Meltdown 105

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Meltdown Madness 2014 said:

Harrys: The following contest is a Falls Count Anywhere match, scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, introducing the challenger, he is a former three time WZCW heavyweight champion of the world, weighing in at 222 pounds, from Hollywood, California, "SHOWTIME" DAVID COUGAR!

And his opponent, he is the new, reigning, and defending WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, weighing in at 235 pounds, TY BURNA!


They trade blows before Ty gets a kick to the gut in that backs Showtime off. Ty puts a front facelock on Showtime then elevates him, and drops him onto the ringside barrier! Showtime lands square on his gut and falls into the ringside area, clearly in great pain as Ty rolls him back into the ring. Showtime rolls to the side, picks himself up with the ropes - AND TY CAVES HIS SKULL IN WITH A CONSECRATED BANISHMENT! TY COVERS AND GETS ONE, TWO, AND THREE!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

A Kingdom Come main event, relived. Chaos reigned supreme.


Ty looks on, still confused as to why Amber would attack him. He wipes the blood from her face, and prepares for the next attack from Amber!


Ty Burna lay on the ground, completely prone, as Fallout stands over him, chair in hand! The crowd boos violently, as Fallout brings the chair down again, this time on the back of Ty Burna!


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen... The Beard is now cashing in his King for a Day Briefcase. This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!


The Beard ducks though, and grabs the referee with him! As the referee makes his way to his feet, Ty Burna jumps clear across the ring, near the ropes, where Dr. Zeus is waiting on the apron! Dr. Zeus throws a fireball, which lands right in the eyes and face of Ty Burna! Ty Burna holds his face, as The Beard comes up from behind him! The Beard grabs Ty's head for Poetic Justice, and drives Ty Burna into the mat!

Copeland:No, goddamnit! Hey ref, you have to stop this!

The Beard covers Ty Burna, as Akiyama-san counts the fall.




Copeland: Damnit, The Beard's stolen the title! The Beard has cashed in!

Cohen: And we have a new World Heavyweight Champion!

The Beard holds his arms high, as The Pale Riders enter the ring. Ty Burna lays unconscious in the ring, as Harrys regrettably announces the decision.

Harrys: The winner of this match.... And New WZCW World Heavyweight Champion... The Beard!


Zeus, Amber, and Fallout nod their heads, as The Beard screams into the microphone....

Beard: Long. Live. The. King!

But not for long. As the chaos was extinguished, the horsemen would come ride.

Ascension Anarchy 2014 said:

Dr Zeus comes out alone and begins to head down the ramp.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, from Portland, Oregon, representing the Pale Riders, Dr. Zeus.

Zeus gets to the bottom of the ramp, and ignores Tastic, getting up on the apron alone.

Connor: Zeus’ buddy the Beard was supposed to be in this match, but it seems the Beard has walked out on us.

Cohen: He can do whatever he want, he’s our new World Champion!

He can do whatever he want, he’s our new World Champion!

But the new champion has vanished.

Winters: Looking to take control of the Eurasian title, huh?

Showtime: With the World title's status a total mystery, I'd figure keeping the next best thing on a leash would be best for business. Lets see if we can get to the little wannabe. Otherwise.

Constantine: Otherwise we take it by force.

To what hope do the superstars of WZCW cling now?

What awaits the capital of Lucha Libre tonight?

So many questions. So little answers.



Copeland: Hello and welcome everyone to the longest running bi-weekly episodic program in history! Welcome to the 105th edition of WZCW: Meltdown. I'm Sebastian Copeland, live from the bullfighting arena, Plaza De Toros in beautiful Veracruz, Mexico! Alongside the ever stylish Jack Cohen. Cohen what a line up we have.

Cohen: That's right. We snuck under the border this week. The dark, brooding Lord of Chaos, Ty Burna teams up with the playful, friendly, pony-obsessed Mikey Stormrage in one of the oddest pairings I can remember to take on Amber Warren and Dr. Zeus of the Pale Riders.

Copeland: We also have the Eurasian Champion Matt Tastic and Tag Team Champions, Young Justice in non-title competition. Plus the in-ring returns of El Califa Dragon and Ricky Runn.

Speaking of Pale Riders, we'll find out just where did The Beard head off to and what the Rider's cryptic message means for the World Championship.


On stage appears large clouds of smoke as the lights totally dim out and fire emerges from the sides of the stage. Soon enough, Amber Warren, Fallout and Dr. Zeus emerge on stage wearing the hooded cloaks they've become known for. They slowly and eerily walk down to the ring as the lights slowly come back on. Warren grabs the mic.

War. Death. Conquest. Famine. These are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. As you can see, we're one horseman short. But that's not a problem. No, that's the solution because he's out fulfilling his duties.

Dr. Zeus:
Our War Horse rides away. With this company's prize in his grasp. Off to war, he rides away. What hope do you have? Despair will fill this world now. Every single day.

Well spoken, doctor. It's gone now. The World title. The very thing that so many here come to cling on to. Their dreams of someday holding it and reaching immortality is now a thing of the past. Poof. You have no hope. No dreams now. It's time you all wake up to face reality. The end is here. It's time you accept it's cold embrace.


Mr. Banks appears on stage with Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman flanking him. He paces across the entrance stage vigorously in frustration.

Mr. Banks:
So I hear I have one less liability on a payroll. Whatever. Beard is replaceable to me. What's not replaceable though is what he had. Not only was that belt forged just a few weeks ago at a whopping $3000, but he spat on it's lineage by doing it. I have been bombarded all week by wrestlers expressing anger at not having a World title to compete for. Not that half of them have a chance in hell of winning it. But now thanks to you, wrestling here seems to have become a lost cause. Thank you for that.

Dr. Zeus:

Why you're very welcomed, Mr. Banks. That was our very intention. I truly hope things don't somehow get worse for you.

Chuck Myles takes the mic from Mr. Banks and stands forward.

luckily for our superior and benefactor, he's got two seasoned wrestling general managers handy. We've seen our fair share of insane plots to take over or destroy companies and titles. We've need our fair share of disappearing champions. And quite frankly, you should see where exactly this is all going.

Chuck peeks to the crowd with a sly glee as the crowd seems to pop for the unannounced solution. Vance takes the mic next and stands ahead of the GM's.

Dr. Zeus, you will return that World Heavyweight Championship or face very steep legal repercussions. But you can keep the cham- Wait. Let me correct that. You can keep the FORMER World Champion. Because we'll be crowning a brand new one. At Lethal Lottery. In none other than the 30 man match itself!!!

