Meltdown 100

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the biggest episode of Meltdown ever! It is the 100 hundredth anniversary of Meltdown and we couldn't be more excited!

Cohen: Me and Seabass were here for the first, and we're going to be here for a long time. Well, at least I will - I can never tell when they're going to let this ugly mug next to me go!

Copeland: With the number of matches we have to bring you tonight Mr. Banks had decided to get right to the action, but we're told that a former superstar had requested a moment to appear on Meltdown 100 and address the crowd, so he's given that time over to him! And -


The crowd gets on their feet, cheering loudly as they hear a pleasant and familiar theme song. A camera shows sections of the audience reacting with a few signs supporting the Professor before panning over to the ramp where Steven Kurtesy slowly enters the arena wearing casual clothing. The cheers grow louder as he stands on top of the stage, looking out to the audience with a somewhat serious facial expression before he slowly makes his way down the ramp with his head slightly down.

Copeland: It's Steven Kurtesy! The fans are very welcoming of Kurtesy who had just spent the last few weeks recovering from his injuries sustained during Apocalypse. Good to see him back.

Cohen: I wouldn't be so sure on that, Seabass. Kurtesy doesn't seem to be his usual happy or motivated self. He has a certain look in his eyes that I've seen before.

Steven eventually makes it to ringside and rolls into the ring, heading directly for the other side of the ring and requesting a microphone. Once he receives the mic, he stands towards the middle of the ring and looks out to the audience once more as the music dies down. The fans cheering continues as Steven continues to look.

* KUR - TESS - EE * KUR - TESS - EE * KUR - TESS - EE *

Kurtesy doesn't react to the crowd chanting his name but allows them to keep going until they wear down. He lifts up the mic and hesitates for a second before speaking.

Kurtesy: I've been doing a lot of thinking over the time I had to rest and heal up my body, trying to figure out a few things. Mainly, I've been thinking about what the future holds for Steven Kurtesy.

He pauses for a moment.

Kurtesy: I've thought long and hard about it and I was indecisive for a very long time until I saw one of the wrestlers being advertised for tonight's show: Ty Burna.

The crowd has a mixed reaction to the reference.

Kurtesy: This was a man who once stood at the top of the mountain, owning half of WZCW and using his Apostles of Chaos to tear down anyone who stood up to him... except for me. I fought endlessly and endured the full wrath of the Chaos and eventually made it to the top, eventually defeating Ty Burna at Kingdom Come IV for the World Heavyweight Championship, which lead to a series of events that spelled the downfall of Ty Burna.

I come back today to see that Ty Burna is back and terrorising the WZCW once more in his match against Big Dave.

A cheer is let out for Dave.

Kurtesy: The man I've been battling for the latter half of last year, Dr. Zeus, is also still around and after all the physical and psychological damage we put each other through, he continues to trudge along his war path...

Kurtesy has a blank stare in his eyes as his head is turned into the direction of the crowd.

Kurtesy: The people I seek to help are still being haunted by those who I tried to stop, no matter how hard I tried. So I thought to myself: why do I go through this pain and suffering if the results always spell out a gloomy ending anyway? What reason do I have to continue on in my crusade against the evil of the world?

What reason do I have...

The crowd becomes silent as Kurtesy continues to talk and stare into nothing.

Kurtesy: I err... I-I don't...

He shakes his head, not knowing how to finish his sentence. He shrugs his shoulders as he looks into the crowd.

Kurtesy: I'm sorry everyone... I couldn't stop them...

He drops the microphone halfway through his final sentence as he slowly walks backwards with a blank stare on his face. He slowly exits the ring as the fans begin telling him not to leave but Kurtesy ignores them, walking up the ramp telling himself that he "couldn't stop them."

Copeland: I'm... I'm not sure what to make of this, Jack.

Cohen: He sounds like a man who has grown tired and simply given up. I knew I recognized that glimmer in his eyes - I've seen many men and women have that look and been in the same position.

Copeland: But what does this all mean? Is this the end of Steven Kurtesy?

Cohen: You could be right, Seabass. You could be right.

Kurtesy reaches the top of the stage, looking back over his shoulder out to the fans once before looking towards the ground and exiting through the curtain.

The crowd cheers loudly for S.H.I.T's arrival, while the robot pays no mind he heads straight toward the ring. Finding himself standing amongst a loud parade of cheers!

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 pounds, S.H.I.T!

Copeland: S.H.I.T has a huge ovation tonight! The crowd seems to be behind him for his matchup against Matt Tastic

Cohen:Stuck between a rock and hard place. It's 2014, the year of Tastic!

The crowds attitude changed completely from the loud, roaring cheers to almost deafening boos. Tastic plays to the fans, egging them on while he makes his way to the ring.

Cohen:There's my boy! Look at him, he's in the zone tonight!

Copeland:Well Tastic is going to need be on his A-Game tonight. Otherwise S.H.I.T is going to have a win on Meltdown 100!

While S.H.I.T awaited for the bell to indicate the start of the match, Tastic quickly went for the kill, flying right through the ropes and attempts a DDT to the head of S.H.I.T. But S.H.I.T counters and lands a European uppercut! S.H.I.T pushes Tastic into the ropes, but Tastic grabs onto the ropes and stops himself from launching back. S.H.I.T then decides to take the offense to Tastic, but runs right into a boot from Tastic! Pushed back from the kick to the face, S.H.I.T is helpless to an attack from Tastic who goes for another DDT aimed for the head, this time connecting! Tastic goes for the pin. 1....2 kickout after two!

Copeland:Tastic is wasting no time in headhunting tonight, Jack.

Cohen:We all know S.H.I.T is due to be shutdown. Who better to do it than a mayhem legend like Tastic!

Tastic is able to stand up before S.H.I.T shouting at the robot. "Get up!" yet anytime S.H.I.T showed any sign of movement, Tastic launched a fury of kicks to S.H.I.T's head. S.H.I.T pushed through the damage to not only rise to his feet, but took a hold of Tastic and threw him with a dragon screw, sending him to the other side of the ring! Tastic stumbles then uses the corner of the ring in order to balance himself but it was S.H.I.T's turn for the offensive, S.H.I.T ran at full speed. Hitting Tastic dead on with a knee, stunning Tastic! S.H.I.T however seems to be far from done with Tastic, S.H.I.T kneels down and begins to lift Tastic up to the top rope, setting him up for the Industrial Breaker! But wait, Tastic snaps back into it and counters the move with a Swinging reverse DDT from the top rope! Sending S.H.I.T's head straight into the canvas! The move took its own toll on Tastic, who took a few seconds before going to make the pin. 1...2... kick out!

Copeland:Oh my god did you see that! Tastic is pulling out all the stops tonight!

Cohen:That was impressive. That was really impressive! If he didn't stall, Tastic would have his hand raised in victory right--

While Tastic is seen grumbling on the floor of the ring to himself, S.H.I.T's body rises up quickly. His dented head turns to look at Tastic with a deathly stare, S.H.I.T stands to his feet and starts stomping towards Tastic, who attempts to crawl away from S.H.I.T. S.H.I.T has none of the cowardice and yanks Tastic up to his feet and launching him to the ropes. Slamming him with a clothesline! Tastic tries to get up and away but S.H.I.T lands another clothesline! With the final clothesline well in due Tastic grabs onto the ropes, hoping they would protect him but S.H.I.T disregards the rules and lands the final clothesline! Sending Tastic over the ropes and onto the ground near the announcers table. At the table, the ref begins the count. Tastic grabs his chest, holding it while he uses the count to gather some air and slow down S.H.I.T. Though that plan is quickly spoiled with S.H.I.T zooming through the ropes for a suicide dive towards Tastic who dodges the attack! Causing S.H.I.T to catch himself onto the announcers table with a thud! Tastic quickly begins to launch a flurry of punches and kicks at S.H.I.T who does nothing but the same, replicating and attacking Tastic right back with punches and kicks. Once S.H.I.T got the upperhand, landing more blows than Tastic he slides back into the ring, with S.H.I.T right behind him. Tastic however turns around and quickly grabs S.H.I.T into a Spinbuster with the pin! 1....2... Tastic's foot kicks the rope! Tastic releases the pin and begins shouting at the referee, cursing at him while S.H.I.T recovers from the second signature move.

Cohen:Oh come on ref, you're screwing Matt! It wasn't like he was using the ropes for leverage!

Copeland:Rules are rules, Jack and it's about time Tastic starts following them either way.

While Tastic shouts anger was directed at the ref, it soon was directed towards the fans who began booing Tastic. He then turns his back from S.H.I.T to shout at one fan in particular who was wearing a S.H.I.T tee-shirt. Though behind him S.H.I.T again raises from the ground simply standing in the middle of the ring, it was until Tastic backed up into S.H.I.T did he realize his rival was up and about. Though by time it all hit him, S.H.I.T lifts Tastic onto his shoulders and lands a Samoan Drop! With Tastic down on the ground, S.H.I.T ascends the top turnbuckle and wastes no time going for the diving headbutt, connecting with perfect accuracy! S.H.I.T goes for the pin. 1....2.... kickout from Tastic!

Cohen:Say what you want about S.H.I.T's toughness, but Tastic is scrappy as hell tonight!

Copeland:At this point in the match you have to wonder what is pushing these two men! Is it Tastic's desire to put away S.H.I.T, or S.H.I.T's inability to stay down!

S.H.I.T's head is clearly damaged and dented from all the damage thrown into it from both himself and Tastic, but bumps never stopped S.H.I.T or Tastic from getting up to their feet. Standing in middle of the ring, Tastic throws a hard right, sending the crowd in a frenzy shouting "Tastic!" S.H.I.T then returned fire with a left causing the crowd to shout "Sucks!" in favor of S.H.I.T. Tastic is thrown back from the punch, but goes right back to slugging it with S.H.I.T





The blows continued until they both went from slow, methodical swings to fast jabbing! S.H.I.T throws a punch that Tastic ducks underneath, S.H.I.T then winds for a Piston Chop, but Tastic ducks that attack! Instead he uses S.H.I.T's momentum to help set up the Headache Driver! S.H.I.T struggles in Tastic's grip but Tastic manages to land the driver! Sending S.H.I.T straight onto his head. Tastic mounts SHIT legs for the cover



And then puts his feet on the ropes for leverage!


Anderson:Your winner by pinfall! Matt Tastic!

Copeland:No way! Tastic's legs were on the ropes! Was that even necesary?!

Cohen:Haha Tastic did it! Way to go, man! You showed that piece of cardboard who means business! Who cares if it was necessary? It's a #1 Contenders match. Why risk it?

With the referee raising Tastic's hand, Tastic laughs maniacally at the fans who booed his victory. Once his music began to play, he grabs his neck and leaves to the stage while the ring crew takes care of S.H.I.T.

Matt quickly gets out of the ring and grabs the mic. He takes a sign from a fan and bites in half screaming.

Matt: ARRRGGHH! You see that? Did you see that?! I outsmarted the robot. I hope you enjoy sitting Unscripted out like I had to sit Kingdom Come out you piece of garbage. I'm going to Unscripted to win my 6th piece of gold. And I don't care if I have to drive that nerd Theron or that ugly turd Fallout's head down to the ground, I will not skip a beat again in my life. We're gonna start burning the sickness down around here. And I'm taking the Elite X gold out of the ashes while you and whoever is champion just burn to the freakin' ground!


Matt exits the arena as SHIT looks on not knowing what to do now.


Steven Kurtesy is leaving the arena, head hanging down, carrying his bags. He seems to still have that indecisive look in his eye. Away from the camera, a clapping sounds can be heard. The camera pans around, to find Vega, wearing a custom made suit and shades, patronizing the WZCW legend. Kurtesy stops, and breathes heavily, before continuing his march out of the building.

Vega: Well done, old man... I didn't know Zeus cut your balls off at Apocalypse, too...

Vega snickers, as Kurtesy's brow furrows. He holds his head high, as a fire ignites in his eye. He turns around, to get into the face of Vega, who's still smirking.

Kurtesy: You want to know something? I can already tell you, you're not winning at Unscripted. Not this Vega... Not at Unscripted.

Vega laughs at this.

Vega: Is that so?

Kurtesy: You're god damned right. Now, the Vega I knew for the last six months? The Vega that beat Titus? That Vega stood a chance. This one will get ripped apart.

Vega: And why don't you tell me why that's so... Doctor....

