MD94: Showtime & Titus vs. Barbosa & Vega

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the Frog

We are drawing nearer and nearer to the monumental bout between Showtime & Barbosa for the World Heavyweight Championship. However, despite their own quarrels, they will now share the load of the blood feud between Vega and Titus. Vega is bent on proving his worth in the company at any cost, while the heroic WZCW Legend, Titus, hopes to teach him a lesson.

Deadline is Wednesday (September 18th, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions available upon request.
*In the poker room, there is something of an unusual sight as the Depressive paces back and forth in front of the table, while the Smoker and Manic remain seated. After a few moments of this pacing, the Depressive throws his hands up in exasperation.*

Depressive: A standing Final Act? That was our idea of a moderate outburst?

*In response, the Smoker shrugs his shoulders dismissively.*

The Smoker: Did it not work? Did we not beat a former world champion right in the middle of the ring?

*Depressive shakes his head in disapproval.*

Depressive: That is not the point. We must keep our monstrous self under wraps as much as possible so that Showtime and our other opponents do not think that we have any real control over it. And know Showtime will be expecting such a move, giving him time to prepare.

The Smoker: But we have kept Showtime off guard whilst maintaining our winning ways. On top of that, we even encouraged the mask of "benevolent, crowd-loving Showtime Dave Cougar" to slip even more. Now, not only has he interfered in our match, he has also failed to intervene when the fans wanted him to.

Manic: Thank goodness for Saboteur, that is all we can say!

The Smoker: Yes, thank goodness for Saboteur getting in between us and Showtime! Otherwise…

Depressive: Otherwise what? We would have pounded him into the ground?

The Smoker: Yeah!

Depressive: Taught him a lesson he would never forget?

The Smoker: Sure.

Depressive: Unravelled months of planning in a single instance and quite possibly jeopardising our chance at winning back the WZCW title by taking out the champion?

The Smoker: Yeah! Wait…

Manic: NO! The big shiny!

Depressive: This is why we need to keep our outbursts to a minimum or to make them seem ill-timed. This is why we have been continuing our dealings with Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology.

The Smoker: Oh yeah, that enterprise has paid dividends…

Manic: What?

The Smoker: Our endeavours to humiliate the robot have not made it more popular with the people or saw it continue to pick up victories at all…

*The Manic screws up his face in brief moment of confusion brought on by the dripping sarcasm of the Smoker's appraisal of his plans for SHIT. However, even after briefly thinking about it, he still manages to misinterpret the comment.*

Manic: …Thank…you…

*Before the Smoker can react and enlighten the Manic with another withering put down, the Depressive returns to his point.*

Depressive: Whether it is successful in helping or humilitating Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology is not the point. It is merely to perpetuate the notion that we can be a bumbling imbecile.

The Smoker: Notion? "Widely known fact" would be closer to the mark at this point.

And are we just going to concentrate on looking silly rather than preparing for many obstacles in our path this week?

Depressive: What more is there for us to say? We have spent weeks preparing for Mr Cougar; we faced our tag partner just recently so we have nothing new to add other than to watch our backs and Titus is a long-established opponent.

The Smoker: So we stick with the same plan for Showtime?

Depressive: Yes.

The Smoker: And have eyes in the back of our head for an unreliable tag partner?

Depressive: Yes.

The Smoker: And rely on past information to deal with Titus?

Depressive: Yes.

The Smoker: Even though we have never beaten him?


*The Depressive stops before he similarly parrots the response of the Smoker. However, with this hole in the Depressive's usually impeccable planning exposed, this leaves the pair staring at each other, an air of mistrust but also unease hanging between them. Eventually, this tension is broken by the third occupant of the room.*

Manic: Well, we must go.

The Smoker: Go where?

Manic: We have a meeting to get to.

The Smoker: With who?

Manic: Mr Myles.

*The Smoker hangs his head in frustration.*

The Smoker: Shit…

Manic: Yeah, it is about Poo. See ya!

*With that, the Manic prances out of the room, leaving the Smoker and the Depressive to continue their mutual stare with criticisms left unsaid.*


*He had been there before - an office anteroom with the receptionist that butchered the English language with her ridiculous upward inflexions. However, on this occasion, Barbosa is not annoyed by such chattering. In fact, if anything, this Barbosa enjoys it.*

Barbosa: Is Mr Myles in?

Janine: Yes, but you cannot go in without an appointment???

Barbosa: But we do have an appointment. There is our name right there.

*The secretary looks down at the place in her timetable that Barbosa has pointed.*

Janine: Oh, I am sorry???

*The secretary reaches for her intercom.*

Janine: Mr Myles, your 12 o'clock is here???

Myles: Send him in, Janine.

Janine: Go right in, Mr Fapsixoca???

*Something in Barbosa cringes at the combination of the upward inflexion and the woeful attempt at pronouncing his name - three years he had been with WZCW and people still got it wrong - but he controls himself and he walks through the door of Myles' office.

Chuck Myles was busy with some paperwork and seems to have not gathered from his timetable who his 12pm meeting was with as he fails to look up from that work when the door opens, Barbosa enters and walks calmly and quietly towards the chair in front of Myles' desk and sitting down.

After a few seconds, again without looking up, Myles gestures from the direction of the door towards the seat.*

Myles: Please, have a seat.

*The lack of obvious movement from the door finally sees Myles look up from his work towards the door. Not seeing anyone, Myles then looks towards the seat and lets out an exclamation of surprise that his guest is already that close to him, although part of the surprise is also due to identity of his guest.*

Myles: Oh crap… Bar…Barbosa… you are my 12 o'clock? How can I help you?

*Barbosa leans forward in his chair.*

Barbosa: No, Mr Myles, we are here because we can help you!

*Still uncertain as the 'identity' of this Barbosa, Myles stiffens in his chair, hoping that that help does not involve prolonged exposure to this lunatic.*

Myles: What kind of help?

Barbosa: We want to be on television!

