Meltdown 106

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management




The camera pans around the arena as the fans come alive and roar with excitement. They are hanging from the rafters at the sold out arena, chants of "Olé!" begin to break out.

Copeland: Hola y bienvenidos! Welcome ladies and gentlemen! We are live tonight for episode one hundred and six of WZCW Meltdown here tonight at the Plaza Del Toreo, in Veracruz, Mexico! We are sold out and the arena is jam packed. Our Mexican fans are excited here tonight, and Jack we have a great show in store for them!

Cohen: Right you are Seabass. We will see a mix of old and young alike tonight. Cerebus will be in action against Aubrey Sloan and Kagura Ohzora. Constantine will defend the Elite X title against the mysterious M, Mexico's own El Califa Dragon will face off against Dr. Zeus. All of that and Daddy Mack baby!

Copeland: Daddy Mack of course in action against the surprisingly popular Diabolos and a revamped Eve Taylor. Right now though we are about to be joined by our EurAsian champion Matt Tastic and his special guest Miguel Tormenta.


The EurAsian champion Matt Tastic makes his way on stage to with his gold belt around his waist. Behind him is his special guest Miguel Tormenta, who is just Mikey Stormrage in a mariachi outfit and carrying a giant box of Taco Bell. Tastic makes his way around the ring, slapping hands as Stormrage hands out tacos to the fans. Despite being clueless to Mexican culture, the fans cheer Stormrage, though few actually eat the tacos.

Cohen: How does he get cheered despite his blatant racism?

Tastic slides into the ring and shakes his head as Stormrage continues to hand out tacos. When he finishes he grabs a pair of mics and rolls into the ring to join his friend.

Tastic: Hola Mexico!

Stormrage: Live Más!

The fans cheer as the pair take a moment to soak in the applause.

Tastic: You know when the company announced a tour of Latin America I was excited. To get to travel in the region I grew up. To experience the mix of cultures that makes Latin America so great, I was stoked. But I had no idea I would be doing it as the highest ranking champion in the company. I may not have grown up in Mexico, but I consider all of Latin America my home.

The crowd begins to cheer before the former EurAsian champion cuts them off.

Stormrage: Wait! You aren't Mexican?

The crowd laughs as Matt shakes his head.

Tastic: No! How many times do I have to tell you, I'm from...


After a few seconds the trio of Showtime, Constantine, and Michael Winters appear on stage.

Cohen: Thank Cristo! Some actual talent to break this up.

Showtime: Matthew, Matthew, Matthew. Why do you continue to associate yourself with simple filth like you do? You're better than that. I know it, John knows it, Michael knows it, and most of all you know it. You are better than some overweight child, you are better than pandering to peasant fans. You are a champion. You are Elite.

Showtime passes the mic over to Constantine, who steps forward and adjusts his Elite X title that is slung over his shoulder.

Constantine: You and I have been in the business a long time Matt. You know how these fans will treat you. Sure they cheer you today, but soon they will turn on you for the next hotshot who comes along pandering to their simple minded sensibilities. Guys like myself, like David and Michael, we can bring this company to their knees. Think about it Matt. The Elite X and EurAsian champions side by side with one of the most decorated superstars of all time. We could rule the wrestling world.

Showtime steps forward and again grabs the mic.

Showtime: So what do you say Matt? Are you ready to stop playing with little kids and take your rightful place at the adult table?

Tastic, who has been pacing around the ring, stops and begins to lift the mic to his lips but is interrupted.

Stormrage: No es bueno!

The crowd cheers loudly as Matt pats Mikey on the back and mouths that he's got this.

Tastic: Look David, I'm going to have to respectfully decline. I'm better than Elite. I'm a goddamn Super Saiyan! To prove that, I'll put my EurAsian title on the line at Lethal Lottery against you, but first you have to get past Miguel over here on Aftershock.

The crowd begins to cheer wildly, drowning out Showtime as he tries to speak. Frustrated Showtime finally yells out.

Showtime: I accept!

Stormrage: Oh and Showtime. Come Aftershock, it will be Más de Juego!


Tastic and Stormrage begin to dance to the music as The Elites walk off stage frustrated and the crowd chant "Game Over!" in Spanish.

Copeland: Well it looks like Stormrage and Tastic are going to Live Más tonight, but a huge match just made for Lethal Lottery. Matt Tastic will put his EurAsian title on the line against "Showtime" David Cougar. Don't go away though, as we are just getting started here tonight. Cerebus take on Aubrey Sloan & Kagura Ohzora.
Backstage, in the hallway leading towards the locker room, Aubrey Sloan sits with an unconfident look in her eye. Aubrey sits with her knees crunched up to her stomach, on top of a very large box. From across the hallway, Kagura and Gozaburo approach the Tibetan trained wrestler. As they approach, Aubrey slightly recoils, her eyes darting away from her partner for the night. Kagura and Gozaburo approach Aubrey, but notice the obvious discomfort, as she shields herself away from her partner. Kagura and Gozaburo exchange a glance, and Gozaburo returns a look at Aubrey.

Gozabruo: Aubrey Sloan... Our match is next. Are you ready to compete?

Aubrey rubs her arm, and looks down on the ground.

Aubrey: Well... I have to be honest, Kagura. I did learn a strategy in WZCW; it's that partners will befriend each other, before they turn on them. So I know what has to happen now... You're going to turn on me, too. And I'd rather not have that... I'd like a friend, and I like you. So I don't want you to turn on me, and... Well...

Aubrey's eyes begin to water a little bit, as Kagura softens, as well. Even Gozaburo, as no nonsense as he is, can't help but soften his eyes, feeling pity for Aubrey. The two exchange words in Japanese, and Kagura raises her hand, as if to indicate for Gozaburo to allow her to speak.

Kagura: Aubrey-san, I like. I promise on my honor... Aubrey-san, we stick together.

Kagura gives a smile, and nods, and Aubrey's legs lower. Her defenses came down, as she hops off the box she was sitting on. She looked Kagura in the eye, and offered a thankful smile. Both Kagura and Aubrey turn towards arena, and begin to walk towards the ring, for their match.


