oled sa,
mu kallis isamaa!

Su üle Jumal valvaku
mu armas isamaa!
Ta olgu sinu kaitseja
ja võtku rohkest õnnista,
mis iial ette võtad sa,
mu kallis isamaa!

Translated Version {English Language}

My fatherland, my joy and happiness,
How beautiful you are!
I shall not find such ever
In this huge wide world
Which would be so dear to me
As you, my fatherland!

You have given me birth
And raised me up;
I shall thank you always
And remain faithful to you 'til death,
To me most beloved are you,
My precious fatherland!

May God watch over you,
My precious fatherland!
Let Him*be your defender
And provide bountiful blessings
For whatever you undertake,
My precious fatherland!

After Yemrez ends singing, she notices Kıvanç standing on the other side of the terrace. They both hug each other tightly while wishing "Good Morning" to each other.

Kıvanç: You make me proud of yourself everyday. And that's why my love for you increases everyday.

Yemrez: How come?

Kıvanç: By loving your country so much just like a true patriot does.

Yemrez: Estonia is very close to myself. I love it a lot and will continue to do so until my last breath. After all, whatever I'm today is all because of Estonia. The love and respect I've gotten from this lovely country makes me grateful towards it. So, I don't leave any chance to appreciate it.

Kıvanç: I can understand. I love Estonia as well. But don't ignore the fact that you contributed a lot to this country.

Yemrez: I know. But the appreciation I got was much more valuable than my contributions.

Kıvanç nods in approval.

Kıvanç: So what you've thought for your next big match against Xander LeBelle?

Yemrez: I've been thinking about it everyday. I need to strategise specifically for this match since the curse named Vis Imperium will be a major deciding factor. They won't leave any chance of getting me eliminated from the tournament.

Kıvanç: You're right. Speaking of Vis Imperium, I found you very concerned in that segment where you interacted with Xander and Andrew Adonis. Are you afraid or something?

Yemrez: Not afraid. But concerned for sure. I've to deal with Vis Imperium and outsmart them if I want to go to Semifinals of the Gold Rush tournament. Nothing to worry about though.

Kıvanç: I know. I totally trust you and your skills that you'll cope up with Vis Imperium and then go to the Semifinals. It won't be easy though, I might add.

Yemrez: Won't be easy. But it isn't impossible. It's hard but still possible. I don't want to lose such a golden opportunity of becoming the No. 1 contender to WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. And I'm going to give my best no matter what happens.

Kıvanç: Speaking of WZCW, what's the progress with your article to be posted on

Yemrez: It'll be posted in the evening today.

Kıvanç: That's awesome. Can't wait to see it posted. Even more, I can't wait to see you defeat Xander LeBelle.

The scene ends with Yemrez and Kıvanç hand-in-hand leaving the terrace.

Same Day
7 PM said:
7 Reasons Xander LeBelle Will Be Defeated By Yemrez Reqonıc
- Yemrez Reqonıc

Hello everyone. This is my first article on and it will focus on 7 particular reasons due to which I'll defeat Xander LeBelle at Meltdown 141.

1. Null Representation- Null/Zero representation. Whom does Xander LeBelle represent? I'll help you. He represents no one. In contrast, I represent my country Estonia. 1.3 million people of Estonia. Each one of them have high expectations from me and I don't miss any chance to represent them and make them proud of myself. I represent my family and every WZCW fan out there. Xander represents only himself. It isn't any different from Vis Imperium. Mark Keaton represents nothing. Xander represents nothing. Andrew Adonis surely doesn't represent anything. Their so-called leader Justin Cooper represents nothing other than every negative adjective available in English language.

2. Superiority Complex- Xander LeBelle has a serious Superiority complex. He believes himself to be above every human being on this planet. But what's the reality? That he is nowhere near superior. He just satisfies his ego by pretending that he is someone special and has a high class. But the bitter reality will soon be revealed when he faces me on Meltdown tomorrow.

3. Under-rating my skills- You termed me as a third rate talent? I can't lace your boots on your worst day? Really? You couldn't have thought of something even more insulting? My response would've been same. I don't care what you think about me, Xander. I would rather be myself instead of lacing your boots who doesn't have a bit of self-respect. I don't want to become like you. Infact, noone does. Not even you.

4. Numbers' game's failure- Vis Imperium is all about dominance. Numbers' game is your biggest weapon. But numbers' game won't be working against me. I know that odds are against me. But for your information, Odds have always been against me. It's nothing different for me against you and your hypocrite Vis Imperium. I've always evened the odds and that's what will happen tomorrow.

5. Lack of real backup- Where's your real backup? At least, the original Vis Imperium had someone as backup. Constantine had his family. Austin Reynolds had his family. Abel Hunnicutt had his master. Holmes had his family. What does Xander have? Andrew
Adonis? Who'll betray him once the partnership with Xander stops giving him profit! Who does Mark Keaton have? Cooper? Keaton will be betrayed soon as well. I know that he'll. Even Keaton's father entered his life again to warn him. And finally, who does Cooper have? No one. Australia doesn't give a damn about him anymore. In fact, no one does even when he's the World Heavyweight Champion. Such a pity. On other hand, I've my family. My country Estonia is totally behind me. You'll eat defeat tomorrow because you've to pay the price for the heinous deeds that you committed.

