Meltdown 124

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At Kingdom Come, we learned that sometimes, good doesn't overcome evil.

An image of Dr. Zeus hitting Super Euthanasia can be seen, as Theron Daggershield goes through a table.

We learned that even the strongest of friendships can swell into overwhelming acrimony

Matt Tastic slaps Mikey Stormrage in the face, and the two start to come to blows

And that acrimony can end in violence, and irreversible destruction

S.H.I.T. goes through a table set on fire, with Barbosa on it. We see both Barbosa and S.H.I.T. writhing in absolute agony.

And those that we love can be taken away from us; sometimes, with us powerless to help.

Ty Burna is forced to give up as the Children of the Damned threaten his family

And yet, even in the face of overwhelming darkness, victory can be found

We see Titus holding his Eurasian Title high in the air, Eve Taylor clutching her title, and The Unholy Trinity standing tall

Friendships can thrive

Mikey and Matt shake hands.

And legacies can be cemented

Constantine, Garth Black, and James Howard are shown having their hands raised. Noah Ryder is handed the King for a Day Briefcase.

The reality is, from death, comes a rebirth

Theron Daggershield is seen brandishing his sword

The power of death is only comparable to the power of life.

The Phantoms of Chaos are shown, Caido checking in on Ty Burna.

And with rebirth, comes a new hope. Darkness is only temporary; life is everlasting. Life is brilliant; life is beautiful.

Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic hug post match, Mikey holding up his arms in pride.

But to savor the brilliant and beautiful, we must journey into the darkness.

Dr. Zeus and the Children of the Damned hold up their championship belts as ashes fall around them.

For now, WZCW is launched in a period of darkness.

Silence, as the music stops. A glimmer of light appears, to show the face of Dr. Zeus.

"Hello Darkness, my old friend.
I've come to talk with you again...

WZCW Meltdown starts, not with raucous pyro, but instead, pitch darkness. The arena is pitch black, though the crowd is clearly buzzing. The crowd is clearly making plenty of noise, but almost a panicked sort of noise. Two lone spotlights fill the arena now; one of which on the entrance to the arena. The other is on a group of men; a choir, it would appear. The oldest of the men begins to sing.


The crowd is still buzzing, as the choir sings for all to here. The crowd begins to vociferously boo, however, when they see the cause for this ceremony. Dr. Zeus, John Doe, Fallout, and Chastity all ride to the ring, each person being drawn by horses in chariots. The horses make their way to the ring, as the spotlight follows all four men. As the horses ride, a trail of fire follows all four horses; a small trickle, that while untouchable to the audience, still looks very dangerous. Dr. Zeus laughs on, leading the other three behind him. Doe and Fallout hold their WZCW Tag Team Championships, with Dr. Zeus wearing his World Title around his waist.

Copeland:Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to welcome you to Meltdown. Sebastian Copeland here with you, as always, along with my partner, Jack Cohen. Jack...Jack, indeed, we have been plunged into an era of darkness. Dr. Zeus and his army...they have successfully plunged WZCW into absolute darkness.

Cohen:Seabass, I don't know what to make of this. What does this mean for you and me? What does it mean for WZCW?

Copeland:I don't know Jack, but I doubt we're going to like it.

Dr. Zeus, laughing along the way, stops the chariots at ringside. The four riders get out of their chariots, and make their way to the ring. Chastity enters first, with the Children of the Damned following right after. Dr. Zeus cackles, as he strides to the center of the ring, microphone in hand. The choir ceases their singing, and a sole spotlight shines on Zeus, Doe, Fallout, and Chastity.

Zeus:Brothers, I'm proud to say, we gather here,
The prophecy was true, it would appear!
We've cast you all within shadows so dark.
To an era of darkness, we embark!
Heroes are no more, your heroes are gone!
The night belongs to us; and there will be no dawn!"

Dr. Zeus cackles in the ring, as the audience boos him.

Zeus:The Unholy Trinity, we are called,
And though I'm sure all of you are appalled,
We've broken your idols; they are no more!
The demons are gone; I've won my war!"


The lights come up, and Theron Daggershield walks out to an explosion of approval. He seems to still be bruised and battered, but has a stoic expression on his face.

Copeland:You can't take anything away from Theron's performance at Kingdom Come, in a match that stands as one of Kingdom Come's most outstanding main events.

Cohen:An outstanding match, but all that matters to Theron is that he is without his championship title.

Theron begins to speak, a mixture of sadness and anger in his voice.

Theron:Davkas, I make absolutely no excuses. At Empire Rally, we went one on one in one of the most epic battles the likes of which anyone has seen. And you were, in fact, the Final Fighter Remaining.

The crowd boos this, as Dr. Zeus smirks in the ring.

Theron:But, as I'm sure you're well...I'm still standing. And I refuse to be beaten by the likes of you. I refuse to sit idly by, and watch you plunge World Gladiatorial Combat Federation. I will fight you, Davkas, if it's my very last action on this earth. When my magic dice cease to roll critical rolls, and my bones can handle the battle, I will continue to fight you. And I will fight you because my spirit is the one thing you can never take from me!

The crowd cheers this, as it seems to unnerve Dr. Zeus.

Theron:It's this spirit that I shall in battle tonight, alongside Michelangelo Tempest, to fight you and the dreaded Kaiser.

Again, the crowd cheers.

Theron:And it's with this spirit that I intend to invoke my rematch clause. And soon, we will actually see who the Final Fighter Remaining Actually is...

The audience explodes at this, as Dr. Zeus seems agitated!

Zeus:Fool! The nerve to break my coronation!
If it's a rematch you want, I shall beat you into cremation!
I'll take that spirit, and put darkness in it yet!
For the Unholy Trinity is your unyielding threat!

Theron takes a moment, to let the crowd allow to boo. He holds up his hand.

Funny you should mention your Sons of Shar, Davkas. I ask you; has it occured to you where you'd be without your Sons of Shar? Have you considered how you won the Risky Raffle?

Dr. Zeus considers this.

Theron:It is by your Sons of Shar that you even made it to Empire Rally. So I ask you to consider, Davkas...without your giants to pave your path...would you even have had the chance to face me at Empire Rally?

The crowd cheers again, as Zeus looks to Doe and Fallout, towering over him.

Theron:I say not. So leave your giant walls behind tonight, Davkas. And face me, like a true champion!

Dr. Zeus motions to get out of the ring, but his Trinity holds him back. Doe shakes his head, indicating now is not the time. Fallout pulls back Zeus, but also threatens Theron. Theron smirks, and walks away.

Copeland:Theron may see WZCW plunged into darkness, but he refuses to let this Unholy Trinity run roughshod over WZCW. He invoked his rematch clause, and he aims to get Dr. Zeus alone, once more.

Cohen:He can try as he may please. But I don't know if he's going to do much to repel the darkness.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a jam packed episode of Meltdown for you tonight. A massive main event for our show, as Dr. Zeus and Constantine take on Theron Daggershield and Mikey Stormrage. Ty Burna takes on Fallout.

