MD80: Mr Baller vs Matt Tastic

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WZCW's Mr Excitement
We have ourselves a blast from the past in Mr. Baller making his in-ring return against one of his rivals and former mentor, Matt Tastic. These two have been around the business for a long time and are considered veterans, crossing paths many times throughout their careers. Who will be the man to take the victory: the rusty Baller or the up-and-down Tastic?

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 24th October. Extensions as per thread.
Ascension 49:

Backstage we see Mr. Baller standing in the cafeteria area, making himself a coffee. He stirs the drink and takes a slip before spitting some back in his cup.

Baller: Ugh... what disgusting coffee. If I were king... I would be drinking nothing but the finest cup of joe.

Baller takes another sip, his face cringing a little at the taste. He turns to leave the room and bumps into a large hairy chest. That chest belongs to the towering Rush. Baller backs up a little to size up Rush before speaking.

Baller: Well well well, if it isn’t the big bad monster Rush. How does it feel to be the last man eliminated in the King For A Day match? You know that was supposed to be my match to win. I was supposed to become the King of WZCW. You were in that match from the very beginning with John Constantine. If you were half the wrestler I was, you would’ve eliminated before I stepped into that ring. It’s your fault that I am not currently King. You’re nothing but a loser, a big lying, cheating, loser. Do you hear me Rush? Of has that new found hair of yours cut off your hearing?

Rush towers over Baller, but doesn’t respond to anything he is saying.

Baller: What are you deaf, or just plain stupid? Say something you peasant!

With that Baller throws his coffee out of his cup and all over Rush’s chest. The hot coffee doesn’t faze Rush who now looks down at Baller with an angry look. He grabs Baller by the throat and hurls him over the table, knocking everything off it. Baller reaches up with his hand and pulls himself to his feet. Rush has in his hands one of the metal coffee pots and bashes it over Baller's head. Baller crumples to the floor as Rush lifts the table and tosses it to the side. He grabs Baller by the neck as he tries to crawl away and pushes him down the hall. Baller stands up and tries to punch back, but Rush grabs the fist of Baller and squeezes it, bringing him to his knees. Rush puts Baller in a Powerbomb position and lifts him up. Rush throws Baller back first into a steel garage door. The force of the throw dents the metal door so much Baller simply hangs there with his bum and lower back stuck in the door. Rush looks at Baller and then bends down to pick up the paper cup that Baller’s coffee was in. He takes the cup and places it on Baller’s head like a crown. Rush then chuckles and walks away as ring officials and EMT’s come onto the scene and try to pull Baller off of the garage.

That night, Mr. Baller went to the local hospital, and went through many different tests and procedures. Baller was forced to sleep there overnight and he would have the results in the morning. It is now 7 A.M. and Baller has awoken

Baller: Where am I? What day is it?

Baller notices all the tubes all around him

Baller: Get these things off of me.

Baller then tries to begin ripping off the chords and tubes. And the doctors quickly begin running in the room.

Doctor: What’s going on in here? Is everything OK?

Baller: Does it look like everything is OK? Where am I, and what I am doing with all these things attached to me?

Doctor: You are in the hospital. Those “things” attached to you we’re done for overnight testing.

Baller: Hospital? Overnight testing? For what?

Doctor: I figured you might ask, so I felt it would be best if I showed you what happened instead of telling you. Maybe it will jog your memory better.

The video of Ascension 49 plays on the television set and Baller is stunned at what he is watching. When Rush places the cup on his head, his jaw almost drops to the floor.

Baller: I don’t believe this. I don’t remember this at all.

Doctor: I wouldn’t expect you too.

Baller: Why not?

Doctor: Well, you have a very severe concussion, broken wrist, and a lower back strain.

Baller: Doctor, I think you missed something in your diagnosis.

Doctor: And what would that be?

Baller: A broken ego. I just got embarrassed on national television.

The doctor chuckles a bit.

Baller: You find that funny?

Doctor: Oh no, the broken ego was clever however. Anyway, I expect you to be out 3-4 months.

Baller: Doctor, I think you messed up again.

Doctor: What did I do this time?