*The hyperactivity and joviality exuding from Barbosa allows Myles to relax somewhat.*

Myles: Oh, and what kind of TV appearance would you like to make?

Barbosa: We want to do an interview with SHIT.

*Myles' forehead creases in surprise and confusion.*

Myles: Why do you want to be on TV with SHIT?

Barbosa: Why does anyone what to be on TV? Fame; fortune; excitement; self-promotion; a chance to reach out to all our fans and show them what we are really like; to draw in more fans to WZCW; to show the world the face of the next holder of the Big Shiny Belt!

*Clearly sceptical but desperate to get rid of Barbosa before this jovial mood is replaced by something far more sinister and even violent, Myles reaches for a pen and a piece of paper and writes down a name of number.*

Myles: We have been asked to send two high profile performers to Breakfast With… The #1 Contender and the Elite X champion certainly fit that profile.

*The GM slides the piece of paper towards Barbosa.*

Myles: Just try not to mess it up like you did with the supermarket opening…

Barbosa: We did not mess it up! It was that silly robot!

Myles: Becky Serra seemed to think that you were trying yourt best at stirring SHIT up into a mechanical frenzy before it had to talk to people. I mean it started talking about Chris KO's inferior genitals before a gathering of women and children for godsake!

*Barbosa shrugs his shoulders.*

Barbosa: Becky did her share of SHIT stirring herself.

Myles: Normally, I would find that very hard to believe but you do have a habit of bringing out the impulsive silliness in people.

Barbosa: Thank you, Mr Myles!

*Myles screws up his face in confusion, clearly having not meant that accusation in the complimentary fashion in which Barbosa took it. However, he is happy to see Barbosa rise from his chair and head towards the door.*

Barbosa: You will not regret this, Mr Myles. BarboSHIT will have people talking about WZCW for a long time!

Myles: I'm sure you will.

*However, as Barbosa is about to reach for the handle of the door, a bit of commotion can be heard coming from the anteroom.*

Janine: No! No! You can't go in there! Mr Myles is in a meet…???

???: I just need a few moments of his time…

*With that, the door flings open to admit Alexis Escobar into the office but at the same time it smashes the departing Barbosa in the face. Myles cringes at not just the impact but also the potential sea change it might bring in Barbosa.

However, the presence of Barbosa and the damage she has just done to him remains unnoticed by Alexis and the secretary who comes running after her.*

Janine: I am sorry, Mr Myles, but she just burst in here???

*Distracted by what has happened to Barbosa, Myles seems to absent-mindedly ignore the intrusion.*

Myles: Not to worry, Janine. It happens so much here that I have accepted such interruptions as part of the job so I will meet with Ms. Escobar.

*Alexis and Janine share a mutual look of contempt, while Myles continues to be unnerved by the thought of the angered maniac that could emerge from behind the door that was opened in his face. Perhaps wary of the commotion it will cause, Myles takes up a position behind his desk and calls after Janine.*

Myles: Please, close the door on your way out, Janine.

*As the secretary complies begrudgingly, Alexis walk towards the still seated Myles, leaning over and then placing her hands her hands on the desk. The GM seems to make eye contact with her but is in actual fact look past her to the closing door.*

Myles: What… er… what can I do for you Ms Escobar?

Alexis: Vega and I want to know why we are being forced to team with a maniac like Barbosa when we should be being allowed to deal directly with Titus for sticking his nose in our business. Bateman and Big Dave have both fobbed us off with meaningless excuses but we hoped that you could give us some more concrete reasons or maybe even change the match.

*However, Myles hears very little of this opening statement from the latest intruder in his office as he is gulping down an apple in the face of the fist-clenched, epic fury emanating from the re-emerging Barbosa. To make matters worse, the impact of the opening door has bloodied Barbosa's nose, a trickle of which is running down the anger-pursed lips of the #1 Contender.

However, before he can launch whatever assault he had planned for his assailant, Barbosa stops in his tracks given the leaning rear view that Alexis is providing him. Suddenly, the anger seems to drain from him and his creased angry face begins a transformation with a raised eyebrow into a lecherous smirk.

The lack of movement from Barbosa means that Alexis has yet to register his presence.*

Alexis: What kind of tag team partner is Barbosa going to be for Vega, I ask you?

*Myles leans back in his chair, feigning thought in the question.*

Myles: To be honest… Alexis, I am… ahh… not really in a position to answer that question. But I do know someone that can…

*Alexis gives a look of cautious optimism, standing up right and placing her hands on her hips.*

Alexis: Oh, and who is that? One Barbosa's past partners with whom he has had some ridiculously violent match against?

*Myles cocks his head in the direction of the door.*

Myles: Them.

*It is only then that Alexis allows her training to kick in, sensing the presence of a third person in the room. And then in a moment it all clicks together - the secretary saying Myles was in a meeting, the general manager's distraction and now his assertion that the "third man" would be able to answer a question about the enigmatic Barbosa.

Standing up straight but without turning around, Alexis calls out to the person behind her.*

Alexis: Barbosa.

Barbosa: Ali.

Alexis: Do not call me that!

*Barbosa raises his hands in a mock apology that Alexis does not see as she has yet to turn around.*

Barbosa: We are sorry, Alex.

*Alexis does not respond this time, leading Barbosa to take a few steps towards her still turned back, although she does look slightly over her shoulder to get an idea of where Barbosa is.*

Barbosa: You want to now what kind of tag team partner we are? Simply put, we are a winning one. Our record is up there with any individual you might want to name in WZCW's history.

*Barbosa looks past Alexis to the still seated general manager.*

Barbosa: What is it, Chuck? Two? Three defeats ever in tag team matches?

*Trying to remain as aloof from the conversation as possible, Myles gives a quick, curt response.*

Myles: Something like that.

*Alexis looks back towards Myles, although this gives Barbosa the chance to take a few more furtive steps towards her.*

Barbosa: Ask our past partners if you need references: Ty Burna, Kravinoff, Toyota, SHIT…

*Alexis counts out with her fingers the circumstances of those tag partners.*

[color= plum]Alexis: Gone; a tree-dweller who turned his back on you; a man less than half what he was before he teamed with you and a manipulated man in a box - hardly a glowing resume. [/color]

Barbosa: Only after they decided to turn their backs on us did their circumstances deteriorate. And the robot seems to be doing just fine for not having turned on us.

