Meltdown 113: Ty Burna vs Chris KO (Buried Alive)

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Lord And Master
Staff member


Chris KO and Ty Burna have had lingering issues for years. But no one expected things to boil down like this. At Meltdown 113, these two men will meet in only the second ever Buried Alive match in WZCW history. Will Ty attain amazing momentum heading into his World title match will Matt Tastic? Or will Chris KO pull off the upset that will reshape his career?

Deadline: Jan 6th, extensions as requested.

A small aura flashes in the dark, but then there is nothing.

*flick flick*

A steady flame dances out of the mouth of a lighter as a mildly-hairy hand pulls it up to the end of a cigarette. The camera reveals Ian Crawford, opposed to the lighter and cigarette, with a yellow glow casting on him from a lantern he is holding up to his face.

Ian: I didn’t know you still smoked.

We see a fuming cigarette hanging out a pair of cracked lips. The corner of the lips open in a mumble.

Chris: Neither did I.

The camera shows the bearded Chris K.O. with a cigarette hanging from his mouth as his eyes look downward. His face is slightly bruised from the two recent beatings he took at the hands of Alhazred and Theron Daggershield.

Ian: Where is Steve?

Again, a mumbled response.

Chris: This doesn’t concern him. It predates him.

The smoldering bud reflects off Ian’s glasses. He silently studies Chris. Chris, still looking downward, finally opens up.

Chris: Aren’t you going to ask me why we are here?

Ian pushes up his glasses on his nose and then, and then joins Chris looking down.

Ian: I know why we are here.

The camera reveals a stone tomb that is dividing the two men. A white cloth is spread over it with a single name written in blood red; Ty Burna.


We switch a shot of wet dirt being pushed onto a mound. A mound that is the size of a body. We are on the island. A rough looking Chris K.O., with a bloodied forearm, is burying his friend who died at the hand of a panther moments ago. Chris eyes are red, his hair and stubble are soaked, and his cheeks are tear-stained. The jungle-like vegetation around him smells like fresh dew, left behind by the subsided rain.

After pushing the last bit of dirt onto the mound, Chris kneels silently. He feels a void in himself. A small fragment has been plucked out of his heart. He wants to cry, but he can’t anymore. The only sound that accompanies him is the dripping of the leaves and the occasional grumble in the sky. He is alone. Chris reaches out one of his arms and plants a hand on the mound. He uses it to push himself slowly up into a standing position. As he stands up, he leaves a handprint in the dirt. With his head tilted down, Chris stares at the handprint for a few seconds before clutching at his bleeding forearm in pain. As if he temporarily forgot, and then suddenly remembered, that his arm is punctured via a set of sharp teeth.

Chris turns away from the mound and begins to walk away.


Chris: Do you remember the last time we were here, Ian? We made a pact over this very cloth and tomb that we would not stop until Ty Burna was decimated at every inch. We would not stop until we made him pay for every stolen moment, sacrificed pawn, and snake-eyed lie. It was our goal to see WZCW rid of Ty and chaos altogether. We have failed up until now.

Ian cocks an eyebrow as he shoots a glance at Chris.

Ian: What do call what you did at Redemption in that Casket Match?

Chris puffs his cigarette to stall before having to answer.

Chris: It was a rouse, Ian. I was tricked. I thought I made a difference, but in the end Serafina left, and Ty never stayed in the casket.

Ian: Did you not strip him of his ownership over WZCW?

Chris doesn’t respond.

Ian: Did you not give it back to those who have saw the company flourish since, and through today?

Again, Chris doesn’t speak.


Startled, Chris looks up from the tomb and sees Ian’s sharp stare at him.

Ian: Why can’t you be happy with what you have accomplished already?

Chris: Ian… we made a pact-

Ian: We made a pact not fully aware of the depth of Ty’s roots in WZCW! Even when we tried to empty his finances, he had much more stashed away and hidden from even myself, his personal financial agent. It’s time you realize that you are not fighting a man, Chris. You are fighting an entity. And this is one fight you will not win. Take what little you have done and be proud of it, but let what is out of your control go. Because I am.

The smoke slowly flows out Chris’ mouth as he soaks in Ian’s last sentence.

Ian: You’ve drove yourself mad these last few years, but it’s time you soak in the truth, Ty Burna doesn’t give a damn about you. Not anymore at least.