Baller: I am going to be out of action a lot longer then 4 months. I can’t go back after that. It’s happen to many times to me, that somebody as great as myself gets humiliated on television. I am done with WZCW.

Doctor: Well, you will have plenty of time to think about retirement. Don’t need to make any rash decisions. Anyways get some rest, I will check on you later on.

The Doctor walks out the room and he turns off the light, as Baller goes back to sleep. Baller would be released from the hospital later that night, and he officially retired from WZCW the next day. It has now been six months later, and Baller has effectively fallen off the face of planet earth. He has been living at his parent’s home in Miami, Florida, but has not been heard from since he has retired. As part of an article for, Interviewer/Reporter Becky Serra has arrived outside of the Baller residence. She walks up to the front door and knocks. Baller’s Mother answers the door.

Mother: Hello, how may I help you?

Becky: Yes, hi I am looking for the man formerly known as Mr. Baller.

Mother: Well you won’t have to look very hard. He hasn’t moved in six months. You’re the first to ask for him since he stopped doing whatever you call what he did.

Becky: Really, I always thought he was a big shot celebrity down here, that’s what he made it seem.

Mother: Please, that was always a figment of his imagination. I knew he should’ve gotten a real job on Wall Street. Anyways he is on the couch in the living room. Come on in.

Baller’s mom allows Becky inside the home.

Mother: Joseph, you have a visitor.

Baller: Stop messing with me mom, nobody is coming here to see me.

Mother: Boy, you better get your butt up here and welcome your guest.

Baller peeks his head over the couch and sees who is here. When he notices its Becky Serra, he jumps out of his seat.

Baller: Becky? What in the world are you doing here?

Becky: I am here to do a “Where Are You Now” article on and you are this week’s guest. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?

Baller: Why would I want to be a part of this? I don’t have much to tell you.

His mother is eavesdropping in the background while cooking dinner.

Mother: That’s because you haven’t gotten off your ass in six months.

Baller: Shut up mom!

Becky: It will only be a couple of questions it shouldn’t take very long.

Baller: Alright I guess.

The two take a seat next to each other on the couch and begin the interview.

Becky: We last saw you about six months ago when you we’re brutally assaulted by Rush, and you had multiple injuries leading to you retiring. How are you feeling now and what was the rehab process like?

Baller: Rehab finished about a month and a half ago, and unlike what my mother thinks, I have been working out every day since rehab has ended. And since I haven’t been on the road in months, the wear and tear on my body has gone away. I feel 100% and in fact feel like I am in the best shape of my life.

Becky: That’s good to hear. So looking back on your final moments in WZCW, you went around as King Baller and then attacked by Rush as I mentioned earlier. What are your thoughts on your last few months in WZCW?

Baller: It was a joke. I was a complete joke. Looking back, I don’t understand how somebody like me could get themselves to pretending to be a King. Now I may be wrestling royalty and I damn sure was, but nobody took me seriously and how could they? Rush attacking me gave me the wake up call I needed. I aspired to be the Greatest of All Time, and me walking around and acting like that got me away from that. You see I was so determined for all to bow down to my greatness instead of forcing people to bow down to my greatness due to my excellence in the ring. And I am glad Rush made me realize that for the future.

Becky: So no hard feelings towards Rush?

Baller: At first yes. But after all this time absolutely not.

Becky: Since you retired you have basically fallen off the map and for somebody who still talks a big game; nobody has even realized that you left. Do you have any plans to come back?

Baller: None

Becky: Really, none? You are telling me after all of that, you have had no thoughts. You know you have had different gimmick after gimmick, idea after idea just to prove you were as great as you thought you were. And you failed time after time. You know it, I know it.

Baller: Wasn’t this supposed to be a where are you now piece?

Becky: Well, you haven’t done a thing but rehab and train. It is pretty obvious what you are doing now. You are preparing for another run at WZCW.