We cut backstage where we see the three heads of Cerberus conversing over tonight’s game plan. Flex Mussel is giving instructions to Eve Taylor whenever a knocking occurs at the door. The three stablemates share looks of curiosity, until Ramparte walks over to the door and opens it up. There is a man dressed in mostly black as he holds out a large manilla envelope for Ramparte to take.

Ramparte: Who are you, and what is this?

Man: I’m sent by an ally with a gift to help your cause.

Ramparte cocks an eyebrow as he takes the envelope.

Man: Hail Cerberus!

The man walks away as Ramparte closes the door. He walks over to the group and hands Mussel the envelope. He opens it and pulls out what appears to be a picture (though we can only see the back of it). All three of them begin to smile as they stare at the picture.

Taylor: This is perfect.

Mussel: Yes, but we must deal with our matches tonight. Then, we will use this to our advantage.

The scene fades to black as Cerberus shares evil smiles with each other.

Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!


Pink lights swirl around the stage in a circular pattern to create the illusion of cherry blossom petals falling through the air. A man walks out onto the stage and heads down the ramp followed by Kagura Ozhora with her signature gohei, blessing the fans and the facility as she waves it back and forth. The crowd cheers and applauds Ozhora as she makes her way down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by her manager Sasuke Gozaburo, from Ise, Mie, Japan, weighing in at 160 pounds; Kagura Ohzora!

Copeland: Ohzora has been very impressive since her debut, withstanding the pressure of competing in main event matches and picking up the victory each time.

Cohen: I feel as if her rise to fame has gone to her head. A couple of matches into her career in WZCW and she already has a manager? I didn't even get that treatment!

Copeland: Actually Jack, Sasuke has been her manager since the start but this is his first appearance. He's out here to act as a translator between Ozhora and her partner tonight.

The camera switches back to Sasuke who remains at ringside and intently watches Ozhora as she places her wand down and prepares for the upcoming match.


Cohen: Oh God...

The crowd looks a little confused until the timid Aubrey Sloan slowly walks out onto the stage, carefully observant of her surroundings and as confused as the crowd is about her entrance music.

Harrys: And... er, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 155 pounds; Aubrey Sloan!

Cohen: Is this her entrance music now or is this some sort of rib between the higher-up's that we don't understand?

Copeland: No idea but this should be an interesting pairing. It seems Aubrey has a knack of finding good tag team partners despite her social skills, or lack thereof.

Cohen: Can't say the same about her theme music. I preferred her old one and even then... yeesh...

Copeland: Says the old man who hasn't change his theme song since the invention of electricity.

Sloan joins her partner in the ring and they stand slightly awkwardly as they try and find a way to greet each other. Sloan simply nods before the two wait in their corner.


The three heads of Cerberus appear on stage together with Eve's arms wrapped around Ramparte & Flex's shoulders. The crowd boo's as they split up with Flex handing out health products whilst Eve keeps check on Ramparte.

Harrys: And their opponents, being accompanied to the ring by Eve Taylor, at a combined weight of 410 pounds; Ramparte & Flex Mussél, this is Cerberus!

Cohen: Now this is how you change your theme in style! With this alongside Eve Taylor becoming the third head, I'm liking his team more and more.

Copeland: Yes, they seem to be joining the newest trend of forging group mentalities as we get closer to the Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: I'd call these three more of a wolfpac and besides, with Taylor joining Cerberus, do you expect them to not follow the latest trends?

Ramparte & Flex hop into the ring where referee Elizabeth Prince gets things sorted in the ring. Ohzora & Ramparte look to start things off as Taylor takes her place at ringside. Before the match starts, Taylor & Sloan manage to make eye contact with each other. Taylor acts as if nothing is wrong and waves at Sloan with a smile as Sloan stands there, unsure of how to react. However, the sound of Prince signalling for the bell breaks her concentration.

*** DING *** DING *** DING ***

Ohzora gets in her fighting stance as Ramparte looks on with a smirk on his face. He circles around Ohzora before tying up with the collar-and-elbow. Ramparte shoves Ohzora into a neutral corner and keeps her there, forcing Prince to make the count. He breaks at 4 and walks away slowly with his hands up but Ohzora explodes out of the corner with a series of throat thrusts that catches Ramparte off-guard. Ohzora finishes up with a shuffle side kick, stunning Ramparte back. Ramparte attempts a wild swing but Ohzora ducks and hits a Saito suplex. She quickly crawls to the cover.

... 1

... 2

... Ramparte kicks out in the knick of time.

Sasuke on the outside tells Ohzora to keep on the attack and she obliges as she hits a palm strike to keep Ramparte down. She runs off the ropes and goes for a knee drop but Ramparte manages to grab Ohzora and pulls her straight into the middle ropes, landing on her neck. Ohzora tries to catch her breath as Ramparte shakes his head to recover. He goes over to his corner and tags in Flex. He goes straight towards Ohzora and leans on the ropes, cutting off the oxygen as referee Prince admonishes Flex and tells him off. Sasuke gets up close to Ohzora and gives her words of encouragement to get up and fight back.

Copeland: As soon as their opponents get any steam, they go straight for the cheating tactics.

Cohen: Exactly! Tactics. Totally legitimate tactics.

Flex picks up Ohzora and hits a couple of knee strikes to her before hitting a short-arm clothesline. He goes for the cover...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Ohzora.

Flex picks up Ohzora and picks her up, lifting her up for a vertical suplex and keeping Ohzora delayed in the air. Despite the crowd's stance on Flex, they give him a quick applause as he keeps Ohzora in the air for an impressive amount of time before dropping her down. Flex stands up and poses obnoxiously, eliciting a polar opposite and familiar reaction from the crowd. He goes over and tags in Ramparte as Ohzora looks to crawl to her partner. Ramparte cockily walks over to her and puts a boot, using his foot to choke Ohzora out. Again, Prince intervenes and says he is close to a disqualification. Ramparte delivers a series of knee drops before covering...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Ohzora.

Ramparte locks in a leg scissors chokehold on Ohzora who does her best to withstand the pain. Sasuke barks at her not to give up and continue fighting as Prince checks on Ohzora. Taylor continues to praise from the outside.

Copeland: Ohzora has absorbed a lot of damage to the head and neck area and if she doesn't get the tag soon, she may pass into unconsciousness.

