Meltdown 115: The Beard vs Veejay (Gold Rush Semifinals)

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Lord And Master
Staff member

The Gold Rush Tournament is on to the Semifinal round. The Beard will face Veejay for the first spot in the PPV Finals. Who will move on?

Deadline: Monday March 16, extensions on request
When the stars shine

It was late at night. Pruthvi, Vijay’s dad, was pacing up and down in the hall of his massive mansion. The wall clock had just gonged once, indicating the time. Pruthvi looked impatient, angry, mumbling something under his breath. Just around that time, a car’s screeching sound could be heard in the background. After a minute or so, Vijay staggers through the front door into the hall.

Vijay: I am sexy and I *hick* know it!

Vijay didn’t notice his dad. He threw his expensive leather jacket on the couch and was headed for the stairs when his dad’s voice stopped him.

Pruthvi: Done partying, son?

Vijay: Dad? You are still up?

Pruthvi: How could I sleep? My son hadn’t returned yet.

Vijay: Well, now he has. So, you can go to your room and sleep in peace while I go to my room and hit the hay. Good night, dad!

Vijay tried walking away but the hit the table and fell on the couch beside it. He looked completely out of his senses.

Vijay: Sorry table, I am so sorry. Did it hurt?

Pruthvi: Look at yourself, Vijay! You couldn’t even walk properly!

Vijay: No problemo, I’ll sleep here on my comfy couch. Hmm, how much I*hick* missed you my couch!

Pruthvi: What has gotten into you!? Partying late night, drinking like a hobo, going out with girls you don’t even know! You don’t go to your martial arts classes, which by the way you signed up for, you don’t go to gym, you hardly ever go to school. Is this what you want to do your whole life?

Vijay: Let it be dad! Take a chill pill. We’ll talk in the morning.

Pruthvi didn’t like it. He dragged Vijay by his hands to his feet. Vijay could barely stand up.

Vijay: Ouch! That hurts!

Pruthvi: Does it? And the things you do? Do you know how much they hurt me? People ask me about you and I have no answer. All I do is hang my head in shame! Is that what you want to do your entire life? You’ll turn 18 in a month’s time but you have no sense of responsibility, to me or to the people around you.

Vijay: Come on dad! You have loads of money. Just pay them and shut them up. That’s what we do, right?

Pruthvi: You belittle my name! You bring shame to Chauhan name and family! What haven’t I done for you! Whatever you wanted, you got it. I bought you everything you ever wanted, every little thing of yours. And still, you just won’t listen to me? In fact, I should just take this all away from you! You don’t deserve this money! You don’t deserve anything!

Vijay’s expressions changed. He looked angrier.

Vijay: You gave me everything, dad? Can your money bring my childhood back? Can it buy all those parents meetings you didn’t attend because you were too busy? Can it bring all those summer vacations back that I spent without my dad? Can it bring that moment you didn’t see when I won my first judo championship?

Pruthvi couldn’t speak. Vijay, teary-eyed, continued…

Vijay: Tell me dad! Can you buy me all those moments? Can your money bring my ma back? She died without seeing you for one last time! Can your money fulfill her last wish?

It was complete silence. Pruthvi looked stunned, shocked

Vijay: Why are you silent, dad? Answer me! You can’t. Because there is no answer. You know what? You never cared about me or ma. All you ever cared about was money. Your philanthropy is just as fake as you are! I am happy that ma’s dead! At least she doesn’t have to die a thousand times with you.

Pruthvi: Vijay!!

Pruthvi’s hand raised, seemingly to slap Vijay, but he stops himself.

Vijay: Why did you stop? Hit me! Huh, you can’t. You don’t have the guts. You don’t have the guts to face the truth. The truth is I am your son. I am your flesh and blood whether you like or not. And the wealth that you are so proud of means nothing to me. Today, I make you a promise. Everything you have ever done for me, I’ll repay, in full. I’ll be bigger, I’ll be better; I’ll be wealthier than you can ever think. And the family name that you’re so proud of, I reject it.

Vijay turns away from his dad, his back towards him.

Vijay: I am Veejay. I am the very symbol of greatness you can’t even fathom…dad. I’ll be the brightest, the shiniest star in that sky!


Present day

Veejay: How’s it?

Dilip: You gotta be shitting me!

Veejay: No, this is real!

Dilip: Really!? You didn’t even tell me about this! How much is this?

Veejay: I don’t remember; somewhere around $22 mil.

Veejay and Dilip are looking at this prestine, Veejay’s newly bought house in Beverly hills, LA. Dilip’s expression tells everything.

