MD87: Bearded Gentlemen vs. Barbosa & S.H.I.T

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Out of the dozen matches this round, this may be one of the most important ones to watch. The WZCW Tag Team Champions, Bearded Gentlemen, are coming off a tough loss to the strong Empire while Technosa (I coined it first) are coming off their own monumental win over former Tag Team Champions, SaboSax. It is evident that the title scene has already been shaken by last round's events, but a Technosa win here could blow the thing completely open.

Deadline is Wednesday, 10th of April - 11:59pm Central Time.

A frantic ringing of a doorbell is heard as Emily makes her way down the stairs, clearly frustrated as she flings the door open. Immediately, Le Gentleman Masque enters in a clear hurry.

Dearest Emily, I was beginning to worry. I know Beard is a sore loser and all, but this is taking it a bit far don’t you think? I mean no calls, texts, e-mails, carrier pigeons, nothing.

Beard is under the weather Gent. He is acting like a small child.

Soupie is too hot! Babe!!! Come blow on the spoon, my mouth goes ouchie.

The Beard can be heard shouting from the upstairs bedroom as coughs follow his childish demand.

I’ll be up as soon as I can dear. Just hold on.

I need you now!

Just be patient. We have company, I’ll be up as quick as I can.

NO! Tell them to go home.

See what I mean? He is a lost cause at this point.

Emily, you are with child. Please sit down and relax. Frustration is no good for you at this point. In fact I have some experience in this field. Liam is the same way when he has a bit of the bug. Let me try my hand with my good friend upstairs.

Emily hugs Gent as she sits down in the living area and Gent takes off his coat and rolls up his sleeves and makes his way upstairs to his ailing tag team partner.

Knock knock.

Go away!

That’s not a proper way to treat your tag team partner and best friend.

I have no friends.

Now Beard, you know that isn’t true. I could call anyone from the roster and they’d tell you that they are your friend. And more importantly I’m here to help you get better.

I don’t want to get better.

With that Beard throws himself under his blanket and hides from Gent. Gent shakes his head as he pulls up a chair beside his partner.

Lets take a sip of this soup bud.

Gent makes little choo choo sounds as Beard peaks his head out and slurps the soup. Beard however is not impressed with the soup and spits it out and it splashes all over his tag partner.

Soupie too cold.

Gent lets out a sigh as he removes the soup from his attire. He slowly begins to rub Beard’s shoulder before addressing the ailing big man.

Listen here sport. We have a big match this week. I need the healthiest of Beard’s. We’re gonna have our hands full with Barbosa and SHIT. Can I ask that of you?

We couldn’t beat two people last week, how do you expect us to beat 10 people? And what does SHIT even stand for? Super Hero in Training?

I think you are confusing that SHIT with someone else bud. And Barbosa has the mind of many, but he is still one.

I don’t want fight, I want to lay here and die.

Alright that’s enough. We are the tag team champions for crying out loud. And there’s a reason for that Beard. That reason? Cause we are a good team, a damn good team if you don’t mind my bragging. Sure they have the name and the clout, but we have the gold. So I need you to sit your bearded ass up and take whatever medicine you got lying around here and become that big bearded monster we know and love.

I don’t wanna.

Whatever Beard. If you’re gonna be like this maybe we should just throw the titles away and throw our friendship away.

Gent storms out of the room and drops his title behind him. Beard sticks his tongue out and blows some spit towards his partner. Beard rolls back under the covers as Gent stampedes his way down the stairs.

I’m sorry Emily, I don’t know how you kept your calm so long. He is like a giant bearded ten year old up there. I must go dear.


Gent is on the verge of leaving before being stopped in his tracked by the raspy voice of The Beard.

You forgot this.

Beard throws down the tag team championship to Gent, who catches the gold and folds it up and holds it to his side. Gent give his partner a headnod of thanks.

I’m sorry. To both of you. I’m a grown ass man, I should know better. So Barbosa and SHIT, eh? That’s gonna be fun. I’ll catch ya later.