Kurtesy: You want to know what makes Zeus and Ty different from you? Don't get me wrong, Zeus and Ty are the scum of the Earth... And you manage to be worse than them. Because when Zeus and Ty failed with me... They stuck to their guns. They didn't give up, after I beat them. They kept coming after me. They would not rest, until I was a shell of myself.

Kurtesy looks down at Vega, in disgust.

Kurtesy: You? You used to be like that. You used to stomp on your opponent's throat, until they couldn't breathe. And ever since Saboteur beat you, all you've done is whine. You disengaged... You quit, and resorted to name calling.

Vega's face is getting a little red... And his head drops a little.

Kurtesy: If you bring the Vega that retired the Mayhem Title to Unscripted... The Vega that destroyed everything in his path, that Vega? You'll be unstoppable. But if you bring this Vega, the one in front of my eyes?

Kurtesy pauses

Kurtesy: You'll be eaten alive. So, I suggest that by Unscripted, you decide which Vega's going into the cell.

Kurtesy storms away, leaving Vega speechless. His face is a bright red... But he looks up, and pulls off his sunglasses, to reveal a determined look in his eyes...
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a ladder match! And it will be for the WZCW Elite X championship!


Introducing first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing in at 190lbs, he is "The Warblade" Theron Daggershield!

Theron makes his way onto the stage and climbs to the top of one of the two ladders set up on the stage. He raises his arms high into the air to the cheers of the crowd. He climbs down and sprints into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. He stands in the center of the ring, looking up at the hooks where the Elite X title will soon hang.

Copeland: Important to remember that not only will the Elite X title be suspended above the ring, but Theron's bag of D and D dice will be as well.

Cohen: Nerds.


And his opponent, from Priptay, Ukraine, weighing in at 255lbs, ladies and gentlemen he is the reigning WZCW Elite X Champion, Fallout!

The Elite X champ makes his way onto the stage, his gold strapped around his waist. Before he makes his way down the ramp he pulls out the bag of dice he stole from Theron weeks ago.

Copeland: Fallout, who surprised many by knocking off newly crowned champion Baez just weeks ago to win the title, shocked us again when he scored a victory over the always game Dr. Zeus.

Cohen: This guy has a future. Conniving, ruthless, cunning, Fallout has it all.

The ref takes the belt and the bag of dice and lock them into the harness before it is raised above the ring. Fallout immediately goes on the offensive, hammering away with hard right hands to the challenger. Theron is backed into the corner while Fallout keeps hammering away. He whips Theron across the ring and follows it up with a big clothesline in the opposite corner. Theron collapses, but manages to roll out of the ring. Fallout gives chase, but Theron is able to slide back into the ring before Fallout gets a hand on him. A couple of punches allow Theron to get back into the match, but Fallout keeps his composure and fires hard right hands of his own. They slug back and forth until the larger Fallout gets the upper hand. He ties his opponent up and works to a Russian LegSweep. He rolls out of the ring and grabs one of the ladders placed at ringside. As he tries to slide it into the ring, Theron baseball slides into the ladder, knocking it back into the face of Fallout. The crowd pops as Theron gets back to his feet and vaults over the top rope, lading on top of Fallout.

Copeland: Daggershield getting right back into this match with an awesome aerial display, but he needs to make sure he doesn't take himself out in the process.

Both men roll on the ground, clutching various body parts. Theron is on his feet first and he grabs the ladder and slides it into the ring. He starts to set it up, but Fallout is back in the ring and grabs Theron by the hair and throws him to the ground. He drops an elbow, but Theron rolls out of the way and starts to kick away at the mask of Fallout. In a moment of panic, Fallout crawls away, making sure his mask is protected. This allows Theron time to grab the ladder and set it up in the corner. He grabs Fallout and whips him into the corner, crashing into the ladder. With his back resting on the cold steel, Theron runs and hits a wicked dropkick to the face of Fallout. One of the oxygen tubes on the mask comes disconnected and Fallout scrambles to fix it. This allows Theron a free opportunity to slide of of the ring and grab a second ladder. He slides into the ring with the ladder and sets it up in the center of the ring. He takes a few steps up the ladder and then hops down to readjust the ladder's position. As he is redepositioning the ladder Fallout slides back into the ring and clubs Theron across the back. An enraged Fallout clubs away with a double axe handle smash over and over until Theron is face first on the ground.

Cohen: There is that killer instinct I was talking about.

Fallout, instead of climbing the ladder, closes it up and slams it across the back of his opponent. He raises it above his head and again rams it across the back of Theron. He tosses the ladder aside before lifting Theron to his feet. He positions him and hits Half-Life onto the ladder!

Copeland: I think Fallout has snapped! Ever since Theron broke part of his mask he has lost it!

Fallout stays seated in the center of the ring, staring at his opponent who is out cold. The ladder, mangled beyond usage, tells the story of the punishment Theron has endured. Fallout slowly rises to his feet and he kicks the broken ladder out of the ring. He walks to the corner and grabs the second ladder and drags it to the center of the ring. He slowly positions it under the title and begins his ascent. He reaches the top of the ladder and begins to unhook the harness. As he does the bag of Dungeons and Dragons dice falls, spilling to the canvas, causing Daggershield to stir. Fallout simply laughs as he continues to unhook the Elite X title belt.

Cohen: There it is, Fallout has the dice down, he wins!

Copeland: That isn't how this works Jack. The dice are symbolic of what Fallout has taken from Daggershield. He has to finish unhooking the belt before he wins.

Just as Fallout gets his hands on the belt, he is sent crashing to the floor. Theron had climbed the turnbuckle and launched himself and his prop sword into Fallout! Both men are on the ground, rolling around in pain. Daggershield is using his sword to get to his feet, Fallout the ropes. Both men are up and again they trade blows. Right hard after right hand connect, until finally Dagger takes a swing with his sword. Fallout ducks but Theron recovers and takes Fallout down with a reverse Limit Break! Fallout's face is driven hard into the canvas!

Copeland: Go on climb that ladder kid! This is your shot!

Theron begins to set the ladder back up, though one of the legs has bent and he tosses it aside, unsure if it will hold weight. He rolls out of the ring and rummages under the ring for an additional ladder. He slides it into the ring and sets up the new ladder. Exhausted he begins his climb. He reaches the top and starts to work on the harness, until a hand grips him around the throat. He look into the eyes, the actual eyes of Fallout as his mask has been damaged to the point of a section of the mask around his eyes is missing. He wraps a second hand around the throat of Theron and slowly begins to choke the life out of him. The challenger tries to fight it, but Fallout proves to be too strong and eventually Theron passes out and his limp body falls to the canvas. Without looking down to check on his foe, Fallout unhooks the belt and drops from the ladder.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, Fall-

Instead of allowing his name to be announced, Fallout grabs the lifeless body of Daggershield and drags it up the ramp and into the backstage area.


Backstage, Amber Warren stretches, to prepare for her match. Her left leg continues twitching, and she seems a little fidgety. El Califa knocks on the door, which causes Amber to jump just a bit.

Califa: Excuse me, Amber Warren... I did not mean to disturb you. Califa notices you look rather nervous... Are you ok?

Amber sighs, before stopping her stretching.

Warren: I'm fine, Califa, just nervous. I mean, we could really make a big statement tonight. We could prove we're the best... Califa, I've never been the best before. But to be better than Strikeforce, to beat them at MD 100, in front of the whole world... My God, Califa, could you imagine it? I mean, of all the teams we've faced, and Strikeforce is-

A knock on the door, once more. Califa and Warren look to the entry way, and Warren appears absolutely shocked by what is in front of her. The camera pans to reveal Celeste Crimson, and Steven Holmes, waiting at the doorway. Celeste has a large smile on her face, while Steven Holmes looks attentive, if not annoyed. The crowd cheers, at the sight of the royal couple.

Warren: Celeste, I... My God, it's

Celeste smiles, and motions for Amber to stop.

Celeste:We wanted to see the tag team champions... And, to wish you luck. I may not be happy with the way Steven and I's title reign ended... But I also can't deny that I gave you everything I had, Amber, and you bested me.

Holmes: Of course, it's worth noting that, had we been at full capacity... Well, there's no question we would be the ones still carrying those titles.

Celeste looks to her husband, with a look of half disgust.

Celeste: Steven! We promised we were going to be civil! And after all...

Celeste puts her hand to her stomach... The first indication that Celeste Crimson is carrying child.

Celeste: We are to provide an example, for the Prince.

Holmes mulls this, and sighs heavily. But his eyes soften, as he looks to LMD.

Holmes: I suppose... It isn't entirely impossible to believe you could beat us, regardless of my status. And you have indeed done a commendable job... I suppose.

Amber looks to Holmes, almost judging... Before smiling, and offering her hand.

Warren: Thank you. We really appreciate it.

Califa also offers his hand to the couple.

Califa: Califa respects Magnitudinis... And always has.

Celeste takes Amber's hand, and they shake hands.

Celeste: Good luck... You'd better hold those belts, until we get back.

Holmes mulls the handshake with Califa, before pulling away his hand. Celeste shoots a glare at him.

Holmes: What? Baby steps... Baby steps...
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


El Califa and Amber Warren make their way out to the top of the stage as the fans pop. El Califa nods his head to the beat and points out to the crowd while Amber slaps hands with fans along the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 310 pounds, Amber Warren, and El Califa Dragon, Los Magnificos Dragones

Cohen: Well, if they ever wanted to prove that their one of the best tag teams in WZCW history... This is the chance. MD 100, biggest show in the history of WZCW, facing arguably the most storied team ever... This is the moment.

Copeland: And as dominant as they have looked, LMD may make their claim to greatest ever. But to do so, they'll face their toughest challenge yet.

They both rush down to the ring and slide in before climbing up a turnbuckle and posing for the crowd. They both flip backwards into the center of the ring, their backs to each other and their arms crossed as green and gold pyro shoots out from the corners of the ring, and await their opponents.


Howard and Stormrage walk onto the ramp, backs turned to one another. Howard goes to slap hands with the fans... At times, he'll look back to his partner, who stalks his way to the ring.

Harrys: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 538 pounds, James Howard and the EurAsian Champion Mikey Stormrage, they are Strikeforce!

Though Mikey has been a villain, the crowd cheers them on... which prompts Mikey to run down to the ring, and James to catch him stride for stride. They both slide into the ring together, to the delight of the fans.

Copeland: It's.... Almost like watching the old days!

Cohen: They can never go back to the old days, Seabass... You know that...

They look to one another, and then to their opponents, who are bouncing on the ropes, in preparation for their opponents. Amber has a steely look of determination, As referee James Aubrey separates the team. He calls for the bell

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Amber steps up to start the match, as Califa goes to his corner. James and Mikey look to one another again... At first, with a little of distrust, but then with a knowing of what they must do.

Cohen: Strikeforce's legacy is on the line tonight... Strikeforce fancies themselves the greatest tag team of all time. So if anything can bring Howard and Stormrage together, it has to be this.

Stormrage decides to allow Howard the office, and steps out to the apron. Howard circles around Amber, trying to feel her out. But Amber is far less willing to play games; she stalks right up to James Howard, to get into his face. James attempts civility, and tries to maintain a distance, but Amber is wildly throwing kicks, which backs up Howard more. She continues to throw side kicks, which land at Howard's legs. The kicks at first seem harmless, but after three or four of them, Howard is clearly limping, and has lost a step. It all seems as though this was a weakening process; now Howard is so worried about defending the low kicks, that he doesn't have the time to react to the roundhouse kick, coming right towards his head! Amber connects with a devastating blow to the head, which rocks Howard. Amber takes advantage of the dizzied Howard, and connects with a dragonwhip kick, right to the back of James' head. Amber goes for the quick cover.


No, just a one count.

Copeland: Amber seems to want to end this match early

Cohen: More like, trying to prove herself.

Amber Warren picks up James Howard by the head, and attempts to whip him into the turnbuckle. But James Howard reverses it, and hits a running knee, right into the gut of Amber. Because they are in Strikeforce's corner, James makes the tag to his partner, and the two get into the ring. James looks to his partner, and slings Warren into the opposite turnbuckle. James then takes his partner, and sling shots his rather large partner into Amber, who delivers a massive avalanche into the corner. Amber goes crashing to the ground, as both men look down at her. The crowd erupts, as James and Stormrage seem on the same page. James runs to the ropes to attempt a springboard moonsault... But Mikey Stormrage is running to the other ropes, looking to hit a senton splash! Howard launches himself into the air, just as Mikey reaches Amber. But Mikey has the wherewithal to stop himself, and let James connect with the springboard moonsault. As James gets up, Mikey is in his face, arguing with him. Howard seems almost confused, as though there was miscommunication, the move was hit perfectly. They continue to bicker in the ring, but won't have much time. They'll soon be joined by El Califa as Amber has crawled to her feet, and has managed to make the tag. Califa springboards off of the top rope, and takes down both men with a plancha! Amber is finally getting her bearings, as she makes it to her feet. Strikeforce groggily make it up, which allows Califa and Amber to hit a tandem clothesline to send both men out to the ring, and then hit synchronized suicide dives to Strikeforce, outside the ring.

