MD81: Strikeforce vs. Le Gentleman Masque & Le Beard

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
The opening contest of Meltdown will feature Mikey Stormrage coming back in action for his first official match (since the Battle Royale doesn't technically count) by teaming up with his partner James Howard in a friendly tag team match against the new team of the Masked Gentleman and The Beard. Expect this match to be a fairly competitive match-up but the one thing that will be on everyone mind's is finding the perpetrator of Mikey's assault.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 28th November. Extensions as per thread.
A phone rings faintly in the background as The Beard reaches over to silence the device.


You seem cranky, what’s wrong?

Emily, the love of The Beard is on the other end, unwelcomed by her significant other.

I’m sorry, I was just trying to sleep. Being on the road again has put a damper into my sleep schedule, ya know. How have you been feeling?

I’m doing as good as I can alone. The baby is doing well though so you don’t have to worry. And I had the craving for a banana split topped with egg, peanut butter, and pickles.

Well I wish I was there eating it with you right now. It was great to hear your voice, I’ll call in the morning. I love you.

Love you too, sleep well my bearded love.

Beard rolls over and puts the phone back on the table before trying to drift off to sleep before he is interrupted by yet another phone call.

Yeah babe?

You’ve been avoiding my calls Beard.

You again? I thought I was done with you and this nonsense. Look I’m finally getting to a better place and I don’t need you screwing things up like you seem to do. I don’t know who you are, I don’t care who you are. All I care about right now is sleeping and talking to you isn’t-

I hate to interrupt, but I must. You see Beard, what I’m doing is trying to help you. I know you have a therapist for that, but consider me free help. You are finally ready Beard. You are ready to move on, I see it in your eyes. Our time together is over. Next week I want you and your buddy The Masked Gentleman to meet me and we can close the book on this. Goodbye and good night.

The Beard throws his phone across the room, seemingly sick of the thing. The Beard lets out a sigh before throwing himself back under the covers but that doesn’t last long as a pounding comes from his motel door.

Errr! I’m not sure this night could get any worse.

The door flies open as Beard goes to yell, but is interrupted by his eager tag team partner, The Masked Gentleman

Ahh! Le Beard, you’re awake. Good good.

Yes good, good. Clearly.

Am I sensing some of that good ole fashioned American sarcasm at hand. Tsk, tsk. Didn’t you say your therapist wants you to be a little less sarcastic.

Yeah he did, but I’m sure he’d let some slide at 4:37 in the morning.

Is it that late? Hmm, I overslept myself. An early mind is always the brightest you see. And we need that mind at full strength. Here, drink up.

The Gent hands Beard some sort of beverage and as Beard takes a sip, he spits it into the air. Gent laughs as he carries on with his business.

We have a big match, big big match Beard. With opponents that you know oh so well. Two men that took your dream at Kingdom Come and crushed it like that pile of cockroaches your room seems to be collecting. Sidebar, why are you not staying at a better place?

Because I don’t like being found so easily. Plus all I need is a bed, the rest is just luxury.

To each his own, as they say. But back to the topic at hand, our opponents at Meltdown. James Howard and Mikey Stormrage.


Oui. It is there reuniting and knowing you-

I want it to be as unpleasant as possible. Those two ended everything for me and put me in this funk that I’ve been in. If it wasn’t for them, my life would be a much more peaceful place.

Exactly what I was afraid of.

Afraid of? No no Gent, this is a good thing. This anger, I’m gonna throw it all out at them.

Yes, but we can’t have that. An angry beard isn’t a good beard. We need you focused on winning, not killing. Though I think you’ll be ok in jail.

You on the other hand.

Beard just smiles at The Gent and raises is eyebrows in a sexual fashion as The Gent chuckles.

That’s for another time and place Le Beard. Winning this match puts you one step closer to where you previously were.

Back in the tag team title picture.

Oui. That’s why we need you focused. Hence why we are up for an early start to a long journey.

Long journey, nice. Lets eat first, my treat.

I could never turn down a free meal. Just please tell me it won’t be here.

Don’t be silly Gent. Men of our stature eating a continental breakfast of cold eggs and toast, that’s nonsense. There’s a McDonald’s across the street, a fine establishment.

The Gent looks at The Beard with a puzzling look. Beard laughs a hardy laugh before giving his teammate a quick push out the door and closing it behind. The Gent starts pounding at the door, pleading to be let back in.

