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Meltdown 136: Mark Keaton vs Logan McAllister

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
At lethal Lottery Keaton helped Logan to win the Elite Openweight championship but he lost it later that night. Keaton is still one half of the tag team champions with a few options being thrown out can both men set their hatred aside?

Deadline is Monday, December 5th, 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.

Mark Keaton watched the glossy image of himself slide on the table top in front of him. The image was of him winning the tag team championships at Lethal Lottery and holding the tag title high on the turnbuckle. He was sweaty and beaten up from the battle but if you looked closely, you could see pure emotion in his eyes.

"Can you please put -To my biggest fan, Jason -from Mark Keaton." The overweight woman’s voice seemed distant to him. He lifted the pen and quickly wrote the request on the photo. Mark was wearing black sunglasses, a leopard jacket and white leather pants and he was way too hot in this stuffy bookstore in Toronto. He enjoyed the attention he was getting from the media and WZCW fans around the world, it was addicting. He often wondered what it would be like to turn face like Cooper and get more positive reactions. He jumped at the chance at a special appearance here with his tag team title belts, all polished and shiny, resting on the table with a stack of signed photo’s of himself for free.

Mark tried hard not to yawn as he signed another book somebody just purchased. It looked like a Dan Brown book, probably Inferno.

This is way too fucking boring. It was fun at first, but I’ve been here way too long. We must be at the 20 minute mark by now. I should have a stunt double doing all this stuff for me.

An overweight man in his forties approached the table. He grabbed a photo from the stack and nodded to himself. He walked out of the way so the next person could get Keaton to sign something. The man looked at the photo, wiggled his very thick mustache and got back in line.

What is the deal with this guy? Probably Leon Kensworth in disguise again.

After a few more signings, the overweight man approached the table again. He seemed hesitant to speak at first. He held up the photo, opened his mouth and made a huffing noise.

"Out with it man,”Mark leaned back in his chair, “I don’t have all day and time is money, dude.”

“You’re the guy I’m looking for,” He said in a low voice, “you’re that Remarkable Mark Keaton guy.”

“That’s me. What do you want signed? Book? Picture?”

“I have a different request.” The man swallowed hard and tucked his dress shirt into the side of his pants for the tenth time since entering the line up.

“Oh god. Hey, I like the ladies so….” Mark held his hands up as if warding off an attacker.

“Ha. No, it’s not that. My son is in the Hospital for Sick Kids. His name is Derrick.” The man blinked extra hard and dropped a photo of a pudgy faced kid with pitch black hair, he was proudly holding a video game and smiling.

“Ah. What’s wrong with him?” Mark asked, but he really didn’t want to know as he knew what was coming next.

“He’s had Leukemia since he was born. He’s spent the majority of his life in the hospital. He’s turning seven this year and he’s a big fan of WZCW. This has been his worst year yet. He…uhh.” Tears rolled down his cheeks as he struggled to continue.

“He won’t see eight years Mr. Keaton. He did a Make-A-Wish and it was to see you.” The man quickly recovered and wiped his cheek.

“I can’t do it. I’m sorry. I’m not up to it sir.” Mark waved his hand and leaned sideways to see the next person in line.

“It’ll only take a minute. Please! Can you take a minute to make my son’s wish come true? It could be the last thing he’ll enjoy in his life.”

“I’ll think about it! Next!” But there was nothing to think about, the answer was obvious and it was a resounding NO. The mustached man knew it, he was shuffling his way out of the line up and out of the bookstore already. Mark signed photo after photo and tried to wash that moment out of his mind for the rest of the signing session.

ONE HOUR LATER ----- _-----------------------

The bookstore was completely dead now. Only one or two wandering souls looking in the Mystery Section. Mark leaned back on his chair and lit a smoke. He knew he wasn’t allowed to smoke in the place but he didn’t care. He blew the smoke from his mouth and watched it float in front of him, it seemed to collapse weirdly though, it formed a small ball and floated to his left shoulder. A tiny coughing sound could be heard and a small version of Mark Keaton emerged from the ball of smoke. He had white hair, a white body suit and metallic wings.

“You know what you did wrong, dude. That man with the sick kid. The least you could do is drop by and say hello to the child.” Angel Keaton said as he balled his hands on his hips.

Mark removed his sunglasses and opened his mouth to speak when his right shoulder caught fire for a split second and a devilish version of Mark Keaton stood there with horns and a spiked electric guitar strapped to his back.

“Don’t listen to that dweeb Marko!” The tiny Devil Keaton rasped out as rough as he could, “you know yer own rule man! No friggin Make-A-Wish deals! It makes you look weak! Leave that crap to fatties like Stormrage or Logan Fatass! We don’t need that in our life!”

“I don’t want to look weak.” Mark tried to reason with Angel Keaton.

“Doing a good deed for someone is not a form of weakness Mark. In fact, it takes a lot of character to step out of your shell and do something extraordinary for another person. When one….HEY! That was close!” Angel Keaton protested as a flaming ball soared past his face.