Copeland: And both teams seem to have plenty in their arsenal, but LMD seems in synch.

Cohen: Well, they've had so long to team with one another, it only makes sense.

Califa rolls Stormrage back into the ring, as Amber makes it back to her corner. He climbs up to the turnbuckle, and signals to the audience that he's about to fly. He attempts a top rope hurricanrana, but Stormrage catches him, and hits a massive powerbomb, to send Califa crashing.

Cohen: That's what Mikey brings to the table, he's so powerful, he can change the game at a moment's notice. Not to mention that he outweighs Califa and Warren combined.

Mikey gets to his feet, and finds his partner James is ready for the tag. Stormrage makes the tag, as they stand over a fallen Califa. Once more, they look to one another. Stormrage lifts up Califa, as Howard goes towards the turnbuckle again. Mikey holds up Califa in a stalled suplex, as James Howard connects with a missle dropkick! James goes for the cover.



No, just two!

Howard looks down at the fallen opponent, thinking his next course of action. Califa makes it to his knees, so James shrugs, and starts hitting kicks to the chest of the masked wrestler. Three or four vicious kicks echo loudly in the arena, as the crowd screams "ooh" at the sound of Califa's skin being battered. Finally, Howard hits a kick to Califa's head, sending him back to the mat. He measures up Califa, and attempts a knee drop, but Califa moves at the last second! Califa makes it his knees, and attempts a La Magistral cradle.



No, just barely two!

Califa stomps on Howard's head, and runs to bounce off of the ropes. Amber actually hits Califa's back, as he hits the ropes. Howard makes it to his feet, though he is close to his partner Stormrage. Mikey extends to make his blind tag, but Howard still suffers a Califa hurricanrana, that sends him down, head first into the mat. Califa moves out of the way, allowing for Amber Warren to spring off of the ropes, and hits a springboard shooting star press! She connects, and goes for the cover!



Thr, no just two, as Mikey Stormrage breaks up the cover!

Mikey hits an axe handle to the head of Amber Warren, as the referee tries to maintain order. No sooner than when Mikey breaks up the cover, is El Califa on him, actually locking in a sleeper hold on the back of Mikey Stormrage! Mikey tries to throw Califa off of his back, but Califa holds on, while Mikey continues to buck. Mikey finally makes it to the ropes, and instead of throwing Califa back, Mikey actually throws Califa over his shoulder, throwing him over the top rope, and out onto the floor. Stormrage yells out to the crowd... And it almost seems like the old Mikey Stormrage. James Howard has made it to his feet, as Califa makes it to his feet on the outside. Howard nods to Stormrage, who actually gets on all fours. James Howard runs towards Mikey, and plants off of Stormrage's back, jumping over the ropes and onto Califa.

Cohen: Ref is letting a lot go here.

Copeland: This match is so important for what it means to tag team legacy, that unless someone blatantly breaks the rules, he won't stop it!

Stormrage has taken out Califa, but hasn't thought of Amber Warren. Amber has bounced off the ropes, and connects with a springboard dropkick! She runs for the turnbuckle, and hits the Sin City Express, to make the cover...



3! NO! Stormrage got a foot on the rope!

Amber can't believe it as she looks at the ref stunned. Stormrage takes advantage and manages to roll over to his corner and tag in Howard, who has climbed back onto the apron. Stormrage rolls to the floor as Howard rushes into the ring. He swings with a wild kick, but Warren ducks and rolls through!




Califa rolls into the ring to celebrate with his partner.

Harrys: Here are your winners, Los Magnificos Dragones!

Copeland: What a win! What a way to cement a legacy!

Cohen: I have to admit... That, was very impressive

Copeland: A win against one of the best teams ever may just cement what LMD has said all along; that they may be the best!

As Califa and Warren celebrate up the ramp and backstage Stormrage gets into the ring and is face to face with Howard. The two argue back and forth until Howard requests a mic.

Howard: Look I'm-

Stormrage who has grabbed his own mic and retrieved his EurAsian title belt cuts him off.

Stormrage: No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ever let you hold me back! Look at you, you are a goddamn waste! I used to think I needed you, these people thought I needed you. I tried my hardest to impress you, to validate my existence in your eyes. But I have all the validation I need right here!

Stormrage lifts his title belt high into the air. Howard raises his mic to his face to speak but Stormrage slaps it away.

I loved you. We were more than a team, we were a family. You were my brother, but you threw it away. And don't try to say I pushed you. Look at your family. Your son doesn't have a dad anymore, your fiance wants to leave you. Oh believe me James, those long nights you spent away, plotting with Sergei, I had my chances with Dinah. You would be surprised just how easy it is to bed a lonely, emotional wreck of a woman whose fiance is running around all night with Russian gangsters. But I didn't touch her because I loved you, I respected you. And what did that get me? Nothing! Last year at Unscripted we made history, and this year its going to happen again, because WZCW is going to witness the first man to die in the ring. Trust me when I say I will not stop until your head is on my wall James, my fuc----

Stormrage, whose history of FCC violations is well documented has his mic cut off. He angrily tosses it into the stands before he walks out.

I'm sorry Mikey.


Banks: Now hold on just a damn minute. First off Michael, this is the third time I've had the FCC on my ass for your language. If there is one thing I hate its losing money.

Stormrage just mouths at Banks as he walks backstage.

Now Mr. Howard, we have the small matter of you picking your potential stipulation for the match. Now Mr. Stormrage has already stated he wants an I Quit match, and I think considering that Strikeforce were the winners of the very first Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match in WZCW history that a TLC match would be a huge draw, so please make your pick.

I don't care.

If you don’t pick I’ll pull you from the match and you’ll be fired right here, right now!

Fine, you want to fire somebody so bad? Let’s make it happen! Mikey and I are tied at one win each in our career, lets make it two out of three falls, but lets call it no DQ, no Countout, Falls Count Anywhere.

I like the way you thi-

I wasn't finished. No DQ, no Countout, Falls Count Anywhere, loser gets fired!

Howard drops the mic and heads up the ramp, pushing his way past Banks as he goes. This angers Banks who picks his mic back up.

You want it to be that way? Fine, regardless of the stipulation the winner of Stormrage versus Howard walks out as EurAsian champion, the losers walks out without a job!

Copeland: A huge bombshell has just been dropped! James Howard putting his and Mikey Stormrage's job on the line at Unscripted!

Cohen: When push came to shove this organization just wasn't big enough for the two of them. So indeed history will be made again as one of James Howard or Mikey Stormrage will step into the ring for the last time!
Copeland: Up next, ladies and gentlemen, we find out who Showtime has chosen to face Titus in this contest tonight. We already know - or at least some of us do, depending on how closely you've been paying attention - who Showtime's opponent is, but this match has been shrouded in mystery.

Cohen: I have a hot tip from an inside source, and I know just who it is - but I'm not telling! Ha ha!


Titus runs down to the ring, at a full sprint. While he makes sure to slap the hands of fans, he looks into the ring angrily, and climbs up to the ring with a determination. He climbs the turnbuckle.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, This is........Titus!

Titus jumps back down into the ring and bounces up and down a few times, eagerly anticipating his opponent.

Copeland: Titus, looking ready and raring to go on the biggest Meltdown ever, and who better than Titus to appreciate this milestone. He's been such a huge part of getting Meltdown to 100 episodes and I'd bet my bottom dollar he'll be part of the next 100, too.

Cohen: Not likely, once Showtime is through with him - if he even makes it to Showtime, after he his opponent tonight gets his hands on him!

Harrys: And introducing his opponent...


Copeland: WHAT?!

Cohen: It's, uh, just as I suspected! I saw this coming! I did!

The crowd can hardly what they're hearing. While they erupt in cheers and a smattering of boos, all of it intensifies ten times over as CONSTANTINE makes his way onto the stage!

Copeland: back! The former Elite X Champion, the former King for a Day! One of Showtime's greatest he on his side?!

Constantine, looking better than ever and fiercely determined, makes his way to the ring without his eyes ever leaving Titus. He climbs the steps and heads into the ring. Titus gives him space with a look that's half wary, half shocked to see Constantine back in a WZCW ring.

Harrys: From The King's Court, weighing 265 pounds, Constantine!

The crowd once again doesn't know whether to boo or cheer for the huge return and they are nearly split this time around.

Cohen: Titus had to have been prepared to face someone from the past, but how could ever have suspected Constantine, who not so long ago was bitterly feuding with Showtime for the world title?

Referee Jorou Akiyama is in to officiate this contest and he signals for the bell as we are underway. Constantine and Titus circle each other slowly before charging together for a lock up. They break quickly, though, neither man fully ready to commit. They go for it again and it lasts longer this time, and Constantine gets the better of it, turning it into a headlock. Titus is able to force Constantine into the ropes and bounce him off, he rebounds, hits the opposite and takes down Titus with a shoulder tackle! Constantine hits the ropes again and rebounds, Titus rolls under him, he stands up, Constantine rebounds and gets met with a dropkick from Titus! Constantine slides toward the corner and Titus takes a moment to breathe, both of them staring each other down and the crowd applauds. They close again and Constantine aims a shot at Titus's gut, sending Titus to his knees. Constantine drops a knee into the side of Titus's head before standing up, pulling Titus up by the arm, and kicking him in the gut. Constantine then lays into Titus from above with a series of forearms into his chest and Titus fights to struggle away. Titus gets away and Constantine backs off for a moment. Constantine doesn't wait too long, however, but Titus trips him up and sends him out of the ring. Constantine quickly finds his feet and tries to get into the ring, but Titus has hit the ropes, he rebounds, flies and NAILS a dropkick through the middle ropes! Constantine sprawls back into the barricade and he is down.

Copeland: Titus is always ready with a counter to whatever you have coming - it's what's made him such a successful wrestler in this company.

Cohen: So far all I've seen is counters for the easy stuff. Can he counter out of an Axis of Evil?

Constantine manages to find his feet, and Titus is waiting! He leaps and springboards out of the ring - but Constantine moves aside and Titus lands flat on his face! Constantine gathers himself and then tosses Titus back in the ring and rolling in after him. Titus rolls across the ring and stands up with the help of the ropes. Constantine charges - and Titus pulls down the ropes, sending Constantine right back outside! This time Titus mounts the top turnbuckle, waiting for Constantine to get to his feet - and HE FLIES OFF AND WIPES OUT CONSTANTINE WITH A FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Both men are down and Akiyama starts a count, getting all the way to eight before both men roll back in on opposite sides of the ring. Constantine, however, decides he hasn't had quite enough rest yet and he rolls on out of the ring again, bracing himself against the announcer's table to a series of boos, the crowd starting to remember his old tactics. Constantine waits for Akiyama to get to eight again before charging back in, but Titus is ready and lays into him with a flurry of blows. He backs Constantine up into the corner and nearly traps him, but he ducks aside and hits the ropes - or he almost does, before he rolls out of the ring again!

Copeland: Constantine just doesn't seem all that interested in a fight with Titus all of a sudden!

Cohen: Are you kidding me? This is CONSTANTINE we're talking about. He's a master manipulator! How else would he get anyone to vote for him?

Constantine is on his way back up the ramp and Titus goes after him, charging and nailing him in the back. He spins him around and slaps him hard across the face, then grabs him by the neck and hurls him back into the ring. Titus returns Constantine to the corner and this time really lays into him with a series of chops. Constantine looks harried but manages to reverse it, uppercutting Titus and sending him staggering into another corner. Before Constantine can do anything with it, though, Titus pops out and shoves him into that very corner, then goes right back after him with a series of punches to the gut. Titus whips Constantine across the ring into the opposite corner, then charges him. Constantine ducks aside but Titus just slides right out of the ring instead. Constantine is barely able to react before Titus grabs his legs out from under him, slamming him into the canvas face first. Titus tries to pull Constantine back into the ring post - aiming to slam his groin into the pole - but Constantine is able to manipulate his feet to slam Titus forward, knocking his head against the pole instead! Constantine collects himself and rolls out of the ring, grabs ahold of Titus, picks him up and SIDEWALK SLAMS HIM INTO THE RINGSIDE BARRIER!

