MD89: Rush/Sam Smith vs. Technosa

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

WZCW's most dangerous alliance collides with the unpredictable team of Barbosa and S.H.I.T.! All four men are coming off disappointing ends to Lethal Lottery, as Technosa failed to walk away with the tag team championships they were favored by many to win, and Rush and Sam Smith failed to turn hype into results as they were both eliminated from the Lethal Lottery. Tempers will be riding high in this tag team contest!

Deadline is Tuesday, May 28th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
*The poker room is in a state of disordered chaos. As usual, the Depressive sits at the poker table reading an academic article. What is not usual is the slight hint of an angry grimace on his face.

And it is not the only obvious difference in usual tripartite body language. The Manic is hunched over, slumped against the wall, sighing to himself in a depressed manner while the Smoker bounds around the room with a massive, almost manic smile on his face.*

The Smoker: At last! He is back! Now, we can finally prove to the world that we were always better by grounding him into the dust once and for all!

*This pronouncement brings a desperate wail from the depressed Manic.*

Manic: But he is our friend! How can we fight him?!?

The Smoker: What? Our friend? When was Ty Burna ever our friend? The last time we came face to face with him prior to the Lethal Lottery was when we were crushing him inside Hell in a Cell. We hardly think that qualifies as being 'friends.'

Depressive: The time before that we serenaded him backstage with a song from a television show…

The Smoker: That is not the point! Now that he is back, we can prove that it does not take a cold, detached Barbosa to pulverise him. We will prove that one-on-one, he cannot defeat us!


*This outburst stops the angry Depressive and the happy Smoker in their tracks, both looking quizzically at its unlikely source - the Manic.*

Manic: How could he do that?!? How could Hunt not come to our birthday party and then make friends with John Constantine, someone who does not like us?

Hunt is supposed to be our friend, not his!

*The Smoker and the Depressive share a quick glance before the former answers.*

The Smoker: To be honest, we are glad that he is back too.

*This gets a slight reaction from the depressed Manic.*

Manic: Really? We are?

The Smoker: Of course. Now that Kunter Havitoff is back, we can also prove superiority over him too and send him back to that ridiculous tree house in Kentucky with his Ugandan tail tucked between his legs! We cannot wait!

*This declaration of war against Kravinoff and Constantine seems to enrage the depressed Manic, who leaps to his feet.*

Manic: NO! He is our friend! OUR friend! Not the friend of some man with the name of an emperor who thinks he is a king!

*With that, the Manic storms out of the poker room, slamming the door behind him. Perhaps worried about what the departed persona might say or do in the real world, the Smoker marches after the Manic, shouting as he goes.*


*However, when the Smoker reaches the closed door, he finds that it will not open.*

The Smoker: Why is this door not opening?

Depressive: Probably due to the number of times it has been slammed or kicked.

*The Smoker then tries to man-handle the door with a few shoulder charges and kicks but gets no joy in getting it to open.*

The Smoker: How is this happening? This door usually sees more comings and goings than Ricky Runn's intimate areas when he goes through airport security. How has it locked now?

*The usually subdued Depressive looks up from his latest academic reading - Henley, A. 'The abandoned child' (1973), the original look approaching anger suddenly replaced with one more like concern.*

Depressive: This is not good.

The Smoker: What is it?

Depressive: We would suspect that it has something to do with our current emotional state. In the past, events that have sparked extreme emotional reactions in us have caused short and long-term changes - catatonia, regression and even complete emotion collapse.

The Smoker: Oh god, not that again… We will not go back in that hole again!

Depressive: No, this is something different. Since the Lethal Lottery, everything has been in flux. Angry has become manically happy, depressed has become angry and manically happy has become depressed.

The Smoker: What has Lethal Lottery got to do with it? We did not care about winning the tag team titles!

Depressive: Our failure to take tag team gold was not the issue.

The Smoker: Surely we have proven that we are not scared of Ty Burna and whatever mayhem will come with his return to WZCW?

Depressive: It has nothing to do with Ty Burna either.

*The Smoker's shoulders slump as he realises who is the origin of Barbosa's internal troubles.*

The Smoker: Oh no… not that idiotic Ugandan…[/size]

Depressive: We are afraid so. The reappearance of Hunter Kravinoff and his seeming alliance with our recent adversary, John Constantine, has caused a great deal of emotional torment.