Dilip: But why? Why did you buy this?

Veejay: Just part of me fulfilling an old promise. Plus, I needed a place to live here in the US. Figured this would be as good as any. I was tired of living in those hotels. Come, I’ll show you inside.

Veejay opens the door and lets Dilip in. While Dilip goes inside, Veejay stays at the door, looking outside at his pathway, seemingly waiting for someone. Dilip starts exploring the main hall, which is pretty empty at this time.

Dilip: Man, I wish I can have a house like this. I am tired of living in that condo back home. I think I’ll… Veejay? What are you doing at the door?

Veejay: Nothing… Just… standing.

Dilip: Who are you waiting for?

Just as Dilip approaches the door, a car screeches halt right in front of the door on the pathway. Out the car steps Saffron Hanson, the famous Hollywood actress, and Veejay’s co-star from Scavengers 2. She walks towards Veejay, wraps her hands around his neck and kisses him. Dilip, wide-eyed, can’t believe he’s seeing. All three of them walk inside the house.

Dilip: W…wait a second! This can’t be true!

Saffron: Good to see you too, Dilip.

Saffron takes a seat while Veejay goes to the newly set up bar to prepare drinks. Dilip is still looking at Saffron, staring hard, in disbelief. An awkward moment’s silence is finally broken by Dilip.

Dilip: So, you and Veejay.

Saffron: Yes, I and Veejay.

Dilip: How did this happen?

Saffron: Come on, you’re acting like you don’t know anything. As far as I know, you’re the closest to Veejay, closer than his own family.

Dilip: Apparently, not close enough. You guys have been shooting for what, 2 months and suddenly you two… I mean… how?

Saffron: So Veejay was right! He has kept it a tight secret.

Just at that time, Veejay comes with two glasses in his hands. Veejay takes a

Veejay: What are you guys talking about?

Dilip: Nothing! Nothing at all. Just catching up with her. How’s the movie, how’s the shoot, you know, normal things.

Veejay: Yeah, right!

Dilip: Can I talk to you for a second, in private?

Without waiting for an answer, he drags Veejay with him to the corner.

Dilip: What the hell? You couldn’t even tell me?

Veejay: Come on, calm down. We didn’t want the press and the media and all the people getting involved in our business. May be this’ll count: you are still the first person to know about this.

Dilip: No kidding. How did you score her? I mean I know you have your way with girls and ladies and their moms but how her?

Veejay: Hey, you don’t seem to think of me much, do you? In your own words, I am a fucking superstar! And why are you so surprised? We are working on the same movie.

Dilip: Yeah, but your schedule doesn’t even match hers! You two may have had one shoot together.

Veejay: That was enough for me to make her fall head over heels for me. I mean, look at me! Need I say more?

Dilip: How long has this been going on?

Veejay: Does it matter? Come, let’s have drinks.

Veejay and Dilip walk back to the place where Saffron is having her drink.

Veejay: Sorry, he had a lot of questions.

Saffron: I can understand. After all, he’s your best friend.

Dilip: Yeah, yeah. So, Ms Hanson.

Saffron: Call me Saffron, Dilip!

Dilip: Oh..Ok. So, Saffron, what are you two planning?

Saffron: We wanted to keep this all very hush-hush. But, he thinks that it’s the right time to tell everyone.

Dilip: Ohh does he?

Saffron: Yes! In fact, he wants me to accompany him to the ring and be at the ring side during his matches.

Dilip: Really?? *turns to Veejay* This is cheating! I have been asking you if I can do that, but no! And she just comes in your life and now she’s walking you to the ring? What the… Anyway, when does this happen?

Veejay: In my very next match, against The Beard.

Dilip: Wow! Just wow!

Saffron: Okay, guys. You two carry on. I have to run some errands.

Veejay: So quickly? You just came!

Saffron: Sorry, honey! I gotta take care of few things. You two enjoy the new house. And do me a favor. Keep it warm for me. I am sure I’ll be coming to this part of the town more frequently!

She gets up and kisses Veejay goodbye.

Saffron: I’ll see you at the show!

Veejay walks her to the door and bids her adieu.

Dilip: Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable!

Veejay: What’s up with you? Why are you acting so grumpy?

Dilip: I have been working my ass off to make sure that you get good publicity and maintain your image while trying to get you more projects, not to mention managing your wrestling appearances, and you don’t even care to tell me that you are dating? And not just somebody, but one of the most popular actresses in all of Hollywood? And on top of that, you’ve already decided when you want to make it public? Do I mean nothing to you as your PR manager, and your friend?