Copeland: That looked vicious! Titus may be seriously injured!

Cohen: Who's afraid to fight now, Seabass?

Constantine doesn't let go of Titus, pulling him off the barrier and then rolling him into the ring. He goes for a cover and gets one, two, but only two! Constantine gets to his feet as Titus stays on the mat. Constantine stomps on Titus's leg, causing the former world champion to grimace in pain. He continues to lay in on him with a series of stomps before pulling him up, backing him into the corner, and uppercutting him hard. Titus falls into a seated position in the corner. Constantine pulls him to his feet and whips him across the ring into the opposite corner. He hits hard and bounces out, falling flat on the mat. Constantine takes a moment to gloat toward the crowd and they let him hear it. Titus is able to stand up by the time Constantine gets back and him and the gloating has cost him as Titus nails him in the face. Constantine staggers back and charges Titus once more, this time taking him down and locking in a headlock. Titus is able to fight to a vertical base, break free, and counter with a DDT! Both men are down and slowly get to their feet. Once they do, they start trading blows back and forth! Titus gets the better of it and forces Constantine into the corner, and he then mounts the ropes and starts laying into Constantine! Akiyama puts on a count and Titus backs off, whipping Constantine across the ring into the turnbuckle again. Constantine bounces off and TAKES OUT TITUS WITH A CLOTHESLINE! He grimaces and clutches his back but the pain was worth it for the shift in momentum.

Copeland: What a back and forth contest this has been - neither man can seem to gain a sustained advantage!

Cohen: You almost get the feeling that the first big move might just take it, Seabass.

Constantine pulls Titus to his feet but Titus is quickly mobile, kneeing Constantine in the gut and nailing a swinging neckbreaker. He mounts the top turnbuckle and FLIES OFF WITH A DIVING ELBOW! He covers and gets one, two, but only two! Titus pulls Constantine to his feet - he's going for the Tit Drop! Constantine shoves him away and creates some separation. Titus turns to face him and Constantine NAILS A BACKBREAKER! HE COVERS AND GETS ONE, TWO, BUT ONLY TWO! Constantine slaps the mat with frustration and pulls Titus to his feet, hurling him shoulder first into the ring post. Constantine pulls Titus out but Titus is able to block him, take a step back, and nail a European uppercut! He follows with a spinning heel kick and Constantine is down! Titus calls to the crowd and they cheer wildly as he takes to the top rope! He FLIES OFF WITH THE RED COMET - AND CONSTANTINE ROLLS AWAY AT THE LAST SECOND! TITUS CRASHES AND BURNS! Constantine picks up Titus and NAILS A FALLAWAY SLAM! He forgoes the cover, waits in the corner for Titus to get to his feet...Titus stands, Constantine charges and NAILS COLLATERAL DAMAGE! HE COVERS AND GETS ONE, TWO, AND THREE!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Constantine!

Copeland: Constantine has just walked back into WZCW and pinned the living legend, Titus. And he has done so at the behest of Showtime! If those two wanted to send a message, they have.

Cohen: And that message is this - Constantine is still one of the greatest wrestlers I've ever seen, and now that he's back in WZCW, EVERYONE should be on notice!

Constantine gets to his feet and allows Akiyama to raise his hand in victory. He smiles widely and the crowd boos as he soaks in his win and the scene fades out.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the second of the 2 Pick Your Poison Matches!


Harrys: Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing 220 pouds, this is Shooooowtime, David Cougar!!

Cohen: Cougar looks ready. He can take anyone on the roster he says, and I believe him.

Copeland: Lets not take chances, we saw Constantine return and upset Titus earlier, we might see lighting strike twice tonight.

Cougar paces the ring anxiously waiting for his foe to appear. After a good while....

Cohen: Well who is it?!


Copeland: Oh boy! I knew we couldn't have Meltdown 100 without this man.

Harrys: And his opponent.... From Cleveland, Ohio, weighing at a 215 pounds.... This is Drake Callahan!!

Copeland: Oh my God, what a treat! The battles these two have had over the Mayhem and Eurasian Championships and the World Heavyweight Championship! These two and Steven Holmes headlined Kingdom Come just last year!!

Callahan rushes the ring and quickly pounds away on his longtime rival to start the match.

* Ding Ding Ding *

Drake preassures Show into the corner as the crowd goes wild for the start of the match. Show is draped over the turnbuckles and Drake backs off playing to the crowd. He turns back towards Cougar and charges at him with a heavy Corner Dropkick. Without skipping a beat, he hits the Enzuigiri at the groggy former Champion and quickly goes for the cover.



Thr- No!!!

As quick as the ref indicates it was just two, Drake mounts Cougar and pounds on him with elbows right into the face of the former TV star. Nothing pretty to it, Drake just pounds on him with the referee trying to pull him up. He finally does and Drake starts to argue with him. This allows Showtime to roll out of the ring to catch his breath. Drake shoves the ref out of the way and goes after Cougar, but Cougar keeps walking away from Drake. He rolls into the ring and runs the ropes as Drake comes in. Drake is set to attack, but Cougar ducks an oncoming Clothesline and once again slides out of the ring.

Copeland: Cougar clearly doing what he can to stall here.

Cohen: Mind games. Controlling the pace is important and he's not in there with any mere foe.

Showtime looks on at the dead focused Drake and after some contemplation just nods “No” and walks off. The ref starts his count (1) as Show turns and starts walking up the ramp. Drake looks frustrated (2) but the referee does not let him out of the ring. (3) Showtime walks up the entrance ramp flipping off the crowd and even rips up a sign. (4) However.....


Copeland: It's Titus! Looks like he doesn't wanna let his match pick for Showtime go to waste.

Cohen: He has no business out here.

Titus emerges on the entrance ramp, blocking Cougar's only way out. (5) Cougar looks on and just waits for the count-out. Titus also looks on from the apron (6) but Drake's had enough and shoves the referee. (7) Show is too distracted by Titus and doesn't notice Drake who grabs him (8) and throws him against the ring apron (9). Show falls screaming in pain as the referee is about to signal....

Te- NO!!

Drake gets back in the ring in the nick of time to break the count. He pulls Show back in by the hair and the match is back on. Titus leaves after seeing Show pulled back in.

Cohen:Good. Let them have their match.

Copeland: Titus just wanted to make sure Cougar didn't just slip away as usual.

Drake keeps dragging Showtime to the center of the ring but Show, ever the savvy wrestler, drops and hits a Jawbreaker on Drake. He slaps Drake square across the face to really stagger him. He leaps up to the air and drops Drake with a Standing Legdrop. He slaps Drake over the back of his head and pins him.



Thr-But he kicks out!

As Drake kicks out, Showtime mounts him just like Drake had done earlier and starts slamming his head against the mat. “I have your number, Drake! I always have!” The 3 time champion screams at his rival with each headslam. One shot. Two! THREE! The punishment goes on several times. But eventually, Drake grabs David by the nose and rakes his eyes which drives Show off. The referee admonishes Drake, but he's of course too beat up to respond. He slowly gets back up as Showtime scratches his eyes in pain. Drake gets up and Show turns around. Drake charges at him while he's still blinded, but Showtime, out of instinct, hits a spinning lariat to knock Drake down on his head again.

Copeland: Showtime is aiming for Drake's head. That's just uncalled for. You could give him a concussion like that.

Sensing the opportunity, Showtime reaches for Drake's legs for a Commercial Break, but thinks about it first. He lets go of the legs and grabs Drake by the head and lifts him up before bringing him back down with a Neckbreaker. He goes for the pin once again.



Thre-But No!!

To Showtimes shock, Drake kicks out in the last milisecond. Show goes to grab the head again, but as he does, Drake punts him square in top of the skull. Knocking Showtime down to the mat.

Cohen: Oh my! He just knocked him cold! How can a punt like that be legal?

The referee begins to count as both men are down and out on the canvas.



Copeland: Both men are totally out of it.


Drake begins to stagger a bit as the crowd builds support for him.


Lets Go Drake! Lets Go Drake! Lets Go Drake!


Drake gets to his knees and Showtime also starts to stagger.


Copeland: Drake's moving.

Cohen: So is Showtime.


Both get up to one leg and start pounding away on each other.


And both get up at the same time! The slugfest between the two goes on! Drake punches!


But Showtime throws a right of his own!


Copeland: Look at this. Back and forth they go.

Yes! No! Yes! No! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Drake gets the better of the exchange and starts to also throw kicks to Showtimes legs. Using the opening, he changes up his offense to knockdown short Clotheslines to build more momentum. One Clothesline. Two and a third! Showtime tries to fight back, but is met with a Tiger Suplex from last years Lethal Lottery winner. Drake waves “it's over” to the crowd and springs up to the top rope. He points to his elbow and then points to Showtime. “I've got YOU on speed dial, Cougar!” Drake mouths off and leaps coming down with his signature Diving Elbow. A cover follows as the crowd goes wild for the match.



Thre- But Showtime gets the shoulder up!

Cohen: Close call. I knew Showtime had it in him.

Drake looks on but doesn't let himself get frustrated. He grabs his foe and flips him over into a front chancery before bridging over to lock The Bitter End submission hold!! Showtime screams in pain as the referee asks if he wants to give up. Show screams no and after some struggling reaches for the closes ropes he can. Drake tries to maneuver away, but it's no good and has to break the hold. He lets go and then grabs Showtimes legs. He pulls him to the center of the ring and locks Show's own Commercial Break on him! Show screams and the referee goes to ask but Show grabs the referee!

Copeland: Are you serious? He's going for anything to slip out of this.

He tries to pull himself away, but in doing so, pulls Show and breaks Drake's hold. The fans boo for what just happened and Drake confronts the official as Showtime recomposes himself. He turns Drake around and hits the Ratings Crash for a cover!



Thr- But the match doesn't end there!

Cohen: Are you kidding? What's it gonna take to keep Drake down? A chair to the head?

Copeland: Keep saying it, Cougar might do it.

Drake kicks out at two, sending Showtime fuming! He stands over the groggy Drake and calls for him to get up. As soon as Drake does, Showtime kicks him low and facelocks him. He raises him overhead for a Brainbuster, but in midair Drake knees him! Drake comes down and tries his finishing move himself, but Show doesn't budge! So Drake rolls into an Inside Cradle.



Thr- But Showtime gets out of it.

Drake quickly gets to his feet and charges but Showtime counters the oncoming attack into the Backstage DDT. He quickly goes for Drake's legs and hooks the Commercial Break. “ASK HIM! Ask him!”. Showtime screams at the ref as Drake just screams from pain, but he will not submit. He drags himself to the ropes for the successful ropebreak, but Showtime will not let go.






Showtime finally lets go and mouthes off to the official. “I have 'til five!” He goes for Drake again, who's still down but Drake pulls his legs in and then pushes back out to kick Showtime away. Showtime goes back after Drake who rolls out of the ring to get to his feet. Show follows but Drake gets back in. He springboards and hits a Shooting Star Press to the outside! The referee begins his count.



Copeland: This match may have just stopped dead in it's tracks.


Cohen:Come on Cougar. I've got money on you.

Copeland: WHAT?!


Neither man responds as the crowd once again cheers Drake on!


Lets Go Drake! Lets Go Drake! Lets Go Drake!


Drake begins to stagger but Showtime does not budge at all.


Drake puts his hands on the apron and starts pulling himself up.


Drake is almost there!


Te- And he breaks the count!

Showtime however, is still down and out. Drake goes to get him and pulls him back to his feet. He throws him back to the ring, but as he does, Showtime sneaks a lowblow the referee misses and rolls Drake up.



Thre- But Drake gets out!

Cohen: How did he kick out of that?!

Drake gets out of the roll and quickly grabs between his legs screaming in pain on the mat. Showtime goes quickly to grab the legs for another Commercial Break but Drake pushes him off again. Drake gets back to his feet and Showtime hooks him for the mid-ring Final Act. Drake however manages to hold his ground and slips out, kicking Showtime low and quickly drops him on the canvas with The Faded Memory! He hooks the leg!




And gets the win!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Draaaake Callaaaaaahan!!

Copeland: Oh my God! Oh my God! Drake's done it! He's upset Showtime just like Constantine did to Titus!! This is unbelievable!

Cohen: I don't believe it! Something had to have gone afoul over there! Drake got fouled and he still won?