Cohen:We also have a massive Elite Openweight Title match between Eve Taylor and S.H.I.T. And we also have a huge tag team match between Abel Hunnicutt and Kagura Daikonran versus Showtime and Flex Mussel.

Copeland:But next, a new challenger enters the battle. Watch as Cassanova takes on...Well, we don't even know who. But we know it is next!
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from The Forgotten Library, weighing in at 200lbs, Cassanova!

The crowd boos as Cassanova makes his way onto the stage, ignoring the boos. He then begins to crawl his way down the ramp and slides into the ring, where he props himself against the nearest turnbuckle, awaiting his opponent.

Copeland: So Cassanova, coming off what most would describe as a disappointing King for a Day performance, will be looking to pick up a W here tonight against a mystery opponent.

Cohen: I like this young kid, he just needs to find his footing in WZCW. When he does, watch out. As far as the mystery opponent, who cares? Cassanova is smart enough to be able to overcome any challenge thrown at him.

And his opponent...


A hole opens in the stage and a platform slowly begins to rise from under it. On the platform is no one than the masterful, magnificent, Mr. M!

...from The Secret Underground Lair, Majestic Maestro, Mr. M!

The crowd comes alive at the announcement of the return of M. He takes a moment to take in the applause before he makes his way to the ring. Once inside he spins while removing his cape and throwing it to the crowd.

Cohen: Hey, I thought we fired this guy for building a rocket ship using WZCW funds! Who let him back in?

Copeland: Well the fans certainly are happy to see him back. And Cassanova looks none to please at the reveal of his opponent.

Referee Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell and we are underway.


The two men meet in the center of the ring. Cassanova tries to tie up M, but he slips behind masterfully. Cassanova turns and tries a second time, but again M slips under and taunts his foe, much to the delight of the crowd. This angers Cassanova who floors M with a big right hand. He then begins to stomp away at M, who rolls to the ropes to force a break.

Once M is back on his feet, he finds himself in a headlock, being wrenched on by Cassanova. The bookworm pulls him to the center of the ring, where he transitions to hammerlock and forces M into the corner. He turns him and connects with a couple of big chops before he Irish whips him across the ring. With M again slumped in the corner, he connects with a couple of stiff jabs before he hits a monkey flip, sending M to the mat. He quickly scrambles into a cover...
Tw-Not even two full before M is able to get a shoulder up, but Cassanova is immediately on the offensive with a chinlock. He pulls back on the hold, forcing M's head back into an uncomfortable position. M tries to fight, and manages to get enough separation to get to his feet. He is unable to make more space though, as Cassanova connects with a back mat slam. He hooks a leg and looks for a cover again...
Two is all he gets as M again gets a shoulder up.

Copeland: Thus far it has been all Cassanova, who was none to thrilled with M's theatrics.

Cohen: Good. This is a wrestling ring, there is no room for flashy theatrics.

Copeland: Did Jack Cohen just say there is no room in wrestling for theatrics? I've now heard it all.

Cassanova grabs a head full of his opponent's hair and pulls him to his feet. He connects with a couple of chops to soften up M, before he Irish whips him into the ropes. He ducks for a back body drop, but M scouts it well and connects with a kick to the doubled over Cassanova. He follows it up with a neckbreaker, giving him the upper hand for the first time in the match. He follows it up with a standing moonsault and stays on top for his first pin attempt of the match...
Kick out at two by Cassanova, who is quick to get back to his feet. The two men start to throw hands, neither landing anything of significance, until M connects with a kick to the thigh, catching Cassanova off guard. He then hits a dropkick, causing Cassanova to tumble into the corner. M points to the sky and climbs the turnbuckle. He then launches himself and connects with a flying uppercut to Cassanova, The Mega M Punch! He then positions his opponent on the top turnbuckle, calling for the Mega M Slam. Cassanova kicks M away though and knocks him to the ground. He then calls for the Library Dive.

Cohen: It's all over here Seabass!

Cassanova leaps, but M rolls out of the way and Cassanova eats canvas. M is quick to pounce and locks on the M Special. Cassanova tries to fight, but M rolls around the ring with him, tightening the hold. It is tight enough that Cassanova is forced to tap.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Mr. M!

Copeland: One slip up is all it took for M to capitalize, and he walks out with a victory.

Cohen: Fluke.

M leaps to his feet excited. He then sprints to the hole on the stage and leaps in, just as the hole closes. Meanwhile Cassanova is fuming in the ring. He stomps around, while Ms. Prince tries to calm him down. He is furious and begins to attack the referee.


Copeland: Well it looks like Vee is coming to try to talk some sense into Cassanova.

Vee sprints into the ring, microphone in hand.

Vee: Hey man, calm down. I know what its like to lose, you have to stick at it and things will turn around. We are both smart guys, we can talk things out. How about you and I go back to library and we can...

Before he can finish, Cassanova drills Vee with a big right hand, leaving him out cold. He begins to kick and stomp at him until security run down and restrain him.


We go backstage to where Stacey Madison is standing beside a very frustrated looking Veejay.

Madison: Right now I am joined by the man who just came up short against James Howard at Kingdom Come, Veejay.

Veejay looks disappointed at the way that Stacey has introduced him but quickly steadies himself as he listens to what Stacey has to say.

Madison: Given the way that things went down at Kingdom Come, Veejay, what do you think lies in the future for you? I mean, what is there out there for you?

Veejay looks stunned at the sheer rudeness of his interviewer and grabs the microphone out of her hand.

Veejay: You know something, Stacey, I think people around her have really short memories. I mean, has everyone forgotten that I made it to the final match of the Gold Rush Tournament last year? Dorian Slaughter and I showed everyone that we had what it takes to compete at the very top level and I intend to continue proving that to people around here.

Stacey tries to interject back into the conversation but Veejay merely pulls away from her and continues his train of thought.

Veejay: And here we are, on the eve of Apocalypse and the Gold Rush Tournament and all people are talking about is what happened at Kingdom Come!We can't all live in the past, Stacey, regardless of what happened. We must look to the future. People can say what they want about the likes of Noah Ryder and what his future holds. But I know that I have the quality to make a deep impact in WZCW and that is exactly what I am going to do. Forget Noah Ryder and his briefcase...

Veejay takes one final look at Stacey.

Veejay: My time is now, Stacey. I don't need a briefcase to show everyone the potential I have. I have a plan for Apocalypse and, more importantly, Gold Rush, and I will execute it perfectly. Trust me.

Veejay tosses the microphone towards Stacey, who looks nonplussed after everything.

Copeland: Well, strong words from Veejay, and in particular about Noah Ryder.

Cohen: Well, technically, he is right, Seabass. Veejay could have been Heavyweight Champion if circumstances didn't dictate that he had to leave earlier in the year.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall!


The fans are already raring to go, chanting "We Will Rock You". Flex appears, hoodie over his head, carrying his duffle bag. He pulls off the hoodie and screams to the heavens, met with a massive cheer from the audience. Neck weights that adorn his shoulders shake to his fury, as he looks out to the audience.

Introducing first from Paris, France, weighing 220 pounds, Flex Mussél!