Beard walks away as he takes a big swig out of a cold medicine bottle. Gent and Emily just look at each other and shrug before going their separate ways.
*The poker room appears with Manic and Depressive seated in silence at the table. However, the Smoker is conspicuous by his absence as it is during one his more prolonged periods of control.

And it appears that it is his absence that is causing silence to dominate. Without the brash headstrong Smoker, there is no one to start a conversation/argument by complaining about something or nothing or questioning the Depressive about his methods and motives. The Manic is neither smart enough nor brave enough to do so himself and without the Smoker there is no one to startle the Manic into blurting out some random nonsense or accidental wisdom that gets used as a jumping off point, while the Depressive is hardly a conversation starter.

However, after several silent and increasingly uncomfortable minutes of both staring at nothing in particular, the Manic does drum up the courage to ask a single nervous question.*

Manic: W…w…what do you think we are doing out there?

Depressive: In all likelihood, assisted suicide in a public place with an electrical device.

Manic: WHAT?!? We cannot hurt Sab! We must go!

*With that, the Manic leaps up from his chair, demonstrating an energy that was not present in the preceding minutes and sprints out the poker room door leaving the Depressive alone. However, he is not left to enjoy the solitude for long…

Almost before it has closed, the door bursts open again with massive foot print on it as the Smoker storms in sporting a face like thunder. He stomps around the seated Depressive gesticulating in a fury, picking up the unoccupied furniture and launching it across the room.*

The Smoker: Damn it! We were so close!

After hours of trawling various streets, shops and parks for some non-existent MacGuffin -we were even chasing geese at one stage after we mentioned that this was a wild goose chase - we were finally about to get that moron to do the job himself only for us to save him in the nick of time… It does not matter though. We'll get him! Even if we have to kidnap that idiotic roommate of his for bait or lock him in a room with Ricky Runn, we will kill Saboteur!

Depressive: We might eventually succeed, yes. But so far, Saboteur has proven beyond our "well-thought out" schemes.

*Despite the use of the collective 'our', it is clear from the Depressive's inclination that he is talking specifically about the Smoker and his Wile E. Coyote-esque plans.*

The Smoker: Yes, despite his ridiculous attire and brain the size of a dehydrated plum, he has proven rather adept at foiling our plans. He is an ex-sellsword after all.

Depressive: Or Saboteur is simply fortunate that he did not meet his end by "fork in the toaster." If we are so set upon ending him, then why no just go for the more straight forward approach of pushing him in front of traffic or bludgeoning him with a blunt object. Or maybe we should get a refund from the ACME Corporation…

The Smoker: Jokes? We are actually going to make jokes - for the first time ever - when it was our plan to interact with that gimp-suit wearing numbskull?

*The incredulity of the Smoker is punctuated with a similar inclination in his use of plural personal pronouns. Rather than immediately answering, the Depressive allows the Smoker to give full reign to his pent-up anger and frustration.*

The Smoker: What could we possibly gain from this horrifying experience, aside from an extended stay in the slammer for having committed murder? We have beaten him and his afro-sporting throwback fair and square TWICE so we do not need any more insight into him.

*The Depressive goes to answer but it cut off by the Smoker putting the cherry on the top of Saboteur-inspired rant.*

The Smoker: And just what is he hiding under that mask anyway? When we finally get him, we are going to have a look. We bet he has a face like a pie that has been dropped on the floor, eaten by a dog and then regurgitated again!

Depressive: Are we finished?

*The Smoker lets out a cleansing sigh like he has just exorcised some demons, before then pull out a cigar and lighting up.*

The Smoker: Yes.

Depressive: And do we really wish to know the meaning behind this experience with the masked assassin?

The Smoker: Yes.

Depressive: Simply put, information and development.

*The Smoker hangs his head.*

The Smoker: We are sorry we asked…

Depressive: Do you want us to explain?

The Smoker: Not really, no. But you are going to do so anyway.

Depressive: We will keep it short then - we do not require information on Saboteur or his tag team partner, who we quite rightly point out have bested in our two encounters. We require information on a hitherto unknown set of opponents - the WZCW tag team champions, Alexandre Perrot and Jasper Benson…

The Smoker: Who?