Copeland: He shouldn't have even been fouled at all. Regardless, he did it. And Showtime is simply walking away.

Drake gets his arm raised as the crowd goes wild for the win. Showtime rolls out of the ring as simply marches off. His body language reads “screw this” as fans mouth him off.


Drake Callahan stands, victorious, in the middle of the ring, as Showtime rolls out of the ring. Drake demands a microphone from the ringside workers.

Drake: Ok, Zeus! I know you're here.... And I know you can hear me. I know Ty's here, too... So let's just save it now... Bring both your asses out here, right now! Because as far as I'm concerned, we still have unfinished business!

Drake stands in the ring, leaning on the ropes, screaming out for Zeus. He waves him on, begging for Zeus to come to the ring.

Cohen: Drake's really tempting fate, here.

Copeland: I trust he knows what he's doing...

Drake waits in the ring, as the lights begin to flicker. The lights finally go out, leaving the arena in pitch blackness.

Zeus: I'm sure you've heard this before
I'm not the first to have said it
Be careful what you wish for...

???:You just might get it!

As the lights turn on, Drake is fallen, bleeding from the forehead. A tall, opposing figure stands over him, as the camera can only see his feet. The crowd boos vociferously, as the camera pans up to reveal... The face of The Beard!

Copeland: Wait a minute... The Beard.... The Beard!

Cohen: The Beard is Zeus' accomplice!

Dr. Zeus watches on from the entrance way, laughing with glee. His eyes roll back into his head, as he laughs a maniacal laugh, that fills the arena with a creepy dread. Inside the ring, The Beard has mounted Drake, and continues to throw punches. He finally picks up Drake's lifeless body, and sets him up for Poetic Justice. Drake's head bounces off the mat, and his neck whiplashes in a violent manner, as Dr. Zeus walks into the ring, and crawls over Drake's body. The Beard stands with a smile on his face, his arms folded, as Zeus drinks the blood that drips from Drake Callahan's face. The Beard takes the microphone.

Beard: I have seen the light. And this man! This man has shown me, my true purpose! You see, for so long, I was playing everyone else's game; a pawn in the grand scheme. But you see, I'm no pawn... No, I'm a king, all right. And this man you see before you!

Dr. Zeus looks on with glee at his new charge.

Beard:He has revealed my true purpose. And when it's all said and done... You, too, will be left as nothing more than ash.

Zeus' laughter fills the arena again, as the Beard hands him the microphone.

Zeus:We're the ones God chose, we've been given a message to send.
This isn't the end, or the beginning.... It's the beginning of the end!

The crowd boos, but a buzz can be felt through the arena, as WZCW has to cut to a commercial. The last image we see, is Drake's bloody forehead, as he lays unconscious.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you back to Meltdown 100. Drake Callahan has been given medical attention and taken out of the ring, but Showtime has refused to vacate the ring. He has been ranting and raving about Titus for the better part of the break, and -


The crowd reaction changes to cheers as Titus walks out onto the stage. Showtime lowers his arms and stands in the ring breathing heavily from exhaustion. With a mic in one hand and some papers in the other, Titus poses a little on stage before walking down to the ring.

Cohen: I knew he just couldn’t take no for an answer. Titus just won’t leave Showtime alone until he gets a match verse him. It’s beyond obsession.

Copeland: Can you really blame him Jack? Since Showtime has returned to WZCW he has assaulted Titus physically several times, and has been verbally ridiculing his entire career.

Cohen: Showtime’s looking for respect Seabass, something Titus gets too much of.

Copeland: Titus has never asked to be beloved by the WZCW fans. He’s here because he wants to and loves to compete, something Showtime seems to have forgotten. If Showtime’s looking for respect, accepting a match verse Titus will get him that.

Titus climbs up the steps and straddles into the ring. Showtime has a mic in hand and stands near the ropes ready to leave should Titus attack. Titus keeps his distance and encourages Showtime to come closer as he speaks.

Titus: Show, I’m not here to punch you around anymore. I think we’ve had several opportunities to vent out our anger in childish schoolyard fashion, I want to speak to you seriously for a minute. Is this really how you all want it to end for Showtime? Undercard match on Meltdown 100? Being interrupted by a former WZCW Champion who throws out a challenge to face you at Unscripted? Looking like the biggest coward in the world if you decline the match. The memory of Showtime walking down that isle and leaving will be the thing people remember most when they talk about the legend that was Showtime. Is that really how you want it all to end? No it isn’t. I know you and I know that’s not how you would want it all to end. You’d want to go out in a blaze of glory. You’d want to go out as the most talked about person at the event. You’d want to go out as the best. That’s why I’m not challenging you to just an ordinary match at Unscripted. Show, this contract in my hands is for you and I to compete at Unscripted in a Pure Rules match!

The crowd cheers loudly. Showtime rubs the sweat off his face and sneers at Titus as he continues to upstage him.

Titus: The very match I won my first WZCW Title. A match that really proves who is the best pure wrestler. When I defeated Everest and Kingdom Come II it was then that I finally shook off the perception that I was an actor trying to be a wrestler and suddenly became a main event wrestler in WZCW. Let me quickly first explain the rules of the match. Each wrestler has three rope breaks. Once you use them all up, submissions and pin attempts are legal under the ropes. There are no closed fist punches to the face. First time caught you get a warning, second time you lose a rope break, and third time you get disqualified. There is a twenty count when outside the ring and, of course, the use of weapons and low blows will result in a disqualification. This match is designed to eliminate the dirty attacks and prove who is the best pure, technical wrestler. Show, you’ve been calling me washed up, over the hell, well I say you need to prove that you really are the best wrestler in WZCW and fight me at Unscripted. You started this and you now hold the power to decide how it ends. You want to go out on top? Do the right thing, for everybody. Accept the match.

Titus hands the contract over to Showtime. Showtime takes it and looks over the contract. Titus hands over a pen and Showtime does take it from him. He continues to read the contract and then looks up and speaks.

Showtime: No!

The crowd boos loudly and Titus looks away and steps back, angered by the answer.

Showtime: You can’t tell me how to end my career, I decide how it ends, and it ends tonight! The years I fought in front of these people, nothing but a waste of time.

The crowd boos loudly and Showtime keeps talking.

Showtime: Oh yea, you all care now, but the minute I walk out of here again you won’t act like you give a damn. You’ll talk about guys like Runn, Beard, Daggershield, and Grizzly, and tell yourselves how they are all so great, but only when I return to accept my induction into the WZCW Hall of Fame will you all realize what a poor talent pool you’re left with. So called legends you idolized like Everest, Ty, and Dave, won’t be around. They’ll be counting all the dollars they made playing up to you people, but they’ll never return. You’ll all scream for me to return to have one last match and beg for me to stay afterwards, and I will step up to the mic and say, No! Never again. I’ve done my time, I’ve done all I can for you people, and now I can finally move on and never compete for this company again. Pull out your cell phones and take a picture, because this is the last time that you will ever..... EVER..... see me in a ring again.

Showtime drops the mic and turns to leave. He walks right into a boot to the gut by Titus, who quickly follows up with the Tit Drop. Showtime drops to the mat and the crowd pops really loudly.

Cohen: Did that feel good Titus. Let out all that anger? I hope Showtime sues Titus, he’s no longer an active wrestler. He shouldn’t be attacked in the ring.

Copeland: I don’t know about that Jack. It certainly is a downer that we won’t get to see Titus vs Showtime.

Titus bends down and picks up the contract Showtime dropped. He then grabs the pen and places them both down in front of Showtime.

Cohen: What’s Titus doing?

Titus walks around behind Showtime and grabs one of his legs. He twists the foot and has Showtime locked in an Ankle Lock. Showtime lifts his head up and screams in pain. He slaps his hand down on the mat, but Titus refuses to let go.

Titus: Sign it! Sign the damn contract.

Showtime tries to pull himself free, but Titus wraps his legs around Showtimes leg and drops to the mat, trapping him in the submission. Showtime tries desperately to crawl away, but can’t get anywhere. Finally, he reaches out and grabs the pen and quickly signs the contract. The crowd pops loudly as the pen drops and Titus lets go of the leg and quickly grabs the contract. He scans it over and then raises his arms up drawing a bigger reaction from the crowd.

Copeland: Well, I don’t think we can call it official just let, but mark this down on your calendars. In two weeks at Unscripted, Titus and Showtime will compete in a Pure Rules match.

Cohen: Titus just had his death wish signed by Showtime. He is going to regret forcing Showtime to compete in this match.

Copeland: Showtime should’ve had the balls to accept it in the first place. Regardless of who wins this match, there is already one big winner and that’s the fans who will get to witness two of the very best competing inside the ring. Unscripted is going to be an amazing show!

Titus walks up the ramp and high fives many of the fans along the way. He turns around to see Showtime dragging himself across the ring holding his leg. He looks up through the ropes at Titus, who waves back with the contract and smiles.
Copeland: Oh boy this Meltdown anniversary special has been off the charts, and we’re still not remotely done with this show.

Cohen: You’re telling me Seabass! At this rate, we might have to cancel Unscripted because of how intense this show has been!

Copeland: And the intensity is heating up now because next we have a match like no other, the match of the Legends, Ty Burna takes on the Ascension General Manager, Big Dave. If Dave loses, then he is no longer GM and is out of WZCW completely.

Cohen: And if there’s one person who knows how to get rid of Big Dave, it’s Ty Burna.

Copeland: Let’s take you back to a fortnight ago to show you how this all came about.

Meltdown 99 said:
Vance: Since you chose your big match to book, that means I still have mine in my pocket.

Dave: So what's it going to be then Vance?

Vance: You wanted to wrestle a few months back right? Well now you're going to get your chance.

The crowd pops at the news, as Dave smirks, rubbing his hands together.

Dave: Well I'm surprised you'd have me wrestling Vance. Who's my...

Just then the lights go out in the office for a few moments, and they return, Ty Burna standing behind Vance against the wall with his arms crossed. He slowly lifts his head up, staring directly at Big Dave.

Vance: I believe you have your answer Dave.

Dave looks towards Ty, the two rivals locked in a staredown.

Dave: You're working for Vance now Ty?

Ty says nothing but steps away from the wall and right into Dave's face. Ty's eyes suddenly flash red and he grits his teeth.

Dave: Coward. Of course you wouldn't be able to answer me. What's your deal Ty?

Ty remains silent and lifts one arm up and the room goes dark again before the lights come back up and Ty is gone. The tension on Dave's face remains, though he turns and begins to leave the office.

Vance: Oh and Dave, one last thing. Your match at Meltdown 100.

Dave turns around to face Vance, he now gritting his teeth knowing what's coming.

Vance: If you lose at Meltdown 100, you're fired as General Manager of Ascension!

Vance begins laughing as Dave lowers his head for a moment. He suddenly turns and gets right in Vance's face, forcing him to cower.

Dave: You know what they say about cornered animals Vance? All they have left to do is lash out!
Ascension 74 said:
Dave and Ty are in the ring, microphones in hand.

Ty: Do you want to know what this is about David?

Dave: I would actually. Now what's your deal?

Ty lowers his head as he leans against a corner turnbuckle, brushing his hair back as his voice gets weak and low.

Ty: My daughter is sick David.

Dave: Your daughter?

Ty: The doctors aren't sure what it is, but I have to take her to the hospital every week to get checked out. Listen to me David. I had no intentions of fighting in WZCW again until my knee was fully healed and my daughter was healthy again.
Ty looks up to Dave, a single tear falling down Ty's right eye as the crowd goes silent. Dave looks on at Ty, unsure of what to do. Slowly he begins walking towards Ty.

Dave: Ty, we can figure this out together. I can make sure we can get this taken care of.

Ty: You're right David, we will take care of this.

Ty suddenly springs forth and hits Consecrated Banishment on Dave! The crowd immediately begins booing as Ty stands over his fallen foe, his head lowered and his hair covering his face. Slowly Ty's body begins shaking with laughter as Ty throws his hair back. The booing continues as he kneels down across Dave's throat, bringing the mic up to speak again, Ty's voice now back to it's dark and ethereal tone.

Ty: Did you honestly expect me to be short on money David? Someone so shrewd that has planned ahead for everything would be broke? That I couldn't take care of my daughter if she was actually sick? No David, I don't need money. I don't need WZCW. I don't need anything this forsaken company can offer. Except one thing David. I have a thirst, no, an addiction to the adrenaline this ring gives me. The ability to destroy my enemies and my rivals. They've forgotten just exactly who they're dealing with, and so have you. The WZCW legend who once terrorized everyone around him, who had become soft and a mentor these young pathetic idiots!