*As he is talking, Barbosa has managed to sidle right up beside the still turned away Alexis. Now, he is almost whispering directly into her ear and although unnerved by this, she maintains her composure.*

Barbosa: So you need not worry your pretty little head, Ali. We have Showtime exactly where we want him so as long as Vega likes the idea of getting back to winning ways and does not get in our way or try something smart in an attempt to make an impact, we should have not trouble at all.

Unless trouble is what you are looking for?

*Alexis eventually turns to look Barbosa dead in the eyes, holding his stare for a few seconds before rearing back and unleashing a huge slap to Barbosa's face and then about-facing and storming out of the office in disgust. Barbosa looks to be following but after reaching the open door and after a prolonged stare after her, he turns back towards Myles holding the side of his face but sporting a mischievous but still bloody smirk.*

Barbosa: She likes us.

*As Barbosa exits, Myles rises from his seat and walks to the door in order to close it. Turning back to his desk, he shakes his head in dismay and almost laughs to himself before returning to the work he has set out on his desk.*

Myles: Sometimes I don't hate that maniac…

But I still do not want him or them as WZCW Champion again. That would be a PR disaster…

*Then it suddenly dawns on Myles what he has done with this walking PR disaster and his cardboard box of a friend.*

Myles: Oh god, and I just gave him a breakfast TV interview! With that idiot in a box!

*Suddenly, the office door slams back open again to readmit a thundering Barbosa. Petrified that Barbosa has heard his final pronouncement on him being top of the tree, Myles freezes as if a deer caught in the headlights. However, this is not the angry, borderline sex pest who had left the room just moments before. Instead, it is the innocently hyperactive idiot, who races across the room to Myles' desk and snatches up the piece of paper Myles had slide to him earlier.*

Barbosa: We wouldn't get far without this! We might forget our head if it was not screwed on properly!

*Myles just manages to muster a faint laugh in reply.*

Myles: Haha… good one.

Barbosa: Wait until Poo hears where we are going! Thanks again, Chuck!

*As Barbosa scampers out of the room, Myles unclenches and slumps back into his chair. After a few seconds, he reaches for his intercom.*

Myles: Janine, hold my calls and meetings for fifteen minutes.

*Myles then reaches into the drawer of his desk, pulling out a bottle of cheap brandy. Pouring himself a big glass, he throws back a mouthful before re-realising the decision he has just made...*

Myles: Oh god… breakfast television with Barbosa and SHIT…

*He reaches for the intercom again.*

Myles: Better make it thirty minutes…

*Taking another slug from his glass, Myles looks off into the distance.*

Myles: I need a holiday…
Keystone City, Kansas. One of the blue collar cities in this fine nation, yet recently it has adopted an identity as a wrestling epicentre. WZCW hosted Kingdom Come II there and it has one very famous son. We are there now as we see a father and son talking to each other.

Child: It's him! Can I ask for his autograph?

Dad: Don't bother him son, I'm sure he's just going about his day.

??: It's fine, I don't mind at all.

The camera turns to see who it is. It is of course WZCW mega star....

Child: Showtime, you're my hero!

Showtime: No sweat kid.

The Dad shakes his hand.

Dad: Thanks, I'm sure that will make his day.

Child: Well Titus is my favourite. Though you're second!

Showtime: Geez, thanks.

Dad: Mine too. See ya!

Showtime looks a bit perplexed as the happy father and son walk off. He pulls his cellphone out of his pocket.

Showtime: Titus?

I'm in Keystone City.

Where are you?

What are you doing there?

Yours as in yours.



Flashback to midweek, a house show in Pawnee, Indiana. Titus is stood talking to Showtime.

Showtime: So since we're teaming up on Meltdown we should probably meet up on our day off.

Titus: That makes sense. Shall we go to yours or mine?

Showtime: Yours. Tuesday 4pm. See you then.

Titus heads left and Showtime heads right. A split screen shows both men talking at the same time.

Titus: I asked yours or mine, he said yours. So as I asked the yours would be his. Simple.

Showtime: I hope he realises the yours meant his. He couldn't be that silly, could he?

Back to Keystone.

Showtime: So what should we do now?

Okay I'm going to no doubt bump into Leon.

Okay, but please don't shoot an episode of The Show.

Showtime hangs up his phone.

Showtime: He wouldn't.

Showtime pauses.

Showtime: He would. Dammit.

Before Showtime can even express his annoyance he is joined by Leon Kensworth who appears out of nowhere.

Leon: Showtime, great to see you.

Leon shakes Showtime's hand whilst simultaneously handing him a microphone.

Showtime: What are you doing?

Leon: Leon Kensworth here with WZCW champion Showtime. Show we're nearing Redemption and the question on everyone’s lips is can he do it?

Showtime: Yes I can.

Leon: I was more asking for Titus winning the Mayhem title but sure.

Showtime: Ah Vega.

Leon: Yes Vega, last week he was your opponent and he pretty much drove you to the limits. It was one hell of a fight.

Showtime: Fight? Fight? It was more a brawl. It was pretty emotional, lots of adrenaline and testosterone. I've not seen Titus this happy in ages!

Leon: Titus is your partner this week. Do you trust him?

Showtime: Do I trust him? He and I met in Vegas and shared a MacCutcheon's whisky. He was involved last week. I've known him since day one and I've never had any reason to not trust him. Why would you even ask that?

Leon: Well he just seems a bit more...ruthless?

Showtime: Ruthless is fine. It's chaos you want to worry about. There's no control over chaos, you can't keep it under wraps. Chaos slowly boils until one day you're in a meeting and bam! You're shouting at your boss. Titus doesn't do chaos, he never has done. He never will do. What we're looking at is Mayhem and that's a different story.

