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Meltdown 136: Mikey Stormrage vs Tyrone Blades (Non-title)

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
One man wants to destroy everything WZCW stands for, the other is the champion. This week on Meltdown one part of the Hollow Ones takes on Mikey Stormrage in a non title match.

Deadline is Monday, December 5th, 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Everything that keeps me together is falling apart.

"Just keep them coming. Save my seat will you, I have a phone call to make."

I stepped away from the bar at my hotel in downtown Atlanta and stepped outside to make a phone call.


"You have reached Eve Taylor's phone, you know what to do at the tone."

I let out a sigh as this was the third or fourth time I had gotten her voicemail tonight.

"Eve, please call me."

I went back to the bar, defeated. It was funny, in a morbid way, how it seemed like every time something good happened in my professional career, something had to go the opposite in my private life. When Strikeforce finally defeated Saxoteru once and for all to finally get that monkey off our back, my longtime girlfriend Rose walked out on me. When I won my first singles title, it was at the expense of driving James Howard and his friendship away. When I got my first World Title shot, my dad died. Not that I missed him much as he was miserable rotten old bastard who barely gave a shit about me. Then, when I won my first World Title, I lost my mom and brother to a car accident. Now, upon regaining the title, Eve has walked out.

I took a long drink.

I guess people don't change. You can try and try your hardest but a mask or some makeup or a new hairstyle don't change you are you. Believe me I have tried. In the end I was still going to be the same person I was, and Ty Burna was still going to be himself. A name change and some baseball bat weren't going to erase his past. Just like scoring a girl like Eve Taylor wasn't going to erase my past as a failure.

I took another drink.

People don't really change. One of the last conversations I had with my mom that I could remember was her telling me how proud she was that I was soon going to be challenging for the World Title. I wasn't happy though, because the people around me weren't making me happy. She told me I was responsible for my own happiness. That hit me hard because most days of my adult life, I was barely responsible for my own breakfast.

I checked my phone to see if Eve had called or text. I took a long drink, finishing off my glass before slamming it down and demanding another.

Maybe to her my red flags just looked like flags through rose colored glasses. I was everything that she wanted to get away from in her old life. I represented the life she wanted, at least I told myself that.

Maybe it was my own fault. Actually, it probably was my own fault for showing her the real me. I spent a lot of time with that guy and I knew that no one could ever love that guy.

The bartender brought me another drink, though he warned me I was rapidly approaching my limit. This angered me. I wanted to speak out but I chose not to. Instead I took a minute to head outside and make another phone call. I made the mistake of not having the bartender save my seat.


"You have reached Eve Taylor's phone, you know what to do at the tone."

Not being able to speak to Eve, I sort of just broke down.

"It's not too late for me is it? Eve, I need you to tell me it's not too late. I need you to tell me that I'm a good person. I know I can be selfish, and distant, and self destructive, and frankly a childish asshole, but deep under all that I'm a good person and I need you to tell me that I'm good. Please call me."

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and decided that I needed to get back to my hotel to take a shower, so I wouldn't be able to tell if I was crying. I just wanted one last drink.

I got back into my bar and someone was at my seat. I'm not sure why, maybe because I was an angry drunk, but I lost it.

"Excuse me, but you're in my seat."

The man in my seat ignored me so I put a hand on his shoulder and spoke again. He forcibly removed my hand, so I lifted him to his feet and physically moved him from the seat I had been in all night. He swung, and the last thing I remember was police coming in and breaking us up and hauling me away to the drunk tank. I requested a phone call.


"You have reached Eve Taylor's phone, you know what to do at the tone."

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine....
Tyrone: A non title match? Are you fucking kidding me right now Jones?

The scene opens to Tyrone Blades and Mr. Jones sitting around a table, a large pile of cash sitting there along with three....maybe four bottles of liquor in front of them. Tyrone grabs one of the bottles and takes a long drink from it before slamming it back down on the table. Mr. Jones meanwhile lights up a cigar, exhaling a large cloud of smoke as he shakes his head.

Mr. Jones: Man what did y'all expect them to do? Just roll out the red carpet and give you the World Title?

Tyrone: Yes, they damn well should have. This is going to be the weakest Kingdom Come ever with those two losers headlining. But what else is new? They got their two bitches that will take whatever Banks gives them, no lube necessary, and are rid of the man that they want nothing to do with? Black should be an ally of ours, instead they're throwing him against our boy Phoenix...

