Meltdown 141 - GR 2 - Kagura versus Lynx

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A second round match of the Gold Rush tournament. Kagura fought through huge obstacles last week by taking down a tournament favourite in Mark Keaton. Proving that Vis Imperium are not invincible. Now, Kagura must turn her attention to round two and Lynx. Lynx has scored a few wins in his short WZCW career and a victory over Wren last week has sent him into the second round. Which one of these two competitors will score the victory and move onto the second round?

Deadline for RP submissions is Tuesday the 13th of June at 23:59PM.

Extensions are available on request.
June 2nd, 2017
21:59 PM

The seconds were ticking by slowly. It had only been a couple of hours since Lynx had defeated Wren to advance to the second round of the Gold Rush Tournament. After his match at Ascension 117 that evening, a meeting had been scheduled and Lynx had known about it since before his match through a message he received back on the 20th of May. He still had no clue what this meeting was about though. Lynx is sitting in a hallway at the venue Ascension 117 was held at, still in his ring gear. The agent from Human Resources was late.

Lynx: Come on. What's taking him so long? I followed the instructions on where to meet at.... This is just like when I had my interview before my first match.... Oh crud. I hope it's not that same guy again. He was really rude.

Luckily for Lynx, it was not the same guy. No we will probably never see "Talent Relations Guy" from that first RP ever again. They are similar though. The person Lynx is currently waiting on is "Human Resources Guy". Think of "Human Resources Guy" as a palette swap of "Talent Relations Guy". The whole department is full of similar agents that all could be palette swaps of each other. Seriously. They're like all those ninjas from Mortal Kombat, a couple stick out but all the rest are mostly interchangeable in the grand scheme of things. They also all have ironically unspecified names because none are likely to be seen again in another RP. Anyway, here comes Human Resources Guy. He looks like Stanley Hudson from The Office. He is walking down the hallway toward Lynx, carrying a briefcase.

Human Resources Guy: Oh, good. You are already here. Sorry I am late. We can head inside now.

The door is unlocked by Human Resources Guy. He and Lynx go inside the office to have their meeting. Human Resources Guy goes and sits behind a desk. Lynx takes a seat in a chair across from the desk. Human Resources Guy opens up his briefcase and takes out some papers. They are blank on the back, which is the only side Lynx is able to see with the way that Human Resources Guy is holding them.

Human Resources Guy: So.... Mr Lynx. You are probably wondering why we arranged for this meeting.

Lynx: Yeah, that thought did cross my mind.

Human Resources Guy: Well, I'm going to get right to the point. Mr Lynx you have been with the WZCW federation for about three months now.

Lynx: That's correct, sir. It has been 81 days, 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 49 seconds to be exact.

A bit flustered from the specifics of Lynx knowing how long he has been employed, Human Resources Guy was not expecting this. He shakes his head and regains focus.

Human Resources Guy: Uhhhh.... Ok, sure. That sounds correct. Anyway, I was asked to meet with you regarding your benefits package.

Lynx: Oh, that. No thanks. I turned it down on my application because I'm never sick.

Human Resources Guy: You are still rejecting all of these opportunities? What about Vision?

Lynx: Not necessary. I have 20/20 vision.

Human Resources Guy: And Dental?

Lynx: As I said, sir, not necessary. None of these offers will be. Besides, these would all come out of my paycheck and I need all of the money in order to fund my non-profit project, The Grand Dream. I set up my merchandise sales to go toward funding that also.

Human Resources Guy: I see....

He taps his fingers on the desk for a moment before looking back at Lynx who is annoyed at being bugged for a second time about these benefits that he'll never need. Human Resources Guy licks his index finger then begins flipping through the papers. Seriously, why do people do that? It's such a weird habit. He flips through roughly half a dozen papers before pulling one out from the stack.

Human Resources Guy: That just leaves this.... You still need to name a benefactor. If anything were ever to happen to you, this individual would receive a certain amount of money. Who is your closest living relative?