Leon: Yes and with that you're up against the Mayhem Champion Vega. Are there any concerns?

Showtime sighs.

Showtime: My concern is that you want this to be a Titus v Vega and me v Barbosa.

Leon: Is that not the score?

Showtime: No! Titus beat Barbosa for the world title. I faced Vega last week. His skills are needed against a foe just as much as mine are. This is team work, it's not Peter Pan and the Lost Boys asking for Hook. This is two of the greatest in WZCW history against two of the most dangerous men in the company.

Another pause from Showtime.

Showtime: I'm quite looking forward to it.

The camera fades to black.
Scene opens on the set of The Show. Sitting comfortably behind the desk on stage is multi time WZCW Champion and host of The Show..... Titus?!?

The camera adjusts its lens to make sure it is viewing the set correctly and it is indeed Titus sitting on stage, tapping his fingers on the desk as he appears to be waiting for someone. Titus reaches down into his pocket and pulls out his phone.

Titus: Showtime? Where are you?

I’m on The Show. You know, your show.

You said to meet at yours.


Not yours?

Ahhhhhh. So when you said yours, what you really meant was... I get it.

We’ll meet up on Meltdown. Kick some asses in that ring.

Alright I'm sure Becky will be about. I'll just do the standard interview with her and be out of here.

Insecure I see, don't worry, I won't do or touch anything, okay. Bye.

Titus ends the call and stands up, but before he can leave he is met by a very surprised Johnny Klamour.

Klamour: Titus? What are you doing here?

Titus: Hello John. I was supposed to be meeting with Showtime, but it seems our lines of communications got crossed. Silly Canadians, eh? Haha

Klamour: Well this is certainly a disappointment. I was supposed to be a guest The Show.

Dejected, Klamour turns around and slowly walks away. Titus rubs his chin and a smile forms across his face.

Titus: Hold up there Johnny boy. I think I got an idea.

Scene fades out and then reopens again. The stage lights are on and the music is rolling as Titus spins around in his chair and faces the audience to a very warm applause.

Titus: Hello, hello, and good evening ladies and gentleman. Please do not adjust your dials or check to make sure your tele is on the right channel, this is not a mistake. Tonight The Show has become... legendary.

The audience cheers and applauds loudly.

Titus: My name is Titus Avison, I am a four time Oscar winner, two time World Heavyweight Champion, and the living, breathing, legend of WZCW, and our usual host WZCW Champion “Showtime” David Cougar could not be here tonight. I hear tell that he’s battling evil within the streets of Keystone, a great city to defend and we all wish him the best of luck on his... unexpected adventure?

Titus shrugs his shoulders to the audience, unsure whether to explain the slight mix up the two men had before.

Titus: That’s alright though because we have a lot of fun planned for you all this evening. You know, a lot of people often ask me, “Titus, why do you keep doing what you’re doing? Haven’t you done everything yet?”

Titus nods his head from side to side, thinking about the many things he has done in his career.

Titus: And, depending on my mood, I usually fire back with “Why do you keep living? Haven’t you walked, talked, and breathed yet?” I say this because, while I have done a tremendous amount in my career, there is always more that can be done. Take right now for example, I have never hosted The Show before and look at me now, I’m doing it.

The audience cheers and politely claps

Titus: I am an actor, what I do best is portraying other people, and tonight I’m trying my hand at being Showtime. Pretty exciting stuff. I think... considering what I have planned for tonight’s show, I could probably win my fifth oscar. Well at least I could, if I had the damn WZCW Title sitting on my desk. That missing prop is what will probably kill my chances. Oh well, maybe one day the two of us will get together, have lunch, go to a movie, see the world. Showtime if you’re watching you are invited to come, but the belt will leave with me after we meet, I guarantee you that my friend.

Titus laughs and the audience applauds and dueling chants of “Showtime” and “Titus” erupt from the seats.

Titus: But let’s not talk about what ifs and focus of what is going to happen this week on Meltdown and what will go down at Redemption. So without further delay, let’s bring out the first guest on tonight’s show, The Show, The Titus Show, show me the money, showgirls, show & tell, show & save, showcase showdown. God I love to put on a good show.

Klamour grips the arm rests of his seat, growing impatient.

Titus: He is a man who is looked up to by many, not just in WZCW, but around the world. A pioneer in his industry, a hero in certain circles.

A big smile forms on Klamour’s face as he stands up to join Titus on stage.

Titus: Ladies and Gentleman... Red Mask!

The audience explodes and a stunned Klamour sinks slowly back into his chair as Red Mask walks onto the stage. He turns and posses with his hands on his hips to the audience and then takes a seat next to Titus, shaking his hand first.

Titus: Welcome to The Titus Show, Red Mask. How was your trip in?

Red Mask: Difficult. You didn’t specify what city WZCW Studios was located in?

Titus: You know, I’m not even really sure what city we are in?

Red Mask: It doesn’t matter where we are though, there is evil everywhere and people that need help. I’m not their saviour, but I am someone who will fight for them and protect them. I am not a hero, but a symbol of hope.

Titus: That is exactly the type of person I strive to be in WZCW. I may not always be right and I may not always be successful, but I always try to fight with honour and help those who need helping. Someone who hasn’t fought with honour lately in Vega.

The crowd boos at the sound of his name as Titus continues.

Titus: Vega is an exceptional wrestler, but he doesn’t fight for honour or justice, only for himself and his own selfish needs. I’ve seen and heard him flaunt his achievements backstage. If he’s going to engage in a pissing contest with me, he’s going to need a gallon of water by his side because I’ve done just about all there is in WZCW. One of the few things I haven’t done though, is win the Mayhem Title.

Red Mask: So there are some selfish wants of your own in this rivalry.

Titus: The Mayhem title is not something I ever thought about winning before. My focus, my attention, was squarely on Chris K.O. and the EurAsian Title, but that was before Vega struck me in the back of the head and left me for dead. Say it to my face Vega, say you want to fight me, don’t just beat me down and think you’ve won. You haven’t seen how much Mayhem I can bring to the ring.