Sorry Gent, what’s that? It’ll take me a bit to get ready. Gotta shower and what not. I’ll meet ya there.
The scene opens to reveal Leon Kensworth standing before a black backdrop, WZCW microphone in hand.

LK: I am joined at this time by James Howard and Mikey Stormrage, since Apocalypse you have both put in some impressive performances. Do you think you can keep your momentum going this week against The Beard and Le Gentleman Masque?

The camera pans out to show Howard and Stormrage stood either side of Leon. Howard, especially, is stood motionless as he answers Leon’s question.

JH: Thank you Leon, we have been impressive recently. Then again, recently we’ve been given the opportunity to do what we do best, fight. Fight like a cornered animal. Fight without fear of being Bugs Bunnied by our opponents.

Howard is now moving, bouncing from foot to foot like a boxer waiting for the bell.

JH: Fighting for a reason; retribution and redemption. The more I fight, the more I love it, the more I live to show how we, Strikeforce, should be at the top of the mountain.

Stormrage leans into the microphone.

MS: Damn straight, look Leon, Beard was in a tag team when we first started. We faced his team in a regular tag match and we faced them at Kingdom Come in the first ever TLC match, both times our hands were raised in victory. This match will be a third victory for us over the guy with the least original name on the planet.

JH: Yeah, guys got a big beard so his name is the beard; it would be like calling you ‘The Fat’ or Drake Callahan ‘The Sideburns’ Masque is guilty of the same thing, <In an unflattering west country accent>I wear a mask so I’ll call myself the masked man.[/quote]

MS: Mask has been impressive since his debut, but he’s no match for us.

LK: I have to ask, what happens now for Strikeforce? It’s clear that whatever happened at Apocalypse involved Steamboat Ricky.

JH: Leon, you saw what happened to Krypto. You saw how we embarrassed The New Church at the Supershow, it took both of them to eliminate me and Mikey eliminated them both at the same time. So what if Ricky is involved, it wasn’t that long ago that he was an overweight and overexposed so called ‘legend’ who had to turn his back on the entirety of the locker room to make ground against Titus. He’s a man past his sell by date, he’s a man fighting to stay relevant when all common sense dictates he should go back to swabbing the deck rather than shilling some wonder supplement.

MS: We still don’t know for sure who attacked me, what we do know is that, if we still don’t know who is responsible by Unscripted we are going to tear that place apart. All Ricky has done is added his name to the list.

LK: Thanks for the quick interview, good luck in your match.

Howard shouts a muted thanks as he and Mikey walk off screen and towards the gorilla position.
I'm the hero this city deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So you can hunt me. Because I can take it. Because I'm not a hero. I'm a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

Get off the bloody fucking roof!

I am the bat!

With that I spread my makeshift cape and jumped from the roof.

Fucking hell!

James prepared to lunge forward to try to catch me, but then the one hundred pound weight difference crossed his mind and he thought better of it. With a large thud I fell to the cold hard ground. I lie motionless for a minute as James and a very pregnant Dinah rushed to my side.

At first they were afraid to touch me, fearing I may have hurt my neck or spine. Once I started to stir and rolled over onto my back, James knelt beside me. I reached up and grabbed him by the collar and in a gravely voice spoke to him.

Where is the Joker?!

The fuck are you on about?!

James recoiled and slapped the hands from his collar. I asked my question one more time, before I passed out.

James and Dinah had a habit of leaving windows open in their house, which was great in the summer, but the weather had quickly turned cold. The crisp air bit at my exposed skin and I awoke. I could feel something gripping tight to my face, my vision obscured and my breathing labored. I clawed at my own face, trying to rip whatever was causing these problems off. After a few moments I was able to rip off a rubber Batman mask. I threw it aside and then I stumbled over to the window to close it, before setting off in search of someone who could tell me why I had an old bed sheet tied around my neck.

As I made my way up the stairs, I thought back on the battle royal. I had come so close, yet was so far away. I hadn't expected to walk away a winner, but not a single person in the arena expected me to last until the final four. I graced the ring with a former, and two likely future world champions. To say I was out of place was an understatement. I had little time to dwell on my eventual elimination, as I rounded a corner and bumped into James.

There you are, I was worried for a bit you were dead.

What the hell happened?

James shook his head at me.

You're knee was bothering you so you took an extra pain killer, even though the backstage doctor told you to only take one. We were discussing our match next week and you mentioned how you wanted to go out and buy a mask to help you get inside Gent's head. Dinah was craving ice cream, and since a certain someone ate it all while spending a drunken night listening to Skylar Gray, I had to run out and get some. Dinah phones, says you are on the roof, shouting at an imaginary Joker, and I had to come get you down.

