Meltdown 113: Matt Tastic/Daddy Mack vs John Constantine/Eve Taylor

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Lord And Master
Staff member



Cerberus and The Elite continue their "Love/Hate" affair as the luscious #1 Contender to the Eurasian Championship, Eve Taylor teams up with Constantine, who still has his secured World title shot. They face the championship tandem of Matt Tastic and Daddy Mack.

Deadline: Jan 6th, extensions as requested

I cannot believe I'm doing this... again.

It was the single recurring thought that rushed through the mind of Eve Taylor as she continued on what seemed like, to her, the longest and most regrettable walk in her life. Eve never felt anything other than empowered when she took step-after-step in lavish clothing - both on and off the runway - but this time was different. She was heading straight towards the office of a man who had inadvertently become her rival. It was hard to shake all of the Elite X championship matches they had and the botched accords that took place. She didn't want to hate him but the very thought of him disgusted her to the core... and yet, she was about to willingly meet him face-to-face in an appointment she booked. Suffice to say at this very moment, Eve hated herself.

As she approached closer to the office door, she saw multiple people in suits exiting the office. Not one person had a happy look on their face, sounding alarm bells in her head to prepare herself for the absolute worst.

There is nothing worse than a pissed-off politician. She thought.

To keep up appearances as well as attempt to trick her own brain into thinking the upcoming meeting would be a pleasant experience, Eve shot her best smile and picked up the pace of her walk, making sure her steps echoed across the floor. Everyone moved out of her way as she came up close to the door, knocking on it with familiar tune. She smiled back to the suits before turning back around, waiting for a response... but she hears nothing. Eve checks her watch, noting she is slightly behind schedule.

He knows I should be here by now. She reminded herself.

Eve opens the door slowly, entering the room without permission. She peers in, seeing the man sitting at his desk with his back towards the door; John Constantine. She takes one deep breath out of earshot before proceeding inside, closing the door behind her.

"You're late." He says in a deep voice.

"Fashionably late." She responds, cracking a smile. "I couldn't decide what to wear."

Eve lets out a quick laugh, trying to start off the meeting with an informal joke. Constantine doesn't take it too lightly however, immediately spinning around his chair to face Eve. Her smile fades slightly, seeing he isn't in the mood for jokes.

I don't have time for these games." He firmly said. "I'm an extremely busy person and I've got a lot more important things to do than listen to you ramble on about women's issues, let alone finding the time to converse with someone such as yourself.

Offended, Eve snaps her head back slightly. She tried her best to keep her smile in tact but her confusion and anger were beginning to take over. Eve had very little patience for the man and although she vowed to try, her hatred towards Constantine was too overbearing to control.

Excuse me?
"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Right now, I could be preparing a finely-detailed lawsuit against WZCW for refusing the right to give me my deserved World championship match but instead, I'm stuck here with you."

Whatever remnants of happiness and professionalism went out the window with Eve. Her stance and expressions become sour, letting her hate physically appear as she took a step forward, leaning on the desk in front of Constantine.

"Listen, Johnny boy." She retorted. "I too hate the fact that we are willingly to be in the same room together."

Let it all out, girl. Said the "evil" voice in her head.

"Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about you or your problems. Simply your presence is enough for me to slap you across the face... but we've got a tag team match on Meltdown in which we are partners. I loathe the idea of teaming with you but for one time only, I thought I could be the bigger person and push everything we have aside to discuss our match in a civil manner. Turns out, this was a terrible idea. A member of the prestigious Cerberus shouldn't even be discussing anything with someone related to the pathetic Elite."

The fragile game-plan of Eve inevitable shattered into a thousand pieces as within two minutes, Eve was already looking to storm out of Constantine's office.

"Pathetic?" He asked with malicious intent.

Eve turned around, irked by the tone of his voice. She saw Constantine rise out of his chair, looking directly at Eve.

"That's rich, coming from the least successful group in history. I mean, even the Crashin Movement was able to win their championships in a respectable manner.

Eve let out a angered smirk, not sure how to respond.

"Don't forget who you are talking to, sweetheart. I am John Constantine and by myself, I've done more in my life than the three of you mongrels combined. I suggest you treat me with some damn respect."