Lynx: Actually.... I don't have any living relatives. No parents, no siblings, no family of any kind.

Human Resources Guy: I am sorry to hear that. If you do not mind me asking, how long ago did they pass away?

Lynx: Oh, they haven't died yet. They technically haven't even been born yet either. My family and countless others eventually all get killed by a worldwide disaster which will take place sometime after the year 2499. They sent me back from the future to this era to prevent the event that is the catalyst for setting the events into motion that lead to the end of the world. I never met my family due to that. Does that answer your question?

A few seconds pass. Human Resources Guy points at Lynx with a serious look that quickly turns into laughter.

Human Resources Guy: Oh, you ARE good. Staying in-character even outside the ring. We love it when our superstars embrace their character! Let's drop the whole "Times Unknown" thing for a moment though and just be yourself. I need to know which family member you are going to name as your benefactor.

Lynx: I don't HAVE any family members. My parents won't be born for at least another 400 years and I have no information on my ancestors.

Human Resources Guy: Siblings? Cousins? Aunts or Uncles?

Lynx does not answer.

Human Resources Guy: How about a significant other? Are you married?

Lynx: I'm indifferent to dating. Plus it would be too dangerous of a risk for me to date any of the women in this timeline. If I were to get married and start a family but it turns out I married my own ancestor, it would create a time loop that would be impossible for anyone to comprehend. Therefore I am single by choice.

An awkward silence passes before Lynx speaks again.

Lynx: Can I name "The Grand Dream" as my benefactor? They already get a large percentage of my merchandise sales.

Human Resources Guy: No. That would be no different than the time when a former WZCW wrestler tried to name his girlfriend's church as his benefactor. It has to be an actual person, not any type of organization.

Lynx sighs in frustration.

Human Resources Guy: Take some time to think about it. I am sure you are tired from your match and could use some rest. You still have time. However, at some point soon you must name a benefactor. We will be in contact with you again another day.

June 14th, 2017
17:55 PM

A little more than a week had passed since Lynx's meeting with Human Resources Guy. He still had no idea what to do as far as picking a benefactor and no officials had bothered him about it since that day but Lynx knew that it would inevitably get brought up again. Lynx had bigger things on his mind than that, though. His next match was on the horizon and he would be facing Kagura in the second round of the Gold Rush Tournament at Meltdown 141. He was sitting at a park bench in Atlanta, Georgia. Having traveled out ahead of time as usual to the city his match would be taking place in, Lynx had some extra time to relax. He checks his iPhone and sees he has gotten a text message from his friend Doreen.

Doreen said:
Lynx, Doreen has noticed a problem. She has been flooded with hatemail in The Grand Dream's "Contact Us" portal inbox today. An angry WZCW fan has spammed us up with 5,345 email messages about how he does not like you. Doreen thinks you should check your personal inboxes and social media profiles to see if this fan tried to contact you directly. Doreen has cleared out all of these messages but she thought it would be best to inform you.

~ Doreen

This seemed odd to Lynx, yet he still decided to follow his friend's suggestion. He checked his personal inbox, nothing seemed suspicious or out of the ordinary. Then he checked his social media profiles' inboxes.

Lynx: Wait a minute....

Sure enough, he had received a new Private Message at 12:05 PM that afternoon from an umfamiliar sender. Some guy named David, who he had no mutual friends with and had never met before. It was still sitting there in Lynx's inbox unanswered. Lynx pulled up David's profile. He scrolled down a few lines and saw to his surprise, several angry posts about Lynx. Many were filled with profanity. Then he went back into his inbox to read David's message.

Some angry fan of Kagura's named David said:
Lynx, I have not forgotten how you defeated Wren who I wanted to see in the finals of Gold Rush against my favorite wrestler, Kagura. I hope Kagura defeats you, just like she did at Meltdown 139! If she doesn't.... I'll find you!