Depressive: They go under the pseudonyms of Le Gentleman Masqué and The Beard and the portmanteau of the Bearded Gents.

The Smoker: Those two idiots? Why do we need help defeating them?

Depressive: Aside from them being the tag team champions and having gotten the better of Action Saxton and Saboteur in the process of winning not just the titles but a tag team tournament as well and we know next to nothing about them?

The Smoker: Well… yeah! As we have already stated and acknowledged, we have already defeated Action Sabotuer… SaboSax… Saxoteur… Black Mask or whatever they are called these days besides losers. And if we can easily beat the Spandexed Afro TWICE, we will have no problem with the Masked Beard.

Depressive: We realise that that reasoning makes no sense, correct?

*The Smoker continues on with his rant, conveniently ignoring the questioning tone of the Depressive and indeed the poignant unanswered question about Barbosa and his mechanical partner's ability to defeat the reigning champions.*

The Smoker: Besides, these "champions" lost to the Empire recently; the same Empire that we made our whipping boys at All or Nothing.

Depressive: The same Empire that have gotten the better of us in recent weeks? The same Empire who cost us our match during the Roulette Round by smearing us into the canvas with multiple chair shots?

The Smoker: Well…er…We… ah…so what is the development side of it?

Depressive: Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology.

*The Smoker exhales an almost customary smoke-laden, exasperation-filled sigh.*

The Smoker: Not that bloody manbot again…

Depressive: Nothing has changed since our last explanation of our plans for Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology. And look how our partnership with it turned out in our last match - another victory for us to use as a reason for degrading former tag champions.

The Smoker: But what has that to do with the walking, talking gimp-suit?

Depressive: It was part of an agreement we made with Action Saxton and Saboteur - the former whisks Scaled Humanoid Industrial Technology off to experience the next step in its development - a furthering in its discovery that humans are not only emotional creatures but they can even feel two seemingly conflicting emotions or traits at the same time by experiencing how a person can be smart but in a group people are more usually dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.

The Smoker: And in return, we get to spend the day on some wild goose chase with the only man more stupid than us?

Depressive: Correct. We are not sure exactly what Saboteur gets out of this arrangement but from his past exploits, he may think that our current run of tag team success might rub off on he and Action Saxton and allow them to halt their own faltering form.

The Smoker: And we have to suffer through this 'arrangement' while everyone else gets something they want?

Depressive: Not quite. On top of the further development of our industrial ally, we thought that we would enjoy the opportunity to first enjoy the company of a similarly empty-headed simpleton and…

The Smoker: What?!? Why would you think that?

Depressive: …and then once he has suitably annoyed us, we could enjoy putting him in "an easily escapeable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death."

The Smoker: Wait… you knew we would get annoyed and attempt to inflict injury?

Depressive: It is what we are best at, is it not?

*Before the Smoker can revel in the present of promised violence that the Depressive has manipulated for him, the door swings open again to admit the Manic, who comes bounding in and then proceeds to skip gaily around the poker table. Both original occupants stare at this absurd spectacle only for the Depressive to use this distraction to stand up and slinks off through the open door, closing it behind him.

Manic: Saboteur is soooooooooooo much fun! We have not had fun like that since our 247th viewing of Black Swan with Hunt!

*Transfixed by the ridiculousness of the skipping Manic, the Smoker fails to notice the exit of the third until he hears the door click shut.*

The Smoker: No… No! Do not leave us alone with us! We will not be held responsible for our actions!

*Seemingly unaware of being left alone with a counterpart that clearly despises him, the Manic continues to skip around the room, leaving the Smoker to reach into his pocket and brings out a match to relight his cigar.*

The Smoker: We should thank the gods above, below and everywhere in between that there is one more match left.

*However, as the Smoker strikes his final match, the skipping Manic skips past and the air disturbance he causes is enough to put out the spark of flame before the Smoker is able to use it for its purpose.