Chuck Myles:

The crowd becomes completely ecstatic as the Riders panic and throw fits in the ring at the blockbuster announcement.

Mr. Banks:
I suggest you guys re-think your plan because what you did was give 30 superstars a chance to hope to win the big one. At San Juan Puerto Rico, at Lethal Lottery, it really will be the Biggest and Hottest Battle Ever Fought. Get ready for your match later because you guys still work for me.

The music hits as the Riders continue to display their extreme frustration at their backfired plan.

Copeland: OH MY GOD! That's colossal! 30 superstars in one match for the World Heavyweight Championship!

I never would have thunk it possible. That's groundbreaking.


We cut backstage where Matt Tastic stands looking at what just happened on a screen. He clutches the Eurasian Championship in shock of what just transpired and stares as Michael Winters steps in and pats him on the back.

I never would have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. You didn't lose your title in one round. Though it did help that you didn't defend it at all.

Matt turns around frustrated by Winters' condescending words and gives him a serious stare. Before anything else can go down though, Showtime arrives.

Showtime: Winters, as far screw ups go, I'm not pleased with you failing to aid me twice. We lost the Tag team titles and we lost the World title. I see progress from Constantine. But not from you. Now as for you, Mr. Tastic.

Matt turns towards Showtime with a serious look in his face as Winters backs off and Showtime shows off a hypocritical smile.

Congratulations. You've just become WZCW's top champion. The offer to join The Elite is still open. I'd like answer soon enough. What do you say.

Matt looks at both men before draping the title over his shoulder.

Matt: Don't you think trios are better than quartets? Seems to be the fad in wrestling nowadays.

Showtime shoots an aside glare at Winters before responding.

If adjustments are needed, they can be made. Your answer would be appreciated though.

Matt walks between the two in a somewhat disrespectful way and leaves.

I'll think about it.

Showtime: I want this done, Winters. One way or another.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Flex trots out to the arena, to the crowd's disapproval, with Ramparte in tow. Flex throws out healthy snacks, with Ramparte looking rather glum, in the background. This is offset by Flex's cheery smile, as he jogs his way down the aisle.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Paris, France, weighing 220 pounds, The Healthiest Man Alive, Flex Mussél!

Copeland:... You know, technically, Flex Mussél is overweight.

Cohen:... Ok? Care to explain that one?

Copeland: Well, Flex is six foot five, and weights two hundred twenty pounds. Technically, his BMI is 26.1... Which marks him as overweight.

Cohen:... Nerd!

Flex enters the ring, and gives Harrys a protein shake. Flex drinks his own, as Ramparte waits outside, for Flex's opponent.


Matt comes to the arena, holding fatty snacks in his hands! The crowd roars with approval, as Matt passes out chips and cookies to the audience.

Cohen: Ugh... So much pandering...

Harrys: His opponent, from Orange County California, weighing 238 pounds, Matt Tastic!

The children all line up to get Tastic's snacks, as he also hands out Coke bottles to the kids. Tastic runs down the ring, chugging his own Coke.

Cohen: We're not going to get sued for this, are we? Coke strikes me as the kinda company that really cares about it's label...

Copeland:... Nerd!

Tastic slides into the ring, and Flex recoils from the presence of the Coke bottle. Tastic looks to the cheering audience, as if to ask if he should give a bottle to Flex. The crowd cheers, as Flex screams for them all to shut up. Ramparte tries to silence the crowd, threatening the front row. James Aubrey signals for the bell, as Tastic looks to the fans.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Tastic guzzles the last of his coke, as he throws the bottle to Flex. Flex swats away the Coke bottle, as if it were poison to touch. He flees away from the bottle, kicking it into the audience with a fury. But Matt Tastic spits his coke into Flex's face, who treats it as though acid is melting his face. He flees the ring, covering his face. The mask on Flex's face is dripping with Coke, which Ramparte rushes with a towel to clean off the mask. Flex is hyperventilating, as Ramparte rushes to clean it off. James Aubrey has already begun his count...


Flex still seems shaken, literally shaking from trauma, as Ramparte attempts to soothe him. Flex breathes in and out, to calm himself, and gathers his thoughts...


Flex rolls into the ring, and in a spurt of anger, clotheslines Matt Tastic, and mounts him to start throwing wild punches. James Aubrey starts counting to five, to demand Flex break it up. Flex gets off Matt Tastic, but only to grab him by the neck, and pull him up for a vertical suplex. Flex holds Matt in the air, enough to allow him to do two squat thrusts, before dropping Matt Tastic on his back. Matt screams in pain, as the crowd boos Flex, who looks far cockier. He touches his mask, as though the Coke is eating away at his mask, but still realizes he is in firm control. He hoists Matt onto his shoulders, for a running powerslam, again squatting two times. On the second squat though, Matt slips out and lands on his feet, and holds Flex's head, hitting a swinging reverse DDT. Matt lands to his knees, as Flex hits the back of his head on the mat. This time, he starts throwing punches at a fallen Flex, as Ramparte grabs from the ropes at Tastic. Matt grabs Flex by the head, and throws him into the turnbuckle. He then starts stomping and kicking at Flex, who is trying to block the kicks. But Matt clearly has the advantage, throwing eight or nine swift kicks to the solarplexis of Flex. He throws Flex to the middle of the ring, and climbs to the second rope, signalling for a body cross. Ramparte grabs at his foot, though, which keeps Matt from jumping. Flex groggily makes it to his feet, holding his head, as Matt finally kicks away Ramparte. Noticing that Flex is up, Matt jumps at Flex, in less of a body splash and more as a dive. Flex ducks, thinking he has outwit his opponent. But as Matt dives, he grabs Flex's hips, and flips right into a Sunset Flip. Matt struggles to take Flex over, as Flex wildly swings his arms, hoping to not be taken over. Matt is trying with all of his might to take Flex over, but Flex's superior strength is making this sunset flip incredibly difficult. Flex drops to his knees, though, and James Aubrey starts to count. 1...2... Matt Tastic kicks his legs up, and finishes his sunset flip! 1....2.... No, just two! Flex kicks out in a flurry, surprised that Tastic managed to roll him over. As he makes it to his knees, Tastic hits him with a dropkick to the face. Tastic goes for a quick cover, to the crowd's delight. 1...2... No, just two!

Copeland: Tastic has bounced back nicely from Flex's early attack.

Cohen: He can't keep it up... Flex is the stronger wrestler, and he'll be able to grind Tastic to dust.