Copeland:I spoke to Flex earlier today, before the show. He says that it's now Flex versus The World.

Cohen:I just hope he remembers that even when Atlas was carrying the world, Atlas, too, shrugged.

Flex enters the ring, and poses on the top rope, ripping away the weights from his neck. He gives a smile, and jumps down, waiting for his partner.


Pyro shoots up, as "It's Showtime!" reverberates around the arena. Out of the smoke comes David Cougar, who the fans roar with approval over. He forms a diamond with his hand, as the pyro continues to shoot off.

Harrys: His partner, from Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 219 pounds, 2014 Hall of Fame inductee, "Showtime" David Cougar!

Copeland:What an epic match between legends at Kingdom Come. Truly an affirmation that both men are living legends.

Cohen:Yeah, and maybe an affirmation that Showtime isn't Showtime anymore.

Copeland:You cannot be serious. It took everything for Constantine to put Showtime away. It was an instant classic, the likes of which we'll remember as one of the best pure wrestling matches of all time.

Showtime makes it to the ring, and fist bumps with Flex. They shuffle in the ring, waiting for their opponents.


Kagura is out first, as ribbons of pink light fill the arena. Then, the lights shift to a decadent gold, and then a deathly gray white. She enters the arena, tightly clutching her book.

Harrys: Their opponents! First, from Ise, Mie, Japan, Kagura Daikonran!

Cohen:The rightful Queen for a Day, before Noah Ryder stole it from right under her...

Copeland:Even without the briefcase, Kagura put on a particularly impressive performance. But I'd wager Kagura's anger is only going to make life much more painful for Showtime and Flex tonight.


The audience goes from heavily booing Kagura to a sunned silence. As Steven Holmes takes in Beethoven, the first few strums of Immigrant Song can be heard. Abel Hunnicutt strolls into the arena, as the crowd are in awe of this giant of a man.

Harrys: Her partner, from Deadhorse, Alaska, weighing 267 pounds, Abel Hunnicutt....

The crowd heckles Abel, but do so at a reserved quiet. Abel sneers at the crowd, and lumbers to the ring, behind Steven Holmes.

Copeland: Garth Black may have proven Abel Hunnicutt is not unbeatable. But I don't think that makes him any less dominating.

Cohen:Look how close he was to main eventing Kingdom Come...And he's not exactly a seasoned veteran, Seabass. Imagine what this tower of a man can become!

The camera pans to people in the audience, frightened by this man. A child is crying into his father's side, as his father shields his away from this menacing individual. He opens the ropes for his mentor, and steps over the top rope, scouting his opponent. Referee Keith Prince comes to the middle of the ring, to separate both teams. The teams go to their respective corners, as Prince calls for the bell.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Showtime indicates he would like to start for his team, while on the other side, Abel and Kagura seem less willing to yield to the other. Abel demands to start first, but Kaguara pushes heself forward. Both are intense fighters, who want to start punishing the WZCW Hall of Famer! But their moment of indecision has turned to their downfall, as Showtime manages to splash both wrestlers in the corner! Flex, following suit, follows with his own splash into the corner. Kagura is sent through the ropes out of the ring, but Abel is still standing. He wobbles, as Flex and Showtime look to one another. They lock hands, and bounce off the ropes together for a double clothesline! Abel is dazed, as his arms wave to keep him from falling down! Flex and Showtime bounce off of the ropes again, and hit with a massive double clothesline! But Abel refuses to go down. He's still wobbly, but can not be toppled. Abel is dazed, as Flex and Showtime indicate for one more. They bounce off the ropes again, and hit another double clothesline. Abel is sent over the top rope, 360, landing on his feet!

Cohen:They still can't bring the big man down!

The crowd is going wild, as the heels regroup on the outside. Flex and Showtime high five, as the referee demands for order to be restored. Prince forces Flex back to his corner, as Abel regains his bearings. Abel gets to the apron, and Showtime starts running for the turnbuckle.

Copeland:Showtime is about to show why, even now, he's still just as good as he ever was!

Showtime connects with a massive springboard dropkick, taking Abel off the apron! But Abel is still standing!

Cohen:Showtime knows his best chance of taking down the monster is high impact moves at the beginning! It's the only way he can keep this monster from mauling him!

Showtime rallies the crowd, who are coming unglued for the legend! He bounces off the ropes once more, and attempts a plancha over the top rope! Showtime jumps over the top rope with ease, but is caught in midair by Abel Hunnicutt!

Copeland:My God, the strength of Abel!

Abel holds Shwotime for some time. Kagura has steadied herself, and Abel holds Showtime in a position where his back is facing Kagura. Kagura gives extremely stiff kicks to the back of Showtime, before giving a chop to the back of his neck! Abel backs up a little bit, to give him a clear runway. He runs at full speed into the turnbuckle post, with Showtime's back contorting around the post! Showtime falls to the floor in agony, as Abel looks on with a smile. He screams out "Your fallen hero!" to the fans, who return the favor with thunderous boos.

Copeland:After all that work to get Abel down.

Cohen: Seabass, there is no taking that man down.

Abel lumbers over to throw Showtime back into the ring. He picks him up in a backbreaker position, and just vaults Showtime through the middle rope. Kagura enters the ring, seeing this as a chance to pick apart the legend. She picks up a pained Showtime and throws elbow strikes into his back. Showtime seems in pain, as he falls to his knees. Kagura Irish whips Showtime into the corner, and his back almost gives out from the pain of hitting the turnbuckle at full force. Flex rallies the fans, slamming on the turnbuckle to get fans to clap for Showtime.Kagura makes a tag over to Abel, and hits a running knee into the corner. She sets up Showtime for another Irish whip, but this time Kagura throws him full speed into a waiting big boot from Abel Hunnicutt. The crowd boos, as Abel taunts Flex. He then goes for a cover.

1...2...Showtime kicks out at two!

Copeland:After a rocky start, it would seem Kagura and Abel have found their chemistry.

Cohen:Yeah, and they're methodically working Showtime over, making sure to do as much damage to his spine as possible.

Abel doesn't let up, setting Showtime for another Irish Whip. As Showtime comes back to Abel, Abel bends his back, waiting for a spinebuster. But Showtime leapfrogs the mammoth man, and hits the ropes again. Abel turns around, to meet a crucifixion from Showtime. Abel is caught completely unaware, and Prince begins to count.

1...2, just barely two!

Showtime gets back to work, as Abel rolls back to his knees. He's met with a dropkick to the face, which again stuns the goliath. Showtime, fairly desperate, leaps over to Flex to make the tag! But Abel grabs Showtime by the ankle, just before he can extend out to reach Flex. Abel pulls Showtime back towards him, and Showtime goes face first right into the canvas. Abel plants him with pointed elbows, right into the back of Showtime.

Copeland: Man,the overwhelming power of Abel just has to be so hard to match up with, as an opponent.