The Smoker: We do not care that Kravinoff is back…

Depressive: Clearly, we do. Whether it is sadness over his alliance with Constantine, happiness at the chance to face him or anger at his disruptiong of our plans, we care.

The Smoker: At least SHIT got stuck into Kravinoff during the Lottery…

Depressive: We are missing the point. If we cannot get out of here then how are we going to conduct any sort of meaningful preparations for our match this coming week? It is not like we are facing some also rans we could squash without any bother. We are facing Rush and Sam Smith, two long standing singles champions who demonstrated some suggestions during the Lethal Lottery that they could be a dangerous tag team.

*Returning to a more usual melancholic state, the Depressive hangs his somewhat forlornly.*

Depressive: And if we do not get out it is likely that Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology will essentially have to go up against Rush and Smith by itself….

The Smoker: Well… that does not sound so bad.

Depressive: …leaving us to deal with whatever scheme Constantine has in store for us with Kravinoff by his side. We have to imagine that he is none too pleased about our crushing of his Empire.

The Smoker: Ah…

*The Smoker thinks about this for a second before turning back to the door and once again slams his shoulder into it.*

The Smoker: This is not good.

Depressive: Correct. And stuck in here, we are helpless, relying on someone or something else being able to snap us out of this.


*It was cold, dark and silent.

Not completely dark though as a faint light emanating from somewhere enables the outline of a huddled Barbosa to be just about visible. The silence also is not total as the hum of activity suggests that Barbosa is once again languishing in a dark corner of an arena, much as he had done on numerous occasions in the past.

The sound of approaching footsteps also can be heard and after a few moments that faint light is suddenly blotted out, leaving the identity of the individual unknown… for about three seconds.*


*With that, a flashlight seemingly mounted on SHIT's arm clicks on bathing the darkened corner in light. However, despite the change in lighting and the removing of his solitude, Barbosa continues to stare down at the ground showing no wariness or skittishness about being discovered.

Seemingly waiting for Barbosa to greet or castigate him, SHIT stands silently but as the second turn into minutes without Barbosa saying or doing anything, the manbot eventually ventures forward a query.*

SHIT: Has the Catatonic Barbosa you have informed this one about re-emerged?

Barbosa: No.

SHIT: Then why is Barbosa languishing silently in this place instead of another location? In the sun or some place with heating would be recommended. It is cold.

Barbosa: We are sad, Poo.

SHIT: Because we were not successful in gaining the 'big shiny belts?'

Barbosa: No.

SHIT: Because you did not win the Lethal Lottery?

Barbosa: No.

SHIT: Because your great nemesis, Ty Burna, has returned?

Barbosa: No.

*SHIT's head then turns to an angle, clearly not comprehending the origin of Barbosa's despondency.*

SHIT: Then what is the cause of sadness?

Barbosa: Because he is supposed to be our friend!

*SHIT continues to exude confusion.*

SHIT: SHIT did not realise that Barbosa and Ty Burna were ever friends.


*Taken aback by the explosive nature of Manic Barbosa's outburst, SHIT takes a step back, perhaps preparing itself for a potential altercation with its tag team partner. However, Barbosa quickly returns to a more calm but despressed state.*

SHIT: Barbosa is talking about Hunter Kravinoff.

*Instead of answering verbally, Barbosa merely nodds mournfully in the affirmative.*

SHIT: SHIT would have thought that Barbosa would have been happy with the return of his friend.

Barbosa: We were… until Hunt helped him rather than us.

SHIT: You are worried about his alliance with John Constantine?

Barbosa: Worried? No. Why should we? Hunt would never hurt us.


*In the poker room, both the Smoker and the Depressive have taken to pacing relentlessly back and forth. The still locked door is bearing the hallmarks of a repeated assault but shows no signs of buckling.*

The Smoker: We cannot take much more of this…

Depressive: What exactly are we going to do? Has the resistance of the door not proven itself enough yet? Patience and hope is all we have.

*However, despite his preaching of patience, it is clear that even the usually moribund Depressive is grating under this imprisonment and lack of information.*

The Smoker: We do realise that we could be stuck in here forever.

*As if to further highlight his own feelings of frustration, the Depressive erupts in movement by throwing his article from earlier at the door.*

Depressive: Of course we realise! Do not we not understand that anything we happen to think of, we have thought about it, disgested it and tried to come up with solutions?

