Meltdown 115: Matt Tastic vs Constantine (World Heavyweight Championship)

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Lord And Master
Staff member

After fending off Ty Burna in the steel cage, Constantine made it known that he wants his shot. But rather than wait for Gold Rush, Constantine wants the shot at Meltdown. Matt will once again do battle with The Elite. Can Constantine finally win the big one?

Deadline: Monday March 16, extensions on request
Voice: You really are worthless, boy. Do you know that? You are worthless!

The scene opens in a dark and dreary courtyard. With trees and bushes spiralling high into the grey sky, a small boy kneels on the cobbled stone beneath them; an older man standing over him with a look of the utmost contempt upon his features. The older man seems familiar but it is not yet clear who he is. He raises his hand up above his head and brings it down upon the cheek of the young boy he towers over. The boy crashes backwards, landing unceremoniously on his behind and clutching his jaw.

Older Man: You have been such a disappointment to me since your very first opportunity, Boy. And now you will start to pay the price for your actions.

The young boy snivels as tears continue to roll down his already swollen cheeks. He looks up at the man who towers over him, his eyes telling a story of confusion, pain and love at the same time. He pulls himself back to his knees and fixes his vest top that has twisted around his body as he lay on the stone.

Older Man: Look at all of this, Boy!

The older man turns around and raises his right hand towards the grand mansion behind him. For a moment, there is a silence as the young boy slowly peers around the older man; ultimately frightened to make any sudden movements or bring any more punishment down upon himself. Suddenly, the older man spins around with a look of venom upon his features.

Older Man: Do you honestly think that all of this comes with allowing people to walk all over you? Do you honestly think that an empire can be built upon manners and niceties? Do you think you can forge a legacy in this world by being everyone's best friend!?

The small boy dips his head as the older man continues to berate him; a steady stream of tears still continuing to fall.

Older Man: Legacies cannot be built on being a good man, Boy!

The older man slowly bends his knees to bring himself down to the eye-level of the younger boy. The young man keeps his head dipped to his chest, avoiding the ferocious look of his elder.

Older man: Look at me, Boy!

The young boy keeps his chin dipped to his chest, purposefully ignoring the orders of the older man.

Older Man: I said, look at me, John!!

Slowly, the young man raises his chin from his chest, tears filling his eyes; his jaw swollen and red already.

Older Man: Legacies are given to no one. You must forge your own. If you are faced with a challenge, then you rise to it; there is simply no other way. If you are faced with a fight, then you stand your ground and you fight! Never again will you embarrass this family by walking away from a challenge or a fight, mark my words.

The older man straightens up again, fixing his askew neck-tie and allowing a proud look to creep across his unique features.

Older Man: You're a Constantine, boy. Start taking that seriously...

With that, the older man turns on his heels and walks away from the young John Constantine; the young man sporting a look of hatred and ultimate determination.

* * *

Mia: John!

A well-aimed cushion slams into the face of the number one contender to the WZCW Heavyweight Championship; lifter the haze of memory from The Power Trip. He looks on at his partner as she lays in her bed, her massive stomach protruding from under the pink T-Shirt that used to fit here almost 9 months ago. He gives her a faint smile as he shakes clear the cobwebs.

Mia: Are you listening to me, like, at all?

Constantine, again, exchanges a smile with his heavily pregnant partner and gives her a nod.

Mia: I was just thinking that we should consider getting a nanny for the baby. With you being away so much; on the road and whatnot, it might be good to have someone around. Even if it for the first few months. What do you think?

Constantine gets to his feet and collects the plates and flatware from the nearby table that they are sharing. He bends over the bed, kisses her forehead and flashes her a vacant smile.

Constantine: Whatever you want, my love.

Mia allows Constantine to walk away from her, giving him a studious look as he disappears around the corner and out of view. From the kitchen down the hall, she hears the faucet begin to run and the clatter of porcelain as Constantine clears every trace of lunch from existence. After a moment or two, the faucet switches off and Constantine re-appears, a vacant expression still plastered all over his features.

Mia: Are you okay, John?

Constantine: Huh? Yeah, fine.

The expression on Mia's face suggests that she does not believe The Power Trip. Constantine gives her a slight nervous laugh as he sits back down beside her. Hoisting herself up into a more seated position, she continues to examine her partner; thinking very carefully about what she wanted to say.

Mia: You know, I might be pregnant but I'm not blind. Nor am I stupid. I'd like to think that I know you better than anyone, John. If something is on your mind, you can say so.

Constantine: Something on my mind? No. no. Honestly, everything is fine.

Mia: Hmm...