Ty slowly takes his knee off of Dave's throat, lifting his head up by his hair. Ty's eyes begin glowing red once again, the sneer forming.

Ty: And you will be made an example of David. You will be the first sacrifice to rekindling the flame that powers Chaos! I didn't need a real reason to bring wanton destruction to MY company once again, but ending you once and for all is just the cherry on top for me David. At Meltdown 100, I will put you down like the softhearted dog you are, and you will become nothing more than another entry on my personal kill list!

Ty drops Dave's head and slowly stands as his music hits, the lights dimming as the Chaos Symbol begins burning into the ring. In the center lies Dave, his arms outstretched as Ty begins laughing maniacally, his arms lifting up slowly into the air as the crowd continues to boo lustily.
Copeland: Quite a shocking ploy by Ty if anything, but no doubt this will be one hard fought match, but will Big Dave go on as Ascension GM?

The bell rings

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall; if Big Dave loses this match, he will be fired!

The lights go out around the arena as the audience give a mixed reaction of cheers and boos.


The large columns of flame burst out from the corners of the entrance ramp to illuminate the arena. As the flames continue to rise and burn brighter each time, Ty makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first. Weighing in at 235 pounds, Ty Burna!

Copeland: Here comes Ty Burna, the Master of Chaos. This is his first competitive match since Redemption 2012.

Cohen: Don’t forget that Ty was in this year’s Lethal Lottery, so that counts for something.

The lights begin to flicker across the arena as Ty walks down the ramp slowly, staring at the ring like always. He climbs up onto the apron and enters the ring. He approaches the corner and ascends the ropes, staring forward until raising his right arm into the air, the flames dissipating and the lights returning to normal. He removes his hood before removing his cloak as he drops down from the ropes and stares at the entrance ramp where he came from. The crowd wait in anticipation for what’s coming next.


The crowd cheers in excitement at the sound of ‘Always’, the commentary team join in the reaction at the song as it hasn’t been heard in ages. A small spot light shines at the stage entrance, as the words "Always, always, always" echo, and Big Dave emerges from the curtain to a welcoming reaction from the crowd, walking at a slow pace. He stops at the top of the ramp and stares straight at Ty, with neither men taking their eyes off of each other.

Harrys: His opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 260 pounds, the General Manager of Ascension, Big Dave!

Cohen: Somehow, Big Dave’s managed to lose some weight since he last competed!

Copeland: Big Dave’s last match was at Meltdown 74, but Ty fired him at Meltdown 76. No doubt he’s coming for revenge while looking to save his job.

Dave heads down the ramp, with the spotlight following him, with his eyes still focused on Ty; as much as the crowd cheer for him, nothing’s going to break their gaze as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs up the stairs, stopping by the turnbuckle and refusing to keep his eyes off of Ty, he climbs through the ropes and stands at the opposite corner to Ty as the two WZCW Legends prepare for battle as ‘Always’ fades out to the sound of crowds cheering and chanting for both these men.

Copeland: Listen to this crowd, their anticipation for this match is like no other.

Cohen: That, or they’re looking forward to seeing Big Dave go.

Both men slowly approach each other in the centre of the ring as the referee is giving them the talk down as they still haven’t broken their stare-down since they both entered the arena, and neither is looking to fold. The bell sounds as this match has officially begun, the referee tries to get them moving only for them both to stare at him and Ty uses this opportunity to unload some rights as Dave’s gaze were off of him, backing him to the corner, continuing to force Dave back until he blocks one shot and Dave unloads rights of his own, forcing the battle back into the centre before unloading a dropkick that takes Ty down in the early going here.

Both men get back to their feet as Dave goes to Irish whip Ty, but it’s countered and Dave rebounds off the ropes, dodging the clothesline but is caught with the running high knee from Ty as momentum continues to switch between them. Ty grabs Dave as he was getting back up and slams him down to the mat, following up with a running knee drop to keep the Triple Crown Champion down. Ty pulls Dave up once more, letting him go and swings for a high kick but Dave ducks under it and hits a back drop. Both men are quick to their feet as Dave hits the snap suplex on the Longest Reigning World Champion. As Ty gets to his feet, Dave tries to hit Ty with the Checking Out, but it’s blocked with the elbows, when Dave faces him, Ty attempts a Consecrated Banishment but Dave drops to the mat to avoid the boot.

Copeland: These two men are refusing to let momentum slips, especially as they know each other so well.

Cohen: Dave was fortunate that the CB didn’t hit or he’d be out of a job!

Dave returns to a vertical position and swings a low kick to the knee of Ty’s, and again, but when he goes for a third time, Ty grabs his boot and Dave counters by swinging a roundhouse with the other foot, sending both men to the floor. Dave is up first and pulls Ty up to the ropes for an Irish Whip and picks him up for a pumphandle suplex, but Ty drops behind him and hits a Russian Legsweep. He drops his knee back on Dave’s throat, giving threatening words to him as the referee counts up to 4 to break the hold and Ty releases the knee. He picks Dave up from off the mat, dragging him to the ropes before lifting him up and dropping his neck on the top rope, making him fall to the floor and holding his throat. The referee goes to check on him but Ty shoves him out of the way and puts his over the bottom rope and gives him the slingshot guillotine on the middle rope as Dave continues to hold on his throat as the referee tells Ty to back away as he checks on him and he reluctantly does so.

The ref asks if he wants to quit, but he says “No!” as he pulls himself up with the ropes into the corner as he spots Ty standing opposite him and gives him a gesture to come as him. Ty acknowledges this by running towards him and is met with a foot to the face, which makes him groggy, Dave drops down in the corner as Ty turns back towards him and is met with a spear to the surprise of the crowd. He goes for the cover, 1…..2….kick-out by Ty. Dave is up on one knee as he watches Ty get back upright and gives him a kick to the gut before running at the ropes and is met with Ty lifting him up and hitting a reverse STO to take the wind out of Dave. Ty slowly gets up and pulls up his adversary with him before picking him up and dropping him with a brainbuster, he goes for the fall, 1……2…..kick-out by Dave. Ty wastes no time by getting up and applying the Muta Lock on Dave in the middle of the ring, Ty pulling his head Dave as he reaches out towards the ropes, the pain already being intense from the attacks on his neck early on. He continues to reach as there’s an intense look in his eyes, refusing to give into the pain, he tries to crawl to the ropes but Ty pulls him back, refusing to let Dave escape from the hold.

Copeland: The Muta Lock is in tight, is Dave going to tap?!

Cohen: He must, Dave should save himself with retirement than going to a hospital bed!

Dave tries reaching once more but the ropes seem so far away, leaving Dave no choice but swing the elbow at Ty’s face. Ty is unsure how Dave is able to do this, but Dave follows up with another, and then two more before Ty finally releases the hold to get back on his feet. He runs at the ropes and is met with Dave jumping up to his feet and hitting the powerslam, Dave gets an arm over, 1…..2… kick-out. Both men take their time to get to their feet as Ty hits a right on Dave, making him lean against the ropes, allowing Ty to push him against them and Irish whip him once again, on the return, Dave ducks under the clotheslines but Ty is ready to receive with a spinebuster, which is countered into a DDT and Dave pops up from the mat with some adrenaline. He heads to the turnbuckle and ascends to the top rope, signalling for the money shot, but Ty is back on his feet and shoves Dave back, hanging him up to dry. Ty climbs up onto the second rope and hits Dave in the head a few times to keep him in place, he grabs him in a position for a superplex, but Dave holds him in place. He then lowers himself down to get Ty on his shoulders and stares with intensity as he’s ready to hit a top rope Stamp of Authority, he lets out a yell as he’s about to swing Ty over but it’s countered into an X-plex off the rope off and both men are down on the mat, much to amazement of the crowd, who start chanting “You still got it” to both competitors.

Copeland: Both men are down and out after that huge X-Plex from Ty off the top rope!

Cohen: Ty hasn't missed a step this entire match, and that sure as hell isn't going to change!

The referee checks on both men as he begins the ten count.




Both men begin to stir slowly, Ty rolling onto his stomach and Dave grasping the bottom rope from his back. The referee continues his count as Dave is up to his knees, Ty up to one foot.




Both men are up and Ty stumbles backwards but spins around and hits a hard right on Dave. Dave takes a step back and returns the favor, staggering Ty back into the ropes. He bounces off and replies with a stiff chop to the chest before the two start swinging wildly at one another, the crowd booing and cheering as fast as they can at each strike. Ty ducks under a punch from Dave and hits the ropes. Dave runs towards the other ropes and both go for a signature move. Dave goes for a spear as Ty goes for the running high knee, both men colliding at high speed as Ty howls in pain as his surgically repaired knee hits the crown of Dave's head. Ty hits the mat and immediately rolls to the outside, grasping his knee in pain as Dave holds his head in immense pain. The ref checks on Dave who nods his head that he's ok as the crowd goes quiet as Ty rolls around on the mat gritting his teeth. The ref checks with Ty, asking if he wants to quit. Ty yells out no as Dave rolls to the outside. He stands over Ty as Ty looks up in a pleading fashion, asking Dave to help him as he holds his hand out. Dave looks to the fans who all scream for him not to do it. Dave shakes his head and reaches down, pulling Ty up but Ty immediately tries to slam Dave face first into the apron. He gets countered however and Ty is lifted up in the air, getting dropped face first onto the apron himself to the crowd's delight!

Copeland: Ty tried to sucker in Dave once more. However his tricks aren't going to work anymore.

Cohen: How was that good sportsmanship?!? Ty was clearly injured and Dave just adds more insult to an already injured Ty.

Dave immediately puts the boots to Ty's face as he tries to cover up, the referee finally pulling Dave away from him. Dave breaks away from the ref and continues the assault, only to get pulled back once more. Dave yells at the referee but as his head is turned Ty stands up quick and hits a Reverse STO, sending Dave face first into the barricade. The ref has seen enough and gets back in the ring, yelling at Ty that he will start the ten count. Ty waves him off as he cranks away at Dave's neck, screaming at him to enjoy the pain. He pulls on Dave's head and gets him to his feet, sending him shoulder first into the steel steps. As Dave lies on the steel steps, Ty walks over and begins viciously ramming Dave face first into the steel over and over again, blood beginning to pour down Dave's face. Noticing the referee's count is to eight, Ty rolls Dave in and quickly goes for the cover, 1.............2.........Dave kicks out! Ty slams his fists down on the mat in frustration as he quickly locks in a deep chin lock, pushing Dave's face to the mat as Ty laughs maniacally, delivering knees into the kidney area in the process. His opponent yells out in pain as the referee asks if he wants to quit. Dave shakes his hand no as he tries to push himself up off the mat, blood pooling under his head as he dawns the crimson mask. Eventually he gets back to his feet, but before he can deliver elbows to get Ty off, Ty lifts him up suddenly and begins delivering repeated rib breakers! The count is up to seven breakers before Ty flips him mid lift and delivers a stiff back breaker, holding it in place as he presses down on Dave into a submission hold! Dave flails his arm, trying to push Ty's arms off of him but Ty finally releases the hold, letting Dave fall to the mat. Instead of going for the cover Ty stands tall, flipping his hair back as he stands over his bloodied rival. Ty let's out a roar as he suddenly backs into the corner, as the crowd pleads with Dave to get up. Ty does the same, motioning for him to stand up and take his punishment.

Cohen: It's over here Seabass!

Copeland: Ty's got Consecrated Banishment coiled up. I think Dave's out on his feet!

As Dave gets to his feet Ty rushes forward, pumping his leg before going for Consecrated Banishment! Out of instinct Dave ducks under and Ty's leg gets caught on the top turnbuckle. He hobbles up and down as he tries to unhook himself but Dave sneaks up quickly behind him and pushes him to the top rope. Dave climbs up and hooks his legs around the ropes, sending Ty over with a Spider Suplex! The back of Ty's head bounces off the mat as the crowd roars loudly as he flips back up, standing on the top turnbuckle as he lifts his arms up high. He looks down at Ty before pointing out to the crowd. Dave vaults off the top turnbuckle, crashing down on Ty with the big splash! He hooks a leg quickly, 1..............2.............Ty kicks out at the last second! The crowd is deflated as Dave falls back onto his knees, his head lowered as he wipes away some of the blood from his face, unsure of what else to do. Dave gets to his feet as he stares down Ty, who has slowly pulled himself up, draping his arm over the rope. He turns around and Dave suddenly hits a lower kick to the repaired knee, hobbling Ty briefly before continuing the kicks to the target. Ty suddenly lifts his leg to block but Dave counters with a high kick! Ty ducks under and on the spin around Ty hits a kick to the back of Dave's neck! It sends Dave backwards into the ropes, allowing Ty to go for Consecrated Banishment once again! Dave suddenly catches Ty off guard and delivers Checking Out! The crowd pops loudly as Dave goes for the cover, but Ty grabs Dave's arm and wraps his legs around Dave's neck, stretching him out with The Final Seance!