*This outburst from the Depressive leaves the poker room in a long tortured silence. However, before frustration can lead to violence, an audible clunk suddenly tears through that silence.*

The Smoker: What was that?

Depressive: It sounded like an unlocking door…

*As the closest to the door, the Smoker slowly makes his way to the door. In a moment of tension, he grabs the door handle and looks back to the Depressive before turning it.

To the relief of both, the damaged door swings open.*

The Smoker: YES!

*In celebration, the Smoker punches the wall while the Depressive retakes his seat with a sigh of relief but also with an air of absorbing a flow of information that the open door is allowing admittance.*

The Smoker: But who or what did this?

*After taking a deep breath and making sense of all that has happened in the outside world since they were locked up, the Depressive answers.*

Depressive: It did…

The Smoker: Really? It?

Depressive: Our experiment is working well…

*With that, both the Smoker and the Depressive walk out the poker room door.*
“So why did he attack Kravinoff?”


The other man glared at the scientist, sitting forlornly, tossing Krypto's robot companion RXJ in the air and catching it again.

“What?” He finally asked, irritated.

“It refers to itself as “it,” or “this one” but never in the first person.” Said the Scientist quietly.

“That matters?”

He shrugged, “I suppose not.”

“So why did it attack Kravinoff?”

The scientist finally stops tossing the robot in the air, before turning to his new found long term companion.

“I don’t know.”

--------- ------------------ ---------

S.H.I.T can not find Barbosa. It had awoke and it can not find Barbosa, it had learned of a match against Rush and Smith but it can not find Barbosa. The last thing it could remember, or collect from its databanks would be a better term, was attacking the Ugandan Wildman; Hunter S. Kravinoff. It had attempted to savage the savage, it had instantly took against him.

Where is Barbosa?

S.H.I.T trawled through the backstage area, into its increasingly darker corners, the murkier, nastier places. The kind of places S.H.I.T itself would have normally frequented a while ago to avoid too much Human contact. Now however, it simply made it feel cold.

It needed Barbosa.

More and more enemies were circling in, Smith and Rush could end up being the latest in a long line; Kravinoff and Constantine, a returning Alex Bowen, Ty Burna, Action Saxton and Saboteur could even be considered foes.

Not for the first time, S.H.I.T considered that it may not survive if left on its own. It needed its fearsome ally.

------- -------------- -------

"It has been acting out of character ever since that debacle with Barbosa."

"You mean when you lost control of it?"

The Scientist didn't bite to the comment, as well as the daggers being directed in his direction from the other mans glare.

"I never had control of it, we simply needed it back to its "destroy!" mindset so that it remained in WZCW and in the public eye. I got it back there. So long as that continues, I guess it doesn't really matter. It is still our bargaining chip."

The other mans expression said he didn't necessarily agree, but on this he kept silent.

------- ---------------- -------

Perhaps the Barbosa's were absorbed with the return of Ty Burna, this seemed likely, he was a man whom the three known Barbosa had obsessed over. S.H.I.T had no real issues with Ty Burna, both had done what they had done, that was all there was to it, S.H.I.T simply saw him for the threat he was, one of the greatest threats there was.

Just then its enhanced vision picked out something, a huddled figure illuminated by only the faintest of light.

It stalked over to the figure.

OCULAR SENSORS ACTIVATED! TARGET DETECTED! ACTIVATE EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION! It switched on a torch, one that it hadn't ever felt the need to use before.

S.H.I.T stood and awaited a reaction, one of three possible ones depending on which Barbosa was in control. It was met by a fourth, silence. S.H.I.T waited, a Machine's patience infinite, but practical, it realised it needed to prod the Barbosa.

Has the Catatonic Barbosa you have informed this one about re-emerged?


Then why is Barbosa languishing silently in this place instead of another location? In the sun or some place with heating would be recommended? It is cold.

We are sad, Poo.

The Manic is in charge, most likely reason for sadness detected; Lack of titles.

Because we were not successful in gaining the 'big shiny belts?'


New reason detected; Lack of World Title Shot at Kingdom Come.

Because you did not win the Lethal Lottery?


New reason detected; Ty Burna!

Because your great nemesis, Ty Burna, has returned?


S.H.I.T was running out of options. Perhaps it would be better to ask, the Manic was generally harmless.

Then what is cause of sadness?

Because he is supposed to be our friend!

Friends with Ty?