Slowly, Eve walked towards the edge of the desk, keeping eye contact with Constantine.

"Honey, I am the world's most famous international supermodel. You are some low-life politician who never reached a front row seat in Congress, let alone the presidency. It is you who should be treating me with some respect."


It took a few seconds for Eve to realise what had happened. The shock and impact of the slap she took from Constantine's hand quickly hit the recovering Eve. It wasn't the first time she had been slapped by another man and it certainly wasn't going to be the first time she didn't retaliate with one of her own.


Eve clocked Constantine across the face as hard. He moved around his jaw with his muscles before rubbing it with his hand. It felt extremely good for Eve to not only smack Constantine but to see the look on his face. Most surprisingly though, was how good it felt to be hit as well. The pain was seemingly much more enjoyable to endure than hearing Constantine talk.

It took a moment for the silence to break with Eve clearing her throat.

"With all of that out of our systems, can we please talk about our upcoming match?"

Constantine ponders on the question, still rubbing his cheek. Eve knew he was contemplating slapping her again and braced for impact. She knew the things she said would cause such a reaction so she didn't cry wolf but instead tried to appeal to the business side of Constantine.

"You have my attention..." He answered, sitting back down in his chair. "...but make it quick."

Eve followed suit, keeping a close eye on Constantine.

"Our opponents: Matt Tastic & Daddy Mack."

"Yes, I'm aware. What about them?"

"The World Champion is on your radar and the Eurasian Champion is on my radar. I have a victory over the World Champion, something which you need to show to the WZCW Board of Directors that you simply cannot be passed off as a potential contender to the title. You have a victory over the Eurasian Champion - thanks to me - something which I need to gain momentum and the mental advantage for our match at WZCW Revolution: New Year's Redemption. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

Eve emphasises the question using her hands, prompting a response from Constantine. Instead, he just lets out a cocky laugh.

"You're worried about this match just like you were about your match against that wretched Live Mas pairing a few weeks ago and you need my co-operation to get the job done?"

Constantine finishes his laugh as Eve darts a stare at him.

"Did you not listen to me? I've beaten the World champion!"

"Thanks to the Elite, I might add."

She almost becomes angered once more before exhaling out of her nose loudly, trying to keep her cool.

He's not wrong. She thought, trying to convince herself.

"Anyway, my point is that it would be in our best interest to win this upcoming tag team match. Considering the history between the two of us with being involved in rival factions and competing over the Elite X championship, we need to have a clean slate before we head into this match. As much as it pains me to do this, I came here to extend my hand in truce for one night so we can operate as a unit for the greater good."

As she finishes the sentence, she extends her hand out to Constantine. As much as she wishes to ball up her hand and land another blow, she holds her position. Constantine looks at her, noting she is quite serious.

"So you're proposing we let bigons be bigons and actually become a team?"

"Think of it as Barrack Obama & Hilary Clinton joining forces in the 2008 presidential elections but for only one match."

Constantine takes a moment to think about the offer as Eve smirks from ear to ear. She was very proud of herself to come up with an apt example to neatly sum up her proposition. She saw that Constantine did not care for it but everything was alright as he accepted the handshake.


The two have a firm shake, looking each other in the eye.

Well... she thought ... that went better than...


Eve tried to get out of the handshake but Constantine kept his grip firm and tight, pulling Eve back in slightly towards him. It seemed the meeting had yet to finish so quickly.

"... you will be strictly following my lead." He said, affirming his position by pointing directly at Eve. "When I say for you to tag me in, you do it without hesitation. Should the situation arise where I require you to assist me in any way, it becomes your number one priority. You will be there to facilitate my needs in the wrestling ring, not yours... and if your Cerberus buddies decide to show their faces any time during that match and ruin our chance of victory, I will personally take them out of the equation. Is that understood, Miss Taylor?"

She hesitated to answer, bargaining with herself whether or not she'd give up so easily to Constantine's demands. Whilst she wasn't exactly okay to submit to her rival, it was only logical for Eve to peacefully end these negotiations on a high note so their performance as a team on Meltdown wouldn't suffer from any tension... the entire reason she came here in the first place. It wasn't what she envisioned but it'll have to do.

"Understood but there is one condition of my own."