6. Your so-called "Greatest Mind"- "Greatest Mind"? From someone who hasn't even met 1 million of people in his whole life is terming himself "Greatest Mind" of a planet consisting of more than 7 billion people! I doubt if it's anywhere near to reality. You're smart for sure. Both you and Constantine lost their titles at Apocalypse. But only Constantine was removed from Vis Imperium. Why? Because you played with Cooper's mind and planted seeds against Constantine in his mind. As dumb as Cooper is, he immediately forgot about Xander's loss to Batti Otaku. At least, Constantine lost a hard hitting battle to a legend. But Xander lost to Batti as easily as he could. Smart move, Xander. But consequences are comin' your way soon.

7. Your cowardice - Most important point. You're a coward. Who's afraid of facing a women. You knew that you don't have the skills to beat Batti. Therefore, you used Andrew. And my point was proved when Batti defeated you at Apocalypse easily. You became Elite Openweight Champion by cheating, thanks to Andrew Adonis. His distraction helped you to defeat Kagura. But your cowardice was soon exposed. You're just the epitome of hypocrisy and cowardice. Gentleman? You don't even know its meaning. Don't think that I'm afraid of Vis Imperium. A lion takes two steps back to attack. Not because he's afraid. But to increase the intensity of his attack. I challenge Xander and Vis Imperium to stop me in my quest.

That's it, my WZCW friends. Do tune in to Meltdown 141 to see me defeat Xander LeBelle. I bet that you'll experience bliss when you watch it happen.

"We have a special guest with us at the LeBelle Theater of the Fine Arts: the one and only who made this all possible. He demands absolute silence for his speech, but once he finishes, I ask that you all give a round of applause for the man who made tonight's performance. He is an ambassador from France, and a professional wrestler for WZCW. Please, allow us to welcome Xander LeBelle."

Although he would make himself welcome wherever he went, The LeBelle Theater of the Fine Arts was the one place Xander was always truly welcomed. A place this fine could only exist in France. As he stepped on the stage to the requested silence, the lights in the theater dimmed. A spotlight shone on The Class Act,giving him an almost-heavenly appearence.

"Tonight's play, The World's Greatest Mind began, "is the tale of one Don Quixote, the Spanish story that created the modern day satire, about a withering old man who uses the last of his time on earth to become the hero he had dreamed about."

Xander pulled out a ragged copy of the book, one so aged you would swear the copy held in his gloves was the original.

"It is one I hold very fond memories of reading, since the day I found it in my family's library. It is the story of a foolish man who searched so hard for an adventure in his mundane life that as an elderly man he made up his own adventure to let himself live out his fantasies. But one must never interpret him otherwise. In the end, it will always be okay to believe that it's never too late to follow a path you wish to pursue. After all, without returning to WZCW, I would never have acheived the accomplishments of becoming an Elite Openweight Champion. That is not where Don Quixote went wrong, however. Where he went wrong is a problem of the society of today, but it is one that has been rooted into society for far too long."

Looking intensely at his copy of the literature, Xander stared at the image of the knight on the front cover.

"Mankind chose to believe there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, because they wanted to believe in something more than what they were told. However, they lack any real perception. As such, their own perception of realities became quixotic. It took some time to realize, it wasn't a mask that I wore when I became a vigilante, it was a blindfold. It made me believe that the world really was as pure as I wanted it to be, and instead prevented me from realizing instead that I could mold it into whatever that I wanted it to be."

He pocketed his copy, and grabbed at the invisible blindfold tightened around his face.

"Everywhere I go, I find people who act like this, and it pains me that I see shadows of the person I once was telling me that I will pay for my actions. Why, my next opponent is the very definition of a self-appointed hero who believes my defeat will fix the world. She feels this even though I am part of Vis Imperium, and there is no chance that I will go anywhere, win or loss. She feels her actions will for sure be the ones that will make me turn over a new leaf. I know the kind of person Yemrez Reqonic is all too well, and it takes only one sentence to break a person like this: she is of no consequence. Speaking from experience, I know exactly what it is like to obsess over punishing the wicked and sinful,. but no matter how long she continues it, eventually she'll come to realize that she hasn't changed a thing. She can't change the course of history. Simply put, unless you have the resourches to make change a guarantee rather than a possibility, everything you want to be will be...

Xander closed his hand into a fist, grasping at the air.

"...just out of your grasp. So take in this story well, and remember, a 'good person' is up to anyone's personal opinions. Who is a 'hero' will always be the one whose actions speak louder than words. Without further ado, I present to you 'The Ingenious Nobleman Mister Quixote of La Mancha'."

Although the crowd didn't know quite how they felt toward the Class Act's message, they all clapped. Satisfied, Xander returned to his seat. He was well on his way toward building the metaphorical ark that would keep him afloat, but as for Gold Rush, Yemrez Reqonic may well have been trying to fight windmills.
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