SHIT did not realise that Barbosa and Ty Burna were ever friends.


S.H.I.T took a step back, this was unusual behaviour for the Manic. Perhaps S.H.I.T had been wrong in its assessment of the one in control. S.H.I.T readied itself for potential violence, but Barbosa appeared to calm.

Barbosa is talking about Hunter Kravinoff. The name it did not want to say, but it had no choice. Barbosa nods sadly.

S.H.I.T would have thought that Barbosa would have been happy with the return of his friend. S.H.I.T decided not to mention that it had immediately attacked Kravinoff on sight, hoping to sidestep that potential minefield.

We were… until Hunt helped him rather than us.

It seems that wasn't Barbosa's concern.

You are worried about his alliance with John Constantine?

Worried? No. Why should we? Hunt would never hurt us.

-------- ----------- --------

"Its just the behaviour is very odd, it had no real reason to attack that Kravinoff so single mindedly."

"Kravinoff was friends with Barbosa before S.H.I.T was."

The other man scoffed.

"Friends? You mean its jealous?"

"Not necessarily. You'll remember better than I that even when he knew he was Human his attitude to every problem was to kill it. It probably saw the potential for Kravinoff to drive a wedge between it and the only person it can call an ally."

The other man smirked slightly "Allies would be a new concept, even to the 'Human' him."

"What I'd give to be a fly on the wall to see how it will try to 'retain' Barbosa."

--------- --------------- ---------

Comment innacurate!

Barbosa looked back at S.H.I.T. In truth S.H.I.T was as stunned as Barbosa at this outburst.

Hunt would never hurt us! Manic said more sternly. S.H.I.T's fear, and it was a fear, that Barbosa may still aid Kravinoff instead of S.H.I.T, or at the very least be too torn between loyalties to provide adequate aid against their mounting enemies may well be proved correct.

However, this was the path it had started on, perhaps it was again time to take the Barbosa's advice and be spontaneous.

Kravinoff was planning a sneak attack on the Barbosa.

Barbosa looks shocked. "Never!"

S.H.I.T can not lie. Lies require imagination. It saw Kravinoff's intentions and acted accordingly. He said as much to John Constantine, S.H.I.T's superior hearing detected it.

Barbosa who looked forlorn before almost looks on the point of wailing. S.H.I.T interjects.

S.H.I.T did not. . . want to inform you of this, however it appears necessary. . . For your own well being.


S.H.I.T looks to where Barbosa has put his fist through the wall, unsure of how to gauge this reaction. Barbosa however is now smiling Manically.

You are a real friend. Not like him.

S.H.I.T had suspected Barbosa of manipulation before the Lethal Lottery match, perhaps this could be a two way street.

This one would advise best course of action to face down treacherous Kravinoff and wily Constantine would be to show a united front by completely destroying Sam Smith and Rush on Meltdown.

That sounds. . . fun!

They are as dangerous a combination as anyone in WZCW.

They are about to get taken to pieces by a card. . .


Real robot.

Real robot, yes, real robot and his. . . its. . . friend.

The two, or perhaps four, lock gazes, before eventually nodding.

Imagine a train careening wildly down a track.

Further down the track are five people who do not hear the train and who will not be able to get out of the way.

There isn’t enough time for the train to come to a stop before it hits and kills them.

There is only one way to avoid killing these five people: Switch the train to another track.

Unfortunately there is one person standing on that track, also too close for the train to stop before killing him.

Now imagine that you’re standing by the track switch.

You see the train approaching and now must make a choice.

Do nothing, which leads to the death of the five people on the current track.

Or act, diverting the train to the other track which leads to the death of a single person.

Are you morally allowed to divert the train to a second track?

Of course you are.

You understand that saving the lives of many by sacrificing the life of just one is justified rationale and you’re reasonable actions represent an increase in well being despite the fact that you know that killing is wrong.

You understand this because you are a normal, logical, sane human being and not some psycho or lunatic dressed in a cardboard box.


I suppose it’s partially our own fault.

Sam Smith and I have been so preoccupied with the cheats and thieves at the front door that we never even saw the deranged maniacs and sociopaths sneaking in through the back.

Our attention has been so focused on cutting the head off of the snake at the top of WZCW, we seemingly ignored other issue which has now grow to infect the last hope professional wrestling had to survive.