Red Mask: You can’t let anger consume you Titus; anger leads to destruction which can lead to the pain and suffering of innocent lives.

Titus: I’m an actor, I only know how to play the part, the only person I know how to be is me, and I try to live by your virtues.

Red Mask: You are a good hearted person there Titus.

Titus: Thank you Red Mask. Gosh we get along so well you and I, it’s like we’re the same person.

The audience chuckles and claps as Klamour grumbles and shakes his head.

Titus: Which is why we need someone else of a different opinion. Ladies and gentleman I can assure you our next guest is nothing like me. He’s outspoken and blunt. A little rough around the edges, but always gets the job done. Not the prettiest face around, but, well I better stop before this gets violent.

Klamour shakes his head, not impressed with the intro, but relieved to have finally been called up.

Titus: Ladies and Gentleman, say hello to Tommy Gunn!

Klamour’s eyes bug open as a machine gun sound erupts from behind the curtain. Klamour dives down for the floor as Tommy Gunn walks through the curtain holding a toy gun. He has a bag of loot, which is really filed with candies as he throws them out to the audience. Klamour was not able to get his hands on any by the time he stands up. Tommy Gunn waves the toy gun over his head and takes a seat far away from Titus and Red Mask.

Titus: Tommy thank you for stopping by on such short notice.

Gunn: Let me tell you’s, there is nuthing that I wouldn’t do for my favourite wrestler. You see, I got a... “package” in the trunk I gotta dump off, but he can wait, anything for a friend.

Titus: Good to hear things running smoothly for you. So Tommy, me and Showtime verse Barbosa and Vega this Meltdown. How do you think we’ll do?

Gunn: You’re gunna knock them out of the park.

Klamour: This is absurd!

The audience and everyone on stage turn to look at Klamour, who can not longer contain his pent up frustration.

Klamour: Everyone knows that you are Red Mask, this guy you have underneath that mask is just an impostor, who probably doesn’t follow any of his good virtues. And we all know that you portray the character Tommy Gunn from time to time. I saw you filming his lines earlier. Why you having him sitting over there so on TV it will seem you two are different people is beyond me. We the live audience can see you, and another thing-

Klamour stops his sentence short as barrel of a toy machine gun is pressed against his cheek. Klamour holds his arms up and the camera cuts back to Titus and Red Mask.

Titus: Red Mask, if you could please assist Mr. Klamour out of the audience, mostly to make sure Tommy doesn’t pop him one, that would be greatly appreciated.

Red Mask stands up and hops off the stage. The sound of Klamour shouting as he is being dragged away is heard growing softer until the loud bang from the closing of a door is heard.

Titus: Now where were we... what’s that say... hold it up closer..... “wind it up”. I quite like that idea. Ok lets do this up.

The audience laughs as Titus rubs his hands together.

Titus: On Meltdown 94, I team up with Showtime to face Barbosa and Vega. It will be the first time he and I will face each other in a match. It will be the first chance I get to put my hands on him inside the ring. Vega came at me looking for a fight, now he’s about to learn he got more than he bargained for. Barbosa, as tough as he is, he has never had good success against me inside the ring. I seem to recall a very short title reign of his that was ended by me. Me and Showtime, we get along great. Two of the greatest in the business, and two guys who know when to play it clean, and when to step over to that wild... dangerous side. Vega and Barbosa may be considered quite dangerous, but I consider them nothing more than a heavy rain. The forecast I predict for Meltdown though is Mayhem.... with a chance of pain.

Little Rock, Arkansas
Barton Coliseum
September 13th, 2013


The scene opens inside Vega's dressing room, where we find him fully dressed in his wrestling attire, pacing back and forth. Watching him, is the lovely Alexis, who is seated, and in a much more calm state of mind than Vega. The Mayhem Championship is visible, on top of a duffel bag inside Vega's open locker. He's shaking his head as Alexis continues to watch.

So, in the Main Event of Meltdown 92... "Showtime" costs me a victory against Barbosa.


Then, in the Main Event of Meltdown 93... Titus costs me a victory against "Showtime."


And now... the corporate brass see it fit to put me in a team with a guy I fought two shows ago, to take on the two men that screwed me in back to back weeks? As much as I want my revenge against "Showtime," as much as I want vindication for what Titus did... why the hell do I have to do it with the most unstable man in this company by my side!

As unstable as Barbosa may be, he is also, perhaps, the best person you could team with in WZCW if you want to defeat "Showtime" & Titus. I don't know if anybody is on as big a roll as he is. Kind of like the roll you were on before you ran into him.

Vega shoots an angry look Alexis' way.

Well, am I wrong?

No... but my "roll" would have continued had it not been for our precious World Champion.


Another angry look from Vega to Alexis. Calmly, she reaches behind her and grabs the Mayhem Title.

Keep shooting me nasty looks and I'll re-introduce you to your title, just like I did two weeks ago.

Vega puts his hands up, understanding his place with Alexis.

That won't be necessary, one concussion a month is fine with me.

She places the Championship back down inside the opened locker.

But, I digress...

How am I supposed to trust a man like Barbosa?

Who says you have to trust him?

What? Are you serious? He's going to be my partner, Alexis... trust is integral.

What do you think Barbosa wants most out of this match? To stab you in the back?


In fact, I'm willing to bet that you're an afterthought to him right now. He wants "Showtime." Whether he wants to beat him, or simply beat him up, either way it doesn't matter. His intentions work in your favor.

His intentions may, but his methods may not.

Alexis slowly nods. Vega's wording sheds a different light on the subject which she contemplates to herself for a couple of moments.

I see your point.

Barbosa would just as quickly throw you off a bridge if it meant inflicting pain and suffering onto "Showtime."


