MD90: Triple X (c) vs. Chris K.O - Eurasian Championship

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

It seems Triple X is being thrown right into the deep end as he returns to Meltdown after taking a week-long break to defend his Eurasian championship for the very first time against the White Knight of WZCW; Chris K.O! This will be a tough test for X who has had some rough patches recently as well as Chris being a very credible threat to his title reign. Either way, there will be certain superstars on the roster scouting this match very, very closely...

Deadline is Tuesday, June 11th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
The Parable

We begin with a straightening of cuff links. Then, we see the top shelf of a shining black file cabinet being pulled open and filtered by stringy fingers. A file is located and pulled out. Suddenly, there is a tapping at the door. We now see the file holder in his jet-black themed business attire look up. It is Sam Masters. He smiles at the man knocking on the wooden frame that outlines the entrance of the room. An aerial camera angle reveals that is an office area, presumably belonging to Sam. And the man? The man at the door? It is Sam’s father, Scott Masters.

Scott steps into the office as he begins to speak.

Scott: You really killed it in there. Kept Beckman calm and helped the meeting going smoothly. You’ll be running this place in no time. As soon as I retire, of course.

Sam: Oh yeah?

Sam grins as he walks over to his desk and lays the file down that he was holding. He flips open the folder and begins examining the documents within.

Sam: When will that be, in 20 years?

Scott chuckles as he steps up to his son’s desk.

Scott: I guess you might have a few more years to learn from me before you take over, huh?

Sam almost chuckles himself, but he seems rather focused on the documents in front of him.

Sam: Sorry Dad, I just need to find something and then I have to head to the airp-

Sam is silenced by the sliding of a gift box on his desk. Sam looks up at his dad and then cocks an eyebrow.

Sam: What is this?

Scott smiles proudly.

Scott: Just open it.

Sam shakes his head as if silently saying, “You shouldn’t have.” He pops open the gift box and a shiny gold watch greets his eyes. Sam marvels over the watch and then looks up at his dad. Scott nods for Sam to put the watch on. Sam smiles and begins to fasten it around his wrist.

Scott: It’s a birthday present. I figured since I was going to be gone next month that I would get it to you early. Do you like it?

Sam: I love it Dad.

Sam holds his wrist up with his newly acquired watch on it. He smiles as he inspects it. Meanwhile, Scott has spotted something else. He looks down and sees a picture frame resting on his son's desk. He picks it up and looks at it. Sam notices this, but just smiles as he proceeds to adjust his watch. The camera shows that Scott is looking at a picture of Sam and Heather. However, there is a glare on the glass of the frame that prohibits us from seeing the rest of the picture.

Scott: What's in Ohio, Sam?

Sam stops fidgeting his watch and shoots a glance at his father, who is still looking at the picture. He then begins to fidget with the documents in front of him as he answers.

Sam: Why do you ask?

Scott: Pam gave me a folder with your flight bookings to give to you, and I noticed that you are planning on heading to Ohio for a day. I was just curious because we didn’t have any meetings scheduled for Cleveland this week.

A cold sweat breaks on the back of Sam’s neck.

Sam: It’s just a quick trip. Everyone needs a day off, right? You ask me to spend a week going across the country to pull in clients. Why shouldn't I be able to fly where I want on my day off?

Scott looks at his son as he puts the picture frame back on Sam’s desk.

Scott: Son, you need to-

Sam: Dad.

Sam shoots a darting glare at his father and then shakes his head.

Sam: Don’t.

The room falls silent for a brief moment. Finally, Sam gathers the documents on his desk and returns them to the file cabinet he retrieved them from originally. He proceeds to grab a bag and briefcase from within the room before addressing his father.

Sam: I have to run to catch my flight. We’ll talk about this when I get back, okay?

Scott’s face clearly shows he is disappointed by his son dodging the situation, but he still answers back.

Scott: You are going to be there this Saturday, right? For Ty.

Sam hesitates and looks down at the carpet in his office. He lets out a semi-sigh and then responds.

Sam: Wouldn’t miss it.

With that, Sam smiles at his father and walks through the door, leaving Scott in his son’s lonely office.