Copeland: The Finale Seance! Ty's got it locked in tight!

Cohen: Say goodbye to our Meltdown GM Seabass! There's no where for Dave to go!

Ty pulls back on the hold as he can, draining the life out of Dave and trying his hardest to pull his arm out of it's socket. Dave yells out as he holds his hand up, kicking his feet, doing anything and everything he can to get to the ropes. Ty begins laughing as he throws his head back, yelling for Dave to give up. Dave's arm slowly starts to drop down as he fades away. The ref checks on Dave who's eyes have closed, the crowd begging Dave to get back up. The referee lifts up Dave's arm, and it drops. The referee signals for one before trying it again. Once more it falls immediately, the referee signalling for two. Ty pulls back as much as he can, knowing victory is at his fingertips. The referee tries one last time, but Dave keep his arm up! The crowd pops loudly as Dave pumps his fist in the air, rolling over onto his stomach as the look on Ty's face has turned from confidence to concern as he tries to flip Dave back over, but to no avail. Dave slowly gets to his knee before pulling Ty onto his shoulders. As Ty tries to let go Dave grabs him and stands up quickly, delivering the Stamp of Authority to thunderous applause! He goes for the cover, 1..............2................3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, the General Manager of Ascension, Big Dave!

Copeland: Unbelievable Jack! Dave has done it!

Cohen: No! How did that happen?!?!

The crowd is going crazy as Dave rolls over onto his back, the blood finally subsiding as the referee holds his arm up in victory. Ty remains motionless as both men breath heavily, the toll of battle evident on both of them. Ty slowly rolls over to a corner, as David gets to his feet as the referee lifts his arm up in victory once again. Dave stumbles forward and leans against the ropes facing the crowd. The crowd buzzes as Ty slowly kneels up and gets to his feet and stumbles halfway across the ring behind Dave, his hands on his thighs as he stares down his rival. Dave slowly turns around and shakes his head as a look of disbelief is on his face that Ty would want to continue fighting. Ty rushes forward but stops in front of Dave, holding his hand out. Dave looks down at his offer and clasps hands with his rival, the two embracing in a hug as the cheers become deafening as the two legends show respect to one another. Ty steps back and lifts Dave's arm up high in the air before walking over and requesting a mic. The ringside assistant hands him one and he looks to Dave, trying to think of the words to say before handing the mic to him, mouthing this is your time. Ty steps back and motions for Dave to take center stage.

Dave takes the mic, he stands in the centre with Ty behind him, and he looks over his shoulder and nods at him in appreciation before he addresses the crowd.

Dave: Ladies and Gentleman, first I want you to give a round of applause to my opponent, Ty Burna.

The crowd applauds Ty

Dave: Now, I may have won tonight’s match and kept my job as General Manager of Ascension, but over the past few days I’ve been in deep thought about my position within this company. When Mr. Banks came in, he took away my show for the past year and gave it to Bateman. He also said that unless Ascension performs well, I’m out of a job.

The crowd boos.

Dave: And as you witnessed last week, Bateman named the conditions that if I lost this match, I’d lose my job as well. While the battle maybe won tonight, the war is still far from over. And that is why I've decided to let things happen under my own terms than let Bateman and Banks decide my fate for me. As of this day, I’m officially stepping down as General Manager of Ascension, and furthermore, I am retiring as an active wrestler for WZCW.

Bateman: Just the words I wanted to hear Dave!

Suddenly Vance Bateman appears on the entrance stage, with five security guards behind him. Ty and Dave look to the stage and stare down their mutual nemesis.

Bateman: I'm glad you're both still here, so I can finally say this. Boys, get these two relics out of MY ring!

The five security guards begin walking down the ramp as Dave and Ty exchange glances, both taking fighting stances. As the security gets to the front of the stage however, Ty suddenly runs to the opposite side, bouncing off the ropes and goes flying over the top rope, crashing down onto the guards. Ty begins reigning blows on them, fighting them off and as Dave begins to exit to help Ty looks back to him and yells.

Ty: David! Speak your peace my friend.

Two of the guards tackle Ty and try to subdue him but Ty turns the tables as Dave looks on before back to the microphone. A determined look forms on Dave's face as he walks back to the center of the ring.

Dave: Since I first earned my contract at Meltdown 20, I’ve been on a roller coaster of a ride with this company; The FHD; The rWo; winning the EurAsian, Tag Team and World Heavyweight Championships; making friends and enemies with the likes of Ace David, Steamboat Ricky, Titus, Showtime, Ty, Everest, Hunter Kravinoff, Barbosa, to name a few; competing and being undefeated at Kingdom Come; and most importantly, making history in this company. When it had to sadly come to an end back at Meltdown 76, it was painful, just as painful as when I failed you as your World Heavyweight Champion with one of its shortest reigns. But when I was offered the opportunity to become the General Manager of Meltdown, I couldn't say no because I love this company too much to walk away, you are all my family; whether it’s those in the back, or all of you that fill the seats every single episode of Meltdown, Ascension and After Shock. Now on the 100th episode of Meltdown, I feel ready to let go and let this company prosper without me behind the scenes because you all are what make WZCW possible in the first place. Will I return in the future? We’ll see. For now, I’m just looking forward to putting my feet up and not worry about whether Steven Holmes is suddenly going to pop up and be a pain in my arse again.

WZCW, thank you for every opportunity you have given me, and I wish you all well on your future endeavours because Big Dave is checking out!

The crowd roars as Dave flips the mic out of the ring and poses once more for the crowd. Suddenly he turns his attention as Ty has rolled back into the ring, more security on their way by Vance's beckoning. At least twenty surround the ring as Ty and Dave stand back to back, ready to fight them all off. Ty suddenly looks back at Dave, and Dave returns the glance, the two of them nodding as Ty lowers his head, his hair covering his face as he slowly lifts his hands up into the air and suddenly the lights go out just as the security rushes the ring. A flickering of static is seen throughout the arena before the lights come back on, the security forces all knocked out around the ring as that familiar song of Dave's plays through the arena, and a Chaos symbol freshly burnt into the canvas of the ring.

Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Union City, New Jersey, weighing 198 pounds, Saboteur!

Saboteur jumps out on stage with a bag of goodies. He starts throwing t-shirts to the crowd as he heads on down to the ring.

Copeland: Saboteur has a hell of a match in front of him. Not just on Apocalypse but here tonight too. We just found out The Beard is Dr. Zeus' accomplice and more than likely, his partner here too.

Cohen: What a devastating combo could those two be.


Copeland: Hey, wait a minute. Shouldn't Isabel Stone come out now?

Cohen: You're right, where- OH MY GOD!

Dr. Zeus appears onstage with Izzy Stone strapped to his signature stretcher. She screams to be let go, but the “good” doctor just rolls her down to the side of the stage.

Copeland: What is that basket case planning?! And where is Beard!?

Beard appears on stage right above Zeus and the tied up Izzy. He looks down on her and then looks at the crowd who are booing loudly. He puts down his briefcase before.... LEAPING OFF THE STAGE!

Copeland: OH MY GOD!! He just killed her! He just dived off 20 feet in the air onto Izzy!!

Cohen: Good God! This is out of control!

Saboteur rushes up the ramp to aid his injured partner, but Zeus is quick to cut him off. The brawl is on as EMT's rush to pull Beard off Izzy. Referee's all come down to tame the situation, but to no luck. Saboteur and Zeus keep their brawl going down the runway. Saboteur throws Zeus onto the barricade and punches away at the good doctors gut. He takes a sign from a fan and beats it over Zeus which gives a loud thud.

Cohen: This is crazy! Far crazier than I thought it would be.

Saboteur rips the sign up to reveal a hard cooking sheet and beats Zeus with it some more. He keeps dragging the doc down to the ring and tackles him against the barricade as referees once again try to get things back in control. Meanwhile back up on stage, Beard slowly staggers and EMT's try to helps Izzy.

Copeland: If Saboteur really wants the match, he'll be going alone in there.

Cohen: And I don't think Beard plans to sit this one out. He's already getting back to his feet.

Saboteur throws Zeus into the ring as referee Keith Morse enters as well. He rings the bell.

* Ding Ding Ding *

Copeland: You're kidding me, right? They're really gonna go through with this match?

Saboteur Irish Whips Zeus and quickly catches him coming in the Death Blow!! Zeus' head bounces hard off the mat and Saboteur gets the cover!!



Th- But Beard dashes in and breaks it up.

Cohen: What in the hell is that man made of?!? He's already up and running like nothing happened.

Beard is restrained by the referee. Now that the match officially started, he has a reason to obey and does so. Heading back to his corner. Meanwhile, EMT's get Izzy on a stretcher and attempt to get her back up.

Copeland: I hope Isabel is OK after that vicious dive. I still can't believe this is an official match.

Saboteur keeps the offensive on his side for a bit, but the ever clever doctor sneaks a Throat Thrust amidst Saboteurs offense to stagger the assassin. Zeus crawls over and tags Beard who comes in and tumbles Saboteur down with a Clothesline. He Presses Saboteur overhead and drops him on the mat from nearly 8 feet in the air. He goes up the ropes and leaps off with an Elbow Drop onto Saboteur. He goes for a cover...



Thr- But the masked man kicks out.

As that goes on, we see EMT's get Izzy out. As they're about to wheel her out though, she gets off the stretcher!

Cohen:I don't believe it! She's up too!

However, the damage is still done and she can't stand strong. She's held by the shoulders and she manages to walk out mostly OK as the crowd cheers on. All eyes turn back to the match now though as Beard remain in control. He tags Zeus in and Whips Saboteur to a corner. He then grabs Zeus and does the same. Sending his own partner full speed into a splash over Saboteur. Zeus is now in control and starts choking away on Saboteur. The referee admonishes him for it though and Zeus backs off. Saboteur gets to his feet though and catches his breath. Zeus goes back in for the attack, but Saby fights back with Knife Edge chops. He then follows up with a Roundhouse to stagger the good doctor. He runs the ropes and knocks him down with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Zeus bounces back up and Saby keeps the offense going with a Running Tornado DDT to knock the good doctor silly.

Copeland: Just how long can Saboteur keep this up? He's all by himself out there.

Cohen: I agree. He should quit before he gets hurt like Izzy. He has a World title match in just a few days.

Saboteur goes for the cover, but before a count can even start, Beard pulls him away. The two men face off and Saboteur shoves Beard away. Beard looks on angrily as the referee tells him to head to his corner. But Beard screams at him, and he backs off scared. Saboteur on the other hand waves “bring it” at the big man. The two men slug it out with Saboteur getting the best of it. He hits the More Cowbell to stun the big man, but Beard fight right back with a right hand. But with the momentum, Saboteur swings it around into the GOOOOAAALL!!!

Copeland: He might just do it! Come on, Saboteur!

Cohen: No! Look behind you, you idiot!

Saboteur turns to run the ropes, but as soon as he does, he runs into Dr. Zeus who's back on his feet. He catches Saboteur and hits a Dragon Suplex laying Saboteur perfectly in the middle of the ring. Beard goes up to the top rope and comes off with another Flying Beard and Zeus makes the cover as the referee finally decides to show up again.



Thr- But Saboteur kicks out!

Cohen: Stay down, you idiot. You have a World title match to look forward to.

Copeland: What kind of #1 Contender would just give up? I think it's a mistake for him to go into this match, but he wants to gut it out and give it his all every single time he comes out here.

Cohen: Are you kidding me, Seabass?! This is his first PPV main event. He's throwing that chance away!

Saboteur staggers as the two destructive men look at him, waiting for him to get back to his feet. He slowly makes his way up and slaps Dr. Zeus across the face. Zeus attempts to grab Saboteur by the throat, but Saboteur kicks him in the gut. He hits a jawbreaker, which sends Zeus feeling, and runs to the ropes to get a head of steam. He catches Zeus with a running tornado DDT, which sends Zeus crashing to the ground. Saboteur rallies fan support, and signals it's time for the Death Blow! But The Beard is up, and hammers Saboteur in the back.