Abel makes a tag to Kagura, and holds Showtime's face for Kagura. She hits a dropkick right into the mush of Showtime. Kagura then sets up the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto. She bounces off for the shining wizard, but misses. Showtime makes it to his knees, and holds his head. He watches Kagura get to her feet, and dashes forward with a spinning clothesline! Kagura is down, as Showtime gets his bearings again. He then hits a crossbody onto Kagura. He holds her down for a pinfall.

1...2...., No, just two!

Showtime hits the mat for a second, and makes it up to his feet. He holds his back, as Kagura comes up to her feet. Showtime is working on just pure instinct, and sets up Kagura with a snap suplex! He rolls over for another quick cover.

1..2....Kick out at two!

Showtime pulls himself up by the ropes, still holding on to his back. He pulls on the rope, to his partner Flex. Flex is jumping on the apron, ready to get into the ring. Showtime is just a few inches from making the tag, and Abel cuts him off before he can make the tag!

Copeland:Come on ref! Bring him back to the corner! It isn't enough they've done so much damage to Showtime, now they have to cheat!

Cohen:My monitor must be broken, I don't see anything.

Flex has decided he's tired of waiting, and enters the ring. He hits a European Uppercut on Abel, and then knees to the gut on the big man. Kagura runs into an uppercut, as Flex is going nuts. But the ref orders for Flex to return to his corner. While his back is turned, Kagura and Abel take the chance to deliver heavy elbows to the back of Showtime. The crowd is yelling for Prince to turn her back, but Flex is arguing passionately with her. Finally, he returns, and Abel makes it back to his corner. Kagura applies aclawhold to Showtime's shoulder, and the nerve hold seems to do a lot of damage. The crowd is cheering on Showtime, as Flex claps in the corner. Showtime reaches to his partner, but Kagura delivers thudding knees to the back of Showtime. She still keeps the clawhold in, soaking the boos of the audience. Showtime seems to be fading, as Kagura applies more pressure on the hold. Again, Flex starts pounding on the turnbuckle, to rally the crowd. Showtime comes back to life, and starts stomping. Showtime comes back to his feet, and Showtime hits Kagura in the stomach. He hits her a second timer, and a third time, and Kagura breaks the grip of the hold! Showtime is free, and delivers a Ratings Crash, sending Kagura crashing to the mat! Showtime is crawling to make the tag, and the crowd is cheering him on! They're going crazy as Showtime is reaching out to his partner again! But Abel is in the ring again, to cut him off. He pulls Showtime by his foot, and throws him up into the air. But this time, Showtime lands on his feet, and delivers a dropkick to rock the protege of Holmes. Holmes is barking in the corner, as Showtime makes a desperation lunge for the tag. He finally tags in Flex, and The Healthiest Man in the World if off and running!

Copeland:Flex is in, and it's time for him to start throwing people around!

Cohen:I think he'll find it rather tough to throw around Abel Hunnicutt...

Flex goes right to work, with clotheslines to Kagura and Abel! Kagura goes down, but Abel is still only dizzied. Kagura comes up to jump on Flex's back, but is met with a fireman's carry! He gives her a gutbuster off the fireman's carry, and is met face to face with Abel. Abel clubs him in the back. He Irish Whips Flex, and goes for a big boot. But Flex ducks away from the move, and when Abel is turned around, he is met by a belly to belly suplex!

Copeland:Flex floored the big man! I can't believe it!

Flex is a house of fire, as Abel is pulling himself back up at the turnbuckle. Flex goes to meet him, and Irish Whips him across the ring. He's preparing for the bodybreaking diet, hitting a European Uppercut! But Steven Holmes trips up Flex with his cane, and this allows Kagura the chance to hit a Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto! Kagura continues on as Abel goes back to his corner. Kagura goes for a cover., just two!

Kagura looks back to her corner with deilish eyes. She notices the relatively fresh giant that remains in her corner. She goes to tag the monster in, and laughs as Abel steps over the rope into the ring. Immediately, Abel grabs Flex and places him a chokehold. He places both hands around Flex's neck, and lifts him high in the air. The referee counts, 1...2...3....4... and Abel lets go before the referee can make it to five. Flex falls to his back, and makes it to his hands and knees, choking at Abel's grip. Abel taunts Flex by kicking his boot into the gut, and towering over him. Flex uses the ropes to get to his feet, and again Abel clubs him in the back. Another blow in the back, and Abel is again exerting his dominance in this match. Abel gets running head of steam to clothesline Flex over the top rope, but is met with an elbow to the face! The move staggers him, as he checks his teeth. Flex comes back with a European Uppercut, and the crowd is cheering on Flex once again! Finally, Flex prepares for a vertical suplex! He stuggles to get the gigantic man, but eventually manages to lift him over his head! He holds him for a second or two, as the crowd marvels at this feat of strength! He turns the suplex into a sideslam, as the crowd goes absolutely nuts! The arena is shaking, as Flex is signalling that the end is near. But Showtime is up, and Showtime slaps Flex on the back, to make a blind tag! Flex looks on curiously, as Showtime hits dropkicks on the mountain of a main from Deadhorse. Out of nowhere, Kagura comes flying in with a standing enziguri, leaving Flex incapicatated. He falls to the ground, as Kagura rolls with him out to the ring. Elizabeth Prince goes to them, to try and maintain order in this match. Showtime is on fire, hitting a flying clothesline at the behemoth! He hits one more,and this seems to knock Abel down to one knee! Showtime calls for one more, as he bounces off the ropes once again. But as Prince is still dealing with Flex and Kagura, Steven Holmes reaches between the ropes with his cane. He hits Showtime as hard as possible in the spine with his cane, and screams out, "I still haven't forgotten Kingdom Come!" Holmes looks to Abel, and orders him to finish it. Abel lifts up a prone Showtime onto his shoulder, and prepares for the dreaded Worlds End. The Tombstone Piledriver drives Showtime's neck into the mat, and Elizabeth Prince can only watch and count. Kagura pulls on Flex's leg, to keep him from breaking up the fall.


The bell rings, and Abel holds up his arms in victory. Kagura joins him in the ring, as Flex holds his head in his hands.

Harrys: Here are your winners...Kagura Daikonran and Abel Hunnicutt!

Steven Holmes comes to the apron, and readjusts his dark gray suit. Abel lifts the ropes for him, and the three celebrate together. Flex rolls into the ring, seemingly fuming. Showtime lays on the mat, eyes open, but seemingly in pain. Flex sits on the mat, looking extremely frustrated.

Copeland:And it still took Steven Holmes getting involved to decide the match!

Cohen:Like I said, I'm pretty sure my monitor is broken. Can someone get me a new monitor already?

The team of Kagura and Abel leave the ring, and celebrate in the aisle. In the ring, Flex hangs on the ropes, while Showtime moves his arms and legs. Showtime uses the ropes to help himself up, and makes it to his hands and knees. Flex and Showtime's eyes meet, with a mutual look of disappointment. Flex sighs and then proceeds to make sure Showtime is okay. Once his partner gives him confirmation Flex attempts to leave the ring but Showtime quickly stops him and then motions for a microphone.