I don't need a match like that right before "Redemption!" I mean, it's not official... but you know it's coming, Alexis. Vega vs Titus for my Mayhem Championship. This will literally be the 5th time in a row that I will participate in the biggest, most important match of my life. My match against Ace Stevens at "Kingdom Come V" was the biggest match of my life. Then, I immediately followed it up with a match against Barbosa, biggest opportunity of my life. Next show, a match against the World freaking Champion. And now... a tag match with Barbosa, against the World Champion and perhaps the most legendary wrestler that is still active in the company, Titus! Meltdown Main Event after Meltdown Main Event after Meltdown Main Event... all leading up to me and Titus in the ring, one on one, for my title. The last thing I need is to have Barbosa ruin my chances at finally getting my moment...

Look at it, Alexis. The stars... they're aligning for me. They're guiding me towards my moment, and it's going to happen at "Redemption," as long as Barbosa doesn't screw it all up for me!

Alexis looks down as she nods once again, understanding Vega's point of view.

When you put it that way...

She gets up from her seat, and makes her way towards the door.

Where are you going?

To Myles' office.

What for?

Look, you've got a match against some no name tonight... in fact, it's coming up right now. You don't need me out there tonight, you'll be fine. So go, take care of whatever local talent they feed you. I'm going to try and convince Chuck Myles that it'd be in his best interest to cancel the tag match for Meltdown.

Vega seems to like what he's hearing.

Good, good. Yeah, you do that.

He walks over to his locker and grabs his Mayhem Championship.

You talk to Myles, and I'll go take care of this scrub.

Meet back here in 5 minutes?

5 minutes, that's all you need, huh?

That's all I'll need.

Alright, 5 minutes.

Roughly Five Minutes Later...

Alexis walks through the hallway, having just met with Chuck Myles. The look on her face is visibly less confident than just a couple of minutes ago. She approaches Vega's dressing room door when a familiar voice speaks out.


Alexis looks over to find Vega, sweating just a little bit, as he returns from his match at this house show. With an almost hesitant voice, Alexis replies...


You should have seen how fast I made this guy tap... it was awesome.

That- that's great.

Vega realizes Alexis' restrained tone and cautiously inquires about what just happened.

So, how'd your meeting with Myles go. Did you get the match cancelled?

Alexis crookedly bites her lower lip as she looks down and to the side, not wanting to look Vega in the eyes right now.

Not exactly.


Why not!? What happened?

Well, I kind of lost control of the situation.

Lost control- how so?

It wasn't my fault!

What are you talking about, Alexis?

Barbosa was there.


Vega looks away for a very quick instance as if needing to view something else besides Alexis' face for a moment to understand what she said before reverting her eyes back to her.

He was in Chuck Myles' office?

Yeah... but, but I didn't know that! So I just barged in, y'know!? All bossy and what not, like I wasn't gonna take any crap, right!?


But... I kinda hit Barbosa in the face with the door...


Vega has to look away again, this time throwing his hands up in the air in the process.

...and his nose started bleeding.

Vega darts his eyes back towards Alexis, except they're almost twice as wide this time.

You broke his nose!?!?


I mean- maybe. I don't know!

What the hell!?

It's not like Myles has a damn X-Ray machine in his office! How am I supposed to know if it's broken!

I don't care if it's broken or not... the point is you hit... Barbosa!!!

It was an accident!

An accident!? Well fine, tell that to him!

Well, at least... the first one was an accident.

Vega is silent for a few moments, almost as if he is afraid to ask Alexis to clarify what she means... but, begrudgingly, he knows he must.

What do you mean... the first one?

Alexis bites her lips again as she scrunches her face, tilting her head down to look upwards towards Vega, afraid to reply.


I, uh...

Vega just waits for it...

I kinda slapped him.

If Vega's eyes were twice their normal size before, they're about 10 times as big as they've ever been now. He drops his Mayhem Title as if it were an afterthought as he puts his hands on his head.

You did WHAT!?!?!?

I know! I know! I'm sorry! But, he was like, hitting on me... and it was not flattering at all... and he was calling me Ali, and-

I don't care if he called you a damn transvestite!




Alexis doesn't know how to reply. The look on her face shows an obvious sense of remorse for her actions, knowing the situation she may have just put Vega in.

If I didn't have enough of a reason to distrust that mad man before, now you did it.

I... I think he likes me... if that helps.

Oh, so you think Barbosa likes you, and your response is to promptly SLAP HIM!?

Alexis doesn't reply. She just looks, with widened eyes, passed Vega... behind him.


She remains silent. Vega realizes she's not looking at him, but passed him, so he turns around to see for himself. He jumps back so far that he bumps into Alexis. Vega and Alexis stumble backwards a couple of steps together before they both regain their bearings. Together, they look right into the eyes of Barbosa.

Barbosa looks at Vega with calm eyes, before looking passed him and at Alexis. The blood from Barbosa's nose seems to have been wiped away now. Vega steps in front of Alexis, as if to protect her from him. Barbosa realizes Vega's defensive body language before reverting his attention back to Alexis. His lecherous smile from before returns. Barbosa puts his hand next to his head with his pinky and thumb sticking out, making it look as if he's holding a phone to his ear.

Call me.

Barbosa's devilish smile remains plastered on his face as he calmly walks passed the duo and down the hallway. Vega and Alexis remain still, until almost at the very same time, they both exhale a sigh of relief. They turn to face each other.

Well... that... could have been a lot worse.

See! I told you! I think he likes me!

Yeah well... just, stop hitting him, dammit!

Alright, alright!


Vega shakes his head as he bends down to pick up his Mayhem Title he dropped earlier, and makes his way towards his dressing room door. He opens it up and walks in as Alexis follows. She closes the door behind them while Vega walks over to his locker and takes a seat on the bench in front of it. Alexis turns around with a pensive look on her face.

You know... while I was in Chuck Myles' office, I thought of something.

Yeah? What's that? you wanna kick Barbosa in the balls next time?

No, no. Nothing like that. But, Barbosa's past tag partners came up.


And... well... all but one of them is still around. And he... or it... is actually doing well in this company. Maybe you could talk to him. Or it. Whatever.

You can't possibly mean...

He's doing quite well for himself right now, wouldn't you say?

So what... talking to that weirdo would be a waste of time.