Constantine raises an eyebrow, not believing the nerve of Eve to add her own little rule. She may have given in but she couldn't seem like a pushover, right?

"Should Daddy Mack be the one to fall to this Cerberus/Elite tandem, let me be the one to humiliate the old man."

It was a simple request she knew Constantine couldn't refuse.

"As long as you leave the childish Puerto Rican and joke of a champion Matt Tastic to me."

Eve smirks.


The two shake one final time, letting go of each others office. Needless to say, Eve was relieved. She couldn't bask in the moment for long though.

"Now, get out of my office before I change my mind."

With pleasure. She whispered.

Eve stood up from the chair with a smile on her face and left the room without any goodbye. She thought it best to oblige to Constantine in his angry mood and not stir the pot any more. She got what she wanted out of her rival now turned unlikely partner and decided to use that confidence boost by leaving with style down the hall. Nobody was watching but she felt good and needed to flaunt her stuff. There was no world in which she could imagine a member of Cerberus & a member of the Elite ever working on the same page again to achieve a common goal, yet she was living in one. Coupled with her victory against the World champion, the impossible was becoming plausible. If that was true, then her match against Daddy Mack should be a walk in the park...

... and the new Eurasian champion will be crowned, and that person's name will be the Fabulous One, Eve Taylor! She said, finishing off her inner monologue.

All Eve had to do now was, dare I say it, Bel-Eve in herself. With her rival by her side, how could she not?
She was already late, it hadn't escaped the notice of John Constantine as he met with his family of advisers. He was not a man who liked to wait but Eve Taylor certainly found it a pleasant thought to keep the most successful Elite X Champion of all time waiting at her whim. An act that surely wouldn't have pleasant repercussions for the third head of Cerberus.

Constantine couldn't even fathom why she had requested the meeting between the two. He racked his brain for answers but would constantly come back to their matches for his Elite X Championship. To John Constantine, Eve Taylor was simply a number on his road to becoming known as the most successful Elite X Champion in history. But since then, their paths had been intertwined, seemingly heading towards their upcoming tag team match at Meltdown 113.

John Constantine had always been a man of opportunity and he had made the most of opportunity to enlist the help of Eve Taylor only weeks ago. A deal had been struck and the deeds were done. In the annals of history, Eve Taylor and John Constantine would forever be linked.

But not like this. And history would certainly not note that she was late.

Constantine: Everyone out! I've grown tired of this.

His family of advisers got their feet with the haste that his voice commanded, heading to the door without any hesitation. As the door slammed shut behind them, Constantine sank into the desk chair behind him, spinning round to stare into the roaring flames of his log fire. It wasn't too long until the sound of high heels came clicking up his stone floor and a familiar knock came at the door. Constantine steadied himself for the conversation which waited for him. He let out a deep sigh as the creaking door opened and Eve Taylor poked her head inside.

Constantine: You're late!

Taylor: Fashionably late, I couldn't decide what to wear.

Constantine spins around in his chair, revealing his stern expression to Eve Taylor for the first time in their meeting. Her smile betrayed her, Constantine thought. She looked terrified. Perhaps it was the lack of her stable mates at her side that had left her vulnerable but Constantine could see the fear in her, he always had a talent for that.

Constantine: I don't have time for these games. I'm an extremely busy person and I've got a lot more important things to do than listen to you ramble on about women's issues, let alone finding the time to converse with someone such as yourself.

It was important that Constantine remained firm with Eve. Constantine had long since worked out Taylor. As much as she was a talented wrestler, she was also a woman and, in turn, subject to her emotions taking control when she didn't want them to. And sure enough, without any hesitation, her temper was uncontrollable.

Taylor: Excuse me!?

Her words were thick with venom and hate. Constantine didn't kid himself, he knew that Eve hated him but that played completely into his wheel-house.

Constantine: You heard me. Right now, I could be preparing a finely-detailed lawsuit against WZCW for refusing the right to give me my deserved World championship match but instead, I'm stuck here with you.

Taylor leans forward onto Constantine's desk; her small figure surprisingly casting a large shadow on the back wall as she imposes herself.

Taylor: Listen, Johnny boy. I too hate the fact that we are willingly to be in the same room together.