Copeland: It's just no use... The numbers game is too much...

Cohen: I mean it Saboteur... You have to stay down/

The crowd cheers heavily though... From the entrance way, Isabel Stone is returning, holding her ribs and limping. Her ribs have a little tape on the m, but she matches with a determined look on her face.

Cohen: What?! What is Isabel doing?!

She gets into the ring, and gets onto the apron. She touches Saboteur's back, signifying a tag in. She screams out loud at Beard, standing defiantly in front of him, as the crowd goes wild.

Copeland: Isabel is going to fight them off, after what just happened!

But Dr. Zeus has recovered, and grabs Isabel by the hair. He delivers clubbing blows to her back, as she screams in agony. She begins to cough up blood, as the referee quickly rushes to her aid. She insists to continue, and Zeus and Beard grab Isabel. Beard grabs Stone by the shoulders while Zeus by the legs. Izzy finds herself elevated facing upward and Beard hits an Elevated Poetic Justice. Zeus instructs for Beard to lift her up again, as the crowd boos. Beard and Zeus lock a chokehold on Izzy, and deliver a hellacious double choke slam. The ref goes to Isabel to ask her... But she is already unconscious. Blood drips from her mouth, as the referee has no choice but to stop the match.

Harrys: ladies and gentlemen, the referee has ruled that Isabel Stone can not continue. The winners of this match, Dr. Zeus and The Beard...

Zeus isn't satisfied with this... He places on Euthanasia, as Isabel gasps for air.

Copeland Damn it, that's enough! Someone, stop this!

Saboteur comes, with a chair shot to the back of Zeus. He unleashes a vicious shot, as Zeus holds his back. Saboteur delivers one more, as Zeus falls to the ground. The Beard stops Saboteur, sending him down with a big boot!

Cohen: As long as Beard is around, it seems impossible to stop these monsters!

Beard rolls out and drags out Zeus, as they hastily exit the ring as Drake Callahan arrives with chairs at hand. Zeus and Beard leave through the crowd. Drake grabs a mic.

Drake: Dammit, I don't know which, but at Unscripted I'm getting one of you a**holes in this ring and dropping you on your head!

Drake throws down the mic, and goes to check on Isabel, who is still barely moving in the ring. Saboteur goes overto check on her. Beard and Zeus laugh up the entrance way as we see Drake and Saboteur helping Izzy who is on one knee coughing but conscious.

Cohen: Good grief, Isabel took all levels of punishment.

Copeland: She's tough, we've seen it before. But damn these two. What are they planning? They're totally out of control.



In a foggy gym, with a few passerbys, one man is lifting an excessive amount of free weights. The camera pans around, to show a rainbow of neon colors. Yellow and green and red fill the television screen, as a burly figure curls enormous fifty pound dumbells. The camera shows white, full hair, and a gray beard of the man, but still no face. The eyes are covered by funky shades, also green in neon colored. Finally, the camera pans to the front of the wrestler's shirt, which reads the words.

Mack Attack!

The camera pans out, to show the grizzled face of the wrestling legend, Daddy Mack!

Mack:WZCW! A place I've yet to go to, travelling in my journey through time and space, yeah! And this is the place, like space, where I'll make it to the sun, and grab the flames of the fire, yeah! Now I took my time, I've been away for a while. And I've been all around the world, and won my fair share of titles.

We see an inset image of Daddy Mack, in his younger days, wearing championship gold


Mack: And now, I'm on my way, to make it to the the big time, the biggest time of all. So be ready WZCW, because the Mack Attack is Back, and all of the rest is simply Whack!

Daddy Mack throws down the dumbells, and snarls, giving a massive roar, as the camera fades to black.

No one thought it would happen. Years as allies and it never happened. But in the world of professional wrestling, when it comes to "never", the script gets thrown out.....

Titus. Showtime. One on one at last.

All your favorite superstars join the battle and Hell In A Cell returns, as WZCW presents Unscripted 2014! Live on PPV!


Anderson: The following contest is our main event, and it’s Street Fight for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Ricky struts out, flanked by the Swag Pack, and poses for the hot crowd.

Copeland: He has stolen the title, lost the title, and now he’s getting another title match? I don’t get it.

Cohen: I know you don’t get it, you don’t have the swag to comprehend it.

Runn starts to head down the ramp, as his cronies high five and grin like morons.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger, from Chicago, Illinois-

Harrys stops mid-introduction as he sees Barbosa charging down the ramp with a steel chair!

Cohen: Watch out, Ricky!

Barbosa smashes the chair into Hollywood Jameson’s back, and he collapses on the ramp and rolls the rest of the way to the floor. Donny J turns around and gets a chair to the skull. Ricky turns around and ducks the chair shot before bolting into the ring. Barbosa goes after him, and slides into the ring, but Runn dropkicks him in the face. Barbosa is on the mat, dazed from the kick and Ricky grabs the chair from his hands. He raises the chair to hit Barbosa, but suddenly stops. He lowers the chair, walks to the corner and hands his sunglasses to the timekeeper.

Copeland: Wow. Way to prioritise, Ricky.

Cohen: Those sunglasses cost more than your house!

Ricky turns back to Barbosa, chair raised, but he gets speared to the ground! Barbosa unleashes a series of elbows to Ricky’s head and the crowd roar their approval! Barbosa gets up, bringing Ricky with him, and Irish Whips him hard into the corner. Ricky bounces off the turnbuckles and into Barbosa, who blasts him with a Roaring Elbow that nearly takes Ricky’s head off! Ricky goes down like a ton of bricks. Barbosa pulls him to the middle of the ring, and goes for the first pin of the match,



Kick out by Ricky! On the outside of the ring, the unconscious Swag Pack are being dragged up the ramp to the back. Barbosa stands up and picks up the chair. He raises it in the air to cheers from the crowd, but Ricky rolls out of the ring before Barbosa can be hit. He stumbles over to the barricade and climbs over it into the crowd to try and get away, but Barbosa is right behind him. Runn goes up the stairs and heads towards the curtain, but Barbosa grabs him by the hair and pulls him back. Barbosa lights him up with a few right hands before throwing him down the flight of stairs!

Copeland: I think Barbosa is going to kill Ricky tonight!

Cohen: If he hasn’t already!

Runn hits the last step and smashes into the crowd barricade. He doesn’t move for several moments as Barbosa walks down the stairs. He picks up Runn by the hair, but Ricky grabs a beer from the crowd and throws it in Barbosa’s face! While Barbosa wipes the beer from his face, Ricky climbs over the barricade and crawls to the ring. He pulls up the apron and pulls out a trash can. As Barbosa climbs over the barricade, Ricky turns around and smashes the trash can against his skull.
Barbosa is on the floor, dazed. Ricky places the trash can on top of him and climbs up the apron. He takes a deep breath and hits an Asai Moonsault onto Barbosa and the can! Ricky clutches his stomach, before pushing the can away and pinning Barbosa,



Kick out! Ricky gets up and leaps up to the crowd barricade and stands, waiting. Barbosa gets up with the help of the ring apron. He turns around and Ricky leaps off the barricade, going for a Tornado DDT, but Barbosa catches him and throws him into the ring post! Ricky goes down, a huge bruise already developing along his spine.

Barbosa goes under the ring and pulls out a table, to big cheers from the crowd! He sets it up at ringside before going to grab Ricky, who’s still on the ground in agony. The champion grabs the challenger by the hair and pulls him up before bringing him over to the table. He smashes Ricky’s skull off the table before laying him on it. He climbs up onto the apron, then up to the second rope!

Copeland: This is way out of Barbosa’s comfort zone!

But before Barbosa can jump off, Ricky rolls off the table and onto the ground. Barbosa jumps down onto the apron as Ricky gets to his feet. Ricky turns around and Barbosa goes for an Axe-handle smash off the apron, but Ricky punches him in mid-air! It doesn’t seem like a hard punch, but Barbosa hits the ground, looking knocked out. Ricky holds up his hand; he’s wearing diamond-encrusted brass knuckles!

Ricky taps his temple with a smirk before pulling of the knucks and pinning the champion, who is bleeding above the eye.



Kick out by Barbosa! Ricky starts to panic, and pulls out the chair that’s in the ring. He pulls Barbosa up to his feet and puts the chair against his back before hitting the Ricky Runndown on the chair! It hurts Ricky’s legs, but it hurts Barbosa’s much more. Ricky turns Barbosa over and goes for the pin,



Kick out!! Ricky Runn sits up, he cannot believe it. He goes for the pin,



Ricky is hysterical, certain that he got a three, but referee Keith Morse insists it’s a two count. Ricky gets up, looking pissed, and gets up on the apron. He climbs up the ropes, but his hurt legs are slowing him down. He finally gets to the top rope, but Barbosa comes out of nowhere and smashes the steel chair into Ricky’s skull! Ricky is knocked loopy, and Barbosa grabs him, throwing him off the top rope and through the table on the outside!

Copeland: That was a fifteen feet drop!

Cohen: This is more about hurting Ricky than it is about the title…

Barbosa has to use the ropes to keep himself up. After catching his breath, he jumps down off the apron and covers Ricky,



Ricky gets a shoulder up! Now it’s Barbosa’s turn to be frustrated. But he doesn’t argue with the ref, he grabs the chair and smashes it against any part of Runn that he can hit. He keeps hitting shot after shot as the crowd count along. “SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE!” Vicious shot after vicious shot. Finally, with Barbosa out of breath, and the chair a mangled mess, he drops it and pins Ricky again,



RICKY GETS A SHOULDER UP! Barbosa is speechless. He starts pacing over his fallen foe before grabbing him by the hair and picking him up to his feet. He tries to set Ricky up for the Omega Driver, but Ricky kicks him with a lowblow!

Both men fall to the ground and Ricky begins to crawl away as Barbosa is on the ground in agony. Ricky crawls up the ramp as Barbosa manages to get to his feet. He storms after Runn, who is on the stage now. Runn realises that Barbosa is coming after him and escapes the only place he can: Climbing up the tron!

He gets half-way up the tron, and taunts Barbosa. Barbosa looks furious and starts to follow Ricky up the tron! Ricky craps himself as he sees Barbosa climbing underneath him. Runn picks up the pace and gets to the top of the tron and starts to shuffle across it. But Barbosa is right behind him, and grabs Ricky by the hair.

Copeland: They’re fourty feet in the air!

Cohen: I like violent matches, but this is way too dangerous!

Barbosa hits a right hand and Ricky’s arms swing wildly as he tries to keep his balance on top of the tron. Ricky hits a right hand of his own that knocks Barbosa back a step. They exchange right after right, each man teetering on the edge. Suddenly, Ricky thumbs Barbosa’s eye. With Barbosa half-blind, Ricky grabs his head and throws him off the tron!

Copeland: OH MY GOD!

Barbosa hits the stage with a sharp thud, the metal denting beneath his back! Before anyone can check on Barbosa, Runn shouts “YOLO!” from the top of the tron, and leaps off with the R&R!

The crowd gasps, equal parts stunned and horrified. Ricky drapes an arm over Barbosa, and the referee runs over,





Copeland: I don’t believe it…

The referee calls for stretchers, and medics bring them out. They carefully load Barbosa onto a stretcher, before the Swag Pack push it over, to insane heat from the crowd.
They pick up Runn, who is barely conscious, and drape a swagged out World Title over his shoulder before carrying him out.

"We president now!" Runn can be heard crying as he is carried away on the shoulders of his swag pack.

Cohen: We have a new, swagtastic world champion!

Copeland: I’m lost for words.

Cohen: Good. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this amazing night! We’ll see you at Unscripted! And here’s to another 100 episodes!


Drake vs Showtime, Izzy/Sabs vs Beard/Zeus
Brone E.: LMD vs SF, segments
Yaz: Theron vs Fallout, segments
Harth: Titus vs Constantine
B-Lad: Runn vs Barbosa
The British Bulldoge: Tastic vs SHIT
Shotaro: Support and a sexy British accent

And a special thank you to both Ty and Phoenix for their one night stand here and writing their own match. But more importantly, thanks to all of you. Without you, we wouldn't have 100 episodes of Meltdown, 75 of Ascension or 32 of Aftershock or an upcoming PPV. Salute yourselves, guys. Your love and passion for this little hobby has kept it going very strong. Me and the rest of creative are freakin' proud of all of you for helping us get this far.
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