Cohen: It's not pretty but if you can cut off the oxygen and blood circulation Seabass, you'll be winning this one in a hurry. Luckily for Kagura, Cerberus are very chivalrous and won't be doing any extensive damage to this female team.

Copeland: Now I know why you have little to no luck with the ladies... it seems Ohzora may be getting some life back into her and she may get that tag!

The crowd is definitely behind Ohzora as she does her best to get to her feet, getting Ramparte in a pinning position whilst he still holds onto the chokehold...

... 1

... 2

... Ramparte lets go of the submission, breaking up the pin.

Ohzora retreats to a neutral corner as Ramparte goes towards her but gets a boot to the face. Ramparte charges at Ohzora who evades and charges at Ramparte with a flying knee to the face before performing a Judo Hip Throw, taking down Ramparte. Ohzora & Ramparte are down for a few seconds before they both crawl to their corners. Ramparte tags in Flex as Ohzora tags in Sloan.

Copeland: And here comes the fresh Aubrey Sloan!

Flex goes a clothesline but Sloan ducks, hitting Flex with a series of kicks before going for an Irish whip. Flex manages to reverse and send Sloan instead who gives Flex a knee strike, stunning Flex. Sloan runs off the ropes again and hits a leg lariat. Flex gets up fairly quickly and swings wildly at Sloan, who ducks under the strike and hits a bridging German suplex...

... 1

... 2

... kick-out by Flex.

Sloan waits for Flex as he gets up and hits him with a Yakuza kick, looking to set him up for the finish. It is at this point that Eve Taylor makes a huge fuss on the outside, cheering for Sloan in a loud manner. Sloan looks a little confused before turning around and seeing Flex standing, hitting her with a belly-to-belly suplex. Flex takes a couple of seconds to recover as Eve shrugs her shoulders. He picks up Sloan and hits her with a series of German suplex, hitting her with two straight suplexes. On the third, Sloan manages to tag in the recovered Ohzora on the apron. Flex bridges and attempts the pin but referee Prince says that she isn't the legal person. Flex lets go and goes for the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto; a powerful shining wizard-esque kicks. Taylor gets up on the apron and complains to the referee about the decision. Ramparte enters the ring and takes down Ohzora sprinting calf kick, taking her down as he rolls out of the ring.

Copeland: Back to those cheating tactics! Can't they just compete like everyone else?

Cohen: She is just making sure that the referee made the right call. She isn't out for no rea-


The crowd explodes as the theme for Young Justice plays, causing Ramparte & Eve Taylor to focus their attention to the entrance.

Cohen: What the hell is this? Why are they out here?

Copeland: To make sure justice is being served!

The WZCW Tag Team Champions walk out onto the stage as Eve Taylor jumps off the ropes and looks towards Young Justice. Ramparte joins Taylor as they look to go up the ramp. Meanwhile in the ring, Flex recovers and looks on the sight before turning around to see Ohzora who skips straight to the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami (Two Fisted Heart Punch)! Flex grabs his chest as Ohzora tags in the recovered Sloan who finishes the match with a Brainbuster...

... 1

... 2

... 3!

Sloan picks up the victory as the referee signals for the bell.

Harrys: Here are your winners; Kagura Ohzora & Aubrey Sloan!

The crowd cheers loudly as Taylor & Ramparte turn around, realising what has happened. Ohzora helps Sloan out of the ring and celebrate the victory alongside a silently proud Sasuke. The look on Taylor & Ramparte's faces are priceless.


Backstage, Leon Kensworth is with none other than...M!

Leon Kensworth: Joining me at this time, M!

The camera pans out to show both M and General Green, both of them looking focused and intent.

Leon: Tonight, M, you have the opportunity to win the Elite X Championship from Constantine and start a path to the world title.

M: Most certainly I have this magnificent opportunity, Leon, and most certainly I expect that I will make the most of it!

Leon: Constantine has already defeated an impressive list of opponents, Fallout, Aubrey Sloan...what's your strategy?

M: Well, Leon, a truly marvelous ring master would never reveal his plans before a match, would he? And am I not a truly marvelous ring master?

Leon: Well -

M: I said, am I not?

Leon: ...most definitely.

M: You're catching on!

M laughs and walks off stage. General Green narrows his eyes at Leon for a moment and then stalks off, following M.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a triple threat match!

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 280 pounds and standing at 6 feet 8 inches tall... Daddy Mack!

Mack makes his way out from behind the curtain, perhaps more focussed and determined than ever. His subdued entrance continues as he makes his way down to the ring, Mack gives a slight nod to the fans before climbing into the ring.

Copeland: He's a daunting man.

Cohen: No doubt about it. Diabolos and Eve Taylor are going to have to be on top of their game to even get close to matching this behemoth.

Harrys: Now introducing, weighing in at 125 pounds, from Milan, Italy... The Fabulous Eve Taylor!

The crowd pops for the Fabulous one as she finally struts her way onto the stage. Pouting somewhat, Taylor, moves from one side of the stage to the other, professionally turning on her heels before finally heading down to the ring.

Cohen: How do make a case for Eve Taylor here? The weight and height difference is absolutely astronomical!

Copeland: I'm sure that Taylor will allow her wrestling to make her own case, Jack.

Taylor finally reaches the ring before making her traditional signature pose in the corner.

Harrys: And finally, introducing the final participant, weighing in at 200 pounds. From The Mouth Of Madness... Diabolos!

Diabolos appears in his signature red spotlight heading straight to the ring, mumbling to himself from time to time.

Copeland: What an interesting match we've got here, Jack.

Diabolos reaches the ring but before entering it, he points two fingers into the air, pyro shooting from each of the four corners. Wasting no more time, Diabolos enters the ring. The three competitors circle the ring, neither one wanting to make the first move, that is until Diabolos careers into Daddy Mack, knocking him through the ropes and crashing onto the floor below. The bell rings immediately after as referee Dillon Morse looks on at the already stunned Daddy Mack on the outside. Not wasting any time, Eve Taylor is right on top of Diabolos, nailing the opponent with multiple double axe handles to the back. Feeling the brunt of the assault, Diabolos manoeuvres himself through the ropes as Mr Morse initiates a clean break. Diabolos slowly brings himself back inside the ring ropes fully as Taylor backs away. The referee signals for the match to continue once more as Taylor, once again, makes a dash for her unmerciful opponent. It seems as though the rope break has cost The Fabulous One, however, as the wry Diabolos catches her with a strong right punch that sends her straight to the canvas with a shriek. In no mood to waste time, Diabolos launches into a pin fall. But the fresh Taylor kicks almost immediately with referee Morris unable even count to one. Diabolos, undeterred by the lack of a proper count, springs to his feet once again, slowly making his way to the turnbuckle, not taking his eyes off of the downed Taylor, As he finally reaches the corner, Daddy Mack pulls the legs from under him, causing the Servant Of The Old Ones to meet the canvas for the first time in the match, Not done with his offence though, Mack pulls on the legs of his opponent, with serious damage being caused to the reproductive organs of Diabolos courtesy of the ring-post.