Showtime: Look Flex, you don’t have to admit it but I know you blame this loss on me, and if I were in your position I’d probably do the same thing. First and foremost I’d just like to apologize, not only to you but the WZCW universe as well. I’ll admit it the last couple of months haven’t exactly gone my way. Ever since I’ve returned I haven’t been able to win a single match. But you want to know the interesting thing, the first match I had back was against you, and ever since you beat me it’s been loss followed by loss. A lot of people have been wondering whether I’m still the same Showtime that deserved to be inducted into the Hall of Fame and to be perfectly honest I’ve been wondering the same thing myself. So friend to friend, wrestler to wrestler, and man to man I’d like you to accept my challenge for a match at Apocalypse. If I can’t avenge that loss, if I can’t beat you, then maybe I need to accept the fact that I don’t have a place here in WZCW anymore.

A look of shock comes not only comes over the face of Flex but the fans in the audience as well. The bodybuilder procures a microphone for himself and proceeds to respond to the WZCW legend.

Flex: Showtime you don’t need to apologize to me; or any of the fans in attendance. The fact that you give it your all every match for their entertainment is all anyone can ever ask for. It’s because of you and legends like you that I set out to accomplish my dream of being a WZCW wrestler. However, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t notice a difference in you lately. I can see you doubting yourself, and I can see you doubting whether or not you should still be competing. If you’re hinging the rest of your career on a match against me I’m afraid I have to decline, because with all due respect I will beat you again, and I can’t be responsible for ending the career of one of my heroes. I’m sorry but I won’t take you away from this company, and I won’t take you away from these fans.

Flex lowers his mic and begins walking towards Showtime to further explain his point. After a few moments of private words Showtime nods his head in agreement. The WZCW veteran extends his hand for a shake and Mussel quickly accepts it. However the friendly embrace doesn’t last long as Showtime pulls Flex into and quickly hits a vicious looking Final Act right in the middle of the ring!

Copeland: Oh my god! Why the hell did Showtime do that?!

Cohen: I guess when Flex said he was against the world he forgot that Showtime was a part of it.

: This isn’t right, this isn’t Showtime, Flex was his friend!

Cohen: Eh, looking back at the match they were barley tag team partners. Flex should be used to his friends abandoning him anyway.

Shocked fans are in stunned silence while others boo Showtime as he stands over a fallen Flex. He shakes his head in disappointment and proceeds to exit the ring without any explanation. As he makes his way up the ramp and backstage he doesn’t look back at the ring nor the fans, the referee checks on a knocked out Flex as the show goes to commercial.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall!


The lights dim as the music rises. The crowd loudly boos the masked man before the arena is swallowed by darkness. After a passing moment in silence, a spotlight appears in the ring, revealing Fallout in the center of the ring, his championship lying on his shoulder.

Harrys: In the ring, from Pripyat, Ukraine...He is one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champion Children Of The Damned...FALLOUT!

Copeland: Fallout, indeed, is one half of the tag team champs, but the way in which they won those belts is just sickening, Jack.

Cohen: Sickening or not, it was effective. Fallout and John Doe did what needed to be done, to win the gold. I commend them for it.

Copeland: How can you commend their actions? Ty Burna will be out for blood. I feel no pity for Fallout tonight.

Harrys: And his opponent...


Harrys: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 240 pounds...He is the newest member of the WZCW Hall Of Fame...TY! BURNA!

Copeland: This is going to be a fight, much more than it's going to be a wrestling match!

The crowd cheers in anticipation, watching the ramp for Ty Burna's arrival. The noise fades to a slight hum, as they realize he's not coming.

Cohen: But where is he, Seabass? Maybe he's scared!

Copeland: Ty Burna? Scared? Never!


Harrys: Making his way to the ring...TY BURNA!

With the exception of Ty's music, the arena is enveloped in silence. Fallout paces while referee Keith Morse converses with Harrys. The staff at ringside seems unsure of what to do.


Harrys: And his opponent...

Fallout rips the microphone from his hands and paces the ring furiously. He stares at the top of the entrance ramp, giving Ty one last chance to appear. A minute passes before he lifts the microphone.

Fallout: Tyrone! Get your ass out here!

Copeland: I apologize, fans. I'm not sure what's going on here.

Fallout: I don't blame you for being scared, Tyrone. Seeing your family broken right before your eyes is enough to break any man. You're not just any man though, are you, Tyrone? You're Ty Burna. Hall Of Famer. Former World Champion. So where are you? I hope you haven't tucked your tail between your legs and run for cover. We were looking forward to a fight. Unleash the Chaos, Ty. Let it overwhelm you. Let it become you again. It feels good, doesn't it, Ty? The power. The energy. The feeling of immortality. We feel all that, and more, thanks to the doctor. Show your true power, and give us a fight. There is nowhere you can go, that is safe from us. We will find you, if you've hidden in Mexico. We will find you, if you're still licking your wounds in Canada. We will find you, if you've sought sanctuary in the outback.

If you won't come out here and fight me; you leave us no choice but to bring the fight to you.

Fallout tosses the mic down as he taunts the crowd with his championship. They respond with empty cups and other trash, booing him loudly.

Copeland: I...I apologize, folks. Strong words from Fallout. I don't exactly know what he means, but I can tell you that I know Ty Burna will not...Oh my! There he is now!

Cohen: That chicken is coming through the crowd!

The crowd cheers as Ty jumps over the barrier, wearing street clothes, a hood covering his face. He slides under the bottom rope, and rises to his feet directly behind Fallout.

Copeland: Fallout doesn't know he's there! What is Ty going to do?


The ref calls for the bell, much to the surprise of Fallout. He turns and eats a hard right hand from Ty, and falls backwards into the ropes. Ty leaps, catching Fallout's head, and pulls him down locking in The Final Seance! He digs in tight, right in the middle of the ring! Fallout flails furiously, trying to break free, but to no avail! He taps in under a minute!

Harrys: Your winner...Ty Burna!

Keith Morse tries to pull Fallout free, but Ty won't break the hold! From under his hood, a red glow is seen emanating from his eyes as he pulls tighter and tighter! Fallout falls limp, and Ty finally releases the hold, jumping to his feet, standing tall over the tag team champion!

The ref grabs his hand, but Ty kneels over Fallout and rains down left and right hands, mixed with forearms and elbows! Fallout lies motionless, unable to defend himself as Ty hammers away! The referee signals for help, and additional referees come out to help break up the assault! The red in Ty Burna's eyes grows brighter as the lights over the ring begin to flicker and tremble, and the feed from the cameras is interfered with static and white noise. Ty begins hammering headbutts down onto Fallout as the referees prove futile in their attempts to quell the beating.

Cohen: What is he doing, Seabass? This is no way for a Hall of Famer to act! Fallout is defenseless, the referee is trying to pull him off, and he is relentless with those blows directly at the mask of Fallout!

Copeland: Well, Jack, Ty saw his wife attacked at Kingdom Come, and he's making sure Fallout pays for what he did. I don't usually condone this kind of behavior, but I think a lot of fans here believe Fallout had this coming.