The scene transitions and we now see Sam boarding a plane. His walk isn’t far as he locates an aisle seat at the front of the plane. He proceeds to toss the bag he has in the overhead compartment above and then shoves his briefcase underneath his seat. While doing this, he is subconsciously grading the man setting in the window seat next to him. It is fun habit that Sam had picked up since he began flying consistently over the last couple of years. His neighbor looked very well-kept and boasted in charisma by way of his posture. Sam could only assume that he was in business like himself by judging the choice of his attire, a name-brand suit with shining black dress shoes. Sam finally sits in his seat and gets a greeting nod from his neighbor. But, before Sam can respond-

???: Sam!?

Sam & ???: Yes?

Sam and his neighbor look at each other oddly as both of them have answered the call from an approaching flight attendant. The attendant smiles and reads a piece of paper in front of her.

Attendant: Sorry, I’m looking for Sam Smith.

Smith: Right here.

Attendant: I believe you dropped this out in the waiting area. It has your name on it.

Smith: Ah, thank you.

Smith retrieves the document from the lady and places it in his bag underneath his seat. Sam (Masters) looks over at Smith and holds out a hand.

Sam: Sam Masters.

Smith chuckles as he shakes Sam’s hand.

Smith: Sam Smith. That’s a nice watch you have there Mr. Masters.

Smith points the watch on Sam’s wrist. Sam looks at his own wrist and smiles.

Sam: Thanks, I actually just got it today as a birthday present.

Smith: Well, happy birthday.

Sam: Well, it’s not actually my birthday, but more of an early birthday present.

Smith chuckles as he pulls a magazine out of the back of the seat in front of him.

Smith: So, what is it you do exactly Mr. Masters?

Sam: I work for an oil company that sets up drill sites.

Smith cocks an eyebrow.

Smith: An evil oil barren you say?

Sam: Not quite. *chuckles* The company has only been around for a handful of years. We are still young and building a client base.

Smith: Ah.

Sam watches Smith as he reads through a magazine. Several people are passing by as the plane continues to be boarded.

Sam: So what is it that you do?

Smith: I’m a lawyer for a company.

Sam: Oh? What kind of company.

Smith: Well, Mr. Masters. Much like you my company is just taking off. It is designed to sign various wrestlers from America and bring them over to Japan. A talent agency if you will.

Sam: Huh. That’s weird.

Smith: Oh?

Sam: Oh, not your company. This is just the second time I’ve had wrestling mentioned to me today.

Smith: Maybe it’s a sign.

Sam: *laughs to himself* Maybe.

Smith: Speaking of wrestling, can you believe this guy?

Sam looks over to see Smith pointing at a page in his magazine. The text on it reads, “Titus Avison Does It Again! Scores His Fifth Oscar!” Behind the text is a picture of a brown-haired man in a tuxedo with the famous academy award clutched in his right hand.

Sam: Isn’t that the guy from The Passion of the Pope?

Smith: Yeah, five Oscars. Did you know he was a former WZCW World Champion too? It boggles my mind that he can jump from one profession to another. He didn’t miss a beat after WZCW collapsed.

Sam: Five Oscars, but I still haven’t watched a single one of his movies.

Smith smiles for a brief second at the magazine and then closes it. He lays his head back on his seat as he continues to watch the final passengers board the plane.

Smith: Want to know something crazy Sam?

Sam: Sure Sam.

The two men let out a soft laugh before Smith continues.

Smith: I use to be a wrestler myself.

Sam: Serious? Get out.

Smith: I kid you not. I was in what they call the “developmental” stage of my career. I even had a contract offered from WZCW.

Sam: That’s funny because you don’t strike me as a wrestler at all. What changed?

Smith: Well, I heard rumors in the back that the industry was losing steam. Ticket sales were down and wrestling in America was projected to collapse. There were opportunities overseas, but I was in a pretty serious relationship at the time.

Sam: How did it pan out?

Smith: I quit wrestling and became a lawyer.

Smith gestures to himself.

Sam: I’m talking about the relationship.

Smith: Oh.

Smith seems somewhat delighted that Sam asked. He smiles as he reaches in his back pocket. He pulls out a wallet and removes a picture to show Sam.

Smith: That’s my wife Chelsea. If you look really close you can see my daughter.

Smith points at his wife’s stomach in the picture.

Smith: She’ll be due in three months.

Sam can’t help, but smile at Smith’s proud revelation.

Sam: Congratulations.

Smith proceeds to put the photo and wallet back in his pocket.