~ David

It disappointed Lynx to see David's message and all his angry posts. Lynx knew that it was impossible to please every fan, but this guy didn't know him or the struggles he has faced in life as a visitor to this timeline from the future. Lynx thought about what to do, as he noticed his best friend Masamune approaching Lynx wearing his blue helmet. Masamune takes his helmet off, his long black hair blows in the wind.

Masamune: You alright, bro?

Lynx: I've had better days.... Work's been trying to force me to name a benefactor, which I obviously can't.... And then there's this guy.

He shows Masamune the posts on David's profile.

Masamune: Whoa. That is one angry Kagura fan.

Lynx: The last big opportunity Kagura had was when she challenged Titus Avison for the Eurasian Championship and she was unsuccessful there. Odds are she won't be successful in the Gold Rush Tournament either.

Masamune nods in agreement.

Lynx: She carried that book around for a while. I remember her even competing in a Library Brawl, which she also lost. Well the story is going to end. Kagura's a great competitor and I did want to see her dethrone Titus where so many others had failed.... However, the chapter is coming to an end as far as her story as a Gold Rush Tournament competitor.

Masamune: What about the angry fan?

Lynx: That angry fan will just have to face the reality of the fixed timeline we are on. A timeline where Kagura loses. Same goes for Kagura herself when I get into the ring with her at Meltdown. She will have to find out the hard way that her future is not to win this tournament. The right results have to take place in the Gold Rush Tournament. The time space continuum's stability depends on it.

Masamune: Awesome, man.

Masamune gets up from the bench they were sitting on and starts walking off before he notices that Lynx has started looking at his hand. Lynx is specifically staring at the scar he received from the last major tournament he was in. Memories of that day flood back into his mind at rapid speed, until he is snapped back into reality when Masamune snaps his fingers in front of Lynx's face.

Masamune: Yo! Everything ok, bro?

Lynx looks up at Masamune.

Masamune: Let's get something to eat. I'm starved. What are you in the mood for?

Lynx: Cilantro, rose water, peanut butter, grapefruits, and almond paste.

Masamune: Dude. I was thinking pizza but I guess your idea works too, bro.... On second thought, your suggestion might be a better idea after all.

Lynx gets up from the bench confidently.

Lynx: You know what else sounds like a better idea after you take the time to think about it? Me winning the Gold Rush Tournament. Kagura may have been at WZCW longer and she is indeed one of the favorites to win the whole thing, but we are closer with every second to something being unleashed that's far worse than spirits or cursed books. It's time for me to take my next step towards stopping that from happening!

Lynx deletes the message from David the angry Kagura fan and turns off his iPhone. The two friends high five each other and walk out of the park.
It’s been two weeks since the overdose. Kagura still didn’t like to talk about it. It had been an accident. WZCW’s resident doctor, William Jacobs, had been monitoring her closely ever since her return at Lethal Lottery. She had been out on injury after tearing her ACL shortly after Unscripted last year. After a speedy recovery, she had aggravated the injury on the road to Kingdom Come. Next, she suffered a concussion at the hands of Andrew Adonis during a televised match. These injuries, combined with the rigorous travel schedule and the stress of having to keep her body in top physical condition, lead to her abusing the painkillers that she had been prescribed. She wasn’t used to managing pain. Having to work through it, combined with a recent bout of depression caused by the nightmare of everything she had to endure the last few weeks had caused her to slip. What she didn’t understand was how Derrick could tear the page in the book, when it proved to be indestructible in the past. When she woke in the hospital, that had been the only thing on her mind…

Chicago, Il.
Rush University Medical Center: Emergency room
Two weeks ago…​

Kagura sat up in her bed, starring as Derrick dropped the torn remains of the page that had once held her prisoner. That ritual that had caused her so much grief over the last few months… was she finally free? Was the nightmare finally over?

"What was the last thing you remember Kagura?” he asked.

She pondered for a moment, trying to recall the events of that night.