“Not close enough DWEEB! Don’t listen to him Mark! All he cares about is being weak and fluffy all fuckin day! Yayy, look at meee, I’m Pussy Angel Keaton all floaty and good. I do good deeds! Fuck that shit man!!” Devil Keaton fired off another fireball at Angel Keaton.

“O.K dudes, calm down a second.” Mark made the time out gesture with his hands.

The bookstore owner watched Mark talk to himself and make the time out gesture. He walked back to his counter out of sight.

“Maybe, just this ONE time I could break my own rule.”

“Ah shit! Ol Angel Keaton got to your FEELINGS! Don’t DO it Mark! I’m tellin you it’s not healthy doing good things! It never works out in the end!” Devil Keaton stabbed his spiked guitar in Mark’s shoulder to make his point.

“You’re doing the right thing Mark.” Angel Keaton smiled. Mark grabbed Angel Keaton and bit him in half. Blood poured out of the corners of his mouth as he chewed and crunched the Angel Keaton. He burped and looked at Devil Keaton.

“Are you kidding me?! That was AWESOME duuuude!! Hahahaha !! High five Mark!!” The tiny Devil Keaton raised his hand for a high five and Mark roughly high fived Devil Keaton to death.

“I really need to get more sleep.” Mark yawned and started packing up his stuff to leave the bookstore.


1 DAY LATER ---- Toronto Hospital for Sick Kids -----

“And you really saw him?” Derrick smiled, he was hooked up to several I.V Units and was just finishing his jello pudding. His father sat defeated nearby, he tried his best supportive smile and patted his son on the head.

“Yes. He was signing autographs at a bookstore. I asked if he could come and see you but he wasn’t interested. I’m sorry son. He’s just a busy guy.” He passed a signed picture of Mark Keaton to the boy. The dejected boy put the photograph next to his food tray.

“It’s O.K dad. At least you tried.” Derrick smiled, but his father could see the disappointment in his son’s eyes and it angered him.

Why couldn’t that egotistical son of a bitch take one minute out of his so called busy day and visit my son? What kind of evil bastard turns down a sick kid’s wish? God I’d like to slap that bastard right in the face now.

“You think mom will come see me today?” Derrick asked as he dug into his jello again.

“You know what her work is like son,” The father lied, “she has a very important job and no time to do anything else. She’ll come by when she makes time.”

“I hope it’s soon. I miss her.”

There was a sudden commotion out in the hallway. There was loud yelling and nurses trying to calm down somebody.

“I’m looking for Derrick! Hey Derrick!”

Derrick quickly looked at his father, the mustached man jumped out of his chair and out to the hallway. He waved in Mark Keaton to Derrick’s room.

Mark Keaton strolled in the room with a heavy leather motorcycle jacket on and leather pants, he had both tag team belts in his hands. He threw one on to the bed.

“Hey Derrick! I’m lookin for a new tag team partner and today is your lucky day dude! How would you like to be one half of the tag team champions for one day?”

“ Would I?! Can I dad?!” Derrick yelled as he picked up the title.

“Yes! You can!” His father laughed.

“Good! I hope you got some tough friends man, we’ve got a lot of fighting ahead of us.” Mark flipped the title on his shoulder and played the part of the tough wrestler. Derrick was loving it.

“I got tough friends down the hall Mark! We kick butt!”

“No way eh??!”

“YAH!!” Derrick flexed his weak arm as hard as he could.

“Man! You look tough enough to throw that Logan MaCallister over the top ropes!” Mark made the motions of throwing somebody over the ropes.

“Fuck ya! I’ll KILL that motherfucker!”

“Whoa! Hey, easy there.”

“Derrick, what did I tell you about that language?” He father growled.

“Just because they do it on South Park, doesn’t mean I can do it too.” Derrick recited.

“That’s right. Now apologize to Mr. Keaton.”

“Sorry for swearing, Remarkable Mark Keaton.”


Hours later………

In the hallway, Derrick’s father smiled as he watched his son talk with his friends down the hall about being the tag team champion for a day. Mark smirked at the kid and put his sunglasses back on. He put his tag belts in a gym bag and zipped up his jacket.

“Thank you for today Mr.Keaton. You’ll never know how important this was to Derrick.” Tears immediately poured down the man’s cheeks.

“Don’t mention it man. He’s a fighter, just like me. Tell him I’ll be beating Logan MaCallister just for him in my next match. Take care man.” Mark clapped the man on the shoulder and strode down the hall. Some nurses gave him a wink as he made his way past the front desk, he gave them a little smile in return. He neared the exit when a teenage volunteer recognized him and held his hand up for a high five, Keaton faked the high five and ran his hand through his hair. He walked across the parking lot to his customized 1988 Ford Ranger XLT. The jagged letters - RMK- ran along the side of the polished black truck. He sat in the drivers seat and ripped his glasses off and threw them on the floor of the passenger side. He put the key in the ignition, then let go of the keys. He sat there for a moment, he lowered his head and cried.
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