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MD83: Krypto vs. Jacoby Capone

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Meltdown will kick-start its proceedings with the Mentorship winner Krypto taking on the quirky Jacoby Capone in singles competition. Both men suffered losses last time they competed on free-to-air television and will be looking to use this match as a platform to get some momentum rolling again and adding up more "W's" on their Win/Loss record. One thing to look out for is Krypto's Mentorship Prize that he has yet to utilise... only time will tell when he will be taking full advantage of this (if he understands the concept, that is).

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Tuesday 22nd January. Extensions as per thread.
The Misadventures of Krypto

Krypto vs. Capone: Read all about it!

Krypto: No! My crops are dying!

Krypto can be seen at the public library exploring the addicting and satisfying benefits of Facebook’s mind numbing game Farmville.

RJ: I just do not understand the purpose of this thing humans call “social media”.

Krypto: But it’s so amazing RJ, I can play amazing games like Farmville, post videos and photos send my friends requests.

RJ: What friends do you even have added?

Krypto: Just one……some human named Doug Crashin. But that’s not the point RJ; Facebook is what’s popular with humans on this planet. Its mainstream, it’s cool. Not only must I impress the boys in the back of the WZCW locker room I must convince the fans that I’m sweeping the nation as the extra-terrestrial sensation! Which is actually why I made a twitter account, have a look.


RJ: Speaking of mainstream, I believe it says on your Twitter feed that you will be up going up against the human who usually loathes mainstream media Jacoby Capone.

Krypto: But how can one hate the mainstream?

RJ: According to my database he absolutely despises anything a majority of the population likes.

Krypto: So doesn’t that mean social media is his….Kryptonite?

RJ: Well technically yes, and please for the love of Furon stop using that word.

Krypto: Well if that is case we must use his weakness of pop culture and media to defeat him.

RJ: But how?

Krypto: We will spread the word of this match through Facebook and Twitter. We will have hundreds upon hundreds buying last minute tickets, thousands on the edge of their seat, millions watching at home!

RJ: But Krypto this match will most likely open Meltdown as a warm up for the night, with the likes of Showtime Cougar and Triple X in the main event nobody is going to remember Krypto vs. Jacoby Capone.

Krypto: Exactly, I can’t just let my match be an afterthought, If I always give up on what I’m doing because I just let myself be overshadowed by someone people like better at the current moment I’ll go nowhere in this company. I’m going to spread the word, I’m going to get everyone watching, and I’m going to make Krypto vs. Jacoby Capone the biggest Meltdown opener of all time. And I’m not doing this for my own benefit either, I know Capone is probably very talented and whether he wants to admit or not if he’s able to beat with the whole world watching, which he can’t because I’m that good, who knows what opportunities he might have the future. But I don’t intend to find out because just like we talked about I’m going straight to the top and I’ll never stop! I still have a shot at anybody I want on the roster and I intend to use it!

RJ: Do you even know who you want to face yet?

Krypto: Well…..I’m working on it. But that’s not the objective right now, to social media we go!

Hours Later

Krypto can be seen as guests 103.5 Kiss FM’s radio show with host Jay Johnson.

Jay: Well folks WZCW Meltdown is in town tonight and even though it wasn’t scheduled nor really asked for WZCW star that goes by the name of K….Krypto has asked for a sit down interview here in our studio. Normally we don’t let just anybody get an interview here but the guy who made the One Pound Fish video cancelled and we need to fill time……anyway welcome to show Krypto!

Krypto: Glad to be hear, now speaking into this microphone sends out sound waves and gives me direct control to the humans frontal lobes and decision making capabilities correct?

Jay: Um, yeah just speak into the microphone man. But before you do I’d liked to ask you to something. I’m on your twitter, Facebook, and Tumbler pages and I can’t help but notice how crazy you’ve gone with advertising your match against Mr. Jacoby Capone come Meltdown. Constant tweets, posts, touts, even a small add in the Newspaper all for a match a lot of the fans didn’t even know was happening. Why should they tune in just to see you?

Krypto: It’s very simple, to witness the next generation. Capone may not like all the attention but since I’ve arrived on this planet I can’t get enough of it. I crave you humans opinions, traditions, likes, dislikes, and through social media I’ve gained it all so who is he to think he’s better than it because the majority likes it and what’s so bad about it if I use to gain a larger following.

Jay: You said something about next generation?

Krypto: Oh right, whether I liked Capone’s opinions or not he is apart a generation that will soon take shape and be at the forefront of WZCW. Now I may not be the leader of this generation but I will damn sure be an unforgettable part of it. The reason why I’ve been promoting this match so much is because I’m here to show the world that I can do what most of them probably think I can’t and that is succeed. And to do so I need to beat Jacoby Capone, and it doesn’t matter of it’s the opening, middle, or end of the show. Doesn’t matter if it’s Meltdown, Ascension, or Aftershock I will steal the spotlight. You may be going to cheer for your Matt Tastic’s or your Showtime Cougar’s but by the end of the night you will remember the guy flying through the air and jumping off the top rope and giving his all every night to make sure you go home satisfied. My name is Krypto, and I will go straight to the top.

.....Night of the WZCW Awards Show.....

"Alhazred just hit a huge "White Van Driver" and this one should be over now."...Alhazred crawls over and makes the cover, 1,2,3..."Here is your winner, MISTER ALHAZRED!"...Capone starts to recover and rolls out of the ring as the veteran celebrates...

10 Minutes later
Capone burts out of the locker room door with a gym bag slung over his right shoulder and a suitcase dangling from his left hand. Production members scatter away at the site of the enraged Capone. A concerned employee jogs to catch up with Capone.