Steadying herself and collecting her thoughts silently, her words echo around the silent room. Constantine remains motionless. Perhaps this was the sort of fire that Eve Taylor had been missing since losing out on her opportunity to be Elite X Champion. The Eve Taylor that stood in the ring with John Constantine was full of passion and drive; the same Eve Taylor who now stares him down.

Taylor: Quite frankly, I couldn't care less about you or your problems. Simply your presence is enough for me to slap you across the face... but we've got a tag team match on Meltdown in which we are partners. I loathe the idea of teaming with you but for one time only, I thought I could be the bigger person and push everything we have aside to discuss our match in a civil manner. Turns out, this was a terrible idea. A member of the prestigious Cerberus shouldn't even be discussing anything with someone related to the pathetic Elite.

Constantine smiles smugly as Eve Taylor finished her monologue. Again, she had been betrayed; this time by her emotions.

Constantine: Pathetic!?

Constantine laughs as Eve heads for the door to his office. But Constantine is not content. The only thing he hated more in WZCW than Cerberus was losing. And with Eve Taylor leaving his office, so did any chance of victory against the World Heavyweight Champion and EurAsian Champion.

Constantine: That's rich, coming from the least successful group in history. I mean, even the Crashin Movement was able to win their championships in a respectable manner. Don't forget who you are talking to, sweetheart. I am John Constantine and by myself, I've done more in my life than the three of you mongrels combined. I suggest you treat me with some damn respect.

The Power Trip could see the rage, once again, building inside of the fiery blonde that stood in his office. She moved towards him, not entirely sure of her words but certain of her emotions. Her eyes changed to that of epiphany as she stared down the future number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship.

Taylor: Honey, I am the world's most famous international supermodel. You are some low-life politician who never reached a front row seat in Congress, let alone the presidency. It is you who should be treating me with some respect.

Suddenly, Constantine swings his arm around, catching Eve with the most venomous slap he had ever thrown. The red patch on her jaw became abundantly clear within seconds. But more abundantly clear was the retaliation from the third head of Cerberus. Slap!

The pain! The searing pain in Constantine's jaw. He should have known not to have gotten into a slap contest with a woman, that was his downfall on this occasion. But more surprisingly, Eve Taylor seemed to enjoy it. As the scarlet colour grew on her jaw, a small smile could be seen by The Power Trip, the silence was deafening.

Taylor: With all of that out of our systems, can we please talk about our upcoming match?

Perhaps Constantine had regained the attention of Eve Taylor but he had a painful jaw to show for it. And now he had to show Taylor the same consideration.

Constantine: You have my attention...

Realising that Eve was his best opportunity for immediate retribution against WZCW, he had to head her out. After all, it was the least he could do. If he failed here, he was sure to head into Meltdown as a marked man, even with the Elite at his back. With Cerberus in a loose alliance, Constantine would be more protected and more secure than ever before. He sat down on his chair, still rubbing his jaw.

Constantine: ...but make it quick.

Taylor sits down now, keeping her eyes on the former Elite X Champion.

Taylor: Our opponents: Matt Tastic & Daddy Mack.

The Power Trip sneers with pure hatred.

Constantine: Yes, I'm aware. What about them?

Taylor: The World Champion is on your radar and the Eurasian Champion is on my radar. I have a victory over the World Champion, something which you need to show to the WZCW Board of Directors that you simply cannot be passed off as a potential contender to the title. You have a victory over the Eurasian Champion - thanks to me - something which I need to gain momentum and the mental advantage for our match at WZCW Revolution: New Year's Redemption. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Eve's sense of occasion and her brilliant realisation of the strategy surprises the soon-to-be World Heavyweight Champion. But her genuine concern for their match against two men who were struggling to put wins together was still funny to him.

Constantine: You're worried about this match just like you were about your match against that wretched Live Mas pairing a few weeks ago and you need my co-operation to get the job done?

The venomous look on Taylor's face was not lost on Constantine.

Taylor: Did you not listen to me? I've beaten the World champion!

Constantine: Thanks to the Elite, I might add.

Constantine darts back at Eve Taylor, clearly making matters worse. Like it or not, he would be forced to team with Eve at Meltdown and she was right on this occasion. As she snorted her derision, Constantine settled his sarcasm and lowered his defences.