Smith: How about you Mr. Masters? Do you have a wife or kids?

Sam: Well-

???: STEVE!

Sam looks up and sees-

Sam: Mail guy?

Indeed it is. Saboteur is standing in the middle of the aisle with a flight attendant uniform over his regular costume.

Saboteur: It’s me, Saboteur!

Saboteur does an aside to a passenger on the other side.

Saboteur: Geez, the guy can’t even remember my name. What a jerk.

Sam: What are you doing here? You were just delivering my mail this morning.

Saboteur: Yeah, about that. You see, I am just a mighty hawk with too big of a wingspan to fly within the metaphorical boundaries of a mail carrier’s stadi-

Sam: You got fired, didn’t you?

Saboteur: Yep! Luckily, the F.A.Y.D.W.O.Y.B.D.S. relocated me instantly.

Sam shakes his head.

Sam: This doesn’t make sense.

Saboteur: Of course it does-

???: Ahem! Mr. Saboteur.

Saboteur looks back over his shoulder to see a strong-looking female flight attendant.

Saboteur: Yes Ms. Gladys?

Gladys: The presentation please.

Saboteur nods and turns back around.

Saboteur: One second Steve. EXCUSE ME, EVERYONE!

Everyone on the plane jumps in their seat at the sound of Saboteur’s yelling. They all look up at him as he reaches behind his back and pulls out a seatbelt.

Saboteur: If you will all pay attention, I need to show you something. This is a seatbelt.

Saboteur holds it up in the air with both hands.

Saboteur: If you do not know how to put it on you need to seriously reevaluate what you do with your life. Seriously...

Gladys: Mr. Saboteur!

Saboteur looks back and receives an angry stare from Gladys. He gulps and turns back around.

Saboteur: Anyways, just insert slot “A” into slot “B’ like so.

Saboteur demonstrates putting the seat belt together.

Saboteur: Click it or ticket folks.

Saboteur tosses the seat belt to the man he did the aside to earlier. He then reaches behind his back and pulls out an oxygen mask.

Saboteur: Now, this is an oxygen mask!

Saboteur holds it up in the air.

Saboteur: By law, I am required to tell you to put your oyxgen mask on first in a case of an emergency before assisting your neighbor. I am here to tell you that if it is possible, you should put yours on and then also steal your neighbor's oxygen mask.

Some people on the plane gasp.

Saboteur: That’s right. Survival of the fittest. If this plane goes down, there is no telling where it will land. If your neighbor can’t even put on their oxygen mask, they probably won’t make it past season 1. Save us all some filler episodes folks.

Suddenly the woman known as Gladys walks up and grabs Saboteur by the ear.

Saboteur: Ow ow ow!

Saboteur gets pulled away as the majority of passengers erupt in applause.

Saboteur: See you later Steve!

The scene transitions to various clips of Sam and Smith talking throughout the flight. Finally, the clips end and we see the two Sams getting up from their seats and retrieving their luggage. Smith nods at Sam and then proceeds to exit the plane. Meanwhile, Sam grabs his luggage and heads for the exit. He spots Saboteur lined up with the other attendants at the front. Saboteur makes eye contact and then points at himself. Then, he points at Gladys before making a gesture where he puts his index finger through a circle made on his other hand. As Sam gets closer, Saboteur raises up his hand.

Saboteur: Mile high club! What up!

Sam just shakes his head and passes off the entire situation as silly. He walks by Saboteur and leaves him hanging.


The scene transitions and it now appears that Sam is outside with his luggage. He is near the curb so we can only assume that he is waiting for a taxi cab. Sam takes a moment to pull his arm up to look at his watch. Suddenly, a man bumps into him and the liquid from the man’s drink spills on Sam and his arm.

Man: I’m so sorry.

Sam: Damn it.

Sam looks at the mess and then looks up at the man, who is with a woman.

Sam: It’s fine, don’t worry.

Man: No, no. Honey?

The woman reaches inside of her purse and pulls out a cleaning cloth.

Woman: It’s for glasses, but you can probably use it for your watch.

Sam gives a fake smile.

Sam: Thanks.

He proceeds to take off the gold watch from his wrist and cleans it.


A man in a hooded-sweatshirt and jeans runs by Sam and bumps into him. Sam has to collect himself, but he instantly realizes that his watch is gone!

Man: Are you alright?!

Sam: He took my watch!

