Meltdown 112: Matt Tastic vs. Eve Taylor(Non Title)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
The fallout from the Ascension 86 between Team Live Mas vs. Cerberus comes to ahead on this week's edition of Meltdown as the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Matt Tastic takes on the Third Head of Cerberus, Eve Taylor. The match went to a disqualification victory to Live Mas after an agreed interference by Constantine on Cerberus' part didn't go as planned, resulting in Tastic and his cohorts to get ambushed after the match. Now, Tastic will get some measure of revenge by taking on the woman who set up the ambush.

Can the champ prove his dominance or will the Third Head step up her game to knock off the best wrestler in WZCW?

Deadline is Wednesday, December 17th, at 11:59PM, CST. Deadlines available upon request.
"That fucking politician!"

Eve Taylor slams her hands down on the bathroom sink with authority, causing a whiplash effect in her hands. She flinches slightly, looking at her hand.

"All that I asked was a simple favour; an easy favour for another of his choosing. We calmly discussed the proposal. We came to an agreement. We shook hands. I did my part but what does he do? He throws everything to the wayside!"

Eve Taylor sweeps the basin with her hand, knocking over all the cosmetic products onto the bathroom floor. She is infuriated, unable to don the ever-beautiful face with her make-up due to the recent events consistently replaying in her head.

"Whatever happened to chivalry, manners and etiquette? Where did those ethics go? Did society throw them out the window too when they let the western world brainwash people that its okay to be overweight and ugly? How do they not see the error of their ways? "

She leans on the basin, staring into the mirror with anger in her eyes.

"How can one honestly stare through the looking glass and lie to their own face, convincing themselves that what they do or look like isn't wrong? And yet, they have the hide to point the fingers at me and tell me I'm the one who has lost grip on reality."

She grabs the last of her facial wipes, scraping away at her skin until only her natural self remains.

"I see myself staring back at me and all I see, deep down inside, is an innocent woman who is simply misunderstood. The only difference between myself and most other people is that I'm willing to sacrifice myself to help everyone else. The actions I take and words I preach are all small steps to achieve the long-term goals I have planned for society. Just because the form in which I present myself and the people I align myself alongside seem to not fit into their standards doesn't make me a bad person. On the outside, I might look just as corrupt as the politician Constantine does but at least I let everyone know my motives and the truth without dancing around a dictionary."

Eve looks towards the ground, scanning through the scattered assortment of beauty products before picking a couple of important items from off the floor.

"However, I cannot let a failed plan stop me now. The loss of the WZCW World Tag Team championships haven't stopped my Cerberus brethren, why should some measly little roadblocks stand in my way? I have to reset myself. Pick myself back up off the ground and put a new plan into action."

She takes a deep breath, trying to relieve all her anger. Any that still remains inside her Eve channels into fingers as they slowly peel back the eyelids, looking to apply the mascara accurately and professionally.

"Constantine was a dead-end. I shall let him dwell in the aftermath he created for himself, allowing karma to settle the work for me until I once again get the opportunity to deal with him. For now, I need to start with something simple, build everything back up and get on track."

Eve switches out the mascara for the eye-shadowing to compliment her work.

"I need to re-teach the world how to look as beautiful as the Fabulous One, the world-renowned Evelyn Taylor. A model to both the people and to the fashion scene! I need to get myself back in the spotlight and what better way is there than to square off against the guy who is stealing it all, the World Champion Matt Tastic."

She lets out a shudder. Muttering the name of the competitor sends chills down her spine, mostly out of disgust and resentment.

"There is nobody on this Earth that can endorse the greasy, disgusting, Mexican vomit Taco Bell injects into the fatty arteries of society and be a role model simultaneously. The person who is in THE spotlight has to be respectful, presentable and above all else, beautiful. Matt Tastic, the luckiest World Heavyweight Champion in history, cannot be the person the world looks up to and follow his example. If his tyranny of an unhealthy lifestyle continues to be exposed to the world, then I fear my dream of a beautiful world will cease to exist."

Eve stops everything she is doing momentarily, realising that it is definitely a possibility of Tastic succeeding in his plan. She shakes her head and snaps herself back to reality in an attempt to remove those depressing thoughts from her head. She grabs the foundation and begins rubbing her cheeks.

"This may only be an exhibition encounter with no potential World title opportunities in the future should I manage to come out victorious, I must use this time wisely to showcase to the people that I am still someone they can support and someone they can trust. A chance to become the most beautiful World champion of all time right now is too early in my plans on the drawing board. Too many obstacles and goals to achieve in a short period of time has been my undoing before, I must take it slowly... plus, I doubt the world isn't ready for this amount of gorgeousness reigning supreme about it all."

She lets out a smirk as she admires herself in the mirror. Eve puts down the foundation and goes to the lipstick, adding the final touches.

"But I wouldn't kiss any title opportunities goodbye at this stage. I'm sure there is still room in my fashion library for a shiny gold belt around my waist. I mean, gold does go with everything... especially one that represents some of the greatest fashion cities on Earth such as Paris, Milan and, dare I say it, the kawaii fantasies of Tokyo!"

Eve chuckles to herself, taking a break from her lipstick to pose for herself in the mirror and imagine a championship around her waist.