Everything is a game to him, and you are trying to play one that he has stopped playing for some time now.

Ian steps away from the stone tomb and into the aisle between several others. He gives a small pause to let Chris respond, but becomes annoyed when he doesn’t.

Ian: Are you just going to sit there and stay silent, because I still have not heard a solid good reason why you want to face Ty Burna again, other than the fact that you somehow feel entitled because Ty gave you a message on a tiny piece of paper all those years ago.

Ian stares at Chris, but Chris remains staring down, somewhat sadly, with his cigarette hanging out his mouth. Ian, still annoyed, pushes his glasses up on his nose.

Ian: I thought you were stronger than this, Chris. Where is the man I used to know? I thought you said the island made you better, but I’m having a hard time seeing it.

Ian continues staring at Chris, hoping for some kind of response. Ian’s face fluctuates from a small flicker of remorse to disappointment.

Ian: Goodbye, Chris.

We watch Ian’s feet as he walks down the aisle. Suddenly, the feet come to a stop.

Chris: Ian.

The bearded Chris K.O. stands in the shadow with only a red glow lighting up the area around his mouth. Ian keeps his back turned as he is a few steps away from the exit staircase.

Chris: Maybe.

Chris puts a palm down on the stone tomb as he struggles through his words.

Chris: Maybe… maybe deep down I want to…

Chris takes a breath as he shakily speaks.

Chris: Deep down I want to die. Maybe I think Ty is only one that will actually kill me after what I made him lose.

A tear drop falls on the stone tomb.

Chris: A lot of people have died around me who I think deserve to live more than I do. I just… I don’t know...

Ian slowly turns around. He holds the lantern up to his face.

Ian: Dead is dead, Chris. You’re alive. You want to somehow honor those that have passed before you? Get off your ass, stop living in the past, stop worrying what you could have done or not have done, and live your life.

Chris swallows a big lump down his throat before responding.

Chris: I don’t think I can beat Ty again.

Ian: Then you’ll have a choice to make.

We get a low shot looking up as Chris’ face as he leans over the tomb with a couple tear streams down his cheeks. Smoke dances around his lips.

Ian: You can either dig your way back up to the surface, or die in the dirt.

Ian places the lantern on a tomb near Chris to give him a light source. He slowly begins to walk out towards the exit. However, he stops after placing one foot on the first stair.

Ian: My suggestion? Dig.

With that, Ian ascends up the stairs and vanishes. Chris is left alone in the quiet of the catacomb. We watch Chris still hunched over the tomb with the lantern in the background and the cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Slowly, the lantern in the background fades out until all there is is a red bud dancing in the dark. The sound of Chris puffing makes it glow even brighter, but once he finishes, the glow slowly fades to black, and then there is nothing.
So you and Arianna? Man I knew it was only a matter of time. Took y'all long enough though.

The streets of Cleveland, Ohio. It's funny how when I look back how I could pin point every lie, every last deception. My business partner, my fellow survivor, my friend, my adopted brother. Anthony, also known as Ant, a man of strong convictions. He was the one who got us mixed up with Eide, and though I hated every moment of it, I could not deny it was lucrative. Well....lucrative enough to put food on the table and a roof over my head. Even if that roof couldn't hold heat, it was still a roof. Anthony had the skills necessary to be something more than what he was, yet our predicament did not show any signs of depression. He was the one that remained loose and calm, while I was always watching out of the corner of my eye for that one final shadow. The one I would miss and leave me blood splattered across the sidewalk.

Ty: I guess ya could say it just sorta happened the other night Ant. We were talking 'bout things and one thing lead to another.

I feigned a smile, the one thing I could possibly throw off the hint of anger I held in my mind. known as Serafina, she had been mine for so much longer than the previous evening. We were kindred souls, even more so than Ant and myself. Perhaps that's why it hurt so much when the image of Ant and Arianna from the party we were at a couple weeks back hurt so much. She knew all too well what she meant to me. How she kept the anger in check, how it kept back what I ultimately became. I lit up a cigarette, leaning against the old brick building behind us, the smoke mixing with the visual of my cold breath. As the tendrils swirled around me, creating a temporary barrier from the source of my agitation, I contemplated what I was exactly supposed to say.

Ant: I'm proud for you in any case man. Hooking up with a honey like that? Boy I didn't think you had it in you.