Veejay: Come on, Dilip. I didn’t mean to offend you. These things… just happen.

Dilip: Just happen? When did you start falling in love?

Veejay: Woah woah woah, winner! When did I ever say I fell in love with her?

Dilip: You haven’t?

Veejay: Nope! After all these years, you still don’t know me. I don’t fall in love! She’s my ticket to superstardom in Hollywood!

Dilip: You need someone to go up in Hollywood? You already have a super sweet 3-movie deal with Marvelous studios! I keep receiving calls all day for one or the other project. You still need help?

Veejay: I don’t. But she’s that rocket that can propel me to where I want to be in almost no time. Plus, she’s hot, and she’s amazing in bed!

Dilip: Okay, I guess. But how does her involvement help you with your WZCW aspirations?

Veejay walks to the window. He looks out at the lush green surroundings of his house, taking a sip from his glass.

Veejay: You know, Dilip. Whatever I have wanted in my life, I’ve taken it. I didn’t wait for someone to hand it to me, I just snatched it. WZCW, however, is a different ball game. When I signed up for them, I thought that it’ll be a walk in the park. Afterall, it’s just wrestling, right. But, it is more than that. It’s a warzone. Everyone is looking to destroy everyone. Even with all my experience as a fighter, I have fallen short too many times. But I will change that. And Gold Rush is my opportunity. I am sure you know about The Beard?

Dilip: Yes, he’s a monster, extremely dangerous. After what he did to Bruce Irwin, I am a little worried about you.

Veejay: And that’s where Saffron comes in. The Beard is as dangerous as they come. Hell, he’s the most dangerous opponent I have ever faced. But he’s also vulnerable. He’s not used to the extravagance of my kind of lifestyle. And he needs to feel that. He needs to know that I am way bigger than he could have ever imagined. As big as I am, it has to get under his skin. He needs to be overwhelmed. Saffron does that for me.

Dilip: I am not sure I follow. I mean, in the end, it’s you and him in that ring. And while I have never doubted your abilities, I just don’t know what she can do outside the ring, against Beard or anyone.

Veejay: I know you’re worried, Dilip. Don’t be. I have a plan to dismantle the enemy. I have come this far, I am not going to go down now. For all his ferocity, Beard doesn’t know what he’s getting into. And once I am through with him, WZCW would know what I am, who I am. It’s about time I took my rightful place as WZCW’s brightest star! I am not just part of the Showbiz, I am the Showbiz!

Dilip: I just hope you know what you’re getting into.

Veejay: Of course I do! Don’t be nervous Nellie! Come; let’s get something to eat now. I don’t have any kitchen set up here yet, so I guess we have to go out.

Dilip: Sure, I’ve heard there’s a nice little Indian Restaurant here somewhere. Let’s go there!

Veejay and Dilip set out to leave as the scene fades away. In the background of black…

Dilip: I still can’t believe you didn’t…

Veejay: Come on, give it a rest!
Darkness. Fear. Intimidation.

Sitting alone with his thoughts, very zen like is Beard. A ring of candles surround him.

A fallen man’s path leads to that of rising. For I have fallen down a dark road and now I rise towards a place of greatness that once belong to me.

Beard blows one of the candles out as he calmly remains seated.

My silence grows stronger with each day. Knowing that the silent ones are the dangerous ones.

Another candle suddenly is blown out by the former champion.

My quest for eternal greatness leads me to Veejay. Bruce Irwin has already fell at the hands of his maker and now Veejay will be greeted with the same dignity.

Another candle gone as the room becomes increasingly dim.

Hope is dead.

Another candle. Beard’s zen like posture becomes more sporadic, near frantic.

Is it the publicity that you want Veejay? You want your picture all over the tabloids?

Another candle gone. Beard now stands as he paces around, almost paranoid.

You’ll get your wish Veejay. After Meltdown the tabloids will read “Bollywood actor turned wrestler in critical condition”.

Gone another candle.

A picture of your bloody face covers the front. An image that will become synonymous with my legacy.

Another candle goes and only one remains.

After Veejay, only one remains.

Beard kneels down in front of the final candle, with a calm presence coming over him.

This is all that remains. A flicker of hope that fades with each day. Your heroes aren’t coming for I will destroy their very presence.

Beard lifts the candle and moves it to a small table as he walks away.

A wave of darkness is coming. Be ready, for it shall be the end of mankind.

The candle slowly flickers as wind puts it out, leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke and everlasting darkness.
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