Matt picks Flex up, and irish whips him into the ropes. As Flex comes back from the rebound, he catches Flex with a rolling spinebuster, into a pinfall. 1...2... No, just two! Matt seems frustrated, as he analyzes his opponent. Matt notices Flex groggily getting up, holding his mask, and starts to get a running start. Matt bounces off of the ropes, and attempts a spinning wheel kick. But Flex grabs his leg, and blocks the attack. He grabs his second leg, and looks around, to perform a giant swing. The crowd cheers, as Flex begins the Spin to Win!

Copeland: Flex... Oddly getting cheered here...

Cohen: Maybe the fat is finally leaving their brain, and going to their thighs.

Copeland: I imagine it's because they like to see the swing.

Matt tries to kick away from the swing, but Flex's grip is too tight, and Flex lifts up Matt. Matt holds his head, as the only way to keep his head from feeling the full onslaught of the swing. The crowd cheers, as Flex begins to swing around the ring. The crowd counts as many times as Matt swings... 1.... Matt screams in pain, as the crowd cheers another rotation. 2....3..... Flex is going strong, as James Aubrey watches the crowd cheer on the giant swing. But Flex seems irritated... His face develops a giant scowl. He stops his spinning, which causes the crowd to boo. He lifts Tastic up by the leg, and let's go, lifting Matt into the air before he falls on the back of his head. The crowd boos, as Flex taunts the crowd. He then slaps on a single leg boston crab, which causes the crowd to boo even louder.

Cohen: Atta boy, Flex. That's the way to own the crowd!

Flex arches back, causing Matt's back to contort in ungodly ways. Matt screams in agony, as Flex wrenches on the leg, and places more pressure on the back. Matt's already weak back is getting bent, as he howls in agony. Flex barks for James Aubrey to ask if Matt submits, which he does in short order. Matt refuses to give up, as the crowd rallies to support the Super Saiyan. Flex sits on the back, as Matt crawls towards the ropes. Flex has a stern look on his face, as places more on more pressure. Flex digs his boot into the back of Tastic's head, which ratchets up the pressure. Matt writhes in agony, trying to get into the ropes. He's within five feet of the ropes, as the crowd cheers him on. He's fingertips away, screaming for the ropes.

But as he gets closer, Ramparte grabs the ropes, and keeps it far away from Tastic. James Aubrey is locked up with Flex, who is complaining about something, and keeping his attention.

Copeland: Come on ref, look at what Ramparte's doing!

James Aubrey looks to ask Tastic again, but Ramparte is already gone from the ropes. Tastic screams in pain, as Flex calls for Aubrey's attention again. As he does, Ramparte goes back to pulling the ropes away from Matt Tastic. Young Justices comes out though, and draw a huge reaction from the crowd. Ramparte takes note, and goes to meet Young Justice halfway down the aisle. Flex breaks his hold, screaming at the tag team champions, and allowing for Matt Tastic to squirm to the other side of the ring. Matt crawls, using the turnbuckle to get to his feet. Ramparte stands in the way of Young Justice, as they take umbrage with his cheating ways. In the ring, Flex is fully focused on the tag team champions, screaming at them to mind their own business. James Aubrey is also busy with the tag team champions, trying to restore order into the match. But as Flex turns around, he walks right into a mouth of Coke, from Matt Tastic! Matt drank the bottle of Coke Flex refused, and spat it into the face of Flex Mussel! Flex freaks out, which allows for Matt to get a rollup! James Aubrey goes to count the cover. 1....2....3!!!! Flex sits up, completely flabberghasted, as Matt Tastic rolls out of the ring with his Eurasian Title.

Harrys: The winner of this match, Matt Tastic!

Cohen: You have to be kidding me. Matt Tastic cheated!

Copeland: Certainly an... Unconventional win, I suppose, but Matt Tastic has never been one to quarrel with the way he wins.

Flex is irate in the ring, threatening the referee as Matt makes it up the aisle. Ramparte goes to attack him, but Young Justice stand in the way. Noting the difference in numbers, Ramparte backs away, to get the towel and rinse off Flex's face, as he hyperventilates in the ring.


Backstage, Leon Kensworth is running towards Ty Burna, at an unrelenting pace. Ty seems to be heading back towards the locker room, as Leon is trying to flag him down.

Kensworth: Ty Burna! Ty, a moment

Ty turns around, with an almost angry glare, as Leon catches a breath, finally catching up to Ty.

Kensworth: Ty, it seems no matter what you do, the Pale Riders are going to be following you every step of the way. What's your strategy for what has to be the most fearsome group we've ever seen in WZCW?

Ty is now fully angered by Leon's question, but curtly answers his question.

Ty Burna: You think I don't know how to handle the leader? See, Zeus fancies himself a martyr. All of the bloodshed I plan for Zeus... Will only service Zeus' message. But if I eviscerate Zeus' congregation... He has no sycophants to hear his message. And that will leave me all alone with Zeus, and I will show him-

Ty Burna's attention trails off, as he looks off to the distance. The camera spins around, in an attempt to see who has garnered Ty Burna's attention. The camera pans to find Diabolos, standing in front of Ty Burna. Diabolos stares at Ty Burna, and Ty returns the stare. Ty walks away from Leon, as Diabolos and Ty stand chest to chest with one another. Ty looks Diabolos square in the eye, measuring him. His eyes glow red, as he looks down at Diabolos.

Ty:.... There's more to you, than you have led on. I can sense it...

Ty Burna walks away, leaving Diabolos staring him down. The camera focuses on Diabolos, who looks angered, but somewhat confused.
Standing by is Leon Kensworth and Young Justice.

Leon: I'm here with the WZCW Tag Team Champions Young Justice. Haven, Hayada, tonight you go one on one with The Elite members Showtime Cougar and Michael Winters. What's your strategy going into tonight?

Haven: Real simple Leon, we're the heroes in this and the heroes always come out on top. We're going to go out there and do what we do best, save the day, and shut the Elite up.

Just then Ramparte and Flex Mussel walk into the picture, Young Justice quickly getting into fighting stances. Flex looks at the two and merely laughs, showing little if any effects from his prior match.

Flex: You know if you two actually hit the gym once in awhile, you wouldn't have to be so defensive around us.

Ramparte: But you should be nervous.

Flex: The third head of Cerberus will be revealed for you to see very soon.

Ramparte: And let me just say, you won't see it coming. Your tag titles, they belong to us. Cerberus is more than just us two, it's growing into a villainous group that you two bit heroes have no chance against.

Hyada: No matter how many people you have against us, you'll never defeat two pillars of justice!

Flex begins laughing again as he reaches into his gym bag, producing two bottles of protein shake. He tosses them at Young Justice, who catch them.