Baller: You're damn right it itches me inside to come back. To prove that I am better then what I have showed because I know I am the most talented man in WZCW. I was held back time after time, and I tried ways to get myself known and get myself an opportunity. It distracted me from my main goal, and that is to be the G.O.A.T. And I will be the G.O.A.T. when it is all said and done. In fact I am going to head up with you to WZCW Headquarters and resign with WZCW just to shut you and all the damn haters up.

Mother: You’re finally leaving my house! YES!

Baller: Shut up Mom!

Becky: Well I guess this piece is turning into something else now. I leave tonight to head back to headquarters to finish up my article so you better be ready.

Baller: When am I not ready Becky?

Becky: Whatever, I’ll see you later then.

Becky and Baller both get off the couch and Baller lets Becky out the door and then Baller heads upstairs presumably to pack to head out to WZCW Headquarters.

That next day, Baller has arrived at WZCW Headquarters. He is wearing a very nice black suit with white shirt, black pants, also Baller has $1,000 Oakley Sunglasses and his basketball in hand. It is currently 12:15 PM standard time and Baller has a 12:30 appointment with General Manager Vance Bateman. He walks in the office and is greeted by a receptionist.

Receptionist: Hello, how may I help you?

Baller: Sup? I have a 12:30 appointment with Bateman.

Receptionist: Ok let me see.

She types into her computer.

Receptionist: Baller, Mr.? Is that right?

Baller: Yes, yes it is.

Receptionist: Ok, let me tell him you are here to see him.

She dials in Vance’s extension.

Receptionist: Hi Mr. Bateman, I have a Mr. Baller here to see you.


Receptionist: Ok, I will let him in.

She hangs up the phone.

Receptionist: Go on in, 3rd door on your left.

Baller then heads through the door, and then walks over to Bateman’s office. Bateman’s door is open and he is sitting up with his feet on the table. As he sees Baller he stands up to greet him.

Bateman: Ah Mr. Baller long time no see. How has your retirement been going?

Baller: Well that’s what I wanted to talk you about Vance.

Bateman: Go on.

Baller: Well yesterday Becky Serra came over to my place in Miami for an interview. And she really got me going.

Bateman: I don’t need to hear about your sexual preferences Mr. Baller

Baller gives himself a face palm.

Baller: That is obviously not what I meant Vance. She got me going in the fact that I wanted to come back to WZCW and officially end my retirement.

Bateman: You see I had a feeling that that was why you called. So I called Big Dave last night since he is currently out of town handling some business. We both came to an agreement about what type of contract you will receive.

Baller: So I am allowed to come back?

Bateman: Of course. On a 1-year deal, for a $30,000 and with an extra 5 grand for any title you win, and 1 thousand dollar bonus for any pay per view match you receive.

Baller: You are kidding, right?

Bateman: No sir, that is what we agreed upon. We feel you are a risky signing at this point.

Baller: Risky signing? I was paid over triple that, and now I am in the best shape of my life. I am a future hall of famer; you can’t treat me like this.

Bateman: You say that every time Baller. Until you actually prove you are worth that big time contract, you will have to deal with what we give you.

Baller: Absolutely not. I want a 5 year deal, paid 6 figures, and full time health benefits. I can’t let what Rush did to me happen again and not be covered for it.

Bateman: You are an independent contractor Mr. Baller health benefits are not given and you know that.

Baller: I am the prime time free agent. I am a can’t miss prospect. So you know what, I will make you an offer Bateman that you can’t refuse.

Bateman: I am listening.

Baller: Give me a short-term deal say a pay per view cycle length. I’ll take that rate you are offering me now, but when I dominate WZCW like I KNOW I will, you give me that lucrative contracts. I am a new man Vance, a completely different person then I was before. Give me this chance.

Bateman puts his hands on his chin and begins to ponder the proposal.

Bateman: You got a deal Baller.

Bateman extends his hand out and so does Baller and they shake on it.

Bateman: I will have my people put it on the paper and when it is ready I will give it over to you to sign.

Baller: Sounds like a plan Vance.

Bateman: Oh and Baller to make sure you earn your lucrative contract and since you are “a new man” and all, you are supposed to face all the new guys and work your way up from Aftershock. But to make sure you earn that contract, I will put you one on one against and old foe of yours, Matt Tastic.

