MD81: Steamboat Ricky vs. Chris K.O

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
The former pirate has been dipping his hand into a lot of trouble recently, getting involved with the likes of the New Church and various other members of the roster. The White Knight of WZCW Chris K.O has elected to face Ricky this week to see if he can't persuade the Steamboat to stop his antics and return to his former self.

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 28th November. Extensions as per thread.
*Steamboat Ricky sits on a couch backstage after a house show match that drew to a no-contest, as Ricky decked the referee and proceeded to walk back to the locker room, not even waiting for his manager, Johnny Klamor. Ricky is clearly “out of sorts” to some capacity, staring out into space directly in front of him. Klamor looks both ways and behind him, almost as if to make sure no one is around, and then enters the dressing room.*

Ricky, what went on out there? You had the match won! It’s not like you were defending a title and needed to get DQed…it was just some local bum! It was an easy one for the W column and you just walked out on it!

*Ricky peers over at Klamor from across the room with a rather condescending, glassy glare.*

I’ve won. And I’ve won. And I’ve won some more, Johnny. I’ve won a lot…I mean, I’ve been here long enough, right!? ***I should have some wins!*** And I do, Johnny. But not lately.

No, Ricky…you haven’t. Where’s your focus been? You do all of these public appearances for your supplement line. You spend more time sculpting your physique than you do training to win matches. You complain about not winning matches recently…and all I can think of is: “No you haven’t won…because you don’t put in the effort. You don’t want it bad enough.”

Want what bad enough? Arrr, Poll…uh…I mean. *Ricky shakes his head and blinks his eyes rapidly.* Where are we, Johnny?

We’re backstage…at the house show, you just walked back in here.

Well, I have a match tonight….right? Ben Legend in a Mayhem match?

Ben Le…huh? Ricky…you just fought Sam Alvaron, some local bum. Ricky…Ben Legend hasn’t been employed with WZCW for nearly 5 years!

Well, get me somebody: Maxx, The Washoe Valley Crew, DC, anybody.

Ricky, I cannot “get you” them. They are not under contract with WZCW at the present, and no one has heard from them in close to five years......Ricky, I should go grab you a glass of water.

*Klamor leaves the room in order to grab Steamboat Ricky a glass of water. In transit, Klamor is in constant thought about his client and what’s going on for him right now. He grabs the water and returns to the dressing room. Upon reentering, he notices that Ricky is sitting up, wearing glasses, and writing things on a piece of paper.*

Johnny, I have Chris K.O. on Meltdown, right?

*Klamor breathes a sigh of relief as his client seems to be more attuned with present place and time.*

Yes, you do. And as you know, he’s one of the hottest competitors in the company right now.

Yeah, I know. I’m going to want you to grab me a lot of video on him. He’s tough, but we can figure out a good strategy. I mean…that IS why I brought you on board, right?

*Klamor relaxes fully.* And hopefully because there’s not anyone in the history of WZCW who is slimier than me!

Haha. But Arrr…uh, I mean…
*Ricky shakes his head and blinks his eyes furiously* I cannot believe that we’re at Meltdown 11 already. It feels like we JUST started this company and before you know it, we’ve got a full 3 months under our belts. It’s Meltdown Roulette, so, our prep is going to be pretty useless.

Ricky, it’s Meltdown 81!! What’s gotten into you?

What’s gotten into me?? What’s gotten into me?? Well, if you’ll take a gander at my empty OFFICIAL Gasparrrrri Nutrition shaker-cup apparatus with some milky residue, you’ll notice that some Gasparrrrri Nutrition Ricky Flavored Whey Protein has gotten into me. Haven’t heard of this one? It’s got real molecules of my sweat in every tub, so you know it’s good!

*With his mouth gaping wide open and eyes as big as the sun, Klamor looks over at Ricky, speechless.*

What’s gotten into you, Klamor? Idiocy? Poor management skills? Osteoarthritis? You know, I hired you on to get me back to the top and all that you’ve gotten me are matches with Sam Alvaron. What kind of name is that? Whoever named someone “Sam Alvaron” has terrible taste.

Something is going on with you…what happened at SuperShow II between you and The New Church? I thought that their names were the Devilspawns. Huh. Guess I missed that one. Anyway, I went out to the ring because they promised to buy me dinner…and frankly, I was hungry. I’m not sure why they were helping me in the Battle Royale.

*Klamor continues to look at Ricky.*

Oh! I bet their looking for NEW MEMBERS for their NEW CHURCH! Ha! Those Devilspawns…they’ve come a long way, huh? First, they’re worshipping Satan, just a few Meltdowns later…they’ve seen the light and are ready to spread the good news everywhere! Now, THAT’S inspirational!

*Klamor, still in utter shock over the conversation moves toward the doorway.*

Ricky, I’m going to go now. I guess, maybe I’ll catch up with you at the airport…

*Klamor exists and mutters something incomprehensible under his breath.*

Alright, see you later Johhny!

*Ricky flips on the television, though the volume is turned down.*

What? No, are you kidding me? No one could ever be a better influence on me than you.


Because! He was quite persuasive in his shiny limo. Much better than anything you ever drove.


Oh, you shut up yourself!

*Ricky focuses on the TV.*

Oh yes! I love this show!