Even a slow constant drip of water from an unattended pipe can eventually flood a house damaging everything within it and that is exactly what has happened to the tag-team division today. A slow but steady drip as the inmates slowly took over the asylum. One by one, rag-tag groups of misfits and loners managed to find other like-minded idiots to share a common bond with and walk aimlessly to the ring together.

It wasn’t even until the Lethal Lottery, when I saw the crazy collected in its entirety throughout the match, that I truly understood the gravity of the problem at hand. Like an invasive species, the crazy have taken over the roster and have claimed the tag division as their own and have turned the ring into a padded room built for four.

The tag-team division, which was at one time a hotly contested cornerstone of professional wrestling, has been reduced to a division that rewards you for being insane. Wins and losses aren’t determined by talent and drive, but rather by how many pills you are prescribed to take in the morning. The early bird doesn’t get the worm, but the outlandish and mentally ill get the gold.

For too long the tag division has been left untouched and has been unaffected by the path of destruction left by Sam Smith and myself. The tag division is not immune to our mission to eradicate WZCW and save professional wrestling. No longer can it be neglected in its current form. Its reach and influence has corrupted enough and must be put out of its own misery. Activated the switch and euthanizing the tag-team division is something that Sam Smith and I will be glad to assist in because we understand that it is for the greater good.

When a train is careening down a track towards five people who do not hear the train and who will not be able to get out of the way, I'll always activate the switch, diverting the train to another track.

WZCW will still crumble. Before Sam Smith and I were united, but our focus was separate. We worked to destroy WZCW by controlling the singles competition separately, and ended up spreading ourselves too thin.

Now, our goals are the same. Our attention is focused on tearing this company down brick by brick until the only things that remain are the things that we allow to survive. We were dominate as two separate units and now our synergistic effect will be more destructive to WZCW than anything Sam and I could do separately

With Sam Smith and I working together with a common purpose, the tag division and WZCW can abandon all hope.

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate." - Dante Alighieri

The smell of cheap liquor wafted through the equally-as-cheap motel room Sam Smith was staying at. The TV illuminated the room with white and black static -- the sound was nearly as jumbled, with only a word standing out here-or -here. Sam Smith stood on a chair in the center of the room, tapping on the lone lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. It flickered momentarily and cast a dreary yellow light across the room; a look of satisfaction spread across Smith's tired face. Sam looked as though he hadn't looked in the mirror for a week and reeked of booze, as though he hadn't stepped foot in a shower for nearly as long. He stepped off the chair and slid it back into the corner of the room.

Smith turned to slump back into his bed, but his room was once again drenched by darkness as the light bulb burst. Smith went to examine the light bulb once again, but screamed out in pain as he stepped on a shard of glass from the shattered lightbulb.

Smith: Shit!

Smith hobbled over to his bed and took a look at his foot. The blood had already soaked through his white sock. He made his way to his feet and took a few steps toward the bathroom. As he reached the darkest corner of the room, the hairs on his neck began to tingle and sweat dotted his brow. Smith shook his head and started to take another step forward, but stopped dead in his tracks when a hand gripped his shoulder. The hand yanked him toward the wall, but the wall gave way. Sam toppled for what seemed like ages and blacked out shortly before impact.


Sam slowly came to. He couldn't see a thing around him -- everything was dark. He felt his way around, but couldn't reach a wall, his bed, anything. He got to his feet and squinted his eyes, hoping to make something out. He felt warm air on the back of his neck and instinctively reached back and swung -- he connected with nothing but a fistful of air. From a few feet away now, Sam could see two glimmering red slits, about even with his face -- they were eyes. He began to approach whoever it was, when they spoke.

???: Stop.

Sam did as he was told. He was disoriented, it was sweltering, and he couldn't see a thing -- but, more than that, the voice had a certain... command to it. It was deep, but cold -- he knew better than to defy it.

???: Do you know where you are, Sam?

Sam was taken aback. How did this person know his name?

Smith: No.

???: Do you know who I am?

Smith: No.

???: Do you know why you're here?

Sam had finally had enough.

Smith: Enough of this fucking farce; you damn-well know I can't answer a single one of your questions.

Suddenly, Sam felt a grip around his throat, holding tighter and tighter.

???: You're speaking out of turn. While you may not know it yet, this is your own creation. You wanted me to be here -- you wanted me to get you.