Ant laughed at his little dig as he fakes a punch to my midsection. I laugh in return, though the facade began to crumble away as the smoke dissipated. Ant could notice immediately, it wasn't a big surprise to me, after all I knew what Ant would do before he did it, and vice versa. His demeanor changed as he narrowed his eyes towards me. I crossed my arms, inhaling again as I begged for that barrier once more.

Ant: Why you staring me down like that Tyrone? I can feel the knives running right through me.

Tyrone...he knew how to start a fight with me any time he wanted to. It took all the will power I possessed not to swing. It was what I promised Arianna, and damn it if I wasn't a sucker for her pleas. And so I simply exhaled and nodded towards a vehicle pulling up. I reached into my pocket and threw the product over to Ant. He fumbled it for a second but caught it before looking back at me and shook his head. He approached the vehicle and I watched cautiously as he made the deal. Something wasn't right about tonight. Something sinister was in the air, and I soon dropped my cigarette. My hand remained on my weapon as I studied the situation. This shouldn't have taken that long. Soon Ant held his hands up as it was clear what was going on. We were being robbed. I could hear him yell as the cool demeanor fell to the way side as his mortality immediately came into question. Regardless of what has come between us, I would still give my life up willing to him. I stepped forward off the brick wall, my appearance hidden by the very shadows I feared.

Ant: Pl.....please just take whatever. I don't want to die tonight man!

I withdrew my weapon and aimed it, at whom I still do not know. If it meant Ant's life would be saved, then so be it. My face emerged from the shadows, my eyes directly towards my target. The click could be heard by all as Ant turned towards me. A look on his face that I can only remember one other time after that....a look that was caused by my own hands and mistake. His eyes and face as white as a ghost. Death comes for those that challenge it's fate for you. That night, I dueled Death and saved Ant. Little did I know how sickening the consequences of my actions would be. The unmistakable flash of igniting powder filled the night with that smell of sulfur. The scene freezes with Ty's face mostly hidden by shadows, his green eyes wide, but it soon spins around, his brown hair now the long black locks of the present. The cold night remains, the moon shining brightly down upon him. He stands in front of a grave, snow covering the ground reflecting the moonlight back to the heavens.

Ty: I was Anthony's savior, and his reaper in one lifetime. A friend to the very end, yet had he not betrayed what had become a bond stronger than blood, perhaps he would be standing here instead of in the ground before me.

I wiped off some of the snow off my sleeve, the cold no longer bothered me like it did so many years ago. Yet I long for that sensation, it would let me feel human..for the first time in so long. But now is not the time to wish for my own humanity back. I had sacrificed it once more for the power of the Ouija, a decision I would have never thought myself making twice. And yet here I am, once more the Keeper of the Ouija. A sick smile formed on my face, ultimately everything that was done to me in that casket match had been undone, and I had become whole one more.

Ty: Christopher. This journey of yours has been a joke since you took it upon yourself to rid the world of me. You truly believed your conviction was strong enough to put down a living god? Has the madness, the hypocrisy , and the ruination of your being not been enough yet? Has it truly sunk in yet that my ultimate revenge was to do nothing at all? To let you twist in the wind believing yourself a larger part of my realm than you actually are? I watched as you became the White Knight, becoming the antithesis to myself, only you could not possibly hope to be the moral compass you believed yourself to be. An Apostle of Chaos becoming a virtuous amusing.

I walked up to the grave and kneel down in front of it, running my fingers along the name before placing my hand on top of the grave as I lowered my head to the cold stone. Laughter started to wrack my body as I lifted my head up, the familiar red glow that signified the presence of the Harbinger overtaking my eyes. I sat down next to my old friend's grave, placing my arm over my raised knee, staring directly forward.

Ty: I chose you to become my heir apparent. I saw a potential in you that no one else saw! I gave you the keys to my kingdom, the path to becoming stronger than even myself. You were to be exalted! And yet you could not handle the path I put in front of you. Your failures against Black Dragon, your attempts at sabotaging the Apostles. All of it were things I over looked. I believed that you would see the consequences for your actions would become far too fatal a price to pay. And yet you blindly allowed your own ego and your goals overshadow the greatness that was yours for the taking! So it has come to this now. I was prepared to let you fall into the oblivion that you created, but you have now forced my hand. Or so you believe. There is one thing you have always forgotten Christopher. From the moment you entered my world as Sam Masters, to becoming Christopher KO, to becoming my Paul, to transforming into my Judas, no matter what actions you take, I always make the rules. Your destiny nothing more than a spider web woven by my hands, slowly becoming the trap you find yourself in now. As the breath is slowly sucked from your body, you will know that Destiny is but an idle plaything to Master of the Ouija.