*Ricky turns up the volume on the television, causing static noise to fill the room. Ricky leans back and puts his hands behind his head as the scene fades.*
Gladium vocet!

We start with a shot of Chris K.O. out on an unusually hot day in mid-November of Oklahoma. He is only wearing a pair of brown shorts and the rest of his muscled-up body is glittering with sweat. The deep orange Oklahoma sun has a special way of making men who work under it look like diamonds. We hear the first noise of our scene, and it is that of Chris grunting. He is carrying a rather large stone, that he took from a pile of stones. As he takes it to his destination, we see his biceps bulge under pressure and veins arise out of the neck of WZCW's White Knight.

Nearly one billion dollars is at my disposal, yet I remain out here under the sky's yellow gaze. While laborers could easily be paid for such a task, I have made a vow to my self. Money will not be a crutch for me. The corporate image of Chris K.O is over.

We now see Chris walking without the stone as he makes his way back to the pile of large rocks.

Money cannot buy the experience I will get out of doing things with my own two hands. Money will not buy fame, glory, or championships.

We cut to a shot of Titus throwing Chris out of the ring and eliminating him at the past WZCW show.

One man's failure is another man's riches. Thus is the spoils of war. I kindly greeted Titus before the Battle Royal with words of peace, but alas my ears did not drink the full potion. I had heard only a snippet of what spewed out of the Hollywood Child's mouth.

The scene cuts to a replay of Titus' promo about Chris being a false hero.

Titus, I have always known that you carry the alias of the "Red Mask". However, never did I think that my own personal WZCW idol would be wearing another mask; one of deep resentment. Was it not you that gave me words of wisdom in my contract battle royal that helped me achieve my spot on the roster? Was it not you that failed to abstain Ty Burna from getting complete power over the company at Kingdom Come IV? Was it not you that watched me dangle high above the ring as I remain motionless and bound to a chaos symbol with a crimson mask? Was it not you that helped me down from that very symbol with a caring hand?

We cut to a shot of when all of the WZCW faces on the roster helped Chris and Arianna down from the Chaos Symbol after Meltdown. We specifically see a scene where Titus was helping Chris.

Did I not earn your respect then, Titus? You talk about me ignoring my actions. You act as though I disown my past and had no atonement for my sins. The hell I didn't. I missed out on the last days of my father's life, I endured physical and mentor torture from the man you let count 1,2,3 to give away your WZCW World Heavyweight Title to Steven Kurtesy.

We go to a scene of the show where Kurtesy beat Titus for the World Title with Ty Burna as the referee.

I admit that I played a hand in much destruction, but I met the very monster I helped create. I stood toe-to-toe with the man that no other could oppose. I did what no mere mortal could do in this business. I did what WZCW's Legend, Titus, could not do. I beat Ty Burna, and then I put him in a wooden box. Only to watch him presumably be burned into smithereens moments after. Don't tell me that I have not atoned for my sins.

I finish my business. How about you?

We cut to a shot of Steven Holmes beating Chris at Apocalypse.

Right now, my business is in the cell at Unscripted that you have now entered into. You plunge yourself into the treasure room while your mentee, Angel, remains un-avenged. Will you really cast your other duties aside for one more sip at the big boy's table? Never fear, where you lay down your sword, I will certainly pick up mine.

We cut to a shot of Chris in the musty old gym from the last promo. We see him raise the white sleeve up his arm and "sheathe" the sword.

Oh Titus, your old friend gnashes his teeth like a snarling dog and yet you cast him aside for other ventures. However, I will make sure that the piper is paid.

We cut to a picture of Steamboat Ricky.

I remember you from a distant dream. Ah, yes. Ascension 36, a time where we were on opposite sides of the coin.

We cut to a shot of the infamous moment whenever Chris attacked Steamboat Ricky from behind with a steel chair. We then cut to a shot of Chris beating him on Ascension 36.

I remember you Ricky. I remember using you and Everest as my own personal stepping stones towards prideful ambitions. For that, I apologize. However, time heals all wounds; and surely my loud actions were minuscule in comparison to what others have done to you over the years. Now, I find myself under the light, while you find yourself shying away from it. You resort to taking cheap shots at former friends and injuring rising stars.

We cut to a shot of Steamboat Ricky injuring The Angel.

Are you afraid that time is slipping? Are you afraid that even the younger ones will soon surpass you? It is a rational fear that you chose to react to with irrational actions.

Even though I share much resentment towards Titus' words against me, I would gladly pick up my sword for anyone who would cause the good harm. I will avenge Angel, and fight Titus' battle since he will not fight it on his own. While my main quest may be delayed; a new sub-quest has begun. My Sword must feast!

The scene become silent as we return to the sweaty Chris. He is carrying another large stone as he grunts his way away from the pile. We zoom out and get to see the backdrop of the Oklahoma fields dancing underneath the melting the sun. We see Chris walk up to what appears to be his destination. We see him firmly set down the stone that he was holding on several layers of stone. A medieval flute tune begins playing as the camera zooms back and we see that Chris is standing in front of what appears to be a beginning structure of a stone wall.

Yet, I must always remember....

One stone at a time...

Gladium vocet! (Translate: The Sword Beckons)
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