It's just a suggestion. Personally, I don't think you have anything to lose at this point.

Vega takes a moment to ponder this thought. He shakes his head, almost as if he can't believe he's agreeing with Alexis...

Except my sanity.

St. Charles, Missouri
The Family Arena
September 18th, 2013


This is such a mistake.

We find Vega walking through the halls of The Family Arena donning his wrestling apparel along with his black trench coat. In his right hand, he holds his tattered WZCW Mayhem Championship by the ends of it's strap as he is carelessly letting it flail around with every step and turn he makes. His movement, his steps, they aren't as calm, cool, and calculated as we're used to seeing from Vega. He seems flustered almost, as he uses his left hand to jarringly move the hair that haphazardly hangs below his eyes. He clinches the strands of hair in a fist on top of his head while he continues to dart his eyes around the scene. He breathes out a frustrated sigh before he continues talking to himself.

Where the hell does this guy get dressed...

Vega stops in his tracks.

Does he get dressed?

He shakes his head, not having time to contemplate the thought. Instead, he approaches a random dressing room door and barges right in with complete disregard for who may be inside. Immediately, Vega sees WZCW newcomer Theron Daggershield, sitting there reading a Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual. He looks up as he takes out his crimson d20.

That would be a spot check!

Theron rolls his crimson d20 and it lands on a 4 before looking up towards Vega. He's so immersed in his game that he fails to show any sign of caution.

Hey! Hey you, Lord of the Rings... you seen S.H.I.T.?

Nope, I didn't see him!

Ugh, dammit.

Vega scrunches his face in frustration as Theron goes back to reading his Monster Manual. Just as Vega turns around to exit, Daggershield speaks up once again, seemingly unaware of Vega's foul mood.

Hey, you want to play sometime? There's always room for more in my Merry Band of Misfits. You're.... a Human Monk, right?

Human monk?

What the-

Vega just shakes his head not even wanting a response from Daggershield. He hurriedly exits the room while slamming the door shut behind him as he let's out another frustrated growl.


The Mayhem Champion continues down the hallway of The Family Center, still trying to figure out how to find that Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology. Just then, a voice interrupts his thought process.

Vega! Hey Vega!

He turns around to see Becky Serra quickly making her way towards him with a mic in hand.

Care to say a few words about your upcoming tag team match this-

No, shut up!

Vega backhands the microphone away from Becky's mouth so quickly that it startles the WZCW crew member. Her head jolts backwards out of fear of almost getting hit herself. Before she can even respond to Vega's rudeness, he walks away... continuing on his search.

Wow, what a doucheba-


Vega stops and turns around, taking a step back towards Becky.

Yes! Second thoughts on that interview!?

He annoyingly shakes off the notion.

No God dammit. Do I look like "Showtime?" Do I look like Titus? I don't cater to the company, I don't cater to the fans. You want a promo? Go find your "heroes." I just want to know if you've seen S.H.I.T.

Becky replies with a defeated tone in her voice.

No, no I haven't.

Vega turns around, grumbling underneath his breath once again.

Ugghhh, dammit!

As he storms off down the hallway Becky offers some input with a slightly elevated tone in her voice.

Try the boiler room!

Becky smiles to herself, almost deviously, as Vega continues walking away from her. As the camera follows Vega, we can hear him talking to himself once again...

Boiler room... boiler room...

He comes to a fork in the hallway as it splits in two, and looks down each one.

Which way is the boiler room...?

He decides to go left, and hurries down the hallway, happy to realize he has chosen correctly. Vega sees a metal door clearly marked "Boiler Room." He walks right up to it, and swings the door wide open. He walks into the dark and damp room, until his eyes come across perhaps the last person he was hoping to find...

There, sitting at a decrepit wooden table, on a matching chair, is none other than "The Good Doctor" Zeus. Zeus locks eyes with Vega. Vega's eyes widen, and he begins back tracking immediately. His cautious and nervous demeanor juxtaposes Zeus' calm state. In fact, a smile actually comes across "The Good Doctor's" face as Vega begins making his way back towards the door.

What is this in front of my eyes?
Oh what an unexpected surprise.
If it isn't Mr. Hickory Dickory Dock.
The man who believes Creative is on my-

Vega abruptly slams the Boiler Room door shut.

Oh hell no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

I cannot deal with that right now.

He breaths out a sigh of relief, just being content with not being in the same room as Zeus. He shakes his head, as if shaking off the effects of coming into contact with "The Good Doctor" before Vega continues walking down the hallway. Realizing he still hasn't found what he's looking for, he yells out in anger...



Finally, in what feels like the first stroke of luck Vega has experienced all day, a monotone voice speaks up.

N38 46.99908 W90 31.00128.

Vega turns around to find the EurAsian Champion, S.H.I.T.! It stands there, emotionless as always, with his title draped over his boxy shoulder.


N38 46.99908 W90-

No, no... shut up, I heard you. What the hell does that even mean?

S.H.I.T. doesn't respond.


S.H.I.T. was given contradicting instructions.


This one was instructed to "Shut up."

Yeah, but-

This one has learned that the term "Shut up" is a non-cordial way to demand silence.

Ugh, I didn't-

Then it was followed by a demand for an explanation.

Contradicting instructions.

Choose one.

The second one. Explain, dammit!

This one heard a request for it's precise location. This one's coordinates are N38 46.9-

Coordinates! You're giving me latitude and longitude coordinates!? Can't you just say "Right here!?"

Right here!

Yeah... I know, I didn't mean say it now.

This one was asked if it was capable of saying the phrase "Right here!"

Jesus Christ...

Database search shows Jesus Christ is-

Forget it!

Impossible. This one has a memory capable of-

Shut up! I don't care!

No, wait... don't shut up, I take that back. Just, don't say anything about Jesus... or coordinates, or.. dammit, just... Barbosa! I'm teaming with Barbosa at Meltdown 94 against "Showtime" and Titus.

This one is aware of the WZCW lineup for this week.