How did you get me down?


I start to nod my head when James shuffled past me.

I've got to go man, I need to run somewhere real quick.

With that he was gone, again. The past couple of weeks he had been leaving more frequently, often without warning. I hadn't been able to keep total track of it, but at least four times in two weeks I had gone to the kitchen to acquire more booze when I heard him on the phone. I knew both he and Dinah would still make calls back to their family in friends in the UK, so them being on the phone at two and three in the morning wasn't totally unheard of, but because of the cost it was usually saved for special occasions. Plus, from what I overheard, he wasn't having conversations one would have with their family.

I walked to my room and tried to push it out of my mind when Dinah came in.

Good Lord you are getting fat. Lay off the desert girlfriend.

Dinah punched me in the arm before taking a seat at the end of my bed.

Shut up, you aren't looking so fit yourself. In fact I think we may be the same cup size at this point.

I started to turn a little red, both from humiliation and my best friend's fiance mentioning her breasts.

Seriously though, I need to ask you something.

I turned my attention away from my computer and spun my chair back around to face her.

Do you think James is having an affair?

I laughed at the suggestion.

Of course not.

He has just been so distant lately, and has been sneaking around so much, I worry.

He has been sneaking around a lot, can't deny that. The last time I saw anyone act like that was when I was seventeen and was trying to buy pot brownies behind my parents back.

She snickers a bit, despite her best efforts to be serious.

Well what do you think he is doing?

I ponder for a few seconds. I spin from side to side in my chair as I think of what to say.

I honestly don't know. I know he has taken the attack personally. Me, I just see it as the nature of the business. James is the type of guy who would pull something like that off himself.

I would think you would stop him though.

I simply shrugged my shoulders at her.

Maybe. Some people deserve it, some don't. I don't like to fight when it isn't necessary. James though, he lives for the fight. You know it, I know it, most of us know that by now.

Do you think he would ever do that to you?

I lean forward, resting my elbow on my knee and using my arm to support my head.

Yeah, I do.

You really believe that he will turn on you and attack you like that?

Her voice suggested an equal mix of shock and anger.

Have you ever heard the story about the the scorpion and the frog?

She shook her head no.

Once there was this scorpion that needed to cross a river. He asked a nearby frog to carry him across. The frog was afraid of being stung during the trip, but the scorpion argued that if it stung the frog, the frog would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog agrees and begins carrying the scorpion, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion explains that this is simply its nature. I knew who James was when I decided to team with him. I could have said no, maybe I should have said no, but I can't change the past. Maybe I'm here to protect those he would strike out against. Small things can make all the difference in the world.

I take a moment to switch arms.

Look at Taylor Swift. Just think, if those guys she writes all her songs about wouldn't have rejected her, she wouldn't be famous, she would be a ****e. She still has a fifty-fifty chance of being famous off that, but I guess that is more a comment on society as opposed to our current situation.

Dinah flashed a grin, struggling to maintain her serious demeanor.

Promise me you will keep an eye on him when I can't. Everyday I'm one step closer to popping, I can't keep up as well as you can.

Of course I will, don't worry.

Just as I finish the front door slams shut and shortly after James makes his way upstairs.

What's going on up here?

Nothing much, I was just asking Mikey about your match this week.

I spun my chair back around to face my computer as Dinah stood and walked out of the room, kissing James on the way out. As James filled the void Dinah left at the foot of my bed, I pulled up The Gent's page on

We should have an easy go this week, don't you think?

I spun back around to face James.

Well we have history with Beard. Twice we have stepped into the ring with him, and twice we have walked out with our hands raised. I don't want to overlook him though. We made that mistake with Saboteur and Saxton when we were champs, and you see where that got us. I'd rather not fall back into that trap.

No worries mate, we are going to get that gold back soon enough. Then we will put The New Church, Saxoteur, Steamboat Ricky, Krypto, whoever might be guilty on the injured list for what they did. I'll make sure of it.

You know I was the one who was in the hospital because of the attack, yet you are taking it way more personally than I am.

Damn right I am, it was a coward's move. A blindside attack on two defenseless men!

I'm a three hundred pound athlete, and you were one of the hottest mixed martial arts prospects in the world. I would hardly call us defenseless.

My point stands, it was low and cowardly, and they will pay.

I just shake my head and quickly move to the next topic.