"As I promised to myself though, that is for another day. My number one priority is to use Matt Tastic's status as World Champion to encourage everyone to follow my lead to making this world a more modern, more beautiful place. Should I win, all eyes are on me. Should I lose, I become a martyr for my cause... so there really isn't a loss at all to be had!"

Eve finishes up with the lipstick and presses her lips together, satisfied with her look.

"Wow. I feel better already. Who said a quick makeover sesh was bad for people? I think Matty would love to have his own private one as well. I know he was born ugly but that's okay, the Fabulous One doesn't minding beating the ugly out of him... even if I have to break a few fingernails to do it."

She smirks and chuckles again before kissing the mirror, leaving her lip prints on the glass behind as she walks off.

"Let's go start a new revolution darlings. Ciao!"
The waves of a tropical paradise's coast crash against the sand. Powerful on their impact, the water splashes with great force. The sky is gray and cloud infested. Strong winds blow signalling at an oncoming storm. Common to the island of which the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Tastic, was bred at. The palm trees bend. Bent to awkward positions that would easily snap stiffer trees. The birds fly away and not a soul can be seen. Except for one. 2 poles hoist a hammock above ground. The winds giving momentum to the device of native indian origin as it swings back and forth. A figure lays on it. Riding the fierce weather caused by the impending storm. In the distance, lightning cackles. And the figure on the hammock is clear. Matt Tastic.

Well, who else were you expecting? Meditating. Pondering on the events to come. Ty Burna. The Elite. Eve Taylor. Before facing the man responsible for once monopolizing the ownership of a wrestling organization and turning it into a neo-satanic cult as well as breaking an amazing record. A full calendar year as World Champion. Matt Tastic can't fathom coming close. But before thinking of that magic statistic, he must face Eve. Eve Taylor. The voluptuous damsel from Milan. Straight long, blond hair. As fair and well kept as the one the fairy tails of "Rapunzel" talk about. Amazing, long and smooth legs. As well figured and sculpted as the legs straight off a Wonder Woman illustration. And....... That chest. Breasts--

Matt: Breasts so fake, that they can legally be used for NBA basketball. But Jesus Christ, I still wanna shove my face into that doggy cleavage.

Lightning once again illuminates the sky with a powerful thunder accompanying it as Matt raises his arms gesturing to grab a pair of melons. As he does so, he startled and drops his phone which was apparently right by him. It hits the sand and Matt shuffles for it.

Matt: Hello? Mikey? Mikey? Call fell. Ah well.

He tosses the phone over. This time hitting the sand by intention as Matt gets up and stretches as if he was just taking a nap. He stretched out his pelvis in order to give a workout to his vertebrae....

Matt: Ahhh...... Suck my dick, storm. You think you scare me? You're no challenge to me. I'll take you on any day of the week. Twice on Sunday. Just like I will Eve Taylor. And just like I will Ty Burna. I dare anyone to face me and take th.... Fuck!!

Matt drops to the sand and starts scattering the area. Tossing sand everywhere before he pulls out.... The World Heavyweight Championship. The most prestigious prize in the world of professional wrestling. And that klutz had it buried under sand.

Matt: For a minute I thought it was the whole Crashin Movement mess all over again.

Matt's look goes from a goofy one to a serious one though, as the storm picks up wind. More lightning cracks the sky as Matt looks at it dead on.

Matt: Eve Taylor, you may be a beauty. And I'd love to take you to a nice dinner one day. But you struck a deal with Constantine. You've aligned yourself with the men who've attacked my grandfather, assaulted my best friend and have made my wrestling days a living hell. You probably can't hear me as I monologue in the face of this impending storm, but I advice you stand aside from this fight. It does not concern you. If you want to face the World Champion one on one, I accept. It should be everyone's goal to some day meet the gold standard eye to eye and right now that's me. But you're dealing with men who are drawing lines for war.

The shore line begins to close in on Matt as he turns his back from the beach and to the road away as raindrops begin to fall. He drapes the title around his shoulder and cradles it tightly.

Matt: The Elite look to recruit to their cause and create a monopoly. They serviced Dorian Slaughter and are trying to court Cerberus. 3 hungry hounds looking to drive their teeth into the wrestling business. I admire and respect your wanting to feed that hunger. But Eve, you and your boys are delving deep into the rivalries of other wrestlers. You can ask my grandfather. That has consequences. I aim to end my problems with The Elite once and for all. They've done nothing but cause me grief. And no matter what I do, they come back with something new. So maybe.....

A car pulls in front of Matt cutting him off. Figures exit the car but can't be seen. Matt looks at them and nods.

Matt: Maybe it's time I came up with some new tricks of my own. Eve, when we meet in the ring, I hope for your best. But keep in mind that I had to beat 29 others to get this thing on my shoulders and headline the biggest show in our industry. That I had to face a man backed by our superiors and face favoritism and brute force. I hope a beautiful gal can bring to the table more than just good looks and 2 guys with self esteem issues. Because it won't be enough to stop me from Delivering Kickassery.

Matt heads up to the car before speaking his final words.

Matt: You can bring a storm if you like. But just know....

I'll be weathering it.

Matt gets in the car with the still unseen people and drives off as the storm begins. Rain drops, the wind picks up, lightning continues and the thunder cracks.

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