Employee: Capone, wait up, man. Is there something I can get you? Water, gatorade?

Capone's pace ceases and he turns to face the employee. The expression on the face of Capone is of clear distress, anger, and from what the employee could make of it, sad.

Capone: How about a job application. To anywhere other than this fucking company.

Capone turns away from the befuddled look of the employee and exits the building through the parking lot doors. The employee follows Capone out and sees that Capone is walking quickly walking away from the builing, away from the parking lot and...possibly away from the company. The employee makes no further attempt at yelling for Capone for it would only be in vain. He continues to watch until the body of Capone disappears deep into the city night.

.....Six nights later.....

*The scene has changed to the inside of a taxi cab which is being driven by a man who's about in his mid-forties. He has a bushy mustache, a balding head, and gut on him that is more likely the cause of excessive beer and chips consumption. Capone is in the passenger seat and is having a conversation on his cell phone. He is wearing casual clothes: faded jeans and a Nirvana shirt pokes out from under a black jacket. Capone's hand, and cellphone, are not visible as they are within the black shadown of his hood. The cab is making haste down an interstate, en route to Capone's hometown, the opposite direction of tomorrow night's Meltdown in which has Capone on the card*

Capone: To be completely honest, at this point, I really don't feel like wrasslin' around with E.T.

The driver stares ahead at the road. His eyes glance over at Capone every now and then. He's a casual fan of WZCW and having one of its superstars in the car with him and on the phone speaking on his career was definitely of interest to him.

Capone: Yeah, ok. Despite what you think, I'm not frightened to face him. I just feel like I'm above him, or it, whatever. Anyway, I'm simply not going to do it.......oh, really? That's real rich, but listen to this. While I've been facing serious, established talent, Krypto has been horsing around in the "mentorship program." Surely because Krypto defeated Stone and Bull he's the next champion of the world, please.

The cab driver chuckles after Capone's quotation mark gesture with his fingers.

Capone: You sound ridiculous right now. I don't care who my only wins were against. Yeah, so Stone happens to be one of my two victories and was apart of the Mentorship program. That does not put Krypto and I on the same level. There's a reason I was not placed in the program myself. WZCW recognized a talent that didn't the rub of some veteran. I handle my own business. I don't want help, don't accept it. Ask Alhazred about what I thought of his help in our tag match.

The cab driver snorts as he recalls Alhazred recently defeating Capone. Capone shoots him a menacing stare but returns his focus to the passing land outside of the window as he continues his conversation.

Capone: Regardless, none of this matters anyway. Capone's voice softens. I'm never returning to that company. Or wrestling for that matter.

Shock passes over the face of the cab driver but quickly shrugs it off as to make it apparent that he's eaves dropping again.

Capone: Okay, it's on Meltdown. Whoopty-fucking-doo. What do I gain from beating the likes of Krypto? Back to Aftershock for another match facing a different guy, and then the next week someone else. Still no respect earned or momentum gained for my career. No, I want to be back home. I want my records, I want my books, I want something new. I don't want this anymore.

The cab driver can no longer hold in his words.

Driver:To be fair, walking out on tag partners, attacking tag partners, and refusing matches isn't going to get you anywhere in the business.

Capone's expression turns to bewildered as if he were a king who'd just been acknowledged by a pheasant.

Capone: I've got to go... He puts his phone away and turns to face the driver. He flips down his hood. And the hell do you know about anything of the matter? And turn that bullshit off!

Capone's hand strikes at the radio which was playing a top 40 radio hit. Unphased by Capone's rather rude actions, the driver merely giggles flashing a bright smile, albeit yellowed teeth.

Driver: I don't know much, but I do know that I'm contributing to you making the largest mistake of your life.

Capone: Clarify.

Driver: You're in an obvious rut, man. Be honest with yourself that the majority of your problems have been self-inflicted. You haven't done much but show your arrogance on live television and it's masking your true potential, Capone.

Capone: Okay, man. Why don't you pull over at this mile-marker and radio in for a new driver. I'm not listening to this.

The driver flashes that same bright grin.

Driver: Really, just hear me out for a few more minutes and I'll shut up. You remind me a lot of myself. Capone lets out a noise that sounds like a balloon losing its air and rolls his eyes. Yeah, sounds crazy, right? I'm out of shape, balding and old, you're a physically fit and a top athlete. You travel the world and compete for money. I on the other hand travel this district driving strangers around. But, I like you, gave up early on..but I didn't have someone with the foresight to stop me. Listen to me. When I was chasing my own personal dreams, I didn't understand how to pick myself up out of pits that I felt were impossible to climb out of.

Capone continues to stare out of the window.

Driver: I waited idly too long feeling sorry for myself. I'm telling you, Capone, you're still in a fantastic position. You have a match. Krypto is a viable opponent. A win tomorrow night could be a stepping stone. I don't have a stepping stone, I can only wish upon a gracious tip from people that are higher up in society than me. I can't watch you sink to my level. Keep going after it while you still can. The fire never dies, but the fuel is limited, my friend. Trust me.

Capone: Kay, speaking time's up, I'm getting a call. Capone pulls out his phone and the driver purses his lips together and returns his focus to driving. Yeah, I'm on way home...but I'm not actually going to be coming home like I said. I'll talk to you later.

The driver glances at Capone with wonder. Capone puts his phone away again and turns to the driver.

Capone: Turn this shit bucket around, you bastard. I think I have one more in me.

Yet again, the driver's yellow teeth burst out of his head in a tremendous grin as he flips on his blinker and changes into the nearest exit lane.
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