I feel like people don't care anymore. I get the feeling that Strikeforce are the pancakes of the company.

Please explain that one, you lost me.

Okay, you know I flew home to spend Thanksgiving with my family since you crazy Brits don't celebrate it. My mom made pancakes the morning I flew back here. At first I was super excited, but by the end I was sick of pancakes. I feel like that is what we have become. At first people were so excited for us, we were practically guaranteed a title shot before we had our first match. Now I get the feeling that people are tired of us, or at least don't care.

Well lets make them care again. You gave us a good start by putting on a hell of a show in that battle royal.

I let my head drop, annoyed that we aren't on the same page.

That's the thing though, I didn't win.

No one expected you to, but you went out and put on a hell of a show. I'd call it a moral victory.

Maybe. I guess I just don't put much stock in it. Say the next World Cup rolls around and the US manages to make it to the quarter finals by some miracle. I'm not going to be happy about that, because we didn't win.

Now you are talking crazy, America making it that far in the World Cup.

Says the man whose home country hasn't won anything in his lifetime. By the way, the last time we played each other I believe it was a one all draw.

James throws a pillow at me, trying to feign anger.

Alright, alright, lets agree to disagree. So what does Gent's page say about him anyway?

I haven't had a chance to read it yet, you came in and started complaining about soccer.


Yeah, soccer, just like I said. Anyway, I know that when he first got here he was on a roll. Up until he fought Rush for the EurAsian title, I believe he was undefeated. A bit up and down since that time, but solid nonetheless.

I was thinking, they are a bit of an oddball pairing. Granted it isn't as odd as a former MMA star and an overweight nerd, but it isn't a run of the mill team.

Maybe my head hurts from the fall, but I actually agree with you. I think we can use that to our advantage. As a team they are still fresh and have yet to have time to properly click. We have been there, we can exploit it.

James stands and reads the computer screen over my shoulder.

Hey, says he has a weakness for women. If all else fails we can put you in a wig and a tight tank top, you certainly have the boobs for it.

Jog on!

You look like you could use it.

I stand from my chair and grab James in a headlock. We wrestle around for a few minutes before the ruckus brings Dinah into the room.

I could have sworn you two were mad at each other for something just minutes ago.

I smile from behind James, who I had locked in a full nelson.

You know what they say, friendship is magic.

Just try not to destroy to house boys.

As Dinah walks away I release one of his arms to wave goodbye to Dinah. When I do he makes a fist and tags me between the legs to get away. I double over in pain.

Damn it man, I know my princess is in another castle, but that doesn't make it open season on my fellas.

Tell you what, lets run through a couple matches on the WZCW game, loser buys drinks later.

The next few hours were a blur a gaming and vodka slushies.

Mikey man, we are in our mid twenties now, hang overs are a real thing. You don't even need to be drunk to wake up the next morning with a headache.

That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out on the sofa, luckily this time I was fully clothed.

That is not how it works Sergei, you owed me a favor, you can’t just call me at four in the morning now saying you need me to do something.

James stared intently at the wall in front of him as the indecipherable whisperings from the other side of the phone caused his face to flick through several emotions, contorting his face into ungodly expressions, before resting firmly at anger.

&#1087;&#1088;&#1080;&#1095;&#1080;&#1085;&#1103;&#1090;&#1100; &#1073;&#1086;&#1083;&#1100; &#1084;&#1086;&#1103; &#1089;&#1077;&#1084;&#1100;&#1103; &#1080; &#1103; &#1091;&#1073;&#1100;&#1102; &#1090;&#1077;&#1073;&#1103;.

More whispers.


James hung up the phone and turned to walk away, not even noticing I was perched on the sofa holding another handset.

What the hell has he gotten himself into?
The Bronx City Zoo&#8217;s Monkey House, one of the longest running and well-loved exhibits of the establishment. Its here we find WZCW Superstar Le Gentleman Masque, without his partner, Le Beard, by his side. Instead accompanying him is famed WZCW Interviewer, Johnny Klammor.

Johnny : &#8230;Do you mind telling me again why we are he--

The Gent: Shhhhhh. Sir Klamor, actions speak louder than words, and that is the lesson you shall soon learn. It is quite unfortunate that my partner Le Beard could not make it, however, he had other matters to attend to. You, on the other hand, shall be the witness to a sample of what everyone shall see at Meltdown 81.

Johnny : &#8230;In the monkey aisle of a zoo in Brooklyn?