Taylor: Anyway, my point is that it would be in our best interest to win this upcoming tag team match. Considering the history between the two of us with being involved in rival factions and competing over the Elite X championship, we need to have a clean slate before we head into this match. As much as it pains me to do this, I came here to extend my hand in truce for one night so we can operate as a unit for the greater good.

Taylor stands up, extending her hand to the still-seated Constantine.

Constantine: So you're proposing we let bigons be bigons and actually become a team?

Taylor: Think of it as Barrack Obama & Hilary Clinton joining forces in the 2008 presidential elections but for only one match.

Constantine does not smile but he does notice the half-smile on the face of his partner for Meltdown 113. Perhaps, the temper of Taylor could be controlled. If she could be controlled at Meltdown, perhaps she could be serviceable as a tag team partner after all, he had already sampled some of her power for himself. Constantine is secretly proud of himself but his words would not show it. He extends his hand and shakes Eve's hand.

Constantine: Okay.

The two refuse to divert their attention from the other.

Constantine: But...

Constantine pulls Eve towards him firmly.

Constantine: ... you will be strictly following my lead. When I say for you to tag me in, you do it without hesitation. Should the situation arise where I require you to assist me in any way, it becomes your number one priority. You will be there to facilitate my needs in the wrestling ring, not yours... and if your Cerberus buddies decide to show their faces any time during that match and ruin our chance of victory, I will personally take them out of the equation. Is that understood, Miss Taylor?

Eve's tell a story as Constantine looks deeply into them. A story of being torn between the devil and the deep blue sea. Could she ever commit to submitting to the whim of a megalomaniacal politician; who's entire career had been built on the back of being completely opportunistic and without any loyalty? But she had also accomplished what she had come here for. Constantine could see her wrestling with the decision for what seemed like forever.

Taylor: Understood but there is one condition of my own. Should Daddy Mack be the one to fall to this Cerberus/Elite tandem, let me be the one to humiliate the old man.

Constantine hated giving anything to Eve Taylor but it was, indeed, a simple enough request. And as long as it was he who took down Matt Tastic, the rest seemed to be irrelevant.

Constantine: As long as you leave the childish Puerto Rican and joke of a champion Matt Tastic to me.

The two finally smile as Constantine releases Eve's hand a little.

Taylor: Done.

The two wrestlers shake hands a little more rigorously this time before Constantine finally releases Eve's hand.

Constantine: Now, get out of my office before I change my mind.

Eve turns on her heels without hesitation, letting out a whisper that Constantine cannot wholly make out from his position. Constantine watches Eve leave as he keeps his forced smile plastered onto his features. He thought to himself that he had got what he wanted from Eve without really trying but he also knew that his partner at Meltdown likely felt the same as she left his office.

Perhaps, he thought to himself, a tag team between members of Cerberus and The Elite could happen. Meltdown 113 would certainly be a stunning event. And with Constantine now sure to make mince-meat of the World Champion, it would signal a new era for WZCW entirely. column section.

Lark Ladden said:
Long in the truth

Another week goes by and another stale programme of the usual slop from the WZCW’s conveyor belt of grey, dull product comes flowing off the production line and into my living room. But nothing has ever made me want to chuck up my nachos layered with cheese, guacamole, chilli con carne and extra cheese more than the cheesy position of Daddy Mack in a title picture yet again.

I got bringing him back for a day in the sun, give the crowd an old timer, let him have a little run in the low card, but yet here he still is parading himself and embarrassing himself on a weekly basis. The WZCW ‘creative’ department don’t even seem to know what to do with him. One day they’re treating his presence like a projection of memory lane, the next he’s the feelgood story of the biggest show of the year, and now he’s back to jobbing again, which is where he always should have been.

The WZCW have a predicament now though because they have to drum up interest in what will inevitably be his defeat to Eve Taylor at the next Sunday Night Meltdown. So, they’re placing him in a team with the world champion this week. The idea is surely that the inexplicable popularity (remember, they won’t like that it’s too organic) of the champ will rub off on the old timer. In reality, working with Taylor, Constantine and Tastic will just show this has been for what he really is – an old man who has absolutely no place in a modern wrestling product.