Mia continues to give John an incredulous look, wrestling with the question of whether to believe him or not. Constantine's eyes finally meet hers and, almost instantly, her questions begin.

Mia: So how has Ty been?

Constantine's eyes roll to the left as he thinks about the question, his mouth opening slightly as he does.

Constantine: Uh, I haven't really heard from him really. Honestly, I don't think he's very happy with what happened at Meltdown. A loss to Matt Tastic is a hard pill to swallow for someone as proud as Ty. And coming to and seeing me hold the Championship above my head...

The Power Trip reaches over to the table once again, this time retrieving a newspaper and his glasses. He places the glasses onto the bridge of his nose and flaps the newspaper into position in front of him; Mia hanging on his words as per usual.

Constantine: Well, that must have been a hard thing to see; let's just put it like that.

Mia allows the silence to ferment; still staring a hole through Constantine as he peers through his glasses onto the business section.

Mia: And Dorian. How is he?

Constantine doesn't remove his eyes from his paper but does answer his partner; almost without emotion,

Constantine: I'm not sure really. I know that he won his match against Stormrage last week but he keeps himself to himself mostly. Just getting with things and hoping that he can make something stick, I guess.

Mia continues to study Constantine as if he were a puzzle to be solved. Suddenly, her expression softens and a wry smile appears on her features.

Mia: You know, I was reading an article online today about your match at Meltdown. I can't remember where I seen it. But they were saying that Matt Tastic was the favourite heading in...

Mia presses at Constantine, changing her strategy to get answers from her partner. But as of yet, Constantine is not taking the bait.

Mia: They said, wait until you hear this, that Matt Tastic had shown himself to be one of the best World Heavyweight Champions in the history of the company; beating the likes of Ty Burna and The Beard when it matters. They said that no one gave him a chance when he won the World Championship at the Lethal Lottery. But since then, everyone has had to sit up and take notice of his accomplishments.

Constantine's eyes still don't move from the newspaper but Mia is not finished.

Mia: Hell, they actually went on to say that his World Championship run was, oh what was it.... Ah yes, 10 times more impressive than your Elite X Championship run. I personally thought that was too far but they definitely think that way...

Once again, Mia studies Constantine; who seems completely nonplussed by Mia's deliberately chosen words to get a rise from him.

Mia: Can you believe this? They actually finished the article saying that Matt Tastic is going to show you up; that you're going to be found out to be a fraud at Meltdown... What was the direct quote again? Oh, Matt Tastic is going to make John Constantine look like Darren Bull.

Constantine drops the paper onto his lap and peers over his spectacles at Mia; who is smiling now. Seeing right through her plan, Constantine gives her a smile and shakes his head in disbelief. Staring at her for a moment, he removes his glasses and sets them down on the table from where they came from only moments ago.

Constantine: Mia, I'm fine.

Mia: I know you are, John. You always are. You've been my rock throughout all of this. No matter what problems we've run into with this thing, you've always been so strong. And now I want to be strong for you. Just tell me what's going on.

Constantine lets out a small sigh as he reclines back in his chair' this time studying Mia.

Constantine: I'm worried, Mia. If I'm being honest, I am worried. For five years, I have worked tirelessly to get to this level. The one opportunity that I had to be World Champion in the past, I couldn't take advantage of. And that's okay, I wasn't in the right place; truth be told. I couldn't have carried that company on my back like Ty Burna has done' or like Showtime David Cougar or Titus did. I couldn't have been the one to be doing the press conferences, or the public appearances... I wasn't ready.

Mia: Things are different now, John. You're ready for this. You deserve this.

Mia reaches out for Constantine's hand as he gratefully accepts.

Constantine: Do I? Here I am, on the eve of the biggest match in the history of Meltdown, and the biggest match in my career. And I can't shake this feeling that it couldn't have come at a worse time. I keep telling myself that I shouldn't worry about the result of the Heavyweight Championship match because I have so much more going for me than a piece of gold around my waist. But it represents so much more than that Mia. That Championship signals the start of an era; and the end of another. It tells me that everything I wanted to achieve when I first stepped into the ring has been accomplished. It tells all of the doubters out there that I was right to step between the ropes when they said I couldn't be World Heavyweight Champion. It vindicates my-

Constantine immediately stops himself before he breaks into his traditional style monologue. He grimaces for a moment before sitting up in his chair once again. He looks at Mia for forgiveness; which is immediately given and gratefully received.

Constantine: I'm sorry, Mia. I've been trying to keep all of this in lately. You're pregnant and you've got enough to deal with as it is. I don't want to put more on your plate.

Constantine pulls his hand from inside of Mia's and reclines back into his chair again; his features suggesting a look of dejection and being muted. Mia lunges forward, grabbing the hand of her partner and finding his eyes with hers.