Copeland: What a start to this match, Jack, Not conventional in the least.

Cohen: Conventional, Seabass? What part of this match did you think would be conventional? You have a woman, a pensioner and a man who calls himself “The Servant Of The Old Ones” in his contest. That doesn't seem that damn conventional to me...

Copeland: Either way, Diabolos has started this match out strongly. But you have to believe that concentration is the name of the game here?

Cohen: Right, Seabass. Take your eyes off of your opponent and you're going to find that the momentum of this match can easily be stolen from you in an instant.

The wily veteran stalks the ring as Taylor finally makes it to her feet and notices Diabolos writhing in pain. Taylor takes a few deep breathes in as she makes her way over to her downed opponent and subsequently pulling him up by the back of the head. Backing her opponent up with a few knife-edge chops, the crowd “Woo” in appreciation. Taylor whips Diabolos into one corner and immediately runs after him, hoping to land a running thrust kick to the gut of the early aggressor. However, in her fury, she is interrupted by Daddy Mack, who finally enters the match proper with a running clothesline out of nowhere – for the first time, all three competitors are in the match after the bell. The crows purrs in anticipation as the match begins to get started properly. Daddy Mack turns to Diabolos, who is one knee, nursing a bruised chest. Moving towards him, Mack lands a heavy shot to the forehead of his opponent. Picking him up to his vertical basis, Mack Irish Whips Diabolos into the far away ropes and lands a perfectly executed Atomic Drop as Diabolos returns. The crowd kicks it up a gear as Mack begins to utilize his theatrics as Diabolos recoils in pain. Mack turns around, pointing towards a recovering Taylor. Taylor reaches her vertical basis as Mack reach her, greeting his opponent with a series of punches that drives Taylor backwards into the corner. As Taylor rests in the corner, Mack pumps his arms in a show of determination and a signal of intent. Wasting little time, Mack mounts the turnbuckle, beginning a series of punches as the crowd counts along. On the 9th punch, Mack stops before raising his arm into the air. A sweep of appreciation from the crowd circulates.

Copeland: What a competitor Daddy Mack is. All that time in the ring and he never forgets to put on a show for these great fans. And how they appreciate it.

Cohen: Who gives a damn whether they appreciate anything, Seabass. This is WZCW, a business for winners. What do they say about pride? That it comes before a fall...

THUD! Mack falls forward as Diabolos nails him with a running shoulder barge that, once again, sends him over the top rope and onto the apron with an almighty smack. Taylor looks weary as an almost forgotten about Diabolos looks to press home his new found advantage. Diabolos lines up a few heavy strikes to the head of Taylor before eventually whipping her into the far away ropes. As she returns, Diabolos launches himself off of the nearby ropes, the two meeting in the middle of the ring with a beautifully executed and powerful swinging neckbreaker from Diabolos. Crawling on top of his downed opponent, Diabolos looks to pu this match to bed. 1... 2... Kick out! The crowd let out a collective sigh of relief as Eve Taylor somehow manages to roll a shoulder out with no time to spare. Diabolos sits up almost immediately, peering over the edge of the canvas to a downed Daddy Mack on the outside of the ring. Shaking his head in anger, Diabolos gets to his feet before pulling Taylor to hers. Backing her up with a few heavy punches to her heart region, Diabolos finally drives Taylor into the corner once more. With one final heavy blow, Taylor rests against the corner, her arms spread in exhaustion. Diabolos quickly heads across the ring and turns towards his opponent across the ring. With a final nod of his head, Diabolos makes a run at Taylor, seemingly looking to finish her off with a running back fist. However, as Diabolos attempts in, Taylor is able to roll under the flailing arm of The Servant Of The Old Ones. Diabolos crashes into the corner with a thud of his own. Taylor quickly rolls up the Man From The Mouth Of Madness with a roll up! Could she steal the match!? 1... 2... Kick out!

Cohen: Oh!

Copeland: A really near fall from Taylor as she looks to put this match away.

The crowd simply cannot believe that Diabolos had the wherewithal to thrust his way out of that predicament. Springing to his feet, Diabolos looks to re-establish his advantage but is soon met with a judo hip toss that takes him back to the canvas. Springing up once again, he tries, again, to take Taylor out of her momentum. But he is only met with a mirror of seconds ago – another judo hip toss laying him on his back once again. One final time, he gets to his feet – this time a little more laboured. But one more time he is nailed with a nicely executed hip toss. Pressing home her hard-fought advantage, Taylor launches into another offensive, nailing Diabolos with a backbreaker that makes the ring shake. The crowd are really getting behind Taylor as she gets back to her feet, her brow slick with sweat. Retreating into the corner, waiting for the opportune time to strike, it looks as though Taylor is going to finish this match off with Haute Couture. The crowd stirs with excitement as the end of the match seemingly nears. Diabolos struggles to his feet and slowly turns around, his fate encroaching with every second that goes by. Taylor attempts the move but Diabolos narrowly avoids it and rolls out of the ring, landing with a heavy crash onto the outside mats. Taylor can hardly believe what cowardice she is seeing as she peers over the ropes at Diabolos. Turning around to check on Daddy Mack, she is greeted with a gnarly big boot that sends her to the canvas immediately. Mack wastes no time though, a burning look of desire and determination etched upon his features. Picking Taylor up, Mack lands a hip toss of his own.

Copeland: Great athleticism from Taylor is only outdone by the wily experience of Daddy Mack. A guy like that bides his time, lying in wait for the perfect opportunity of course.