Baller: I appreciate it Vance. You see as a new superstar in WZCW that puts me at a 0-0 record. And if the old me who was a complete and utter joke could consistently beat Matt Tastic, then there is absolutely no doubt in my mind, I can take him out rather easily. Six months ago, Rush humiliated me, and it woke me up. It taught me the real way to get noticed. Instead of making a fool of myself with terrible gimmicks, I need to make an impact in that ring. That impact starts this week when I begin my undefeated streak. When I begin to earn that long-term deal that I deserve. When I begin the path to becoming a future WZCW World Champion. When I begin the path to becoming a future WZCW Hall of Famer. This can’t miss prospect will not be stopped on his path to glory. Get that long-term contract ready Vance because I guarantee you I will earn it and you better believe that.

Vance: We will certainly see, now won’t we?

Baller: Yes we will. Good day to you Vance.

Baller gets up out of his seat and walks out of Bateman’s office as he now begins to prepare for his “debut” match in WZCW.
Apocalypse said:
We cut from the scene in the arena to backstage where a camera is frantic to find its correct positioning and people are running past at an increasingly fast rate. The scene is one of chaos in the back as a crowd of people blocks the camera’s view of the incident that has just occurred. The camera fights to get through the crowd as a scream of anguish is heard and a voice can be heard asking if “that hurts”. Finally the camera is through the sea of flesh and we can clearly see the King for a Day, John Constantine slumped on the floor, clutching his ankle in agony. He is gritting his teeth to dull the pain, but it’s clear he’s in severe discomfort. Matt Tastic, Constantine’s partner in their Tag Team Championship opportunity tonight is stood beside him as a Doctor analyses the ankle of the monarch. In steps the General Manager of Aftershock Chuck Myles with a look of surprise and anger. He stands over Constantine:

Myles: What happened?

Tastic: I found him like this. He was down in a heap clutching his ankle and then the doctor came by.

Myles has a look of concern. He looks left and looks right, hysterical as one of the top talents in WZCW and a match could be potentially shelved here. Myles taps the doctor on the shoulder and asks the obvious question:

Myles: Can he wrestle tonight?

Doctor: I can’t be sure, I need to run some more tests, but I’d say it’s doubtful.

Myles runs his hands through his hair in disbelief. He sucks in air to stop himself from screaming. He storms off through the plethora of bodies backstage. The doctor continues analysing Constantine......


............Tastic lifts Saxton to his feet with the choke still in place before executing a Russian legsweep. He goes for yet another cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Again, Saxton powers out. Clambering to his feet, Saxton is staggered and it doesn’t help as Tastic hits a spinning backfist. This sends Saxton into yet another corner; Tastic and Constantine’s corner. As the former Mayhem Champion goes towards the corner, the crowd gets very excited at the idea of Constantine entering the match. Recognising the crowd’s will, Tastic points at the King for a Day and nods, tagging him in to a tremendous pop.

Connor: Listen to the crowd come alive for John Constantine!

Sure enough, Constantine steps through the ropes. Immediately he stomps away at an in-trouble Saxton. The crowd sounds off, pleased, but the referee is less so, counting up. 1...2...3...4...HE STOPS! Feeling a rush of adrenaline, Constantine pulls out of the corner and screams. He runs (as best he can) towards the corner with Saxton and goes to put his knee across the big man’s face. However, Saxton is in part playing a little bit of possum, and at the last second, dives out of the way, forcing Constantine’s already banged up knee to crack off of the turnbuckle. Suddenly, Constantine’s adrenaline comes to a crashing halt. He bounces out, clutching his leg in pain. Saxton sees an opening and leaps to his corner to tag in the ready Saboteur. Constantine has dropped to one knee and sure enough is in position for the Death Blow! Connecting with thunderous impact, Constantine collapses. Before Tastic can get involved, Saboteur, filled with pent up energy is to that corner to kick him straight in the face. Saboteur follows this up with a quick pin attempt on Constantine: 1...2...3! The audience is astonished and silence follows surprise.

Cohen: And so much for the bravado and so called bravery.

