Meltdown 113: SHIT vs Flex Mussel

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Lord And Master
Staff member

There's a trope known as "Cerberus Syndrome". And it's fitting of the issues between the former champions and the current ones as their feud has taken a turn for the deadly. Will Flex keep the intensity and violence going or will SHIT compute his way around on this one on one match?

Deadline: Jan 6th, extensions as requested.
Ramparte: We should have hurt them more….

The Catalyst Ramparte can be seen pacing back and forth in anger in the living room of his mansion as the prophet of health Flex Mussel ponders recent events on the couch. Morley was still ailing from the shenanigans of Hard Metal Penetration yet never one to take a day off from the job stands obediently in the corner waiting for any command.

Ramparte: We should have punished Alhazred and S.H.I.T. with more than a few shots to the face with the belts.

Flex: The assault was sufficient enough at that point and time.

Ramparte: Was what they did to Morley sufficient enough?! Why did you stop me from leaving the ring and destroying them on Meltdown?

Flex: Some remnant of the scientist and robot had to be saved for our title match Ram. Plus you were completely out of your mind. Our anger is best saved for the PPV or maybe even our singles matches against Hard Metal Penetration this week.

Ramparte: I’m so sick of you telling me to save my anger. I’m sick of conforming to whatever plans you have. And I’m so damn sick of trying to hide who I really am to so I can fit the mold you want me to be!

Flex: What are you talking about? When have I ever tried to change you?

Ramparte: Since we met Flex! Ever since the first day we started teaming together you’ve been slowly influencing how I act, talk, and my interaction with others. You’re nonchalant and charming personality was enviable to me at first. The way you were able to easily talk and fit in with people made me want to be more like you.

Flex: There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to be isolated from the general population.

Ramparte: It made me weak! My attempt at forcing myself to be normal is what caused my killer instinct to fade away. It’s what caused me to fail at Kingdom Come and led us to losing the tag team titles.

Flex: Your killer instinct? Your failure? This is a team effort Ram; we didn’t lose because you became a little less anti-social we lost because we were robbed by bad officiating.

Ramparte: Hide behind your hollow excuses all you want but we both know that all of our victories hinge on my enmity towards everyone and everything.

Flex: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Ramparte: I obtain all of our victories. There has not been one single time you have ever scored the win for Cerberus. I’m the sole reason we were ever even champions to begin with.

Flex: Cerberus would not have even come into fruition if it wasn’t for me.

Ramparte: While you may have been the mastermind behind its inception you lack the violent motivation needed to achieve victory. You alone have never won a single match in WZCW and unless you give into your own anger you’ll be falling at the feet of that stupid Robot come Meltdown.

The healthiest man alive is slow to respond to his partner. The fitness trainer is shocked by the words of the second head of Cerberus and tries to bring things down to a friendlier tone.

Flex: Look, I know we’ve had our diff-

Ramparte: A smooth retort will not be necessary, you may leave now. Tune into Ascension to see my killer instinct back in full form.

Flex: You’re kicking me out?!


Morley: I believe your departure has been requested sir.

Morley sees Flex out the door as Ramparte continues to stew in his own anger. As the front door of the mansion is shut in his face Mussel is speechless at what just transpired. Ramparte has never kicked Flex out of his home before. Flex has spent so much time over there within the last year he actually has no other residence. As Mussel shuffled to his car in sadness tears began to roll down his face as he struggled to find the right keys to the car. Eventually he is able to get inside and as he gets in the driver’s seat he begins to uncontrollably cry in a way embarrassing even for him.

??? : Did your boyfriend break your heart?

The uncontrollable sobbing of Mussel is interrupted by the plastic mask known as Masquer placed comfortably on the backseat of Flex’s car.

Flex: Ram said I lack the “killer instinct” needed to obtain victory.

Masquer: Well you’re certainly proving him right.

Flex: I just don’t understand what’s up with him lately. Was I really just turning him into the person I wanted him to be? Is the tortured monster inside of him really the only reason we ever won? Do I lack the aggression needed to beat S.H.I.T.?

Masquer: All these questions and more to be answered on the next episode of Dragonball Z.

Flex: This isn’t a joke!

Masquer: Relax, look I told you from the beginning Ramparte was a loose cannon you couldn’t control. Let him run wild on Alhazred as those two maniacs will surely keep each other busy. In the meantime you need to get over your silly emotions and realize you’re stepping in the ring with the other half of Hard Metal Penetration that is much more menacing and accomplished.

Flex: You think I’m not well aware of S.H.I.T.? Former Elite X Champion, Apostle of Chaos, and without question a future world champion.

Masquer: Then are you aware of how similar the two of you are?

Flex: How so?

Masquer: You two are calculating, physically imposing, and generally the voice of reason in your respective teams. The only difference is that S.H.I.T. is made of cardboard while you are made of raw muscle.

Flex: Well that cardboard has been through death matches while I’ve been doing professional pose downs.

Masquer: His experience in such dangerous events is irrelevant for now. The true test of physical endurance will come in the I Quit match. For now you need to focus on proving Ramparte and everyone else dead wrong. You do have what it takes to achieve that ever so elusive solo victory. You are indeed vicious enough to one day rule WZCW alone. But for now staying on the good side of your allies is essential.

: And to stay on the good side of Ram I must indulge him in his monstrous needs. S.H.I.T. wants to be the War Machine but wars end. As long as he and Alhazred are standing Cerberus will never stop making their lives a living hell. Maybe I have tried to make Ram into what I’ve wanted him to be. And maybe it’s time I let him do the same to me.

Mussel wipes his tears away, puts his car key in the ignition, and proceeds to drive away from the mansion presumably to a hotel as he’s currently homeless.
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