“It had been late. Very late. I had taken the book and gone outside, where I collapsed. I felt her presence, Derrick. That onryo; she tried to drag me to Hell. I only remembered that cold embrace as she wrapped her arms around me.”

He nodded. Slowly, before speaking.

“After speaking with that historian, Yamika-san, a few weeks ago regarding the issue surrounding the curse, I had a hard time trying to make sense of it. And to be honest I still don’t. I have never been a believer in the paranormal. I am a man of science and logic. But even then, I could sense something powerful around us. Constantly. I felt it when we went to see Sasuke at the hospital in St. Louis. I think it’s because of my feelings for you, and the fact that I care about you, that I was finally able to sense the same things that you do. Or maybe it was a figment of my imagination. I am still not sure.”

Kagura smiled. The past few weeks she had come to see Derrick in a new light. If you had asked her a year ago about her feelings for him, she would have said that he was an emotional fuck for her. Something to relieve her sexual frustration and vent her stress for a short while. When her obsession turned to battling Ramparte out of an act of self-preservation, she told herself that she no longer needed Derrick. She had found a new way to relieve stress. Destruction. Chaos. Violence. The cold grip of the demon had taken over her.

But after her battle with Ramparte had ended, she began to feel empty inside. That’s when she began to long for his warmth once again. She had been the one that had sought him out. He didn’t come crawling back to her like a dog with his tail between his legs.

“Derrick, why did you take me back, after I broke up with you?”

Her question hung in the air for a few moments, as he raised his eyebrows in surprise. Where had this come from? The answer was easy.

“It’s because I love you Kagura.”

Even though she smiled, she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She felt ashamed. Like she had used him as some kind of emotional stress ball. His feelings for her had been genuine, and those positive emotions had created a warmth that she had come to crave. That was the reason why she had begged him to take her back. Because she came to realize that she loved him too.

"I-I see…”

The two sat in silence for a moment. The tension began to build. It was soon so dense that it was becoming suffocating. Kagura refused to meet his gaze. Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

“I recall something that Yamika-san had told me about the curse. Whether one believed that the onryo was real, bad luck always followed the one believed to have the curse, and you’ve had a long string of that. You changed. And for a while I told myself it was the curse that was responsible. But I was there when you performed that ritual on Sasuke. I saw what happened to him afterwards. I became frightened. I didn’t want you to perform the ritual on me. I didn’t want the same thing to happen to me. And when you ended our relationship, I felt disappointed. I felt that I had nothing to offer you. But that wasn’t true, was it?”

Kagura nodded.

“When you contacted me, I almost didn’t answer. It took some time, but I realized that no matter how cold your heart became, you still craved that warmth that we shared. I took a gamble on my own feelings, because I still saw that innocent and humble girl that you still were when we first met. That was the Kagura that I fell in love with. I began to understand why you performed that ritual on Sasuke. It was selfish, but you were chasing a dream. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have done the same thing if I were in your shoes. After seeing how horrified you became after realizing what you did, I came to understand that your intentions were pure.”

Kagura shook her head, “I never would have done it if I knew this would happen. I hope you know that.”

He nodded, “I do…”

“…That’s why I that night I did the one thing that I should have done a long time ago. I tore that page and ripped it apart. I didn’t want to fight your battle for you. I know you have your pride, but I couldn’t stand it any longer. You almost died, Kagura. I almost lost you. Again. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself anymore. You’re a strong person. Stronger than I am. But like everyone you have limits, and you passed them a long time ago. I saw how crushed you were when you saw Sasuke lying in that hospital bed. And a part of me became desperate to save you. I’m not sure if this is over or not. But I’ll always be with you. No matter what.”

Kagura wiped tears from her eyes. His words were beautiful. She felt so undeserving of a man like him.

“Yamika-san mentioned one other thing; that the only thing that could defeat the curse was love. And she asked me if I loved you, and I said yes. Love was the reason why that demon fell into Hell in the first place. It’s a powerful emotion that transcends time and space. It’s something that science and logic cannot make sense of. And even though I am a skeptic, love made me believe in your struggle, because I wanted that kind girl to return to me.”