The thing is, the WZCW has thrown so much shit to the wall hoping it would stick, and Mack is the latest of a long line of watery turds sliding down the wall desperately trying to cling on. In the ladder match, the whippersnappers could protect him – that’s why they keep putting him in the tag matches, but rest assured he’s going to be shown up when he finally limps his wrinkly ass into that ring against Eve Taylor.

Whilst we’re on the topic of Eve – wow. I nearly dropped my dozen donuts eclairs watching her walk down to the ring last week. She sets me wheezing like a smoker with a skipping rope.

The long and the short of it is this – Mack is an embarrassment and as long as he’s the champion they are going to have to keep mollycoddling and protect him in these tag matches and multiman matches. I never thought I’d see the day where I’d want to see a woman anywhere near wrestling except feeding me fried chicken as I watch Ascension and criticise everything on the show, but now I want Eve to win the title because that old guy has been in the business for too long. I used to be in the business too. I definitely don’t want to be anymore. There you go, that’s 500 words, check to usual address please.

We zoom out from a screen and see that Daddy Mack has read every word.

Daddy Mack: These idiots never learn.

He turns off the screen, stands up, moves his arm pads into place and leaves the room.
The following has been payed for by The Armada.


Two people in masks sit in a lightly illuminated room. The masks look peculiar. One has a face painted with eyes looking like they're drenched in eyeliner. We'll refer to this masked person as...... Py. The other looks like it has an overgrown nose and a cartoonish scowl. We'll call this one....... Tonsty.

Tonsty: So lemme get this straight. I have a title shot.

Py: Yup.

Tonsty: But I got one too.

Py: Yup.

Tonsty: So why are you getting the shot first?

Py: Yup..... Wait. I don't know. Maybe my magic checkerboard can tell me.

Py pulls a checkerboard out of his ass and places it on the floor. He drops a bunch of checker pieces on it and holds them with his hand. He starts to intentionally shake them while giving out a rather....... Orgasmic look.

Py:Ahhhhhhhh...... Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h my Gooooooood.

Tonsty: So what is it?

Py: It reads....... "Ty Burna is a fart-face". Huh.

Tonsty:What reason is that?

Py: A senseless one.

Someone knocks on the door and walks in. A female (I hope) comes in with a petty looking mask featuring a face exagerratedly full of make up, an exaggerated bust and large......... Ass. She clonks into the room with her ridiculous high heels. We'll call her...... Booty.

Booty: Heeeeeeeeellooooooooo! Imma here to get reeeeeeeaaaady for our tag team maaaaaatch.

Tonsty: Does your checkerboard say anything about our tag team match?

Py takes the pieces and shakes them around ridiculously again.

It reads..... Oh shit, they're outside". What's that mean?


Matt: I guess that checkerboard is as broken as a Ouija board. We're actually inside.

Matt and his new group of masked unknowns stand at the doorway while the parodies panic. The fighting ensues with over the top "violence". Py gets the checkerboard "broken" over his head while Tonsty has his head bashed against a wall repeatedly. Eventually the person doing it stops but Tonsty keeps bashing his head anyway. Matt has Booty laying face down on his lap and spanks her over and over. A pillow slips through her pants to the floor.

Matt: Well..... Crap.


Matt gets up, dropping Booty flat on her now flat ass.

Matt:I'm all fired up for a real fight. This is not good enough for me. Constantine has been with The Elite from day one. He's responsible for causing so much damage to me and so many people I care about. Eve, I warned you to stay away from The Elite. Babe, you chose not to listen. You chose to help them. Bad choice. Me and my band here are itching to get back at The Elite.

Masked #1: Your actions against old man Tastic and many of the fans aren't gonna go unpunished.

Masked #2: We have a voice and we're sick of power hungry, selfish bastards like you.

Masked #3:
This Armada will make it's voice heard and the World Heavyweight Champion here will be the one to speak our word.

Matt: Daddy Mack, it'll be an honor to team up with such a talent out there. I hope things play out like they should. A simple tag team match. But knowing both The Elite and Cerberus, that'll probably not happen. Nonetheless, I look forward to our working together. Ty? Soon. Real soon, you and I will face off and I'll bring an end to The Elite once and for all. You'll never hurt another wrestler ever again. The fun ends here for the Elite and Cerberus.

One of the masked men flip a switch. And the light goes out.
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