Copeland: Well that was...sudden.

Matt Tastic is shown on a bench, sitting. Towel over his head. Head lowered. A face of disappointment hides under the towel. He breathes heavily as the thoughts of his recent loss and events run through his head. Constantine has headed off most likely for a check up. But that can't ease Matt's frustration at all. Because he has now lost at every PPV in the calendar year. Whether it's success or just wanting to justify his place on the roster, Matt cannot be feeling good. But all those thoughts are shaken up. When someone unexpected sits by him.

You and I have been in this business for quite a while, you know?

Matt promptly ignores the person. Not even looking at him.

I know you have it in you. I believe one day you can push all of these bad happenings and pull through. Tonight? It was just an unexpected set back. Bad luck.

Matt still doesn't pay attention. Though he really should.

You know, I think there's only one guy in this roster that's been consistently active longer than you. You know who that guy is?

Matt doesn't react. At all.


Matt finally reacts when it dawns on him who's talking to him. Showtime.

I'm the World Champion. Now do me a favor and make that longevity of yours mean something too.

Showtime gets up and walks off with his new World title on his shoulder as Matt just looks on at him. His jaw opens with the realization.

......That's just dandy.

In his broom closet the angry Matt Tastic sits on the ground with a load of snacks in front of him. Though Alisha doesn't seem too pleased about it. She stands behind him with her arms crossed and her lips pouting.

Great. You whiner. It's always the same. You lose, so you just drown yourself in junk food and watch TV for a full week non-stop.

*munch munch* Yup. *munch* Hell of a lot better than being all depressed and bummed. Now get out and see ya in 5 days.

Alisha storms off in a huff as Matt continues to munch down and turns the TV on:


Matt Tastic's expression changes through the course as days go by:

--> :suspic: --> :icon_neutral: --> :) --> :icon_biggrin:

================5 days later==============

Alisha returns to pick up Matt Tastic. Through the course of of 5 days, the man has done nothing but eat and watch TV. His hair is unkempt. He has quite a stubble on his face. His eyes are open wide, beating red and has eyesores that cover most of his face.

You pig. Get up and go wash up.

Matt gets up with a wide grin and heads off to a bathroom. Alisha, bewildered, crosses her arms perplexed about Matt's mood change.

Despite the change in demeanor and expression, Matt has surely not forgotten what Showtime told him nor his seemingly never ending streak of PPV losses. The news regarding this weeks matches have caught up to him and now he sets himself for a match against Baller. Again. His preparation takes him, and us, to a stroll outside a gas station. Both Matt and Alisha exits with sodas in their hands.

I didn't take the Diet Coke because it tastes like crap.

Right. You just keep plowing through junk food then.

Yeah, because a soda is healthier just because it has "Diet" written in the name.

As they walk out on to the street, Matt gets bumped by someone, knocking down his soda.

Dammit!! Hey, man. A little precaution would be nice, please.


The man who bumped Matt replies with authority. A big bruiser with a black hair buzz cut, a goatee and wearing a black wifebeater and long jeans.

Hey, an apology would be nice, you know?

Yeah, well I don't have to give it to ya. Now buzz off.

Do you know who you just knocked down?

A puny man?

No, an international athlete. One of the best fighters in the world. A former 4 time WZCW Mayhem Champion.

Oh. That's where Drake Callahan is from. But I don't recognize that wimp.


Matt snaps into a rage and gets back to his feet. The bruiser's remarks didn't please him.

I've been working there for nearly 3 years! You can recognize other guys, but not me?!

I recognize Showtime, Ty Burna, Derek Jacobs, Constantin-

SHUT UP!! You recognize anyone, even my former partner. But not me? You little bastard! I will tear you in half!

Ha ha. You wimp. You think I care? I'll squash you like a bug.


The scuffle is quick. The big man tries to sledge Matt down with a clubbing blow. But Matt is quick and delivers a hard forward punch that hits directly on the stomach. The blow is so hard the man's eyes bug out. He clenches his stomach hard and falls to his knees. Alisha is leaping in the background out of joy and Matt looks like he's fuming with rage. The celebration though is cut short. Sirens can be heard and surely enough, a cop car arrives. Matt goes quietly knowing he was acting on simple self-defense. The poor man Matt attacked though, is taken away on an ambulance. Blood was dripping from his ass.