I slowly stood up, reaching into my pocket and withdrawing two cigarettes. I place them both in my mouth, lightening up the sticks of death, before placing one on the gravestone of Anthony. I exhale slowly, that familiar barrier enveloping me. I allowed the Eyes of the Harbinger to shine through, allowing the duality of my persona to exist in tandem.

Ty: Betrayal is nothing new to me Christopher. From Anthony, to Serafina, to the rest of the Apostles. It has become an endless cycle. And so it will continue. I will have no choice but continue to end those that believe themselves superior to me. They live like parasites, forever trying to etch their name over mine. And yet my statue remains, uncannily perfect. But none have latched on as stubbornly as you have Chris. None have defined their life through mine, your career has become nothing more than a microcosm to my own. A doppelganger, yet one that could never reach the success that I have! In fact you have become the failure that I shall never be able to erase from memory! The one person that could not take the golden touch and become great. Look at your peers, look at Alhazred and S.H.I.T. Tag Team Champions. Alex Bowen, the Mayhem Legend. Constantine, a man who now has a World Title shot after my own. Vengeance became World Champion with my assistance. They went on to be defined in their own unique way. Even the likes of Drake Callahan became more than the paranoid idiot that believed me to be around the next corner. All defined on their own terms, except you. You hope for that one repeat of glory that will vault you back to the very brief moment of greatness you thought you had.

Laughter emits from me again, time was coming for the Harbinger to retain full control once more. We had become more symbiotic over the past year, his power and my knowledge becoming stronger than ever. And with the was becoming perfect....I exhaled the last of my cigarette and threw it away, walking away as the burning ember started to slowly die on Anthony's grave, the end had come for the betrayer, the second coming was upon us as well. I snapped my fingers, the portal to my realm opening in front of me as a spark of flame erupts around me. And soon I walked through, standing in front of my ebony throne. The rivers of lava flowed all around, the steps made of bone rising up from the cooled magma. My fingers ran along the smooth stone, a smirk forming on my face as I reached into my pocket, withdrawing the precious Ouija Scroll.

Ty: Everything has come full circle again Christopher. I am the King of Darkness once more, with the Age of Chaos ascending once again! Only I shall take care of things the proper way this time. First you, than the World Title. Do you feel that feeling of horrifying foreboding? Chaos has returned stronger than ever! And so you shall feel it's wrath for your ultimate sin! Judas hung himself after his acts against his messiah, the difference is I will lead you to your grave and throw your corpse into the pit! Meltdown shall be your final resting place Christopher, and upon your desecrated remains I shall build The Elite to it's proper strength! Your sacrifice shall be what leads to the end of this Armada that has come before me! And in their cries of torture, you will know that you failed once more, the horror forever etched in your heart as my ascension from the grave becomes reality!

I throw my hands high into the air, laughter echoing throughout the chamber. A shadow suddenly flies past me, catching it with just the corner of my eye. My laughter slowly dissipates as a familiar presence overcomes me. I turn and look over my shoulder, the shadow seemingly hovering over me. Silence overcomes me as I study it, my body full turning towards it. Just then the silence is broken by my little muse.

Serafina: Ty.

I quickly turn my head towards the appearance of Serafina, but turn my head back to the spectre behind me, but it had disappeared into the depths of the darkness. I turn back to Serafina as she makes her way up the steps, standing in front of me. Her violet eyes pierced through me, as they were wont to do.

Serafina: The time has come to end this once and for all.

Ty: Indeed it is. The funeral of Chris KO shall take place at Meltdown!

Serafina: Thus it is written.

I raise my hand up as the darkness completely surrounds us both. Her violet eyes locking with my crimson irises. Christopher won last time thanks to Serafina, now she shall be the Mistress of Death he would only hope to avoid.

Ty: So it shall come to pass.

A picture falls into the view of the camera, a black and white picture of Ty and Anthony smiling as they sit on a neighborhood porch. A hastily scrawled red x is drawn over Anthony, and soon an ember falls and burns a hole through Anthony, leaving only Ty as the smoldering picture slowly burns him away as the scene cuts to static.
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