Kagura chuckled. Her grandfather had mentioned something similar when they had gone to Japan. Even though she hadn’t quite understood what he had meant at the time, he must have known that Derrick’s love had the power to break the curse. He had given her his approval and his blessing in the process. Derrick was a fine man.


The feeling of shame following her loss at Apocalypse had not gone away. The fans animosity towards her had waned. Her failure had caught their ire simply because they hated Titus that much and wanted to see him lose, and when he didn’t they had exploded. Even so, her performance had earned her their sympathy and support. Her turn had been genuine. She no longer was the same person. Kagura Joheki was gone. Her icy and cold heart had melted. She had even managed to mend fences with past adversaries. She had even sent Ramparte a yellow rose to bury the hatchet once and for all. But now she had to rebuild her momentum. Gold Rush hadn’t appealed to her going into Apocalypse, but now she was knee deep into the tournament, knocking off one of the favorites in Mark Keaton in the first round. She had to find her resolve. She was still chasing a dream…

Atlanta, GA
Philips Arena training facility
Hours before Meltdown…​

Her next match had led her 700 miles to the south. She and Derrick had opted to drive this time. Renting a car, they drove along I-65, taking in the lush rolling hills of the American south. They had stopped in Nashville to enjoy some rich food and some live country music, before continuing their journey. It was nice being able to spend some time with him. She felt happy. Content in the moment. It was the first time in weeks that she felt relaxed. She no longer felt haunted.

She had hit the gym at the arena to get in some last-minute training. Lynx was her next opponent. She had faced him before and won. But that had been different. She was red hot at the time, and was riding a ton of momentum. She had failed to win at Apocalypse. Lynx had not. And like her then, he was now riding momentum of his own. They had both managed to make it to the second round.

“Lynx is a time traveler. Or so I’m led to believe. But is that so far-fetched? I made a pact with a demon. I steal people’s happiness. I curse them. Or so I did. I’m sure he is aware of my reputation.”

She spoke between reps. The weight she was using was light, as not to burn too much energy.

“Lynx is hungry for success, but so am I. Only one of us can keep going, and I would be lying to myself if I said that I didn’t want to win. And while it’s true that I tend to struggle with my resolve, I will continue to fight until I have nothing left. And right now, I’m still feeling good about my chances at that world title. I’m a veteran of this company now. I have fought the very best this company has to offer me, and yet I still have so much unrealized potential. Lynx will realize that when we get into that ring tonight.”

On paper, they couldn’t be more different. A man of science versus a woman of faith. She laughed at the irony. Lynx reminded her a lot of Derrick. No doubt he would be fascinated by his time machine; if it existed.

“It’s funny. A month ago I would have been desperate to meet a man like Lynx. A time traveler? I would have begged him to take me into the past so that I could undo my mistakes. I never would have cursed Ramparte. I never would have performed the ritual on Sasuke. Maybe I never would have picked up that book in the first place. But at what cost? Would I have ever met Derrick? Would I have fallen in love? Would I ever become a force to be reckoned with in the company? I am the woman that I am today through the choices I made, and even though a part of me wishes that I could go back and change things, there’s no point. Doesn’t Lynx realize this? Messing with the past is an insult to the gods. The natural order of the world has a balance to it that can’t be messed with. How arrogant do you have to be to want to mess with that? Me, I’m no longer that desperate. Now I realize that there’s no point in wanting to change the past, because the future has yet to be decided. Even with my clairvoyance, I cannot see a clear future, just parts of it. I cannot guarantee the future I see will come to pass any more than Lynx may wish to change what has already come to pass with his time machine. Despite this, I know one thing. At Meltdown, I will be the one with my hand raised. I will be the one moving on to the third round of the Gold Rush, while Lynx will have another thing to add to his list of events that he wishes that he could change.”
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