Sam jumps up and begins sprinting after the thief. A security guard nearby follows after Sam. We switch and see the thief running with the watch in his hand. He seems rather athletic as he hops over a parking barricade in his way. He runs into a parking garage with Sam and the security guard close behind. We see the thief in the parking garage as he runs in between a set of cars that have to swerve to avoid him. Quickly after, we see Sam jumping through the same cars while following the thief. We get a shot from behind Sam as he watches the thief turn a corner.

The shot then shows the thief looking down a narrow alley within the parking garage that is blocked off by a steel fence. He panics for a moment, but then sprints for the fence. Sam and the security guard quickly round the corner! The thief makes it to the fence and jumps up on it. He frantically climbs, but Sam gets there just in time. He grabs the thief by the pants and throws him off the cage. The thief pops up and takes a swing at Sam. He gets the jaw, but the security guard moves in for a tackle. The thief dodges, but he gets caught by Sam, who grabs him by the hoodie and tosses him up against a wall. The thief hits it hard and slides to the ground. The security guard quickly comes up and pulls the thief into a standing position while twisting an arm behind his back. The security guard also removes the hood from over the thief’s head. The thief looks Sam directly in his eyes as Sam approaches him and lifts up his arm sleeve to find his watch. The watch isn’t there, but Sam does spot a tattooed letter “X” on the thief’s wrist. Sam proceeds to reach inside the front hoodie pocket and finds what he is looking for, his gold watch.

The security guard proceeds to push the thief up against the wall and begins to handcuff him.

X: Like he even needs the watch.

Sam tries to catch his breath as he puts the watch on his wrist.

Sam: I’m sorry, I didn’t know that was a valid reason for stealing.

X: Look at you in your suit and tie. You probably could afford ten of those watches, but you are so greedy that you have to run down-

Guard: Shut up!

The security guard pulls X away from the wall. X almost looks like he is tearing up with his blood-shot eyes.

Sam: What, are you mad because I was the first one to run down a petty thief like you? Mad that someone decided not to take your shit?

X: You’re a greedy bastard! You don’t know anything about me.

Sam: You are right, I can’t relate to a drug addict that has to steal from people to get his next fix.

X becomes enraged as he tries to lunge at Sam, but the security guard keeps a firm grip on him.

X: I’m not an addict you bastard!

Guard: Shut up!

X: I bet you wish you were like me!

Sam practically laughs to himself over the madness that X is speaking.

Guard: I said shut up!

The guard pulls X away from Sam and begins pushing him towards the exit of the alleyway.

X: You wish you weren't a greedy fascist. You wish you had the peace of mind I have knowing that I don't blow thousands of dollars on golf courses daily while people starve!

Sam shakes his head and laughs as he follows behind the guard and X.

Sam: Trust me, there is nothing you’ll ever have that I want-


???: Hello, Chris are you still there?

Yes, yes he is. Chris K.O., the Savior of WZCW, is sitting on a hotel bed with a dull blue comforter. The walls are patterned with a yellow bars and budding vines of purple and red incarnations. The lamp is auburn and acts as the only source of illumination in what would be otherwise a dark and lonely room. Outside of the aura of the lamp there is a blue hue being projected from a crack in-between the curtains that are shielding a balcony glass door. Finally, we see his lips move.

Chris: Yes, I am here Dave.

Dave: Alright then. Meltdown 90 it’ll be you versus Triple X for the WZCW EurAsian Championship. Got it?

Chris: Yes.

Dave: Alright then.

The phone conversation ends.

There you have it, straight from the mouth of WZCW’s Meltdown General Manager himself. Long gone where the agents that reciprocated information from the higher-ups. Their presence had plagued Chris’ early career, but now he was alone. Not a single person in the entire world could breach the reinforced wall he had constructed. No apostles at his side now. No one at all. The closest thing he had to an acquaintance was Reverend Eckhart. The hefty man in a brown suit that lauded him up to all who would spare some time to hear. Despite the annoyance of the man in brown, somehow Chris found comfort in his presence. Perhaps it was because it made Chris feel better to know that someone could stand being within 50 feet of him. Or perhaps it was because Eckhart held the key to the elephant in the room. The key to finding out more about the woman who he thought might be his mother. However, that issue had been backlogged for a different time. Chris wasn’t ready to deal with the issue and had been in-fact suppressing the thought of it since the Lethal Lottery.