Flex: Here, drink up gentlemen, you need all the help you can get.

Cerberus walks off cackling as the camera focuses in on the intense look on Hyada and Haven's faces.


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd boos as smoke begins to cover the stage as lights begin to flash throughout the arena. The smoke clears and Michael Winters and Showtime stand at the top of the stage. They walk down the ramp, yelling out at the fans before sliding into the ring, climbing to the second turnbuckle, staring out at the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 493 pounds, Showtime Cougar and Michael Winters, The Elite!

Copeland: Showtime and Winters came up short at All or Nothing in the TLC Tag Team Title match, the winners of course Young Justice. Tonight they look to angle into another tag team title shot by taking out the champions.

Cohen: Young Justice may have taken advantage of the chaos of TLC and stolen the titles, but in a true wrestling match they have no shot against The Elite!


The crowd roars as Hyada walks out from the back, throwing striking combinations in the air with the Tag Team Title wrapped around his waist. He slams his fist down into the ground, pyro shooting off behind him as Haven comes flying over him with a kick, his title wrapped around his waist as well. The Tag Team Champions slap hands before running towards the ring, sliding in and climbing up to the turnbuckles, holding up the Tag Team Titles high into the air to more cheers from the crowd.

Harrys: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 416 pounds, the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Young Justice!

Copeland: Haven came into some money last week, winning his Roulette Round match. Not knowing what to do he started handing out money to the fans!

Cohen: What an idiot! Has he seen his rookie contract? That was enough for a great night on the town and then some!

The two teams go to their corners, Winters and Hyada starting as Referee Keith Morse calls for the bell. The two lock up and Winters uses his size advantage to get Hyada in a headlock. He wrenches on it before Hyada backs him into the ropes, sending across to the other side. Winters runs him over and Hyada drops to his stomach as Winters hops over. Hyada leap frogs over and side steps the rebounding Winters, hitting a side step hook kick to the back of the head. Winters stumbles forward and Hyada dropkicks him out to the floor. The crowd cheers as Winters looks frustrated. Showtime drops down and walks over to him, discussing strategy as the Referee Morse calls for Winters to return to the ring. He slides in slowly and tags in Showtime, while Hyada tags in Haven. Haven hops into the ring over the ropes and immediately looks to crank up the speed. He rolls forward towards Showtime before ducking under a clothesline attempt. He springboards off the ropes and connects with a kick to the chest, knocking Showtime off his feet. He goes for the cover, 1......2..Showtime kicks out with ease. Haven rolls him back to his feet, whipping him across the ring. Haven goes for a spinning heel kick but Showtime ducks under and connects with a dropkick of his own to the rising Haven. Haven rolls over into a corner but Showtime doesn't let up, delivering repeated stomps to the chest as Morse starts the five count. He pulls Showtime off, yelling at him to respect the five count. Showtime flips his hair back before pulling Haven up by his mask, delivering a stiff knife edge chop. Haven cringes but Showtime does it again before whipping him into the corner. Haven hits back first and is splashed by Showtime. Showtime goes for the cover, 1............2.....Haven kicks out. Showtime drags Haven over to his corner and tags in Winters, who drops an elbow to the chest.

Copeland: Showtime has given his team the advantage. It appears that strategy session has paid off.

Cohen: Showtime has seen everything in WZCW. These two wannabe heroes are no different.

Winters lifts up Haven and whips him across. He lifts him up for a sidewalk slam but the rotation is too much and Haven swings up and over behind Winters, grabbing a head of hair and delivering a bulldog. Haven rolls to his corner and tags in Hyada, who rushes in with a quick clothesline. Winters gets up and Hyada goes for a kick but Winters catches his leg, pulling him forward and up before delivering a gutbuster. The crowd groans as Winters delivers mounted punches before stopping at the four count. Morse warns Winters but he doesn't listen, lifting Hyada up and whipping him across, this time lifting him up and connecting on the sidewalk slam. He hooks the leg, 1...........2......Hyada kicks out. Hyada is dragged up, Winters applying an arm wrench before tagging in Showtime. Showtime walks in and delivers a kick to the midsection. He whips Hyada across before delivering a stiff spinning clothesline, taking Hyada down and immediately going for another pin, 1...........2.........Hyada kicks out again! Showtime drags him up but Hyada breaks free, delivering stiff rights and knocking Showtime backwards. Hyada tries to grab a Muay Thai clinch but Showtime kicks his knee out from underneath him before lifting him up and hitting an inverted suplex slam. Hyada crumbles from the impact and Showtime tags in Winters once more. Both members of the Elite set Hyada up, delivering a double suplex. Winters floats over for the pin, 1..............2........Hyada kicks out again!

Cohen: Like a well oiled machine, Winters and Showtime are slowly breaking Hyada down.

Copeland: You can't help but appreciate a tag team clinic like Showtime and Winters are putting on.

Winters gets up and runs towards the opposite corner, striking Haven which leads to the hero trying to enter the ring. Morse cuts him off and Winters takes advantage, placing his foot on the throat of Hyada for several moments before tagging in Showtime. Showtime enters the ring again and delivers a knee to the ribs, keeping Hyada grounded. He drags him out and locks in a reverse chin lock, wrenching on the neck as much as possible. Hyada struggles against the hold as the oxygen continues to get cut off from him. Referee Morse checks on Hyada, but Hyada shakes his head no as he slowly turns and gets to one knee. He begins delivering elbows to the midsection, suddenly transitioning to a Muay Thai Clinch! Showtime can't escape as Hyada begins delivering knees to the midsection, Showtime desperately trying to break the clinch. Hyada drags him in and suddenly delivers a belly to belly suplex! The crowd cheers as both men are down, Hyada staring towards Haven who is yelling for the tag as Winters does the same for Showtime. Both men begin dragging themselves to their corner, and Showtime gets the tag first! Winters rushes in, grabbing Hyada's leg but Hyada turns around and kicks him away! He turns and rolls to his corner, tagging in Haven who hops up onto the top rope and comes flying off with a crossbody to Winters. Haven rolls up and back to his feet, delivering a snapmare to Winters and hitting a dropkick to the neck as Haven is fired up and yells out to the crowd, who replies in earnest. Winters rolls over and slowly gets to his feet along the ropes. Haven rushes towards him and Winters goes to back body drop him but Haven lands on the outside apron. Winters stumbles forward and looks to springboard again but Showtime trips him up, delivering stiff rights along the apron. Hyada gets into the ring however and delivers the Dragon Raid combination! Showtime slides into the ring however and grabs Hyada, delivering the Backstage Reverse DDT! Showtime turns towards the slowly returning Haven, dragging him in and to the corner. He lifts him up and motions for the Final Act!