The Smoker stares at the smoking ruin of his nicotine fix provider as the Manic continues his skipping rampage, oblivious to the trouble he would seem to have unsparked for himself.*

Manic: Maybe we could team up with Saboteur more often? We are sure that Poo is having fun with Sax too. Perhaps even get WZCW to make a four man tag team title belt for us, Poo, Sab and Sax.

*Just then the Manic stops dead like he has had a eureka moment.*

Manic: We could be called SabPoo SaxBar!

The Smoker: THAT'S IT!

*The Smoker storms to his feet, overturning the poker table in a fit of rage and charging at the startled Manic.*


*The Manic somehow manages to skip-dodge out of the way of the Smoker's initial lunge but in the process, he trips over one of the discarded chairs and flies face first into the ground, leaving him prone to the inevitable beating from the Smoker.*

The Smoker: When we are finished with you, we will have to join Saboteur, SHIT and that masked Frenchman in covering our face for fear of scaring little children!

*Or at least that is what would have happened had that same chair not skidded straight backwards towards the Smoker with one of the legs stabbing him right in the nuts. Letting out a moan of anguish, the Smoker doubles over in pain before slumping to the ground… except, due to the chaos he has unleashed, there is nowhere for him to land safely on the ground. So instead as he crumbles sideways, he smashes his forehead off the corner of the upturned poker table making him forget all about his stabbed groin by rendering him unconscious.

Clambouring up from his fall and surveying the carnage that now surrounds him, the Manic sports something of a panicked face, especially when he looks at the prone body of the unconscious Smoker.

However, after a few moments of this, he simply shrugs his shoulders and restarts his skipping circle around the wreckage.*
S.H.I.T sat, it sat and watched, it sat and watched and it wondered why. Why had it been paired with Action Saxton? Why had Barbosa gone with Saboteur? What was there to learn from this? It had no idea where the other two had gone but Saxton had been adamant he had other commitments, and having had no choice had bought S.H.I.T along. It had been described to S.H.I.T by both Saxton and Barbosa as a focus group for his next movie, S.H.I.T had no idea what a focus group was, focus wasn't generally something it had a problem with, perhaps the Human's gained intellegence from focusing in groups, although S.H.I.T doubted that as Barbosa had described them as "the dumbest people on Earth."

Things did not appear to be going well, right now Saxton had stood up and was lifting another man from his feet and into the air.

“You don’t get it, sucka.” Came the velvety tones of Saxton, holding some poor, skinny, pink shirt wearing, sweat stained, no doubt jive turkey by the collar and holding him in the air. “Action Saxton is a karate choppin’, ninja destroyin’, bad ass black man in black! He does not do ‘romantic comedies’”

The bumbling man tried to squirm out of Saxton’s grip, for all the good it did, “don’t you think it’s time to branch out?" He said desperately, "move with the times? Look at movie stars like Ryan Gosling and Gerard Butler!” Saxton if anything looks angrier at the names mentioned, “for every cheesy action film they do, they do a romantic comedy. . .” The man turns his pleading eyes to S.H.I.T, who reacts not even slightly.

“Action Saxton’s movies are not cheesy! Action Saxton’s movies are as gritty and real as Action Saxton’s life,” slight pause, “maybe not quite as real, I do once remember taking a hit in ‘Action Saxton vs the Invisible Man’” he laughs, that deep and chocolately laugh, “something that simply does not happen in Action Saxton’s real life!”

Eventually Saxton lets the man go who drops to the floor, quickly pulling himself to his feet he slinks back to his seat with his eyes downcast.

“Now, any of you fools got a good idea? Or do I use my robotic friend here to agree with everything I say and make another blockbuster hit?”

S.H.I.T requires input on the Bearded Gents!

"On your time, not mine, soulless sucka."

There is a general mumbling and rustling of feet, Saxton looks around the room scornfully until eventually a young lady raises her hand, causing Saxton's harder features to soften slightly. "Yo!" He said, indicating that the woman should speak.