Cohen: If that's what you want to call what Daddy Mack was doing on the outside of the ring, Seabass, then I don't really know how to respond to that. Triple Threat matches are all about opportunism. If you're in the right place at the right time, then you have a better chance than everyone else – simple as that!

The end seems to be near as Daddy Mack gets himself pumped up once more, the crowd lapping it up with every fist pump. Mack circles the dazed female opponent as she struggles to get to her feet. As she finally does, Mack spins her round, catching her with the Big Mack that places Taylor in the middle of the ring. The crowd reach fever pitch as Mack signals for the Mack Attack. Stepping onto the apron, Daddy Mack gives one final gesture to the assembles masses before beginning to slowly climb to the top rope. Mack fixes his elbow pad before launching himself from the top rope and landing THE MACK ATTACK! MACK ATTACK!

Copeland: This is it, Jack!

Daddy Mack recoils from Taylor as she lies motionless on the canvas. If he can only reach the downed opponent, then the match is undoubtedly his. Slowly, Mack crawls across the ring, the extra exertion from the Mack Attack clearly taking it out of the old man. Taylor still lies motionless as Mack reaches her, raising one hand into the air before dropping it over her stomach. 1... 2... Crack!

Copeland: This crowd is electric! Wait! What the Hell!?

Cohen: What did I tell you, Seabass! Right place, right time!

Diabolos lands a diving fist drop to Daddy Mack that breaks the fall, and more importantly, sends Daddy Mack reeling across the ring. With not a minute to lose, Diabolos crawls across Taylor for the pin fall. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner... Diabolos!

Copeland: I simply cannot believe that! Daddy Mack had the match won before Diabolos stole it from him in the very dying seconds. That has got to be be one of the cheapest wins, I have ever seen in WZCW.

Cohen: It doesn't matter, Seabass. Diabolos gets the win and that's all that matters.

Diabolos quickly gets up from the pinfall as rolls out of the ring, the referee in tow as Daddy Mack gets to his knees in the corner of the ring, a large ball of swelling already forming on the forehead of the veteran. From the inside of the ring, Mack watches as the referee raises the hand of Diabolos.

In the locker room, Showtime and Constantine are smiling, and Constantine laughs. Constantine has the Elite X Title draped over his shoulder, getting his gear on to wrestle M tonight. Vance Bateman walks into the locker room, behind the locker. Vance gives a gentle rap on the locker, and greets Showtime and Constantine with a firm handshake. Showtime's smile grows even wider, to greet the general manager.

Showtime: Vance, just the man I wanted to see!

Vance Bateman: Showtime, a pleasure. Constantine, good to see you again.

Constantine: Vance, I never made sure... Did you get that wine basket I mailed, for letting me have Meltdown Madness off?

Vance's smile grows, as he looks Constantine in the eye.

Vance: I did, it was a lovely gesture, John. But I wanted to make sure that you were... Ready for tonight's match. If there's anything we can do for you at all...

Constantine: I'll be ok, Vance, thanks. M's certainly... Unorthodox. But he just isn't Elite.

Showtime: Vance, I'm sure you didn't just come here to wish John well...

Vance's smile disappears, as he looks down to the ground.

Vance: Yes, of course. You wanted to keep you up to date with my meeting with Kenneth. And while he understands your... Concerns with Michael Winters and his matchup this week, that Kenneth would like to see... See how it plays out, if you will.

Showtime and Constantine look to one another, as Constantine gives a nod. Showtime shrugs his shoulders, as the two look back to Vance.

Showtime: Fine by us. And... As for that thing you mentioned about Lethal Lottery?

Vance's eyes return to Constantine and Showtime

Vance: Of course. Kenneth feels something could be arranged for the Lethal Lottery. He feels you two will be pleased with what you will find.

Constantine and Showtime smile to one another, and nod.

Vance: I've got a show to run, boys. But I hear word Kenneth will be here next week for Meltdown. Perhaps we can arrange a meeting.

Constantine: I'll bring the cigars.

Showtime: And this time, John, I'll bring the wine.

Vance: A pleasure, boys. I'll see you next week.

Vance leaves the Elites, as the two of the three members smile again, and return to telling jokes.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the Elite X Championship!


The lights go out. The music begins. A lone spotlight is seen shining down on a figure standing on the ramp in a dramatic pose. Upon the word “fire” the music kicks in the full gear and so do the lights, flashing around the arena in many different colours as M walks down the ramp laughing a maniacal laugh which only he could pull off whilst the general follows uninterested in the whole show. M gets into the ring, spins while throwing off his cape into the crowd, and poses again in what may or may not be a painful position but M’s too busy being magical to care. Meanwhile the general walks around to ringside, sits on a chair and begins reading a newspaper.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 243.7 pounds, M!

Copeland: The relative newcomer M has already made a mark, earning an Elite X Title shot here tonight against the champion Constantine.

Cohen: What a marvelous maleficent M is. He may be mighty manic, but he's my type of manic!


As the music starts, all of the lights in the arena go out. When the lyrics of the song begin, a single spotlight shines down onto the ramp, revealing a solitary Constantine with his chin dipped to his chest. Constantine slowly raises his head and as the chorus begins, he throws his arms out to the side, revealing the Elite X title around his waist. With that, fireworks light up the arena to the side of him as the lights resume.

Constantine moves down the ramp, a look of smarmy hatred on his face. He does not dare make contact with the fans at ringside and, once at the ring, looks around the arena once again. Climbing the steps and into the ring, Constantine mounts the turnbuckle before unbuckling the Elite X title and lifting it high into the air.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 265 pounds, the Elite X Champion, Constantine!

Copeland: Constantine has been impressive as Elite X Champion, and with the backing of the Elite he may be unstoppable to getting those seven defenses.

Cohen: This is a champion to be proud of Seabass! He belongs with the Elite.