Even more help comes from the back, as they finally drag Ty off of Fallout, nearly shoving him out of the ring. Ty is yelling obscenities in Fallout's direction, but Fallout lies still in the ring, unable to respond.


The crowd comes to a deafening roar in support of Ty Burna as he jumps the barricade and leaves through the masses, his hood covering his face once again. The lights over the ring quickly return to normal, as does the camera feed and audio.

Cohen: Let me tell you, Seabass. Ty may have won this battle, but the war between the Phantoms of Chaos and the Children Of The Damned is far from over! John Doe and Dr. Zeus will not take this lying down! I'd be careful, if I were El Caidos!

Copeland: You may be right, but, for now, Ty has sent a message that he will bring war to their doorstep! We've seen him in many battles through the years, and there is zero reason to believe he won't find a way to come out on top again!


We cut backstage to where a nervous-looking Vance Bateman can be seen alongside Leon Kensworth. Both men stare anxiously at the desk, where a phone can be seen. Suddenly, a ringing sound can be heard as the phone call begins to connect. Vance flashes a nervous look towards Leon once more as the phone call is answered.

Voice: You've got Banks...

Bateman allows a smile to cross his features, more out of nervousness than anything else. Leon gives him a sign to begin talking and Vance stutters into action.

Bateman: Uh, Ken, listen...

Vance's words begin to trail away into the nothingness of silence.

Banks: I was wondering when you were going to call, Vance. Actually, I even know why you are phoning. It's about the Theron Daggershield and Doctor Zeus contract scenario, isn't it?

Vance shares a look with Leon as if to ask how Mr Banks would know that was the reason for the call. Leon shakes his head nervously, accompanied by a shrug of his shoulders.

Well, yes actually.

Mr Banks gives a laugh down the phone.

Banks: Well, let me tell you this, Vance. I am about 5 miles away and I promise you that this whole situation will be cleared up by the end of the night. A time like this calls for strong leadership and a lot of actions that are taken above your pay grade. For that reason, I will be at the arena in 10 minutes and we will get this whole thing straightened out once and for all...

Bateman: Uh... Thanks?

The phone call disconnects as Vance spins around in his chair to face Leon. Both men give a shrug of their shoulders in pure confusion as the camera fades out again.

Copeland: Well, one thing can always be said about an appearance from the owner of WZCW, he always brings huge news with him. I get the feeling, folks, that tonight is going to be no different in that regard.

Cohen: And he is only 10 minutes out, Seabass! Hang onto your hats!
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW Elite Openweight Championship!


Introducing first, the challenger! From the Mechanical Mecca, he is the Scaled Humanoid Industrial Tecnology..... He is SHIT!!!

The formidable robot appears on the stage to a big reaction from the crowd. However, this one limps its way down the ramp for its match. Clearly showing signs of damage after its Mayhem battle at Kingdom Come 7 with Barbosa.

It was announced all the winners of Kingdom Come would get big opportunities and title matches, but it seems SHIT may have taken his a bit too early.

He's a former Elite X Champion. Maybe he's anxious to get it back . With a new name.

SHIT gets in the ring and you can clearly see his bruises as it walks with a limp.

And his opponent, coming down the runway from Milan, Italy, she is the WZCW Elite Openweight Champion!! She is "The Fabulous"..... EVE TAYLOR!!

Eve Taylor appears on the stage holding up her Championship for the world to see. She shows it off as she walks down the aisle as only she can.

Is that girl not fabulous, Seabass? She did what no one had done in a year in defending that title as it was re-christened.

That can't be denied. She did do it. She defeated both of her former Cerberus teammates. But SHIT won too.

Well, yeah. But look at him.

Eve gets in the ring with her title and referee Elizabeth Prince takes the title and presents it before things get ready for the title match.

*Ding Ding Ding*

SHIT holds on to the ropes in clear pain as Eve paces the ring. Not knowing what to make of the situation.

I think SHIT needed more rest after Kingdom Come.

Both circle the ring looking for the first move. They lock up and weigh down on each other. Eve takes SHIT down with an armdrag. She gets up, but SHIT has trouble getting up for it. She goes for him but he clubbers her on the ribs to keep her away. SHIT gets back to his feet and goes for Eve, but she hits SHIT with the High Heel Kick. SHIT falls and Eve takes advantage. She stands him back up and hits the Extreme Makeover and hooks the lock onto him. He tries to fight his way out of it as Eve keeps the hold firm.

I think SHIT can't get out.

SHIT stretches to get to the ropes but to no avail. Little by little, he stops struggling The cut circulation gets to him and he passes out. Referee Elizabeth Prince looks for a response but gets none and calls for the bell.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Ladies and gentlemen, SHIT is unable to continue. Therefor the winner of this match and still WZCW Elite Openweight Champion, Eve Taylor!!

I think SHIT made an error in judgement by taking this match. He may need someone to direct him. I don't think he can really tell he's not in fighting shape after Kingdom Come.

Oh, don't give me that, Seabass. Eve Taylor bested him because she is the greatest ever. I mean, just look at the body of her work!

I bet you do.

Eve takes her title and raises it high above as the ref holds her hand up, but lets go to go check on SHIT. Eve gets out of the ring and walks up the aisle holding up her title. Elizabeth Prince helps SHIT up, but the robot pries his arm away and gets to his feet by himself. He has a bit of a hard time, but SHIT also manages to walk up the aisle.

I hope SHIT gets the attention he needs. He needs medical attention. Or a repair specialist. I'm not sure which, but he needs assistance.

: He'll be fine.


Leon Kensworth can be seen backstage going up to Eve Taylor who is coming out of the entrance area but the Fashion Model sees him coming and immediately snatches the mic from his hands and sets her attention firmly on the camera facing her.

Eve: If it wasn’t abundantly clear at Kingdom Come when I beat Ramparte and Flex Mussel at the same time allow me to reiterate: Eve Taylor is the most dominant champion in this company. I’m the only person to successfully defend the championship currently over my shoulder and I am unbeatable. It doesn’t matter who-

??? : Challenges you?

Eve looks over to see Garth Black walk into frame and go directly nose to nose to Elite Openweight championship.

Garth: You know there was another person who thought they were unbeatable. That person’s name was Abel Hunnicutt. For a while he was right, then he faced me at Kingdom Come and proved that to just be a myth. I just thought I’d make it clear to you Eve that no matter how dominant you think you are, there’s always someone that can and will prove you wrong.

Garth develops a smirk on his face before slowly brushing past Eve and going about his business. A scowl quickly makes its way onto Eve’s face as she clutches her championship.

Copeland: Uh-Oh!

Cohen: He's here!!

Copeland: Well, Mr Banks warned Vance Bateman a while ago that he was on his way to the arena and that he would clear up the whole situation between Theron Daggershield and Dr Zeus. We'll see how true he is to his word.

After a moment or two, Mr Banks comes striding through the curtain to a wholly positive and excited response from the crowd. Standing on the stage for a moment and taking in everything that a live WZCW crowd has to offer, Mr Banks allows a smile to cross his face. Finally, Mr Banks begins the walk down to the ring with great pace.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the owner of WZCW... Kenneth Banks!!