Copeland: It's broke down here as Showtime looks to put Haven away!

Cohen: Showtime's doing everything he can to make sure his team gets the victory tonight.

Showtime climbs the turnbuckles, setting Haven as well. Haven struggles against it, hitting elbows to the side of the head and Showtime stumbles down, but delivers a low blow as Winters distracts Referee Morse! The crowd boos and Haven is in big trouble as Showtime has him set up for the Final Act. Hyada suddenly runs the ring apron and hits a spinning back fist to the back of Winters! Winters gets knocked backwards as Hyada runs to the other side, Haven hits a few shots to get Showtime to release the hold as Hyada climbs up behind Haven and jumps over Showtime, grabbing his legs and delivering a sunset power bomb! Showtime hits the mat hard, rolling out of the ring in pain as Haven springs forward off the top rope, rolling through across the ring and catching Winters with Iron Justice! Haven rolls him over and goes for the cover, 1...............2..............3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Young Justice!

Copeland: Young Justice picks up a huge win here tonight on Meltdown!

Cohen: Hyada cheated! The referee should have forced him to his corner, instead he let him run wild in the ring.

Referee Morse presents the champions with their belts before raising their hands in victory. Winters rolls out of the ring, and Showtime looks down at him, a look of anger on his face as he slams his hands on the apron. He looks down at Winters for several moments before helping him to his feet as they retreat up the ramp. Hyada and Haven celebrate in the ring, climbing the turnbuckles and holding up the tag team titles.

Copeland: It looks like the Tag Team Division is in good hands with Young Justice around!
Showtime: Vance, that result can't go down like that! Winters and I got the shaft out there!

Showtime David Cougar hovers around Vance Bateman's desk, as Vance looks on with concern at one of his most decorated superstars.

Vance: Showtime, I'm sorry, but there's not much that can be done.

Showtime: You can't expect me and Winters to be fully focused on that match. You announced that the World Heavyweight Title would be on the line at Lethal Lottery!

Vance: David, if you won that match, I'd probably have given you a tag title match at Lethal Lottery. That's a huge deal!

Showtime: I know, but we had the chance to hold the Elite X, World, and Tag Titles all at once. How do you expect us to be fully focused!

Vance sighs, and thinks of ways to appease his superstar.

Vance: I can't do much to expunge that loss from your record... But I'll think of a way to alleviate some of your concerns, about the Lethal Lottery. All I'll say is... You'll be in good position, for the Lethal Lottery.

Showtime takes this time measure this, and mulls this. A small smirk forms from the side of his mouth, and seems appeased by this notion.

Showtime: I knew I could count on you, Vance, I've gotta go meet Constantine in the limo... I'll call you tomorrow morning, buddy.

Showtime walks towards the door, and opens it up. As he opens it up, he finds Steven Holmes, on the other side, giving him an odious smirk. Showtime smirks again, upon looking at his longtime rival.

Showtime: Good to see you back, Steven.

Showtime turns to leave, but keeps looking at Holmes, as the two stare off. As Showtime leaves the room. Holmes breathes out, and mutters to himself under his breath.

Holmes: Bloody Pleb...

Vance holds his arms in the air, signalling a welcoming environment for the Aristocracy. Steven Holmes strides towards his desk.

Vance: Pleased to see you, Steven, and welcome back! I apologize for not being able to meet earlier.

Holmes: Yes, you certainly should...

Vance winces a little at Steven's brisk reply, but quickly recovers.

Vance:... But, I think I have a wonderful idea, that should tickle your fancy. An idea that should put you in great position for our now vacant World Title!

Holmes gives a cross look, but is clearly not walking away.

Holmes: I'm listening...


Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Culiacan, Mexico, weighing 180 pounds, El Califa Dragón!

The former Tag Team Champion walks on stage nodding his head in rhythm to the music. He moves a little slower than normal, likely still feeling the effects of his brutal TLC match. He slides into the ring and hops to a second turnbuckle, popping off his hood and yelling out into the audience as they cheer him.

Copeland: Califa, in action for the first time since All or Nothing, and it appears he is still feeling the effects of that match.

Cohen: No way is he one hundred percent, physically or mentally. A brutal beating, and his protege turning on him. He is going to have his hands full tonight.


And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, "The Swagtastic voice of a generation", Ricky Runn!

The former World Champion swaggers onto the stage. The crowd boos him heavily, though a few fans have signs voicing their displeasure that the Swag Title has been retired. Ricky and his glorious abs roll into the ring and he poses, though few flashbulbs go off.

Cohen: Are you ready to turn your swag on Seabass? Ricky Runn is back!

Copeland: He took one week off, and you know damn well I have no clue what swag is. Regardless, Runn is also in action tonight for the first time since losing his title at All or Nothing.

Referee Elizabeth Prince goes over last minute instructions and then calls for the bell. Immediately, Califa looks to go on the offensive, but Runn holds up his hands. Califa pauses as Runn fixes his hair with his hands, causing Califa to throw his hands up frustrated. Ricky uses the opportunity to start throwing rights hands. He backs Califa into the corner, Ms. Prince stepping in and starting her five count. Ricky lets up once the ref steps between the competitors, but he sneaks in a slap on the way out. This angers Califa, who comes out of the corner a ball of fire, unleashing a series of kicks to the lead leg and thigh of Runn. Ricky backs into the corner to cover from the kicks, forcing the ref to again step in. Califa relents after a long four count, but does indeed break clean and retreat to the center of the ring. Ricky shakes his leg out before he advances to the center of the ring, the two competitors tie up. Califa secures a side headlock after some jockeying. Runn is able to force Califa to break the hold, lifting him for a back suplex. Califa manages to land on his feet after flipping out of the move, he then ducks a sloppy clothesline from Runn. He connects with a Pele kick and Runn falls to his backside. Califa then goes for a la magistral cradle, and the referee slides into position. 1!...2!...Runn manages to kick out.

Copeland: Califa showcasing his lucha roots, and almost managed a quick victory here.

Runn glares at Califa as he gets back to his feet. Califa stays on the attack mixing some short jabs in with stiff kicks. Ricky is backed into the ropes and the ref calls for the break. Runn takes advantage of the situation to springboard off the ropes and takes Califa down with a clothesline, just missing the referee. Runn stomps away while Califa gets to his feet. He grabs an arm and whips Califa into the ropes, connecting with a back body drop to the Mexican star. Runn hops to the second rope and drops a leg across the chest, before he looks for a cover, 1!...2!...and Califa kicks out. Runn locks in a chinlock before Califa is able to recover. Runn wrenches on the hold, Califa stomping his foot in pain before Runn goes for the mask. Runn has his fingers under the mask and out of desperation Califa grabs a handful of hair. The former World Champ pulls away, angered by the hair pull. The ref warns Califa as Ricky rolls to the outside and tries to fix his hair.