Referee Keith Morse retrieves the Elite X Title and holds it high into the air before handing it off to the ringside assistant and calls for the bell. Constantine square up M and goes to lock up but M ducks under and hops up onto the ropes and holds his arms up high before turning and tumbling across and into Constantine's face. M waves to him which aggravates the champion into swinging with a haymaker. M ducks under and hits a jumping knee to the back of Constantine's head. The champion stumbles forward as M spins backwards and off the back of Constantine before playing to the crowd some more. He turns around and gets leveled with a clothesline, as Constantine stands over him holding the back of his head. The crowd boos as they almost seem to enjoy M's antics compared to the surliness of Constantine. He reaches down and grabs hold of the super villain, lifting him up before whipping him across the ring. Off the rebound he lifts him up for a sidewalk slam, but M is able to flip over behind him and drop him down with a neckbreaker! M goes for a cover, 1.................2....Constantine kicks out.

Copeland: M has kept Constantine off balance so far to begin this match.

Cohen: M has looked magnificent tonight so far. Let's see if he can counterattack the power and experience of Constantine.

M flips over Constantine and down underneath the ropes. He motions for Constantine to get up, and as Constantine does so M springboards off with a springboard European Uppercut! It connects and downs Constantine again. He rolls out of the ring, but as he begins to get back to his feet slowly, M launches himself over the top rope. Constantine looks up and simply walks away as M's eyes widen before he crashes hard into the ground. M puts his hand on his face as Constantine walks over to him. He lifts M up and lifts him up, running him back first into the apron. Morse warns Constantine to get back in the ring but Constantine begins delivering stiff rights to the face. He then suddenly lifts M up, and falls back with the Fallaway Slam, sending M hard back first into the barricade. Morse's count is up to five as Constantine slides in and then back out to break the count. M tries to pull himself up but Constantine is quickly on him, delivering stiff chops to the chest, the crowd wooing with each strike. M doubles over holding his chest before Constantine goes to whip him into the corner post. M suddenly drops down to his knees and uses the momentum to send Constantine shoulder first into the post. Constantine is draped against the post as M reaches up and grabs the ring apron, pulling himself up slowly. Constantine rolls into the ring, holding his shoulder in immense pain. M pulls himself in and goes for a quick cover, 1.....................2....Constantine kicks out. M begins to left Constantine up but gets shoved away. Constantine is up as M bounces off the ropes, ducking under a lariat attempt by Constantine. He wraps his arms around Constantine's waist, going for a German suplex but Constantine goes behind, spins M around and lifts him up into a vertical suplex. He drops him down hard and Constantine is back in control again. He gets to his feet and delivers a knee drop across the chest. He goes for the cover, 1....................2.......M kicks out!

Copeland: And suddenly the pace has slowed down, and Constantine has taken over. This does not bode well for M.

Cohen: This is where Constantine is comfortable, grinding his opponents down into nothing.

Constantine quickly floats over and begins delivering stiff punches. Morse begins the five count, and is forced to pull him off of M, who looks dazed on the mat. Constantine is quick to the attack again, pulling M back up and sending him into the ropes. Constantine goes for a drop toe hold but M is able to roll forward and hop up onto the ropes and springboard with a moonsault! He connects on the rising champion, his knee hitting the head of Constantine. M quickly hooks a leg, 1..................2........Constantine kicks out! M pulls himself up, turns and flips forward, dropping his knee across Constantine's throat. Constanine holds his throat in pain, coughing as M gets an evil smirk on his face. He motions for Constantine to get up, and as he does so M connects with a spinning throat chop. Constantine stumbles back into the corner, still trying to catch his breath but is caught with a running enziguri in the corner. Constantine falls down into a seated position and M's eyes go wide as he looks to the opposite corner. He walks to the corner and climbs up, swinging his arms back and forth as he prepares his leap. He leaps and goes coast to coast with the Mega M Punch! It connects right on Constantine's jaw and M goes for the cover immediately, 1.......................2...................3! No! Constantine gets the shoulder up at the last second!

Copeland: We were that close to a new Elite X Champion!

Cohen: Did you see the distance that M got on that jump? Incredible!

M rolls over onto his back, knowing he was that close to winning the title. M slowly gets up and walks to the corner again, climbing to the top rope once more. As Constantine slowly regains his feet, M comes flying off with a Crossbody but Constantine rolls through and delivers a stiff backbreaker, dropping M down hard into the mat. Constantine rolls over to the ropes and begins to pull himself up as M does on the opposite side. M rushes first, but Constantine back drops him over the ropes. M lands on the outside and delivers an elbow to the side of Constantine's head. M lifts himself straight up using the ropes, and as Constantine comes forward he swings down and delivers a kick through the middle ropes, sending Constantine backwards. M springboards off the ropes but Constantine hits a lariat, sending M head over heels in the air! M looks dizzy in the ring as he tries to get up, stumbling back and forth but stumbles right into The Axis of Evil! Constantine delivers the brutal spinebuster and rolls through hooking the leg, 1......................2..................3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still Elite X Champion, Constantine!

Cohen: M was unmistakenbly close to taking the Elite X title. I wonder if he would have called it the Elite M title then?

Copeland: One can only wonder as Constantine continues to gain steam, another defense, and more momentum heading into the Lethal Lottery!

Constantine rolls up onto his feet, as Referee Morse lifts up Constantine's arm in victory and hands him the Elite X Title as General Green checks on M. Constantine takes a look back at M, shaking his head in disbelief at the hard hitting super villain before climbing up to the second turnbuckle and lifting the title high into the air.

Copeland: An excellent Elite X Title match, but we're not done tonight! We have El Califa Dragon facing off with Dr. Zeus, in our main event!

We come back from commercial break with Vance Bateman in the ring, the crowd booing him loudly all around.

Vance: Settle down you idiots, I'm trying to give you something you all want.

The crowd continues booing loudly as Vance lowers the mic, letting them get it out of their system.

Vance: And what you want, is the return of Chris KO in this very ring fulfilling his contractual obligations!

The crowd cheers, chants for Chris KO ringing through the crowd.

Vance: You see Chris? These people want you here, and WZCW Management wants you here to finish your contract. You can't steal from Mr. Banks and get away with it Chris. So with that in mind, ladies and gentlemen, Chris KO!

Vance signals to the entrance stage,


The music plays for a minute, a spotlight shining down on the center of the stage as well. The crowd cheers, but go quiet as Chris doesn't come out. Vance rubs the back of his head as he lifts the mic up again.

Vance: Now come on Chris, let's not do this the hard way and get the lawyers involved. So once again, Chris KO!

The music hits again, but it's very clear Chris is nowhere to be found. Vance stomps his feet on the mat as his anger has peaked.