Reopening at the police station, Matt is being processed. Handcuffs in his hands as he speaks with the officer. Tastic is calm and complaisant. It's already been explained that he acted in self defense, but he still needed to be taken downtown for information and such, so he's not sweating the issue. He sits on a bench quietly as the officer deals with the work.

So you're Matt Tastic? I'm sorry, bro. But I've just not really heard of you. And if I have, I guess that it's that you didn't stick out much.


Matt stays silent for a bit, but throws a mild chuckle at the officer.

You alright?

Yeah. Matt Tastic's alright.

Good. So as I was saying,you must be one heck of a fighter to just beat that big guy in one single punch.

That man angered Matt Tastic. Matt Tastic's rage was pinned up after all the ridiculous issues that Matt Tastic went through at the last PPV.

Ye- Why're you talking in a 3rd person anyway? You didn't get hit in the head, did you?

No. The reason is simple, officer. Matt Tastic has noticed that lately people don't acknowledge Matt Tastic. Matt Tastic is not among people's favorite wrestlers or such. So as the Super Saiyan Matt Tastic accurately describes himself as, Matt Tastic has decided that the best way to get your name across is to just get your name across as much as possible.
Matt Tastic isn't annoying you with this, is he?

No, but it could be a bit tiresome, no?

Be glad Matt Tastic isn't billing Matt Tastic's self as "The Killjoy" Matt Tastic. Or "Super Saiyan Of Pro Wrestling" Matt Tastic. That would really jar you. And Matt Tastic.

I'm stoked meeting you. I really want to see your next match. When is it?

Next week. Meltdown. Matt Tastic faces Mr. Baller. Again.

Mr. Baller? I-I know that guy!! I remember his head getting kicked off! THAT WAS CRAZY! Who's his surgeon?

Matt springs up from the bench with his eyes bugging out in clear frustration.

WHAT?! YOU KNOW THAT IDIOT BALLER, BUT YOU DON'T KNOW MATT FREAKIN' TASTIC?! THE SUPER- I'LL, I mea- I-I- Matt Tastic means Matt Tastic will deliver Kickassery all over your ignorant ass, fool!! SHEESH!! Baller ain't got shit on me-I-DAMMIT!! Matt "Freakin'" Tastic!! That's who this jerk here is!!

The officer glares at Matt who clearly lost his temper. Matt sits back down a little embarrassed from the burst.

Well aren't we pouty. I was just wondering who his surgeon is because my grandpa lost his arm. He has it in his freezer. So I was hoping maybe we can get it reattached. Do you know the surgeon?

MATT TASTIC DOESN'T KNOW WHO THE FREAKIN' SURGEON WAS!! All Matt Tastic knows is that Matt Tastic will punt Baller's head off again. Just like on Aftershock 5, just like at Lethal Lottery and just like any time. Matt Tastic is going to win.

I get it, man. You want to get your name known. I already know it so stop it.

It's just that I'm trying to get used to it for the cameras and--MATT TASTIC'S TRYING TO MAKE A FREAKIN' POINT!! GIVE MATT TASTIC A BREAK, DAMMIT!

The cop stops working and gets up from his desk. Tastic gets up too.

OK. We're done here. You're free to go. But next time you get into a fight on the street, well... Just don't. OK?

Matt Tastic understands.

Hmm...... Just go and beat Baller, OK? Get your recognition. 'Kay kid? You deserve it.

Matt Tastic is 24 years old. Matt Tastic is no damn kid. Matt Tastic has mad, torrid sex with..... Where the hell did Alisha go?

Just take the complement.

Fine. Matt Tastic will Deliver Kickassery all over Baller's surgically repaired head and send him packing to his mother all over again. Bye.

Matt Tastic runs off as the bewildered cop looks on. His match with Baller fast approaches. But is his issues with being recognized becoming a distraction? Tune in to Meltdown to find out....

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