Cohen: What a blatant violation of the rules! The ref need to disqualify Califa right now!

Copeland: Well Ricky is currently out of the ring, and has been for about ten seconds by my count, so he should be counted out.

While Ricky has his back turned, Califa runs into the ropes to pick up speed and then dives outside with a suicide dive through the second and third ropes. Tope Suicida! Both men hit the guardrail hard, both on their backs breathing hard. The referee begins her ten count.
Copeland: What a move by Califa! Throwing caution to the wind, putting his body on the line.
Cohen: He is stupid. He is just back from a brutal beating, and he does this?
Both men are slowly but surely getting to their feet and crawling back in the ring as the ref gets to eight. Califa rolls into the ring at nine, and Runn dives in just after him. Califa drapes an arm over Runn. 1!...2!...and Runn kicks out. Califa nods his head, as if he expected Runn to kick out, as he pull him to his feet. A couple of right hands soften Runn up, and Califa connects with a spinning back kick to the midsection, doubling Runn over. Califa hits the ropes and connects with a missile dropkick to the side of the head. He measures his opponent and then hits a standing moonsault. He stays on top for a cover. 1!...2!...and Ricky just gets a shoulder up. Califa claps his hands frustrated and asks the ref if it was indeed two, which assures him. Califa calls for Dragón de Vuelo and the crowd comes alive with anticipation. Califa lifts the dead weight of Runn and body slams him down close to the turnbuckle and then begins his ascent.


Copeland: What the hell is the Swag Pack doing out here!

Califa jumps into the ring, ready to fight the Swag Pack, but they simply stay on top of the ramp. Runn uses the opportunity to get to his feet and sneak up behind Califa. He grabs him around the waist and runs him into the ropes. With a handful of tights, Ricky rolls Califa up. 1!...2!...3! NO The referee saw the handful of tights and stopped her hand just shy of three. Ricky is up and quickly in the face of the referee, arguing over the call as Califa gets to his feet.

Cohen: Ricky Runn had this one made until another horrible call by the ref tonight. Never let a woman do a man's job.

Copeland: Oh come on Jack, you can't truly believe....wait a minute, what the hell?


As the Pale Riders music hits, the Swag Pack quickly take action, running down to the ring. Joe Mason and Hollywood Jameson grab Ricky and pull him out of the ring and begin to carry him to safety as the music of The Rider's continues to play. With Runn on the outside, being carried up the ramp, the ref has no choice but to start her ten count.
Copeland: What is going on? Ricky Runn is going to lose this match by count out.

Cohen: His friends are protecting him from the pain that The Riders are about to bring. If Califa had any friends, they would do the same for him.
Finally Amber Warren and Dr. Zeus of The Riders make their way to ringside. Warren through the crowd and Zeus from under the ring. Califa raises his fists, ready to fight.
10! Ms. Prince calls for the bell.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by count out, El Califa Dragon!

As soon as the bell rings, Zeus and Warren slide into the ring, and El Califa Dragon stares them down. Suddenly, the lights in the arena go out! Zeus and Warren shout in confusion and when the lights come back on, El Califa is gone! Instead, the Dragon Queen mask once worn by Amber Warren sits in the ring - with a dagger through it!

Copeland: This is...eerie.

Cohen: Wars in the shadows are fought by cowards! The Pale Riders came for a fight, and all El Califa has to offer is this?

Copeland: Regardless, both Califa and Runn live to fight another day.
Backstage, Leon Kensworth is standing before the camera, microphone in hand.

Kensworth: My guests at this time, Mikey Stormrage, and Ty Burna!

Mikey Stormrage walks across the screen, with an agitated Ty Burna behind him. Mikey seems calm and composed, ready for this match.

Kensworth: Mikey, I want to ask you... You helped Ty Burna fight the Pale Riders at Ascension Anarchy. Why, might I ask, would you do that?

Stormrage shrugs his shoulders.

Stormrage: The power of Christ compelled me?

Mikey Stormrage smiles, and looks over his shoulder at Ty Burna, who seems stone faced.

Stormrage: Listen, if anyone knows what it's like to face a group attack on your own, it's me. I don't know if you remember much about me from Lethal Lottery last year... But whatever you do remember, I hope you forget. Now, I get a chance to be in a tag team with Ty Burna...

Mikey Stormrage turns around;

Stormrage: Nothing personal, but Strikeforce is still a better team. And-

???: Yeeeeea Boi!

Stormrage looks to the commotion that's caused, the source of the irritating noise. He has to look no further than Ricky Runn, flunkied by his Swag Pack and Becky Serra.

Runn: 'Sup, fatass? Remember me, I'm the guy that you held down during that time. You know, the guy that had to wrestle on Wrestlezone Weekend, because you chose Derek Jacobs over me?

The Swag Pack laughs at this, as Ricky holds his hand in the air, calling for their praise.

Runn: Well, don't worry, s'all good. I mean, we all know how that turned out, with me being the greatest champion of all time. I got my swag pack, I got my girl. And you... Oh yeah, you're all alone, buddy.

Ricky and his pack walk away, leaving Mikey Stormrage sternly staring at him.

Stormrage: You just ran out...

Ty suddenly hits him on the back, getting his attention.

Ty: He doesn't matter now... We have business to attend to. Take all those bitter feelings... And help me send The Pale Riders back to Hell...

Stormrage nods to Ty Burna... But still seems preoccupied with Ricky Runn.

Cohen: Big main event after this!


Harrys: The following contest, is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!


The lights go down low as small red lights begin to flicker down around the crowd and the ring. Dr. Zeus and Amber Warren slowly make their way out, the crowd booing them loudly as they look to each other before walking slowly down the ramp to the ring. Zeus walks up the steel steps as Amber slides in, Amber kneeling down as Zeus enters the ring. He reaches down and helps Amber to her feet, the crowd unrelenting.

Harrys: Introducing first, representing the Pale Riders, Amber Warren, and Dr. Zeus!

Copeland: This is gonna be one hell of a match Jack.

Cohen: No question Seabass. The hatred between Ty and the Pale Riders has ramped up in just a week's time. This is gonna be a war, not a match.