Chris finally lays his cell phone next to him on the bed. He proceeds to stand up and rubs the sleepy out of his eyes.

Our Savior was now more aware. More knowledgeable of the thousand eyes that watched him each and every week from the crowd. Before, they were just "the crowd", but now each one had a different face and different opinion. Each one spewed judgement on the man that gave it all for them. Despite being weak and weary from the heavy-laden eyes of cynicism, Chris was fueled by their ignorance. In fact, he was blessed by the strongholds they placed on him. Chris felt gifted with the ability to take in every opposition and then succeed in spite of them. And in this, the fools would be humbled and accept that Chris truly is their Savior.

Chris slowly begins to look around the room. He seems to be taking in the emptiness of the place.

Gone are the interviews in diners, gone are the partners that helped, and gone is the mentor that taught him practically everything he knew. So, with no one in the room and not a single soul present, Chris decided to talk to the one who had been there for every moment in his career. Himself.

Chris: Ty Burna is gone.

Chris tastes the words that are coming out of his mouth. He has to say it again to reassure himself.

Chris: Ty Burna is gone, but it seems that the management wants to recreate what was lost.

Chris laughs to himself as he begins pacing around the room.

Chris: I know of the EurAsian Title Tournament. I know of Civil Revolution 2009. I know of Ty Burna’s first championship reign as WZCW EurAsian Champion. I sat for hours in the studies of Ty’s chamber, learning everything about him so that, in his plan, I would one day become him.

Chris stops and stares at the auburn light in the room.

Chris: But I ascended out of darkness and rose to a higher calling.

Chris proceeds to walk towards the hotel’s bathroom. He steps in and turns on the light as he looks into the mirror.

Chris: I remember an EurAsian Title Match once before. The beginning of a trinity actually. On the eve of Meltdown 68, Ty Burna called me into his studies and injected me with false dreams and manipulative words of encouragement. He slithered a replica EurAsian Championship on my shoulder and put me in front of a mirror. As he stood behind me and glowed, I could barely tell us apart. I had sold my soul to the devil and was bargaining for a handful of gold.

Chris looks down from the mirror.

Chris: The title eluded me three different times. Back then I was so confused by my lack of progress. I wondered why everything Ty had taught me had not produced in the ring. It is not until now that I realize I was chasing fool’s gold. Ty never wanted me to follow in his footsteps. He wanted me under his foot!

Chris looks up at the mirror.

Chris: Now, I am deserving of a new crown. I have shed the thorns from the past and look to capture a crown fit for the Savior of WZCW. All the while, I will not fall into the product of “replacing” Ty Burna, but I will obliterate every inch of his existence within this company. Ty Burna was true darkness, and I am the light. Where there is light, darkness shall cease to be.

Chris turns away from the mirror and walks back into the hotel room.

Chris: Yet, every crown has at least one false bearer. Thus is the way of the world. My opponent, Triple X. Never before have we faced off in singles competition, but don’t think I haven’t been watching. Everyone is always watching in the world of WZCW. I have seen you rise and I have seen you fall. Defeating you at Meltdown 90 will be the perfect punctuation to the parable you have presented throughout your WZCW career. That is that every treasure of this world will eventually turn into dust. Back into the ground from which it came. Only when those treasures are fastened around the waist of the sovereign will they remain glorified and pure. Allow me to relieve you of this burden, X. Allow me to save you from yourself.

Chris rubs his chin as he continues to pace around the room.

Chris: Though, I do not doubt that there will be a guardian “angel” watching over you.

Chris laughs to himself.

Chris: Titus, the false hero of WZCW. However, I have faith in Titus’ vain nature. I know surely that he will keep his hands out of the title match by way of his own greed. He is licking his lips now as he waits for me to carry the EurAsian Title into reaching distance for him.

Chris laughs.

Chris: The old dog... He returns to his vomit. He failed to do what he claimed he would at All or Nothing and now he wants another bite. But he won’t get the satisfaction of controlling the scenario this time. He thinks that he can challenge me after already losing once? No, Titus. I have a challenge for you, because you just won’t quit.

Chris grows a smile on his face as he approaches the balcony window. He flings open the curtains and looks up at the sky.

Chris: Triple X, the EurAsian Championship, and Titus. All of it will be addressed on the upcoming show . Don’t worry, the Savior of WZCW will reveal all.