Vance: Fine, I warned you Chris. You're not going to like what I'm going to do.

Vance throws the mic down as he exits the ring, the crowd booing him loudly still.

Copeland: Well we saw on that Vance wanted Chris here tonight, but that has blown up in Vance's face. The question now is, will we ever see Chris KO in WZCW again? Stay tuned folks, our main event is next!
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event of the evening and it is scheduled for one fall.

Copeland: What a match we've got in store for you right now, folks. Two world class competitors with two different agendas. But who will come out on top here?

Harrys: Introducing first, hailing from Culiacan, Mexico and weighing in at 180 pounds... El Califa Dragon!

Copeland: A win by count out for the Dragon last week against former World Champion Ricky Runn was interrupted by the Pale Riders.

Cohen: I didn't see The Riders until the match was over, Seabass. Make sure you know what you're implying before you say something.

Copeland: Either way, dirty tricks played a huge part in Califa's win over Ricky Runn last week and the Dragon needs to be very aware of those same tricks this week.

Cohen: Yeah, because there is nowhere to run this time.

After a moment, a motivated and energetic Califa appears on the stage, nodding along with the music and bouncing on his toes. He gives a brief gesture to the fans before making his way down the ramp. Suddenly, however, from behind The Dragon, two people emerge from the curtain that Califa appeared from only seconds ago. It looks like Amber Warren and Fallout. A flurry of harsh booing sounds off as Warren and Fallout run down the ramp and nail Califa with a double axe handle that sends him rolling down the ramp and leaves him in a crumpled heap outside of the ring. Fallout moves down the ramp and grabs the ring gear from Califa's very back. Fallout begins to nail Califa with heavy punches and stomps on the outside of the ring as Warren menacingly makes her way down the rest of the ramp. Finally reaching her former tag team partner, she continues the assault that Fallout started. Picking Califa up, Warren slams him into the side of the apron, his back bending around the steel as a muffled cry echoes around the arena. Without giving Califa a moment, Fallout grabs his arm and Irish Whips him into the ring-post. A metallic crash rings out around the arena as Califa once again finds the floor. More stomps and punches follow as the Pale Riders continue to put the screws to the Dragon. Picking Califa up once again, Warren takes him around the ring before crushing his head into the commentary table as papers and notes go flying under the impact. Wasting no time, Fallout picks up Califa and tosses him under the bottom rope and into the ring. The referee checks on the well-being of the competitor as he signals for Warren and Fallout to leave the ring side eventually.

Cohen: Amazing strategy! This is how you really make your numbers count. This is the real purpose of a stable, Seabass.

Copeland: Are you kidding me, Jack!? This is nothing but an assault on an unsuspecting superstar. This is nothing short of absolutely shocking!

Copeland: And here comes the good Doctor!

After a second, a smiling Doctor appears on the stage. With that, Warren and Fallout begin moving around the ring and up the ramp, embracing the good Doctor on the way. Zeus gives a wry smile to the referee as he encourages him to call for the bell. As Zeus finally enters the ring, the referee checks on the well-being of Califa once again. The Dragon seems to be in a bad way but is slowly rising to his feet. Not long after reclaiming his vertical basis, the referee signals for the match as we get under-way properly.

Copeland: I can't believe that this match is going ahead after the vicious beating from The Pale Riders. Califa is in no shape to continue here. This could really go wrong for the former Tag Champion.

Cohen: Califa knew the risks of picking fights with one of the most dangerous stables of all time.

Zeus, like his stable-mates, wastes little time in launching into an attack on the former Tag Team Champion. Pushing Califa into the corner with his arms, Zeus puts his hands around his opponents neck, choking the life from the already damaged Califa. The referee begins to count Zeus for an illegal hold and eventually reaches a 4-count. Zeus has no choice to break the hold as Califa falls to his knees. The crowd explode with hatred once again as Zeus, again, grabs Califa by the neck and forces him back with another illegal choke. The referee makes a faster count this time and Zeus breaks the hold once more. Califa falls to his knees again as Zeus spins on his heels and celebrates to the assembles masses of fans. Califa gets to his feet again and throws a punch towards Zeus that rocks the Pale Rider. The crowd cheer with ecstasy as Califa finally gets into the match – but it is short-lived as the fresher Doctor rallies back with a punch of his own. The two trade blows for a moment as the momentum of the match swings both ways. After a few more shots, the good doctor is able to duck one of his opponents shots and executes a beautiful Samoan drop that takes Califa back to the canvas and the fans to a new level of frustration. Zeus quickly crawls on top of the former Tag Champion but can only manage a quick 2 count.

Cohen: Put him away, Doc!

Getting back to his feet, Zeus looks down at his downed opponent and gives a brief smile. Picking Califa up by the head, the Doctor looks to continue his dastardly assault. Whipping Califa against the ropes, Zeus catches his opponent with a running headbutt that takes Califa down hard clutching his head. Zeus keeps up the momentum as he rapidly drops a leg drop to the throat and chest of his opponent. Again covering the Dragon, the good doctor manages a solid 2 count before the kick out comes.

Copeland: Another close call but the merciful thing to do here is just put Califa out of his misery.

Cohen: You said it, Seabass.

Califa struggles to pull himself towards the ropes as Zeus gets to his feet. The damage that has been done to Califa in the opening of this match is obvious as he pulls himself up by the ropes, his chest inflating and deflating heavily with every laboured breath. With a smug grin on his face, Zeus begins to smell blood in the water and sets up for what looks like a lariat. The crowd remain hushed in silence as Zeus finally takes his charge at Califa. But the soon explode into action as Califa – somehow – pulls the ropes down, causing Zeus to tumble over the top rope and onto the unprotected flooring below. Califa falls to the canvas again but his energy seems to be rejuvenating with every cheer fired towards him from the crowd. Picking himself up, he peers outside to find the recovering Doctor making his way to his feet. Not one to allow a chance to slip away, Califa runs against the opposite rope and then thrusts himself through the ropes towards Zeus! TOPE SUICIDA! Califa crashes into Zeus, who in turns crashes into the barricade. The crowd cannot believe the energy and fighting spirit of the Mexican as he finally fins some momentum for the first time in the match. The referee begins a double count as both men lie hurt on the outside of the ring.