Green lights begin pulsating throughout the arena in rhythm with the music as Mikey Stormrage makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp. The crowd cheers loudly as Mikey lifts up a hand in the air before running down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans along the way. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, pointing towards Amber and Zeus before doing his Game Over Taunt.


Suddenly the lights go out and the crowd cheers wildly as the Chaos symbol comes up in flames on the entrance stage, static lights flickering throughout the arena. Suddenly the lights shoot up as Ty rises up through the floor, his head down for a moment before lifting his head up, his eyes flashing red. He sprints down the ring, the lights coming on as he tackles Zeus, throwing right hand after right hand as Referee Aikyama tries to break them apart. Amber attacks Ty stopping him for a moment but Mikey suddenly clotheslines Amber over the ropes to the outside. Zeus quickly gets out of the way as Mikey pushes Ty back towards the corner, the crowd salivating at the idea of Ty against Zeus. Ty demands to start but Mikey shakes his head. Finally Ty relents as Zeus pulls himself up. The bell is rung and Mikey locks up with Zeus. Mikey forces Zeus into the corner, not letting go before delivering a knee to the midsection. Amber finally pulls herself up back in her corner, screaming at Mikey which distracts him enough for Zeus to escape the corner and make the tag to Amber. Amber hops in and she goes to chopping away at Mikey with kicks to the leg. Amber ducks under a clothesline attempt and springboards off the ropes with a crossbody. Mikey catches her however, rushing towards his corner and dropping her face first into the turnbuckle. Mikey tags in Ty, who walks in slowly, holding Amber's head back before delivering a stiff right to the forehead. He drags Amber to the ropes and whips her across, delivering a running high knee, the impact sending Amber fleeing to the outside. Ty yells out towards Zeus as the crowd cheers the former world champion loudly.

Copeland: The Pale Riders just can't seem to get out of neutral.

Cohen: They have to ride the storm, let Ty wear himself out and then take him down. Mikey can't have the best stamina either.

Akiyama starts the ten count, but Ty doesn't waste time, sliding to the outside and slamming Amber face first into the barricade. Akiyama restarts the ten count yelling for Ty to get back in the ring. He tosses Amber back in but doesn't go for a cover, instead going for a knee drop. It misses however, and Amber gets up, connecting with an inverted DDT. She leans back and tags in Zeus, who quickly gets in and drops an elbow across the throat of Ty. Zeus immediately begins a blatant choke, wrapping his hands around Ty. Akiyama warns Zeus but Ty reaches up and grabs Zeus's throat in return, Zeus's eyes growing wide as Ty grits his teeth. The two continue to choke each other as Ty slowly gets to his feet. Zeus tries to keep his hold but finally resorts to multiple headbutts to get Ty to drop his choke. Zeus suddenly lifts Ty up and hits a Samoan Drop. Zeus hooks the leg and goes for the pin, 1............2..Ty kicks out quickly. Zeus drags Ty back over to the corner, the crowd trying to get behind Ty. Zeus delivers shoulder thrusts into the midsection repeatedly before turning to Akiyama and distracts him, allowing Amber to gouge at Ty's eyes. Ty yells out as he rubs his eyes, but opens them up in time to get an elbow to the side of Zeus's head, and an elbow to Amber. Ty rushes out of the corner and hits a clothesline on Zeus before tagging in Mikey, who gets a big reaction from the crowd. Zeus pulls himself up in his corner, but gets splashed by Mikey. Amber tries to grab at Mikey as he pulls Zeus away. He lifts him up and delivers a stiff backbreaker, shoving him down to the mat and going for the cover, 1.................2.....Zeus kicks out.

Copeland: Quick thinking from Ty leads to Mikey getting in before things get drastic. It seems Mikey and Ty are on the same page tonight.

Cohen: It's their only chance to survive is to work together. Trust me, Ty would rather just kick Mikey's head off if given the chance.

Mikey lifts up Zeus and goes to whip him across. Zeus rebounds but ducks a clothesline, connecting with a running bulldog and dropping Mikey face first. Zeus quickly goes to slam Mikey's face in the mat repeatedly before rolling him over and going for a pin, 1.................2....Mikey powers out of the pin. Zeus puts the boots to him before applying a Dragon Sleeper, staring right at Ty as he cinches his arm around Mikey's neck. Ty has enough and tries to enter the ring but Akiyama cuts him off. Zeus grabs hold of Mikey's hair and pulls back on it, forcing the hold in deeper. He drags Mikey back to his corner, and Amber tags herself in. She climbs up to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with knees to Mikey's stomach as Zeus let's go of the sleeper. Amber goes for the pin, 1................2............Mikey kicks out! Mikey crawls towards Ty and his corner but Amber stands in front of him, stomping right on his fingers, causing Mikey to yell out in pain. She kicks him in the stomach repeatedly, each strike becoming stiffer than the last. She grabs Mikey's ears and pulls him up before slapping him hard across the face. She goes for a kick but Mikey catches it, shaking his head as the crowd roars. He spins Amber around but she returns with a stiff kick to the side of the head, knocking Mikey down again. She goes for the cover, 1................2..........Ty breaks up the pin attempt! He begins throwing bombs at Amber but Akiyama pulls him away and pushes him back to his corner. Ty screams in frustration at him but Amber gets a tag in to Zeus who grabs the rising Mikey and delivers a hangman's neckbreaker. He goes for another cover, 1.................2.............Mikey kicks out again! Zeus gets up and begins to look frustrated as he drags Mikey slowly back to the corner again, tagging in Amber once more.

Cohen: Mikey has found himself in the grips of the Pale Riders. This is what he deserves for getting involved in their business.

Copeland: He desperately needs to get a tag to Ty and get the momentum back in their favor.

Amber springs off the ropes and splashes Mikey, getting up as she motions for him to get up. Mikey gets to one knee but is put down again with a stiff kick to the side of the head. Another tag back to Zeus and he delivers a leg drop across the throat, once more going for the pin, 1................2.........Mikey kicks out. Yet another tag and the two Riders drag Mikey up and to the ropes, sending him across and telegraph a double back body drop. Mikey stops just in time and sends a stiff kick right to the face of Zeus. As Zeus stands up straight, Amber rushes at Mikey but Mikey suddenly lifts her up and delivers The Falcon Punch! The crowd roars as grabs Zeus and delivers the Sabin Special! Mikey finally collapses after the adrenaline leaves him, both Riders down as Zeus rolls to the outside. Ty yells for Mikey to get to the corner, and he begins slowly crawling there as Amber is still down. Mikey is mere finger tips away when Amber grabs hold of Mikey's leg, desperately trying to keep him from tagging in Ty. Zeus rolls back in the ring but Mikey dives and tags in Ty at the last second before Zeus can interfere! Ty comes in and lifts up Zeus, delivering a rib breaker and tossing him to the side as Amber gets up. Ty goes for Consecrated Banishment! But Amber ducks under it. She goes for a kick but Ty catches it, shoving her away. She goes for the spinning kick again but Ty ducks under, hitting a kick to the midsection before lifting her up for a double underhook backbreaker! He presses down on the hold, stretching Amber over his knee as she yells out in pain.