Mr. Jones: Who lost the match last week by the way. Where the fuck he at?

Tyrone: That match meant nothing so I don't fucking care Jones. We got Tastic's blood on our hands which is far more important to what we got going on here. James Howard, Matt Tastic, who's left for us to take out?

Mr. Jones: His girl...or whatever that fine fine specimen Eve Taylor is to that fat ass.

Tyrone begins laughing as he stumbles to his feet, taking another pull before tossing the bottle to Jones before lighting up a cigarette for his own cancer inducing habit. He leans against the wall, his head staring up at the ceiling as the laughter subsides.

Tyrone: Yeah... we take her out next. We leave her at his feet with a bow on top so he's good and broken for my match with him. Blind him with rage and force his hand in making it a title match.

Mr. Jones: Speaking of, I thought we were giving up the ghost on Banks last week. What the fuck Blades? You growing soft on me?

Tyrone: Patience is a virtue, but yes I agree. We've let it slide week after week, now it's time we point the hollow point at the people running this facade and tell them what the fuck is up. Hell if you wanna get Phoenix back here and get the hacking done, we'll post that shit up on their terribly ran website and be done with it. I don't even care anymore. Banks will be a ruined man and we'll overrun the company by force. Just like always.

Mr. Jones: Nah he probably busy writing notes back and forth with Black to be bothered with that.

Tyrone: I'm leaving him to his own devices this week. The Hollow Ones can act as a group or as individuals. This week I need you with me Mr. Jones.

Mr. Jones holds his hands up as he whistles before breaking up laughing as he grabs another bottle and takes a drink from it.

Mr. Jones: Whoa baby, y'all gotta take me out for a steak dinner before I give up the goods.

Tyrone: Shut the fuck up Jones.

Mr. Jones: Seriously though, get on that steak dinner motherfucker. I'm starving.

Tyrone: Speaking of.

Tyrone reaches out and grabs a stack of cash from the table and sticks it in his pocket as he shakes the cobwebs from his head, the liquor grabbing hold of him in the worst way.

Tyrone: I'm meeting up with Stacey tonight.

Mr. Jones: Man you wanna tell me how you pulled that off exactly? I mean shit, first you go from that fine ass woman you was ma....

Tyrone suddenly springs forward, grabbing a bat from the table and holding it up to Mr. Jones' throat, staring right into the one good eye of his enforcer. He grits his teeth as Jones holds his hands up again.

Tyrone: Don't you fucking dare.

Mr. Jones: My bad homie. Still, when you gonna get ya boy hooked up with one of them chicas from WZCW?

Tyrone: For all I fucking care Jones, you can get comfortable with Rosy.

Mr. Jones: Rosy? Who the fuck is Rosy?

Tyrone slips the bat away from Jones before grabbing his coat and slipping it on as well as his bandanna over his face.

Tyrone: Rosy Palms motherfucker. Lotions on the table in the corner. Just clean up after yourself when ya done.

Tyrone takes off into the winter storm as Mr. Jones can't help but laugh as he reaches out and grabs a stack of cash of his own, flipping through the bills as he's left alone.

Mr. Jones: Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Who need yo self when ya can flaunt that cash? I'd take me a gold digger any day. Or that Batti chic. She so crazy she gotta be good in bed? Right homie? Right?

Jones turns around and sees Tyrone is gone as he sighs and tosses the cash down, his words falling on nothing more than the walls around him. The scene shifts to Tyrone walking up to a downtown bar, the snow blowing all around him as he pulls his bandanna down before entering. He looks around at the near empty bar before motioning for the usual from the bartender. He slides a bill to the man behind the counter as he looks around.

Tyrone: Just bring the bottle.

He finally spots who he is looking for and makes his way over to the corner table. There sits Stacey Madison, wearing a short red dress and her hair tied back. His eyes roam her body as she looks up at him while he sheds his jacket and tosses it to the side.

Tyrone: 'Sup baby? I hope you weren't waiting too long.

Stacey: Looks like you didn't wait to start for me.

Tyrone: What're talking about? I had a couple while discussing business, nothing to worry about.

Stacey: You smell like the bottom of a whiskey barrel. You could have least cleaned up for me.

Tyrone: You love the ruggedness you don't gotta lie.

Tyrone flashes a smile as Stacey tries to act appalled. She giggles as she leans forward, a sultry smile on her face.