"Erm," she said shyly, obviously simultaneously intimidated and aroused by Saxton's manliness. "What if Saxton were to give up his life of *ahem* 'kicking Ninja's asses' and instead seek a quieter life?" Saxton removes his sunglasses and somehow the young lady is able to stop her knees giving out, "what if he were to, say, purchase an animal sanctuary of some kind and devote his life to their well being?"

"You want Action Saxton to buy a zoo?"

The rest of the room titter and look downcast at the girl, who sits down embarrassed. Saxton considers this. A particularly fat man with piggy eyes is reserving a scornful at Woman, S.H.I.T notices this, as does Saxton who seems to catch the Machines eye for a second. Before speaking.

"Maybe one day in the future, when Action Saxton's bones grow weak and his muscles weary, maybe on that day I'll buy a zoo," the others reaction visibly changes to this, from mocking to nodding and looking excited at a possible zoo movie, the fat mans chins jiggling excitedly. "Maybe I will, and it'll be the jivest, most funky zoo you ever did see and maybe there will even be a place in that zoo for a special someone." He reserves a wink for the young lady who visibly reddens, "but that day is a long way off and Action Saxton still has ass to kick!"

S.H.I.T sits and watches as the assembled Humans throw more ideas at Saxton, all rebuffed, usually because of the necessity of 'still having ass to kick!'

"So what you want Mr. Saxton, is another movie in which you take down a major global threat using your own brand of lethal force, without putting a hair out of place?"

"Damn right! Amazing hair at that!"

"Isn't it overdone now?"

"No it is not 'over done,' sucka!" Said Saxton, imitating the weaselly voice of the other man, "its a winning formula. Ask my friend here," and here he indicates S.H.I.T, "he knows all about repeating winning formula's."

S.H.I.T requires input on the Bearded Gents!

Saxton turns to the group eagerly leaning forward with their clipboards and notepads. "Give me and these clowns some input and I'll give you some!"

A fair request. S.H.I.T inclines its head.

"What should my next movie be about?"

S.H.I.T processes for a long time, all the assembled Humans leaning forward eagerly, all except for Saxton who consciously, or subconsciously, is flexing his muscles.

Action Saxton. . .

Now even Saxton leans forward.

Action Saxton is to travel backward in time!

"Okay, now we're talking."

Action Saxton is to travel backward in time, in order to Terminate the mother of the future resistance leader, who will lead Humanity in their war against The Machines!

"Hold up there, sucka!" Saxton cut in, "Action Saxton doesn't play villains!"

Terminator of future Human leader against the Machine armies is a heroic role! Humanity will hail the Machines! S.H.I.T exists only to destroy!

"Does anybody without serious delusions have any input?"

S.H.I.T raises its hand. Saxton sighs.


The role of Machine saviour does not appeal?


Perhaps Action Saxton travels backward in time to protect Humanities future leader against an assassin?

"A ninja assassin? Now you're talking!"

A Machine assassin!

Saxton puts his hands on his hips. "Action Saxton does like robots. A Machine Ninja Assassin?"


Saxton nods approvingly. "Anything else?"

Action Saxtons trip backwards through time is almost ruined by sabotage.

"He's called Saboteur."

The talk goes on for a good long while.

"So, let me get this straight;" Said a very weary looking man, possibly the one Saxton had by the scruff of the neck earlier, its hard to say.

"In this movie, Action Saxton will travel backwards in time to save Humanities future leader from a, a 'Machine, Ninja Assassin.'" He looks to Saxton for approval, but gets none and so continues, "only the trip backwards through time is ruined by sabotage, not by Saboteur, but instead by another robot intent on 'destroying Cruseo Family?'" The same look for approval, the same retort. "So he crash lands onto some kind of 'forbidden planet' where he is greeted by 'Ricky The Robot' who is not sure if he can trust or not, he eventually finds out that the plot was never to destroy Humanity, but to protect them, from themselves?" This time he looks at S.H.I.T, "then why are they at war with the Machines?"

Because the foolish Humans fight back!

"Fool, because Humanity will not be enslaved!"