Copeland: Ty has got Amber in a very bad spot here. She may need to tap out here!

Cohen: I don't think so, because here comes the cavalry!

Suddenly Fallout runs to the ring from the back, jumping onto the apron and arguing with Akiyama. Ty notices this and shoves Amber to the ground. He walks over to Fallout and swings with a haymaker but Fallout drops off the mat. Ty yells at him but gets attacked from behind by Zeus. Zeus begins punching wildly, Ty covering up when Mikey suddenly drags him off and tosses him to the outside. Fallout goes over and helps him up as Amber attacks Mikey from behind. He turns and simply shoves her back, and Ty catches her with a Cobra Clutch! He drops down and locks in The Harbinger's Omen! The crowd pops wildly as Ty wrenches back on the neck, cutting off the air. Amber's arm is up as she nearly taps. Fallout gets back up on the apron and that gets Mikey's attention as Zeus slides in and breaks up the submission hold. He grabs Ty's legs and delivers the Decapitator! Ty is down as Zeus's eyes go wide. He holds his hand up, waiting for Ty to get up, and Ty gets caught in Euthanasia! Ty grabs hold of Zeus's hand, trying to break the hold as Akiyama turns back towards the submission. He waves it off saying Zeus isn't legal but Zeus ignores him completely. Ty begins fading, and in the distance Fallout drops Mikey throat first across the ropes. Amber stands behind him and hits a legsweep, tripping up the former Eurasian champion. Ty drops to one knee as Zeus is clearly thriving.

Cohen: He's going to choke Ty out! Ty can't escape!

Copeland: Ty is fading fast in Euthanasia, though his eyes haven't shown one bit of quit in him!

Mikey tries to break up the hold but Amber hits a springboard dropkick, sending Mikey to the outside once again. Zeus yells at Ty to bow down to him, but this has a reverse effect as Ty merely becomes angered at this, his eyes glowing red as he grits his teeth, slowly pulling Zeus's hand off of him. He suddenly drops Zeus down with a Reverse STO! Ty quickly locks his legs around Zeus's, and applies the Muta Lock! The hold doesn't stay on long however as Amber breaks it up, but the damage is done as Zeus rolls away. Amber lifts up Ty and pushes him to the ropes. She whips him across but Ty ducks under a clothesline attempt. Mikey suddenly leaps onto the apron and makes a blind tag. Amber turns around and hits a Pele Kick on Ty! Ty stumbles backwards, clearly dazed. Mikey tries to get in to take advantage of the situation but Zeus clings to his leg, keeping him on the apron. He finally drags Mikey off, sending him face first into the apron. Zeus pounds away on him as Amber runs forward and delivers a huracanrana before locking in the Livewire Stretch! Ty yells in pain as he struggles against the hold. He rolls over and gets Amber's shoulders on the mat, but Akiyama doesn't make the count. Ty reaches up, and gets his hands together as he lifts Amber up and drags her to the ropes and tosses her outside! Ty leans against the ropes, clearly exhausted when Zeus gets back in. He rushes towards Ty but Mikey intercepts and connects with Game Over! Zeus is out in the ring as Mikey goes to check on Ty. Ty suddenly shoves Mikey away as he rushes forward, connecting with Consecrated Banishment on Amber as she slides in with a chair! The chair goes flying as Ty falls down in the corner, Mikey quickly goes for the pin, 1...................2...................3!

Harrys: Here are your winners, Mikey Stormrage and Ty Burna!

Copeland: What an incredible match! Mikey and Ty just saved one another from their adversaries, and they pick up a huge win against the Pale Riders here tonight!

Cohen: Mikey got lucky that Ty was keen enough to catch Amber at the last second. He was about to get his brains blasted out!

Akiyama raises the hand of Ty and Mikey, who shake hands as well. Mikey rolls out of the ring to celebrate, but suddenly he's attacked from behind by Ricky Runn! Ricky begins throwing rights and lefts, before sending Mikey backwards into the apron. Ricky rushes towards him but Mikey counters with rights of his own, and the two begin brawling up the ramp. Ty goes to help but he's cut off by Fallout standing in front of him. Ty stares him down, preparing for another battle as Zeus and Amber begin to slowly regroup next to Fallout.

Cohen: It's back down to Ty against the Pale Riders once more!

Ty looks back and forth between the three of them, Ty in no better shape then Amber or Zeus either. The Pale Riders begin moving towards Ty when the lights suddenly go out.

Cohen: Ty's running Seabass! You knew he wasn't man enough to face the Riders by himself!

The lights come back on, but Ty remains in the same spot, but behind the Riders is El Califa Dragon with a chair! He slams the chair in the back of Fallout, before turning and cracking the chair over the head of Zeus. Amber turns to help her fellow Pale Riders, but she eats another Consecrated Banishment! Amber's moment sends her flying through the ropes to the outside as Zeus and Fallout roll out next to her. Ty leans over the ropes, screaming at the Riders that this isn't over by a long shot. El Califa climbs up to the top turnbuckle and points to Zeus before motioning to slit his throat. The crowd continues cheering as Ty and El Califa look towards each other for the first time since the Lethal Lottery. El Califa slowly extends his hand, and Ty reaches out, and the two shake hands!

Copeland: Ty Burna and El Califa Dragon have joined forces against the Pale Riders!

Cohen: This can't be!

Ty calls for a microphone, and is handed one by the ringside assistant.

Ty: Zeus! Tell your dog Amber Warren that she's got a very important match next week. Because she will be my sacrifice to you, in a Mayhem Rules match!

Zeus yells out in anger as he tries to help Amber to her feet. Ty tosses the microphone as he climbs up to the second turnbuckle, staring down the Riders as does El Califa Dragon as Meltdown goes off the air.

Ty: Tag Matches, segments
Haiku: Tastic/Flex, segments
KJ: Opening
Yaz: ECD/Runn

Hope you guys enjoy the show. We are working short handed this round, so we are really putting our nose to the grind. I think we have some good stuff planned for the shows. Look for Ascension tomorrow.
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