Mr Banks makes his way up the steel steps before being handed a microphone from one of the stage hands nearby. He raises the microphone to his lips but is quickly drowned out by the raucous reception from the WZCW faithful. He smiles once more before speaking.

Banks: Wow! You don't get that very often...

The crowd get to their feet one more time in response to Mr Banks' generous identification of their praise for him.

Banks: Now, I don't like getting involved in wrestling affairs all that much. In fact, in the past, the only times you guys may have seen is when things are going wrong. Needless to say, tonight is not one of those occasions. Truthfully, I am out here for 2 specific reasons.

The crowd goes eerily silent as Mr Banks breaks into his stride.

Banks: Number 1. At Apocalypse, we will see the continuation, and culmination of the best feud I have witnessed as WZCW owner. The hero of this company, Theron Daggershield...

The crowd burst into life once more as the name of the former World Champion is mentioned.

Banks: Will once again take on the deadly and devious Doctor Zeus!

Once more, the crowd come to life, this time booing the very mention of the most evil WZCW Champion, perhaps, in the history of WZCW.

Banks: It is worth stating, for the record, that this match will be the final meeting of these two men. Win or lose, these two men will contest their final battle at Apocalypse. As we head into Gold Rush, we will be, once again, introducing some new blood into the title picture. The Gold Rush Tournament, as it always has done, will give us a look into the future of this company and the winner of said tournament will take on the WZCW Heavyweight Champion!

Another huge cheer goes around the arena again.

Banks: And now to deal with the small matter of who will face off against either Theron Daggershield or Doctor Zeus at the Gold Rush PPV. For a while, Vance, Becky and I have been thinking of new and inventive ways to crown a new number one contender. And at Apocalypse, I am glad to say, we will have a match named The Brawl To End Them All! In this match, two men will captain two teams against the other. In this elimination tag team match, the winning Captain will become the new Number One Contender for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship! And that man will face off against the winner of the match at Apocalypse.

The crowd meet this massive announcement with a sound of intrigue as Mr Banks presses on.

Banks: Now, you may be asking yourself what will happen to the three men who will help their respective Captain on his way to the Gold? Well, those 3 men will enter the Gold Rush Tournament at the next set of shows whilst the other team... Well, maybe next year!

The crowd continue to be intrigued as they wait for the big announcement.

Banks: Over the next few days and weeks, the names of the superstars who will enter this match will be announced but it is my great honour to announce to you, right here and right now, that captains of the teams will be none other than Mikey Stormrage and John Constantine!!

The crowd cannot contain their excitement as the names are announced. Mr Banks lets another smile cross his features as the crowd continue to pour their love down on him.

Copeland:Wow! Mikey Stormrage and John Constantine have been rewarded for their historic wins at Kingdom Come and will now contest the Number One Contendership!

Cohen: Finally, Constantine gets his chance to get back on top!

Banks: I thought you might like that one. But, ladies and gentlemen, this is all the time I have. I implore you to enjoy the rest of the show and Apocalypse. Good night!

Copeland: True to form, Mr Banks delivers another bombshell onto WZCW and the entire locker room. But who will team with Constantine and Stormrage? That could make or break the match right there!

Cohen: I guess we'll find out soon, Seabass.

Copeland: I guess we will, Jack.
Dr. Zeus, John Doe, and Chastity all are in the bowels of the arena, in darkness. Only the glimmer of a fire on the ground lights the image of their faces, as Zeus begins to speak.

Zeus: The time is now, to rid us of our foes
And so I call you, my brother, John Doe.
I know our partner has found darkness in his heart,
And he'll be prepared to tear poor Theron apart.
And thus, I ask upon you, one command.
I'll fight this alone, don't provide a hand.
Focus on snuffing out that Dragon's fire
So we may cast the darkness we desire.

Dr. Zeus blows out the flame, and shrouds the room in complete darkness. All that can be heard is the wheels of Dr. Zeus' stretcher, and the hard, ominous footsteps of his feet.

Theron Daggershield is lacing up his boots backstage, with a determined look on his face. Tiffany sits next to him, looking concerned for Theron. She grabs for his hand, and offers a wan smile to Theron. He returns the favor, but is quick to return to his boots. He looks to his sword, and seems lost in thought, for a minute. A rapping on the door breaks Theron's focus, as a pair of boots stand over a sitting Theron. The camera slowly pans up, to reveal Mikey Stormrage, pizza box in hand.

Man, I love pizza. You know, I think there's a special layer of Hell designated for people that don't like pizza. Probably the same layer of Hell Zeus comes from, or whatever.

Theron's expression hasn't changed at all, as he looks up at Mikey.

Mikey: God, I'm sorry, I'm being a real Constantine right now. Slice?

Theron holds up his hand, and grabs for his sword.

Theron: My apologies, Michelangelo Temptest. I must abstain, for the moment. I'm still locked into...Empire Rally...the World Gladitorial Heavyweight Championship...

Tiffany stands up, and faces Mikey.

Tiffany: What Theron means is that he's...focused on seeing Davkas in the ring.

Theron stands up, and holds his sword.

Theron: Focused would be an understatement. And with you're help, Michelangelo, we can rest assured, Davkas will have rhymed his last insidious rhyme...

Theron walks out of the room, looking determined. Tiffany walks behind him, leaving Mikey alone with his pizza box. He nods, before the smile on his face turns to a look of absolute confusion.

Mikey: Hey, wait a minute, Dr. Zeus rhymes?!

The camera shows Mikey Stormrage, looking as though everything he had ever known to be true about the world was wrong. His moment of panic ends, however, as Mikey takes another bite of pizza and walks away.

Copeland: Our main event is next, don't go away!


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event of the evening!! A tag team contest scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from San Francisco, California by way of Indianapolis, Indiana..... Mikey Stormrage!!

Mikey appears on the entrance ramp, sporting his brand new glow in the dark unicorn horn. Available now at The lights come on as the victor of the battle of Live Mas walks down to the ring. He takes his horn on to give it to a young boy in the front row. But gives it to his racked mom instead.

Copeland: This man is riding high after getting what is probably the biggest win of his life at Kingdom Come 7. He did it. He defeated Matt Tastic. Pinned him clean in the middle.

I guess every dog does have his day, Seabass. Matt got his last year, it was Mikey's turn. But it's the midnight hour now and Cinderella here needs to face reality.


And his tag team partner, from Stephenville, Texas, he is the Warblade, Theron Daggershield!!

Theron appears on stage to a great response. Despite that though, he still sports the scars of war as his forehead is taped up and he walks down to the ring sore.

Jack, he may have lost at Kingdom Come but my God, what a performance it was. Jack Cohen, we witnessed the longest one on one confrontation in the history of WZCW. Longer than even the Ironman Match Showtime and Constantine had at All Or Nothing 2012. WELL over an hour of deadly, brutal action.

I gotta admit. He earned my respect. It was a brutal battle. But he just could not fight fate.

