Mean Mark loses his cool after Elimination Chamber


Mid-Card Championship Winner reports that following Sunday's WWE Elimination Chamber pay-per-view, Undertaker was "extremely upset and yelling" about an incident that took place during his walk to the ring.

For those unaware, a pyrotechnic malfunction during Undertaker's ring entrance led to his jacket catching on fire and his chest suffering some minor burns. Undertaker quickly removed the jacket and made his way to the ring--where he poured water all over the affected area--but the damage, albeit minor, had already been done.

Undertaker worked his match as scheduled, but prior to the show going off the area, Undertaker reportedly expressed his anger backstage. Management, obviously aware that the issue was an accident, worked to calm him down.

An arena correspondent suggests that Undertaker also yelled something at the tech crew on his way backstage, but that has not been confirmed.
Considering how professional Undertaker is praised as, I'm shocked that he might have given people shit in front of the audience. Not holding it against him though. I'd be a little bit pissed if for some reason my chest had been set ablaze as well.

Interesting. Or not. You, the people, decide.
Well, you can't blame him. What if his WHOLE body had caught on fire, and he suffered 3rd degree burns, or something of that sort? It's not good on the tech team to allow that to happen. This could've been fatal, which it wasn't, but it doesn't need to happen again.
Well, you can't blame him. What if his WHOLE body had caught on fire, and he suffered 3rd degree burns, or something of that sort? It's not good on the tech team to allow that to happen. This could've been fatal, which it wasn't, but it doesn't need to happen again.

Then Kane could have let him borrow his mask.
He's 'Taker. He can kick a pregnant lady in the stomach as far as I'm concerned, dude's earned it.
Taker almost got lit on fire. This wasn't him smarting off like Punk likes(d) to do, or Taker strutting around politicking for a Title shot. This is a man who got lit on fire getting pissed. Completely and utterly justifiable.

In fact, it shows how professional he was because he kept right on with the match. He could have panicked, ran backstage, and ruined the show. But no. He threw off his jacket, got some water, poured it on his currently PYRO BURNT body, and proceeded to kick some mortal ass.
He's 'Taker. He can kick a pregnant lady in the stomach as far as I'm concerned, dude's earned it.

LOL agreed.

But in all seriousness, can you blame the dude? If a part of me was set on fire b/c of somebody else apparently not knowing wtf they were doing, I'd be pretty pissed too. Like Razor said, Taker continued the match. He didn't panic and run to the back and say "fuck the fans and this ppv I'm going home." I honestly don't blame The Phenom for going off. A situation like that, could have ended worse than what it did.
if anyone blames him for losing his cool they deserve to get a swift kick in the testicles. The sumbitch was ON FIRE! People are not supposed to catch fire (even in wrestling). Although it would have been funny if he stop-drop-and-rolled. I wonder how the commentators would cover that.

King: You're right, Cole.
Striker: Are you guys mental or something, he just rolled around, you stupid simpletons. The Deadman never does that.
How the FUCK was this not noticeable????? No one in the LD caught it, nor did I, nor did my bro who I was chatting with. Its not like Takers entrance is ever fuckin different....How did no one notice that shenanigans were afoot?

I DID notice the burns on his stomach and chest, I just figured he had been in the tanning booth too long or something. Holy shit, man :lmao:
Okay, while I noticed the clear-cut "Jeff Hardy accident" happen all over again to the Undertaker - I figured he just stupidly mistimed his own pyro. :lmao: I didn't know Matt Hardy was literally trying to kill him, too. lol

And yeah, the burn marks on his chest were pretty evident, but like NorCal I just thought it was either a tanning issue - or McCool finally spread an STD to him, that somehow affected his chest.
I remember seeing the mark on his chest during the match, and (having not noticed myself what happened) thinking "DAMN, somebody chopped him HARD!"

I noticed how low it was, but then I remembered Mysterio was in there, so I dismissed it until I watched the replay.

Taker is definitely a professional though. I'd have fucked somebody up in there, cause that shit looked painful.
I was wondering how the Undertaker made it to the ring so quickly. I remember seeing the lights go out and the music start, so I got up, went to the bathroom, cooked a pot roast, took a nap, and then came back and Undertaker was already in the ring. I was surprised.

This explains it.
Shit man, Taker has all the right to be pissed, I know would have been. Like Norcs said, I don't how anyone missed this. It was a bit humorous watching him run to the ring (in the video Scotty posted), as we are all use to seeing Taker take his time to get to the ring. But in all seriousness it is a good thing he is alright and kept professional during the match and held in the anger until the show was over.
For kayfabe, this pyro incident could be blamed on HBK. It is already set up that he is being driven mad by wanting to face 'Taker at WM again. Mad enough to allow the man who punched his wife in the face win the WHC mere feet from him. Adding another incident to the list can only help, especially when it seems like HBK could be going in as a more evident heel than last year
Yeah this isn't something you can blame on Taker. He's legendary for keeping kayfabe but there's a BIG difference between not talking to someone on the street and being in what very well could have been a life threatening situation.
This would be good to use in the storyline actually.

Anyway, he has all the right in the world to be angry and upset. At least he didn't do anything in the chamber and waited until after the PPV.
He's Taker. He can yell at people if he gets burned. It's not like someone botched a run in and he stiffed Kofi Kingston while screaming "FUCK" over and over again.
I suppose dead people do burn quicker than live ones, on account of being dryer
Why are we trying to acknowledge him losing his cool when we should be praising the man for staying in character when he made his entrance to the ring. Wouldn't you be shitting your pants if the Undertaker was actually walking as fast as normal people do?
Haven't seen it yet but from what I've heard i am very impressed that he continued the match.
Damn right he can have a go at the idiot who messed up!
Surprised he didn't chin him.

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