"Okay, I think we have it. . ."

He is cut off because Saxton screams in rage, punching the desk they are sat at and nearly shattering completely. "Where are the Ninja's?"

The entire room lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Yes, there clearly isn't enough Ninja's. Action Saxton asked for Ninja's!" Said the overweight, piggy fat man from earlier. S.H.I.T gives him a death stare while Saxton reserves a special scowl.

S.H.I.T requires input on the Bearded Gents!

A lot of time flies past, hours, minutes, days, who knows? During this time many ideas are bandied about, a few shall now be told to you now using the medium of montage. S.H.I.T sitting and observing the Human's behaviour.

"What if Action Saxton accidentally gets cloned, but the clone is evil?" Said the piggy eyed fat man, now sweating profusely.

"Hell no! The World is not ready for two Action Saxton's."

"What if Action Saxton must overcome the ultimate threat? His own addiction to heroin?" Said the man from earlier, the one Saxton had already manhandled.

"Get that sucka out of this room!"

On instruction S.H.I.T rises to its feet and drags the offender towards the door, throwing him out on his face.

"What if Action Saxton is aided in his quest by an army of Penguins?"

". . ."

As the back and forth continues S.H.I.T sits and watches, realising just how true Barbosas summary of "perhaps the dumbest people on earth" had been. Watching as they throw increasingly more stupid ideas at the clearly enraged Saxton, none of them realising that with the lack of robots in any of their suggestions they were unlikely to make a movie worth making.

Perhaps Action Saxton is killed in the line of duty and is reanimated as a cyborg law enforcer?

"Would this cyborg act like Action Saxton at all?"

Negative! It would act like a cyborg!

"Remove yourself from this room!"

S.H.I.T cannot self extract!

Action Saxton sits down, running his large masculine hands through his glorious hair.

"I said, more Ninja's!" Thumping aforementioned masculine hand down on the already flimsy table. The fat man nodded emphatically.

S.H.I.T raises its hand.

"Not robots! In fact, no robots at all!"

S.H.I.T cocks its head, how could Action Saxton want a motion picture without Machine's to give it real character?

"Yeah, you dumb robot, no robots at all!" Parroted the fat, piggy eyed, sweaty man, pointing directly at S.H.I.T.

S.H.I.T stared at that outstretched index finger.

How quickly the Human's had turned on it, applauding the idea of a highly robotic film all the while Action Saxton had agreed with it, now the second he is against it S.H.I.T becomes a 'dumb robot!' Is this what 'sucking up' was?

Not that it mattered.

As usual, when faced with potential hostility and the unknown S.H.I.T resorted to default settings, or in laymans terms; S.H.I.T exists only to destroy!

Lunging forward it grabs the man by the outstretched arm and takes him to the ground, hooking the arm and locking in the Industrial Strength Vice and wrenching back, causing him to squeal pig like, obviously in pain.


"Whoa, whoa, fool, you can't go attacking my focus groups!" Shouted Saxton, grabbing hold of S.H.I.T's arms and wrenching them, although the only effect it achieved was to make the hold even more viscous. The man taps out vigorously, screaming for S.H.I.T to release the hold, S.H.I.T does so, but Saxton's grip is like iron and the hold continues to be locked in.

"These may be the dumbest people on Earth, but you can't go round putting them in submission holds!"


S.H.I.T again attempts to release the hold but Saxton's apparent attempts to dislodge the Machine end up with the hold being applied tighter than it was before. Eventually he stops squealing and tapping and seemingly loses consciousness. Saxton eventually dislodges S.H.I.T's arms, and the hold is released. Both rise to their feet, the fat man still unconscious.

"Anybody else got any bright ideas?"


S.H.I.T raises its hand.

"Except you!"

S.H.I.T requires input on the Bearded Gents!

Saxton gives in. "Fine, one is a big, bad mothersucka, and the other is a small, bad mothersucka! Neither of them like carrots! That enough input for you?"

S.H.I.T nods. The information that they don't like carrots could prove useful indeed. It would tell Barbosa as soon as possible.

