Mega heel heat

thats what makes it even better :lmao:

I liked the one I had to edit too, becuas ehe said very many hurtfull, naughty words in it
right now im in a PM argument with a super moron who wont accept that the racism thread is a piss take. this is fantastic.
Nice. On No Mercy, my created dude used the TKO, which I called the "Numba One Stunna"...because I'm number one...and it was a variation of the Stunner.
Originally Posted by Mighty NorCal
Dear truk24,

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: Flaming Another User
no need for name calling

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

You are an idiot for even suggesting that, and highly offensive by the way. At what point in 2009 does color of one's skin become the barrier for ROY in the NFL, a predominantly black league of players? I do however feel that Matt Ryan shouldn't have won the ROY award either. Chris Johnson is a classless football player "limited" talent. The Titans scheme makes him prolific.

Bottom line is the ROY should have been Joe Flacco because he actually accomplished history. Flacco won two games in the post season something not done ever in the NFL. How don't you give "the other guy" Joe Flacco the ROY. I am a Steelers fan, and I hate the Ravens. However Flacco deserved the ROY award because he was one game away from the Superbowl. That is something neither Ryan, or Johnson could say. As a matter of fact the Ravens defeated the Titans in Tennessee in the playoffs. Flacco should have been ROY.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums

Are you kidding me? You mean they are allowed to posts such ignorance on here? How does this make any sense? This person is claiming that the color of a man's skins is the underlying basis to an award given in a predominantly black sport called the nfl. Matt Ryan being white has nothing to do with him winning the award.

I understand that racism exists in many aspects of society, but I would think that race is not much of an issue in the NFL when it boils down to an award handed to rookies. This is such nonsense, and I hope he was given an infraction as well. Only an idiot would say what that person had said. Since when did we start defending ignorance? Give me break here.

1. The person saying the racism thing was ME. so you called ME an idiot.

2. The thread is a joke. Its just to get people talking, and riled. Obviously it worked

3. Regardless of how stupid you think it is, it doesnt excuse flaming another user. Make your opinion known, but you dont need to call others names. Try to conduct yourself above the maturity of a 2nd grader, and not go around name calling.

You have the nerve to suggest that I am acting like a 3rd grader. don't give me this "thread is joke" bull. That sounds like a cheap way out of sounding like an "idiot" which is what you are. I can't understand why you aren't "mature" enough to start a thread without being "controversial".

In case you aren't aware of it, but what you suggested was wrong. It serves no purpose in a forum which is about sports not racial trash backed by nothing, but nonsense. What you said has no merit in any argument or discussion. What part of that don't you understand?

Where I am from we have already distinguished the fact that the color of a man's skin doesn't limit nor increase the chances of a man's right to success, or individual freedom. I'm pretty sure most people here in america would also say the same. I would say that we are a much more tolerant nation, being that we have a black president currently.

How could I be so immature to call you stupid, but it is ok for you to even suggest the topic you started. I'm not totally sold on the whole, it was to "rile" people up. By the way I'm not riled up. I'm more or less more infatuated with your ability to actually try, and defend yourself in this argument. What right do you have to tell me how to act, when you yourself are basically promoting bullshit, literally?

In my opinion someone should be up your ass for spouting that crap that came out of your pie hole. Do yourself a favor, and read a book. Maybe you will learn how to effectively start a thread on a forum without insulting someone.

the italics is me, the bold is him
Actually, it IS a joke. Matt Ryan winning the ROY becuase of being white is a fairly absurd statement right? Right. Im not sure who alls I "insulted".

How does it serve no purpose on a discussion forum, when it did in fact drive quite a bit of discussion in a fairly dead area of the forum?

How am I promoting bullshit? Plenty of people posted, and offered their opinions on the situation. You may want to stop making an ass of yourself. Its a joke. get over it. No need to give me a big racial lesson and equality and all that shit

that was my response

I think it is the other way around my friend. You are the one making the ass of yourself. As I have already said before none of what you said can be described as a joke. It is hardly funny, and you made no mention in your original thread of this being a reference to a joke.

Why is what you said even relevant in any case. It is kind of like what idiots like you are supposed to do, which is sit around and say "stupid" shit like what you said in this thread. Then get mad because you're being exposed as an ass who apparently is just stroking his "mod" power on others, by submitting the all imposing "INFRACTION".
my response

Im not mad at all. I am quite comfortably reclined right now. Why on earth would I reveal it was a joke in the actual thread? So that no one would post in it? Gee, thats the object of starting a thread yea?

You happen to be the one being exposed as an ass, becuase you took a thread that was so blatantly absurd, and decided to be all serious about it. Bottom line is, you dont need to be calling anyone names. Thats called flaming, thus resulting in a flaming infraction.

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