The screen goes black.
May 17th, 2013
Missed Calls
- Faith (5)
- Frank (4)
- Red (3)

May 18th, 2013
Message received: 00:11
From: Faith
X, respond to my calls. The Lottery is just one event, bro. Dont beat urself up about it xxx

May 21st, 2013
Message received: 11:43
From: Faith
Dude, talk to me xxx

May 22nd, 2013
Message recieved: 14:00
From: Faith
Xander, I’m worried. Call me x

May 22nd, 2013
Message sent: 15:32
To: Faith
Just need to get away for a few days. Clear my head. I’m fine x

Reality sucks.

That’s what I told myself after the Lethal Lottery. I walked to the back following my elimination in a daze. I’d done so well in the previous years event, that this year there was only one logical conclusion. Only one outcome. The Age of X would begin.

Yeah, right.

Instead I found myself sitting on a chair in the locker room, watching as Drake Callahan went on to win. I remember staring at that television screen, knowing deep down that he was standing in my spot. But deep down, I knew I didn’t deserve it. I knew I’d thrown it away with a pitiful performance. No eliminations, no memorable spots, nothing to be remembered by but a huge vacuum of disappointment.

I picked up my Eurasian Championship and stared hard into the centre plate. Such a prestigious title should be one I hold with pride and honour. And I do, don’t get me wrong. Yet, every time my gaze falls upon it, be it as I hold it or as I pass a mirror with it on, it serves as a reminder. A reminder of what could have been had I taken my chances. Both against Steven Holmes, who won the World title in the match he earned by beating me, and the Lethal Lottery, where Drake Callahan booked a first class ticket to Kingdom Come.

It should be a championship to be celebrated. Instead, it feels like it mocks me.

4th June. Tokyo.​

The show is already in progress as I arrive. All Stars Japan, the company I made my name in before WZCW. My home away from home. Two young guys, neither of whom I knew from my time here, are kicking the living hell out of each other while the tiny arena buzzes with enjoyment and excitement. I stand back behind the curtain and watch, reminding myself of what I fell in love with; the very essence of professional wrestling.

'Well, this is a surprise.'

I recognise the voice immediately, and turn to see the head of the promotion, Kenji Komamura. 5 foot 5 inches tall, short greying hair, and a wooden cane. The man who welcomed me with open arms, and trained me to become the wrestler I am today.


I bow out of respect, but he immediately pulls my shoulders back up and offers a hand.

'You are a guest. I have enough of that bullshit from everyone here, the last thing I need is for you to start.'

I smile and accept the handshake. Komamura-sama was a once-highly regarded wrestler, who travelled the world all over, winning titles wherever he went. He lived in America towards the end of his career, before moving back to Japan to set up the ASJ. We start walking as he carries on.

'So what is the world famous Triple X doing here?'

'Oh, you know, just had some free time…'

'Bullshit. You don’t get free time.'

'We do sometimes-'

'-which you use for PR for your company.'

'Well, that’s what I’m doing-'

'-Xander, you’re in my city. I would know.'

'Fine. I just…I needed a break. The office granted it.'

'You’re still a bad liar Xander. '

I smile sarcastically, and lean against the wall. The old man stands in front of me, his eyes locked on my face.

'You lose at the Lottery, and that depresses you, yes?'

'It isn’t-'

'-yes or no?'

'Well…yeah, but-'

'No buts. You thought you had a good chance, but you didn’t get it done. This upsets you.'

'I just…I figured this would be my year.'

'And now because of that, you don’t feel worthy to be a champion.'

'No, that isn’t it at all.'

'Is it not? I feel it is.'

'Well you feel wrong, old man.'

From the corner of my eye I see a smile grow on his wrinkled, battle-scarred face. He bangs his cane on the floor and begins to walk.

'Follow me.'

I oblige, and we eventually go through a door leading into his office. I look around at the beige walls, until my eyes fall on what Komamura-sama clearly wanted me to see. On the wall behind his desk is a large print of me. Twenty one years old, three months into my stay in Japan, and there I was, skinny as a rake in my generic purple tights and with long blonde hair, holding up the ASJ International Junior Heavyweight Championship. Or, to put it another way, the belt that some of the promotions greatest stars have held whilst on their way to greatness.