"Fine, now help me with my movie."

The conversation continues as two medical personnel try to remove the unconscious man from the room. Dropping him, they call for two more to help, before they can finally lift him he regains consciousness and attempts to rejoin the discussion which is already in full flow.

"Action Saxton is already 3D, fool, why would I need a movie made in 3D? Although I must admit the glasses are kinda funky."

The Human's mean that your 'avatar' would be rendered in 3 Dimensions, for when you infiltrate the robotic ranks.

"My avatar?" Action Saxton thinks about this, "now why the hell would I need to be in 3D when I am flying?"

Even S.H.I.T looks slightly confused at this, cocking its head to the side. Before anymore can be said there is a knock at the door. Saxton, goes up to answer it himself.

"What? Aw, hell yes!" The room at large turns to look at Saxton, in conversation with the man at the door. Saxton closes the door and turns to the room. "Sucka's, I know exactly what this movie is going to be about!"

And that was it, S.H.I.T's time amongst the focus group was over, Saxton had promised to invite it back at some point, for his movie screening, whenever that would be. S.H.I.T found itself anticipating that, knowing it had helped to create something was odd indeed, it was used to simply destroying things.

It had information for Barbosa about the Bearded Gents, one is a big, bad mothersucka, the other a small, bad mothersucka and neither of them liked carrots. All three Barbosa's (Barbosi?) would be pleased to hear of this.

It had learned about Human's crowded together, about sucking up and stupidity. Action Saxton had even mentioned something about 'cabin fever' but S.H.I.T had noticed no notable illnesses. Human's were better isolated apparently, although Barbosa had many Human's couped up in a small area and that didn't seem to hinder him in the long term.

More confusion, these organic, breathing weird things weren't easy to figure out. Still, it had some information on the Bearded Gents, the big one was 'big' and the small one was 'small,' yes, also they didn't like carrots. Success.

Its thoughts went back to that box, it had to wonder just what the Humans were doing to RXJ at this point, whether they had realised that it was a plant and that the real S.H.I.T was out in the open. Did it miss that tranquility of only leaving its box to destroy? Life outside was certainly complicated.

Now, what to do while it waited for the movie release?
March 26, 2013

Leon's Club, one of the most popular clubs in all of Great Britain. However, behind the neon lights, repetitive club music, and overpriced drinks lies a secret. You see, Leon's real name is Eléonore Mathilde Perrot, mother of 1/2 of the CNW Tag Team Champion Le Gentleman Masque. We see the backroom of Leon's Club, an almost entirely red room with the feel of a parlor. Right next to a warm fire place, we see the tag team champions, The Gent and The Beard to the left of the fireplace, both sitting on a couch. Across from them, staring at them from her tall red chair with her hands folded in her lap sits the club's owner, Leon. A silence falls between all three of them before The Gent's mother speaks up.

"So, you're probably wondering why I called you here."

"Why, yes. I believe you sent me here to speak about an issue. So, what's happens to be the problem?"

"Does there have to be a problem? Can a mother not just check up on her son?"

"Before my incarceration, perhaps, yet I am well aware how father seems to denounce me from my family any chance I get."

Looking down at the ground and sighing, there is once again a silence before Leon speaks up.

"Well, you wouldn't be wrong. Your father lost all of our money through a recent investment."

"Ah. So, I take it you've lost your London Mansion?"

Leon nods her head in response.

"Then I take it you're looking to go back to France so we can live together again. None to worry, I didn't turn every room in my mansion into something insane. Perhaps most, yet I still kept a good chunk of our guest rooms. I assure you that whatever time it takes, Liam and I shall keep you in our care until you're able to get back onto your feet. Of course with your Nightclub and Father's excellent reputation as a lawyer, over time you two shall earn back the mansion soon eno--"

Cutting off her son, Leon stands up.

"ALL of our money, yours combined."