Mia: What did I say to you all those months ago, John? You remember that night in the hospital? I said to you that; for better or for worse, we are a team. We have always be a team and we will always be a team. My problems are your problems, and more importantly, your problems are my problems. Whatever this is, John, it's bigger than wrestling. I can see something is eating you from the outside. And I want to know what it is...

Constantine reluctantly pulls himself forward in his chair, gripping at the soft hand of his caring partner. Looking in her eyes for reassurance, Constantine finally opens up.

Constantine: Don't get me wrong, Mia, I am worried about Matt Tastic. What if that article was right? What if I am found out at Meltdown? What is everything I ever wanted in the wrestling world was gone in three seconds? What if Matt Tastic shows everyone how he managed to win the World Heavyweight Championship in the first place? What if he beats me and it takes another 2 and a half years to get back into this position again?

Mia: That's what's worrying you?

Mia looks at John; her eyes suggesting that she knows there is something more to this slump in attitude.

Constantine: Maybe. I've worked so hard to get to this point, Mia. And whether Ty Burna and Dorian Slaughter like it or not, Matt has proven himself to be a wonderfully able Champion. No one gave him a chance against The Beard or Ty Burna. But guess what, he put them down like a diseased old dog waiting for mercy and moved onto the next challenger. At the end of the day, I can only do my best and hope that it will be good enough to get past him.

Mia: John...

Constantine: But there's something more, Mia. What if I can't do this? I mean, all of... This!

The former politician motions towards the stomach of his pregnant partner, a look of dread crossing his features.

Constantine: What if I have finally gotten myself into a mess that I can't get out of? What if I have finally bitten off more than I can chew? What if, Mia. What if everything I love and have ever loved, begins to disappear right in front of my eyes starting with Meltdown?

Mia tries to interject but is quickly cut off.

Mia: You're-

Constantine: The only representation of a father I ever had, was an abusive and arrogant old drunk who took great pleasure in making me feel as though I was worthless. His biggest goal in life was making me a worthwhile endeavour; something which can be shaped and moulded to his liking. I had no freedom, no life and no chance. What if, Mia. What if I turn out to be like that old bastard? What if this is a mistake...

A deafening silence again fills the room as Constantine steels himself.

Constantine: No! I wont let it! My father took great pride in showing me all of the so called legacy he had build. His biggest thrill on a daily basis was making me feel inferior by rubbing everything he had earned in my face. His possessions were great but his attitude was all wrong. At Meltdown, I am finally going to cement the legacy that my father wanted for me so badly. At Meltdown, I am going to beat Matt Tastic; despite what everyone else thinks, and I am going to claim the World Heavyweight Championship for me and for my family. But I am not going to use it as a pedestal to properly incentivise my child! I promise you, Mia, this is the start of a new chapter in out life and I will do everything in my power to ensure that our child is treated the way that I should have been all along. As it stands, Matt Tastic stands in the way of that future and I will not allow it!!

Constantine looks at the pained face of his partner; standing up for extra emphasis.

Constantine: Believe me, Mia. I will make you and our child proud... It's time!

Mia: You're right, John... It is time!

Constantine curiously peers down at Mia again before looking down at the bottom of the bed, as a sudden dampness becomes abundantly evident.

Mia: It's time...
*Ring Ring*

A phone is heard ringing.

*Ring Ring*

Mikey: Hey! You've reached the voicemail of Mikey Stormrage. I'm currently out being awesome. So leave a message so I can get back to you when I'm done. Live Mas!


Ascension 89 said:
In the back, we see Matt in the hallway being checked by a doctor. He flashes a light at Matt which bothers him. He shoves the doctor off, prompting Mikey to come in to calm him down.

Mikey: Hang on, man. You're hurt.

Matt: Fuck off! I'm sick and tired of Ty, Constantine and the damn Elite! Get the fuck off me!!

Mikey: Why are you yelling at me? What did I do?


Matt limps off as Mikey seems catatonic at Matt's rash and harsh words.

Matt: ............................


Live Mas. The motto. It brought success. But at the same time, it brought a curse. Trouble has followed me since before I won this title. And has followed me steadily ever since. My Grandfather. Chris KO. Showtime. El Califa Dragon. And Mikey Stormrage. All subjected to torment by the name of The Elite. One year. For one year they've existed. And even though many names have changed. One has remained constant. Constantine. John Constantine. A name which I have had so much history with. Yet we've never truly met in the ring one on one.

I accused you of being the leader of the Crashin Movement years ago when my Mayhem title was stolen. You were fresh off the box. A smug politician. I smell the bullshit a mile away. But I was wrong then.