Sam felt the hand move from around his throat and gasped for air. Right after, a small crack of light came from the pitch black sky and illuminated a small area of wherever Sam was. He looked across at the person who had been grilling him and did a double take -- it was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The man had no face -- just two red slits for eyes and a small, black crack for a mouth. He cocked his head to the side and looked at Sam.

???: Do I intimidate you, Sam?

Sam stared back at the person, refusing to respond.

???: We both know the answer to that. Let me shed some light on what's going on, Sam. I'm your guide -- nothing more, nothing less. And you, Sam, are here to take a journey.

Smith: A journey through what?

Guide: Your own personal hell, Sam. People like you -- people who base their lives on hate and anger -- all have a place like this. It's because you all share a common trait: fear.

Sam starts to speak, but is cut off.

Guide: You fear the fact that you're failures. You fear the fact that your life crumbles around you. So, you all project that fear onto everybody else. You're a little man, Sam. A weak man... and now, you're going to be punished for it.

Off in the distance, agonized wails can be heard.

Guide: You're going to pay for a life in which you committed so many wrongs -- a life in which you abandoned everybody around you. Sam, it's your turn to feel abandoned. You can't beat me at this, Sam -- your fate is sealed.

Sam's frustration boils over and he takes off for his guide, lunging out to tackled him. The man easily moves out of the way and Sam topples over an edge which had been shrouded in darkness. Once again, Sam plummets for what seems like an eternity and braces for impact... but the impact never comes.


Sam awakes with a start in his hotel room. It's still dark outside and Sam had apparently fallen asleep in the chair in his room. He examines his surroundings and looks up at the lightbulb -- as intact as ever. Sam shakes his head and walks to the bathroom, mumbling to himself.

Smith: I'm a grown man and I still have nightmares. Heh.

He stops in front of the sink and washes his face with cold water. He looks up into the mirror and his face suddenly loses all color. Sam starts shaking his head.

Smith: No, no, no, no.

In his reflection, he sees a sock hanging on the towel rack. He wouldn't think anything of it, if it wasn't soaked in blood.



The clip opens in a dark room. The shot is tight on Sam Smith's face, as he begins to speak.

Smith: You are the problem. All of you are one and the same. Technosa? Saxoteur? You're nothing but symbols for the decay this company has gone through.

Smith shakes his head.

Smith: People are intimidated by you because you're crazy -- you're unpredictable. I'm not and neither is my tag team partner, Rush. I see you for what you really are: insecure, scared men. You feign insanity -- pretending to be an assassin or a robot, hiding your insecurities in your over-the-top characters, like a Blacksploitation star or a schizophrenic lunatic.

Sam pauses for a moment. An uncomfortable silence crops up.

Smith: You act crazy because it's a defense mechanism. I'm here to challenge that. I'll descend into true madness -- I'll unleash all my anger and all my fear for all to see. I don't fear you, but I know you fear the idea of me. What's scarier than a man with nothing to lose, willing to go one step farther than you?

Sam clears his throat and grins slightly.

Smith: I lost the Lethal Lottery that I gave up everything to win. I was eliminated by a ghost, by Ty Burna, and saw MY dreams thrust aside! I saw MY efforts get dragged through the mud, while you freak shows were praised! I don't care how long Barbosa and SHIT lasted in the Lottery. I don't care that Saxoteur won the tag team titles. I care about one thing: vindication. I'm going to see my hand raised this week, alongside my partner Rush, when we defeat Technosa, and then, we're coming after the titles. We want Saxoteur at Kingdom Come.

Smith laughs for a moment.

Smith: I'm going to enjoy every minute of this. The beloved, kooky heroes of WZCW -- Technosa and Saxoteur -- get stopped in their tracks by someone even more deranged than they are. Rush and I don't just plan to run through the tag ranks and win the titles -- we want to leave the division a barren wasteland.

Smith stops and stares directly into the camera, breathing heavily.

Smith: I'm going to show you the very darkest recesses of my personality -- I'm going to take you all to a place you don't want to go to. This is what I have to do -- or I risk falling into obscurity. Technosa is first in a long line of many people that stand in my way -- and in my partner's way -- and I will not allow myself to fail again.

Smith pauses for another uncomfortable silence.

Smith: I don't speak machine and I don't speak jive, I don't speak in rhymes and I don't speak in riddles -- I speak truth. I know you all fear me and I enjoy it. Rush and I will make our mark on the tag team division. Mark my words.

Fade to black.
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