The Gent: But of course! After all, human beings are only one chromosome away from a human are they not? By all means, monkeys are not too different off from us, and if you require any proof of it&#8230;well, watch. Excuse me, sir?

Pulling away a man with a muscular physique and a bald head who is looking at the tiny primate babies, The Gent pulls from out of his suit pocket a picture of he and his tag team partner, Le Beard&#8217;s opponents at Meltdown, Strikeforce.

Man: Raaaaaaaaugh-raaayeeeeeeeeee.

Stopping a second to laugh at the picture, he lies the picture down for a second to take off his shirt showing off his physique.

Man: ...You.

He holds up a picture to show the baby monkeys before proceeding to knee the picture and rip it to shreds before continuing to laugh and throwing the remainders of the picture to the grounds, much to the confusion of Johnny Klammor and the monkeys within the exhibit, before leaving.

The Gent: &#8230;and with that, I believe I have made my point. The creatures within the monkey exhibit in the zoo will give us a taste of what&#8217;s to come.

Johnny : ...Well, why would you want to go ahead and compare yourselves to a bunch of stinkin&#8217; apes anyways? Isn&#8217;t that an insult to you guys?

The Gent: Not at all, Sir Klamor. Apes are much more noble animals than given credit. I ask you to follow me amongst the apes and I shall show you exactly what I mean.

Following Le Gentleman Masque around, he first stops at the monkey of the Capuchin variety, battling over a banana.

The Gent: My, my, this one certainly looks familiar, doesn&#8217;t he? Let this be the first noble ape you see that will be competing. Not quite known for power as much as speed and agility. Quite one that is dear to my heart, in fact. To the Capuchin monkey, I salute thee.

Johnny : That&#8217;s redic&#8212;well, this theory of yours isn&#8217;t too farfetched from something a monkey would propose if he could speak. In your case, I think you might have something there.

The Gent: Aha! Maybe you are seeing the light of day, Sir Klammor. Come with me, and we shall see.

Continuing on, The Gent stops again once getting to the Gorillas, engaged in a stare off.

The Gent: Here we go, yet another deceivingly noble hairy being, such as my tag team partner. What you may think of a gorilla when you first see one is that they appear to be savage brutes who take no time for thought, but as those out in WZCW knows, that&#8217;s not The Beard and as those who truly watch the Gorillas know, that&#8217;s not the case. Like the noble knights, he&#8217;s very towards protecting what is his and fighting only when necessary. Truly one that people think not much of, but deserves respect. Enough about myself and my partner though, it&#8217;s not simply us who resemble these beasts.

Johnny : What are you even doing...Is the zoo paying you to use you as a tour guide or something?

The Gent: Hush. All shall be revealed to you in due time.

Continuing on, he stops at the baboons, casually cleaning each other off.

The Gent: Well, well. I mean no disrespect by this, but take a look at the baboons, don&#8217;t they look familiar? They are quite the opposite of the gorillas, wouldn&#8217;t you say? As opposed to a gorilla, a baboon is more like James Howard. When you initially look at him, your reaction remains a simple &#8216;he doesn&#8217;t look so tough&#8217;, but that&#8217;s because you haven&#8217;t seen them in action. They are underneath their non-threatening demeanors ones not to be taken lightly. Understood?

Johnny : You&#8217;re not the crocodile hunter, you&#8217;re not a tour guide for this place, and you&#8217;re certainly not a monkey. What are you?

The Gent: A gentleman. One who finds learning experiences from anything and will use it to apply into his matches.
Johnny : You&#8217;re a psychopath.

The Gent: Well, I&#8217;ve been given similar comments before. I wouldn&#8217;t think so, but let&#8217;s not be one to rule out the possibility&#8230;My word, is that the actual Mikey Stormrage across from us?

Johnny : That&#8217;s an orangutan.

The Gent: My bad. Quite embarrassing on my behalf, remind me to have my butler send him a note of sincere apology after this. However, my point stands, come Meltdown 81, it shall be a zoo as four &#8220;animals&#8221; shall do battle in tag team action. Adieu, Sir Klammor.

Throwing his trademark miniature mask into the air, he runs away, leaving Klammor to himself.

Johnny : Wait&#8230;but&#8230;how did&#8230;how did that help you with your match at all? Ugh.

Returning to the aisle was the man from earlier, eating a twig with leaves on it.

Man: ...Where&#8230;is&#8230;louder short man?

Johnny : He&#8217;s gone.

Man: I heard he in something. Want get autograph. You know him?

Johnny : Unfortunately.
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