In 2012 you seemed to have changed. You focused on your skills in the ring. Shook the fans hands and even went over me to win King For A Day. We started to team up. We defeated Saxton and Saboteur. When the time came to win gold though, you got hurt. Nonetheless I stood by you like a true ally. Something you clearly know nothing about because not long after you spat on the wrestlers and the fans and went back to your sick, slimy ways. It got you nowhere though. You assembled The Empire with Alex Bowen and Justin Cooper. And it collapsed in no time. Showtime dispatched you like simple garbage.

You would eventually sneak your way between Frank Mortlock and Fallout to take the Elite X title and using The Elite's help you won all 7 matches for the chance you have now. You had to resort to low blows to beat Mikey Stormrage. Lets face it. History says it. Karma catches up to you. And for all the atrocities you're associated with, you'll simply wither back into the background.


*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring*

Hey! You've reached the voicemail of Mikey Stormrage. I'm currently out being awesome. So leave a message so I can get back to you when I'm done. Live Mas!


Matt: *sigh* Godammit.

We finally open up the scene with Matt Tastic sitting on a bench outside an undisclosed arena. Casual clothes and the World title at hand, he angrily dials on his phone over and over again. Trying to reach Mikey Stormrage to apologize for his words. Stress has piled on him. Anger has boiled. Frustration has mounted. His saga against The Elite has gone on for months and its end seems to be nowhere near sight. One falls, another pops right back up. An endless battle against a constantly changing foe. Michael Winters, Showtime, Steven Holmes, Ty Burna and now Constantine. The longest tenured member steps up to antagonize the on edge World Champion. All things do come to an end. But will The Elite be the ones to end Matt's near miracle reign after so many tries? Or will it be someone else? But right now, Matt's one goal is to set things straight with his one true constant. Mikey Stormrage.


Califa: Matt, mi hermano!

Matt turns to see El Califa. Wielding a cane and his mask, the now retired luchador sits by the World Champion.

Califa: I saw what happened. I know you're frustrated.

Matt: Califa, I'm sick of them. Of all of them. They just don't go away. They've finally pushed me to my breaking point, man.

Califa: Haha. You wanted that big push, didn't you? You're the one who wanted to challenge the big dog in Showtime. Listen. Nevermind what's happened since. You've endured. You took that torch away from Showtime and Ty Burna. You should be proud. No one will ever take away what you've accomplished. Stop trying to outrun them. And go back to facing them with that cocky smirk you used to have.

Matt: I guess.

Matt looks at his phone. Hoping for any signs of Mikey responding. But to no avail.

Mikey is his own man, Matt. We're all brothers of the Armada. And you two in specific are Live Mas. But Mikey Stormrage is Mikey Stormrage. The same way that you are Matt Tastic. He will succeed. Some way. Some how. But that's all on him. You on the other hand, need to focus on Constantine. And mi hermano, I need to apologize. Because I let him slide through my fingers at Kingdom Come.

Matt: You did your best, brother.

No I didn't. My best wins matches. Mikey's best wins matches. Matt's best wins and retains the World Heavyweight Championship. So chin up and flush out your distractions, mi hermano. You have a title to keep.

Califa gets up. You can feel the satisfaction of his words peering out of his mask despite the lack of expression. He feels he's aliviated Matt's problems.

Matt: I'm not convinced.

Califa: What?

I want an end. I want an end to all of this, Califa. I want to wake up one day not thinking about which Elite member I'll have to face. What one of them did to a friend. Let alone the permanent damage. Hermano, I know what you're saying. But I want finality to all this. And I need to speak to Mikey about it. It might be Matt Tastic vs Constantine for the World title coming up, but it's been Live Mas vs The Elite from day one. I said something I regret to the person I owe all of this to. I need to get back on track with him if I am to put Constantine behind me. Ty Burna behind me. And anything with "The Elite" branded on it. I don't want another incident like my grandfather's to happen again. Or Chris. Or you. This isn't mere competition anymore. It's Heaven. Or Hell.

Matt gets up and pats Califa on the shoulder as he walks away. Califa looks on as Matt makes his way to the arena.

Matt: I'm going to see if anyone inside knows where Mikey is at. If not, I guess I'll apologize in public. Then I'll focus on how to Deliver permanent Kickassery to The Elite. Constantine will not win the day. Nor Ty Burna.


Matt walks across the arena sidewalk. The sunshine of a beautiful sunset illuminates over him. Its beauty and impending darkness of the evening being a fitting metaphor. What does the future hold? We've seen the beginning. We're seeing the chapters play by. How will it all conclude? Under a beautiful sun? Or under a dark night?


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