Stacey: You know I can't do that with you. So, speaking of business Tyrone, can I get an interview with the elusive Hollow One?

Tyrone: Only if you want to mix business with pleasure.

Stacey: Oh I intend to.

Tyrone: Always knew you were a multi tasker, let me see just how good you are at that.

Stacey: Are we still talking about the interview?

Tyrone: The what now?

Stacey sighs as she sits back, crossing her arms with a coy roll of her eyes as the waitress comes over serving them both drinks. Tyrone pours a glass for himself as Stacey sips on a margarita. Tyrone closes his eyes and leans his head back.

Tyrone: I suppose now would be as good of time as any. Ask away my interviewer extraordinaire.

Stacey: Last week you and Phoenix were dominating Matt Tastic and Flex Mussel, when Phoenix got caught by Flex for the loss. How does this affect the Hollow Ones and their mission?

Tyrone: It changes nothing Stacey. You said it yourself, Phoenix got caught. They got lucky with one move, but in the end it means nothing. What happened afterwards is what is most important in this war.

Stacey: Speaking of that, you brutally assaulted Matt Tastic after the match. Are you concerned about making too many enemies in WZCW?

Tyrone: Stacey Stacey, you know who I am and what I have done. Everyone wants to take me down. Everyone hates every fiber in my being. You saw what happened in the Lottery, Banks sent the entire roster after us and they happily obliged him. I don't blame them, he is the man that signs their checks after all, but Matt Tastic was a specific target. We are going to hurt everyone Mikey Stormrage ever cared about until he gives us what he wants or breaks.

Stacey: Why Mikey though? Justin Cooper was the one that eliminated you in the Lottery at the end. Why not target him?

Tyrone: Justin Cooper is so pathetic that he literally has no one that we could target to affect him mentally or emotionally. I've dug under the skin of Mikey so much that I've taken up permanent residence in his head. And he is the one with the title. Justin Cooper has nothing but an opportunity. We will just make our own and that means going through Mikey and Banks.

Stacey: On the topic of Banks, what is it you have on him? You have been threatening to reveal something you stole from Banks' office for some time now, yet each week goes on with nothing. Do you really have something earth shattering or is it a facade?

Tyrone's eyes suddenly shoot open as he looks angrily at Stacey who cowers just slightly, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

Stacey: Sorry, doing my job Tyrone. I'll make it up to you tonight.

Tyrone: As you should. What I have on Banks is something that will rock him to his core. It shows him to be a joke of an owner, and that perhaps he doesn't hold all of the cards in WZCW. In fact I will do you one better Stacey. This week at Meltdown you will personally be the first one to hear and see what is in that envelope. I make that promise to you now.

Stacey writes down furiously, when suddenly a look of surprise forms on her face as Tyrone winks towards her, his right hand suddenly not visible.

Tyrone: Care to wrap this interview up sexy?

Stacey: One last question, with your match against the WZCW World Champion this week, what do you have to say to Mikey before Meltdown?

Tyrone: Mikey Stormrage represents everything wrong with WZCW. He is a joke of a champion who gets all of the attention while a great legend like Titus walks around with an Eurasian title reign that has lasted a year. Though it is not the World Championship, it is an accomplishment that should celebrated. Instead we get a small snippet on their piece of shit website and barely a mention on the shows. Listen good Mikey, get your head on straight if you're walking into the Lions' Den with me, because I'm ready to rip your throat out. While you mope and cry over your woman leaving you, mine's right here...

Tyrone suddenly pulls Stacey around the table onto his lap, his hand right on her thigh as she squeals slightly in surprise as Tyrone stares her right in the eyes, his voice dropping low as he leans up into her neck, kissing along it.

Tyrone: And she's ready to ride or die with me.

Tyrone lifts his head back as Stacey bites her lip looking down at him, shifting in his lap suggestively as Tyrone grins widely.

Tyrone: And just like the last time Michael, I get everything I want, while you're left with nothing. Because if there's one major difference between you and I, you rely on hope and luck for the things you crave, while I....

Tyrone slaps Stacey on the ass as he moves her and looks up at her face to face, her arms wrapping around his neck as he wraps his arms around her waist.

Tyrone: I take what I want, and always get my way. The World is mine after all.

Stacey leans down and the two begin making out heavily, as the scene fades to black.
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