Copeland: Absolutely unreal! The heart of the Dragon is immeasurable. How is he even standing at this point?

Califa and Zeus struggle to get to their feet but both men reclaim their vertical basis around the same time with Califa marginally the later of the two. Looking to swing the match back in his favour, Zeus attempts a punch but Califa quickly throws up a blocking arm and rallies against his opponent with a punch of his own. Zeus recoils but once again tries to land another punch on The Dragon. However, Califa seems to be turning the match on it's head as he, again, throws up a block and lands another punch to the face of the Good Doctor. Zeus recoils once more, turning away from The Dragon in the process. Califa waits for a second, possibly summing up his options before running at Zeus and landing a running dropkick that sends the Pale Rider crashing into the front of the commentary table. Zeus meets the canvas again as Califa slowly gets back to his feet to a volley of cheers from the crowd. The referee reaches a count of 8 as Califa slowly rolls under the bottom rope and swiftly rolls back out - breaking the count.

Cohen: Getting the taste of a harcore life, Califa?

Copeland: You have to question how smart that was from Califa. You have to think that this move favours Zeus?

Califa finds himself on the apron as Zeus finally finds his way back to his feet. But that feeling is certainly short-lived as Califa launches into a leaping tornado DDT that really damages Zeus and puts him back on the canvas with a crunch. The crowd explode into life again as the move comes off – they simply cannot believe the recovery of the former Tag Champion. Both men lie motionless on the floor as the referee begins his count once again. The race against time – and the other man – begins.

Copeland: A great return from Califa as Zeus struggles to keep up with the renewed energy of the former Tag Champ.

At a count of 7, Califa is finally back on his feet but Zeus is not so quick to find his vertical basis this time. Califa rolls into the ring before rolling out once again. As he stand son the outside of the ring, Zeus begins to recover. Picking Zeus up the rest of the way, Califa looks to press home his unexpected advantage. Going to whip Zeus into the ring-post this time, the doctor finds the strength and cunning to reverse the move, sending Califa into the metal post for the second time. Zeus takes a knee in an attempt to recover as Califa begins to stir on the floor in front of him. Zeus makes his way over to the downed Dragon and begins stomping his limbs with great accuracy and excellent power. He follows this up with a nasty looking elbow drop to the back of Califa that makes the Dragon yell out in pain. Getting back to his feet, Zeus picks Califa up once more, driving him back with a few knife edge chops to the chest. Califa struggles to mount any offence now as the match enters a new phase. Zeus pulls at Califa and eventually settles him on the ring apron, lying prone under the bottom rope. Zeus climbs on the apron before dropping a beautiful leg drop to the throat of the Dragon. El Califa rolls away, falling to the outside of the ring once again. Califa lies clutching his neck once more as Zeus takes the opportunity to celebrate once more. Waiting a second, Zeus finally goes to the outside of the ring. He grabs the head of Califa and attempts to slam it into the ring but Califa manages to stop the attack, putting his arms out in front of him. Beginning another fight back, he catches Zeus with a swift elbow to the gut, followed by another. He takes the head of the stunned Doctor and crushes it with a slam into the ring floor. Zeus recoils once again and Califa catches him with a side thrust kick that sends Zeus onto the commentary table.

Cohen: What the Hell is going on here!?

Califa crawls onto the outside of the ring and slowly makes his way to the top rope. The crowd cheer in excitement as Califa measures his opponent. He steadies himself before tossing himself from the top rope and crashes through Zeus and the commentary table. The referee begins his new count as Califa stuns the crowd with an electrifying Dragón de Vuelo! DRAGON DE VUELO!!

Copeland: OH MY GOD! What a move! That may have broken both men in half!

The referee goes to the outside before calling for the E.M.T's. Neither man seem conscious as the referee checks both of their eyes but neither is responding after such a devastating move. The referee goes over to Truman Harrys before waving his arms in the air.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of neither man able to answer the referee's call, this match has been ruled a draw by knockout!

The crowd boo loudly but they are all aware of the serious implications of such a strange result. Without any hesitation though, Warren and Fallout are back at ringside and checking on the good Doctor. Neither competitor is moving but it is does not deter Warren or Fallout from launching another assault on the Mexican Dragon. They begin exactly where they left off with more stomps and punches before picking Califa up and tossing him into the ring. Warren yells something to her stable mate as she follows Califa into the ring. But Califa is still unresponsive. Fallout retrieves a chair from ringside and tosses it into the ring as Warren stares down at Califa.

Copeland: I can't believe the nerve of these guys!

Cohen: Are you kidding me, Seabass. This is the reason that The Pale Riders are dominating the competition. They are dangerous – really dangerous. They don't show nay mercy and Califa is unfortunately going to take the brunt of that streak!

Picking up the chair as Fallout pulls Zeus to his feet and away from the now-arriving E/M/T's, Warren systematically puts it around the arm of the Dragon. She continues to look down at her former tag partner, showing absolutely no compassion for the man whom she held the gold for so long a time. With one fail swoop, she launches a running splash on to the chair as Califa lets out a massive yell of sheer agony.

Copeland: Oh no! This could be bad for Califa. Someone needs to stop this!

Rolling out of the ring, Warren joins Fallout and Zeus on the ramp as the three present members of the Pale Riders raise their arms triumphantly to a chorus of boos and hatered form the live crowd.

Copeland: Well that's all we have time for this Meltdown, folks. Ascension picks up where we leave off tomorrow night. Be there!

Dave: ECD vs. Zeus, Daddy Mack vs. Diabolos vs. Eve Taylor
Falkon: Cerberus vs. Aubrey Sloan and Kagura
Haiku: Segments
Harthan: Segments
Yaz: Opening
Ty: Constantine vs. M, Segment
Kermit/Dynamite: Segment

Oh hey, guess who's got this ability again? May I take this time to bring notice to a severe injustice. You see, for the past while my Creative teammates have failed to bring home the alcohol fund donations. They have forgotten their duties to restock our shelves and the vault I so graciously left behind last time. No more! So you shall see to your right, a bucket with a bell attached. Every time you drop money in there, the bell rings and an angel gets its wings. Think of the children. Think of the sober kids in India. So remember, finish your beers.

Thanks for reading!
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