Well, as crazy as this sounds, I was wondering if you had any, uh... advice... about teaming up with Barbosa?

This one advises that you pin your opponents shoulders to the canvas for a minimum of three seconds, or force your opponent to submit with a submission maneuver.

Vega smacks his forehead.

This one also advises that you do not strike yourself. Your opponents objection is to strike you, therefore evasive maneuvers are more prevalent to achieving victory.

No shit.

Negative response is illogical.

No, I mean... I know all of that. I don't need instructions on how to win a match, just on how to deal with Barbosa. He's got a screw loose, if ya know what I mean.

Barbosa is not assembled with screws.

Vega angrily throws his Mayhem Championship down onto the ground and grabs his hair in frustration.

That's not what I meant, dammit!

That is what you said.

This one is Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology, not a "D.A.M.M.I.T." as you continue to refer to this one as.

Inquiry; what is a "D.A.M.M.I.T.?"

Vega grows more and more confused and frustrated by S.H.I.T.

What is a dam-

I can't... I just can't anymore.

Is there no bounds to your stupidity!?

This one is-

Vega cuts S.H.I.T. off by whipping his trench coat open and pulling his Desert Eagle out of it's holster. He holds it up in front of S.H.I.T.'s unresponsive face, or at least what passes for a face for him... or it. Vega isn't pointing the gun at the Scaled Humanoid, though... just kind of showing it to him as a form of intimidation.

Keep going, dammit! I swear, I'll put some damn bullet holes through this damn cardboard if you keep it up!

Vega taps S.H.I.T.'s uh... cheek? With the barrel of his gun. A hollow thud from the cardboard that echoes throughout the halls.

Inquiry; why would one threaten violence against this one after correctly following instructions?


False. I am a whole S.H.I.T.

The EurAsian Champion then holds up a flashlight, or perhaps it is better known as his "Illuminating Barbosa Detector," or in this case "Illuminating Vega Detector" and shows it to the Mayhem Champion, offering it to Vega for him to hold.

This is a piece of S.H.I.T.

Additional information; that was not an inquiry. It was a exclamatory statement.

S.H.I.T. looks down at Vega's Desert Eagle, and then back at Vega.

Inquiry; is that a piece of Vega?

Vega shoves his gun back into it's holster, and picks up his Mayhem Title before he gives up and storms off, leaving S.H.I.T. behind in the proverbial dust. S.H.I.T. does whatever a robot does when they want to shrug, and continues to go about his business, unaffected by his meeting with Vega. Just then, we can hear a very loud frustrated yell from Vega reverberate down the hallway.



The scene cuts to the ring, where we see The Local Talent standing in the ring, along with a referee and the ring announcer. Just then, "Intro" by The Xx begins playing through the arena which promptly generates a chorus of boos from the sold out crowd.

Harrys: And now, making his way to the ring, from New York City, weighing in at 185 pounds, Vega!


Vega storms through the curtains and walks with a purpose and at a quicker pace than he normally does. Vega throws his Mayhem Championship into the ring, but instead of entering the ring himself, he walks around it instead. The referee calls for the bell signaling for the match to begin, but Vega doesn't seem to care. He makes his way over to the time keeper, grabs him by the shirt, and throws him off to the side like a piece of garbage. Vega grabs the time keeper's chair, folds it up, and slides into the ring.

The Local Talent looks confused as he looks to the referee, almost as if he were unaware that this match is under Mayhem Rules. The referee assures him that it is not, and The Talent turns back towards Vega just in time to see the steel chair viciously blast across his head. The poor jobber collapses to the canvas as blood immediately, and disturbingly, begins gushing from his forehead. The referee, and ring announcer (who hasn't even had the time to exit the ring) both react with cringes on their faces as they turn away, not wanting to look at the result of Vega's attack. The referee remembers he has a job to do, and calls for the bell, disqualifying Vega immediately.

The time keeper, who is trying to gather his bearings after Vega tossed him aside, realizes the ref is calling the match and rings the bell. The confused announcer begins...

Harrys: Uh, ladies and gentleman... the winner of this match, as a result of a disqualifica-

But Vega snatches the microphone from him while simultaneously shoving him away. Harrys quickly exits the ring in fear for his life. Vega turns towards the referee with a sick look on his face. The ref doesn't need further warning, and exits the ring as well. He stands ringside, not really wanting to leave The Local Talent in the ring. Vega paces around the ring with a deranged look in his eyes...

Yeah, yeah, yeah... we get it!

The loser of this match... is ME! Vega!

What else is new!?

Vega continues to pace back and forth with little disregard for the wrestler he has just maimed. The crowd is showering Vega with boos at this point, after the initial shock of his attack has subsided. Vega addresses the crowd again.

Is this what you people wanted!?

You people like it when we pander to you, don't you!?

You want the promos and the talk shows and the interviews and all that crap, don't you!?

Vega looks around and spots the dented chair on the canvas. He drops the mic and quickly picks the chair up once again. He stands over The Local Talent and slams the steel chair down onto his head again... and again... and again. The crowd can't even boo at this point anymore. They're too disturbed to give Vega a visceral response. Vega tosses the the chair t the side and picks up the microphone once again.

What happened!? You don't like this promo!?

Well, too freakin' bad.

It's about time WZCW realized that I am not that boring piece of crap, "Showtime." I am not the media ****e Titus. I am not a "company man." I am no "hero." I am the opposite, God dammit! Every hero needs a villain, and baby, you're looking at the biggest one this company has! You're looking at the personification of evil right here. You're no longer looking at the future of this company.

Vega is the here... and the now... of WZCW.

Vega turns around and kicks The Local Talent right in the ribs, but he's so unconscious right now that Vega might as well kicked a corpse. There was no reaction. He turns back to address the crowd.

"Showtime".... Titus.... they want chaos?

They want mayhem!?

Vega walks over to his Mayhem Championship and picks it up. A sinister smile comes across Vega's face as he holds his title high up into the air with one hand, while bringing the microphone back to his mouth with the other.

Come and get it.

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