'Do you remember winning that championship, Xander?'

'I do.'

'And what do you remember feeling?'

'Happiness. Joy. The usual shit.'

'And once did you question your ability as a champion? Did you think you didn’t deserve to win?'

I go to speak before stopping myself, before Komamura-sama carries on.

'You see your Eurasian championship as a curse because it reminds you of losing your World title shot. Even now it still haunts you, and to see the man who beat you now on top of the mountain must sting.'

'You have no idea.'

'But you beat a monster in the form of Rush to win it. A grand achievement. You knocked him off of his pedestal and took his place. You hold one of the most important championships in wrestling. '

He pauses, and continues to stare at me.

'But that’s not enough for you. Is it?'


'You fight for other reasons. The fans. You try and be their hero, their champion of that world. You take failure to heart, thinking you let down. Am I wrong?'

I shake my head as Komamura-sama smiles.

'Heroes, villains…all are the same. They all fight for something, and they all think they are right. Sometimes that is their biggest weakness. Your weakness is the opposite. You don’t believe in yourself enough to think you’re right, and you end up in a hole with little-to-no desire to get out of it. Am I right?'

'I suppose…'

'But why? Why? You are the Eurasian Champion. You’re not a rookie anymore. No fluke win to speak of. You earned it. So start wearing it with pride. Like you did this...'

He walks round to his desk, and pulls out a belt. More specifically, the belt I held in the picture, the Junior Heavyweight title.

'When I found out you were in Japan, I ordered a new belt to be made, thought you might like to keep the old one.'

He walks back to me and places it on my shoulder, and slaps the centre plate.

'This is your reminder of how good you are. You won this in a foreign country with less than six months experience. So you must be a hell of a lot better now, right? More importantly, when you won this championship, you set your eyes immediately on…?'

I roll my eyes.

'The World Junior Heavyweight-'

'The World Junior Heavyweight Championship. And you won it. So rather than think of what could have been were you not currently the Eurasian Champion, instead think about what’s next. Find your desire.'

I stare at the belt a few moments longer, before turning to Komamura-sama and smiling.

'Thank you.'

Before he can respond, we hear the bell for the match that was in progress. A long sigh draws out of the old man. He walks past, patting me on the shoulder as he does.

'No rest for the wicked. I must go. I will see you soon, young man.'

'You too, old man.'

He then whispers something in my ear, and leaves the room. I follow not long after, and as he goes to lecture one of the promotions wrestlers, I wander through the backstage area with the belt in my hands, before a familiar sound fills my ears. I look up and see a couple of Japanese wrestlers watching television. To be precise, the crowd noise tips me off of the show they are watching; Ascension. I wander over, and I just catch Mikey Stormrage being taken down by a huge clothesline. The other guy gets the three count, and Chris KO emerges from the mat, a sick smile on his face.

The image of KO’s smile remains in my head for the next few days, as I think over Komamura-sama’s words on being a hero. KO believes in what he fights for. He always has, from his days as an Apostle, through to doing the right thing in ridding WZCW of Ty Burna, to now. I remember back to the end of Ascension 49, when myself and several other WZCW starts helped him from Ty Burna’s Chaos Symbol. I remember doing it because it was the right thing to do. I did it for no recognition, no praise, but just because it was the right thing to do at the time. Something that Chris, in his quest to prove himself as WZCW’s ‘White Knight’, has lost sight of in the present day.

A few days pass, and I fly back to the US. As I exit the airport in Phoenix, I see Faith, wearing a pair of sunglasses with a tired demeanour, waiting for me. She embraces me as I reach the car, clearly relieved at my return.

'Don’t you dare do that again.'

I simply smile as I enter the car and take a seat. She soon joins me and turns the key in the ignition. As she does, I spot an e-mail from WZCW as I check my phone:

From: WZCW
To: Triple X
RE: Meltdown 90

Dear Mr Knight,

In regards to your role at Meltdown 90, it has been decided that you will be competing, defending your Eurasian Championship against Chris KO in a standard match up.


WZCW Headquarters

I smile to myself as we pull away from the airport.

'So, you find what you were looking for out there?'

I look over to her with a smile on my face; the first genuine one I’d had since the Lottery.

'Something like that.'

I turn back to look out the window, as Komamura-sama’s last words to me rang through my ears.

Satisfaction is the death of desire, my boy.
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