Their opponents. First from the Depths Of Despair, he is Constantine!!

Constantine appears in the darkness with the bag over his head and a single light over him. He enters the ring and slowly and eerily takes off his mask as his opponents look on.

: He exorcised his demons at Kingdom Come, finally defeating Showtime on the grand stage of them all.

Yeah, but it seems he's only slipped deeper into the darkness. And his tag team partner here might have something to do with it.


And his tag team partner.... from Portland, Oregan..... He is the NEW WZCW World Heavyweight Champion......... The Good..... Dr. Zeus!!!

Chastity is on the top of the ramp with a single, green spotlight over her. She winds a music box as the music plays in the background. She throws it to the floor and green flames emerge all over the stage. As they die down, Dr. Zeus is in front of the ring. Chastity gone, he is posing with the World title over his head as Theron and Mikey stare intently. He enters and referee Jurou Akiyama sets the stage for the main event.

OK. I'll admit it. I am scared of Zeus, Seabass. This man is very scary.

There's no telling what it will take to dethrone him. Especially if he keep adding people to his cause.

*Ding Ding Ding*

The four stare each other down as Jurou takes away the World title. They keep staring but suddenly Mikey stretches his arms and screams at the top of his lungs.


Mikey charges and Clotheslines Constantine to the outside. Theron and Zeus stay in the ring though. And they stare at each other completely serious. They circle the ring with their eyes locked. Not heeding to anything else. Outside, Mikey and Constantine brawl as Jurou looks on confused, not knowing what to do.

It seems the Brawl To End It All has started early. Mikey went straight for Constantine. Maybe this ride of momentum has him in a bit of a rush.

What is that idiot doing?!?

Mikey and Constantine continue to brawl at ringside while Theron and Zeus go at it at the ring. Vicious right shots by both men crashing their fists onto each others foreheads. Theron stops things by kicking Zeus right in the chest. He quickly Huracanrana's Zeus away but the World Champion is quick to get back in the fight. He knees Theron in the gut and Cobra Clutch Suplexes him. Mikey and Constantine seem to get a hold of things and are seen getting to their corners. Zeus drags Theron to his corner and tags in Constantine who holds Theron down with a Sleeper. Theron tries to get loose but to little avail. He fights to get to the ropes but Constantine does his best to hold him steady. Mikey gets off the apron and goes around the ring to get close to the action. He rolls in as Constantine and the ref look on. Mikey unceremoniously slaps Constantine in the back of the head to make him let go of the hold. Constantine gets mad and argues with Mikey before Mikey exits the ring. Theron gets up and goes on the attack. He drop toeholds Zeus to the ground and tags Mikey in. He charges in quickly and covers Zeus.


He doesn't even get a 1 count, but he's quickly on the attack. He clotheslines the Champion down. Then repeats the dosage before whipping Zeus across the ring. He charges and takes him down with a big body block. He runs the ropes again and leaps onto the chest of the Good Dr. with a Seated Senton and covers again.



But it barely gets a 2 count. Mikey grabs the Champion and tags in Theron. He places Zeus on the corner and Theron chops him. He then whips him across the ring and catches him with a Sidebuster. He tags in Mikey and goes to the top rope but Constantine gets in the ring and shoves Mikey to the ropes, causing Theron to slip and crotch himself on the ropes.

Oh..... Turnabouts, fair play. Mikey got all overzealous and interfered so Constantine returned the favor.

Mikey goes to help out Theron, Constantine returns to his corner where Zeus is ready to tag him in. Constantine enters officially and goes for the distracted Mikey. He hammers on him until Mikey is on his knees. He then slaps Mikey in the back of the head. Mikey gets up angry, holding the back of his head and charges for the attack but Constantine catches and launches him overhead with the Isolation. Constantine goes for the cover.



3-No, Mikey gets the shoulder up.

Constantine pulls Mikey up by the hair, but the big guy fights back with a few uppercuts. Constantine takes a few steps back but rushes back in to attack. But Mikey does not hesitate and hits the Falcon Punch!! He tags in Theron who climbs the ropes again!!

Didn't he learn anything from last time??

The Warblade takes flight and hits the Dragoon Jump! His elbow bounces Contantines chest. But Dr. Zeus senses the danger and quickly gets in the ring. He attacks Theron and Clotheslines him out of the ring. Mikey sees Constantine prone on the canvas and sensing his chance, he climbs the top rope. He flips off Constantine and leaps for the Flying Burrito, but Constantine barely manages to roll himself over and out of harms way. Mikey's back bounces off the canvas as referee Jurou Akiyama argues with him for entering the ring illegally. Mikey is unresponsive due to the pain and as that goes on and Theron and Zeus brawl on the outside, Fallout appears! He runs down the aisle and attacks Theron as Zeus backs off to catch his breath.

What's he doing here?! He was instructed not to interfere in the match.

Fallout grabs Theron's Buster Sword and tries to hit him as Mikey and Constantine get back to their feet but Theron gets out of the way. Jurou turns around to see Fallout, but missed the foul play on his part. Theron kicks Fallout in the gut and tosses him onto Zeus and both men collapse. Mikey and Constantine get back up and turn to go on their own wild brawl in the ring. Jurou looks on confused. Theron grabs his Buster Sword as Zeus shoves Fallout off him. He gets back up to his feet but when he turns, he's about to be hit with the Buster Sword, but Zeus pulls Fallout in the way and HE takes the blow! Theron looks on surprised as Fallout collapses from the blow. Mikey and Constantine are still brawling and Jurou has had enough and calls for the bell.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Ladies and gentlemen, by order of referee Jurou Akiyama, due to lack of compliance from the participants, this match is ruled a No Contest!

It seems Jurou got fed up with this lack of control. No one seems to have any interest in wrestling right now. Just beat each other up. Mikey and Constantine are fed up with each other and Theron has no problem trying to use a sword on his adversary.

It just goes to show you the kind of cowards these guys are. Neither can handle the idea of losing. So they disobeyed the official. The senior official.

Mikey and Constantine continue to fight as security showers the ring to separate the two. Constantine calms down quickly but Mikey is still flailing as the security holds him in the air. Things seem to calm down as Theron stares down Zeus with an angry look. Zeus looks at the carnage and gets Fallout, who is on the ground knock out and over his foot, off him and brushes him aside. Dr. Zeus collects his World title and stops next to Theron before exclaiming:

Dr. Zeus:
"Cherish today, exalt yesterday.
Be glad right now you're free to be. But remember as this war progresses and darkness takes hold, Theron Dagershield, the World Champion........ Is me."

Zeus keeps walking and Theron looks on. The last shot we see is security trying to keep Mikey and Constantine under control.


Haiku: Opening, Showtime & Flex vs. Abel and Kagura, segments
KJ: Main Event, Elite Openweight Title
Dynamite: Segments
Dave: Segments
Yaz: Cassanova vs. ???
NSL: Ty vs. Fallout

We hope you guys enjoy the show and we apologize for the forum crash causing a delay. Ascension will be up tomorrow evening.

Rep these guys for their hard work. Cheers guy!
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