The Gent sits frozen, shocked from the words of his mother. Eventually, his partner, The Beard, speaks up.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"The Mansion in Paris still belongs to us. As such, we included his mansion. All we have left is this nightclub, Gent's job in that wrestling thing and your pet tiger, Sabrina. We can't even afford to pay Liam. Of course, we're still friends with the Banks family, so thankfully we're not losing him."

"...and yet you waited until now to inform me of this? Do we have any sort of home?"

"I'm sorry. I thought it was best to tell you in person. I wanted your dad here, but he wouldn't stay.

"Why? Does he still think he's any better than me? I made a mistake in my life that I'm trying to fix. I plead guilty and admitted to being wrong and get shunned, yet he ruins our lives, refuses to admit fault and sees himself as 'too good to speak to me'? How could you defend this?"

"Look, your dad and I are looking to live in this club for however long it takes. Does your job give you enough money to survive?"

Taking a deep breath, The Gent remains calm while speaking to his mom.

"I suppose it does. So, are we done discussing the issue? "

"That was all. I'm sorry you weren't told this until now."

"It is...quite alright."

Both mother and son standing up, the two embrace in a hug before pulling away from each other.

"Farewell. May we speak together on better terms."

"I hope to see you soon, my son."

Current day.

We see the backstage to WZCW, right next to the dressing room. Staring at the camera is interviewer Becky Serra.

"Please help me in welcoming the tag team...champion? Only one half of The Bearded Gentlemen, Le Gentleman Masque."

Holding out the microphone to the off-screen tag team champion, the camera cuts to said man, Le Gentleman Masque, removing the glove from his right hand. On his shoulder, the WZCW Tag Team Championship. With his bare hand, The Gent accepts the microphone.

"Greetings those of WZCW. As you know, I am 1/2 of the WZCW Tag Team Champions. You may be asking where my partner is. Well, unfortunately he couldn't be here tonight on account of an illness, but in his place, I wish to speak of my thoughts towards this match and our opponents. You see, it seemed as if my luck has gone down as of late. I've lost almost everything I have, and that is not exclusive to matches. Recently, WZCW became all that I had after a failed investment. Yet, I'm not going to blame our loss as a tag team last week on that. The Empire features two of the top wrestlers in WZCW. Two men highly involved in the Mayhem title scene before teaming together. The two are a two man wrecking crew and I had failed to bring this collection of cataclysmic combatants to justice, hell, who knows if I may even be able to last against The Empire? By all pure logic, and I'm speaking entirely out of reason, we should not win this match. We've had personal issues unrelated to our partnership as well as took a loss from the same men our opponents this week had beaten just recently. Yet..."

Using his still gloved hand, The Gent holds his title in front of the camera before placing it back on his shoulder.

"This foolishness, this pure ignorance towards what should have happened is what earned us our titles in the first place. The two of us have pulled off shocking results before in the past. Might I remind you that as a team, we had lost to Strikeforce before claiming victory on the men who had defeated them? Perhaps I should remind you of the time a man named The Beard wen from a local talent to being featured on the tag team title contest at Kingdom Come? We've done things that we shouldn't have if records meant anything. So, What does that mean about 'records'? It means, and pardon my harsh language here, a record only means as much as a sentence. I could tell you a fall off of a twenty story building would kill a man, but I couldn't give you tell you there was no chance at any possibility, for there is always a possibility. Perhaps there is someone to break the man's fall or he the man's will is strong enough the fall hurt as much about as much a normal person would feel if they had tripped. So, let the message be clear to the psychopath and the artificial intelligence with a name not worth repeating. I don't fear you. I fear no man, and I simply leap forward into action, because that's the way I've always done it, and that's the way that's given me success before. No words speak truer than actions on the battlefield. You seem different from the rest. You have some semblance of honor, although skewed slightly in view. As such, I shall respect you enough to let you prove your honor. Until then, Barbosa and machine that's name is a synonym for excrement."

Handing back the microphone to the interviewer, The Gent puts back on his glove before handing the interviewer one of his trademark calling cards.

"Adieu, fair mistress."

Running away, the camera cuts back solely on Becky.

"Le Gentleman Masque, everyone."
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